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            .gs_el_ph .gs_hp_ra {
                margin-bottom       : 0;
            #gs_hp_lr .gs_hp_ra:last-child {
                white-space         : normal;
            #gs_md_albl-d {
                width               : 483px;
            .gs_el_ph #gs_md_albl-d {
                width               : 100%;
            .gs_lbl_btns {
                display             : flex;
                justify-content     : space-between;
                padding             : 18px 16px;
            .gs_lbl_hide {
                display             : none;
            !function(GSP) {
                var m, aa = function(a) {
                    var b = 0;
                    return function() {
                        return b < a.length ? {
                            done: !1,
                            value: a[b++]
                        } : {
                            done: !0
                }, r = function(a) {
                    var b = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator && a[Symbol.iterator];
                    if (b) return;
                    if ("number" == typeof a.length) return {
                        next: aa(a)
                    throw Error(String(a) + " is not an iterable or ArrayLike");
                }, ba = "function" == typeof Object.create ? Object.create : function(a) {
                    var b = function() {
                b.prototype = a;
                return new b();
                }, ca = "function" == typeof Object.defineProperties ? Object.defineProperty : function(a, b, c) {
                    if (a == Array.prototype || a == Object.prototype) return a;
                    a[b] = c.value;
                    return a;
                }, da = function(a) {
                    a = ["object" == typeof globalThis && globalThis,a,"object" == typeof window && window,"object" == typeof self && self,"object" == typeof global && global];
                    for (var b = 0; b < a.length; ++b) {
                        var c = a[b];
                        if (c && c.Math == Math) return c;
                    throw Error("Cannot find global object");
                }, ea = da(this), t = function(a, b) {
                    if (b) a: {
                        var c = ea;
                        a = a.split(".");
                        for (var d = 0; d < a.length - 1; d++) {
                            var e = a[d];
                            if (!(e in c)) break a;
                            c = c[e];
                        a = a[a.length - 1];
                        d = c[a];
                        b = b(d);
                        b != d && null != b && ca(c, a, {
                            configurable: !0,
                            writable: !0,
                            value: b
                }, fa;
                if ("function" == typeof Object.setPrototypeOf) fa = Object.setPrototypeOf; else {
                    var ha;
                    a: {
                        var ia = {
                            a: !0
                        }, ja = {
                        try {
                            ja.__proto__ = ia;
                            ha = ja.a;
                            break a;
                        } catch (a) {
                  ha = !1;
                fa = ha ? function(a, b) {
                  a.__proto__ = b;
                  if (a.__proto__ !== b) throw new TypeError(a + " is not extensible");
                  return a;
                } : null;
                var ka = fa, la = function(a, b) {
                    a.prototype = ba(b.prototype);
                    a.prototype.constructor = a;
                    if (ka) ka(a, b); else for (var c in b) if ("prototype" != c) if (Object.defineProperties) {
                        var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(b, c);
                        d && Object.defineProperty(a, c, d);
                    } else a[c] = b[c];
                    a.Tb = b.prototype;
                t("Math.trunc", function(a) {
                    return a ? a : function(b) {
                        b = Number(b);
                        if (isNaN(b) || Infinity === b || -Infinity === b || 0 === b) return b;
                        var c = Math.floor(Math.abs(b));
                        return 0 > b ? -c : c;
                var ma = function(a) {
                    a = Math.trunc(a) || 0;
                    0 > a && (a += this.length);
                    if (!(0 > a || a >= this.length)) return this[a];
                t("", function(a) {
                    return a ? a : ma;
                var na = function(a) {
                    return a ? a : ma;
                t("", na);
                t("", na);
                t("", na);
                t("", na);
                t("", na);
                t("", na);
                t("", na);
                t("", na);
                t("", na);
                t("", function(a) {
                    return a ? a : ma;
                t("Symbol", function(a) {
                    if (a) return a;
                    var b = function(f, g) {
                        this.Za = f;
                        ca(this, "description", {
                            configurable: !0,
                            writable: !0,
                            value: g
                    b.prototype.toString = function() {
                        return this.Za;
                    var c = "jscomp_symbol_" + (1E9 * Math.random() >>> 0) + "_", d = 0, e = function(f) {
                        if (this instanceof e) throw new TypeError("Symbol is not a constructor");
                        return new b(c + (f || "") + "_" + d++, f);
                    return e;
                t("Symbol.iterator", function(a) {
                    if (a) return a;
                    a = Symbol("Symbol.iterator");
                    for (var b = "Array Int8Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray Int16Array Uint16Array Int32Array Uint32Array Float32Array Float64Array".split(" "), c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
                        var d = ea[b[c]];
                        "function" === typeof d && "function" != typeof d.prototype[a] && ca(d.prototype, a, {
                            configurable: !0,
                            writable: !0,
                            value: function() {
                                return oa(aa(this));
                    return a;
                var oa = function(a) {
                    a = {
                        next: a
                    a[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
                        return this;
                    return a;
                }, pa = function(a, b) {
                    a instanceof String && (a += "");
                    var c = 0, d = !1, e = {
                        next: function() {
                            if (!d && c < a.length) {
                                var f = c++;
                                return {
                                    value: b(f, a[f]),
                                    done: !1
                            d = !0;
                            return {
                                done: !0,
                                value: void 0
                    e[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
                        return e;
                    return e;
                t("Array.prototype.keys", function(a) {
                    return a ? a : function() {
                        return pa(this, function(b) {
                            return b;
                var qa = function(a) {
                    var b = typeof a;
                    return "object" == b && null != a || "function" == b;
                }, ra = function(a, b) {
                    var c =, 1);
                    return function() {
                        var d = c.slice();
                        d.push.apply(d, arguments);
                        return a.apply(this, d);
                var sa = function() {
                    this.Z = this.Z;
                    this.ha = this.ha;
                sa.prototype.Z = !1;
                sa.prototype.isDisposed = function() {
                    return this.Z;
                sa.prototype.Ma = function() {
                    this.Z || (this.Z = !0,;
       = function() {
                    if (this.ha) for ( ; this.ha.length; ) this.ha.shift()();
                var ta = function() {
                function u(a, b) {
                function v(a, b) {
                function w(a, b) {
                    return a.classList ? a.classList.contains(b) : !1;
                function x(a, b, c) {
                    c = void 0 !== c ? c : !w(a, b);
                    (c ? u : v)(a, b);
                    return c;
                function y(a) {
                    return 0 <= (navigator.userAgent || "").indexOf(a);
                var ua = y("iPhone") || y("iPad") || y("iPod"), va = y("iPhone") || y("Android") && y("Mobile");
                function xa() {
                    if (void 0 === b) {
                        var a = window.screen;
                        a = {
                            width: window.innerWidth,
                            height: window.innerHeight,
                            Rb: a.width,
                            Qb: a.height
                    } else a = b;
                    var b = a;
                    a = b.width;
                    var c = b.height, d = b.Rb;
                    b = b.Qb;
                    var e = 4;
                    if (600 > a || 48E4 > d * b || va) e = 1; else if (982 > a) e = 2; else if (1136 > a || 590 > c) e = 3;
                    return e;
                var ya, za = /[?&]tc=([01])/.exec( || "");
                ya = za ? 0 < +za[1] : y("Android") ? !0 : window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia("(pointer)").matches ? window.matchMedia("(pointer:coarse)").matches : !y("Firefox") || y("Mobile") || y("Tablet") ? ua || "ontouchstart" in window || 0 < (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints || 0) : !1;
                function Aa() {
                    if (void 0 == Ba) {
                        Ba = !1;
                        try {
                            var a = Object.defineProperty({
                            }, "passive", {
                                get: function() {
                                    Ba = !0;
                            window.addEventListener("testPassive", ta, a);
                            window.removeEventListener("testPassive", ta, a);
                        } catch (b) {
                return Ba;
                var Ba;
                var Ca = function(a) {
                    this.Sb = a;
                }, Da = new Ca("B"), Ea = new Ca("DIV"), Fa = new Ca("IFRAME"), Ga = new Ca("INPUT"), Ha = new Ca("LI"), Ia = new Ca("STYLE"), Ja = new Ca("SPAN");
                function z(a) {
                    return document.getElementById(a);
                function B(a) {
                    return || ( = "gs_id" + Ka++);
                function C(a, b) {
                    return a.getAttribute(b) || "";
                function La(a) {
                    a = (void 0 === a ? null : a) || document.body;
                    return "rtl" == (a ? window.getComputedStyle(a, null) : null).direction;
                function Ma(a, b) {
                    var c = [];
                    a = a.elements;
                    for (var d = a.length, e = 0; e < d; e++) {
                        var f = a[e], g = encodeURIComponent( || ""), h = f.type;
                        !g || b && !b(f) || f.disabled || !("checkbox" != h && "radio" != h || f.checked) || c.push(g + "=" + encodeURIComponent(f.value || ""));
                    return c.join("&");
                function Na(a, b) {
                    var c = a.elements[b];
                    c || (c = G(Ga), c.type = "hidden", = b, a.appendChild(c));
                    return c;
                function Oa(a) {
                    a.match(Pa) && (window.location.href = a);
                function G(a) {
                    return document.createElement(a.Sb);
                function Qa(a) {
                    var b = G(Ea);
                    b.className = a;
                    return b;
                function Ra(a) {
                    var b = z(a);
                    b || (b = G(Ia), = a, document.head.appendChild(b));
                    return b;
                function Sa(a) {
                    for ( ; a; ) {
                        var b = a.nodeName;
                        if ("A" == b) return a;
                        if ("SPAN" == b || "B" == b || "I" == b || "EM" == b || "IMG" == b) a = a.parentNode; else break;
                    return null;
                function Ta(a) {
                    return "transform:scale(1," + a + ");";
                function H(a) {
                    return "transform:translate(0," + a + "px);";
                var Ka = 100, Ua = /\S+/g, Pa = /^(?:https?:|[^:/?#]*(?:[/?#]|$))/i, Wa = /^(?:#|\/[a-z0-9_-]*(?:[?].*)?$)/i;
                function Xa() {
                function Ya() {
                    return window.performance && ? : Xa();
                function Za(a) {
                    return a.hasOwnProperty("gs_uid") ? a.gs_uid : a.gs_uid = ++$a;
                var $a = 0;
                function ab(a) {
                    var b = [];
                    a = r(a);
                    for (var c =; !c.done; c = c = c.value.charCodeAt(0), b.push(32 > c || 126 <= c ? c : String.fromCharCode(32 + (c - 32 + 47) % 94));
                var J = function() {
                    this.A = [];
                    this.da = {
           = this.J = 0;
                J.prototype.add = function(a) {
                    var b = Za(a);
                    this.da[b] || (this.A.push(a), this.da[b] = this.A.length, ++this.J);
                J.prototype.remove = function(a) {
                    a = Za(a);
                    var b = this.da[a];
                    b && (this.A[b - 1] = null, delete this.da[a], 2 * --this.J < this.A.length && ! && bb(this));
                J.prototype.notify = function(a) {
                    var b = this.A;
                    try {
                        for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
                            var d = b[c];
                            d && d.apply(null, arguments);
                    } finally {
                        ! && 2 * this.J < b.length && bb(this);
                J.prototype.getSize = function() {
                    return this.J;
                var bb = function(a) {
                    var b = a.A, c = b.length;
                    a = a.da;
                    for (var d = 0, e = 0; e < c; e++) {
                        var f = b[e];
                        f && (b[d] = f, a[Za(f)] = ++d);
                    b.length = d;
                function K(a, b, c, d, e) {
                    cb(a, b, c, void 0 === d ? !1 : d, void 0 === e ? !1 : e, db);
                function L(a, b, c, d) {
                    cb(a, b, c, void 0 === d ? !1 : d, !1, eb);
                function fb(a, b, c, d, e) {
                    function f(g) {
                        L(a, b, f, d);
                    d = void 0 === d ? !1 : d;
                    K(a, b, f, d, void 0 === e ? !1 : e);
                    return f;
                function gb(a, b, c, d) {
                    var e = fb(a, "animationend", function(g) {
                    }), f = setTimeout(function() {
                        L(a, "animationend", e);
                        d && d();
                    }, c);
                function M(a) {
                    hb ? hb.add(a) : a();
                var ib = window.requestAnimationFrame ? function(a) {
                } : function(a) {
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        return a(Ya());
                    }, 33);
                function jb(a) {
                function kb(a) {
                    return (a.ctrlKey ? 1 : 0) | (a.altKey ? 2 : 0) | (a.metaKey ? 4 : 0) | (a.shiftKey ? 8 : 0);
                function db(a, b, c, d, e) {
                    var f = a.addEventListener;
                    e = e && Aa();
          , b, c, e ? {
                        passive: e,
                        capture: d
                    } : d);
                function eb(a, b, c, d) {
                    a.removeEventListener(b, c, d);
                function cb(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
                    if ("string" === typeof b) f(a, b, c, d, e); else for (var g = b.length, h = 0; h < g; h++) f(a, b[h], c, d, e);
                function lb() {
                    hb = null;
                function mb() {
                    "complete" == document.readyState && (L(document, "readystatechange", mb), lb());
                var hb, nb = !!document.attachEvent, ob = document.readyState;
                if (nb ? "complete" != ob : "loading" == ob) hb = new J(), nb ? K(document, "readystatechange", mb) : fb(document, "DOMContentLoaded", lb);
                function pb() {
                    fb(document, ["mousedown","touchstart"], function() {
                        x(document.documentElement, "gs_pfcs", !0);
                        K(document, "keydown", qb, !0);
                    }, !0, !0);
                function qb(a) {
                    9 == a.keyCode && (x(document.documentElement, "gs_pfcs", !1), L(document, "keydown", qb, !0), pb());
                function rb(a, b, c, d, e) {
                    var f = z(a);
                    sb(f, function() {
                        u(f, "gs_vis");
                        b && b();
                    }, function() {
                        v(f, "gs_vis");
                        c && c();
                    }, d, e);
                function tb(a) {
                    a = N[a] || [0];
                    return a[a.length - 1];
                function sb(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
                    f = void 0 === f ? "" : f;
                    var g = B(a), h = tb(g);
                    if (!h || h < tb(f)) {
                        var k = document.activeElement;
                        f = z(f);
                        ub(vb(f || a), !0);
                        b && b();
                        wb.push(function(l) {
                            N[g].length || delete N[g];
                            if (!l) {
                                (l = e) || k == document.body || (l = k);
                                var n = document.activeElement;
                                if (l) try {
                                } catch (p) {
                      } else n && a.contains(n) && n.blur();
                    c && c();
                  N[g] || (N[g] = []);
                  k && a.contains(k) || setTimeout(function() {
                    var l = d, n = l && "text" == l.type;
                    if (!l || n && ya) l = a;
                    try {
                      l.focus(), n && (l.value = l.value);
                    } catch (p) {
                  }, 0);
                function xb(a) {
                    ub((tb(a) || 1E6) - 1, !1);
                function yb(a) {
                    a = void 0 === a ? !1 : a;
                function ub(a, b) {
                    for (b = void 0 === b ? !1 : b; wb.length > a; ) yb(b || wb.length > a + 1);
                function vb(a) {
                    for (var b = 0; a && !(b = tb(; ) a = a.parentNode;
                    return b;
                var wb = [], N = {
                K(document, "click", function(a) {
                    var b = wb.length;
                    b && !kb(a) && b > vb( && yb(!0);
                K(document, "keydown", function(a) {
                    27 == a.keyCode && !kb(a) && wb.length && yb();
                K(document, "focus", function(a) {
                    var b = wb.length;
                    if (b) for (var c = vb(; c < b; ) {
                        var d = "", e;
                        for (e in N) if (tb(e) == b) {
                            d = e;
                        a: {
                            d = (z(d).getAttribute("data-wfc") || "").match(Ua) || [];
                            for (var f = 0; f < d.length; f++) {
                                var g = z(d[f]);
                                if (g && g.offsetWidth) {
                                    d = g;
                                    break a;
                            d = void 0;
                        if (d) {
                        } else yb(!0), --b;
                }, !0);
                function zb(a, b, c, d) {
                    if ((void 0 === d ? 0 : d) || !(c in Ab)) {
                        a = a && a.getItem(c);
                        if (a) try {
                            var e = JSON.parse(a);
                        } catch (f) {
                  b[c] = e;
                return b[c];
                function Bb(a, b, c, d) {
                    b[c] = d;
                    try {
                        a && a.setItem(c, JSON.stringify(d));
                    } catch (e) {
                function Cb(a) {
                    var b = Eb;
                    delete Ab[a];
                    try {
                        b && b.removeItem(a);
                    } catch (c) {
                function Fb(a, b) {
                    return zb(Eb, Ab, a, void 0 === b ? !1 : b);
                var Ab = {
                }, Eb, Gb = {
                }, Hb;
                try {
                    Eb = window.localStorage, Hb = window.sessionStorage;
                } catch (a) {
                function Ib(a) {
                    return "object" == typeof a ? a : null;
                function Jb() {
                    return Kb || Ib(window.history.state);
                function Lb() {
                    var a = Mb(), b = Nb();
                    b = Ob(b);
                    a = Pb(a);
                    a = Qb(a) || "#";
                    Kb = Ib(b);
                    Rb ? window.history.replaceState(b, "", a) : window.location.replace(a);
                function Sb(a) {
                    var b = [], c;
                    for (c in a) b.push(encodeURIComponent(c) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(a[c]));
                    return b.sort().join("&");
                function Qb(a) {
                    return (a = Sb(a)) ? "#" + a : "";
                function Tb(a) {
                    var b = {
                    a = a.split("&");
                    for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
                        var d = a[c], e = d.indexOf("=");
                        if (e + 1) {
                            var f = d.substr(0, e);
                            d = d.substr(e + 1);
                        } else f = d, d = "";
                        f && (b[decodeURIComponent(f)] = decodeURIComponent(d));
                    return b;
                function Ub() {
                    var a = window.location.hash, b = a.indexOf("#") + 1;
                    return Tb(b ? a.substr(b) : "");
                function Vb(a) {
                    var b = a.indexOf("?") + 1;
                    a = b ? a.substr(b) : "";
                    b = a.indexOf("#");
                    return Tb(b + 1 ? a.substr(0, b) : a);
                function Wb(a, b) {
                    for (var c in b) {
                        var d = b[c];
                        void 0 !== d ? a[c] = d : delete a[c];
                function Pb(a) {
                    var b = Ub();
                    Wb(b, a);
                    return b;
                function Ob(a) {
                    var b = Jb(), c = {
                    }, d;
                    for (d in b) c[d] = b[d];
                    Wb(c, a);
                    return c;
                function Xb() {
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        if (!Yb) {
                            var a = window.history.state;
                            Yb = !0;
                            Kb = Ib(a);
                        $b = !1;
                    }, 0);
                var Zb = new J(), Kb, Yb = !1, $b = !0, Rb = "pushState" in window.history, ac;
                if ("undefined" == typeof GSP) ac = !1; else {
                    var bc = .001 * Xa(), cc = GSP.eventId, dc = !1, ec = zb(Hb, Gb, "nh", !1);
                    ec instanceof Array || (ec = []);
                    for (var fc = ec.length, gc = 0, hc = 0; hc < fc; hc++) {
                        var ic = ec[hc];
                        if (ic instanceof Array && 2 == ic.length) {
                            var jc = ic[1] == cc;
                            dc = dc || jc;
                            10 >= fc - hc && +ic[0] > bc - 86400 && !jc && (ec[gc++] = ic);
                    ec.length = gc;
                    Bb(Hb, Gb, "nh", ec);
                    ac = dc;
                var kc = ac;
                "onpageshow" in window ? K(window, "pageshow", Xb) : M(Xb);
                K(window, Rb ? "popstate" : "hashchange", function(a) {
                    "loading" != document.readyState && (a = a.state, Yb = !0, Kb = Ib(a), Zb.notify());
                function lc() {
                    mc && (L(z("gs_alrt_l"), "click", mc), mc = void 0);
                function nc(a, b, c, d, e) {
                    b = void 0 === b ? "" : b;
                    c = void 0 === c ? "" : c;
                    d = void 0 === d ? [] : d;
                    z("gs_alrt_m").innerHTML = a;
                    a = oc();
                    a.action = c.match(Pa) ? c : "";
                    c = z("gs_alrt_l");
                    c.textContent = b;
                    b = z("gs_alrt_h");
                    b.innerHTML = "";
                    for (var f in d) a = G(Ga), a.type = "hidden", = f, a.value = d[f], b.appendChild(a);
                    e && (mc = e, K(c, "click", e));
                    x(c, "gs_fm_s", !e);
                function pc() {
                    var a = oc();
                    u(a, "gs_anm");
                    u(a, "gs_vis");
                    K(document, "click", qc);
                    rc = setTimeout(qc, 4E3);
                    setTimeout(tc, 0);
                function qc() {
                    sc || (L(document, "click", qc), clearTimeout(rc), rc = void 0, lc(), v(oc(), "gs_vis"));
                function oc() {
                    return z("gs_alrt");
                function tc() {
                    sc = 0;
                var rc, sc = 0, mc;
                M(function() {
                    var a = z("gs_alrt_m");
                    a && (a.innerHTML && !kc && pc(), K(window, "pagehide", function() {
                        sc = 0;
                        v(oc(), "gs_anm");
                function P(a, b, c) {
                    b = void 0 === b ? uc : b;
                    c = void 0 === c ? !1 : c;
                    b.length = 0;
                    a.normalize && (a = a.normalize("NFKD").replace(vc, ""));
                    return a.toLowerCase().replace(wc, function(d, e) {
                        b.length || e && b.push(0);
                        return e && (!c || e + d.length < a.length) ? " " : "";
                function xc(a, b, c, d, e) {
                    var f = c.indexOf(a), g = "", h = "";
                    0 < f && (f = c.indexOf(" " + a));
                    !(a && f + 1) || void 0 !== e && e && f || (f += " " == c[f], g = yc(c.substr(0, f), b, d), h = yc(c.substr(0, f + a.length), b, d).substr(g.length));
                    return [g,h,b.substr(g.length + h.length)];
                function yc(a, b, c) {
                    var d = a.length;
                    for (a = a.split(" ").length; a--; ) d += (c[a] || 0) - 1;
                    return b.substr(0, d + 1);
                var uc = [], vc = /[\u0300-\u036f]+/g, wc = RegExp("[\\s\x00-/:-@[-`{-\u00bf\u2000-\u206f\u2e00-\u2e42\u3000-\u303f\uff00-\uff0f\uff1a-\uff20\uff3b-\uff40\uff5b-\uff65]+", "g"), zc = /^[\d\s]*[\u0590-\u08ff\ufb1d-\ufdff\ufe70-\ufefc]/;
                var Ac = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
                    e = void 0 === e ? [] : e;
                    this.C = a;
                    this.source = b;
                    this.Oa = void 0 === c ? "" : c;
                    this.B = void 0 === d ? "" : d;
                    this.W = e;
                    this.Lb = void 0 === f ? "" : f;
                    this.Sa = void 0 === g ? "" : g;
                var Bc = function() {
                    this.fb = 100;
                    this.J = 0;
                    this.V = this.O = null;
                    this.fa = Object.create(null);
                Bc.prototype.get = function(a) {
                    if (a = this.fa[a]) return Cc(this, a), a.value;
                Bc.prototype.set = function(a, b) {
                    var c = this.fa[a];
                    c ? (c.value = b, Cc(this, c)) : (this.J >= this.fb && (delete this.fa[this.V.key], this.V = this.V.T, = null, --this.J), c = this.fa[a] = {
                        key: a,
                        value: b,
                        ga: this.O,
                        T: null
                    }, this.O ? this.O.T = c : this.V = c, this.O = c, ++this.J);
                var Cc = function(a, b) {
                    var c =, d = b.T;
                    d && (( = c) ? c.T = d : a.V = d, a.O.T = b, = a.O, b.T = null, a.O = b);
                function R(a, b, c) {
                    var d = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    d.onreadystatechange = function() {
                        if (4 == d.readyState) {
                            var e = d.status, f = d.responseText, g = d.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"), h = d.responseURL, k = window.location, l = k.protocol;
                            k = "//" + + "/";
                            h && h.indexOf(l + k) && h.indexOf("https:" + k) && (e = 0, g = f = "");
                            c(e, f, g || "");
           ? "POST" : "GET", a, !0);
                    d.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XHR");
                    b && d.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
                    b ? d.send(b) : d.send();
                    return d;
                function Dc(a) {
                    a && (a.onreadystatechange = function() {
                }, a.abort());
                var Ec = function(a, b) {
                    this.Mb = a;
                    this.Va = b;
           = = 0;
                    this.ya = = "";
                    this.Aa = void 0;
                    this.Ja = new Bc();
                }, Hc = function(a, b, c) {
                    var d = b ? a.Ja.get(Fc(a, b, c)) : [];
                    d ? a.Va(b, c, d) : ( = b, a.ya = c, 10 <= || 3 <= || ( ? void 0 !== a.Aa || (a.Aa = setTimeout(function() {
                    }, 100 << Math.max( - 4, 0))) : Gc(a)));
                }, Gc = function(a) {
                    a.Aa = void 0;
                    var b =, c = a.ya;
           = a.ya = "";
                    if (b) {
                        var d = new XMLHttpRequest();
                        d.onreadystatechange = function() {
                            if (d && 4 == d.readyState) {
                                var e = d.status;
                                200 == e && a.ta(b, c, d.responseText);
                                d = null;
                                Ic(a, e);
                        d.ontimeout = function() {
                            d && (d = null, Ic(a));
              "GET", Fc(a, b, c), !0);
                        d.timeout = 3E4;
                }, Ic = function(a, b) {
                    b = void 0 === b ? 0 : b;
                    var c = 3 * (403 == b ? 1 : 0) + (499 < b && 600 > b ? 1 : 0);
           += c;
                    c && setTimeout(function() {
               -= c;
                    }, 3E4);
                Ec.prototype.ta = function(a, b, c) {
                    try {
                        var d = JSON.parse(c);
                    } catch (q) {
                if (d && "object" == typeof d && (c = d.l, c instanceof Array)) {
                  d = [];
                  for (var e = c.length, f = 0; f < e; f++) {
                    var g = d, h = g.push, k = "" + c[f], l = k.indexOf("|");
                    var n = k.substr(0, l);
                    var p = P(n);
                    k = k.substr(l + 1);
                    l = [];
                    n = new Ac(k, 0, "", P(k, l), l, n, p);
          , n);
                  this.Ja.set(Fc(this, a, b), d);
                  this.Va(a, b, d);
                var Fc = function(a, b, c) {
                    return "/scholar_complete?" + encodeURIComponent(a.Mb) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b) + "&" + c;
                var Kc = function(a) {
                    this.Wa = "H:" + a;
                    this.G = [];
                    this.Kb = .001 * Xa();
                    a = Fb(this.Wa);
                    a instanceof Array || (a = []);
                    for (var b = this.G, c = {
                        "": 1
                    }, d = 0; d < a.length && 50 > b.length; d++) {
                        var e = new Jc(a[d]);
                        c.hasOwnProperty(e.B) || (c[e.B] = 1, b.push(e));
                Kc.prototype.add = function(a, b, c) {
                    c = (void 0 === c ? 0 : c) || .001 * Xa();
                    b = (void 0 === b ? 0 : b) || c;
                    a = new Jc([0,0,a]);
                    if (a.B) {
                        for (var d = this.G, e = d.length, f = 0; f < e && d[f].B != a.B; ) ++f;
                        f < e || d.push(a);
                        e = d[f];
                        if (!(2 > b - e.F)) {
                            e.F = b;
                            e.C = a.C;
                            e.W = a.W;
                            for (e.H = Math.min(e.H + Lc(b), 10 * Lc(c)); f && Mc(d[f], d[f - 1]); ) a = d[f], d[f] = d[f - 1], d[--f] = a;
                            d.splice(50, 1);
                Kc.prototype.remove = function(a) {
                    for (var b = this.G, c = b.length, d = 0; d < c; d++) if (b[d].C == a) {
                        b.splice(d, 1);
                var Nc = function(a) {
                    for (var b = [], c = a.G, d = c.length, e = 0; e < d; e++) b.push(c[e].encode());
                    Bb(Eb, Ab, a.Wa, b);
                function Lc(a) {
                    return Math.exp(.0231 * (Math.max(a - 1422777600, 0) / 86400 | 0));
                var Jc = function(a) {
                    a instanceof Array || (a = Oc);
                    this.F = +a[0] || 0;
                    this.H = +a[1] || 0;
                    this.C = "" + a[2];
                    this.W = [];
                    this.B = P(this.C, this.W, !0);
                Jc.prototype.encode = function() {
                    return [this.F,this.H,this.C];
                var Mc = function(a, b) {
                    var c = a.H - b.H;
                    return 0 < c || !c && a.F > b.F;
                }, Oc = [0,0,""], Pc = function(a, b, c) {
                    this.F = a;
                    this.H = b;
                    this.C = c;
                }, Qc = function(a, b) {
                    var c = a.H - b.H;
                    return 0 < c || !c && a.F > b.F;
                var Rc = function(a) {
                    this.D = a;
                function Sc(a) {
                    var b = G(Da);
                    b.textContent = a;
                    return b;
                var Tc = function(a, b, c) {
                    this.type = a;
                    this.currentTarget = = b;
                    this.j = void 0 === c ? null : c;
                    this.Ba = !1;
                Tc.prototype.stopPropagation = function() {
                    this.j && this.j.stopPropagation();
                    this.Ba = !0;
                var S = function(a) {
                    a.j && jb(a.j);
                    a.Ba = !0;
                var T = function(a, b) {
                    this.Da = a;
                    this.Jb = b;
                }, Uc = function(a, b, c) {
                    this.Da = a;
                    this.types = b;
                    this.listener = c;
                function Vc(a, b) {
                    U(a, "click", b);
                function Wc(a, b) {
                    var c = b.length;
                    if (c) {
                        var d = Za(a), e = Xc[d];
                        if (!e) {
                            e = Xc[d] = [];
                            d = Yc(b[0].Da);
                            for (var f in d) {
                                var g = Zc[f];
                                g || (g = Zc[f] = Object.create(null));
                                for (var h in d[f]) {
                                    var k = g[h];
                                    k || (k = g[h] = []);
                            $c(a, e, b[0], ad);
                            for (f = 1; f < c; f++) $c(a, e, b[f], bd);
                function V(a, b, c) {
                    cd(new Tc(a, b, void 0 === c ? null : c));
                function U(a, b, c) {
                    var d = dd;
                    "string" === typeof b && (ed[0] = b, b = ed);
                    var e = b.length;
                    a = Yc(a);
                    for (var f in a) for (var g in a[f]) for (var h = 0; h < e; h++) d(f, g, b[h], c);
                function Yc(a) {
                    "string" === typeof a && (fd[0] = a, a = fd);
                    for (var b = a.length, c = Object.create(null), d = 0; d < b; d++) {
                        var e = a[d], f = e.charAt(0), g = e.substr(1);
                        if ("#" != f && "." != f || !g) throw Error("bad selector: " + e);
                        (e = c[f]) || (e = c[f] = Object.create(null));
                        e[g] = !0;
                    return c;
                function dd(a, b, c, d) {
                    var e = gd[c];
                    e || ("touchstart" != c && "mouseover" != c && "mouseout" != c && K(document, c, hd, "focus" == c || "blur" == c), e = gd[c] = Object.create(null));
                    (c = e[a]) || (c = e[a] = Object.create(null));
                    (a = c[b]) || (a = c[b] = new J());
                function hd(a) {
                    var b =;
                    b && 3 == b.nodeType && (b = b.parentNode);
                    cd(new Tc(a.type, b, a));
                function cd(a) {
                    for (var b =; b && b != document && !b.disabled && !w(b, "gs_dis"); ) {
                        a.currentTarget = b;
                        var c =;
                        if (c && !id("#", c, a)) break;
                        c = b.classList || [];
                        for (var d = c.length, e = 0; e < d; e++) if (!id(".", c[e], a)) return;
                        b = b.parentNode;
                function id(a, b, c) {
                    var d = gd[c.type];
                    (b = (a = d && d[a]) && a[b]) && b.notify(c);
                    return !c.Ba;
                function $c(a, b, c, d) {
                    var e = c.Da;
                    c = c.Jb;
                    for (var f in c) {
                        var g = ra(d, a, c[f]);
                        U(e, f, g);
                        b.push(new Uc(e, f, g));
                function ad(a, b, c) {
                    var d = c.currentTarget;
                    a = jd(a, d) || a;
                    a = kd(a, d);
          , c);
                function bd(a, b, c) {
                    a: {
                        for (var d = c.currentTarget; d && d != document; ) {
                            var e = jd(a, d);
                            if (e) {
                                a = kd(e, d);
                                break a;
                            d = d.parentNode;
                        a = void 0;
                    a &&, c);
                function kd(a, b) {
                    var c = ld(b), d = md[c];
                    d || (d = md[c] = []);
                    for (var e = d.length, f = 0; f < e; f++) {
                        var g = d[f];
                        if (g instanceof a) return g;
                    b = new a(b);
                    a = Za(a);
                    (d = nd[a]) || (d = nd[a] = []);
                    return b;
                function jd(a, b) {
                    var c, d =;
                    d && (c = od(a, c, "#", d));
                    b = b.classList || [];
                    d = b.length;
                    for (var e = 0; e < d; e++) c = od(a, c, ".", b[e]);
                    return c;
                function od(a, b, c, d) {
                    c = (d = (c = Zc[c]) && c[d]) ? d.length : 0;
                    for (var e = 0; e < c; e++) {
                        var f = d[e];
                        !(f === a || f.prototype instanceof a) || b && !(f === b || f.prototype instanceof b) || (b = f);
                    return b;
                function ld(a) {
                    var b = a.getAttribute("data-duid");
                    b || a.setAttribute("data-duid", b = "" + pd++);
                    return b;
                var gd = Object.create(null), fd = [""], ed = [""], Zc = Object.create(null), Xc = Object.create(null), nd = Object.create(null), md = Object.create(null), pd = 100;
                window.gs_evt_dsp = hd;
                function qd(a) {
                    if ("string" === typeof a) {
                        var b = a.charAt(0), c = a.slice(1);
                        if ("#" == b) a = function(d) {
                            return == c && 0 < d.offsetWidth;
                        }; else if ("." == b) a = function(d) {
                            return w(d, c) && 0 < d.offsetWidth;
                        }; else throw Error("bad selector: " + a);
                    return a;
                function rd(a, b) {
                    return a && ((void 0 === b ? 0 : b) ? a.lastElementChild : a.firstElementChild);
                function sd(a, b) {
                    return a && ((void 0 === b ? 0 : b) ? a.previousElementSibling : a.nextElementSibling);
                function td(a, b, c, d) {
                    d = void 0 === d ? !1 : d;
                    return ud(a, b, qd(c), d, !1);
                function ud(a, b, c, d, e) {
                    for (var f; b && a; ) {
                        if (c(b)) {
                            if (e) return b;
                        } else for (f = rd(b, d); f; f = sd(f, d)) if (e = ud(f, f, c, d, !0)) return e;
                        for (e = !0; ; ) {
                            if (b == a) return null;
                            f = b.parentNode;
                            if (b = sd(b, d)) break;
                            b = f;
                    return null;
                var W = function(a) {
                    var b = this;
                    this.i = a.querySelector(".gs_in_ac");
                    this.D = a.querySelector(".gs_md_ac");
                    this.aa = this.N = !1;
                    this.G = new Kc(;
                    this.jb = new Ec(, function(c, d, e) {
                        d == b.ia && vd(b, c) && (c.length >= b.ja.length || !vd(b, b.ja)) && (b.ja = c, b.Ca = e, wd(b));
                    this.Ta = 0;
                    this.Nb = new Rc(this.D);
                    this.Pa = [];
                    this.Ra = [];
                    this.ja = "";
                    this.Ca = [];
                    this.ia = "";
                    this.I = this.i.value;
                    K(this.i.form, ["change","gs-change"], function() {
                }, yd = function(a) {
                    return "block" ==;
                }, Ad = function(a) {
                    if (yd(a)) {
                        var b = zd(a);
                        b && v(b, "gs_sel");
                        a.N = a.aa = !1;
               = "none";
                }, Bd = function(a, b, c) {
                    c = void 0 === c ? [] : c;
                    a.Pa = c;
                    c = a.G;
                    var d = P(b);
                    var e = " " + d, f = d.length, g = d.split(" ").length, h = .1 / Lc(c.Kb), k = c.G, l = k.length;
                    c = [];
                    for (var n = 0; n < l; n++) {
                        var p = k[n], q = p.B, A = q.indexOf(d);
                        if (!(0 > A)) {
                            var I = 10;
                            A && (A = q.lastIndexOf(e), I = +(0 <= A));
                            q = I * (2 * (g - 1) + (1 + (" " == (q[A + f] || " ")))) / g;
                            A = p.H * h;
                            if (q = d ? q * A : 1) {
                                p = new Pc(p.F, q, p.C);
                                for (q = 0; q < c.length && !Qc(p, c[q]); ) ++q;
                                3 > q && c.splice(q, 0, p);
                                c.splice(3, 1);
                    d = [];
                    for (e = 0; e < c.length; e++) f = d, g = f.push, h = c[e].C, k = [], h = new Ac(h, 2, "", P(h, k), k),, h);
                    a.Ra = d;
                    Hc(a.jb, b, a.ia);
                }, vd = function(a, b) {
                    return 0 == P(a.i.value).indexOf(P(b));
                }, Cd = function(a) {
                    var b = a.i.value;
                    a.I = b;
                    var c = [], d = a.i.getAttribute("data-iq") || "", e = a.i.getAttribute("data-is");
                    if (d == b && e) {
                        d = document.querySelectorAll(e);
                        e = d.length;
                        for (var f = 0; f < e && 10 > f; f++) {
                            var g = d[f];
                            c.push(new Ac(g.textContent, 1, g.innerHTML));
                    Bd(a, b, c);
                }, wd = function(a) {
                    a.Ta++ || ib(function() {
                        a.Ta = 0;
                        var b = a.Pa, c = a.Ra;
                        var d = a.Ca;
                        if (b.length) b = b.slice(0, 10); else {
                            b = c.slice(0, 3);
                            var e = d.length && d[0].Sa;
                            c = e ? 3 : 10;
                            var f = b.length;
                            if (!f || !e) {
                                for (e = Object.create(null); f--; ) e[b[f].B] = !0;
                                for (f = 0; f < d.length && b.length < c; f++) {
                                    var g = d[f];
                                    e[g.B] || b.push(g);
                        d = b;
                        var h = a.i.value, k = a.Nb.D.firstElementChild;
                        g = k.querySelector(".gs_md_acs");
                        b = k.querySelector("ul");
                        c = (c = b.querySelector(".gs_sel")) ? c.getAttribute("data-q") : "";
                        f = d.length;
                        var l = [];
                        e = P(h, l);
                        b.innerHTML = "";
                        if (f) {
                            var n = d[0].Sa, p = n && "gs_md_acp";
                            "string" === typeof p || (p = p.join(" "));
                            k.className != p && (k.className = p);
                            h = xc(n, h, e, l, !0);
                            g.textContent = h[0] + h[1];
                            h = h[2];
                            e = P(h, l);
                            for (g = 0; g < f; g++) {
                                n = d[g];
                                k = G(Ha);
                                l = (n.Lb || "") + n.C;
                                k.className = "gs_md_ac_li";
                                k.setAttribute("data-q", l);
                                k.setAttribute("onclick", "");
                                if (n.Oa) k.innerHTML = n.Oa; else {
                                    h = xc(e, n.C, n.B, n.W);
                                    if (!h[1]) {
                                        for (h = 0; n.B[h] == e[h]; ) ++h;
                                        h = xc(e.substr(0, h), n.C, n.B, n.W);
                                    h[0] && k.appendChild(Sc(h[0]));
                                    h[2] && k.appendChild(Sc(h[2]));
                                    2 == n.source && (u(k, "gs_md_ac_lh"), h = G(Ja), h.className = "gs_ico gs_ico_X gs_ico_Xt", k.appendChild(h));
                                l == c && u(k, "gs_sel");
                        d = d.length && document.activeElement == a.i;
                        d != yd(a) && (d ? yd(a) || (a.N = a.aa = !1, = "block") : Ad(a));
                }, zd = function(a) {
                    return a.D.querySelector(".gs_sel");
                }, Ed = function(a, b) {
                    var c = a.i.getAttribute("data-oq") || "oq", d = a.i.form, e = d.elements[c];
                    e || (e = G(Ga), = c, e.type = "hidden", d.appendChild(e));
                    e.value = a.I;
                    a.i.value = Dd(b);
                }, Fd = function(a) {
                    V("gs-change", a.i);
                m = W.prototype;
                m.zb = function() {
                    var a = this.i.value;
                    this.I != a && (this.I = a, Bd(this, a), Gd(this.i, P(a).match(zc) ? "rtl" : "ltr"));
                m.ra = function(a) {
                    if (!this.aa) {
                        var b = a.j, c = b.keyCode;
                        b = kb(b);
                        var d;
                        13 != c || b ? 27 != c || b ? 38 != c && 40 != c || b ? (46 == c && !b || 88 == c && (1 == b || 4 == b)) && (d = zd(this)) && w(d, "gs_md_ac_lh") && (this.i.selectionStart || 0) >= this.i.value.length && (this.G.remove(Dd(d)), Bd(this, this.i.value = this.I), S(a), Fd(this)) : (yd(this) ? ((d = zd(this)) && v(d, "gs_sel"), (d = td(this.D, d || this.D, ".gs_md_ac_li", 38 == c)) ? (u(d, "gs_sel"), this.i.value = Dd(d)) : this.i.value = this.I, Fd(this)) : Cd(this), S(a)) : yd(this) && (this.i.value = this.I, Ad(this), S(a), Fd(this)) : ((d = zd(this)) && Ed(this, d), Ad(this), Fd(this));
       = function() {
                    var a = this;
                    document.activeElement == this.i ? Cd(this) : (clearTimeout(this.wa), this.wa = setTimeout(function() {
                        a.wa = void 0;
                    }, 500));
                m.yb = function() {
                    void 0 !== this.wa && Cd(this);
                m.nb = function() {
                    var a = this;
                    setTimeout(function() {
                    }, this.N ? 300 : 0);
                m.mb = function(a) {
                    this.N && S(a);
                m.wb = function() {
                    this.aa = !0;
                m.vb = function() {
                    this.aa = !1;
                var xd = function(a) {
                    var b = a.i, c = Ma(b.form, function(d) {
                        return d != b;
                    c != a.ia && (a.ia = c, a.ja = "", a.Ca = []);
                m = W.prototype;
                m.rb = function(a) {
                    this.N = !0;
       = function() {
                    this.N = !0;
       = function() {
                    this.N = !1;
                m.ob = function(a) {
                    var b = a.currentTarget;
                    if (w(, "gs_ico_X")) this.G.remove(Dd(b)), Bd(this, this.i.value = this.I); else {
                        Ed(this, b);
                        var c = this.i.form;
                        setTimeout(function() {
                        }, 0);
                m.qb = function(a) {
                    a = a.currentTarget;
                    if (!w(a, "gs_sel")) {
                        var b = zd(this);
                        b && v(b, "gs_sel");
                        u(a, "gs_sel");
                m.pb = function(a) {
                    v(a.currentTarget, "gs_sel");
                var Hd = [new T(".gs_in_acw", {
                }),new T(".gs_in_ac", {
                    input: W.prototype.zb,
                    keydown: W.prototype.ra,
                    focus: W.prototype.yb,
                    blur: W.prototype.nb,
                    beforedeactivate: W.prototype.mb,
                    compositionstart: W.prototype.wb,
                    compositionend: W.prototype.vb
                }),new T(".gs_md_ac", {
                    mousedown: W.prototype.rb,
                }),new T(".gs_md_ac_li", {
                    click: W.prototype.ob,
                    mouseover: W.prototype.qb,
                    mouseout: W.prototype.pb
                function Dd(a) {
                    return a.getAttribute("data-q") || "";
                function Gd(a, b) {
                    a.getAttribute("dir") != b && (a.setAttribute("dir", b), a = a.parentNode, a.setAttribute("dir", b), a.querySelector(".gs_md_ac").setAttribute("dir", b));
                function Id() {
                    for (var a = document.querySelectorAll(".gs_in_ac"), b = a.length, c = 0; c < b; c++) {
                        var d = a[c], e = d.getAttribute("data-iq") || "";
                        d.value = e;
                        Gd(d, P(e).match(zc) ? "rtl" : "ltr");
                        V("gs-change", d);
                        e = d.getAttribute("data-oq") || "oq";
                        (e = d.form.elements[e]) && d.form.removeChild(e);
                function Jd(a) {
                    return (w(a, "gs_sel") ? 1 : 0) + 2 * (w(a, "gs_par") ? 1 : 0);
                function Kd(a, b, c) {
                    c = void 0 === c ? !1 : c;
                    x(a, "gs_sel", 1 == b);
                    x(a, "gs_par", 2 == b);
                    a.setAttribute("aria-checked", Ld[b]);
                    c || a.setAttribute("data-s", "" + b);
                var Ld = ["false","true","mixed"];
                var Md = function(a) {
                    var b = window, c = this;
                    this.A = new J();
                    this.Ua = 0;
                    this.Ea = [b,a,function() {
                        c.Ua++ || ib(d);
                    var d = function() {
                        c.Ua = 0;
                Md.prototype.addListener = function(a) {
                    this.A.getSize() || K.apply(null, this.Ea);
                Md.prototype.removeListener = function(a) {
                    this.A.getSize() || L.apply(null, this.Ea);
                var Nd = new Md("scroll"), Od = new Md("resize");
                function Pd(a) {
                var Qd = new J();
                function Rd() {
                    var a = document.documentElement, b = xa();
                    b = {
                        gs_el_ph: 1 == b,
                        gs_el_ta: 2 == b,
                        gs_el_sm: 4 != b,
                        gs_el_tc: ya || 1 == b
                    var c;
                    for (c in b) {
                        var d = b[c];
                        if (w(a, c) != d) {
                            var e = !0;
                            x(a, c, d);
                    e && Qd.notify();
                x(document.documentElement, "gs_el_ios", ua);
                K(window, ["pageshow","load"], Rd);
                var Sd = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
                    this.m = a;
                    this.Y = b;
                    this.S = c;
                    this.X = d;
                    this.xa = e;
                    this.R = f;
                    this.v = null;
                }, Td = function(a, b) {
                    a.v = b;
                }, Ud = function() {
                    this.s = [];
                    this.o = -1;
                Ud.prototype.push = function(a) {
                    this.o == this.s.length ? this.s.push(a) : (this.s[this.o] = a, this.s.splice(this.o + 1, this.s.length - this.o));
                Ud.prototype.pop = function() {
                var Vd = function(a) {
                    for (var b = X; b.o > a; ) xb(;
                }, Wd = function(a, b) {
                    for (var c = 0; c < a.s.length && !(a.s[c].R >= b); ++c) ;
                    return c;
       = function() {
       = function(a) {
                    return this.s[a] || null;
                function Xd(a, b) {
                    var c = a == X.o;
                    X.o = a;
                    b && !Jb() && Lb();
                    c || Yd();
                function Zd(a, b, c, d) {
                    b = void 0 === b ? "" : b;
                    c = void 0 === c ? "" : c;
                    d = void 0 === d ? "" : d;
                    var e =;
                    e && a == e.m && b == e.Y && c == e.S || (X.push(new Sd(a, b, c, d, e && e.m == a ? e.xa + 1 : 1, Xa())), b = Mb(), a = Nb(), a = Ob(a), b = Pb(b), b = Qb(b) || "#", Kb = Ib(a), Rb ? window.history.pushState(a, "", b) : window.location.assign(b), Yd());
                function $d(a) {
                    a = ae(z(a));
                    return !!a && w(a, "gs_md_wmw") && w(document.documentElement, "gs_el_ph");
                function be() {
                    var a = z("gs_top"), b = document.documentElement;
                    a = a.scrollHeight > b.clientHeight;
                    for (var c = !1, d = 0; d <= X.o && !c; ++d) c = !$d(;
                    x(z("gs_md_s"), "gs_vis", c);
                    c = X.o;
                    1 <= c && (c = - 1).m, d = $d(c), x(z(c), "gs_md_ins_vis", !d));
           = a && !$d( ? "scroll" : "";
                function Yd() {
                    function a() {
                        var O = c.clientHeight, E = +I.getAttribute("data-h");
                        E || ( = "none", E = f.offsetHeight);
                        var F = f.querySelector(".gs_md_ftr");
                        E = Math.max((O - E) / 2, 10);
                        O = Math.max(O - 48 - (F ? F.offsetHeight : 0) - 2 * E, 10);
                        F = $d(e);
               = F ? "auto" : E + "px";
               = F ? "none" : O + "px";
                    var b =, c = document.documentElement, d = z("gs_top"), e = b.m, f = z(e), g = z(e + "-bdy"), h = 1200 + X.o, k = z(f.getAttribute("data-cid") || + "-bdy") || f, l = b.X, n = b.S, p = b.Y, q = z("gs_md_s"), A = z(e).getAttribute("data-shd") || "", I = ae(f), D = window.pageYOffset, Q = p && "#" != p[0] && !l, wa = 0 < X.o ? - 1).m : "", Va = !!N[e];
                    Q ? (Va ? x(k, "gs_md_ldg", !0) : de(f, k, '<div class="gs_md_prg">' + z("gs_md_ldg").innerHTML + "</div>", b), V("gs-md-ldin", k)) : (l && de(f, k, l, b), V("gs-md-lded", k));
                    Va && e == wa || sb(f, function() {
                        (I || f).style.zIndex = h;
                        Va || (I && u(I, "gs_vis"), u(f, "gs_vis"), x(f, "gs_abt", $b), x(q, "gs_abt", $b), fe(e), 0 == X.o ? Pd(be) : be(), I && g && (a(), Od.addListener(a)));
                        0 == X.o && (u(d, "gs_nscl"), = -D + "px");
                    }, function() {
                        Va || (Od.removeListener(a), I && v(I, "gs_vis"), v(f, "gs_vis"), v(f, "gs_abt"));
                        for (var O = ? : 0; && == e; ) {
                            var E =;
                            E.v = null;
                        if ( {
                            if (E =, ee(z(E).getAttribute("data-shd") || ""), v(z(E), "gs_md_ins_vis"), Va) {
                                a: {
                                    E = X;
                                    for (var F = E.o; 0 <= F; F--) if (E.s[F].m == e) {
                                        E = F;
                                        break a;
                                    E = -1;
                                F =;
                                (I || f).style.zIndex = 1200 + E;
                                de(f, k, F.X, F);
                        } else v(q, "gs_vis"), v(q, "gs_abt");
                        -1 == X.o ? (Qd.remove(be), = "", v(d, "gs_nscl"), = "auto", window.scrollTo(0, D)) : be();
                        ge || (0 < O ? window.history.go(-O) : Lb());
                    }, he(f), ie(f), wa);
                    Q && (Dc(b.v), b.v = null, Td(b, R(p, n, function(O, E, F) {
                        b.v = null;
                        F = (O = 200 == O && F.match(/^text\/html(;.*)?$/i)) ? E : je();
                        de(f, k, F, b);
                        if (O) for (O = e, F = 0; F < X.s.length; ++F) {
                            var Db =;
                            O == Db.m && p == Db.Y && n == Db.S && (Db.X = E, F == X.o && Lb());
                        V("gs-md-lded", k);
                function ae(a) {
                    a = a.parentNode;
                    return w(a, "gs_md_wnw") ? a : null;
                function he(a) {
                    return (a = a.getAttribute("data-ifc")) ? z(a) : null;
                function ie(a) {
                    return (a = a.getAttribute("data-cfc")) ? z(a) : null;
                function de(a, b, c, d) {
                    x(b, "gs_md_ldg", !1);
                    for (var e = b.querySelectorAll("[data-duid]"), f = e.length, g = {
                    }, h = 0; h < f; h++) {
                        for (var k = ld(e[h]), l = md[k], n = l ? l.length : 0, p = 0; p < n; p++) {
                            var q = l[p], A = Za(q.constructor), I = g[A];
                            I || (I = g[A] = {
                            I[k] = !0;
                            q && "function" == typeof q.Ma && q.Ma();
                        delete md[k];
                    for (var D in g) {
                        D = +D;
                        e = g[D];
                        h = (f = nd[D]) ? f.length : 0;
                        for (l = k = 0; l < h; l++) n = f[l], n in e || (f[k++] = n);
                        k ? f.length = k : delete nd[D];
                    b.innerHTML = c;
                    d.X = c;
                    d.v = null;
                function fe(a) {
                    if (a = document.querySelector("#" + a + ">.gs_md_bdy")) a.scrollTop = a.scrollLeft = 0, ce(a);
                function ce(a) {
                    var b =, c = "padding" + (La(a) ? "Left" : "Right");
                    b[c] = "";
                    var d = a.offsetWidth - a.clientWidth;
                    2 < d && (a = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(a, null)[c], 10) || 0, b[c] = Math.max(a - d, 0) + "px");
                function ke() {
                    return z("gs_md_err").innerHTML;
                function je() {
                    return '<div class="gs_md_prg"><div class="gs_alrt">' + ke() + "</div></div>";
                function Mb() {
                    var a =;
                    return {
                        d: a && a.m || void 0,
                        u: a && a.Y || void 0,
                        p: a && a.S ? "1" : void 0,
                        t: a && a.R || void 0
                function Nb() {
                    var a =;
                    return {
                        n: a && a.xa || 0,
                        p: a && a.S || "",
                        h: a && a.X || ""
                function ee(a) {
                    if (le != a) {
                        var b = z("gs_md_s");
                        le && v(b, le);
                        (le = a) && u(b, a);
                var ge = 0, le = "", X = new Ud();
                Zb.add(function() {
                    var a = Ub(), b = a.d || "", c = b ? z(b) : null;
                    if (c) {
                        var d = a.u || "";
                        c = 0 < +a.p;
                        var e = +a.t || 0, f = Jb() || {
                        a = +f.n || 0;
                        var g = "" + (f.p || "");
                        f = "" + (f.h || "");
                        d.match(Wa) || (d = "");
                        for (var h = Wd(X, e), k = h; k < X.s.length; ++k) {
                            var l =;
                            if (e < l.R && l.m != b) break;
                        for (l = h - 1; 0 <= l; --l) {
                            var n =;
                            if (e > n.R && n.m != b) break;
                        Vd(k - 1);
                        for (k = 0; k <= l; ++k) n =, N[n] || Xd(l, !1);
                        if (l = h < X.s.length) l =, l = b == l.m && d == l.Y && c == !!l.S && e == l.R;
                        l ? Xd(h, !0) : (0 == a && (Vd(-1), X = new Ud(), e = Xa()), c != !!g && (d = g = "", f = je()), b = new Sd(b, d, g, f, a, e), c = X, e = b.R, a = Wd(c, e), e = a < c.s.length && e ==, c.s.splice(a, e ? 1 : 0, b), X.o = a, Lb(), Yd());
                    } else Vd(-1);
                var me = function(a) {
                    this.ea = a;
           = Object.create(null);
                    this.v = null;
                    a = a.querySelectorAll(".gs_in_txtw>input[type=text]");
                    for (var b = a.length; b--; ) {
                        var c = a[b], d = c.parentNode.querySelector(".gs_in_txts");
                        c =;
                        d && c && ([c] = d.innerHTML);
                la(me, sa);
       = function() {
                    this.ea = this.v = null;
                me.prototype.Db = function(a) {
                    var b = this;
                    if ((a = this.ea) && !this.v) {
                        var c = "json=&" + Ma(a);
                        ne(this, !0);
                        this.v = R(a.action, c, function(d, e) {
                            b.ta(d, e);
                me.prototype.ta = function(a, b) {
                    this.v = null;
                    ne(this, !1);
                    var c = this.ea, d = c.getAttribute("data-alrt");
                    if (d = d ? z(d) : null) d.innerHTML = "";
                    try {
                        var e = 200 == a && JSON.parse(b);
                    } catch (p) {
                a = !1;
                e && "object" == typeof e || (a = ke(), d ? d.innerHTML = a : nc(a), e = {
                }, a = !0);
                c.setAttribute("data-p", "" + (e.P || ""));
                V("gs-ajax-form-done", c);
                if (b = e.L) Oa("" + b); else {
                  if (b = e.M) d ? d.innerHTML = b : nc(b), a = !0;
                  b = 1E6;
                  if (d && d.innerHTML) {
                    var f = d;
                    b = d.getBoundingClientRect().top;
                  d = c.elements;
                  e = e.E;
                  "object" == typeof e || (e = Object.create(null));
                  for (var g in {
                    var h = d[g], k = void 0, l = "" + (e[g] || ""), n = h.parentNode.querySelector(".gs_in_txts");
                    x(h.parentNode, "gs_in_txte", !!l);
                    n && (n.innerHTML = l ||[g] || "");
                    l && (k = h.getBoundingClientRect().top) < b && (f = h, b = k);
                    a = a || !!l;
                  (c = c.getAttribute("data-d")) && !a && xb(c);
                  f && f.scrollIntoView && (0 > b || b + 20 > window.innerHeight) && f.scrollIntoView();
                var ne = function(a, b) {
                    a = a.ea;
                    var c = a.getAttribute("data-bsel");
                    a = c ? document.querySelectorAll(c) : a.querySelectorAll("button");
                    for (c = a.length; c--; ) {
                        var d = a[c];
                        d.disabled = b;
                        x(d, "gs_bsp", b);
                Wc(me, [new T(".gs_ajax_frm", {
                    submit: me.prototype.Db
                var oe = [[1,0,1],[2,0,1]];
                U(".gs_cb_gen", "click", function(a) {
                    var b = a.currentTarget, c = Jd(b), d = 2 == +b.getAttribute("data-s");
                    Kd(b, oe[+d][c], !0);
                    V("gs-change", b, a.j);
                U(".gs_cb_gen", ["keydown","keyup"], function(a) {
                    var b = a.currentTarget, c = a.j.keyCode;
                    "BUTTON" != b.tagName || 13 != c && 32 != c || (S(a), "keydown" == a.type &&;
                U([".gs_cb_gen",".gs_md_li"], "keydown", function(a) {
                    var b = a.currentTarget, c = b.tagName, d = a.j.keyCode;
                    "BUTTON" != c && (32 == d || 13 == d && "A" != c) && (S(a),;
                var pe = ["click","contextmenu","mouseup"].concat(navigator.sendBeacon ? [] : ["mousedown","touchstart"]), qe = "", re = null;
                function se() {
                    re = null;
                function te(a) {
                    navigator.sendBeacon ? navigator.sendBeacon(a) : re && a == re.src || ((re = new Image()).src = a, setTimeout(se, 1E3));
                function ue() {
                    var a = Vb(document.location.href).hl || "";
                    a = "/scholar_bfnav?url=" + encodeURIComponent(document.location.href) + "&hl=" + encodeURIComponent(a) + "&ei=" + GSP.eventId;
                M(function() {
                    qe = kc ? "&bn=1" : "";
                    kc && ue();
                K(window, "pageshow", function(a) {
                    a.persisted && (qe = "&bn=1", ue());
                K(document, pe, function(a) {
                    if (!("click" == a.type && a.button || "mouseup" == a.type && 1 != a.button)) {
                        var b, c;
                        (a = Sa( && (b = a.getAttribute("href")) && (c = a.getAttribute("data-clk")) && (b = "/scholar_url?url=" + encodeURIComponent(b) + "&" + c + "&ws=" + window.innerWidth + "x" + window.innerHeight + "&at=", c = encodeURIComponent, a = (a = a.getAttribute("data-clk-atid")) ? z(a) : null, a = b + c(a && a.innerText || "") + qe, te(a));
                }, !1, !0);
                U(".gs_fm_s", "click", function(a) {
                    a = a.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-fm") || "";
                    (a = z(a)) && a.submit();
                var ve = function(a) {
                    this.m = B(a.querySelector(".gs_md_d"));
                    this.ka = B(a.querySelector(".gs_md_tb"));
                m = ve.prototype;
                m.oa = function(a) {
                    var b = z(this.m);
                    return void 0 !== a ? td(b, b, ".gs_md_li", a) : null;
       = function(a) {
                    a = this.oa(a);
                    if (w(z(this.ka), "gs_sel")) try {
                        a && a.focus();
                    } catch (c) {
                } else {
                  var b = z(this.ka);
                  rb(this.m, function() {
                    u(b, "gs_sel");
                  }, function() {
                    v(b, "gs_sel");
                  }, a, b);
                m.close = function() {
                m.tb = function(a) {
                    w(z(this.ka), "gs_sel") ? this.close() :"keydown" == a.j.type ? !1 : void 0);
                m.Na = function(a) {
                    var b = a.j.keyCode;
                    if (38 == b || 40 == b) S(a), == b);
                m.xb = function(a) {
           == this.m && this.Na(a);
                Wc(ve, [new T(".gs_md_rmb", {
                }),new T(".gs_md_tb", {
                    "gs-press": ve.prototype.tb,
                    keydown: ve.prototype.Na
                }),new T(".gs_md_d", {
                    keydown: ve.prototype.xb
                var we = function(a) {
          , a);
                    this.Gb = B(a.querySelector(".gs_md_in"));
                    this.Ib = B(a.querySelector(".gs_md_tb .gs_lbl"));
                la(we, ve);
                we.prototype.oa = function() {
                    return z(this.m).querySelector(".gs_md_li[aria-selected]");
                we.prototype.Ab = function(a) {
                    xe(this, a);
       = function(a) {
                    var b = a.j.keyCode;
                    13 != b && 32 != b || xe(this, a);
                var xe = function(a, b) {
                    var c = b.currentTarget, d = z(a.Gb), e = a.oa();
                    c != e && (d.value = c.getAttribute("data-v"), z(a.Ib).innerHTML = c.innerHTML, e && ye(e, !1), ye(c, !0));
                    V("gs-change", d, b.j);
                }, ye = function(a, b) {
                    x(a, "gs_sel", b);
                    b ? a.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true") : a.removeAttribute("aria-selected");
                Wc(we, [new T(".gs_md_ris", {
                }),new T(".gs_md_li", {
                    click: we.prototype.Ab,
                U("#gs_lp", "click", function(a) {
                U("#gs_lp_cur", "click", function(a) {
                var ze = function(a) {
                    this.Xa = B(a);
       = function(a) {
                    var b = a.currentTarget, c = a.j.keyCode;
                    if (38 == c || 40 == c) {
                        var d = z(this.Xa);
                        d = td(d, b, ".gs_md_li", 38 == c) || td(d, d, ".gs_md_li", 38 == c);
                    } else if (37 == c || 39 == c) a: {
                        c = 37 == c != La(b.parentNode);
                        d = b.parentNode;
                        var e = d.children, f = e.length;
                        if ( != this.Xa) {
                            for ( ; e[--f] != b; ) ;
                            d = sd(d, c) || rd(d.parentNode, c);
                            e = d.children;
                            if (f = Math.min(f + 1, e.length)) if (d = e[f - 1], w(d, "gs_md_li") && d.offsetLeft != b.offsetLeft) break a;
                        d = void 0;
                    d && (S(a), d.focus());
                Wc(ze, [new T(".gs_md_ulr", {
                }),new T(".gs_md_li", {
                U("#gs_hdr_mnu", "click", function(a) {
                U("#gs_hdr_drw_mnu", "click", function(a) {
                U("#gs_hdr_act_i", "click", function(a) {
                    1 == xa() ? Oa(document.querySelector("#gs_hdr_drw_bot>a").href) : rb("gs_hdr_act_d");
                U("#gs_hdr_drw", "keydown", function(a) {
                    var b = a.j.keyCode;
                    if (38 == b || 40 == b) {
                        var c = a.currentTarget;
                        if (b = td(c, c, ".gs_md_li", 38 == b)) S(a), b.focus();
                U("#gs_hdr_tsi", ["focus","blur"], function(a) {
                    function b() {
                        var g = d.getBoundingClientRect().top - 10;
                        10 < Math.abs(g) && window.scrollBy(0, g);
                    function c() {
                        L(window, f, b);
                    var d =;
                    a = "focus" == a.type;
                    x(z("gs_hdr"), "gs_hdr_ifc", a);
                    if (a && ya && !(749 < window.innerHeight)) {
                        var e = setTimeout(c, 1E3), f = ["scroll","resize"];
                        K(window, f, b);
                U("#gs_hdr_tsi", ["input","gs-change"], function(a) {
                    x(z("gs_hdr_frm"), "gs_hdr_tsc", !!a.currentTarget.value);
                U("#gs_hdr_tsc", "mousedown", function(a) {
                    var b = z("gs_hdr_tsi");
                    b.value = "";
                    V("input", b, a.j);
                U("#gs_hdr_sre", "click", function(a) {
                    var b = z("gs_hdr");
                    rb("gs_hdr_frm", function() {
                        v(b, "gs_hdr_src");
                        u(b, "gs_hdr_srx");
                    }, function() {
                        u(b, "gs_hdr_src");
                        v(b, "gs_hdr_srx");
                    }, z("gs_hdr_tsi"));
                U(".gs_md_x", "click", function(a) {
                    (a = a.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-mdx")) && xb(a);
                var Ae = function() {
                }, Be, Ce;
                m = Ae.prototype;
                m.ub = function(a) {
                    a.j.button || (S(a), De(a));
                m.ra = function(a) {
                    Ee(a) && (S(a), De(a));
                m.Bb = function(a) {
                    Ee(a) && S(a);
       = function(a) {
                    if (!a.j.button) {
                        var b = a.j;
                        b && (Fe = b.clientX || 0, Ge = b.clientY || 0, K(document, He, Ie, !0), clearTimeout(Be), Be = setTimeout(Je, 2E3));
                m.Fb = function(a) {
                    if (Ke) {
                        var b = a.j;
                        b = b && b.touches || [];
                        if (b = 1 == b.length ? b[0] : null) Le = b.clientX, Me = b.clientY, K(document, Ne, Oe, !0), clearTimeout(Ce), Ce = setTimeout(Pe, 2E3);
                var Ee = function(a) {
                    a = a.j.keyCode;
                    return 32 == a || 13 == a;
                }, De = function(a) {
                    V("gs-press", a.currentTarget, a.j);
                }, Je = function() {
                    L(document, He, Ie, !0);
                    Be = void 0;
                }, Ie = function(a) {
                    "mousedown" != a.type && 10 > Math.abs(a.clientX - Fe) && 10 > Math.abs(a.clientY - Ge) ? (jb(a), "click" == a.type && Je()) : Je();
                }, Pe = function() {
                    L(document, Ne, Oe, !0);
                    Ce = void 0;
                }, Oe = function(a) {
                    "touchstart" != a.type && 10 > Math.abs(a.clientX - Le) && 10 > Math.abs(a.clientY - Me) ? (jb(a), "click" == a.type && Pe()) : Pe();
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                    click: Ae.prototype.ub,
                    keydown: Ae.prototype.ra,
                    keyup: Ae.prototype.Bb,
                    touchstart: Ae.prototype.Fb
                function Qe(a) {
           = Se && Te === Ue ? a.left + "px" : "auto";
           = Se ? a.width + "px" : "auto";
                    V("gs-sth-change", z("gs_sth"));
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                    f && (Se = d, x(Xe, "gs_sth_vis", d), x(Xe, "gs_sth_trk", e), Qe(a), = Se ? c + "px" : "auto");
                function Ye() {
                    Se && Qe(We.getBoundingClientRect());
                var Ue, Xe, We, Re, Se = !1, Te;
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                    M(function() {
                        return setTimeout(a, 0);
                })(function() {
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                function Ze(a, b, c, d, e) {
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                    d = void 0 === d ? 1 : d;
                    e = void 0 === e ? 5 : e;
                    for (var f, g, h = 0; h < e; h++) f = (c + d) / 2, g = a(f), g < b ? c = f : d = f;
                    return (c + d) / 2;
                function $e(a) {
                    return a * a * (1.74 - .74 * a);
                function af(a) {
                    return a * a * (3 - 2 * a);
                function bf(a) {
                    return Ze(af, a, Math.max(a - .1, 0), Math.min(a + .1, 1));
                function cf(a) {
                    var b = r(a);
                    a =;
                    var c =, d =;
                    b = 1 / ( - a) || 0;
                    return [0,(c - a) * b,(d - a) * b,1];
                function df(a, b, c, d) {
                    var e = b - a;
                    return d ? [a,a + e * c] : [b - e * c,b];
                function ef(a, b) {
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                var ff = function(a) {
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                    this.Ob = this.g.querySelector(".gs_fao_res");
           = this.g.querySelector(".gs_fao_fo");
                    this.Hb = w(a, "gs_fao_folr");
                ff.prototype.La = function(a) {
                    var b = this;
                    a = gf(a.currentTarget == this.Ka ? "data-del" : "data-res", this.Ga);
                    hf(this, !0);
                    x(this.g, "gs_fao_dis");
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                    R(a, c, function(d, e) {
                        hf(b, !1);
                        kf(d, e) ? x(b.g, "gs_fao_dis") : lf();
                ff.prototype.kb = function() {
                    var a = this;
                    hf(this, !0);
                    var b = w(, "gs_sel");
                    x(this.g, "gs_fao_followed");
                    var c = document.querySelectorAll(".gs_fao");
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                    R(c, b, function(d, e) {
                        hf(a, !1);
                        kf(d, e) ? (d =, ef(d, !w(d, "gs_sel")), x(a.g, "gs_fao_followed")) : lf();
                var hf = function(a, b) {
                    x(a.g, "gs_fao_loading", b);
                    a.Ob.disabled = b;
                    x(a.Ka, "gs_dis", b);
                    a =;
                    x(a.querySelector(".gs_tg_ctl"), "gs_dis", b);
                    x(a, "gs_dis", b);
                }, nf = [new T(".gs_fao", {
                }),new T(".gs_fao_del", {
                    click: ff.prototype.La
                }),new T(".gs_fao_res", {
                    click: ff.prototype.La
                }),new T(".gs_fao_fo", {
                    "gs-change": ff.prototype.kb
                function kf(a, b) {
                    try {
                        var c = 200 == a && JSON.parse(b);
                    } catch (d) {
                a = "";
                c && "object" == typeof c ? c.M && (a = c.M + "") : a = ke();
                return a ? (nc(a), !0) : (c = c.L) ? (Oa("" + c), !0) : !1;
                function lf() {
                    if (document.querySelectorAll(".gs_fao.gs_fao_followed").length + document.querySelectorAll(".gs_fao.gs_fao_dis").length == document.querySelectorAll(".gs_fao").length) {
                        var a = z("gs_fa_done").innerHTML;
                function gf(a, b) {
                    return jf(a).replace("{user_id}", b);
                function mf(a, b) {
                    b = void 0 !== b ? "&gsc_fa_pos=" + b : "";
                    return gf("data-fol", a) + b;
                function jf(a) {
                    return z("gs_fa_data").getAttribute(a) || "";
                function of(a) {
                    var b = document.querySelector(".gs_mylib .gs_ia_notf");
                    b && x(b, "gs_rdt", 0 < a);
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                    }, f = 0; f < c; e = {
                        K: void 0
                    }, f++) {
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                            0 == h ? g += "&vp=" + d : 0 == g.indexOf("/scholar_url?") && (g += "&cd=" + b + "&ws=" + d);
                            navigator.sendBeacon ? 0 == h ? (e = g.substr(41), g = g.substr(0, 40), 0 < e.indexOf("&key=") && (e = Tb(e), g = "" + Sb({
                                measurement_id: e.tid || "",
                                api_secret: e.key || ""
                            }), e = JSON.stringify({
                                client_id: e.cid || "",
                                events: [{
                                    name: "page_view",
                                    params: {
                                        page_referrer: e.dr || "",
                                        page_location: e.dl || "",
                                        page_title: e.dt || ""
                            })), navigator.sendBeacon(g, e)) : navigator.sendBeacon(g) : 0 != h && (e.K = new Image(), qf.push(e.K), e.K.onload = e.K.onerror = e.K.onabort = function(k) {
                                return function() {
                                    var l = qf.indexOf(k.K);
                                    0 > l || qf.splice(l, 1);
                            }(e), e.K.src = g);
                var qf = [];
                function rf() {
                function sf(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
                    f = void 0 === f ? 1 : f;
                    var g = bf(void 0 === e ? 0 : e), h = bf(f);
                    e = g * (1.6 * g * g - 1.8 * g + 1.2);
                    f = h * (1.6 * h * h - 1.8 * h + 1.2);
                    var k = cf([g * (1.6 * g * g - 1.8 * g + 1.2),1.6 * g * g * h - .6 * g * g - 1.2 * g * h + .8 * g + .4 * h,1.6 * g * h * h - 1.2 * g * h + .4 * g - .6 * h * h + .8 * h,h * (1.6 * h * h - 1.8 * h + 1.2)]);
                    g = cf([g * g * (3 - 2 * g),g * (-2 * g * h + g + 2 * h),h * (-2 * g * h + 2 * g + h),h * h * (3 - 2 * h)]);
                    g = "animation-timing-function:cubic-bezier(" + [k[1],g[1],k[2],g[2]].join() + ")";
                    k = [];
                    h = a.substring(1) + "_anm";
                    k.push("@keyframes " + h + "{");
                    e = Math.round(1E3 * e) / 10;
                    f = Math.round(1E3 * f) / 10;
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                    k.push(e + "%{" + b + g + "}");
                    k.push(f + "%{" + c + "}");
                    k.push("100%{" + c + "}}");
                    k.push(a + "{animation:" + h + " " + (d.toFixed(2) + "s linear;}"));
                    return k.join("");
                function tf(a, b) {
                    function c(h) {
                        0 === f && (f = h);
                        h = Math.min((h - f) / (1E3 * b), 1);
                        var k = Math.min(Math.max(h, 0), 1);
                        k = Ze($e, h, k, Math.min(k + .17, 1), 5);
                        window.scroll(e, d + af(k) * g);
                        1 > h && ib(c);
                    var d = window.pageYOffset, e = window.pageXOffset, f = 0, g = a - d;
                function uf(a, b) {
                    if (a == b) return 0;
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                    return 0 > a && 0 > b || a > c && b > c ? 0 : 0 <= a && a <= c && 0 <= b && b <= c ? d : 0 > a && b > c || a > c && 0 > b ? c : 0 > a ? b : 0 > b ? a : a > c ? c - b : c - a;
                function vf(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) {
                    var l = void 0 === l ? 0 : l;
                    var n = z("gs_top");
           = n.offsetHeight + "px";
                    var p = b.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
                    c = c();
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                    b = c ? b.getBoundingClientRect().bottom : q + l;
                    q = Math.abs(b - p);
                    if (0 == q) return = "", 0;
                    l = uf(p, b);
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                    p = Math.min(q, Math.max(window.innerHeight - p, 0), window.pageYOffset);
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                    b = .266 * Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (l - 100) / 900)) + .134;
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                    p = Math.abs(l / q);
                    l = [];
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                    D =;
                    Q =;
                    d = r(d);
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                    D = r(df(c ? 1 : 0, c ? 0 : 1, p, A));
                    d =;
                    D =;
                    l.push(sf("#" + B(f), Ta(d), Ta(D), b));
                    D = a.offsetHeight;
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                    D =;
                    Q =;
                    l.push(sf("#" + B(g), Ta(D), Ta(Q), b));
                    c || l.push("#" + B(a) + "{height:" + d + "px}");
                    g = r(df(c ? q : 0, c ? 0 : -q, p, A));
                    a =;
                    g =;
                    e = r(e);
                    for (c =; !c.done; c = l.push(sf("#" + B(c.value), H(a), H(g), b));
                    h.textContent = l.join("");
                    h = function() {
                        v(I, "gs_pfix");
               = "";
                    gb(f, h, 1E3 * b + 100, h);
                    return b;
                function wf(a, b, c, d) {
                        gb: a,
                        Qa: b,
                        Ya: c,
                        error: d
                function yf(a, b) {
                    if (zf) return !1;
                    zf = a;
                    wf(a, b);
                    return !0;
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                        b = e[0] || Bf;
                        e = e[1] || "";
                        var f = {
                        f[a + "," + b] = e;
                    wf(a, e, c, d);
                function Df() {
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                            a: {
                                zf = "";
                                var f = "", g = "";
                                if (200 == d) try {
                                    var h = JSON.parse(e);
                                } catch (k) {
                      (d = qa(h)) && "number" == typeof h.NR && of(h.NR);
                      if (d) {
                        if (h.L) {
                          Oa("" + h.L);
                          wf(a, b, !1, f);
                          break a;
                        if (h.M) f = "" + h.M; else if (Array.isArray(h.U) && 1 == h.U.length && qa(h.U[0])) g = "" + (h.U[0].c || ""); else if (!b || h.U) f = ke();
                      } else f = ke();
                      Af(a, g, !f, f);
                function Gf(a) {
                    return (a = Fb("s", void 0 === a ? !1 : a)) && qa(a) ? a : {
                function Cf(a) {
                    var b = Xa(), c = Gf(!0), d;
                    for (d in c) {
                        var e = c[d];
                        e instanceof Array && 2 == e.length && 12E5 > b - e[1] || delete c[d];
                    for (var f in a) c[f] = [a[f],b];
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                        R(a ? Lf : Mf, "", function(b, c) {
                            Kf = !1;
                            var d = "";
                            if (200 == b) try {
                                var e = JSON.parse(c);
                            } catch (g) {
                    if (qa(e)) if (e.L) Oa("" + e.L); else if (e.M) d = "" + e.M; else {
                      a: {
                        for (var f in e) {
                          b = !1;
                          break a;
                        b = !0;
                      b || (d = ke());
                    } else d = ke();
                    d ? nc(d) : (x(z("gs_ra_flw"), "gs_ra_fls"), Hf(), nc(a ? Nf : Of, Pf, "", [], Jf));
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                    b.innerHTML = "";
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                    Vc("#gs_ra_no_r_cp", function() {
                var Rf = "";
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                function Tf() {
                    return (z("gs_hp_ra") || z("gs_ra_b")).nextElementSibling;
                function Uf() {
                    return z("gs_ra_bd");
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                function Wf(a) {
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                function Xf() {
                    return document.querySelectorAll(".gs_ora");
                function Yf() {
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                        d = d.value;
                        var e = Tb(d.getAttribute("data-clk"));
               = b + "";
                        d.setAttribute("data-clk", Sb(e));
                    if (b = z("gs_ra_dbg")) {
                        try {
                            var f = JSON.parse(b.innerHTML);
                        } catch (g) {
                  if (f && "object" == typeof f) for (a = r(a), b =; !b.done; b = b = b.value, b.querySelector(".gs_ora_dbg") || (c = Qa("gs_ora_dbg"), d = Wf(b), c.innerHTML = f[d] || "", b.appendChild(c));
                function Zf() {
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                    return a ? a.getAttribute("data-sval") || "" : "";
                function $f() {
                    return z("gs_res_lbl_frm");
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                        label_ids_to_remove: d,
                        label_name_add: a,
                        "continue": b.pathname +
                    d = $f();
                    for (var f in c) a = Na(d, f), null == c[f] ? d.removeChild(a) : a.value = c[f];
                    return !0;
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                    x(b, "gs_lbd_new_sel", a);
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                    x(b, "gs_lbl_hide", !a);
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                    x(b, "gs_lbl_hide", !a);
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                            Zd("gs_md_albl-d", b, "", d);
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                        Af(a, "", !1, e);
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                        b = b.value;
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                    K(window, "message", function(a) {
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                            a = r(gg);
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                                c = c.value;
                                var d = z(c + "_promo");
                                if (d) {
                                    var e = +b[c + "Promo"];
                                    0 <= e && (d.className = c + (e ? "_not_installed" : "_installed"));
                            hg = !0;
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               = "gs_ext_promo_ping";
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                        z("gsb_promo").className = "";
                        R(, "", function() {
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                        z("gsr_promo").className = "";
                        R(, "", function() {
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                    500 > a || (og = Ya(), qg.notify(a));
                function rg() {
                    document.hidden ? pg() : ng();
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                var tg = function(a) {
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                        vf(this.g, this.Ha, function() {
                   = a.Ha.scrollHeight + "px";
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                            return x(a.g, "gs_hep_expanded", b);
                        }, [], [this.g.nextElementSibling], d, c, e, function() {
                            ug = !1;
                            v(a.g, "gs_anm");
                   = "";
                            e.textContent = "";
                var vg = [new T("#gs_hep_b", {
                }),new T("#gs_hep_brief", {
                    click: tg.prototype.Eb
                })], ug = !1;
                var wg = function(a) {
                    this.g = a;
                    this.Fa = a.querySelector(".gs_ora_ep");
           = a.querySelector(".gs_ora_detail");
       = function(a) {
                    var b = this;
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                        var c = !w(this.g, "gs_ra_expanded");
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                            if (S(a), navigator.sendBeacon) {
                                a =, this.g);
                                var d = this.g.getAttribute("data-trk").split(" ");
                                pf(d, a);
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                        d = [Tf(),z("gs_ra_footer")];
                        yg(this, !0);
                        a = Ra("gs_ra_style");
                        xg = !0;
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                            b.Fa.setAttribute("aria-label", Y(c ? "data-sl" : "data-sm"));
                            u(b.g, "gs_ra_anm");
                            u(b.g, "gs_anm");
                            return x(b.g, "gs_ra_expanded", c);
                        }, zg(this), d, z("gs_ora_msk"), Uf(), a, function() {
                            xg = !1;
                            v(b.g, "gs_ra_anm");
                            v(b.g, "gs_anm");
                            yg(b, !1);
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                        for (var c = a.nextElementSibling; c && c != Uf(); ) w(c, "gs_orab_mask") || b.push(c), c = c.nextElementSibling;
                        a = a.parentNode;
                    return b;
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                    b ? c || (c = G(Ea), = "gs_ora_msk", : c &&;
                wg.prototype.Pb = function() {
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                    yf(b, a) && fg(b);
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                    var b = document.querySelector('.gs_ora[data-did="' + + '"]');
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                }, Bg = [new T(".gs_ora", {
                }),new T(".gs_ora", {
                }),new T(".gs_ora_sv", {
                    click: wg.prototype.Pb
                })], xg = !1;
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                    this.Ia =;
                Cg.prototype.Cb = function(a) {
                    Dg ? (a = Eg(this.g)) ? (Yf(), Fg([a])) : nc(Y("data-nm")) : 0 <= Gg.indexOf(this.Ia) || (Gg.push(this.Ia), u(a.currentTarget, "gs_bsp"), 1 < Gg.length || R(Hg(), "", function(b, c) {
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                        try {
                            var f = 200 == b && JSON.parse(c);
                        } catch (g) {
                  if (f && "object" == typeof f && f.r && "object" == typeof f.r) {
                    Dg = f.r;
                    b = [];
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                    0 == b.length ? nc(Y("data-nm")) : (Fg(b), Yf());
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                        d = d.value;
                        var e = C(b, d).split(",");
                        b.setAttribute(d, "");
                        d = a;
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                        e = r(e);
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                        (g = g.join("")) ? (e = Qa("gs_orab_ar_n"), e.innerHTML = g, e.setAttribute("data-bucket",, f.appendChild(e), d = e) : d = null;
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                    return null;
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                        c = c.value;
                        for (var d = r(Ig), e =; !e.done; e = (e = C(c, e.value)) && a.push(e);
                    return Y("data-fu").replace("{docids}", a.join(","));
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                    }, g = window.innerHeight;
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                        l = l.value;
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                        p =;
                        if (0 > q) {
                            V("gs_ra_evt_be", l);
                        q = q + A <= g ? A : Math.max(0, g - q);
                        f[n] = {
                            ib: -A,
                            hb: q,
                            eb: a,
                            ab: c,
                            bb: p,
                            cb: e
                        0 != A && (!h && (h = l), c += q * p / A, a -= p);
                    g = [];
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                    k = r(d);
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                    k = (l + c) / k;
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                    Lg(d, b, !0);
                    a = function() {
                        Lg(d, b, !1);
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                    return [c,b,b - (d ? 0 : a.offsetHeight)];
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                    var f = c.ib, g = c.hb, h = c.eb, k = c.ab, l =;
                    c = c.cb;
                    if (0 == h && !b) return "";
                    a =;
                    var n = [], p = k / e;
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                    return n.join("");
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                        d = d.value;
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                }),new T(".gs_orab_m", {
                    click: Cg.prototype.Cb
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                        Z = Xf();
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                        d = Y("data-tra");
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                  e = Gf();
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