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                                    <img alt="Calendars Through the ages" class="title" src="images/webexhibits/img_title_calendar.png">
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                                    Our lives are shaped by the movements of the earth, moon, and sun. Explore the astronomical and political forces that have influenced ancient and modern calendars.
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                                    When should you spring ahead and fall back? Discover which countries observe this semi-annual event, and learn about the history of and controversy surrounding Daylight Saving Time.
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                                    From ancient clay to modern chemical processes, pigments are rich in science and history. Browse colors or create your own, or delve into works of art using pigment analysis.
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                                    Artists have long relied on the scientific understanding of vision and painting to enhance their creations. Discover the ways in which the human eye perceives color have influenced art.
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                                    Giovanni Bellini painted a masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance, only to have it repainted by Dosso Dossi and, later, Titian. Discover how scientists dispelled the mystery of Feast of the Gods.
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                                    For millennia, people have expressed tragedy, triumph, love, and beauty through poetry. Map a course through the evolution of poetry, or learn about poetic forms and create your own.
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                                    Gain unparalleled insight into the great artist&rsquo;s creative and spiritual life through examining hundreds of letters between Vincent and his brother, Theo, and their letters to others.
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                                    A wonderfully smooth, rich indulgence, butter has sustained lives, cultures, and civilizations for millennia. Explore butter&rsquo;s history, how it&rsquo;s made, and glean a cooking tip or two.
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