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                                The iRobot Roomba 980 Robot Vacuum CleanerRobot vacuums sweep pet hair, dust and lint from floors before it can settle. They can also avoid obstacles such as furniture that is slippery and stairs.The majority of robotic vacuums require maintenance, such as emptying (and occasionally, rinsing) the bin, and wiping sensors and cameras. They also require to be connected. Many have smartphone apps to schedule, adjust settings and more.Roomba 980 from iRobotThe iRobot Roomba 980, the most recent of a series of top-of-the-line robot vacuums, is a staple for every modern home. This model comes with a HEPA-filter that will assist those who suffer from allergies. Additionally it has a strong battery that can clean for up to two hours, and it will automatically return to its dock once its bin is full.It also comes with a feature called smart mapping which uses multiple sensors to help it determine the areas of your home that need attention and then create a clean path around them. We've seen this technology in action and it does a great job of moving around toys that are abandoned on the floor, or furniture legs that stick out from under the furniture.  irobot vacuum  has a camera sensor that snaps the Roomba back to its original position when it starts drifting away from its original location.iRobot has also introduced a new set of rollers underneath the Roomba's bottom, which don't have bristles and therefore tend to be more resistant to tangles than previous models. These rollers are also taller and can be placed under low couches or beds. They're designed to make this model more adaptable to different kinds of floors.The Roomba 980 stands out from other models with a high-end price tag by its brand new dirt detection feature that makes use of cameras to detect embedded dirt. This is a significant improvement over the previous model, which relied on a sensor-driven pseudorandom coverage technique to bounce around a room and clean at minimum three times from various angles.The Roomba 980 performed well in our tests on carpets and hard floors. Its score on the low pile carpet was excellent and it scored a excellent score on mid pile, too. It did a decent job of removing pet hair, but it was struggling with very long and thick pet fur that was clumped together.Despite these small shortcomings, the Roomba 980 remains one of our most efficient robots, and it's even nearly as expensive as the other top models on this list. It has a lot of features you'd expect from a flagship model but does not have all the fancy apps and smart home integration that you'll find in other top models.The iRobot Roomba can be set up in a matter of minutes and is available for use as soon as you are ready to. After taking the yellow bin insert and pull tab from the undercarriage, it is simply connected to the wall socket or one of its Home Base docking stations, click the "Clean button" and let it do the job. It will return to docking station when it runs out of batteries or is full of sand. There are also indicators on top that show when its bin is empty, or when it requires recharging, or when it loses its Wi-Fi.
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