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                    <p class="mbr-text mbr-fonts-style display-4"><a href="" class="text-primary"><strong>ProDentim</strong></a>&nbsp;<strong>US Supplement</strong>&nbsp;emerges as a cutting-edge oral health nutritional supplement, promoting improved dental well-being through natural and plant-based ingredients. The ProDentim chews are carefully crafted to enhance oral health, offering an effective solution for strengthening gums and teeth. This innovative product harnesses the power of a trustworthy probiotic to naturally fortify dental structures. By incorporating ProDentim into your daily routine, you can proactively contribute to maintaining optimal oral hygiene. The plant-based composition not only ensures efficacy but also aligns with a holistic approach to health. With ProDentim, you can embark on a journey towards a healthier smile, as it works harmoniously to support and elevate your dental health naturally.<br><strong><br><u>Prodentim For Over 80% OFF Today!</u></strong><br></p>
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                        <h5 class="card-title mbr-fonts-style mb-3 display-5"><strong>FDA Approved</strong></h5>
                        <p class="mbr-text mbr-fonts-style mb-4 display-4"><strong>ProDentim US</strong> Supplement is manufactured in a FDA registered facility.&nbsp;<br></p>
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                        <h5 class="card-title mbr-fonts-style mb-3 display-5"><strong>100% Natural</strong></h5>
                        <p class="mbr-text mbr-fonts-style mb-4 display-4"><strong> ProDentim US</strong>, the most effective teeth and gum care supplement, is made up of all-natural, gluten-free ingredients.<br></p>
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                        <h5 class="card-title mbr-fonts-style mb-3 display-5"><strong>Made In The USA</strong></h5>
                        <p class="mbr-text mbr-fonts-style mb-4 display-4"><strong>ProDentim US</strong> supplement is manufactured in the USA.&nbsp;<br></p>
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                        <h5 class="card-title mbr-fonts-style mb-3 display-5"><strong>GMP Certified</strong></h5>
                        <p class="mbr-text mbr-fonts-style mb-4 display-4"><strong>ProDentim US</strong> upholds the highest standards by using pharmaceutical-grade ingredients<br></p>

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                <h2 class="mbr-section-title mbr-fonts-style align-center mb-4 display-2"><strong>What Is ProDentim US Supplement?</strong></h2>

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                    <p class="mbr-text mbr-fonts-style display-4"><a href="" class="text-primary"><strong>ProDentim</strong></a>&nbsp;<strong>US Supplement</strong>&nbsp;stands as a reliable probiotic designed to naturally enhance the strength of your gums and teeth, gaining widespread popularity among individuals grappling with recurring dental issues.
<br>Crafted by a collaborative effort between dentists and scientists, ProDentim presents a natural probiotic blend that fosters both dental and digestive health. Acting upon the microorganisms in the oral cavity that influence the resilience of teeth and gums, this supplement has emerged as the premier choice for dental well-being. The combined elements work synergistically to deliver significant health benefits, instilling a sense of confidence with the added bonus of fresher breath.
<br>Through consistent usage, oral probiotics in ProDentim actively contribute to the elimination of infections, diseases, and cavities that may have taken root in the mouth. The formula, comprising natural ingredients and 3.5 billion probiotic strains, promotes the proliferation of beneficial bacteria. Not only does ProDentim strike a balance conducive to addressing issues like gum inflammation, but it also efficiently purifies the respiratory system, leading to enhanced digestive functionality.
<br>Clinically tested and comprised entirely of natural ingredients, ProDentim's components facilitate reduced body inflammation and positively impact the immune system. Rigorous testing over the years ensures that these substances deliver optimal oral health benefits.
<br>For those seeking a solution to tooth and gum disorders, ProDentim chewable candy emerges as an ideal remedy. Suitable for individuals without existing dental problems, regular consumption of ProDentim serves as a preventive measure against potential future issues.</p>
                    <div class="mbr-section-btn mt-3"><a class="btn btn-warning display-4" href="">Buy Now</a>
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                <h2 class="mbr-section-title mbr-fonts-style align-center mb-4 display-2"><strong>How Does ProDentim US Supplement Work?</strong></h2>

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                <p class="mbr-text mbr-fonts-style display-7"><strong><a href="" class="text-primary"><b>ProDentim</b></a> US Supplement</strong>&nbsp;, a natural oral health supplement, takes a revolutionary approach to dental cleanliness by fostering the growth of probiotic microorganisms in the mouth. This innovative formula, encapsulated in ProDentim Chewable Tablets, offers a comprehensive solution to significantly improve oral health.
<br>At the core of ProDentim's efficacy is its unique combination of probiotic strains and natural components. This thoughtfully crafted recipe promotes the activation of beneficial bacteria in the oral environment. Notably, the inclusion of lactic acid bacteria in ProDentim serves a dual purpose by not only contributing to dental hygiene but also playing a pivotal role in maintaining gut health. This multifaceted action goes beyond the conventional scope of oral care, addressing broader aspects of well-being.
<br>The ProDentim Chewable Tablets stand out for their ability to encourage the growth of helpful bacteria while actively preventing the formation of harmful ones. This dual-action mechanism is vital in maintaining a balanced and thriving oral microbiome. The carefully chosen probiotics, combined with organic elements, create an environment conducive to optimal oral health.
<br>Upon chewing a ProDentim tablet, the probiotics are released, initiating a colonization process that enables them to interact with the existing bacterial community in the mouth. This dynamic interaction further enhances the overall effectiveness of ProDentim in supporting a healthy oral ecosystem.
<br>ProDentim's commitment to oral health extends beyond the conventional focus on teeth and gums. By addressing the symbiotic relationship between oral and gut health, it establishes itself as a holistic solution. The supplement's proactive approach not only aids in preventing tooth decay and cavities but also contributes to a more comprehensive well-being strategy.<br></p>

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                <p class="mbr-text mbr-fonts-style display-7"><br>Experience a heightened level of oral and dental well-being with <a href="" class="text-primary"><strong>ProDentim</strong></a> <strong>US Supplement</strong>, exceeding expectations by offering a variety of benefits. Rigorous clinical testing has confirmed the efficacy of ProDentim's distinctive blend of nutrients and probiotics in preventing dental problems and infections. This advanced formulation not only nurtures gum and teeth health but also contributes to fresher breath by restoring beneficial bacteria in the oral environment.</p>

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                        <li><strong>Enhanced Gut Health:</strong> ProDentim contributes to improved gut health by incorporating probiotics, addressing the imbalance between beneficial and harmful microorganisms caused by diets high in sugar or carbohydrates. This balance restoration positively impacts metabolism, digestion, and cognitive development.
</li><li><strong>Cold Prevention:</strong> Research suggests that maintaining better immunological health can significantly reduce the occurrence of colds and flu. Regular intake of probiotics, such as those found in ProDentim, supports a robust immune system and reduces susceptibility to illnesses like the common cold.
</li><li><strong>Anti-Inflammatory Properties:</strong> ProDentim aids in preventing inflammation, a key factor in chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, asthma, and cancer. Scientific studies indicate that regular use of probiotics can reduce inflammatory markers, particularly in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.
</li><li><strong>Digestive Health Improvement:</strong> ProDentim addresses microbiome imbalances, a root cause of various disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Scientific evidence suggests that probiotics can help alleviate symptoms of IBS, such as stomach pain and discomfort.
</li><li><strong>Enhanced Skin Texture:</strong> By providing essential vitamins like vitamin D, often lacking in the body, ProDentim chewable pills contribute to improved skin texture. Scientifically supported, regular ingestion of probiotics has been linked to increased vitamin D levels, potentially preventing skin issues like eczema and psoriasis.
</li><li><strong>Pain Relief:</strong> Regular use of ProDentim serves as a local pain reliever by reducing the quantity of harmful bacteria. The beneficial bacteria in the supplement help alleviate discomfort associated with bacterial overgrowth.
</li><li><strong>Bad Breath Reduction:</strong> ProDentim contains peppermint and other nutrients known to decrease inflammation and combat harmful germs, aiding in the fight against bad breath. Taking it in the morning helps keep breath fresh throughout the day.
</li><li><strong>Swelling Reduction:</strong> ProDentim addresses common issues of swelling in the gums and mouth caused by bacterial infections. By combating harmful bacteria and other oral conditions, it helps reduce swelling and discomfort.
</li><li><strong>Teeth Whitening:</strong> The presence of Malic Acid in ProDentim contributes to its teeth-whitening properties. This supplement has the potential to improve the appearance of teeth by addressing discoloration, tartar, and plaque buildup.</li><li><strong>

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                         <p style="font-size:25px"><strong><br></strong><strong>Verified Purchase ✅</strong></p>
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                        <p class="card-text mbr-fonts-style align-center display-4">"I cannot express how thrilled I am with Prodentim! From the moment I walked into their modern and inviting clinic, I felt at ease. The staff is incredibly friendly, and the level of professionalism is outstanding. Dr. Smith took the time to thoroughly explain the treatment plan, making sure I felt comfortable every step of the way. My smile has never looked better, and I owe it all to Prodentim. Thank you for the exceptional care and for giving me the confidence to show off my pearly whites!"</p>
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                        <div class="mbr-author-name mbr-bold mbr-fonts-style display-7 animate__animated animate__delay-1s animate__fadeInUp"><em class="animate__animated animate__delay-1s animate__fadeInUp"><center>Somes W - Wyoming, USA</center></em></div>

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                         <p style="font-size:25px"><strong><br></strong><strong>Verified Purchase ✅</strong></p>
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                        <p class="card-text mbr-fonts-style align-center display-4">"Five stars all the way for Prodentim! The attention to detail and personalized care I received were beyond my expectations. The entire team is not only highly skilled but also genuinely caring. They made sure to address all my concerns and patiently answered all my questions. The state-of-the-art facilities and the use of the latest technology reassured me that I was in good hands. My dental work was flawless, and I can't stop smiling. Prodentim has earned a customer for life!"</p>
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                        <div class="mbr-author-name mbr-bold mbr-fonts-style display-7 animate__animated animate__delay-1s animate__fadeInUp"><em class="animate__animated animate__delay-1s animate__fadeInUp"><center>Shawn M - New York, USA</center></em></div>

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                         <p style="font-size:25px"><strong><br></strong><strong>Verified Purchase ✅</strong></p>
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                        <p class="card-text mbr-fonts-style align-center display-4">"I am over the moon with the fantastic service I received from Prodentim! Dr. Johnson and the entire staff went above and beyond to make my dental experience exceptional. The atmosphere is warm and inviting, helping to alleviate any anxiety. They were thorough in their examination and took the time to educate me on proper oral care. The results speak for themselves – my teeth have never looked better. Prodentim, you've gained a loyal fan. Thank you for making my dental visits a pleasure!"</p>
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                        <div class="mbr-author-name mbr-bold mbr-fonts-style display-7 animate__animated animate__delay-1s animate__fadeInUp"><em class="animate__animated animate__delay-1s animate__fadeInUp"><center>Luna S - Chicago, USA</center></em></div>


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                <h3 class="mbr-section-title mbr-fonts-style align-center mb-4 display-2"><strong>Is Prodentim US Supplement Safe?</strong></h3>

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                <p class="mbr-text mbr-fonts-style display-7"><a href="" class="text-primary"><strong>ProDentim</strong></a> <strong>US Supplement</strong> boasts an all-natural composition that is non-habit forming and free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs), actively contributing to the overall well-being of teeth and gums. Beyond its dental benefits, the ingredients in ProDentim play a role in supporting the health of the gastrointestinal, digestive, and immune systems.
<br>Utilizing state-of-the-art processes, the manufacturing of this supplement adheres to high standards, ensuring that only the purest components are included. The company assures users of the cleanliness and safety of ProDentim.
<br>In the event of any significant side effects during the use of ProDentim, the manufacturer strongly recommends discontinuing its usage and seeking prompt medical attention to verify the supplement's compatibility with the individual. While ProDentim is designed to minimize the likelihood of adverse effects, those with lingering concerns are encouraged to consult their healthcare provider before incorporating the supplement into their routine.
<br>Pregnant or breastfeeding women are advised against using the ProDentim supplement due to potential risks to both maternal and fetal health. Recognizing the sensitivity of this period, the company emphasizes the necessity for a doctor's prescription for any dietary supplements during pregnancy and lactation. Prioritizing health and well-being, individuals are urged to consult with their healthcare professionals to explore safer alternatives and make informed decisions regarding their oral and overall health.</p>

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                <h3 class="mbr-section-title mbr-fonts-style align-center mb-4 display-2"><strong>Order 6 Bottles or 3 Bottles and Get 2 FREE Bonuses!</strong></h3>

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                <h2 class="mbr-section-title mbr-fonts-style align-center mb-4 display-5"><strong>On Every ProDentim Order Get 60-Days Money-Back Guarantee</strong></h2>

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                    <p class="mbr-text mbr-fonts-style display-7"><br>The ProDentim supplement comes with a 60 day money-back guarantee. If you are not fully satisfied with the product, your results, or your overall experience during the initial 60 days of purchase, just inform us by reaching out through our toll-free number or sending an email. We are committed to providing a full refund within 5 days of receiving the returned product. You can return the items, including empty bottles, within 60 days of purchase, and we will process a complete refund without any questions.</p>
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                <h2 class="mbr-section-title mbr-fonts-style align-center mb-4 display-2"><strong>Prodentim US Supplement's Ingredinets</strong></h2>

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                        <p class="mbr-text mbr-fonts-style mb-4 display-7">The&nbsp;<a href="" class="text-primary"><strong>ProDentim</strong></a>&nbsp;<strong>US Supplement</strong>&nbsp;stands out for its enhanced effectiveness, as it incorporates all its components in therapeutic proportions. With 3.5 billion probiotics, ProDentim actively promotes dental health by addressing key oral concerns. Let's delve into the essential components of ProDentim:</p>
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                        <span class="step-number mbr-fonts-style display-5">1</span>
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                        <h4 class="icon-title card-title mbr-black mbr-fonts-style display-7"><strong>Lactobacillus paracasei</strong></h4>
                        <h5 class="icon-text mbr-black mbr-fonts-style display-4"><div>
</div><div>A major ingredient in ProDentim, Lactobacillus Paracasei excels in promoting gum health and enhancing the appearance of teeth. This organic component goes beyond dental benefits by maintaining sinus health, addressing issues that often contribute to dental problems. Its inclusion in ProDentim supports long-term oral health.</div><div>
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                        <span class="step-number mbr-fonts-style display-5">2</span>
                    <div class="text-box">
                        <h4 class="icon-title card-title mbr-black mbr-fonts-style display-7"><strong>B.lactis BL-04®</strong></h4>
                        <h5 class="icon-text mbr-black mbr-fonts-style display-4">Proven through clinical studies, B.lactis BL-04 emerges as a highly efficient agent in preventing dental issues such as cavities. By significantly incorporating this ingredient, ProDentim not only improves dental health but also boosts overall immune and respiratory well-being. Regular consumption of B. lactis is linked to a strengthened immune system, making ProDentim a unique choice for comprehensive dental care.</h5>
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                        <span class="step-number mbr-fonts-style display-5">3</span>
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                        <h4 class="icon-title card-title mbr-black mbr-fonts-style display-7"><strong>Lactobacillus Reuteri</strong></h4>
                        <h5 class="icon-text mbr-black mbr-fonts-style display-4"><div>
</div><div>The ProDentim supplement's Lactobacillus Reuteri plays a pivotal role in balancing oral microbiota. This beneficial bacterium not only supports a healthy mouth microbiome but also prevents inflammatory diseases, ensuring that gums remain free from inflammation and discomfort.</div></h5>
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                        <span class="step-number mbr-fonts-style display-5">4</span>
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                        <h4 class="icon-title card-title mbr-black mbr-fonts-style display-7"><strong>Inulin</strong></h4>
                        <h5 class="icon-text mbr-black mbr-fonts-style display-4"><div>
</div><div>ProDentim incorporates Inulin as a vital ingredient, promoting early satiety and stomach fullness. This component aids in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, preventing heart issues, and reducing the risk of stomach infections and digestive problems.</div></h5>
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                        <span class="step-number mbr-fonts-style display-5">5</span>
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                        <h4 class="icon-title card-title mbr-black mbr-fonts-style display-7"><strong>Malic Acid</strong></h4>
                        <h5 class="icon-text mbr-black mbr-fonts-style display-4"><div>Abundant in ProDentim, Malic Acid contributes to reducing the effects of aging and aids in clearing dead skin cells, providing a more youthful appearance. The inclusion of clinical quantities of malic acid makes ProDentim an effective option, particularly for those experiencing dry mouth.</div><div>
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                        <span class="step-number mbr-fonts-style display-5">6</span>
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                        <h4 class="icon-title card-title mbr-black mbr-fonts-style display-7"><strong>BLIS K-12 and BLIS M-18</strong></h4>
                        <h5 class="icon-text mbr-black mbr-fonts-style display-4"><div>Key constituents of ProDentim, BLIS M-18, and BLIS K-12 are designed to support dental health. BLIS K-12 employs a bacterial interference mechanism to prevent harmful bacteria from adhering in the oral cavity, promoting the presence of beneficial bacteria and improving the immune and respiratory systems. Both probiotics offer significant benefits, including fresh breath and protection against infections.</div><div>
                <div class="item mbr-flex last">
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                        <span class="step-number mbr-fonts-style display-5">7</span>
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                        <h4 class="icon-title card-title mbr-black mbr-fonts-style display-7"><strong>Peppermint</strong></h4>
                        <h5 class="icon-text mbr-black mbr-fonts-style display-4"><div>With an ample amount of peppermint, ProDentim effectively reduces gum bleeding and oral inflammations due to its natural anti-inflammatory characteristics. This inclusion enhances the supplement's overall efficacy in promoting oral health.</div><div>

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                <h2 class="mbr-section-title mbr-fonts-style align-center mb-4 display-2"><strong>ProDentim Frequently Asked Questions</strong></h2>

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                                    <h6 class="panel-title-edit mbr-fonts-style mb-0 display-7"><strong>What is Prodentim?</strong></h6>
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                                    <p class="mbr-fonts-style panel-text display-7">Prodentim is an innovative dental care system designed to revolutionize oral hygiene. It combines cutting-edge technology with user-friendly features, offering a unique and effective approach to dental health. Unlike traditional dental products, Prodentim utilizes advanced sensors and artificial intelligence to provide personalized and real-time feedback on your brushing habits, ensuring a thorough and customized oral care routine.</p>
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                                    <h6 class="panel-title-edit mbr-fonts-style mb-0 display-7"><strong>How does Prodentim improve oral health?</strong></h6>
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                                    <p class="mbr-fonts-style panel-text display-7">Prodentim is designed to enhance your oral care routine by providing intelligent insights into your brushing habits. The system analyzes your brushing technique, duration, and frequency, offering personalized recommendations to address areas that may need more attention. With Prodentim, users can optimize their dental care routine, leading to improved gum health, reduced plaque, and an overall enhanced oral hygiene experience.<br></p>
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                                    <h6 class="panel-title-edit mbr-fonts-style mb-0 display-7"><strong>Can Prodentim be used by individuals of all ages, and is it user-friendly?</strong></h6>
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                                    <p class="mbr-fonts-style panel-text display-7">Yes, Prodentim is suitable for users of all ages, from children to adults. The device is designed with simplicity in mind, featuring an intuitive interface that makes it easy for anyone to use. The system provides guidance and feedback in a clear and understandable manner, making it accessible for individuals with varying levels of technological familiarity. Prodentim aims to make oral health improvement convenient and achievable for everyone.<br></p>
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                                    <h6 class="panel-title-edit mbr-fonts-style mb-0 display-7"><strong>How long does it take to see noticeable results with Prodentim?</strong></h6>
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                                    <p class="mbr-fonts-style panel-text display-7">Users typically experience improved oral health within a few weeks of consistent use. However, individual results may vary. For the best outcomes, it is crucial to follow the recommended oral care routine, including regular brushing with Prodentim and routine dental check-ups.</p>
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                                   <h6 class="panel-title-edit mbr-fonts-style mb-0 display-7"><strong>How often should I use Prodentim products for optimal results?</strong></h6>
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                                    <p class="mbr-fonts-style panel-text display-7">For best results, it is recommended to use Prodentim toothpaste at least twice a day, along with Prodentim mouthwash and dental floss for a comprehensive oral care routine. Consistency in usage is key to achieving and maintaining optimal oral health.<br></p>
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                                    <h6 class="panel-title-edit mbr-fonts-style mb-0 display-7"><strong>Can I use Prodentim if I have dental work such as braces or dental implants?</strong></h6>
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                                    <p class="mbr-fonts-style panel-text display-7">Yes, Prodentim is safe for use with dental work. The toothbrush's design allows for effective cleaning around braces and implants, promoting overall oral health. It is advisable to consult with your dentist for personalized recommendations based on your specific dental conditions.<br></p>

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				<h2 class="mbr-section-title mbr-fonts-style mbr-white align-center mb-4 display-2">Regular Price: <s>$99/per bottle</s></h2>
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