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        <h1>Advanced <span>AI-Powered</span> Essay Writing Tools</h1>
        <p class="bannerDesc">Experience the power of our AI essay writer for free and join the 50000+ students who
            trust us! Boost your essay writing today!</p>
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        <li>Ethan recently generated an essay titled: <strong>"Foreign Cyberattacks Targeting Chinese Entities"</strong></li>
        <li>Olivia recently generated an essay titled: <strong>"World Interfaith Harmony Week"</strong></li>
        <li>Liam recently generated an essay titled: <strong>"The Significance of Black History Month"</strong></li>
        <li>Sophia recently generated an essay titled: <strong>"Best Forex Trading Software"</strong></li>
        <li>Alexander recently generated an essay titled: <strong>"Social Media's Impact on Teens"</strong></li>
        <li>Noah recently generated an essay titled: <strong>"Shakespeare's Modern Influence"</strong></li>
        <li>Ava recently generated an essay titled: <strong>"United Nations and Global Peace"</strong></li>
        <li>Samuel recently generated an essay titled: <strong>"The Rise of Street Art"</strong></li>
        <li>Isabella recently generated an essay titled: <strong>"Cryptocurrency: Economic Revolution or Digital Fad?"</strong></li>

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                    <li>Time-saving essay writing with AI.</li>
                    <li>Customizable essays to fit your needs.</li>
                    <li>High-quality assurance for academic standards.</li>
                    <li>Cost-effective alternative to writing services.</li>
                    <li>User-friendly interface for easy writing.</li>

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    <p class="featureText">As Featured In</p>
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                <h2>Trained on an Extensive Database of <strong>Exceptional Essays and Articles</strong></h2>
                <p class="secDesc">The neural network AI model leverages vast quantities of precise and well-crafted
                    essays to generate original content tailored to your needs.</p>
                <a href="" class="blueCTA">Try AI Essay Writer Now</a>
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                <h2><strong>Efficient AI Essay Outliner:</strong> Organize, Streamline, and Excel</h2>
                <p class="secDesc">Take your essay writing to the next level with the most sophisticated outlining tool.
                    In just minutes, create top-quality outlines and achieve academic success with less stress - the
                    future of essay writing is now!</p>
                <a href="" class="blueCTA">Try AI Essay Outliner Now</a>
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        <h2 class="centerHead">How to Use Our AI Essay Writing Tools?</h2>
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                        <p class="stepType">Fill out a brief</p>
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        <h2 class="centerHead">See What Our Users Have to Say About Our AI Essay Writer Tool</h2>
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                            <p class="reviewText">“I was struggling to organize my thoughts into a coherent essay, but
                                the AI essay outliner tool helped me streamline my ideas and create a well-structured
                                piece. It saved me so much time and stress, and I received an excellent grade!”</p>
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                                <img loading="lazy" class="maleUser" src="" alt="User">
                                <p class="userName">Ethan</p>
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                            <p class="reviewText">"As a non-native English speaker, writing essays was always a daunting
                                task for me. However, the essay writer AI tool helped me overcome this challenge by
                                suggesting accurate and relevant vocabulary, making my writing sound much more fluent
                                and natural."</p>
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                                <p class="userName">Caleb</p>
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                            <p class="reviewText">"I had a tight deadline for an important essay, and I was panicking
                                about not being able to finish it on time. But the AI essay writer tool helped me
                                generate quality content quickly, and I was able to submit my essay before the deadline
                                with confidence."</p>
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                                <p class="userName">Chloe </p>
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                            <p class="reviewText">"Researching and citing sources for my essay was always a
                                time-consuming and tedious task. But with the AI essay writer tool, I was able to input
                                my reference preferences, and it automatically generated a well-cited and accurate
                                bibliography for me, saving me hours of work."</p>
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                                <p class="userName">Ava</p>
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                            <p class="reviewText">"I struggle with writer's block and find it difficult to come up with
                                ideas for my essays. However, the AI essay writer tool helped me brainstorm fresh and
                                unique ideas for my topic, giving me a strong starting point for my writing."</p>
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                                <p class="userName">Mason</p>
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                            <p class="reviewText">"The AI essay outliner tool has been a game-changer for me. I can
                                easily customize my outline, and the tool suggests relevant content for each section. It
                                has saved me countless hours of stress and improved my grades significantly. Highly recommend it!"</p>
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                                <p class="userName">Gabriel</p>


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            <h2 class="centerHead small">Revolutionize Your Writing Process With Our AI Essay Writer</h2>
            <p class="firstSeoP">Our innovative technology blends the mastery of professional writers with the speed and
                accuracy of artificial intelligence, delivering top-notch writing assistance to students.</p>
            <p>Here are a few features that make our AI-powered essay writer tool stand out:</p>
                <li><strong>Unique and High-Quality Content:</strong> Our AI essay writer tool is trained on millions of
                    high-quality essays and articles, allowing it to produce plagiarism-free and accurate content on any
                    given topic. Say goodbye to the hassle of brainstorming and researching for hours on end.</li>
                <li><strong>Save time:</strong> Our tool is designed to help you save time by automatically generating
                    outlines and content for your essays. This means you can focus on other important aspects of your
                    academic and personal life.</li>
                <li><strong>Improve writing skills:</strong> With our AI essay writer tool, you'll have the opportunity
                    to review and learn from the content generated. This can help you improve your writing skills and
                    develop a deeper understanding of the topic at hand.</li>
                <li><strong>Advanced NLP Algorithm:</strong> The tool uses natural language processing and machine
                    learning to improve its performance continuously. So that it can can analyze and interpret complex
                    information. </li>
                <li><strong>Multiple Types of Essays:</strong> The algorithm can generate content for various types of
                    essays, including argumentative, persuasive, descriptive, and narrative essays. It can also help you
                    with your research papers, articles, reports, and other coursework assignments.</li>
            <h3 class="seoHeading">Wondering Who Can Write My Essay For Me?</h3>
            <p>If you are overwhelmed with essay tasks, is your go-to 'Write My Essay' solution! Our AI-driven platform understands your needs, delivering tailor-made, high-quality essays in no time. You can trust our tool to enhance your writing effortlessly for school, college, or professional purposes.</p>
            <p>Our AI essay writer tool is the ultimate solution to all your writing problems.</p>
            <p>Whether you're struggling to come up with ideas, facing writer's block, or simply short on time, our
                advanced algorithm can help you produce high-quality essays in no time. Our tool is trusted by thousands
                of students around the world and has been designed with your success in mind. </p>


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          href="javascript:;">Sign In here.</a> </p> -->
        <button type="button" id="createAccount" onclick="showLoginModel()" class="getStarted   outline-btn" name="login">
          Log In
    <div class="loginForm">
      <p class="closeModal">
        <img width="27" height="27" src="" alt="Close Icon">
      <div class="signupFormLogo">
        <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="PEW logo">
      <p class="signuphead">Log In</p>
      <form class="signin" id="login_form" action="order-review" method="post">
        <div id="successSigninAlert" class="custom-alert custom-alert-success" style="display:none;"></div>
        <div id="errorSigninAlert" class="custom-alert custom-alert-danger" style="display:none;"></div>
        <div class="inputGroup signupGroup">
          <input type="text" id="user_id" name="user_id" value="">
          <label for="user_id" class="focused">Email</label>
          <p class="errorMsg">Please enter your email address</p>
        <div class="inputGroup signupGroup">
          <input type="password" id="password" name="password" value="">
          <label for="password">Password</label>
          <p class="errorMsg">Please enter a valid Password</p>
        <div class="flexInput mt">
          <div class="showPassCheck">
            <input onclick="passToText('#password')" class="showPass" type="checkbox" id="showPassLi" name="showPassLi"
            <label for="showPassLi">
              <img width="12" height="10" src="" alt="Show Pass Check Icon">
            <p class="showPassTxt">Show Password</p>
                      <p> <a target="_blank" class="forgotPass loginModelButton" onclick="1"
                href="">Forgot Password?</a> </p>
        <button type="button" id="loginBtn" class="getStarted btn-icon" name="login">
          Log In
        <button type="button" id="loginProcessingBtn" class="getStarted processBtn" style="display: none"><img
            loading="lazy" class="btnLoadingGif" src="" alt="loader"></button>
        <button type="button" id="createAccount" onclick="hideLoginModel()" class="getStarted   outline-btn" name="login">
          Create Account
        <!-- <p class="loginRedirect">Don’t have an account?  <a onclick="hideLoginModel()" class="loginModelButton" href="javascript:;">Sign Up</a> </p> -->
  <div class="verifyAccModel">
    <div class="signUpoverlay"></div>
    <div class="verifyAcc">

      <div class="signupFormLogo">
        <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="PEW logo">
      <p class="signupheadVerify">Verify Your Account</p>
      <p class="signup_subhead">Enter the verification codes to confirm your identity.</p>
      <form id="otpVerifyForm" class="otpVerifyForm" method="post">
        <div id="successOTPAlert" class="custom-alert custom-alert-success" style="display:none;"></div>
        <div id="errorOTPAlert" class="custom-alert custom-alert-danger" style="display:none;"></div>
        <div id="errorOnPassLength" class="custom-alert custom-alert-danger" style="display:none;"></div>
        <div class="otpEmail">
          <div class="emailHead">
            <p class="OTPHead">Code sent to <span id="otpTo">[email protected]</span> </p>
          <input type="hidden" id="otp_user_id">
          <div class="otpGroup" id="email-otp-container">
            <input type="text" onkeypress="return isNumberValidate(event)" class="otp-input" id="OTP_code-email-1"
              maxlength="1" autofocus>
            <input type="text" onkeypress="return isNumberValidate(event)" class="otp-input" id="OTP_code-email-2"
              placeholder="-" maxlength="1">
            <input type="text" onkeypress="return isNumberValidate(event)" class="otp-input" id="OTP_code-email-3"
              placeholder="-" maxlength="1">
            <input type="text" onkeypress="return isNumberValidate(event)" class="otp-input" id="OTP_code-email-4"
              placeholder="-" maxlength="1">
          <p class="sendAgainText">Send again in <span id="timerOTP"></span> seconds</p>
          <a href="javascript:;" id="sendOtpAgain">
            <span>Send again</span>
            <img width="11" height="11" src="" alt="Send Again Icon">
        <div class="otpMobile" id="otpMobile">
          <div class="phoneHead">
            <p class="OTPHead">Code sent to <span id="otpToPhone">+1 302 385 6690</span> </p>
          <input type="hidden" id="otp_user_number_id">
          <div class="otpGroup" id="mobile-otp-container">
            <input type="text" onkeypress="return isNumberValidate(event)" class="otp-input" id="OTP_code-mob-1"
              placeholder="-" maxlength="1">
            <input type="text" onkeypress="return isNumberValidate(event)" class="otp-input" id="OTP_code-mob-2"
              placeholder="-" maxlength="1">
            <input type="text" onkeypress="return isNumberValidate(event)" class="otp-input" id="OTP_code-mob-3"
              placeholder="-" maxlength="1">
            <input type="text" onkeypress="return isNumberValidate(event)" class="otp-input" id="OTP_code-mob-4"
              placeholder="-" maxlength="1">
        <button type="button" id="recoverLoginProcessingBtn" class="getStarted processBtn" style="display: none"><img
            loading="lazy" class="btnLoadingGif" src="" alt="loader"></button>
        <button type="button" id="verify_OTP" class="getStarted btnPrimary" name="login">Verify</button>
        <button type="button" id="verify-otp-processingBtn" class="getStarted btnPrimary processBtn"
          style="display: none"><img class="btnLoadingGif" loading="lazy" src=""
        <div class="otpActions">

          <a href="javascript:;" onclick="showSignupAgain()">
            <span>Update Info</span>
            <img width="14" height="10" src="" alt="Update Info Icon">
  <script type="module" src=""></script>
<!-- verification account -->

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

  $('#signUpBtn').click(function () {

    setTimeout(() => {
      if ($("#r_phone").hasClass("error")) {

      } else {

    }, 100);
  $('#loginSignupBtn').click(function () {

    $('body').css('overflow', 'hidden');

    setTimeout(() => {
      if ($(".signUpModel").hasClass("show")) {



    }, 100);

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