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          Infinite partnerships,
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                                        Our global affiliate marketing platform empowers advertisers and publishers of all sizes to grow their businesses online.
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                                30,000 customers grow their business every day with Awin's affiliate marketing platform
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                                        Post Office Life Insurance
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                                        Viator - A Tripadvisor Company UK
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                                        Solutions for
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                                            Looking to start an affiliate marketing programme with Awin?
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                                            Find out more if you:
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                                                Have a transactional website that offers a product or a service
                                                Want to commit marketing spend to driving more sales
                                                Want to build online partnerships
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                                            Looking to create partnerships and promote brand products?
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                                            Awin's platform could help if you:
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                                                Can promote links and recommendations to an engaged audience base
                                                Want to earn commission through partnerships
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                                        Solutions for
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                                            Looking to start or scale your client's affiliate programme?
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                                            Contact our agency team if you:
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                                                Have clients that you run affiliate or partner marketing activities for
                                                Want to build online partnerships for your clients
                                                Want to achieve your clients' marketing goals with Awin's platform
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                                    we work with
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                                        Awin works with thousands of businesses across different sectors to help grow their brands through affiliate partnerships.
                                        Find out how they've seen success with Awin's platform.
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                                            Retail &amp; Shopping
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                                                Covering a wide range of online stores including FMCG, department stores, fashion, beauty and technology.
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                                                From favourite high-street brands to online-only retailers, our fashion vertical is extensive.
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                                                Everything from hotels and flights to day trips, tickets, excursions and experiences.
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                                            Finance &amp; Insurance
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                                                A range of financial services including banking, credit cards, insurance products and loans.
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                                            Telco &amp; Services
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                                                Covering telecoms and broadband services, mobile phone providers, ticketing and many more.
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                                        Choose the Awin plan
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                                        Whether you're a small business ready to launch an affiliate marketing programme and reach new customers or a global enterprise looking to enhance your online marketing, we have a plan to suit every need.
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                                    <h3 class="font-semibold text-2xl mb-8">
                                        Awin Access
                                    <div class="prose prose-md mb-10" data-mh="product_description">
                                            Awin Access gives you everything you need to launch a simple and cost-efficient, self-managed programme, without the hassle of a long-term contract.
                                    <div class="mt-auto">
                                        <h4 class="text-sm font-medium text-center mb-10" data-mh="product_price">
                                            <span class="inline break-words">
                                                &pound;75 + VAT per month + 2.5% tracking fee
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                                                                You choose the commission to pay your affiliate partners as a percentage of the transaction value. The Awin tracking fee is an additional 2.5% of the transaction value.
                                                                For example, if you wish to pay 6% of the transaction value to your affiliate partners and the transaction was &pound;100, &pound;6 would go to the affiliate partner and &pound;2.50 to Awin.
                                                                Please note &ndash; if you operate a business within finance or telecommunications where no transaction value exists, alternative rates will be shared.
                                        <a class="border inline-flex justify-center items-center rounded-full text-base/tighter font-semibold px-6 py-15px text-center bg-primary border-primary text-primary-foreground hover:bg-transparent hover:text-primary" href="/gb/advertisers/awin-access" onclick='gtag("event", "Awin Access", { "event_category": "CTA", "event_label": "/gb/advertisers/awin-access" });'>
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                                    <h3 class="font-semibold text-2xl mb-8">
                                        Awin Accelerate
                                    <div class="prose prose-md mb-10" data-mh="product_description">
                                            Awin Accelerate gives you additional features to run a sophisticated programme, with added automation to save you time on everyday affiliate tasks.
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                                        <h4 class="text-sm font-medium text-center mb-10" data-mh="product_price">
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                                                <a class="text-primary" href="/gb/advertisers/awin-accelerate-web-to-lead-gb">
                                                    Talk to us
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                                            Learn more
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                                    <h3 class="font-semibold text-2xl mb-8">
                                        Awin Advanced
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                                            Awin Advanced gives you everything you need to run a data-driven programme, with bespoke reporting for comprehensive results and sophisticated optimisation.
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                                        <h4 class="text-sm font-medium text-center mb-10" data-mh="product_price">
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                                                <a class="text-primary" href="/gb/advertisers/awin-advanced-web-to-lead-gb">
                                                    Talk to us
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                                            Learn more
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                                    with us
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                                        We understand that every type of publisher is unique, and we believe in providing tailored solutions to help you maximise your earnings. Whether you're a content creator, editorial powerhouse, technology partner, or fall into another category, we have the tools to support your affiliate marketing success.
                                <a class="border inline-flex justify-center items-center rounded-full text-base/tighter font-semibold px-6 py-15px text-center w-full mt-10 sm:w-auto bg-dark-foreground border-dark-foreground text-dark hover:bg-transparent hover:text-dark-foreground" href="/gb/publishers" onclick='gtag("event", "Explore how to become a partner", { "event_category": "CTA", "event_label": "/gb/publishers" });'>
                                    Explore how to become a partner
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                            <h2 class="font-semibold text-xs uppercase tracking-wide text-primary">
                                Awin news
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                                Stay up to date with Awin's latest news, events and announcements
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                                    <img alt="Image" class="w-full h-full object-cover object-center" loading="lazy" src=",ar_4.3,c_fill,w_304,h_228,f_auto/v1712222523/awin-website/posts/thumbnail/coa9hhm7o1lj3yauxate.png">
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                                        <h3 class="text-xl font-semibold group-hover:text-dark-foreground">
                                            <a class="url line-clamp-5" href="/gb/news-and-events/awin-news/pma-shortlist">
                                                Awin shortlisted for eight awards at the 2024 Performance Marketing Awards
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                                            The Performance Marketing Awards recognise and celebrate pioneering work, innovation and technology across the affiliate industry.&nbsp;
                                    <div class="flex justify-between text-xxs font-semibold uppercase tracking-wide mt-5 mb-2 gap-6">
                                        <time class="ml-auto text-foreground/40 group-hover:text-primary-foreground/40 whitespace-nowrap" datetime="2024-04-04T11:31:21T+01:004">
                                            4th Apr 2024
                            <article class="group relative border bg-card flex flex-col rounded-card overflow-hidden hover:bg-dark hover:border-dark hover:text-dark-foreground" data-component="card">
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                                    <img alt="Image" class="w-full h-full object-cover object-center" loading="lazy" src=",ar_4.3,c_fill,w_304,h_228,f_auto/v1706005159/awin-website/posts/thumbnail/kqhk6wbvakvhe4rvjd5s.png">
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                                        <h3 class="text-xl font-semibold group-hover:text-dark-foreground">
                                            <a class="url line-clamp-5" href="/gb/news-and-events/awin-news/winter-release">
                                                Unveiling Awin&rsquo;s Winter Release 2024: A Leap Forward in Affiliate Marketing
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                                            Explore Awin's latest product features empowering advertisers, agencies, and publishers to reach further and grow faster.
                                    <div class="flex justify-between text-xxs font-semibold uppercase tracking-wide mt-5 mb-2 gap-6">
                                        <time class="ml-auto text-foreground/40 group-hover:text-primary-foreground/40 whitespace-nowrap" datetime="2024-01-23T10:24:56T+00:0023">
                                            23rd Jan 2024
                            <article class="group relative border bg-card flex flex-col rounded-card overflow-hidden hover:bg-dark hover:border-dark hover:text-dark-foreground" data-component="card">
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                                    <img alt="Image" class="w-full h-full object-cover object-center" loading="lazy" src=",ar_4.3,c_fill,w_304,h_228,f_auto/v1698138159/awin-website/posts/thumbnail/d7alaksypkogrs08vuf6.jpg">
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                                        <h3 class="text-xl font-semibold group-hover:text-dark-foreground">
                                            <a class="url line-clamp-5" href="/gb/news-and-events/awin-news/gpma-2023-highlights">
                                                Highlights from 2023&rsquo;s Global Performance Marketing Awards
                                        <div class="prose mt-2">
                                            Awin and its partners are proud to have taken home three awards at this year&rsquo;s GPMAs including Global Affiliate Network or SaaS of the Year.
                                    <div class="flex justify-between text-xxs font-semibold uppercase tracking-wide mt-5 mb-2 gap-6">
                                        <time class="ml-auto text-foreground/40 group-hover:text-primary-foreground/40 whitespace-nowrap" datetime="2023-10-24T11:12:43T+01:0024">
                                            24th Oct 2023
                            <article class="group relative border bg-card flex flex-col rounded-card overflow-hidden hover:bg-dark hover:border-dark hover:text-dark-foreground" data-component="card">
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                                    <img alt="Image" class="w-full h-full object-cover object-center" loading="lazy" src=",ar_4.3,c_fill,w_304,h_228,f_auto/v1696581657/awin-website/posts/thumbnail/de8cblazfymvqhzyw8dc.png">
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                                        <h3 class="text-xl font-semibold group-hover:text-dark-foreground">
                                            <a class="url line-clamp-5" href="/gb/news-and-events/awin-news/brandswap-integration">
                                                Brand partnership opportunities with BrandSwap Express
                                        <div class="prose mt-2">
                                            Awin is pleased to announce its strategic partnership with BrandSwap, a plug-and-play retail media solution provider.
                                    <div class="flex justify-between text-xxs font-semibold uppercase tracking-wide mt-5 mb-2 gap-6">
                                        <time class="ml-auto text-foreground/40 group-hover:text-primary-foreground/40 whitespace-nowrap" datetime="2023-10-09T02:44:26T+01:009">
                                            9th Oct 2023
                <section class="bg-dark text-dark-foreground overflow-hidden py-15 lg:py-30 scroll-mt-subnav theme--turquoise" data-block="text-image" id="agencies">
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                                <p class="font-semibold text-xs uppercase tracking-wide mb-4">
                                <h2 class="text-4xl font-light">
                                    Empower your clients with our
                                    <span class="font-semibold">
                                        affiliate marketing solution for agencies
                                <div class="prose prose-xl mt-5">
                                        With a range of tools and resources at your disposal, our dedicated agency teams ensure seamless onboarding and quick scaling of your clients' affiliate programme, leveraging the power of data to benchmark performance and explore new partnerships.
                                <a class="border inline-flex justify-center items-center rounded-full text-base/tighter font-semibold px-6 py-15px text-center w-full mt-10 sm:w-auto bg-dark-foreground border-dark-foreground text-dark hover:bg-transparent hover:text-dark-foreground" href="/gb/agency" onclick='gtag("event", "Learn more", { "event_category": "CTA", "event_label": "/gb/agency" });'>
                                    Learn more
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                                        <circle r="5" transform="matrix(-0.5 0.866025 0.866025 0.5 187.182 26.815)">
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                                        <img alt="" class="object-cover object-center" loading="lazy" src="/images/advertisers/intro.png">
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                            <h2 class="font-semibold text-xs uppercase tracking-wide text-primary">
                                Awin insights
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                                Discover the latest trends and analysis from the online industry and Awin
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                                    <img alt="Image" class="w-full h-full object-cover object-center" loading="lazy" src=",ar_4.3,c_fill,w_304,h_228,f_auto/v1713866526/awin-website/market-insight-posts/thumbnail/tsgzfnifvsojpv0ae3qo.png">
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                                        <h3 class="text-xl font-semibold group-hover:text-dark-foreground">
                                            <a class="url line-clamp-5" href="/gb/affiliate-marketing/awin-partner-top-10s-creators-for-fashion-brands">
                                                Awin Partner Top 10s - Creators for Fashion Brands
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                                            This month Awin picks out its top 10 influencers who are connecting fashion shoppers to the brands they love online.
                                    <div class="flex justify-between text-xxs font-semibold uppercase tracking-wide mt-5 mb-2 gap-6">
                                        <a class="relative z-10 hover:underline" href="/gb/affiliate-marketing" onclick='gtag("event", "Affiliate Marketing", { "event_category": "CTA", "event_label": "/gb/affiliate-marketing" });'>
                                            Affiliate Marketing
                                        <time class="ml-auto text-foreground/40 group-hover:text-primary-foreground/40 whitespace-nowrap" datetime="2024-04-23T11:02:41T+01:0023">
                                            23rd Apr 2024
                            <article class="group relative border bg-card flex flex-col rounded-card overflow-hidden hover:bg-dark hover:border-dark hover:text-dark-foreground" data-component="card">
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                                    <img alt="Image" class="w-full h-full object-cover object-center" loading="lazy" src=",ar_4.3,c_fill,w_304,h_228,f_auto/v1713359330/awin-website/market-insight-posts/thumbnail/ovmjh23ut4xxiqaxggpq.png">
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                                        <h3 class="text-xl font-semibold group-hover:text-dark-foreground">
                                            <a class="url line-clamp-5" href="/gb/affiliate-marketing/awin-makes-brand-partnerships-available-in-one-click-with-brandswap-integration">
                                                Awin Makes Brand Partnerships Available in One Click with BrandSwap Integration
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                                            Awin advertisers gain a simple way to drive extra revenue through brand partnerships with new MasterTag integration
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                                        <a class="relative z-10 hover:underline" href="/gb/affiliate-marketing" onclick='gtag("event", "Affiliate Marketing", { "event_category": "CTA", "event_label": "/gb/affiliate-marketing" });'>
                                            Affiliate Marketing
                                        <time class="ml-auto text-foreground/40 group-hover:text-primary-foreground/40 whitespace-nowrap" datetime="2024-04-17T02:07:42T+01:0017">
                                            17th Apr 2024
                            <article class="group relative border bg-card flex flex-col rounded-card overflow-hidden hover:bg-dark hover:border-dark hover:text-dark-foreground" data-component="card">
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                                    <img alt="Image" class="w-full h-full object-cover object-center" loading="lazy" src=",ar_4.3,c_fill,w_304,h_228,f_auto/v1713258517/awin-website/market-insight-posts/thumbnail/cykevoxrhdqussh2jjc8.png">
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                                        <h3 class="text-xl font-semibold group-hover:text-dark-foreground">
                                            <a class="url line-clamp-5" href="/gb/affiliate-marketing/subscription-brand-partnerships">
                                                How subscription brands are using brand partnerships to drive record performance.
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                                            An increasing number of subscription brands are using brand partnerships to acquire new customers.&nbsp;
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                                                The best WordPress affiliate plugins
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                                            When done right, affiliate marketing can be highly lucrative. Yet, to be successful you need the right set of tools. This is where WordPress plugins come in.
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                                                        Discover how senior marketers across the world are using affiliate partnerships to achieve their business goals today. Read the new affiliate marketing industry study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Awin.
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                                                        The Seasonal Releases, will launch 4 times per year, showcasing the latest innovative features and tools (within the Awin platform and beyond) for our customers, whilst highlighting the benefits of implementing them in their affiliate journey. This ranges from solutions that'll allow you to discover partners based on your specific goals, all the way to plugins that'll simplify the process of tracking. We have successfully launched our first ever release recently, Winter 2024.
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                                                        Awin&rsquo;s Power 100
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                                                        An industry first, the Awin Report 2023: Power 100 profiles some of the most-exciting partnerships on our global platform across every market and sector. Collectively generating $4.5bn in revenue and 53m sales for their advertisers in 2021 alone, let the #Power100 inspire, inform, challenge and amplify your own partner marketing efforts.
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