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   Urban Sherpa Travel - NYC Bus Service, Weddings, Yankee Baseball Games, Mets Baseball Games, Wine Tours, Beer Tours, White Water Raftng, Casino Bus Service, Windcreek, Resorts Casino Atlantic City, Tropicana Casino Atlantic City, Harrahs Casino Atlantic City, Resorts Catskills, Mount Airey Casino 
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      Spring &amp; Summer Adventures, Casino, Ball Park, and Wedding Service
                        Spring and Summer NYC bus trips. With nearly 30 years providing reliable NYC bus trips, Urban Sherpa dominates today&rsquo;s winter adventure industry and remains New York City&rsquo;s most popular three-season adventure concierge. Join our experienced leaders aboard one of our Urban Sherpa luxury motor coaches for a day&rsquo;s whitewater rafting, trail biking, a day at the water park, or a pub and wine tour adventure. We also provide bus service to area ball parks, casinos, and wedding venues.
                        Urban Sherpa quickly established itself as the preeminent day trip adventure operator out of New York City. We specialize in single-day trips, a necessity for our urban professional, whose time is measured. We help make the introductory enthusiast more confident or assist the expert prepare for his or her next big adventure. Your Urban Sherpa knows when, where, and how to get you there. Urban Sherpa will help reacquaint you with the exciting great outdoors just outside the city, and we aren&rsquo;t just going to run down to the local park. Thrill-seekers can expect us to get it done with typical New York City flair&mdash;no hype, no guff.
                        COVID-19 Safety
                        Urban Sherpa Travel is committed to the health and safety of our guests and our team. Please be aware that exposure to COVID-19 is an inherent risk in any public location where people are present. We have taken numerous steps to reduce this inherent risk and ask that you familiarize yourself with our
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                            By traveling with Urban Sherpa Travel you acknowledge and agree that you assume these inherent risks associated with your attendance as we have explained them to you.
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