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                                                                <img align="left" height="62" src="images/brent80.jpg" style="margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; height: 59px; width: 62px;" width="59">
                                                                My name is Brent Riggs. I'm the 
        owner/creator of Linky Tools. I want to personally welcome you and 
        let you know that I genuinely appreciate each and every person who uses Linky 
        You are welcome to
                                                                <a href="contact_us.aspx">
                                                                    contact me
                                                                any time with 
        questions, feedback, suggestions or concerns. I always respond personally.
                                                                <img align="right" alt="" src="images/brsig.png">
                                                                Linky Tools is the most popular linky tool for a reason. Great features and even 
        better personal service. You're home for linky tools is right here.
                                                                <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold;">
                                                                    Check out the wildly popular
                                                                    <a href="" target="_blank">
                                                                        Linky Blog
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                                                                                <img alt="Get started" src="images/getstarted.jpg" style="width: 70px; height: 61px">
                                                                                <a href="#" id="step1link">
                                                                                    <img alt="Create Account" src="images/MckLinkyLogoBlog2010HeaderIcons_01.jpg" style="border-width: 0px; width: 77px; height: 108px">
                                                                                <a href="#" id="step2link">
                                                                                    <img alt="Create New Lists" src="images/MckLinkyLogoBlog2010HeaderIcons_02.jpg" style="border-width: 0px; width: 84px; height: 108px">
                                                                                <a href="#" id="step3link">
                                                                                    <img alt="Put Lists On Blog" src="images/MckLinkyLogoBlog2010HeaderIcons_03.jpg" style="border-width: 0px; width: 89px; height: 108px">
                                                                            <td valign="top">
                                                                                <span class="Verdana10">
                                                                                    Click the
                                                                                    1-2-3 icons for
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                                                                                    Sign up -
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                                                                                    a linky
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                                                                                    Put the linky on
                                                                                    your blog
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                                                                                <a href="../signup/Default.aspx">
                                                                                    Sign Up
                                                                            <td colspan="3" nowrap="nowrap" valign="middle">
                                                                                Quick &amp; easy
                                                                                <a href="demos/BasicLinkyList.html" target="_blank">
                                                                                    demonstration here
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                                            <div style="margin: 0px; background-image: url('images/homegreengbkg.png'); background-repeat: repeat-x; padding-right: 11px; padding-left: 11px;">
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                                                                Something cool
                                                                coming soon!
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                                                                Linky Tools recommends:
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                                                            <td align="center" nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9px; text-align: center" width="14%">
                                                                Personal Link Libary
                                                                <a href="personal_links/information.aspx" id="personallinkspll">
                                                                <a href="personal_links/Default.aspx">
                                                            <td align="center" nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9px; text-align: center" width="1">
                                                            <td align="center" nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9px; text-align: center" width="14%">
                                                                Email Marketing System
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                                                                <a href="email_marketing_templates.aspx">
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                                                                Your Linky Ads
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                                                                <a href="linky_ads_manage.aspx">
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                                                            <td align="center" nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9px; text-align: center" width="14%">
                                                                Linky List Directory
                                                                <a href="#" id="linkylistdirectory1">
                                                                <a href="linky_list_directory.aspx">
                                                            <td align="center" nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9px; text-align: center" width="14%">
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                                                                    List of Linky Lists
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                                                            <div class="dxpc-content">
                                                                One of the best ways to get new traffic for your blog is to have your links on 
    other blogs.
                                                                The new Linky List Directory allows you to view new linky lists with 
    descriptions as they are created at Linky Tools. They might be on blogs you've 
    never heard about and might never visit.
                                                                Now you can read the description of the list, and visit hundreds of new blogs to 
    participate in their linky party and enter your link which will bring new 
    traffic back to you!
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                                                                    Reference Desk
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                                                            <div class="dxpc-content">
                                                                The Linky Tools Reference Desk is a repository of internet links to a wide 
    variety of information, reference and news resources.
                                                                It's like having an Internet research library at your fingertips.
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                                                    var dxo = new ASPxClientPopupControl('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_WebUserControlDashboardNavButtons1_ASPxPopupControl14');
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                                                                    Linky Stuff
                                                            <b class="dx-clear">
                                                        <div class="dxpc-contentWrapper">
                                                            <div class="dxpc-content">
                                                                Linky Stuff is all sorts of fun, interesting, inspiring and cool content you can 
    put on your blog.
                                                                Never be without something to entertain or interest your readers.
                                                                All family friendly stuff too!
                                                <script id="dxss_532017735" type="text/javascript">
                                                    var dxo = new ASPxClientPopupControl('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_WebUserControlDashboardNavButtons1_ASPxPopupControl12');
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                                                                    Blog Directory &amp; Profiles
                                                            <b class="dx-clear">
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                                                            <div class="dxpc-content">
                                                                The Linky Tools Blog Directory and Profile system.
                                                                Fill out additional details about your blog and we'll automatically generate a 
    profile page from it.
                                                                Optimized for searcch engines, Linky Tools makes the directory pages and 
    profiles available to all the major search engines...
                                                                It's also a great tool for you to search and find blogs that interest you so you 
    can build relationships with them.
                                                <script id="dxss_1491402269" type="text/javascript">
                                                    var dxo = new ASPxClientPopupControl('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_WebUserControlDashboardNavButtons1_ASPxPopupControl13');
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                                                            <div class="dxpc-content">
                                                                Explore hundreds of recipes submitted by our Linky Tools friends.
                                                                With one click, you can get the code to add the recipe to your blog!
                                                                Be sure to submit your favorite recipes so everyone can enjoy them. AND... you 
    get a link back to your blog when someone displays your recipe.
                                                <script id="dxss_121721050" type="text/javascript">
                                                    var dxo = new ASPxClientPopupControl('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_WebUserControlDashboardNavButtons1_ASPxPopupControl10');
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                                                                    Tutorials &amp; Demo's
                                                            <b class="dx-clear">
                                                        <div class="dxpc-contentWrapper">
                                                            <div class="dxpc-content">
                                                                Enjoy the Linky Tools library of How-To's, demonstrations and tutorials that 
    Brent has created about a wide variety of things: graphics, digital photography, 
    html, blogging, computers... whatever. Even how to build your own fence.
                                                                New ones are being added all the time... if you want to know how to do 
    something, contact Brent with your request.
                                                <script id="dxss_1975304214" type="text/javascript">
                                                    var dxo = new ASPxClientPopupControl('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_WebUserControlDashboardNavButtons1_ASPxPopupControl11');
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                                                                    Memes &amp; Carnivals List
                                                            <b class="dx-clear">
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                                                            <div class="dxpc-content">
    building a list of the all the fun, fantastic and interesting [memes/carnivals 
    or reccurring themes].
                                                                List yours so other people can find you. And while you're at it, go visit some 
    on other blogs.
                                                <script id="dxss_186334993" type="text/javascript">
                                                    var dxo = new ASPxClientPopupControl('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_WebUserControlDashboardNavButtons1_ASPxPopupControl1');
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                                                            <div class="dxpc-content">
                                                                Pretty much every cool thing that you'll find on Liinky Tools is because one of 
    my countless brilliant users emailed me and said "do you think you could...?"
                                                                Whether it's improving something that could be better, or adding something that 
    doesn't exist, I hope you'll never hesitate sending me your ideas, feedback and 
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                                                                    Personal Link Libary
                                                            <b class="dx-clear">
                                                        <div class="dxpc-contentWrapper">
                                                            <div class="dxpc-content">
                                                                Create your own personal library of text and thumbnail links.
                                                                Then you can add those links as many times as you want to your regular linky 
                                                                See more information and demonstration here...
                                                <script id="dxss_416759331" type="text/javascript">
                                                    var dxo = new ASPxClientPopupControl('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_WebUserControlDashboardNavButtons1_ASPxPopupControl16');
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                                                                    Linky Ads
                                                            <b class="dx-clear">
                                                        <div class="dxpc-contentWrapper">
                                                            <div class="dxpc-content">
                                                                    The Linky Tools Ad System is totally owned and controlled by Linky Tools. You 
        can rest assured that no inappropriate ads or scams are allowed.&nbsp; Three reasons 
        to buy use Linky Ads:
                                                                    Linky Tools is a
                                                                        highly ranked
                                                                    site at;
                                                                    Linky Tools
                                                                        dominates the search 
                                                                    for related keywords;
                                                                    the Linky Ads get
                                                                        several million views
                                                                    a month.
                                                                    <a href="linky_ads_manage.aspx">
                                                                        Check it out here...
                                                <script id="dxss_1956318098" type="text/javascript">
                                                    var dxo = new ASPxClientPopupControl('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_WebUserControlDashboardNavButtons1_ASPxPopupControl17');
                                                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
                                                                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" width="100%">
                                                                            <td align="center" nowrap="nowrap" width="13%">
                                                                                <a href="#" id="whatislinkytools">
                                                                                    What is Linky Tools?
                                                                            <td align="center" nowrap="nowrap" width="9%">
                                                                                <a href="#" id="featurelistlink">
                                                                            <td align="left" nowrap="nowrap" width="17%">
                                                                                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                                                                                                <img align="right" class="style17" src="images/new.png">
                                                                                            <td nowrap="nowrap">
                                                                                                <a href="personal_links/information.aspx">
                                                                                                    Personal Link Library
                                                                            <td align="center" nowrap="nowrap" width="13%">
                                                                                <a href="#" id="whatisbloghop">
                                                                                    What's a blog hop?
                                                                            <td align="center" nowrap="nowrap" width="13%">
                                                                                <a href="subscription/Default.aspx">
                                                                            <td align="center" nowrap="nowrap" width="13%">
                                                                                <a href="#" id="linkylisttypes">
                                                                                    Linky Types
                                                                            <td align="center" nowrap="nowrap" width="13%">
                                                                                <a href="badge.aspx">
                                                                                    Linky Tools Blog Badge
                                                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
                                                            <td valign="top">
                                                                <div class="roundedbox" style="border-color: #8fbe20; height: 400px; background-color: #f5f9e8; overflow: hidden;">
                                                                        <div style="font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; font-size:13px; color:#FF9900; padding-bottom:10px; margin-bottom:0px;">
                                                                            Love for Linky Tools:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
                                                                            <a href="../testimonials.aspx" style="font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal">
                                                                                Read more here!
                                                                            <li style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana">
                                                                                <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_Repeater2_ctl00_Label1">
                                                                                        A great way to get more...
                                                                                    : I think the Blog Hop is a great way for bloggers to get more traffic and to find more blogs to read. It's been fun looking at everyone's pictures this week....
                                                                            <li style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana">
                                                                                <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_Repeater2_ctl01_Label1">
                                                                                        Love it!
                                                                                    : Thank you for the Linky Tools Blog Hop, I have so much fun browsing new blogs. I have already made new blogging buddies and followers, love it....
                                                                            <li style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana">
                                                                                <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_Repeater2_ctl02_Label1">
                                                                                        Improved my blog traffic...
                                                                                    : Linky Tools improved my traffic by over 100 visits for several days straight!  I highly recommend it!...
                                                                            <li style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana">
                                                                                <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_Repeater2_ctl03_Label1">
                                                                                        Tons of traffic and still coming...
                                                                                    : I had almost 700 pageviews on my blog during the Blog Hop yesterday and they are still coming!  It is definitely working to connect bloggers with a new audience and new blogs to read!...
                                                                            <li style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana">
                                                                                <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_Repeater2_ctl04_Label1">
                                                                                        I appreciate the new traffic...
                                                                                    : I love the new Linky Tools lists and the BlogHop is so much fun. I love meeting new-to-me bloggers and I really appreciate the traffic it has sent to my blog!...
                                                                            <li style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana">
                                                                                <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_Repeater2_ctl05_Label1">
                                                                                        Wonderful Service!
                                                                                    : LinkyTools has been the most wonderful addition--thank you for your service. I can't say enough good about it.  ...
                                                                            <li style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana">
                                                                                <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_Repeater2_ctl06_Label1">
                                                                                        We were frustrated with other linkies...
                                                                                    : Amy and I are so grateful that you've set up Mclinky. We HAD BEEN struggling with linking up our site until Linky Tools and quite frankly, it's been frustrating! We use it at the Internet Cafe Devotions site for Cafe Chat and Drops of Inspiration! Gr...
                                                                            <li style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana">
                                                                                <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_Repeater2_ctl07_Label1">
                                                                                        The most responses to date...
                                                                                    : I have had the most comments to date from blog hop and I love to visit all the other blogs on the list. This has been great fun and a little addicting...hoping the laundry learns to do itself! :)...
                                                                            <li style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana">
                                                                                <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_Repeater2_ctl08_Label1">
                                                                                        Many great new blogs...
                                                                                    : The new Linky Tools service is great.  I have discovered many great blogs through their Blog Hops, and am working on an idea to use it for my own carnival....
                                                                            <li style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana">
                                                                                <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_Repeater2_ctl09_Label1">
                                                                                        Sponsors are kind and generous...
                                                                                    : I love this blog hopping thing here are just a few reason's... I had trouble finding blogs to read and now I have over 800! The sponsors are incredible and generous people! I wasn't getting many visitors and now I am! Thank you Brent Riggs for coming...
                                                                            <li style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana">
                                                                                <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_Repeater2_ctl10_Label1">
                                                                                        From 20 entries to 250!
                                                                                    : I've used Linky Tools at for three years as a convenient and compact way to organise giveaway lists. It's well worth the small subscription fee - what started as a linky with 20 giveaways listed by myself now has up to 250 added ...
                                                                            <li style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana">
                                                                                <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_Repeater2_ctl11_Label1">
                                                                                        Increased participation!
                                                                                    : Using Linky has improved the participation in my meme and I really appreciate having it as a tool!...
                                                                            <li style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana">
                                                                                <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_Repeater2_ctl12_Label1">
                                                                                        Cannot believe the traffic
                                                                                    : I cannot believe the amount of people that have visited my site because of Linky Tools.   I love it, and have met some really cool people, as well as found some fantastic blogs because of it.  Thank you!...
                                                                            <li style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana">
                                                                                <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_Repeater2_ctl13_Label1">
                                                                                        my idea has spread like Wildfire
                                                                                    : I have been using the Blog Hop Linky tool every week for six weeks, running my Fat to Fit Blog Hop. The idea was to gain support amongst of other bloggers who were trying to lose some weight.  Through using the Blog Hop Linky Tool, my idea of Fat to ...
                                                                            <li style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana">
                                                                                <span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_Repeater2_ctl14_Label1">
                                                                                        The best linkie available...
                                                                                    : This the best linky out there! Easy to install, Easy to use! I love it! I'm so glad I found it and will only use Linky Tools!...
                                                <div class="dxpcLite_Youthful dxpclW" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl2_PW-1" style="width:595px;cursor:default;z-index:10000;display:none;visibility:hidden;">
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                                                            <div class="dxpc-headerContent">
                                                                <span class="dxpc-headerText dx-vam">
                                                                    Linky Tools Descriptions
                                                            <b class="dx-clear">
                                                        <div class="dxpc-contentWrapper">
                                                            <div class="dxpc-content">
                                                                    Basic Linky
                                                                : This is the basic MckLinky List... people leave a title and link it to their blog. Use it for any reason you can dream up.
                                                                    Thumbnail Linky
                                                                : A thumbnail linky has a collection of image thumbnails 
    instead of a list of text titles and links. Lots of fun! Give it a try
                                                                    Blog Hop Linky
                                                                : A Blog Hop is a group of bloggers who display the SAME LIST OF LINKS on their blogs, usually with some sort of theme or topic.
                                                                    Picture Caption Linky
                                                                : 1) Invite readers to leave suggested picture captions, then 2) rank them or choose winners...
                                                                    Contest Entry Linky
                                                                : Run a contest or some sort of giveaway on your blog. 1) Readers enter their content submissions as per your instructions then 2) you choose winners OR 1st Place, 2nd Place, etc.
                                                                    Prayer Request Linky
                                                                : Have your readers leave their prayer request and link.
                                                                    Answer Linky
                                                                : Ask your readers a question and let them leave their answer and a link to their blog or email.
                                                                    Question Linky
                                                                : Have your readers leave their questions for you and a link to their blog or email.
                                                                    Ideas Linky
                                                                : 1) Ask readers to help you come up with new ideas for a project, event or topic; then 2) rank them or choose winners.
                                                                    Top X Linky
                                                                : Create Top 10, Top 5 or Top 3 list (from 1-10). 1) Ask readers for their entries for a Top X List then 2) choose and rank the winning entries.
                                                                    Create A Story Linky
                                                                : Fun! Start a story in your blog post and invite your blog readers to help "write it" by adding on to the end of the story (the list). Use a theme or plot, or just start one and see what happens.
                                                <script id="dxss_582801258" type="text/javascript">
                                                    var dxo = new ASPxClientPopupControl('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl2');
                                                <div class="dxpcLite_Youthful dxpclW" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl1GetBoth_PW-1" style="width:500px;cursor:default;z-index:10000;display:none;visibility:hidden;">
                                                    <div class="dxpc-mainDiv dxpc-shadow">
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                                                            <div class="dxpc-headerContent">
                                                                <span class="dxpc-headerText dx-vam">
                                                                    What is Linky Tools?
                                                            <b class="dx-clear">
                                                        <div class="dxpc-contentWrapper">
                                                            <div class="dxpc-content">
                                                                Linky Tools is a suite of content and linking tools for your blog.
                                                                    linky list
                                                                is a list you insert in your blog post (a simple 
    snippet of code) that allows your readers to enter a link your list right on 
    your blog.
                                                                Linky Tools has many different kinds of linky lists, some are text links, some 
    are images (thumbnails).
                                                                You have total control over your linky lists: when they appear, when people can 
    enter, editing/deleting entries, etc. There are many options for each list that 
    help you control how it works on your blog.
                                                                - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                                                Linky Tools also has lots of
                                                                    great content and other "goodies"
                                                                you can use on your blog to create interest and fun for your readers.
                                                <script id="dxss_1683212950" type="text/javascript">
                                                    var dxo = new ASPxClientPopupControl('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl1GetBoth');
                                                <div class="dxpcLite_Youthful dxpclW" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl1GetBoth0_PW-1" style="width:500px;cursor:default;z-index:10000;display:none;visibility:hidden;">
                                                    <div class="dxpc-mainDiv dxpc-shadow">
                                                        <div class="dxpc-header dxpc-withBtn" style="background-image:url(/DXR.axd?r=0_4784-Wg4Sj);background-repeat:repeat-x;">
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                                                            <div class="dxpc-headerContent">
                                                                <span class="dxpc-headerText dx-vam">
                                                                    What is a Blog Hop?
                                                            <b class="dx-clear">
                                                        <div class="dxpc-contentWrapper">
                                                            <div class="dxpc-content">
                                                                    A blog hop is a linky list that is SHARED ON MULTIPLE BLOGS.
                                                                    When several blogs put the same linky list code on their blog, the exact same 
                                                                    list appears on each blog.
                                                                    Blog visitors can submit their entries on any blog that contains the list. The 
                                                                    entries will appear on each blog where the list resides.
                                                                    Blog readers see the same list on each blog, and can "HOP" from blog to blog 
                                                                    seeing the same list of links to follow: BLOG HOP!
                                                                        By designating your linky list as a BLOG HOP, a link will appear below 
                                                                        your linky list where your blog readers can get the blog hop code for your 
                                                                    If you want to do a 'PRIVATE' blog hop, then do NOT check the blog hop checkbox, 
                                                                    and simply share the code PRIVATELY with the other blog owners.
                                                                    <span style="font-weight: bold;">
                                                                        Brent Riggs &amp; Linky Tools create the concept of 
                                                                        the "blog hop" as it is used on so many blogs today.&nbsp;
                                                <script id="dxss_767014769" type="text/javascript">
                                                    var dxo = new ASPxClientPopupControl('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl1GetBoth0');
                                                <div class="dxpcLite_Youthful dxpclW" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl1GetBoth1_PW-1" style="width:950px;cursor:default;z-index:10000;display:none;visibility:hidden;">
                                                    <div class="dxpc-mainDiv dxpc-shadow">
                                                        <div class="dxpc-header dxpc-withBtn" style="background-image:url(/DXR.axd?r=0_4784-Wg4Sj);background-repeat:repeat-x;">
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                                                            <div class="dxpc-headerContent">
                                                                <span class="dxpc-headerText dx-vam">
                                                                    New in Version Two
                                                            <b class="dx-clear">
                                                        <div class="dxpc-contentWrapper">
                                                            <div class="dxpc-content">
                                                                    Linky Tools Version Two is online! Check out these standard features:
                                                                    <style type="text/css">
                                                                        #art-main, table {
                                                                            font-family         : Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;
                                                                            font-style          : normal;
                                                                            font-weight         : normal;
                                                                            font-size           : 12px;
                                                                            margin-bottom       : 0px;
                                                                        ul {
                                                                            margin-bottom       : 10px;
                                                                            margin-left         : 10px;
                                                                            list-style-position : outside;
                                                                        ul {
                                                                            list-style-type     : none;
                                                                        h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, a, ul, ol, li {
                                                                            margin              : 0;
                                                                            padding             : 0;
                                                                        li {
                                                                            list-style-type     : disc;
                                                                            padding-bottom      : 6px;
                                                                            margin-left         : 10px;
                                                                        .style3 {
                                                                            font-family         : Verdana;
                                                                            font-size           : 11px;
                                                                            line-height         : 1.1;
                                                                            font-style          : italic;
                                                                        .style11 {
                                                                            font-size           : medium;
                                                                        .style12 {
                                                                            width               : 30px;
                                                                            height              : 26px;
                                                                    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="15" width="100%">
                                                                                <td align="left" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10px" valign="top" width="33%">
                                                                                            <img class="style12" src="images/new.png">
                                                                                                Personal Link Library
                                                                                            <a href="personal_links/information.aspx">
                                                                                                check it out here...
                                                                                            The entire site rebuilt for increased
                                                                                            <img align="right" hspace="11" src="../images/orangearrow2.png" vspace="10">
                                                                                            Designate the
                                                                                                Number of Columns
                                                                                            you want your list to display 
                                                                                                Grid Lines
                                                                                            on your list. This can help your list be more 
                        readable in many situations
                                                                                            <img align="right" hspace="11" src="../images/orangearrow2.png" vspace="10">
                                                                                                Sorting Options
                                                                                            for your list: Oldest to newest, newest 
                        to oldest, random order, by "likes", by title
                                                                                            Designate any linky list as a "
                                                                                                Blog Hop
                                                                                            ", Linky Tools original 
                        idea on sharing common lists of links with other blogs
                                                                                            Designate any linky list as
                                                                                            so that only you can submit 
                        entries to it.
                                                                                                <img align="right" hspace="11" src="../images/orangearrow2.png" vspace="10">
                                                                                            allows you to make exact multiple duplicates of existing lists copying 
                        over all the settings from the original list.
                                                                                <td align="left" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10px" valign="top" width="33%">
                                                                                            <img align="right" hspace="11" src="../images/orangearrow2.png" vspace="10">
                                                                                            Get the
                                                                                                Click Count
                                                                                            (stats) on your linky entries.
                                                                                            Your blog visitors can choose to
                                                                                                "LIKE" an
                                                                                                <img align="right" class="style3" hspace="10" src="images/like.png" vspace="10">
                                                                                            , Facebook 
                        style. Use "likes" to vote for entries
                                                                                            You can now choose to
                                                                                            your entries. They will not 
                        appear publicly unitl you have approved them
                                                                                            <img align="right" hspace="11" src="../images/orangearrow2.png" vspace="10">
                                                                                            Choose to get
                                                                                                Email Notifications
                                                                                            when someone submits and 
                        entry to your list
                                                                                            Have your linky list showing in a
                                                                                                Scrolling Window
                                                                                            . The 
                        vertical height is a fixed size with a scroll bar allowing a long list to be on 
                        your blog without taking up too much space
                                                                                            Choose to have your linky list show in our
                                                                                                Directory of Linky Lists
                                                                                            Choose to show an inspirational
                                                                                                Bible Verse
                                                                                            below your linky 
                                                                                <td align="left" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10px" valign="top" width="33%">
                                                                                            <img align="right" hspace="11" src="../images/orangearrow2.png" vspace="10">
                                                                                            on several linky list types including Thumbnails
                                                                                            Require that a
                                                                                                Back Link
                                                                                            <img align="right" hspace="11" src="../images/orangearrow2.png" vspace="10">
                                                                                            when an entry is made, Linky 
                        Tools checks to see if a link to your blog post exists on their blog. Entries 
                        cannot be submitted until it does.
                                                                                            Option to
                                                                                                require Email Address
                                                                                                Full Name
                                                                                            with linky entries
                                                                                            <img align="right" hspace="11" src="../images/orangearrow2.png" vspace="10">
                                                                                            One-click "
                                                                                                Get Lists
                                                                                            " of email addresses or full names fromm 
                        your list
                                                                                                Start/Stop times
                                                                                            bug from old version is fixed. Lists open and 
                        close exactly the time you list
                                                                                                Remaining time,
                                                                                            or time to start is shown on your list: "This 
                        list will close in 6 days, 17 hrs, 41 min (6/10/2011 5:32 PM CST)"
                                                                                            Choose whether clicking a link in your list opens a
                                                                                                New Window
                                                                                            in your browser or not
                                                                                <td align="left" class="style11" colspan="3" style="width: 66%; font-size: 13px;" valign="top">
                                                                                    Also coming: Linky
                                                                                    , Linky
                                                                                        Reference Desk
                                                                                    , and a bunch of other
                                                                                        Linky sites
                                                                                    that I don't want to name because I don't want the ideas stolen... I'll be rolling these out, one 
                each day this week!
                                                <script id="dxss_1728981437" type="text/javascript">
                                                    var dxo = new ASPxClientPopupControl('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl1GetBoth1');
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                                                                <span class="dxpc-headerText dx-vam">
                                                                    1-2-3 Steps
                                                            <b class="dx-clear">
                                                        <div class="dxpc-contentWrapper">
                                                            <div class="dxpc-content">
                                                                    Here are the basic, simple steps to putting your first linky list on your blog. 
    Once you get the hang of it, go check out all the great option each linky has. 
    Those options are on the page when you create a new linky list, or edit an 
    existing one.
                                                                    Step 1:
                                                                        First, sign up for your account. You get 30 days free to try things out, and we 
        do NOT ask you for any payment information when you sign up.&nbsp; The sign up 
        is very simple.
                                                                    Step 2:
                                                                        Second, go to your User Dashboard. On the right hand side, you'll see a GREEN 
        ARROW next to a dropdown list of linky's that you can create. We suggest you 
        start with a Basic linky your first time just to get the hang of how things 
                                                                        From the drop down list, choose 'Basic'. Fill out the simple form, it's very 
        easy; refer to instructions on the 'create new linky' form.
                                                                    Step 3:
                                                                        On your User Dashboard, you'll now see your new list. Click the 'Get the Code' 
        link on the left side of your list of linky's. Follow the instructions to copy 
        your linky code.
                                                                        Go to your blog. Either create a new blog post, or open an existing post.
                                                                        HERE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: Make sure you are in HTML view or mode when 
        you paste in your linky code. If you are NOT in HTML view/mode, the linky code 
        will be converted to regular text causing it not to work. Make sure you are in 
        HTML view or mode when you paste it in.
                                                                        Note: The linky list will NOT appear when you are in PREVIEW mode on Blogger. 
        Don't worry. If you pasted in the code, it will work. To see the actual linky 
        list, you have to PUBLISH the blog post. If you want to preview your list before 
        publishing, go back to your user Dashboard at Linky Tools and choose 'Preview' 
        in same linky list where you clicked 'Get the code'.
                                                <div class="dxpcModalBackLite_Youthful" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl1GetBoth4_DXPWMB-1" style="opacity:0.5;z-index:9999;">
                                                <script id="dxss_735551797" type="text/javascript">
                                                    var dxo = new ASPxClientPopupControl('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl1GetBoth4');
                                                <div class="dxpcLite_Youthful dxpclW" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl1GetBoth5_PW-1" style="width:650px;cursor:default;z-index:10000;display:none;visibility:hidden;">
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                                                                <span class="dxpc-headerText dx-vam">
                                                                    1-2-3 Steps
                                                            <b class="dx-clear">
                                                        <div class="dxpc-contentWrapper">
                                                            <div class="dxpc-content">
                                                                    Here are the basic, simple steps to putting your first linky list on your blog. 
    Once you get the hang of it, go check out all the great option each linky has. 
    Those options are on the page when you create a new linky list, or edit an 
    existing one.
                                                                    Step 1:
                                                                        First, sign up for your account. You get 30 days free to try things out, and we 
        do NOT ask you for any payment information when you sign up.&nbsp; The sign up 
        is very simple.
                                                                    Step 2:
                                                                        Second, go to your User Dashboard. On the right hand side, you'll see a GREEN 
        ARROW next to a dropdown list of linky's that you can create. We suggest you 
        start with a Basic linky your first time just to get the hang of how things 
                                                                        From the drop down list, choose 'Basic'. Fill out the simple form, it's very 
        easy; refer to instructions on the 'create new linky' form.
                                                                    Step 3:
                                                                        On your User Dashboard, you'll now see your new list. Click the 'Get the Code' 
        link on the left side of your list of linky's. Follow the instructions to copy 
        your linky code.
                                                                        Go to your blog. Either create a new blog post, or open an existing post.
                                                                        HERE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: Make sure you are in HTML view or mode when 
        you paste in your linky code. If you are NOT in HTML view/mode, the linky code 
        will be converted to regular text causing it not to work. Make sure you are in 
        HTML view or mode when you paste it in.
                                                                        Note: The linky list will NOT appear when you are in PREVIEW mode on Blogger. 
        Don't worry. If you pasted in the code, it will work. To see the actual linky 
        list, you have to PUBLISH the blog post. If you want to preview your list before 
        publishing, go back to your user Dashboard at Linky Tools and choose 'Preview' 
        in same linky list where you clicked 'Get the code'.
                                                <div class="dxpcModalBackLite_Youthful" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl1GetBoth5_DXPWMB-1" style="opacity:0.5;z-index:9999;">
                                                <script id="dxss_296970796" type="text/javascript">
                                                    var dxo = new ASPxClientPopupControl('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl1GetBoth5');
                                                <div class="dxpcLite_Youthful dxpclW" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl1GetBoth6_PW-1" style="width:650px;cursor:default;z-index:10000;display:none;visibility:hidden;">
                                                    <div class="dxpc-mainDiv dxpc-shadow">
                                                        <div class="dxpc-header dxpc-withBtn" style="background-image:url(/DXR.axd?r=0_4784-Wg4Sj);background-repeat:repeat-x;">
                                                            <div class="dxpc-closeBtn">
                                                                <img alt="Close" class="dxWeb_pcCloseButton_Youthful" src="/DXR.axd?r=1_35-Vg4Sj">
                                                            <div class="dxpc-headerContent">
                                                                <span class="dxpc-headerText dx-vam">
                                                                    1-2-3 Steps
                                                            <b class="dx-clear">
                                                        <div class="dxpc-contentWrapper">
                                                            <div class="dxpc-content">
                                                                    Here are the basic, simple steps to putting your first linky list on your blog. 
    Once you get the hang of it, go check out all the great option each linky has. 
    Those options are on the page when you create a new linky list, or edit an 
    existing one.
                                                                    Step 1:
                                                                        First, sign up for your account. You get 30 days free to try things out, and we 
        do NOT ask you for any payment information when you sign up.&nbsp; The sign up 
        is very simple.
                                                                    Step 2:
                                                                        Second, go to your User Dashboard. On the right hand side, you'll see a GREEN 
        ARROW next to a dropdown list of linky's that you can create. We suggest you 
        start with a Basic linky your first time just to get the hang of how things 
                                                                        From the drop down list, choose 'Basic'. Fill out the simple form, it's very 
        easy; refer to instructions on the 'create new linky' form.
                                                                    Step 3:
                                                                        On your User Dashboard, you'll now see your new list. Click the 'Get the Code' 
        link on the left side of your list of linky's. Follow the instructions to copy 
        your linky code.
                                                                        Go to your blog. Either create a new blog post, or open an existing post.
                                                                        HERE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: Make sure you are in HTML view or mode when 
        you paste in your linky code. If you are NOT in HTML view/mode, the linky code 
        will be converted to regular text causing it not to work. Make sure you are in 
        HTML view or mode when you paste it in.
                                                                        Note: The linky list will NOT appear when you are in PREVIEW mode on Blogger. 
        Don't worry. If you pasted in the code, it will work. To see the actual linky 
        list, you have to PUBLISH the blog post. If you want to preview your list before 
        publishing, go back to your user Dashboard at Linky Tools and choose 'Preview' 
        in same linky list where you clicked 'Get the code'.
                                                <div class="dxpcModalBackLite_Youthful" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl1GetBoth6_DXPWMB-1" style="opacity:0.5;z-index:9999;">
                                                <script id="dxss_968103471" type="text/javascript">
                                                    var dxo = new ASPxClientPopupControl('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl1GetBoth6');
                                                <div class="dxpcLite_Youthful dxpclW" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl1GetBoth7_PW-1" style="width:650px;cursor:default;z-index:10000;display:none;visibility:hidden;">
                                                    <div class="dxpc-mainDiv dxpc-shadow">
                                                        <div class="dxpc-header dxpc-withBtn" style="background-image:url(/DXR.axd?r=0_4784-Wg4Sj);background-repeat:repeat-x;">
                                                            <div class="dxpc-closeBtn">
                                                                <img alt="Close" class="dxWeb_pcCloseButton_Youthful" src="/DXR.axd?r=1_35-Vg4Sj">
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                                                                <span class="dxpc-headerText dx-vam">
                                                                    Personal Link Library
                                                            <b class="dx-clear">
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                                                            <div class="dxpc-content" style="background-color:White;">
                                                                <div style="font-size:36px; color:Blue;">
                                                                    <img align="middle" class="style15" src="images/linkspointer.png">
                                                                    Linky Tools
                                                                    <span class="style16">
                                                                        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Personal Link Library
                                                                        <img align="middle" class="style17" src="images/new.png">
                                                                <span class="style18">
                                                                    The NEW
                                                                        Personal Link Library
                                                                    system is 
                                                                    online and ready to go!&nbsp;
                                                                    It is
                                                                    , and
                                                                        totally integrated
                                                                    with all 
                                                                    your other linky lists and features.
                                                                    <a href="personal_links/information.aspx" style="color: #0000FF">
                                                                        Read an 
                                                                        overview, see examples and find out all you need to know here...
                                                                    You're gonnna love it! It's very easy to use and is only limited by your 
                                                                <img align="middle" class="style15" src="images/linkspointer.png">
                                                                <span class="style16">
                                                                    <img align="middle" class="style17" src="images/new.png">
                                                                    <img align="middle" class="style15" src="images/linkspointer.png">
                                                                    <img align="middle" class="style17" src="images/new.png">
                                                                    <img align="middle" class="style15" src="images/linkspointer.png">
                                                                    <img align="middle" class="style17" src="images/new.png">
                                                                    <img align="middle" class="style15" src="images/linkspointer.png">
                                                                    <img align="middle" class="style17" src="images/new.png">
                                                                    <img align="middle" class="style15" src="images/linkspointer.png">
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                                                    var dxo = new ASPxClientPopupControl('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_ASPxPopupControl1GetBoth7');
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                                The main website is translated by Google translation tools. I know the translations are not perfect, but I&rsquo;ve been told by people who speak the various languages, that the translations are adequate to make the site usable.
                                I have to have the verbiage that appears on your blog posts specifically translated by a native speaker. If you would like your language included, please translate the following sentences for me, and let me know what language it is. Email the translation to me, and I&rsquo;ll make that language available after verifying the translation.
                                Currently I have NO translations of this list. I&rsquo;ll list what languages I do have here so that people won&rsquo;t waste their time doing something already done.
                                Translate these sentences and phrases and email them to me at 
    [email protected] (if you are translation this page with Google, switch back 
    to English):
                                        Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available (Translation here: )
                                        This is a Blog Hop! (Translation here: )
                                        entries so far... (Translation here: )
                                        you&rsquo;re next! (Translation here: )
                                        Vote for the link you LIKE! (Translation here: )
                                        Note: this is a private list. Only the list owner can enter links. (Translation here: )
                                        You are next... (Translation here: )
                                        Click here to enter (Translation here: )
                                        This list will close in (Translation here: )
                                        This linky list is not open yet. It will open for new entries in (Translation here: )
                                        This linky list is now closed. (Translation here: )
                                        Get your own Linky Tools (Translation here: )
                                        Winner! (Translation here: )
                                        Linked to: (Translation here: )
                                        Like? (Translation here: )
                                        Likes (Translation here: )
                                        What is a blog hop? (Translation here: )
                                        Get the code here... (Translation here: )
                <script id="dxss_125638560" type="text/javascript">
                    var dxo = new ASPxClientPopupControl('ctl00_ASPxPopupControl1');

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