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                                            jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                                                function ProfileViewModelModule372() {
                                                    var self = this;
                                                    self.AboutMeText = 'About Me';
                                                    self.LocationText = 'Location';
                                                    self.GetInTouchText = 'Ways to Get in Touch';
                                                    self.EmptyAboutMeText = 'There is no biography information for this user.';
                                                    self.EmptyLocationText = 'There is no location information for this user.';
                                                    self.EmptyGetInTouchText = 'There is no contact information from this user.';
                                                    self['Prefix'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['PrefixText'] = 'Prefix';
                                                    self['FirstName'] = ko.observable("Ronda");
                                                    self['FirstNameText'] = 'FirstName';
                                                    self['MiddleName'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['MiddleNameText'] = 'MiddleName';
                                                    self['LastName'] = ko.observable("Kirwan");
                                                    self['LastNameText'] = 'LastName';
                                                    self['Biography'] = ko.observable("It is important to get an electrician in <a href=\"\">biggleswade local electricians</a> to do any electrical work around your home. You may be surprised to find that your circuit breakers are tripping frequently or that your electric bills are rising. It is crucial to find an electrician who is reliable before entrusting the task to another person. An experienced, registered electrician can ensure that the work is performed in the most professional manner.<br><br>To be compliant with local Building Regulations,  electricians in biggleswade electrical product installation must be done in a safe manner. Only qualified electricians are qualified to perform this task. They will ensure that the work is done to a high standard and is in compliance with the current regulations. You must ensure that the Competent Person is registered in the event that your home is subject to Part P regulations. It is also crucial to determine if your current wiring complies with the requirements of these regulations.<br><br><img src=\"\" style=\"max-width:400pxfloat:leftpadding:10px 10px 10px 0pxborder:0px\">It is important to consider the cost of installing new appliances or replacing existing ones. If you want to add a plug socket, you will need to pay between PS110 and PS150. A double socket will cost about PS200. Also, you can expect to pay as much as PS100 for an outdoor socket. You can look on the Internet for the best Biggleswade electricians.<br><br>It doesn\'t matter if you are replacing an electrical appliance or adding a new plug socket. It is essential to make sure that the work you are doing is in line with the highest standards. It is essential to hire an experienced electrician for any electrical work. Accredited, listed,  local electrician biggleswade and experienced,  <A HREF=>Biggleswade Local Electricians</A> local electricians in Biggleswade are a good option for your electrical requirements. With the right expertise and experience you can rest assured that your electrical work will go safely and correctly.<br><br>If you suspect that the work that you need completed is not in accordance with the Building Regulations, you should consult an electrician in your area. An experienced electrician can assure that your electrical devices are installed to the highest standards and comply with the latest regulations. If you have any issues with your new appliances, it is essential to speak with an electrician who is licensed and insured. If your electrical installation requires an upgrade, do not hesitate to contact a professional.<br><br>Overloaded electrical circuits are a major issue that should be addressed immediately. Extension leads can be utilized to ensure that more appliances are connected to the socket than it can handle. An overloaded circuit can result in dangerous situations. It is essential to call an electrician who is licensed in your area to get help. The electrical work done by licensed electricians in Biggleswade will be completed in the highest quality.<br><br>An electrician can spot an issue with the wiring of your home. If an outlet\'s electrical circuit is sparking or buzzing it is a sign of a wiring issue and should be repaired immediately. It is recommended to call an Biggleswade electrician if you are uncertain about the source. If you\'re unsure of the quality of an electrician in your area, call the one with the highest rating from the Better Business Bureau.<br><br>Before you hire an electrician, it is crucial to verify their qualifications. You can check if the electrician you hire has been registered with the appropriate authority. Be wary If you are unsure of whether the electrician is licensed. If the local electrician you choose to use isn\'t certified by the Building Regulations, you could end up with a malfunctioning appliance. This is an issue that should be dealt with as swiftly as possible by a skilled electrician.<br><br>It is vital that electrical equipment is installed in conformity with local Building Regulations. An experienced electrician will finish the task to the highest standards, and in compliance with current legislation. An electrician with a license will have the appropriate credentials to carry out work in a safe and efficient manner. Find electricians who are licensed online. It is easy to locate a list of qualified electricians in Biggleswade.");
                                                    self['BiographyText'] = 'Biography';
                                                    self['Photo'] = ko.observable("/images/no_avatar.gif");
                                                    self['PhotoText'] = 'Photo';
                                                    self['Telephone'] = ko.observable("036201 84 90");
                                                    self['TelephoneText'] = 'Telephone';
                                                    self['Cell'] = ko.observable("Germany");
                                                    self['CellText'] = 'Cell';
                                                    self['Fax'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['FaxText'] = 'Fax';
                                                    self['Website'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['WebsiteText'] = 'Website';
                                                    self['IM'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['IMText'] = 'IM';
                                                    self['Twitter'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['TwitterText'] = 'Twitter';
                                                    self['Skype'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['SkypeText'] = 'Skype';
                                                    self['LinkedIn'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['LinkedInText'] = 'LinkedIn';
                                                    self['Facebook'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['FacebookText'] = 'Facebook';
                                                    self['Unit'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['UnitText'] = 'Unit';
                                                    self['Street'] = ko.observable("Koenigstrasse 63");
                                                    self['StreetText'] = 'Street';
                                                    self['City'] = ko.observable("Andisleben");
                                                    self['CityText'] = 'City';
                                                    self['Region'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['RegionText'] = 'Region';
                                                    self['Country'] = ko.observable("Russian Federation");
                                                    self['CountryText'] = 'Country';
                                                    self['PostalCode'] = ko.observable("99189");
                                                    self['PostalCodeText'] = 'PostalCode';
                                                    self['PreferredTimeZone'] = ko.observable("Pacific Standard Time");
                                                    self['PreferredTimeZoneText'] = 'PreferredTimeZone';
                                                    self['PreferredLocale'] = ko.observable("en-US");
                                                    self['PreferredLocaleText'] = 'PreferredLocale';
                                                    self.Email = ko.observable('');
                                                    self.EmailText = 'Email';
                                                    self.Location = ko.computed(function() {
                                                        var city = self.City();
                                                        var region = self.Region();
                                                        var location = (city != null) ? city : '';
                                                        if (location != '' && region != null && region != '') {
                                                            location += ', ';
                                                        if (region != null) {
                                                            location += region;
                                                        return location;
                                                    self.Visible = true;
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                                                } catch (e) {
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                                            jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                                                function ProfileViewModelModule369() {
                                                    var self = this;
                                                    self.AboutMeText = 'About Me';
                                                    self.LocationText = 'Location';
                                                    self.GetInTouchText = 'Ways to Get in Touch';
                                                    self.EmptyAboutMeText = 'There is no biography information for this user.';
                                                    self.EmptyLocationText = 'There is no location information for this user.';
                                                    self.EmptyGetInTouchText = 'There is no contact information from this user.';
                                                    self['Prefix'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['PrefixText'] = 'Prefix';
                                                    self['FirstName'] = ko.observable("Ronda");
                                                    self['FirstNameText'] = 'FirstName';
                                                    self['MiddleName'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['MiddleNameText'] = 'MiddleName';
                                                    self['LastName'] = ko.observable("Kirwan");
                                                    self['LastNameText'] = 'LastName';
                                                    self['Biography'] = ko.observable("It is important to get an electrician in <a href=\"\">biggleswade local electricians</a> to do any electrical work around your home. You may be surprised to find that your circuit breakers are tripping frequently or that your electric bills are rising. It is crucial to find an electrician who is reliable before entrusting the task to another person. An experienced, registered electrician can ensure that the work is performed in the most professional manner.<br><br>To be compliant with local Building Regulations,  electricians in biggleswade electrical product installation must be done in a safe manner. Only qualified electricians are qualified to perform this task. They will ensure that the work is done to a high standard and is in compliance with the current regulations. You must ensure that the Competent Person is registered in the event that your home is subject to Part P regulations. It is also crucial to determine if your current wiring complies with the requirements of these regulations.<br><br><img src=\"\" style=\"max-width:400pxfloat:leftpadding:10px 10px 10px 0pxborder:0px\">It is important to consider the cost of installing new appliances or replacing existing ones. If you want to add a plug socket, you will need to pay between PS110 and PS150. A double socket will cost about PS200. Also, you can expect to pay as much as PS100 for an outdoor socket. You can look on the Internet for the best Biggleswade electricians.<br><br>It doesn\'t matter if you are replacing an electrical appliance or adding a new plug socket. It is essential to make sure that the work you are doing is in line with the highest standards. It is essential to hire an experienced electrician for any electrical work. Accredited, listed,  local electrician biggleswade and experienced,  <A HREF=>Biggleswade Local Electricians</A> local electricians in Biggleswade are a good option for your electrical requirements. With the right expertise and experience you can rest assured that your electrical work will go safely and correctly.<br><br>If you suspect that the work that you need completed is not in accordance with the Building Regulations, you should consult an electrician in your area. An experienced electrician can assure that your electrical devices are installed to the highest standards and comply with the latest regulations. If you have any issues with your new appliances, it is essential to speak with an electrician who is licensed and insured. If your electrical installation requires an upgrade, do not hesitate to contact a professional.<br><br>Overloaded electrical circuits are a major issue that should be addressed immediately. Extension leads can be utilized to ensure that more appliances are connected to the socket than it can handle. An overloaded circuit can result in dangerous situations. It is essential to call an electrician who is licensed in your area to get help. The electrical work done by licensed electricians in Biggleswade will be completed in the highest quality.<br><br>An electrician can spot an issue with the wiring of your home. If an outlet\'s electrical circuit is sparking or buzzing it is a sign of a wiring issue and should be repaired immediately. It is recommended to call an Biggleswade electrician if you are uncertain about the source. If you\'re unsure of the quality of an electrician in your area, call the one with the highest rating from the Better Business Bureau.<br><br>Before you hire an electrician, it is crucial to verify their qualifications. You can check if the electrician you hire has been registered with the appropriate authority. Be wary If you are unsure of whether the electrician is licensed. If the local electrician you choose to use isn\'t certified by the Building Regulations, you could end up with a malfunctioning appliance. This is an issue that should be dealt with as swiftly as possible by a skilled electrician.<br><br>It is vital that electrical equipment is installed in conformity with local Building Regulations. An experienced electrician will finish the task to the highest standards, and in compliance with current legislation. An electrician with a license will have the appropriate credentials to carry out work in a safe and efficient manner. Find electricians who are licensed online. It is easy to locate a list of qualified electricians in Biggleswade.");
                                                    self['BiographyText'] = 'Biography';
                                                    self['Photo'] = ko.observable("/images/no_avatar.gif");
                                                    self['PhotoText'] = 'Photo';
                                                    self['Telephone'] = ko.observable("036201 84 90");
                                                    self['TelephoneText'] = 'Telephone';
                                                    self['Cell'] = ko.observable("Germany");
                                                    self['CellText'] = 'Cell';
                                                    self['Fax'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['FaxText'] = 'Fax';
                                                    self['Website'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['WebsiteText'] = 'Website';
                                                    self['IM'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['IMText'] = 'IM';
                                                    self['Twitter'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['TwitterText'] = 'Twitter';
                                                    self['Skype'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['SkypeText'] = 'Skype';
                                                    self['LinkedIn'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['LinkedInText'] = 'LinkedIn';
                                                    self['Facebook'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['FacebookText'] = 'Facebook';
                                                    self['Unit'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['UnitText'] = 'Unit';
                                                    self['Street'] = ko.observable("Koenigstrasse 63");
                                                    self['StreetText'] = 'Street';
                                                    self['City'] = ko.observable("Andisleben");
                                                    self['CityText'] = 'City';
                                                    self['Region'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['RegionText'] = 'Region';
                                                    self['Country'] = ko.observable("Russian Federation");
                                                    self['CountryText'] = 'Country';
                                                    self['PostalCode'] = ko.observable("99189");
                                                    self['PostalCodeText'] = 'PostalCode';
                                                    self['PreferredTimeZone'] = ko.observable("Pacific Standard Time");
                                                    self['PreferredTimeZoneText'] = 'PreferredTimeZone';
                                                    self['PreferredLocale'] = ko.observable("en-US");
                                                    self['PreferredLocaleText'] = 'PreferredLocale';
                                                    self.Email = ko.observable('');
                                                    self.EmailText = 'Email';
                                                    self.Location = ko.computed(function() {
                                                        var city = self.City();
                                                        var region = self.Region();
                                                        var location = (city != null) ? city : '';
                                                        if (location != '' && region != null && region != '') {
                                                            location += ', ';
                                                        if (region != null) {
                                                            location += region;
                                                        return location;
                                                    self.Visible = true;
                                                try {
                                                    ko.applyBindings(new ProfileViewModelModule369(), document.getElementById($('#dnn_ctr369_ViewProfile_profileOutput').attr("id")));
                                                } catch (e) {
                                    <!-- End_Module_369 -->
                                <div class="clear">
                        <div class="DnnModule DnnModule-ViewProfile DnnModule-370">
                            <a name="370">
                            <div class="DNNContainer_noTitle">
                                <div id="dnn_ctr370_ContentPane">
                                    <!-- Start_Module_370 -->
                                    <div class="DNNModuleContent ModViewProfileC" id="dnn_ctr370_ModuleContent">
                                        <div data-bind="visible: Visible" id="dnn_ctr370_ViewProfile_profileOutput" style="display:none">
                                            <div class="pBio">
                                                <h3 data-bind="text: AboutMeText">
                                                <span data-bind="text: EmptyAboutMeText, visible: Biography().length==0">
                                                <p data-bind="html: Biography">
                                            <div class="pAddress">
                                                <h3 data-bind="text: LocationText">
                                                <span data-bind="text: EmptyLocationText, visible: Street().length==0 &amp;&amp; Location().length==0 &amp;&amp; Country().length==0 &amp;&amp; PostalCode().length==0">
                                                    <span data-bind="text: Street()">
                                                    <span data-bind="visible: Street().length &gt; 0">
                                                    <span data-bind="text: Location()">
                                                    <span data-bind="visible: Location().length &gt; 0">
                                                    <span data-bind="text: Country()">
                                                    <span data-bind="visible: Country().length &gt; 0">
                                                    <span data-bind="text: PostalCode()">
                                            <div class="pContact">
                                                <h3 data-bind="text: GetInTouchText">
                                                <span data-bind="text: EmptyGetInTouchText, visible: Telephone().length==0 &amp;&amp; Email().length==0 &amp;&amp; Website().length==0 &amp;&amp; IM().length==0">
                                                    <li data-bind="visible: Telephone().length &gt; 0">
                                                            <span data-bind="text: TelephoneText">
                                                        <span data-bind="text: Telephone()">
                                                    <li data-bind="visible: Email().length &gt; 0">
                                                            <span data-bind="text: EmailText">
                                                        <span data-bind="text: Email()">
                                                    <li data-bind="visible: Website().length &gt; 0">
                                                            <span data-bind="text: WebsiteText">
                                                        <span data-bind="text: Website()">
                                                    <li data-bind="visible: IM().length &gt; 0">
                                                            <span data-bind="text: IMText">
                                                        <span data-bind="text: IM()">
                                            <div class="dnnClear">
                                        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                                            jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
                                                function ProfileViewModelModule370() {
                                                    var self = this;
                                                    self.AboutMeText = 'About Me';
                                                    self.LocationText = 'Location';
                                                    self.GetInTouchText = 'Ways to Get in Touch';
                                                    self.EmptyAboutMeText = 'There is no biography information for this user.';
                                                    self.EmptyLocationText = 'There is no location information for this user.';
                                                    self.EmptyGetInTouchText = 'There is no contact information from this user.';
                                                    self['Prefix'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['PrefixText'] = 'Prefix';
                                                    self['FirstName'] = ko.observable("Ronda");
                                                    self['FirstNameText'] = 'FirstName';
                                                    self['MiddleName'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['MiddleNameText'] = 'MiddleName';
                                                    self['LastName'] = ko.observable("Kirwan");
                                                    self['LastNameText'] = 'LastName';
                                                    self['Biography'] = ko.observable("It is important to get an electrician in <a href=\"\">biggleswade local electricians</a> to do any electrical work around your home. You may be surprised to find that your circuit breakers are tripping frequently or that your electric bills are rising. It is crucial to find an electrician who is reliable before entrusting the task to another person. An experienced, registered electrician can ensure that the work is performed in the most professional manner.<br><br>To be compliant with local Building Regulations,  electricians in biggleswade electrical product installation must be done in a safe manner. Only qualified electricians are qualified to perform this task. They will ensure that the work is done to a high standard and is in compliance with the current regulations. You must ensure that the Competent Person is registered in the event that your home is subject to Part P regulations. It is also crucial to determine if your current wiring complies with the requirements of these regulations.<br><br><img src=\"\" style=\"max-width:400pxfloat:leftpadding:10px 10px 10px 0pxborder:0px\">It is important to consider the cost of installing new appliances or replacing existing ones. If you want to add a plug socket, you will need to pay between PS110 and PS150. A double socket will cost about PS200. Also, you can expect to pay as much as PS100 for an outdoor socket. You can look on the Internet for the best Biggleswade electricians.<br><br>It doesn\'t matter if you are replacing an electrical appliance or adding a new plug socket. It is essential to make sure that the work you are doing is in line with the highest standards. It is essential to hire an experienced electrician for any electrical work. Accredited, listed,  local electrician biggleswade and experienced,  <A HREF=>Biggleswade Local Electricians</A> local electricians in Biggleswade are a good option for your electrical requirements. With the right expertise and experience you can rest assured that your electrical work will go safely and correctly.<br><br>If you suspect that the work that you need completed is not in accordance with the Building Regulations, you should consult an electrician in your area. An experienced electrician can assure that your electrical devices are installed to the highest standards and comply with the latest regulations. If you have any issues with your new appliances, it is essential to speak with an electrician who is licensed and insured. If your electrical installation requires an upgrade, do not hesitate to contact a professional.<br><br>Overloaded electrical circuits are a major issue that should be addressed immediately. Extension leads can be utilized to ensure that more appliances are connected to the socket than it can handle. An overloaded circuit can result in dangerous situations. It is essential to call an electrician who is licensed in your area to get help. The electrical work done by licensed electricians in Biggleswade will be completed in the highest quality.<br><br>An electrician can spot an issue with the wiring of your home. If an outlet\'s electrical circuit is sparking or buzzing it is a sign of a wiring issue and should be repaired immediately. It is recommended to call an Biggleswade electrician if you are uncertain about the source. If you\'re unsure of the quality of an electrician in your area, call the one with the highest rating from the Better Business Bureau.<br><br>Before you hire an electrician, it is crucial to verify their qualifications. You can check if the electrician you hire has been registered with the appropriate authority. Be wary If you are unsure of whether the electrician is licensed. If the local electrician you choose to use isn\'t certified by the Building Regulations, you could end up with a malfunctioning appliance. This is an issue that should be dealt with as swiftly as possible by a skilled electrician.<br><br>It is vital that electrical equipment is installed in conformity with local Building Regulations. An experienced electrician will finish the task to the highest standards, and in compliance with current legislation. An electrician with a license will have the appropriate credentials to carry out work in a safe and efficient manner. Find electricians who are licensed online. It is easy to locate a list of qualified electricians in Biggleswade.");
                                                    self['BiographyText'] = 'Biography';
                                                    self['Photo'] = ko.observable("/images/no_avatar.gif");
                                                    self['PhotoText'] = 'Photo';
                                                    self['Telephone'] = ko.observable("036201 84 90");
                                                    self['TelephoneText'] = 'Telephone';
                                                    self['Cell'] = ko.observable("Germany");
                                                    self['CellText'] = 'Cell';
                                                    self['Fax'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['FaxText'] = 'Fax';
                                                    self['Website'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['WebsiteText'] = 'Website';
                                                    self['IM'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['IMText'] = 'IM';
                                                    self['Twitter'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['TwitterText'] = 'Twitter';
                                                    self['Skype'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['SkypeText'] = 'Skype';
                                                    self['LinkedIn'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['LinkedInText'] = 'LinkedIn';
                                                    self['Facebook'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['FacebookText'] = 'Facebook';
                                                    self['Unit'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['UnitText'] = 'Unit';
                                                    self['Street'] = ko.observable("Koenigstrasse 63");
                                                    self['StreetText'] = 'Street';
                                                    self['City'] = ko.observable("Andisleben");
                                                    self['CityText'] = 'City';
                                                    self['Region'] = ko.observable("");
                                                    self['RegionText'] = 'Region';
                                                    self['Country'] = ko.observable("Russian Federation");
                                                    self['CountryText'] = 'Country';
                                                    self['PostalCode'] = ko.observable("99189");
                                                    self['PostalCodeText'] = 'PostalCode';
                                                    self['PreferredTimeZone'] = ko.observable("Pacific Standard Time");
                                                    self['PreferredTimeZoneText'] = 'PreferredTimeZone';
                                                    self['PreferredLocale'] = ko.observable("en-US");
                                                    self['PreferredLocaleText'] = 'PreferredLocale';
                                                    self.Email = ko.observable('');
                                                    self.EmailText = 'Email';
                                                    self.Location = ko.computed(function() {
                                                        var city = self.City();
                                                        var region = self.Region();
                                                        var location = (city != null) ? city : '';
                                                        if (location != '' && region != null && region != '') {
                                                            location += ', ';
                                                        if (region != null) {
                                                            location += region;
                                                        return location;
                                                    self.Visible = true;
                                                try {
                                                    ko.applyBindings(new ProfileViewModelModule370(), document.getElementById($('#dnn_ctr370_ViewProfile_profileOutput').attr("id")));
                                                } catch (e) {
                                    <!-- End_Module_370 -->
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