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         I can&rsquo;t say enough good things about the tutor that he worked with, he thought she was amazing! Do you have any tutors at Pitt?
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                                    I got a 100%... thanks for all of the help!
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                                    He's so brilliant! I wish I could put him in my pocket so he could ask me the right questions during the test.
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                                    My daughter went from being totally overwhelmed, in over her head, scared she would not be able to keep her major, to a deeper understanding, a love of the subject, and the satisfaction of overcoming what had felt like an insurmountable challenge.
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                                    Happy to recommend UpGrade! Honestly, we've tried several other tutors/tutor businesses. By far, UpGrade has been the best! They are local, face-to-face, reasonably priced, dependable, and knowledgeable.
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