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Picking them up at nightclubs, bars & malls is easy to find them locally. Here's the best pipelining method.","url":"","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Stephane Fillon"},"publisher":{"@context":"","@type":"Organization","name":"Pinay Romances","alternateName":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"","width":"180","height":"180"},"sameAs":["","","",""],"url":""},"dateCreated":"2020-05-29","dateModified":"2021-11-02","datePublished":"2021-11-02"},{"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"Where are the best nightclubs in Manila for pickups?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<ul><li>Valkyrie</li><li>Palace Pool Club</li><li>Black Market</li><li>Revel</li><li>ZZYZX</li><li>Prive</li></ul>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Where are the best bars in Manila for pickups?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<ul><li>Yes Please</li><li>Skinny Mike’s Sports Bar</li><li>Finders Keepers</li></ul>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Where are the best malls in Manila for pickups?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<ul><li>Mall of Asia in Pasay</li><li>SM Megamall at the Ortigas Center in Mandaluyong</li><li>Robinsons in Malate</li><li>SM City North EDSA in Quezon City</li><li>SM Makati</li><li>Greenbelt</li><li>Glorietta</li><li>Century City</li><li>Power Plant</li></ul>"}}]}]</script></head><body><div class="flex min-h-screen flex-col"><header class="sticky top-0 z-50 flex h-auto justify-between bg-gradient-to-b from-slate-900 via-slate-800 to-slate-700 px-2 pt-3 pb-2.5 sm:px-10"><a class="flex items-center text-lg  font-bold tracking-tighter text-slate-200 hover:text-white" href="/en">Pinay Romances</a><div class="flex"><div class="relative" data-headlessui-state=""><button class="group flex w-12 items-center justify-center sm:w-16" aria-label="Languages" data-cy="h-languages" id="headlessui-menu-button-:Rckp:" type="button" aria-haspopup="menu" aria-expanded="false" data-headlessui-state=""><span class="relative"><svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" aria-hidden="true" data-slot="icon" class="h-8 text-slate-200 group-hover:animate-bounce group-hover:text-white"><path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="m10.5 21 5.25-11.25L21 21m-9-3h7.5M3 5.621a48.474 48.474 0 0 1 6-.371m0 0c1.12 0 2.233.038 3.334.114M9 5.25V3m3.334 2.364C11.176 10.658 7.69 15.08 3 17.502m9.334-12.138c.896.061 1.785.147 2.666.257m-4.589 8.495a18.023 18.023 0 0 1-3.827-5.802"></path></svg><span class="absolute -bottom-2 left-5 flex h-5 w-7 items-center justify-center rounded-full border border-slate-600 bg-slate-700/90 px-0.5 text-xs uppercase text-slate-300 group-hover:text-white">en</span></span></button></div></div></header><div class="relative flex-grow"><div class="mx-auto mb-8 bg-slate-50 px-4 dark:bg-slate-900 sm:mt-16 sm:px-6 md:px-8 xl:max-w-6xl xl:px-12"><main><div class="absolute top-4 left-4 dark:border-gray-200/5 sm:left-8 sm:top-8"><a class="flex items-center space-x-0.5 font-semibold text-gray-700 hover:text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-200 dark:hover:text-white" href="/en/blog"><svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" aria-hidden="true" data-slot="icon" class="h-4 w-4 overflow-visible"><path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M15.75 19.5 8.25 12l7.5-7.5"></path></svg><span>Back to posts</span></a></div><article class="mx-auto pt-8"><div class="prose prose-slate mx-auto px-4 py-4 dark:prose-invert md:prose-lg lg:prose-xl prose-h2:scroll-mt-16 prose-h3:scroll-mt-16 prose-a:text-blue-700 hover:prose-a:text-blue-400 prose-img:rounded-sm prose-img:shadow-md dark:prose-a:text-teal-500 dark:hover:prose-a:text-teal-400 md:px-10"><h1 class="tracking-tight  text-slate-900 dark:text-slate-200 xl:mb-16">What&#x27;s The Big Deal With Manila Girls &amp; Where To Find Them?</h1><div class="mt-2 flex flex-col items-start justify-between space-y-6 md:flex-row-reverse md:items-center md:space-y-0"><div class="flex flex-row space-x-2"><a href=";quote=What%27s+The+Big+Deal+With+Manila+Girls+%26+Where+To+Find+Them%3F&amp;hashtag=%23manilafilipinowomen"><svg width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M15 27a12 12 0 1 0 0-24 12 12 0 0 0 0 24zm-1.23-6.03V15.6H12v-2.15h1.77v-1.6C13.77 10 14.85 9 16.42 9c.75 0 1.4.06 1.58.08v1.93h-1.09c-.85 0-1.02.43-1.02 1.05v1.38h2.04l-.27 2.15H15.9V21l-2.13-.03z" fill="#292929"></path></svg><span class="sr-only">Facebook</span></a><a href=";text=What%27s+The+Big+Deal+With+Manila+Girls+%26+Where+To+Find+Them%3F&amp;hashtags=manilafilipinowomen%2Conlinepipelining%2Cpickupfilipinagirls%2Cmanilanightclubs%2Cmanilabars%2Cmanilamalls%2CPinayRomances"><svg width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="none"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M15 27a12 12 0 1 0 0-24 12 12 0 0 0 0 24zm4.95-16.17a2.67 2.67 0 0 0-4.6 1.84c0 . 7.6 0 0 1-5.49-2.82 3 3 0 0 0-.38 1.34c.02.94.49 1.76 1.2 2.23a2.53 2.53 0 0 1-1.2-.33v.04c0 1.28.92 2.36 2.14 2.62-.23.05-.46.08-.71.1l-.21-.02-.27-.03a2.68 2.68 0 0 0 2.48 1.86A5.64 5.64 0 0 1 9 19.38a7.62 7.62 0 0 0 4.1 1.19c4.9 0 7.58-4.07 7.57-7.58v-.39c.52-.36.97-.83 1.33-1.38-.48.23-1 .37- 1.15-1.48-.5.31-1.07.53-1.67.66z" fill="#292929"></path></svg><span class="sr-only">Twitter</span></a></div><div class="flex items-center font-medium sm:mx-3 xl:mx-0"><div class="not-prose mr-3 h-10 w-10 overflow-hidden rounded-full bg-slate-50 dark:bg-slate-800"><img class="h-10 w-10 rounded-full border object-contain" src="/static/author/stephane-fillon.jpg" alt=""/></div><div><div class="text-base text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-200">Stephane Fillon</div><div class="text-sm text-slate-500 dark:text-slate-300">May 29, 2020 • 12 min read • <a class="no-underline" href="/en/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them#comments">Click for comments</a></div><div class="text-sm text-slate-500 dark:text-slate-300">Updated: November 02, 2021</div></div></div></div><figure><img loading="lazy" alt="filipina girl waiting for her date to arrive" src="/static/e/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them/manila-girl-waiting-for-her-date-fb.jpg" title="filipina girl waiting for her date to arrive" width="1200" height="628"/></figure>
<p>With the exception of Cebu, Davao, <a href="/en/dating/women/filipino/dating/location/central-luzon/angeles">Angeles</a> and <a href="/en/dating/women/filipino/dating/location/national-capital-region/quezon-city">Quezon City</a>, Manila girls are the most westernized filipinas in the Philippines.</p>
<p>With a population of just over 1,800,000 souls, the Philippines&#x27; 2nd largest major city has much to offer to expats and holiday makers alike. Having spent 6 years in the Philippines, <a href="/en/dating/women/filipino/dating/location/national-capital-region/manila">Manila</a> is by far my favorite for pickups and chilling with attractive easy-going women.</p>
<p>Let&#x27;s get into a brief history of the city to give you some background context.</p>
<div class="not-prose flex justify-center"><a class="mx-4 my-4 flex items-center space-x-5 rounded-full bg-gradient-to-tr from-indigo-600 via-purple-900 to-rose-700 
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<h2 id="varieties-of-manila-girls">Varieties of Manila Girls</h2>
<p>You don&#x27;t need to worry about filipino girls <a href="/en/blog/how-do-i-get-laid-in-the-philippines">when it comes to sex</a>.</p>
<p>Filipinas are renowned the world over for their incredibly high libido.</p>
<p>Manila is no different and, being so westernized, girls here have a much higher sex drive than the smaller country towns. Be prepared lol</p>
<p>You&#x27;ll see many beautiful filipina women with very slim bodies and petite features. Most have medium sized boobs with slim waists, arms and legs and a medium sized butt. A little more plump than found with women from Vietnam or Thailand though.</p>
<p>It isn&#x27;t uncommon for these city girls to save up their pesos for cosmetic surgery either. We&#x27;re only talking about minor surgery such as lip enhancing, wider eyes or blemish removal. It&#x27;s all focused on upgrading their lives and snaring a better man to marry and support them.</p>
<p>All women in the Philippines, who are looking for a guy, will be well groomed and on display, for peak performance.</p>
<p><strong>It&#x27;s all just for you and all up to you.</strong></p>
<div class="not-prose flex justify-center"><a class="mx-4 my-4 flex items-center space-x-5 rounded-full bg-gradient-to-tr from-indigo-600 via-purple-900 to-rose-700 
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<figure><img loading="lazy" alt="sweet Manila girl" src="/static/e/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them/manila-girls-sweet-sexy-approachable.jpg" title="Could you approach this sweet Manila woman?" width="800" height="418"/><figcaption>Could you approach this sweet Manila woman?</figcaption></figure>
<div class="not-prose flex justify-center"><a class="mx-4 my-4 flex items-center space-x-5 rounded-full bg-gradient-to-tr from-indigo-600 via-purple-900 to-rose-700 
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<h3 id="educated-but-not-sexually">Educated But Not Sexually</h3>
<p>Filipino people regard a good education as a high priority, for their future wellbeing. The Philippines is a poor country. People need education qualifications to make something of themselves in life. The girls living in Manila are no different.</p>
<p>As a filipino family grows in age, the older siblings need to get out into the workforce and start providing for a large family group. Manila is a melting pot of low and middle income jobs. They&#x27;ll be many educated girls but most have been so busy trying to make ends meet that they need &#x27;instruction&#x27; when it comes to sex - but they are very happy to be your student.</p>
<p>Filipino men tend towards manual labor since it&#x27;s easy to find work and doesn&#x27;t require them to waste their time on getting educated.</p>
<p>Sadly for them, filipino women want a boyfriend on the same or higher educational level as themselves. <a href="/en/blog/how-to-find-a-philippines-girl-the-safe-and-right-way">This has them searching for foreigners if they can find one</a>.</p>
<p>They&#x27;re looking to their future. Women around the world focus on stability and security. If you present yourself in potentially providing this for any pinay then your opportunities with her increase dramatically.</p>
<p>Most of these girls can be picked up in the <a href="/en/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them#day-game-areas">many malls in Manila</a>.</p>
<div class="not-prose flex justify-center"><a class="mx-4 my-4 flex items-center space-x-5 rounded-full bg-gradient-to-tr from-indigo-600 via-purple-900 to-rose-700 
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<h3 id="shop-or-buy">Shop or Buy?</h3>
<p>This big city is known as a Den of Sin.</p>
<p>American Armed Forces occupied much of the city during the last war. Obviously soldiers needed sexual services which provided an instant revenue stream for many destitute filipino families. And so Manila Red Light Infamy began.</p>
<p>While much has changed to the city since those early days, freelancing and prostitution still flourish. The mindset of sex for money remains in many filipina girls&#x27; minds which is perfectly OK for visiting foreign men.</p>
<p>You decide who you&#x27;re looking for.</p>
<p>I know many expats visit Manila initially as a sex tourist on their first holiday, only to form a relationship with a casual street prostitute, years later. After all, if you&#x27;re wanting an uninhibited sexually-experienced wife who better than a prostitute.</p>
<p>Filipinas are very open-minded and casual about their future. Getting money from prostitution is a means to an end. If the right opportunity comes their way, they&#x27;re happy to switch.</p>
<p>So you can Shop <strong>AND</strong> Buy if that fits who you&#x27;re looking for.</p>
<div class="not-prose flex justify-center"><a class="mx-4 my-4 flex items-center space-x-5 rounded-full bg-gradient-to-tr from-indigo-600 via-purple-900 to-rose-700 
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<figure><img loading="lazy" alt="Manila girls out partying" src="/static/e/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them/manila-girls-out-to-party.jpg" title="Party time, freelance or a paid girl. Everything is available." width="800" height="418"/><figcaption>Party time, freelance or a paid girl. Everything is available.</figcaption></figure>
<h3 id="mature-manila-cougars">Mature Manila Cougars</h3>
<p>Manila is awash with local mature talent, filipino cougars.</p>
<p>This Philippines city is literally a treasure trove if you&#x27;re looking to hook up with older women, affectionately known as cougars.</p>
<p>Many foreigners tend to prefer slightly <a href="/en/blog/dating-older-filipina-women-what-to-expect-from-cougars">older filipino ladies</a>. Older women here need to up their game in catching a guy&#x27;s eye and attention.</p>
<p>Their skills in flirting and getting up close and personal with foreigners have been honed by many years of practice. Obviously, those skills extend to their sexual prowess. If you&#x27;re a younger guy, these cougars will be gunning for your attention, both sexually and financially.</p>
<p>Manila is a popular city for many younger guys to have the first liaison with an older women.</p>
<p>Head for the <a href="/en/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them#zzyzx">ZZYZX Bar</a> if this is your thing.</p>
<p><strong>&#x27;What happens in Manila, stays in Manila&#x27;</strong></p>
<div class="not-prose flex justify-center"><a class="mx-4 my-4 flex items-center space-x-5 rounded-full bg-gradient-to-tr from-indigo-600 via-purple-900 to-rose-700 
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<h3 id="local-girls">Local Girls</h3>
<p>Manila filipinas are popular, the world over, for their great looks and being extremely approachable.</p>
<p>They&#x27;re from one of the poorest populated countries in world which makes finding a job difficult.</p>
<p>Which is good news for you as that makes picking up local girls easy, in Manila.</p>
<p>Besides, the city is most often the jumping off point for most overseas visitors anyway. Girls here are right at home with foreigners, they enjoy the interaction with you and know what to say and how to go about making it easy for you to actually pick them up.</p>
<p>You&#x27;ve only got to show a bit of wealth and you&#x27;re 90% of the way there. Just don&#x27;t flash the wealth openly or you could become a target from unwelcome visitors.</p>
<p>Invite the pinay for a drink in a booth and get started in a more secluded environment. It&#x27;s better for easy talking, you&#x27;re closer to her and can pick up on body language and <a href="/en/blog/how-to-impress-talk-to-a-filipino-woman">signs of interest from her</a>.</p>
<p><em>Note:</em> If you&#x27;re looking to approach local Manila girls this way, make sure you&#x27;re wearing deodorant and using mouth wash. Since the Philippines tends towards a warmer climate, you&#x27;ll be perspiring.</p>
<div class="not-prose flex justify-center"><a class="mx-4 my-4 flex items-center space-x-5 rounded-full bg-gradient-to-tr from-indigo-600 via-purple-900 to-rose-700 
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<figure><img loading="lazy" alt="Manila girl at shopping mall" src="/static/e/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them/manila-girl-shopping-mall.jpg" title="Local filipinas love visiting and hanging out at Malls." width="800" height="418"/><figcaption>Local filipinas love visiting and hanging out at Malls.</figcaption></figure>
<h2 id="where-to-meet-local-manila-girls">Where to Meet Local Manila Girls?</h2>
<p>Such a big city with so much to see and do, it can be overwhelming. Where do you start to find local girls in Manila?</p>
<p>There&#x27;s 3 options, depending on your style.</p>
<h3 id="nightclubs--bars">Nightclubs &amp; Bars</h3>
<p>If you&#x27;re into the nightclub and bar scene then Manila will blow your mind!</p>
<p>The best clubs in Manila city are all located in The Fort (Bonifacio Global City/BGC.) It is also the most expensive area in and around Manila so be aware when you&#x27;re looking for a room to stay.</p>
<p>The BGC area is new in Manila and has luxury shops, restaurants, bars, clubs and malls. The pollution and traffic here is lower than the rest of Manila since Jeepneys and Tricycles are forbidden.</p>
<div class="not-prose flex justify-center"><a class="mx-4 my-4 flex items-center space-x-5 rounded-full bg-gradient-to-tr from-indigo-600 via-purple-900 to-rose-700 
    px-10 py-4 text-xl font-semibold text-indigo-50 drop-shadow-lg transition delay-150 duration-300 ease-in-out hover:-translate-y-1 hover:scale-110 sm:text-2xl md:px-20" href="/en/join"><span>Start Free Now!</span><span><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true" data-slot="icon" class="h-7 w-7"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M3 10a.75.75 0 0 1 .75-.75h10.638L10.23 5.29a.75.75 0 1 1 1.04-1.08l5.5 5.25a.75.75 0 0 1 0 1.08l-5.5 5.25a.75.75 0 1 1-1.04-1.08l4.158-3.96H3.75A.75.75 0 0 1 3 10Z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span></a></div>
<p><strong>Bars worth having a look at include:</strong></p>
<h4 id="yes-please">Yes Please</h4>
<li>Located next to <a href="/en/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them#revel">Revel Nightclub</a></li>
<li>Gets busy and popular</li>
<li>A great jumping off point since it has a good ratio of girls, primed and ready to mingle.</li>
<h4 id="skinny-mikes-sports-bar">Skinny Mike’s Sports Bar</h4>
<li>I like sports bars and this one won&#x27;t disappoint you either</li>
<li>Affordable drinks</li>
<li>Great to just chill with a new girl or bring a date</li>
<li>You can try your day game here too</li>
<h4 id="finders-keepers">Finders Keepers</h4>
<li>Same building as the <a href="/en/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them#black-market">Black Market Club</a> in Makati.</li>
<li>One of the bars I am fond of.</li>
<li>Probably because it&#x27;s got a great ratio of girls to choose from lol</li>
<li>It can get very crowded on weekends</li>
<li>And open til 5AM too</li>
<div class="not-prose flex justify-center"><a class="mx-4 my-4 flex items-center space-x-5 rounded-full bg-gradient-to-tr from-indigo-600 via-purple-900 to-rose-700 
    px-10 py-4 text-xl font-semibold text-indigo-50 drop-shadow-lg transition delay-150 duration-300 ease-in-out hover:-translate-y-1 hover:scale-110 sm:text-2xl md:px-20" href="/en/join"><span>Start Free Now!</span><span><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true" data-slot="icon" class="h-7 w-7"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M3 10a.75.75 0 0 1 .75-.75h10.638L10.23 5.29a.75.75 0 1 1 1.04-1.08l5.5 5.25a.75.75 0 0 1 0 1.08l-5.5 5.25a.75.75 0 1 1-1.04-1.08l4.158-3.96H3.75A.75.75 0 0 1 3 10Z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span></a></div>
<figure><img loading="lazy" alt="Skinny Mike&#x27;s Sports Bar in Manila" src="/static/e/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them/skinny-mikes-sports-bar-manila.jpg" title="Jumping at Skinny Mikes Sports Bar in Manila." width="800" height="418"/><figcaption>Jumping at Skinny Mikes Sports Bar in Manila.</figcaption></figure>
<p><strong>For the better clubs for your night game, try these for starters:</strong></p>
<h4 id="valkyrie">Valkyrie</h4>
<li>Crowded on weekends</li>
<li>Best on Friday and Saturday but with a 1000 peso cover charge which includes 2 drinks</li>
<li>Free admission to <a href="/en/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them#palace-pool-club">Palace Pool Club</a> once you&#x27;re inside which is a bonus</li>
<li>Only a small dance floor, despite being the most popular club in Manila.</li>
<li>Good ratio of girls so put this spot on your list</li>
<h4 id="palace-pool-club">Palace Pool Club</h4>
<li>Same building as <a href="/en/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them#valkyrie">Valkyrie</a> and <a href="/en/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them#revel">Revel</a> but has a huge outdoor pool</li>
<li>Again, best on Friday and Saturday</li>
<li>Huge dance floor</li>
<li>Must be the same DJ as Valkyrie when I was there because the same music lol</li>
<li>Good ratio of girls here too.</li>
<li>Don&#x27;t bother wearing swimming gear to this pool club because no-one bothers.</li>
<h4 id="black-market">Black Market</h4>
<li>Starts 11PM</li>
<li>Medium sized club</li>
<li>Reasonable sized dance floor</li>
<li>300 pesos cover charge on Wednesday night, being their special hip-hop night.</li>
<li>Affordable drinks.</li>
<li>Great mix of local talent and local filipinas.</li>
<div class="not-prose flex justify-center"><a class="mx-4 my-4 flex items-center space-x-5 rounded-full bg-gradient-to-tr from-indigo-600 via-purple-900 to-rose-700 
    px-10 py-4 text-xl font-semibold text-indigo-50 drop-shadow-lg transition delay-150 duration-300 ease-in-out hover:-translate-y-1 hover:scale-110 sm:text-2xl md:px-20" href="/en/join"><span>Start Free Now!</span><span><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true" data-slot="icon" class="h-7 w-7"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M3 10a.75.75 0 0 1 .75-.75h10.638L10.23 5.29a.75.75 0 1 1 1.04-1.08l5.5 5.25a.75.75 0 0 1 0 1.08l-5.5 5.25a.75.75 0 1 1-1.04-1.08l4.158-3.96H3.75A.75.75 0 0 1 3 10Z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span></a></div>
<h4 id="revel">Revel</h4>
<li>Located in the same building as Valkyrie &amp; Palace Pool Club</li>
<li>Best on weekends</li>
<li>1000 pesos cover charge including 2 free drinks</li>
<li>No cover charge on weekdays but don&#x27;t bother as the place is dead during the week</li>
<li>It&#x27;s medium sized but, sadly, there&#x27;s no dance floor</li>
<li>Not as popular with the local girls</li>
<h4 id="zzyzx">ZZYZX</h4>
<li>This one is in red-light part of Malate</li>
<li>Open every single day</li>
<li>Medium sized club with a small dance floor</li>
<li>Popular with Koreans and Japanese</li>
<li>Smelly place because of their crappy ventilation</li>
<li>Totally full of freelancers and prostitutes.</li>
<li>Great if you want a paid girl.</li>
<h4 id="prive">Prive</h4>
<li>Small club</li>
<li>No dance floor</li>
<li>Not busy at all</li>
<li>The Valkyrie, Revel and Palace Pool Club combo is killing this club off</li>
<li>Have a look if you&#x27;re interested but it&#x27;s not popular with girls here</li>
<div class="not-prose flex justify-center"><a class="mx-4 my-4 flex items-center space-x-5 rounded-full bg-gradient-to-tr from-indigo-600 via-purple-900 to-rose-700 
    px-10 py-4 text-xl font-semibold text-indigo-50 drop-shadow-lg transition delay-150 duration-300 ease-in-out hover:-translate-y-1 hover:scale-110 sm:text-2xl md:px-20" href="/en/join"><span>Start Free Now!</span><span><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true" data-slot="icon" class="h-7 w-7"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M3 10a.75.75 0 0 1 .75-.75h10.638L10.23 5.29a.75.75 0 1 1 1.04-1.08l5.5 5.25a.75.75 0 0 1 0 1.08l-5.5 5.25a.75.75 0 1 1-1.04-1.08l4.158-3.96H3.75A.75.75 0 0 1 3 10Z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span></a></div>
<figure><img loading="lazy" alt="Skinny Mike&#x27;s Sports Bar in Manila" src="/static/e/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them/valkyrie-nightclub-manila.jpg" title="Jumping at Skinny Mikes Sports Bar in Manila." width="800" height="418"/><figcaption>Jumping at Skinny Mikes Sports Bar in Manila.</figcaption></figure>
<h3 id="day-game-areas">Day Game Areas</h3>
<p>Malls are where you need to head and hang out if you&#x27;re looking to pickup Manila women during the day.</p>
<p>Most of you might find this concept a little daunting if you&#x27;ve never done it before. The Philippines, especially Manila, is the best place to try your luck with &#x27;day game&#x27; though.</p>
<p>You&#x27;re lucky because there are so many huge malls here, with the local pinay women being so approachable.</p>
<li>Mall of Asia in Pasay</li>
<li>SM Megamall at the Ortigas Center in Mandaluyong</li>
<li>Robinsons in Malate</li>
<li>SM City North EDSA in Quezon City</li>
<p>If you head to the Makati area, you&#x27;ll also find:-</p>
<li>SM Makati</li>
<li>Century City</li>
<li>Power Plant</li>
<div class="not-prose flex justify-center"><a class="mx-4 my-4 flex items-center space-x-5 rounded-full bg-gradient-to-tr from-indigo-600 via-purple-900 to-rose-700 
    px-10 py-4 text-xl font-semibold text-indigo-50 drop-shadow-lg transition delay-150 duration-300 ease-in-out hover:-translate-y-1 hover:scale-110 sm:text-2xl md:px-20" href="/en/join"><span>Start Free Now!</span><span><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true" data-slot="icon" class="h-7 w-7"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M3 10a.75.75 0 0 1 .75-.75h10.638L10.23 5.29a.75.75 0 1 1 1.04-1.08l5.5 5.25a.75.75 0 0 1 0 1.08l-5.5 5.25a.75.75 0 1 1-1.04-1.08l4.158-3.96H3.75A.75.75 0 0 1 3 10Z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span></a></div>
<p>The first 3 on the list are all located in the same area, making one huge mall area you can wander around and practice your &#x27;day game&#x27;.</p>
<p>Single girls just wander around with nothing to do. They want to be picked up by you.</p>
<p>The least you can do is walk up to them, introduce yourself and pretend to be lost, asking for some simple directions. Most girls in Manila speak at least a little bit of English and they <em>do want</em> to learn more, when they get the opportunity.</p>
<p>Just remember to speak slowly, be respectful and patient and use easy simple words with them.</p>
<p>You will find girls just walking down the street to be picked up but malls are by far the easiest. Malls are all air-conditioned and a natural &#x27;chick magnet&#x27; since filipinas can also window shop until you get to them.</p>
<div class="not-prose flex justify-center"><a class="mx-4 my-4 flex items-center space-x-5 rounded-full bg-gradient-to-tr from-indigo-600 via-purple-900 to-rose-700 
    px-10 py-4 text-xl font-semibold text-indigo-50 drop-shadow-lg transition delay-150 duration-300 ease-in-out hover:-translate-y-1 hover:scale-110 sm:text-2xl md:px-20" href="/en/join"><span>Start Free Now!</span><span><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true" data-slot="icon" class="h-7 w-7"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M3 10a.75.75 0 0 1 .75-.75h10.638L10.23 5.29a.75.75 0 1 1 1.04-1.08l5.5 5.25a.75.75 0 0 1 0 1.08l-5.5 5.25a.75.75 0 1 1-1.04-1.08l4.158-3.96H3.75A.75.75 0 0 1 3 10Z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span></a></div>
<h3 id="easy--online">Easy &amp; Online</h3>
<p>Not every one is lucky enough to be permanently living in Manila.</p>
<p>Not every guy is into the nightclub scene.</p>
<p>And not every guy is confident enough to pickup a strange filipino woman in a Manila mall.</p>
<p>I&#x27;d wager most guys who are reading this are outside the Philippines but looking to get started with Manila women as easily and quickly as possible.</p>
<p>You need to play to your strengths. Doing so maintains your confidence. It&#x27;s a good emotion to keep in check when you&#x27;re venturing into the uncharted waters of Manila girls lol</p>
<p><em>Guys who play the nightclub game</em> use online dating to add Manila girls into their dating pipeline so they have some pinay women on hand for when they arrive in the Philippines.</p>
<p><em>Guys who like the &#x27;day game&#x27; use online dating</em> for the exact same reason. It&#x27;s better for them to have a supply of Manila girls on hand for when they arrive too.</p>
<p>If you&#x27;re not into these &#x27;night/day player modes&#x27;, take a leaf out of the professional players handbook - get a dating profile started for your Philippines adventures.</p>
<p>Like we&#x27;ve said before, Philippines girls in Manila want to be approached by you. It&#x27;s especially true in the online world since there&#x27;s no friction in getting started and making some new friends.</p>
<p>Fill in a short form and add some good photos and you&#x27;ve half-way there. It only takes a few minutes of your time and you&#x27;re ready to fill your own Manila pipeline with girls.</p>
<p>No Alpha Male bravado needed. Ease into it at your own pace.</p>
<p>You&#x27;ll be lining up Manila filipinas like a PRO.</p>
<h2 id="closing">Closing</h2>
<p>Whether it&#x27;s nightclubs, bars or malls, picking up girls in Manila is a whole lot easier when you start that journey by pipelining them using an easy to use online dating site.</p>
<p>All the professional pickup artists use online to begin.</p>
<p>With Manila women all looking to find someone, using the smarter approach makes sense.</p>
<div class="not-prose flex justify-center"><a class="mx-4 my-4 flex items-center space-x-5 rounded-full bg-gradient-to-tr from-indigo-600 via-purple-900 to-rose-700 
    px-10 py-4 text-xl font-semibold text-indigo-50 drop-shadow-lg transition delay-150 duration-300 ease-in-out hover:-translate-y-1 hover:scale-110 sm:text-2xl md:px-20" href="/en/join"><span>Start Free Now!</span><span><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true" data-slot="icon" class="h-7 w-7"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M3 10a.75.75 0 0 1 .75-.75h10.638L10.23 5.29a.75.75 0 1 1 1.04-1.08l5.5 5.25a.75.75 0 0 1 0 1.08l-5.5 5.25a.75.75 0 1 1-1.04-1.08l4.158-3.96H3.75A.75.75 0 0 1 3 10Z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></span></a></div>
<figure><img loading="lazy" alt="2 happy manila women" src="/static/e/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them/2-happy-manila-women.jpg" title="Happy and approachable girls. What are you waiting for?" width="800" height="418"/><figcaption>Happy and approachable girls. What are you waiting for?</figcaption></figure>
<h2 id="faq">FAQ</h2>
<h3 id="where-are-the-best-nightclubs-in-manila-for-pickups">Where are the best nightclubs in Manila for pickups?</h3>
<li>Palace Pool Club</li>
<li>Black Market</li>
<h3 id="where-are-the-best-bars-in-manila-for-pickups">Where are the best bars in Manila for pickups?</h3>
<li>Yes Please</li>
<li>Skinny Mike’s Sports Bar</li>
<li>Finders Keepers</li>
<h3 id="where-are-the-best-malls-in-manila-for-pickups">Where are the best malls in Manila for pickups?</h3>
<li>Mall of Asia in Pasay</li>
<li>SM Megamall at the Ortigas Center in Mandaluyong</li>
<li>Robinsons in Malate</li>
<li>SM City North EDSA in Quezon City</li>
<li>SM Makati</li>
<li>Century City</li>
<li>Power Plant</li>
<div class="not-prose flex justify-center"><a class="mx-4 my-4 flex items-center space-x-5 rounded-full bg-gradient-to-tr from-indigo-600 via-purple-900 to-rose-700 
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        particularly throughout the South-East Asia and Pacific countries.
        I&amp;apos;ve been doing this for the last 10 years and love it.</p><p>I enjoy helping others learn from the insights I&#x27;ve gathered along
        the way and from the countless misadventures I have encountered -
        “Never try, never know” is a solid quote to live by.</p><p>I do hope you enjoy my many posts and do let me know if your have any
        comments.</p></div><div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap justify-center space-x-4 "><a href="">Facebook</a><a href="">LinkedIn</a></div></div></div></article><div class="mt-6 scroll-m-5" id="comments"></div></main></div></div><footer class="mt-4 text-base leading-6"><div class="mx-auto max-w-7xl"><div class="flex flex-wrap items-baseline justify-center space-y-4 whitespace-nowrap sm:space-y-2"><p class="px-4"><a data-cy="f-blog" class="text-slate-600 hover:text-slate-500 dark:text-slate-500 dark:hover:text-slate-400" href="/en/blog">Blog</a></p><p class="px-4"><a data-cy="f-about" class="text-slate-600 hover:text-slate-500 dark:text-slate-500 dark:hover:text-slate-400" href="/en/about-us">About Us</a></p><p class="px-4"><a data-cy="f-affiliate" class="text-slate-600 hover:text-slate-500 dark:text-slate-500 dark:hover:text-slate-400" href="/en/affiliate">Affiliate</a></p><p class="px-4"><a data-cy="f-contact" class="text-slate-600 hover:text-slate-500 dark:text-slate-500 dark:hover:text-slate-400" href="/en/contact-us">Contact Us</a></p><p class="px-4"><a data-cy="f-faq" class="text-slate-600 hover:text-slate-500 dark:text-slate-500 dark:hover:text-slate-400" href="/en/faq">FAQ</a></p><p class="px-4"><a data-cy="f-privacy" class="text-slate-600 hover:text-slate-500 dark:text-slate-500 dark:hover:text-slate-400" href="/en/privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a></p><p class="px-4"><a data-cy="f-safety" class="text-slate-600 hover:text-slate-500 dark:text-slate-500 dark:hover:text-slate-400" href="/en/safety-tips">Safety</a></p><p class="px-4"><a data-cy="f-terms" class="text-slate-600 hover:text-slate-500 dark:text-slate-500 dark:hover:text-slate-400" href="/en/terms-of-use">Terms of Use</a></p><p class="px-4"><a data-cy="f-sitemap" class="text-slate-600 hover:text-slate-500 dark:text-slate-500 dark:hover:text-slate-400" href="/en/general/sitemap">Site Map</a></p></div><div class="mt-2 flex flex-wrap items-baseline justify-center space-y-4 whitespace-nowrap sm:space-y-2"><p class="px-4"><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" class="text-slate-600 hover:text-slate-500 dark:text-slate-500 dark:hover:text-slate-400"></a></p><p class="px-4"><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" class="text-slate-600 hover:text-slate-500 dark:text-slate-500 dark:hover:text-slate-400"></a></p><p class="px-4"><a data-cy="f-guest" class="text-slate-600 hover:text-slate-500 dark:text-slate-500 dark:hover:text-slate-400" href="/en/dating/ladyboys">Filipino Ladyboys</a></p></div><div class="my-4 text-center text-slate-600">© <!-- -->2024 Skainet Ltd</div></div></footer></div><div style="position:fixed;z-index:9999;top:16px;left:16px;right:16px;bottom:16px;pointer-events:none"></div><script>((STORAGE_KEY, restoreKey) => {
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waiting for her date to arrive\",src:\"/static/e/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them/manila-girl-waiting-for-her-date-fb.jpg\",title:\"filipina girl waiting for her date to arrive\",width:1200,height:628}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.p,{children:[\"With the exception of Cebu, Davao, \",(0,e.jsx)(i.a,{href:\"/dating/women/filipino/dating/location/central-luzon/angeles\",children:\"Angeles\"}),\" and \",(0,e.jsx)(i.a,{href:\"/dating/women/filipino/dating/location/national-capital-region/quezon-city\",children:\"Quezon City\"}),\", Manila girls are the most westernized filipinas in the Philippines.\"]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.p,{children:[\"With a population of just over 1,800,000 souls, the Philippines' 2nd largest major city has much to offer to expats and holiday makers alike. Having spent 6 years in the Philippines, \",(0,e.jsx)(i.a,{href:\"/dating/women/filipino/dating/location/national-capital-region/manila\",children:\"Manila\"}),\" is by far my favorite for pickups and chilling with attractive easy-going women.\"]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Let's get into a brief history of the city to give you some background context.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(l,{}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h2,{id:\"varieties-of-manila-girls\",children:\"Varieties of Manila Girls\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.p,{children:[\"You don't need to worry about filipino girls \",(0,e.jsx)(i.a,{href:\"/blog/how-do-i-get-laid-in-the-philippines\",children:\"when it comes to sex\"}),\".\"]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Filipinas are renowned the world over for their incredibly high libido.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Manila is no different and, being so westernized, girls here have a much higher sex drive than the smaller country towns. Be prepared lol\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"You'll see many beautiful filipina women with very slim bodies and petite features. Most have medium sized boobs with slim waists, arms and legs and a medium sized butt. A little more plump than found with women from Vietnam or Thailand though.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"It isn't uncommon for these city girls to save up their pesos for cosmetic surgery either. We're only talking about minor surgery such as lip enhancing, wider eyes or blemish removal. It's all focused on upgrading their lives and snaring a better man to marry and support them.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"All women in the Philippines, who are looking for a guy, will be well groomed and on display, for peak performance.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:(0,e.jsx)(i.strong,{children:\"It's all just for you and all up to you.\"})}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(l,{}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(t,{alt:\"sweet Manila girl\",caption:\"Could you approach this sweet Manila woman?\",src:\"/static/e/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them/manila-girls-sweet-sexy-approachable.jpg\",title:\"Could you approach this sweet Manila woman?\",width:800,height:418}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(l,{}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h3,{id:\"educated-but-not-sexually\",children:\"Educated But Not Sexually\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Filipino people regard a good education as a high priority, for their future wellbeing. The Philippines is a poor country. People need education qualifications to make something of themselves in life. The girls living in Manila are no different.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"As a filipino family grows in age, the older siblings need to get out into the workforce and start providing for a large family group. Manila is a melting pot of low and middle income jobs. They'll be many educated girls but most have been so busy trying to make ends meet that they need 'instruction' when it comes to sex - but they are very happy to be your student.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Filipino men tend towards manual labor since it's easy to find work and doesn't require them to waste their time on getting educated.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.p,{children:[\"Sadly for them, filipino women want a boyfriend on the same or higher educational level as themselves. \",(0,e.jsx)(i.a,{href:\"/blog/how-to-find-a-philippines-girl-the-safe-and-right-way\",children:\"This has them searching for foreigners if they can find one\"}),\".\"]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"They're looking to their future. Women around the world focus on stability and security. If you present yourself in potentially providing this for any pinay then your opportunities with her increase dramatically.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.p,{children:[\"Most of these girls can be picked up in the \",(0,e.jsx)(i.a,{href:\"#day-game-areas\",children:\"many malls in Manila\"}),\".\"]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(l,{}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h3,{id:\"shop-or-buy\",children:\"Shop or Buy?\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"This big city is known as a Den of Sin.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"American Armed Forces occupied much of the city during the last war. Obviously soldiers needed sexual services which provided an instant revenue stream for many destitute filipino families. And so Manila Red Light Infamy began.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"While much has changed to the city since those early days, freelancing and prostitution still flourish. The mindset of sex for money remains in many filipina girls' minds which is perfectly OK for visiting foreign men.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"You decide who you're looking for.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"I know many expats visit Manila initially as a sex tourist on their first holiday, only to form a relationship with a casual street prostitute, years later. After all, if you're wanting an uninhibited sexually-experienced wife who better than a prostitute.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Filipinas are very open-minded and casual about their future. Getting money from prostitution is a means to an end. If the right opportunity comes their way, they're happy to switch.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.p,{children:[\"So you can Shop \",(0,e.jsx)(i.strong,{children:\"AND\"}),\" Buy if that fits who you're looking for.\"]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(l,{}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(t,{alt:\"Manila girls out partying\",caption:\"Party time, freelance or a paid girl. Everything is available.\",src:\"/static/e/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them/manila-girls-out-to-party.jpg\",title:\"Party time, freelance or a paid girl. Everything is available.\",width:800,height:418}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h3,{id:\"mature-manila-cougars\",children:\"Mature Manila Cougars\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Manila is awash with local mature talent, filipino cougars.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"This Philippines city is literally a treasure trove if you're looking to hook up with older women, affectionately known as cougars.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.p,{children:[\"Many foreigners tend to prefer slightly \",(0,e.jsx)(i.a,{href:\"/blog/dating-older-filipina-women-what-to-expect-from-cougars\",children:\"older filipino ladies\"}),\". Older women here need to up their game in catching a guy's eye and attention.\"]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Their skills in flirting and getting up close and personal with foreigners have been honed by many years of practice. Obviously, those skills extend to their sexual prowess. If you're a younger guy, these cougars will be gunning for your attention, both sexually and financially.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Manila is a popular city for many younger guys to have the first liaison with an older women.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.p,{children:[\"Head for the \",(0,e.jsx)(i.a,{href:\"#zzyzx\",children:\"ZZYZX Bar\"}),\" if this is your thing.\"]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:(0,e.jsx)(i.strong,{children:\"'What happens in Manila, stays in Manila'\"})}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(l,{}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h3,{id:\"local-girls\",children:\"Local Girls\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Manila filipinas are popular, the world over, for their great looks and being extremely approachable.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"They're from one of the poorest populated countries in world which makes finding a job difficult.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Which is good news for you as that makes picking up local girls easy, in Manila.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Besides, the city is most often the jumping off point for most overseas visitors anyway. Girls here are right at home with foreigners, they enjoy the interaction with you and know what to say and how to go about making it easy for you to actually pick them up.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"You've only got to show a bit of wealth and you're 90% of the way there. Just don't flash the wealth openly or you could become a target from unwelcome visitors.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.p,{children:[\"Invite the pinay for a drink in a booth and get started in a more secluded environment. It's better for easy talking, you're closer to her and can pick up on body language and \",(0,e.jsx)(i.a,{href:\"/blog/how-to-impress-talk-to-a-filipino-woman\",children:\"signs of interest from her\"}),\".\"]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.p,{children:[(0,e.jsx)(i.em,{children:\"Note:\"}),\" If you're looking to approach local Manila girls this way, make sure you're wearing deodorant and using mouth wash. Since the Philippines tends towards a warmer climate, you'll be perspiring.\"]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(l,{}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(t,{alt:\"Manila girl at shopping mall\",caption:\"Local filipinas love visiting and hanging out at Malls.\",src:\"/static/e/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them/manila-girl-shopping-mall.jpg\",title:\"Local filipinas love visiting and hanging out at Malls.\",width:800,height:418}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h2,{id:\"where-to-meet-local-manila-girls\",children:\"Where to Meet Local Manila Girls?\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Such a big city with so much to see and do, it can be overwhelming. Where do you start to find local girls in Manila?\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"There's 3 options, depending on your style.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h3,{id:\"nightclubs--bars\",children:\"Nightclubs \u0026 Bars\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"If you're into the nightclub and bar scene then Manila will blow your mind!\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"The best clubs in Manila city are all located in The Fort (Bonifacio Global City/BGC.) It is also the most expensive area in and around Manila so be aware when you're looking for a room to stay.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"The BGC area is new in Manila and has luxury shops, restaurants, bars, clubs and malls. The pollution and traffic here is lower than the rest of Manila since Jeepneys and Tricycles are forbidden.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(l,{}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:(0,e.jsx)(i.strong,{children:\"Bars worth having a look at include:\"})}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h4,{id:\"yes-please\",children:\"Yes Please\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.ul,{children:[`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(,{children:[\"Located next to \",(0,e.jsx)(i.a,{href:\"#revel\",children:\"Revel Nightclub\"})]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Gets busy and popular\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"A great jumping off point since it has a good ratio of girls, primed and ready to mingle.\"}),`\n`]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h4,{id:\"skinny-mikes-sports-bar\",children:\"Skinny Mike\\u2019s Sports Bar\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.ul,{children:[`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"I like sports bars and this one won't disappoint you either\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Affordable drinks\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Great to just chill with a new girl or bring a date\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"You can try your day game here too\"}),`\n`]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h4,{id:\"finders-keepers\",children:\"Finders Keepers\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.ul,{children:[`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(,{children:[\"Same building as the \",(0,e.jsx)(i.a,{href:\"#black-market\",children:\"Black Market Club\"}),\" in Makati.\"]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"One of the bars I am fond of.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Probably because it's got a great ratio of girls to choose from lol\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"It can get very crowded on weekends\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"And open til 5AM too\"}),`\n`]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(l,{}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(t,{alt:\"Skinny Mike's Sports Bar in Manila\",caption:\"Jumping at Skinny Mikes Sports Bar in Manila.\",src:\"/static/e/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them/skinny-mikes-sports-bar-manila.jpg\",title:\"Jumping at Skinny Mikes Sports Bar in Manila.\",width:800,height:418}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:(0,e.jsx)(i.strong,{children:\"For the better clubs for your night game, try these for starters:\"})}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h4,{id:\"valkyrie\",children:\"Valkyrie\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.ul,{children:[`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Crowded on weekends\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Best on Friday and Saturday but with a 1000 peso cover charge which includes 2 drinks\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(,{children:[\"Free admission to \",(0,e.jsx)(i.a,{href:\"#palace-pool-club\",children:\"Palace Pool Club\"}),\" once you're inside which is a bonus\"]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Only a small dance floor, despite being the most popular club in Manila.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Good ratio of girls so put this spot on your list\"}),`\n`]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h4,{id:\"palace-pool-club\",children:\"Palace Pool Club\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.ul,{children:[`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(,{children:[\"Same building as \",(0,e.jsx)(i.a,{href:\"#valkyrie\",children:\"Valkyrie\"}),\" and \",(0,e.jsx)(i.a,{href:\"#revel\",children:\"Revel\"}),\" but has a huge outdoor pool\"]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Again, best on Friday and Saturday\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Huge dance floor\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Must be the same DJ as Valkyrie when I was there because the same music lol\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Good ratio of girls here too.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Don't bother wearing swimming gear to this pool club because no-one bothers.\"}),`\n`]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h4,{id:\"black-market\",children:\"Black Market\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.ul,{children:[`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Starts 11PM\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Medium sized club\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Reasonable sized dance floor\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"300 pesos cover charge on Wednesday night, being their special hip-hop night.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Affordable drinks.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Great mix of local talent and local filipinas.\"}),`\n`]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(l,{}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h4,{id:\"revel\",children:\"Revel\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.ul,{children:[`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Located in the same building as Valkyrie \u0026 Palace Pool Club\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Best on weekends\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"1000 pesos cover charge including 2 free drinks\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"No cover charge on weekdays but don't bother as the place is dead during the week\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"It's medium sized but, sadly, there's no dance floor\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Not as popular with the local girls\"}),`\n`]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h4,{id:\"zzyzx\",children:\"ZZYZX\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.ul,{children:[`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"This one is in red-light part of Malate\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Open every single day\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Medium sized club with a small dance floor\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Popular with Koreans and Japanese\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Smelly place because of their crappy ventilation\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Totally full of freelancers and prostitutes.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Great if you want a paid girl.\"}),`\n`]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h4,{id:\"prive\",children:\"Prive\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.ul,{children:[`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Small club\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"No dance floor\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Not busy at all\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"The Valkyrie, Revel and Palace Pool Club combo is killing this club off\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Have a look if you're interested but it's not popular with girls here\"}),`\n`]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(l,{}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(t,{alt:\"Skinny Mike's Sports Bar in Manila\",caption:\"Jumping at Skinny Mikes Sports Bar in Manila.\",src:\"/static/e/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them/valkyrie-nightclub-manila.jpg\",title:\"Jumping at Skinny Mikes Sports Bar in Manila.\",width:800,height:418}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h3,{id:\"day-game-areas\",children:\"Day Game Areas\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Malls are where you need to head and hang out if you're looking to pickup Manila women during the day.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Most of you might find this concept a little daunting if you've never done it before. The Philippines, especially Manila, is the best place to try your luck with 'day game' though.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"You're lucky because there are so many huge malls here, with the local pinay women being so approachable.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.ul,{children:[`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Mall of Asia in Pasay\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"SM Megamall at the Ortigas Center in Mandaluyong\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Robinsons in Malate\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"SM City North EDSA in Quezon City\"}),`\n`]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"If you head to the Makati area, you'll also find:-\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.ul,{children:[`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"SM Makati\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Greenbelt\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Glorietta\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Century City\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Power Plant\"}),`\n`]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(l,{}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"The first 3 on the list are all located in the same area, making one huge mall area you can wander around and practice your 'day game'.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Single girls just wander around with nothing to do. They want to be picked up by you.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.p,{children:[\"The least you can do is walk up to them, introduce yourself and pretend to be lost, asking for some simple directions. Most girls in Manila speak at least a little bit of English and they \",(0,e.jsx)(i.em,{children:\"do want\"}),\" to learn more, when they get the opportunity.\"]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Just remember to speak slowly, be respectful and patient and use easy simple words with them.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"You will find girls just walking down the street to be picked up but malls are by far the easiest. Malls are all air-conditioned and a natural 'chick magnet' since filipinas can also window shop until you get to them.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(l,{}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h3,{id:\"easy--online\",children:\"Easy \u0026 Online\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Not every one is lucky enough to be permanently living in Manila.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Not every guy is into the nightclub scene.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"And not every guy is confident enough to pickup a strange filipino woman in a Manila mall.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"I'd wager most guys who are reading this are outside the Philippines but looking to get started with Manila women as easily and quickly as possible.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"You need to play to your strengths. Doing so maintains your confidence. It's a good emotion to keep in check when you're venturing into the uncharted waters of Manila girls lol\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:(0,e.jsx)(i.strong,{children:\"BUT HERE IS THE REAL SECRET SAUCE YOU NEED TO KNOW ...\"})}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.p,{children:[(0,e.jsx)(i.em,{children:\"Guys who play the nightclub game\"}),\" use online dating to add Manila girls into their dating pipeline so they have some pinay women on hand for when they arrive in the Philippines.\"]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.p,{children:[(0,e.jsx)(i.em,{children:\"Guys who like the 'day game' use online dating\"}),\" for the exact same reason. It's better for them to have a supply of Manila girls on hand for when they arrive too.\"]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"If you're not into these 'night/day player modes', take a leaf out of the professional players handbook - get a dating profile started for your Philippines adventures.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Like we've said before, Philippines girls in Manila want to be approached by you. It's especially true in the online world since there's no friction in getting started and making some new friends.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Fill in a short form and add some good photos and you've half-way there. It only takes a few minutes of your time and you're ready to fill your own Manila pipeline with girls.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"No Alpha Male bravado needed. Ease into it at your own pace.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"You'll be lining up Manila filipinas like a PRO.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h2,{id:\"closing\",children:\"Closing\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"Whether it's nightclubs, bars or malls, picking up girls in Manila is a whole lot easier when you start that journey by pipelining them using an easy to use online dating site.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"All the professional pickup artists use online to begin.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.p,{children:\"With Manila women all looking to find someone, using the smarter approach makes sense.\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(l,{}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(t,{alt:\"2 happy manila women\",caption:\"Happy and approachable girls. What are you waiting for?\",src:\"/static/e/blog/whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them/2-happy-manila-women.jpg\",title:\"Happy and approachable girls. What are you waiting for?\",width:800,height:418}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h2,{id:\"faq\",children:\"FAQ\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h3,{id:\"where-are-the-best-nightclubs-in-manila-for-pickups\",children:\"Where are the best nightclubs in Manila for pickups?\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.ul,{children:[`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Valkyrie\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Palace Pool Club\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Black Market\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Revel\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"ZZYZX\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Prive\"}),`\n`]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h3,{id:\"where-are-the-best-bars-in-manila-for-pickups\",children:\"Where are the best bars in Manila for pickups?\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.ul,{children:[`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Yes Please\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Skinny Mike\\u2019s Sports Bar\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Finders Keepers\"}),`\n`]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(i.h3,{id:\"where-are-the-best-malls-in-manila-for-pickups\",children:\"Where are the best malls in Manila for pickups?\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsxs)(i.ul,{children:[`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Mall of Asia in Pasay\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"SM Megamall at the Ortigas Center in Mandaluyong\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Robinsons in Malate\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"SM City North EDSA in Quezon City\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"SM Makati\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Greenbelt\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Glorietta\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Century City\"}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(,{children:\"Power Plant\"}),`\n`]}),`\n`,(0,e.jsx)(l,{})]})}}var v=M;function c(n,a){throw new Error(\"Expected \"+(a?\"component\":\"object\")+\" `\"+n+\"` to be defined: you likely forgot to import, pass, or provide it.\")}return k(S);})();\n;return Component;","post":{"slug":"whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them","slugEN":"whats-the-big-deal-with-manila-girls-where-to-find-them","author":{"content":["Hi, I'm Stephane. I love to travel and experience new adventures,\n        particularly throughout the South-East Asia and Pacific countries.\n        I\u0026apos;ve been doing this for the last 10 years and love it.","I enjoy helping others learn from the insights I've gathered along\n        the way and from the countless misadventures I have encountered -\n        “Never try, never know” is a solid quote to live by.","I do hope you enjoy my many posts and do let me know if your have any\n        comments."],"imageText":"Stephane enjoys the Asia lifestyle; whether it's food, girls or travel.","imageUrl":"/static/author/stephane-fillon.jpg","links":[{"name":"Facebook","url":""},{"name":"LinkedIn","url":""}],"name":"Stephane Fillon","title":"Loving travel \u0026 new experiences across Asia/Pacific"},"canonical":"","image542x100":"manila-girl-waiting-for-her-date-thumb-2.jpg","image542x200":"manila-girl-waiting-for-her-date-thumb.jpg","meta":{"title":"What's The Big Deal With Manila Girls \u0026 Where To Find Them?","description":"Manila girls are sexy \u0026 approachable. Picking them up at nightclubs, bars \u0026 malls is easy to find them locally. Here's the best pipelining method.","article":{"author":"","section":"Philippine Singles Dating","tags":["manila filipino women","online pipelining","pickup filipina girls","manila nightclubs","manila bars","manila malls"]},"image":"","url":"","createdAt":"May 29, 2020","updatedAt":"November 02, 2021"},"readingTime":"12 min read","schemas":[{"@context":"","@type":"BlogPosting","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":""},"name":"What's The Big Deal With Manila Girls \u0026 Where To Find Them?","headline":"What's The Big Deal With Manila Girls \u0026 Where To Find Them?","description":"Manila girls are sexy \u0026 approachable. Picking them up at nightclubs, bars \u0026 malls is easy to find them locally. Here's the best pipelining method.","url":"","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Stephane Fillon"},"publisher":{"@context":"","@type":"Organization","name":"Pinay Romances","alternateName":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"","width":"180","height":"180"},"sameAs":["","","",""],"url":""},"dateCreated":"2020-05-29","dateModified":"2021-11-02","datePublished":"2021-11-02"},{"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"Where are the best nightclubs in Manila for pickups?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003eValkyrie\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003ePalace Pool Club\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eBlack Market\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eRevel\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eZZYZX\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003ePrive\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Where are the best bars in Manila for pickups?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003eYes Please\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eSkinny Mike’s Sports Bar\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eFinders Keepers\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Where are the best malls in Manila for pickups?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"\u003cul\u003e\u003cli\u003eMall of Asia in Pasay\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eSM Megamall at the Ortigas Center in Mandaluyong\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eRobinsons in Malate\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eSM City North EDSA in Quezon City\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eSM Makati\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eGreenbelt\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eGlorietta\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003eCentury City\u003c/li\u003e\u003cli\u003ePower Plant\u003c/li\u003e\u003c/ul\u003e"}}]}]},"discusName":"pinayromances","shareProps":{"facebookUrl":"\u0026quote=What%27s+The+Big+Deal+With+Manila+Girls+%26+Where+To+Find+Them%3F\u0026hashtag=%23manilafilipinowomen","twitterUrl":"\u0026text=What%27s+The+Big+Deal+With+Manila+Girls+%26+Where+To+Find+Them%3F\u0026hashtags=manilafilipinowomen%2Conlinepipelining%2Cpickupfilipinagirls%2Cmanilanightclubs%2Cmanilabars%2Cmanilamalls%2CPinayRomances"}}},"actionData":null,"errors":null},"future":{"unstable_dev":false,"unstable_postcss":false,"unstable_tailwind":false,"v2_errorBoundary":false,"v2_meta":false,"v2_normalizeFormMethod":false,"v2_routeConvention":true}};</script><script type="module" async="">import "/build/manifest-ECD0A770.js";
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