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                        "reason.client.inactiveByReseller": "The client account is suspended by a reseller.",
                        "reason.client.inactiveWithParent": "The client account is suspended because its owner was suspended.",
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                        "reason.domain.inactive": "The domain is inactive.",
                        "reason.domain.inactiveByAdmin": "The domain was suspended by the administrator.",
                        "reason.domain.inactiveByReseller": "The domain was suspended by a reseller.",
                        "reason.domain.inactiveByClient": "The domain was suspended by the client.",
                        "reason.domain.inactiveWithParent": "The user account and the user's domain were suspended.",
                        "reason.domain.inactiveExpired": "The domain has expired.",
                        "reason.domain.inactiveBackupRestore": "The domain is temporarily suspended for backing up or restoring.",
                        "": "The user account is active.",
                        "reason.reseller.inactive": "The user account was suspended.",
                        "reason.reseller.inactiveByAdmin": "The user account was suspended by the service provider.",
                        "reason.reseller.inactiveWithParent": "The user account was suspended by the service provider.",
                        "reason.reseller.inactiveExpired": "The user account\\'s subscription has expired.",
                        "reason.reseller.inactiveBackupRestore": "The user account is temporarily suspended for backing up or restoring.",
                        "": "The subscription is active.",
                        "reason.subscription.inactive": "The subscription is suspended: All services provided with the subscription are frozen and not accessible to Internet users.",
                        "reason.subscription.inactiveExpired": "The subscription is suspended because it is expired: All services provided with the subscription are frozen and not accessible to Internet users."
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                        "productDescription": "Plesk is the leading WebOps platform to run, automate, and grow applications, websites, and hosting businesses.",
                        "readEula": "Read %%link%%.",
                        "linkEula": "End-User License Agreement",
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                        "uptimeValue": "{days, plural, =0 {} one {# day} other {# days}} {hours, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}} {minutes, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}}",
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                        "includeMssqlDatabases": "Microsoft SQL databases",
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                        "forbidSysUserRename": "Customers can change the name of their system users",
                        "alwaysAllowSysUserRename": "always",
                        "ifPermissionIsGrantedAllowSysUserRename": "only if the Hosting Management permission is granted",
                        "neverAllowSysUserRename": "never",
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                        "preferredDomainNone": "none",
                        "preferredDomainToLanding": "domain.tld",
                        "preferredDomainToWww": "www.domain.tld",
                        "ipLogging": "IP logging",
                        "disableIpLogging": "Disable IP logging in IIS, FTP, and mail logs",
                        "disableIpLoggingDescription": "If selected, IIS and MailEnable no longer write IP addresses to log files",
                        "anonymizeIps": "Anonymize IP addresses",
                        "logrotateAnonymizeIps": "Anonymize IP addresses during log rotation and collecting of web statistics",
                        "logrotateAnonymizeIpsDescription": "The postrotate script replaces the last octet of IPv4 addresses in rotated log files with \"0\" before archiving. In IPv6 addresses, the script replaces the last section of the address (two octets after the last colon) with \"0000\" (in the full form) or \"0\" (in the short form)",
                        "logrotate": "Log rotate",
                        "logrotateForce": "Force daily log rotation for all domains",
                        "allowToStoreLogs": "Allow to store website logs for",
                        "logrotatePeriod": "days",
                        "configureUpdatePolicy": "Configure update policy"
                    "components.pages.server-spam-filter": {
                        "title": "Spam Filter Settings",
                        "settings": "Settings",
                        "black-list": "Black list",
                        "white-list": "White list"
                    "": {
                        "title": "Tell us whether you accept cookies",
                        "necessaryCookiesMessage": "By logging in to Plesk, you allow us to use necessary сookies.",
                        "message": "%%cookieInformationLink%% about how you use Plesk. It helps us to improve our services so that you could make the most out of Plesk.",
                        "cookieInformationLink": "Cookies collect information",
                        "acceptButton": "Accept all cookies",
                        "acceptNecessaryCookiesButton": "Accept necessary cookies",
                        "preferencesButton": "Set cookie preferences"
                    "components.cookie-policy.preferences": {
                        "title": "Cookies in Plesk",
                        "description": "Cookies are files saved on your phone, tablet, or computer when you visit Plesk. We use cookies to make Plesk work, to have it operate smoothly, and to collect certain information.",
                        "settingsTitle": "Cookie settings",
                        "settingsDescription": "We use 3 types of cookies. Enable those you allow us to use.",
                        "analyticsTitle": "Cookies that help us to improve the product",
                        "analyticsDescription": "We use anonymous tracking cookies to collect information on how you use Plesk. It helps us make Plesk better. Tracking cookies do not identify anyone. They store anonymized information about Plesk pages you visited, time your spent on them, and page objects you clicked on. We do not share the collected data with third-party services.",
                        "marketingTitle": "Cookies that help with our communications and marketing",
                        "marketingDescription": "These cookies collect information about your Plesk preferences and help us provide you with personal recommendations.",
                        "necessaryTitle": "Strictly necessary cookies",
                        "necessaryDescription": "These cookies enable Plesk core functions such as security, network management, and accessibility. These cookies always need to be on. Necessary cookies also include functional cookies that are in charge of personalization and usability improvements (for example, language settings, font size, and prefilled forms). You may disable necessary cookies in your %%browserSettingsLink%% but this may affect Plesk.",
                        "browserSettingsLink": "browser settings",
                        "pleskCookiesLink": "See the detailed description of the used cookies",
                        "on": "On",
                        "off": "Off",
                        "submitButton": "Save changes",
                        "cancelButton": "Cancel"
                    "components.license-status": {
                        "trialLicenseWarningAdmin": "days remaining for trial version",
                        "buyLicenseButton": "Buy a License",
                        "installLicenseButton": "Already have a license?",
                        "testLicenseWarningAdmin": "Your Plesk is operating with a license that is not intended for production use.",
                        "testLicenseWarningClient": "This installation of Plesk is operating with a license that is not intended for production use. Contact your server administrator to resolve this issue.",
                        "trialOverTitle": "Your trial is almost over",
                        "trialOverText": "Your trial period will end soon. To continue using Plesk once your trial is over, buy a license.",
                        "defaultLicenseWarningAdmin": "In order to use Plesk, obtain and install a new trial key.",
                        "expiredLicenseWarningAdmin": "Your license key has expired. In order to use Plesk, obtain and install a new valid license key.",
                        "demoLicenseWarningAdmin": "Enjoyed the demo?",
                        "demoLicenseTryPlesk": "Learn how to %%link%%.",
                        "demoLicenseTryPleskLink": "try Plesk on your own or cloud server",
                        "getTrialButton": "Get Trial"
                    "": {
                        "nothingFound": "No results found.",
                        "fieldStub": "Search...",
                        "fieldStubHint": "Search for domains, extensions, and more…",
                        "moreResultsFound": "More than %%limit%% results were found. Please refine your search.",
                        "recentSearch": "Recent search results:",
                        "recentSearchHint": "The latest search results will be shown here. Come back for quick access to the pages you looked for.",
                        "removeFromRecent": "Remove from recent results"
                    "components.shortcuts": {
                        "logIn": "Log in",
                        "identityName": "Subscriber %%identity%%",
                        "loggedInAs": "Logged in as",
                        "impersonatedInAs": "Subscriber",
                        "myProfile": "Edit Profile",
                        "logOut": "Log out",
                        "backToAdmin": "Back to Administrator",
                        "readManual": "Read the Guide",
                        "sureToLogout": "Are you sure you want to log out?",
                        "impersonatedName": "logged in as %%identity%%",
                        "userFeedback": "Suggest an Idea",
                        "facebookJoinCommunity": "Join Us on Facebook",
                        "twitterFollow": "Follow @Plesk",
                        "provideRating": "Share an Opinion",
                        "linkToCookies": "Cookies",
                        "darkThemeOn": "Switch to dark theme",
                        "darkThemeOff": "Switch to light theme"
                    "components.subscription-switcher": {
                        "subscription": "Subscription",
                        "allSubscriptions": "All subscriptions",
                        "allSubscriptionsLimitOverusedDescription": "The option to display all subscriptions is unavailable because the number of subscriptions on your account (%%value%%) is greater than %%limit%%."
                    "components.notification-center": {
                        "title": "Notifications",
                        "markAsRead": "Mark as read",
                        "markAsUnread": "Mark as unread",
                        "markAllAsRead": "Mark all as read",
                        "settings": "Settings",
                        "filterButton": "Filter",
                        "filterUnread": "Unread",
                        "filterCritical": "Critical",
                        "filterFavorite": "Favorites",
                        "filterReset": "Clear filter",
                        "searchPlaceholder": "Find...",
                        "favoriteNotification": "Add to favorites",
                        "unfavoriteNotification": "Remove from favorites",
                        "deleteNotification": "Delete the notification",
                        "learnMore": "Learn more",
                        "moreToasts": "You have %%total%% more new notifications",
                        "dateFormat": "%%month%% %%day%%",
                        "timeFormat": "%%hours%%:%%minutes%%",
                        "month0": "Jan",
                        "month1": "Feb",
                        "month2": "Mar",
                        "month3": "Apr",
                        "month4": "May",
                        "month5": "Jun",
                        "month6": "Jul",
                        "month7": "Aug",
                        "month8": "Sep",
                        "month9": "Oct",
                        "month10": "Nov",
                        "month11": "Dec",
                        "categoryAlert": "Alert",
                        "categoryWarning": "Warning",
                        "listEmptyTitle": "Keep up to date with the most important server events",
                        "listEmptyDescription": "We will send you notifications when the resource usage threshold is exceeded, critical updates are delivered, etc. Stay tuned!",
                        "listFilteredTitle": "No item fits the filtering conditions",
                        "listFilteredDescription": "Looks like the filter is too strict. Try to change the filtering criteria."
                    "components.view-switcher": {
                        "title": "Change View",
                        "serviceProviderView": "Service Provider view",
                        "serviceProviderViewHint": "for web hosting providers",
                        "serviceProviderViewRecommended": "recommended for web hosting providers",
                        "powerUserView": "Power User view",
                        "powerUserViewHint": "for developers and web agencies",
                        "powerUserViewRecommended": "recommended for developers and web agencies",
                        "currentViewMessage": "You are currently in %%view%% (%%hint%%).",
                        "actionMessage": "%%switchLink%% (%%recommended%%) or %%helpLink%%.",
                        "switchView": "Switch to %%view%%",
                        "learnMore": "learn more about views",
                        "powerUserViewWarning": "If customers were added in Service Provider View, their domains aren't shown in Power User View. Only admin's domains are available in this view.",
                        "confirmationBoxText": "Do you want to hide the Change View menu?",
                        "confirmationBoxDescription": "Note that hiding the menu will remove it permanently. You will still be able to switch between views in Tools & Settings > Interface Management.",
                        "confirmationBoxButtonYes": "Yes",
                        "confirmationBoxButtonNo": "No"
                    "components.pages.home": {
                        "title": "Home"
                    "controllers.error.error": {
                        "title": "Server Error",
                        "repairKitDescription": "You may be able to resolve the issue automatically using Repair Kit.",
                        "repairKitAdminDescription": "If you are the server administrator, try resolving the issue using our troubleshooting tool, Repair Kit.",
                        "repairKitOpen": "Open Repair Kit",
                        "repairKitOpenNote": "You will be asked to enter the Plesk administrator password.",
                        "repairKitUnavailable": "Repair Kit is unavailable. To restore it, log in to the server via SSH, run the command 'systemctl restart plesk - repaird', and then refresh this page.",
                        "reportErrorMessage": "Need help resolving the issue?",
                        "visitHelpCenter": "Visit Plesk Help Center.",
                        "networkError": "Network error",
                        "networkErrorDescription": "Your connection is unstable.",
                        "helpActions": "That's what you can do",
                        "reloadPage": "Reload Page",
                        "backToPreviousPage": "Back to Previous Page",
                        "homePage": "Home Page",
                        "searchKbArticle": "Search for related Knowledge Base articles",
                        "invalidUrl": "An invalid URL was requested.",
                        "reportProblem": "Report a problem",
                        "documentation": "Documentation",
                        "knowledgeBase": "Knowledge base",
                        "forum": "Forum",
                        "youTube": "YouTube",
                        "facebook": "Facebook"
                    "components.pages.Odbc": {
                        "serverTitle": "ODBC DSN Connections",
                        "domainTitle": "ODBC DSN Connections for %%domainName%%",
                        "add": "Add ODBC DSN",
                        "resourceUsage": "%%used%% created \/ %%allowed%% allowed.",
                        "limitExceeded": "The ODBC DSN Connection limit exceeded.",
                        "unlimited": "Unlimited",
                        "addTooltip": "Add ODBC data source.",
                        "status": "Status",
                        "name": "Connection name",
                        "driver": "Driver",
                        "description": "Connection description",
                        "hostname": "Hostname",
                        "statusSystem": "It is a system DSN.",
                        "statusConfigured": "DSN is configured.",
                        "statusNotConfigured": "DSN is not configured.",
                        "noSelectionText": "Select one or more items to remove.",
                        "removeConfirmation": "Remove {count, plural, =1 {the  connection} other {# selected connections}}?",
                        "removeSuccess": "The selected connections were removed."
                    "smb.controllers.asp-dot-net.settings": {
                        "title": "ASP.NET Configuration for %%name%%",
                        "serverTitle": "ASP.NET Server-Wide Configuration",
                        "domainTitle": "ASP.NET Configuration for Website %%domain%%",
                        "vdirTitle": "ASP.NET Configuration for the Virtual Directory %%vdir%%",
                        "notSupported": "ASP.NET support is switched off for this website.",
                        "success": "ASP.NET settings were successfully changed.",
                        "confirmationButtonYes": "Yes",
                        "confirmationButtonNo": "No",
                        "restoreDefault": "Restore Default Configuration",
                        "restoreDefaultHint": "Restore the default ASP.NET settings.",
                        "restoreDefaultConfirmation": "Restore the default ASP.NET settings?",
                        "restoreDefaultSuccess": "ASP.NET default settings were successfully restored.",
                        "restoreDefaultFailed": "ASP.NET settings restore failed.",
                        "changeVersion": "Change Version",
                        "changeVersionHint": "Change the ASP.NET version used by this domain."
                    "components.pages.BandwidthLimiting": {
                        "title": "Bandwidth Limiting for %%domainName%%",
                        "bandwidthThrottling": "You cannot control bandwidth throttling because QoS is not installed.",
                        "virtualHostingRequired": "Bandwidth limiting is available only for domains with web hosting.",
                        "bandwidthLabel": "Maximum bandwidth usage",
                        "bandwidthHint": "The bandwidth usage limit is only applied to data transferred via the HTTP protocol.",
                        "maxConnectionLabel": "Connections limited to",
                        "maxConnectionHint": "If you limit bandwidth, we recommend that you also limit the number of simultaneous connections to the website. Otherwise, in case of frequent requests to the website, the web server processes will increase the server load.",
                        "kbps": "KB\/s",
                        "success": "Bandwidth limiting settings were changed.",
                        "unlimited": "Unlimited"
                    "components.pages.HotlinkProtection": {
                        "title": "Hotlink Protection for %%domainName%%",
                        "virtualHostingRequired": "The Hotlink Protection is available only for domains with web hosting.",
                        "enabledLabel": "Enable hotlink protection",
                        "extensionsLabel": "Protected files extensions",
                        "friendsLabel": "Addresses of friendly websites",
                        "success": "Hotlink protection settings were changed."
                    "components.pages.ProtectedDirectoryList": {
                        "title": "Protected Directories of %%domainName%%",
                        "add": "Add Protected Directory",
                        "addTooltip": "Create protected directory.",
                        "name": "Name",
                        "realmTitle": "Title of the protected area",
                        "noSelectionText": "Select one or more items to remove.",
                        "edit": "Edit",
                        "remove": "Remove Protection",
                        "removeTooltip": "Remove protection from the selected directories.",
                        "removeConfirmation": "This operation will result in removing protection from {count, plural, =1 {the  directory} other {# selected directories}}. {count, plural, =1 {This directory} other {The directories}} will become freely accessible to the Internet users.",
                        "removeSuccess": "The selected directories were removed."
                    "components.pages.ProtectedDirectoryUserList": {
                        "title": "Users of the %%directory%% Protected Directory",
                        "add": "Add User",
                        "addTooltip": "Create user accounts able to access the protected directory %%directory%%",
                        "login": "Name",
                        "changePassword": "Change password",
                        "noSelectionText": "Select one or more users to remove.",
                        "remove": "Remove",
                        "removeTooltip": "Remove the selected users.",
                        "removeConfirmation": "Remove {count, plural, =1 {the  user} other {# selected users}}?",
                        "removeSuccess": "The selected users were removed."
                    "components.pages.VirtualDirectory": {
                        "title": "Virtual Directory %%path%% of %%domainName%%",
                        "errNotExist": "This virtual directory is linked to a physical folder that does not exist.",
                        "errNoPermissions": "You do not have permissions to view the contents of this directory.",
                        "buttonProperties": "Directory Properties",
                        "buttonPropertiesHint": "View and change virtual directory properties.",
                        "buttonPermissions": "Directory Access Permissions",
                        "buttonPermissionsHint": "Set up directory access permissions.",
                        "buttonAspDotNet": "ASP.NET",
                        "buttonAspDotNetHint": "Configure ASP.NET settings.",
                        "buttonPhp": "PHP",
                        "buttonPhpHint": "Configure PHP settings.",
                        "buttonMimeTypes": "MIME Types",
                        "buttonMimeTypesHint": "Manage registered MIME types.",
                        "buttonErrorDocs": "Error Documents",
                        "buttonErrorDocsHint": "Manage error documents.",
                        "buttonProtection": "Protection",
                        "buttonProtectionHint": "Restrict access to the directory with password protection.",
                        "CreateDirectory.title": "Create directory",
                        "": "Directory name",
                        "CreateDirectory.success": "Directory %%name%% was created.",
                        "CreateDirectory.errExists": "Directory %%name%% already exists.",
                        "AspDotNet.title": "Configure ASP.NET Settings",
                        "Php.title": "PHP version",
                        "Php.version": "Version",
                        "Php.success": "PHP version was updated."
                    "components.forms.login": {
                        "loginLabel": "Username",
                        "passwdLabel": "Password",
                        "localeLabel": "Interface language",
                        "defaultLocale": "Default",
                        "loginButtonLabel": "Log in",
                        "enterUsername": "Enter your username.",
                        "enterPassword": "Enter your password.",
                        "whatUsernamePassword": "What username and password to use?",
                        "forgotPasswordLabel": "Forgot your password?",
                        "cookies": "Cookies policy in Plesk",
                        "avoidSSLWarningsMsg": "To avoid SSL warnings during Plesk login, use %%link%%",
                        "digitalOceanMsg": "New to Plesk on DigitalOcean? Use \"root\" and the password entered when creating this droplet to log in. %%link%%",
                        "amazonLightsailMsg": "New to Plesk on Lightsail? To log in to Plesk, access the server via SSH and use the \"plesk login\" command. %%link%%",
                        "readGuide": "Read the complete guide.",
                        "mobileApplicationMessage": "For a better experience, we recommend that you install the %%name%% application.",
                        "mobileApplicationInstall": "Install Now",
                        "mobileApplicationHide": "No, thanks"
                    "components.forms.get-password": {
                        "label": "Reset password",
                        "text": "Enter your email address, or username registered in Plesk and we will send you a password reset email.",
                        "emailLabel": "Email address",
                        "loginLabel": "Username",
                        "send": "Send",
                        "cancel": "Cancel",
                        "errorInvalidEmail": "The email address was not recognized. Please double-check and try again.",
                        "messageSend": "The password reset email was sent to the associated email address.\nIf the email does not arrive, please contact your Plesk administrator."
                    "components.forms.restore-password": {
                        "title": "Change Your Password",
                        "passwordLabel": "New password",
                        "buttonRestore": "Save",
                        "buttonCancel": "Cancel",
                        "isEmpty": "The required field is empty. You need to specify a value.",
                        "errorInvalidSecret": "Invalid secret code",
                        "errorNotFoundSecret": "Please request a new secret code",
                        "restoreSuccess": "Your password was updated. Use the new password to log in to Plesk or to your email address."
            <!-- extension include: heavy-metal-skin-->
            <!-- extension include: social-login-->

Latest requests

# Url Url Source Date
1 2024-05-07 11:07:07
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