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                    <p>Unique Players Per Team. NFL style.</p>
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                    <h2>Salary Cap</h2>
                    <p>Select Team Within Budget. Dream 11 style.</p>
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        <h2>Fantasy Offers</h2>
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                <h3>Multiple Formats</h3>
                <p>Salary Cap, Draft, Auction & Prediction</p>
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                <h3>League Duration</h3>
                <p>Tournament long, Daily & Weekly leagues</p>
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                <h3>100+ Customizations</h3>
                <p>Modify all the rules to form a unique league</p>
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                <h3>Private Clubs</h3>
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                <h3>Your Own App</h3>
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        <h2>Popular Features to Customize in your Private leagues</h2>
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                <h3>Team Lock time</h3>
                    <li>Choose From 0 to 90 mins</li>
                    <li>Match/Day/ Round lock formats</li>
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                <h3>No. Of Trades</h3>
                    <li>Choose trade count, free trades etc</li>
                    <li>Separate trades in playoff stage</li>
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                <h3>Scoring rules</h3>
                    <li>Runs, Wickets, Catches, Dots etc</li>
                    <li>Strike rate, economy, milestones etc</li>
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                <h3>Knockout Format</h3>
                    <li>Semi Final & Final in WC</li>
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                <h3>Custom Leaderboards</h3>
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                <h3>League Manager Tools</h3>
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                <h3>Player's Salary, Role and Budget</h3>
                    <li>Set player's salary & role</li>
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                    <span>FOR IPL & WORLD CUP</span>
                    Corporate Fantasy Experience
                <p>Aimed for Corporate, Event Management Firms, Institutions, Organizations etc, to experience a completely customizable fantasy sports product, furthermore, celebrity engagements, team building events, zoom sessions, quizzes and many other interactive contests.</p>
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                    <h2>Auction Event</h2>
                        <li>Physical Auction</li>
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                    <h2>Live Screening Leagues</h2>
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                    Fantasy Experience For Local Cricket Tournaments
                <p>Aimed for clubs, communities,etc, to experience a completely customizable fantasy sports product and auction event.</p>
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                    <li>Live physical auction with a seasoned auctioneer</li>
                    <li>Customize 200+ rules in fantasy league</li>
                    <li>Your custom made website, android & IOS app</li>
                    <li>Live player ranking. Analyse stats and award trophies</li>
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                    <h2>SBK Reality Show</h2>
                        <li>Reality show for fantasy leagues</li>
                        <li>8 participants competing to win</li>
                        <li>Live on Youtube. Strategies and banters</li>
                        <li>Play the "Fans League" and participate in the show</li>
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                    <h2>Live 1-O-1 Challenge </h2>
                        <li>Challenge online users for leagues</li>
                        <li>Instant draft/ auction/ salary cap league</li>
                        <li>Beat celebrities and top fantasy players</li>
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            <div class="img-box2"><img src="images/ojha-photo.jpg" width="100%" alt="Play Fantasy with Pragyan Ojha" /></div>
            <font>Pragyan Ojha</font>
            <small>International Cricketer</small>
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            <div class="img-box2"><img src="images/sushma-photo.jpg" width="100%" alt="Play Fantasy with Sushma Verma" /></div>
            <font>Sushma Verma</font>
            <small>Indian wicket-keeper</small>
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            <div class="img-box2"><img src="images/atul-photo.jpg" width="100%" alt="Play Fantasy with Atul Wassan" /></div>
            <font>Atul Wassan</font>
            <small>Cricket Commentator</small>
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            <div class="img-box2"><img src="images/hardy-photo.jpg" width="100%" alt="Play Fantasy with Hardy Sandhu" /></div>
            <font>Hardy Sandhu</font>
            <small>Indian singer and actor</small>
        <div class="seli-text">Come and Beat Celebrity's Team</div>
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                        <img src="" alt="world's no.1 Cricket Fantasy Platform" />
                        <div class="full-width footer-text">Welcome to world's no.1 most realistic fantasy sports platform. Fantasy is a game of skill and CricBattle is the only platform where you can play Online Draft / Auction, Salary Cap Fantasy, Head-2-Head Leagues, Customized leagues and Prediction Leagues. You can play both free and paid fantasy for daily and tournament long leagues. We offer fantasy leagues in major tournaments such as IPL, World Cup, EPL (English Premier League), ISL (Indian Super League), Big Bash League, Pro Kabaddi etc. Play fantasy cricket games for all cricket tournaments. One of the superb cricket fantasy website where you can play online fantasy gaming and can also watch live cricket score. Participate in official fantasy cricket T20 game for the IPL 2021. Play Fantasy Cricket, Cricket Fantasy online. You can even create your own private leagues, also challenge your friends and available online users.</div>
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                    Fantasy Cricket is a part of the Fantasy Sports genre. It is an online game where you create a virtual team of real cricket players and score points depending on how your chosen players perform in real life matches. Cricket Fantasy is a game of skill and doesn’t involves in gambling. Along with Cricket Fantasy, Cricbattle also offers Football Fantasy and Kabaddi Fantasy. Cricbattle offers both Draft and Salary Cap fantasy to it’s users.
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                    <br />
                    Big Bash Fantasy and IPL Fantasy League are the two most popular tournaments in Online Fantasy Cricket. Fantasy Cricket league has gained popularity over the years and is exploring a vast market around the world. Big Bash Fantasy generally runs during the Indian winter season and IPL Fantasy runs during the Indian summer season. Also there are many more leagues and international matches which are covered in Cricbattle’s Online Fantasy Cricket, like Caribbean league, International tours and series, Asia Cup, Cricket Worldcup etc.
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                    <br />
                    Now Speaking of Fantasy Soccer. Cricbattle offers both Salary Cap and Draft Fantasy Soccer in some leading tournaments. EPL Draft Fantasy, ISL Fantasy League, FIFA World Cup are some of the most popular tournaments offered. English Premier League, commonly known as EPL is a worldwide recognized league which runs throughout the year and offers a very high quality of football. EPL Draft Fantasy is very widespread in both US and India. EPL Fantasy consists of 38 game weeks in which 20 teams competes against each other in a league format to with the Premier League Champions title. ISL is a new league which is gaining momentum and popularity with each passing day and is providing international exposure to the Indian football players. ISL Fantasy League generally runs during the Indian winter season and it boasts of many international football stars. In ISL 8 teams from different states in India competes for the ISL trophy through a league format and a home away format contest in the knockout stage.
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                    Cricbattle is devoted towards providing quality platform to the users for Fantasy Cricket, Big Bash Fantasy, IPL Fantasy League, ISL Fantasy League, Draft Fantasy Soccer, EPL Draft Fantasy etc.

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<script id="ChallBoxTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
    {{if MessageType == 0}}
    <div class="chat-w-box2" id="divChallBox${ChallangeId}">
        <div class="chat-hed">
            <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                    <td>You have received a Challenge</td>
        <div class="chat-mid">
            <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
                    <td colspan="2" class="chat-text1">
                        <div class="chat-text4">
                            Deadline<br />
                            to accept
                        <div id="challtimerac" class="chat-timer" totaltime="${TotalTime}">${RemainingTime}</div>
                    <td class="chat-text2">Challenger </td>
                    <td class="chat-text11">: ${ChallangeBy}</td>
                    <td class="chat-text2">Fantasy</td>
                    <td class="chat-text3">: ${LeagueModel} ${TnType}</td>
                    <td class="chat-text2">Round Description</td>
                    <td class="chat-text33" colspan="2">: ${RoundDesc} </td>
                    <td class="chat-text2">Round Start Date</td>
                    <td class="chat-text3" colspan="2">: ${ChallangeDate}</td>
                    <td class="chat-text2">Entry Fee</td>
                    <td class="chat-text3" colspan="2">: ${EntryFee}</td>
                    <td class="chat-text2">Winning Amount</td>
                    <td class="chat-text3" colspan="2">: ${Prize}</td>
                    <td colspan="3" align="center"><a href="#" class="chat-btn" onclick="return PlayPrivateChallange(${ChallangeId},true,false,'');">Accept</a><a href="#" class="chat-btn red" onclick="return RejectPrivateChallange(${ChallangeId});">Ignore</a></td>
                    <td class="chat-text3" style="font-size: 14px; color: #333; line-height: 18px;" colspan="3">
                        {{if LeagueModel == "Draft"}}
                        <b>Note:</b> Accepting the challenge will take you to the draft room.
                        {{else LeagueModel == "Auction"}}
                        <b>Note:</b> Accepting the challenge will take you to the auction room.
                        <b>Note:</b> Accepting the challenge will take you to create team page.
    {{else MessageType == 3}}
    <div class="chat-w-box2 chat-w-red" id="divChallBox${ChallangeId}">
        <div class="chat-hed">
            <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                        Your Challenge is Rejected
        <div class="chat-mid">
            <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
                    <td colspan="2" class="chat-text1">
                        <div class="che-pop-title33">
                            Reason for rejecting your challenge
                        <div class="che-pop-title44">
                    <td class="chat-text2">Rejected By </td>
                    <td class="chat-text11">: ${RejectedBy}</td>

                    <td class="chat-text2">Fantasy</td>
                    <td class="chat-text3">: ${LeagueModel} ${TnType}</td>
                    <td class="chat-text2">Round Description</td>
                    <td class="chat-text33" colspan="2">: ${RoundDesc} </td>
                    <td class="chat-text2">Round Start Date</td>
                    <td class="chat-text3" colspan="2">: ${ChallangeDate}</td>
                    <td class="chat-text2">Entry Fee</td>
                    <td class="chat-text3" colspan="2">: ${EntryFee}</td>
                    <td class="chat-text2">Winning Amount</td>
                    <td class="chat-text3" colspan="2">: ${Prize}</td>
                    <td colspan="3" align="center"><a href="#" class="chat-btn" style="width: 170px;" onclick="OnAckRejChallange(${ChallangeId})">Close</a></td>
    <div class="chat-w-box2" id="divChallBox${ChallangeId}">
        <div class="chat-hed">
            <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                        {{if MessageType == 2}}
                        You have accepted Challenge
                        Your Challenge is accepted
        <div class="chat-mid">
            <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
                {{if LeagueModelId == 1}}
                    <td colspan="2" align="center">
                        <div class="chat-text4">
                            ${LeagueModel} will<br />
                            start in
                        <div id="challtimerdraft" class="chat-timer" totaltime="${DraftTotalTime}">${DraftRemainingTime}</div>

                    {{if MessageType == 2}}
                    <td class="chat-text2">Challenger </td>
                    <td class="chat-text11">: ${ChallangeBy}</td>
                    <td class="chat-text2">Accepted By </td>
                    <td class="chat-text11">: ${AcceptedBy}</td>

                    <td class="chat-text2">Fantasy</td>
                    <td class="chat-text3">: ${LeagueModel} ${TnType}</td>
                    <td class="chat-text2">Round Description</td>
                    <td class="chat-text33" colspan="2">: ${RoundDesc} </td>
                    <td class="chat-text2">Round Start Date</td>
                    <td class="chat-text3" colspan="2">: ${ChallangeDate}</td>
                    <td class="chat-text2">Entry Fee</td>
                    <td class="chat-text3" colspan="2">: ${EntryFee}</td>
                    <td class="chat-text2">Winning Amount</td>
                    <td class="chat-text3" colspan="2">: ${Prize}</td>
                    <td colspan="3" align="center"><a href="${LinkURL}" target="_blank" class="chat-btn" style="width: 170px;" onclick="OnAckChallange(${ChallangeId})">${LinkText}</a></td>
<script id="ChallDraftBoxTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
    <div class="draft-w-box2" data-chid="${ChallangeId}">
        <div class="draft-w-title">
        <div class="draft-w-title-2">
            {{if IsAuction}}Auction{{else}}Draft{{/if}} will start in
        <div class="chat-timer" totaltime="${TotalTime}">
        <a href="${LinkURL}" class="d-w-link" target="_blank">Go To {{if IsAuction}}Auction{{else}}Draft{{/if}} Room</a>
        <div class="d-w-hide">Close</div>
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    <div class="chat-w-box2" style="height: 300px; overflow: visible;" id="divChatBox${ChatId}" data-chatid="${ChatId}">
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            <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                    <td class="nh-nowrap" style="width: 170px;">
                    {{if ShowDraftRoomLink(LinkURL, LeagueId)}}
                    <td align="right">
                        <a href="${LinkURL}" class="link-color" style="font-size: 11px;" target="_blank">${LinkText}</a>
            <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="che-chat-close"></a>
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