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                                                We eliminate trip hazards to avoid lawsuits, servicing the greater Tampa, Orlando, and Fort Myers areas.
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                            My golf score seems to improve considerably when I have the score card. ~
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                    <span class="missiontitle">
                        The TBGTE Golf League mission is to:
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                                Serve our fellow Tampa Bay area golfers by providing opportunities for enjoyable handicapped competition in seasonal and tournament play
                            <span class="missionbullets">
                                Serve the game of golf by promoting its traditional values of fair, honest competitive play,  respect for others and respect for the game
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                                Serve our sponsors by providing visibility and marketing opportunities within our community of family, friends, fellow employees and acquaintances
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                                Serve our community by publicizing and providing monetary support to local charities
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                                This season, our charity is:
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                                <a href="javascript:void()" onmouseout="jw.hide('div1')" onmouseover="'div1', TEXT, 'To impact the lives of young people by providing educational programs that build character, instill life-enhancing values and promote healthy choices through the game of golf.&lt;br /&gt;Click on the logo to visit the website for more information', WIDTH, 650, CENTERTEXT, false, SHOWCENTERSCREEN, true, APPLYSCROLLOFFSETS, true)">
                                    <img alt="Click here to visit First Tee Tampa Bay" border="0" height="75" onclick="clickAd('900','FirstTeeTampaBay','index.php','','')" src="images/logos/First-Tee-logo-PNG-600x208.png" title="Click here to visit First Tee Tampa Bay" width="150">
                                First Tee Tampa Bay
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                                (mouse over the logo for more information, or click on the logo to be taken to their website)
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