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              <h6>Perspectives of Imperfection</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Dr. ...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">In today’s era, where “stress” has become a part of life, it is imperative to adopt ways to eradicate the cause of stress to get rid of the diseases that plague human beings. The way stress occurs and its impact varies according to the stages of human development. By knowing this in its respective stages, other stages can be matured in advance. Keeping this in mind, the book describes with practical examples, how "Imperfection" is vital to life quality and how "Perfection" is the main source of stress. This book will undoubtedly resonate with the readers as it skillfully navigates through various stages of life, the pressures one faces in each stage, from the members of the family, relatives, friends, the community and society as a whole. This book guides people from the young to the...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>450</p></div>
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              <h6>Perspectives of Imperfection</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Dr. ...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">In today’s era, where “stress” has become a part of life, it is imperative to adopt ways to eradicate the cause of stress to get rid of the diseases that plague human beings. The way stress occurs and its impact varies according to the stages of human development. By knowing this in its respective stages, other stages can be matured in advance. Keeping this in mind, the book describes with practical examples, how "Imperfection" is vital to life quality and how "Perfection" is the main source of stress. This book will undoubtedly resonate with the readers as it skillfully navigates through various stages of life, the pressures one faces in each stage, from the members of the family, relatives, friends, the community and society as a whole. This book guides people from the young to the...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>380</p></div>
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              <h6>Elegy Of The Soul</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Abhinav Sundar</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Elegy Of The Soul is a poignant lyrical collection that navigates the emotional landscape of love and loss. The poems weave together themes of despair, resilience, and the transformative power of self-discovery. Through introspective verses, the reader journeys through a story of confronting inner demons and discovering the strength to heal.</p>
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              <h6>Am I Lost or Was I Never Found ?</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Shaista Samreen</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">I keep asking myself if I am lost or was I never found? I nevertheless continue hearing a voice that whispers I am both lost and found at the same. This book is about how my thoughts grew from a teenager to an early adult. I have lost and found myself several times in this war, and the war is still not over, but now I am used to fighting. I might not win the battle, but I will surely win the war. I hope you connect to my words and find yourself in them, as I did at some point.</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>300</p></div>
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              <h6>The Secret of India...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Dr. P.G. Rao</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Embark on a journey to rediscover India's ancient wisdom for a healthier, more fulfilling life. From Mahatma Gandhi's simple lifestyle to the medicinal power of ancient coins, uncover forgotten treasures.
Explore the transformative potential of neem leaves and the daily routine of dinacharya for well-being. Reconnect with India's health system, where good water, food, and air were vital. 
As modern medicine advances, ponder if we're losing touch with natural remedies. Amid progress, reflect on trading simplicity for complexity and nature for convenience. 
Unravel the mysteries of the past for a balanced existence. Before tradition fades, embrace ancestral wisdom through this guide to reclaiming age-old practices for vitality and abundance.</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>360</p></div>
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              <h6>Sun Dancers</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Devi Bala</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Love touches every human soul at a predestined moment. Some may appear divine and some mundane. But every one's experience is unique and special in its own way. Come and walk in the shoes of these lovers whose bowers were laden both with honey and thorns.</p>
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              <h6>Crossdion and the Beginning o...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Arishh Abraaham</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">A small peck of golden energy glistened in the jar, hitting against the wall as if trying to reach out to me. My hunch was in fact right. The jar was not a normal one. It held the souls of the countless entities sent to this prison over the past thousand eons…….
When Peter senses a DISTURBANCE in the natural flow of MAGIC, he finds himself on MT. OTHRYS, face to face with TYPHON, the dragon that had made him unlock his dark-side. With the pillar of WISDOM taken away by the DARKNESS, Peter is forced to travel into the depths of the DARK REALM in order to find the key that would save his friend. All the while his ENEMIES grow stronger! Situations worsen when an EMPEROR of the Golden Light hinders the path of our HERO. With a possible war that could wreak CHAOS around the multiverse, how ...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>340</p></div>
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              <h6>Crossdion and the Lively Myths</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Arishh Abraaham</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">2020 AD: A young Greek-American is more than happy in his ordinary life when, all too quickly, his world turns upside down. He certainly didn&rsquo;t want to be what he is. But now, he cannot change anything that has happened.
Now, he is no more a mere mortal carrying out his earthly duties. He has many extraordinary responsibilities and has to take care of all of them. Even a single mistake can lead to problems&mdash;big ones.</p>
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              <h6>Mystical Messages of Manifest...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Dr. C.V. Ravin...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">“Mystical Messages of Manifestations” consists of Letters of Hopes by our esteemed author's mission and vision for societal betterment through dialogue and collaboration with World Spiritual, Political, Business and Economic leaders from 1993 to 2024. This book elaborates on five I’s Intention, Information, Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition by the author for Progress and Prosperity of the world. 
The letters portray his vigorous efforts to bring Kannur on a Global platform. The ideologies from the Great World Leaders, his role models, mentors and gurus and his vision for the growth of Kannur shaped him to become India’s first BIS Certified Jeweller – The Torch Bearer of Gold Purity in India at Krishna Jewels, Kannur, Kerala and also to create Krishna Beach Resort, World’s Fi...</p>
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              <h6>Sound of anklets</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Kashinath Karm...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">A haiku happens when we pause mid-stride to marvel at our oneness with a moment in nature. The 105 poems in this book explore those brief but wondrous moments spanning four seasons and evoke a gamut of moods. Join Kashinath and Sanjuktaa, two of the most seasoned haiku poets of India, to connect deeper with yourself and discover joy. </p>
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              <h6>Is Your Doctor Keep...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Dr Lenny Da Costa</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">We have an abundance of food but are malnourished. It’s time to know why and correct it.
Our food is our medicine, but it is also our poison—if we understand this and use it, we can prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc., and live a healthy life.
Modern medicine has perhaps failed us in these times by overly relying on research presented by the big pharma companies and the recommendations or protocols for management derived from there. It has been ignoring tons of research available in teaching institutions across the world in many allied fields and basic medical sciences that can be used to reverse many ageing problems and chronic diseases. 
Thus the question: Is your doctor keeping you sick?
Today we can spot very early disturbances that can help us prev...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>995</p></div>
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              <h6>SUCCEEDING IN BUSINESS</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">K.  Jayshankar</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">What is common between Walmart, Reliance, Toyota, Samsung, Ikea, WIPRO? They are all Family Businesses.
Many of the world’s biggest businesses are owned by families, and many have thrived over decades, generating employment, and contributing immensely to their country’s GDP.
What makes some family businesses grow from strength to strength? How do you ensure that value is created and not destroyed when a business passes hands from one generation to the next in the Indian context? How can old families incorporate new ideas to revitalize themselves? Is there a role for professional management in Indian family business?
This book offers answers to the vexatious issues that families face in their growth journey. The pointers provided can be used as a guide for nurturing the business and to ...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>760</p></div>
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              <h6>Health Adda</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Dr. Gourdas Ch...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Despite spectacular advances in medical sciences, navigating the road-trip of life and surmounting the inevitable health bumps that come during the journey, is increasingly becoming an intelligent individual’s do-it-alone venture. This book is a travelogue touching a wide range of health topics: from how to use the internet wisely, make your home medical kit, adopt lifestyle and food choices based on evidence, our habits and health indicators that need a watch, our gut health and stress levels, spot the dark corner of our mind, and many more. It acquaints the reader with common health challenges such as digestive and liver ailments, problems of the heart, diabetes, sleep disorders and cancers, drawing from anecdotes, real life stories and from world of news. It describes some boundaries ...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>560</p></div>
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              <h6>Vipassana - My Expe...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Pratibha and V...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Vipassana meditation is the biggest gift to the world by Gautam Buddha. It is a technique of purification of mind and invoking its immense power. 
“Vipassana means to see things as they are.” It’s a way of observing without any reaction… 
This book encapsulates real-life experiences of Dr. Kiran Bedi, Madam Anu Aga, Dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai and many luminaries on the path of Vipassana. We all know how Dr. Kiran Bedi transformed prisoners of Tihar jail through Vipassana courses. If it can work there, it can work anywhere…says Kiran Bedi. We are also prisoners of our conditioning and vices, and Vipassana paves a beautiful way to come out of our cobwebs.
Madam Anu Aga (Padma Shri awardee and former Chairperson, Thermax) has also shared her life experience in this book… how she c...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>499</p></div>
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              <h6>Magical Powers of G...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">CA Shivani Gup...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">‘FOREWORD BY NITHYA SHANTI’ 
International Spiritual Mentor and Happiness Ambassador
Do you believe in M.A.G.I.C.?
Dive into the pages of this captivating book and awaken the Magical Powers of Gratitude within you. What sets “MPG” apart is the team of 18 authors' personal encounters in their real-lives, while applying the principles of ‘The Magic’ by Rhonda Byrne, resulting in miraculous and unexpected transformations.
Are you ready to witness astonishing transformations in your life, unveiling a world of wonders and mysterious occurrences? Discover the secrets within these pages that can lead to deep changes and enhancements in your relationships, health, finances, career, your approach to food and overall well-being. 
Why you should read MPG:
Receive a treasure chest of wis...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>2100</p></div>
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              <h6>Beyond Medicine</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Dr. Jigna Gara...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Rare diseases meet even rarer individuals - unique warriors facing challenges beyond fairy tales. Jigna's journey embodies this courage, revealing strength within seemingly ordinary hearts. Starting in a small village with big dreams and a tough life, she becomes a doctor aiding families. However, she encounters struggles conceiving. Her daughter, Naisargi, symbolizes hope until Jigna falls ill with a rare disease, altering her life's course.
Her journey from India to New York in search of a cure is not just about fighting disease. It's about the love from her family, the kindness from new friends, and the support from people she's never met. Jigna tries everything from modern medicine to ancient healing and finds strength in meditation and nature.
This story is about never giving up, no m...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>150</p></div>
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              <h6>Bhavishya Malika Puran</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Pandit Shri Ka...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">What is the Bhavishya Mallika puraan (ancient text)? When the Lord of the Universe, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Mahavishnu out of His own infinite wish descends on Earth for the upliftment and re-establishment of Dharma, then, before His arrival the details of His birth, the divine actions He will perform, about his meeting with his devotees, the condition of the world at that time and how He will perform the act of re-establishment of dharma in the world and guide the world from one Yuga (era) to another; all these are written as per the Lord‘s directions. The reason for this being that mankind can follow these sacred texts adopt a path of righteousness as written in our vedas and come under God‘s protection.
As per Bhavishya Mallika, by the year 2030, all major and minor reli...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>250</p></div>
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              <h6>13 Life Lessons by a 13 Year Old</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Shivansh Gupta</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Are you a teenager? Great, then you must read further. Albert Einstein once said, “The measure of your intelligence is your ability to change”. Today’s teenagers need to learn how to change and be agile in this ever-changing world.
Meet Shivansh Gupta, a highly motivated and successful teenager who penned down 13 life lessons he has learnt and now wants to share with his teenage friends around the world. He not only shares his thoughts but also explains how every teen can use these lessons on their middle and high school journey. This book is his attempt to change the way we (teenagers) see ourselves and the way we look at others. So, once again, ask yourself, are you willing to understand these 13 key lessons by a 13-year-old? 
Do you wish to be a successful teenager? And most impo...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>199</p></div>
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              <h6>Around The World With Four Sa...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Pravesh Jain</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Around the World with Four Samosas is a story about two men who come from different worlds, traversing their own paths until a train journey brings them together and their lives become intertwined. 
Vivek, a brilliant graduate from IIT, slowly becoming disillusioned with the world and and questioning his purpose in it is given a fresh perspective by Paresh, a simple man who runs a small shop but believes that a good hot samosa can turn around even the most skeptic. Who can resist the perfect mix of potato, peas and spices, inside the warm embrace of a crisp shell, that crackles at the first bite and unleashes a medley of flavor that reaches a crescendo and makes you believe in life and humanity once again. 
Vivek, who senses all this, plans to bring Paresh’s culinary gift to the worl...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>300</p></div>
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              <h6>Power of Ignored Skills</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Manoj Tripathi</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Do you want to know how some of the skills we generally tend to ignore, play a significant role in our success? How observations led to important scientific inventions? How world leaders used communication skills to achieve their objectives? How MNCs use the power of purpose to connect with customers and employees? Why India is left behind in the economic race, and how fire helped humans become wiser?
Through various examples and stories, all the above questions are answered in Power of Ignored Skills. This book not only highlights problems but also offer solutions to some of the most complex problems. This book is a handy resource for a student, a leader or anyone climbing the corporate ladders. More than fifty examples and stories make the book interesting.</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>249</p></div>
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              <h6>With or Without</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Drakshan Abeer</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Life teaches us what love truly is and that same love gives definition to life.Emily, a bit of a love-a-person-too-much kind of girl, comes across James. She thinks James is her knight in shining Armor, the kind of man to exist in only a person’s dreams. But with the classic proverb, “all that glitters is not gold” Emily finally realizes that real life is not always the way we dream about. As she sets out on a journey of self-fulfilment and love for herself, she faces the hardest challenge life can put forward, realizing her self-worth and who she is.</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>299</p></div>
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              <h6>The Magical Everything</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Jenny Pinto</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">THE MAGICAL EVERYTHING 
This is a book,  for middle and high school children, about the environmental and climate crisis our civilization finds itself in today. 
Told through the adventures of young Ila, the book take a long view of evolutionary history and the deep interconnections of life, the book allows the reader to discover life’s complexities and the reasons why we find ourselves in this human created climate crisis today. 
It is a hybrid graphic novel beautifully illustrated by Sharon Dev
Adults will enjoy it just as well</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>949</p></div>
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              <h6>My Masters from the 4th Dimen...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Reji...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">“My Masters from the 4th Dimension” is a heart-warming real-life journey of a self-proclaimed atheist awakened to a mystical world of spiritual masters and given a mission of uniting and leading ancient Kumari Kandam (Pleiadian) souls to fulfill their destiny of awakening and co-creating a new world of higher spiritual consciousness.
The era of Lord Muruga and the Siddhas - ‘Muruga Yugam’ has begun for a massive energy shift to occur on earth triggering the onset of Pleiadian or Karthika energy to flow abundantly on earth. Awakened souls living in different parts of the world are now finding themselves drawn to the Pleiadian mission of Lord Muruga. Sounds extraordinary, right? How did this all begin?
It begins with the story of a young man pursuing to be a cinematographer. Destiny,...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>499</p></div>
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              <h6>F4 F10 Love Story of a Banker</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Anshul Shukla</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">In the bustling world of Indian banking, Mayank, a smart and determined young man, is about to begin his journey at the country's biggest government bank. There, he meets Rasika, and sparks fly as they quickly fall in love. Despite being posted in different cities, their love only grows stronger with time.
Their adventures together are nothing short of extraordinary, from exploring new cities to navigating the complexities of their jobs in the banking industry. But everything changes when a trip to Goa turns into a nightmare for Mayank.
Caught in a series of unforeseen events, Mayank's life is turned upside down, and he finds himself facing challenges he never imagined. 
Amidst the backdrop of one of the most backward areas of India where Mayank is posted, their love story unfolds amidst ...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>325</p></div>
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              <h6>A Tale Of Two Souls</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Anand Kumar</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">I thought it was all over until I met her again.  I was hurting myself to forget her, and yet I kept falling in love. I saw her, smiling and happy with him. As the tears in my eyes pleaded for freedom,  I waited, for her, to give me that one smile... 
Sometimes life gives you a thousand reasons to fall in love, and just one reason to fall apart. I  had stepped on it, and, I had to wait for three years to rediscover the soul within me. But, what happened to her in these three years? Does she love me still?
This intense love story will make your heart fall in love over and over again.</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>180</p></div>
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              <h6>Your Baby's First 75 Weaning ...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Priyamvadha Ch...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">This book is intended for new-age mothers who are on the constant lookout for nutrition rich authentic and traditional Indian weaning foods. It is a guide for all new mothers that cumulate recipes at every stage of weaning along with diet charts, tips, strategies of feeding, suggestions for foods to carry while travelling and much more.
It is a thoughtfully tried and tested collection of home-made weaning recipes and provides a wealth of information for new mothers having babies between the age group of 6-12 months. The author has gone the extra mile to describe the feeding pattern by fragmenting the diet charts on a weekly and monthly basis, depending on the age, acceptability, and food tolerance of babies.&nbsp;
This Indian weaning food guide provides quick recipes with easy-to-follow st...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>925</p></div>
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              <h6>Where Am I?</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Satish Chemudu</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">"Where am I?" is a captivating story that follows the life of a young Indian girl from a modest family. Raised by parents who work as teachers, her life takes an unexpected turn when her father passes away while her sister pursues her master's degree abroad. Financial constraints prevent her sister from returning, leaving our protagonist to navigate life's difficulties alone. She moves to the United States to pursue her own master's degree, but faces challenges with assignments, part-time jobs, and finding employment post-graduation. Her life takes another twist when her mother is diagnosed with cancer. Determined to provide the best care, she takes her mother to India for treatment, using her own savings. Throughout this journey, she handles the weight of responsibility and explores theme...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>299</p></div>
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              <h6>Raising Resilient Hearts</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Niraimathi Mag...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">In a world teeming with distractions and demands, parenthood can often feel like navigating a labyrinth without a map. But what if there was a guide that not only illuminated the path but empowered you to chart your own course towards harmonious family living?"Raising Resilient Hearts" invites you on an enlightening odyssey through the realms of strategic parenting. Authored by Niraimathi Magilmaran, this captivating book transcends mere advice, offering a transformative roadmap tailored to the modern parent's needs.Through a blend of insightful research and personal anecdotes, you'll embark on a voyage of self-discovery, uncovering the keys to unlocking a more efficient and fulfilling parenting experience. From communication techniques that deepen connections to discipline strategies root...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>275</p></div>
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              <h6>Product Management Simplified</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Gurucharan Rag...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">·        More than 80% of the PM aspirants are not having clarity on the right resources to become a PM
·        Nearly 50% of the PMs have taken more than 12 months to gain awareness of the different roles and responsibilities of a PM
·        Nearly 60% of the PMs have taken more than 6 months to learn the fundamental concepts of a PM
This book is crafted with the step-by-step procedure, case studies and proven methods to get your product management basics right. This book also provides a structured approach to transition into product management from diverse disciplines such as engineering, project management, sales, marketing and customer support.
…Product Management Simplified is a great starting guide for an aspiring Product Manager. Laid out in a very ...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>325</p></div>
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              <h6>The Boy Who Did Not Sign</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Ashish Ranjan</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Ashwin Taksh is a 23-year-old small-town boy who aspires to work as a scientist at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) – India's Space Program - which accepts only 0.04% of applicants. In June 2017, he is coming out of a failure in his first attempt to qualify for the highly competitive ISRO entrance exam. When he gets admitted to India's prestigious Nuclear Program instead, he accepts, even though it's not his first choice. He initiates his new job and decides to simultaneously study for the next ISRO exam-quickly learning that this is no ordinary job either. It requires him to complete a one-year stringent training program in Nuclear Science & Engineering at its Academy - learning the most complex and cutting-edge technologies of Nuclear Fission. The further he moves, the mor...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>499</p></div>
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              <h6>Kidney Diseases</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Dr. Jones Rona...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">This book, written in the form of question and answer, discusses various types of kidney stones in detail, which everyone can easily understand. We have written it in a way that everyone can understand the different types of kidney stones, their formation, and their treatment methods in simple Tamil. This book provides clear explanations about initial symptoms of kidney disease, ways to diagnose them, as well as simple treatments for kidney stones, along with advanced treatment methods available to nephrologists (nephrologists) and urologists in the field of kidney stone treatment. Information about dialysis treatment for renal failure and clarifications for your doubts about kidney stone treatment are also provided. Only medications are not enough; the necessity of dietary changes in the ...</p>
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              <h6>Bharat Mein Shaadi ke Charan ...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Kamal Agarwal</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Due to the fast pace of life and urbanization, families are becoming smaller - the joint family system has given way to nuclear families. Therefore when we have events like marriages etc in the family we are at a loss as to what/when & how to do. The same questions arose when my daughter's marriage was finalized. After completing the marriage rituals, I made notes, as my son was yet to be married. These came in handy when his marriage was finalized.I have shared these notes with friends and relatives who found them very useful.Since my friends and relatives, with whom I had shared the notes found them useful I decided to expand them and make a small guide which could help others.</p>
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              <h6>Chitti Potti Kathalu</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Saripalli Venk...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">The book contains nine short stories covering the genres of humor and tragedy.  All the stories reflect the experiences of common people.  </p>
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              <h6>Philosophical Creep...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Adhavan Swamy</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">"The first mantra in the book 'Philosophical Creeping Salvation' is 'Aham Brahmasmi', which means 'I am the Supreme Brahman'. The second mantra, which reveals the way to dispel illusion, is 'Brahmahamasmi'. The third mantra 'Brahmasmi' awakens the light within the mind. The fourth mantra 'Thathuvamasi' makes its own light shine. The fifth mantra 'Deepam Jyoti parabrahman' becomes the Supreme Brahman. This mantra is said to be the sharing of knowledge. These mantras are the foundation of this book, which will enlighten everyone with its wisdom. I pray for the ultimate truth."</p>
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              <h6>The Population Myth</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">S. Y...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">The Population Myth reveals how the right-wing spin to population data has given rise to myth about the "Muslim rate of growth", often used to stoke majoritarian fears and anxiety regarding a demographic skew. The author, S.Y. Quarishi, uses facts and figures to demolish these, and goes on demonstrate how a planned population in in the interest of all communities.
The book delves into the Quaran and the Hadith to show that, Islam, far from being opposed to smaller families, is actually a forerunner of the concept. This is why several Islamic nations today have population policies in place. This busts the other myth - that Muslims shun family planning on religious grounds.
Based on impeccable research, this is an important book from a credible voice about the politicization of demographics ...</p>
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              <h6>Kailaiyin Nadanam Hosuril</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Adhavan Swamy</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">The Gayatri Mantra is the origin of all mantras, just as my book 'Kaylayin Nadanam hosuril' represents the manifestation from my dreams, enacted by Mother Marakathambal through Bharatanatyam. The significance of my dream interpretation, the elegant dance of Mother Maragathambal, and their essence can be found in the seven chakras within the body and the 12 jyothir lingams that I have embedded within myself, representing these sacred Jyotirlingams. This book vividly captures the dream where Mother Marakathambal gracefully emerged from the sacred temple's womb in my dreams and danced, portraying this mesmerizing scene to the world.</p>
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              <h6>SHREE RAMJANAMBHUMI...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">HARE...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">It took four hundred and ninety-six years for Ramlala to re-establish himself in his temple at Shri Ram's birthplace. Meanwhile the devotees have had to face various difficulties, many wars have been fought, movements have taken place, cases have had to be fought in various courts for years, after many types of struggles truth, faith and belief have won.
Lord Shri Ram is the basic pillar of Sanatan life, this book has been sent after collecting and compiling material, information and information received from various sources about his journey from the occupation of his birthplace to liberation and construction of the temple.
An attempt has been made to include all the aspects in the book in simple and common language so that the readers can get maximum knowledge about the construction of t...</p>
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              <h6>Jeevitham O Prayanam</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Ramani Latha M...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Though everyone’s life starts and ends with birth and death, journey between these two is a strange. Friends, siblings, parents, guides, strangers and many others take part in this journey. The speed, mode, path towards the destination in this journey differ from person to person; family to family.
We seldom discuss the depths of this life's journey. In this book I attempted to present the journey of a family. This book introduces you to a good wife, and daughter-in-law, a woman who wants to make a place for herself in the world she knows. A grandfather sharing values of life, the grandmother talking about life in her days, youth stuck in job, love and marriage add interest to this book. Experiences such as birth, death, hope, anger, sorrow, and joy pervade in this book. This normal fami...</p>
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              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Mahak Thawani</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">The saying that, "Never judge a book by its cover", is because a lot of times titles are not doing justice to the book. The cover says something and the story is something else, like this book and like you. so, if you are holding positional titles and enjoying marvelous teakwood under you and not doing justice to what you are holding, then there`s no point. 
Therefore, read this or any other book or a human from within, the truth lies there.</p>
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              <h6>Broyude Subhashithangal</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Sharlet P Mathew</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Broyude Subhashithangal" reveals timeless wisdom for all generations through the insightful teachings of Proverbs from the Bible, offering essential guidance to readers. It engages your thoughts, eliciting laughter while also providing comfort, and encouraging the adoption of positive values.
 A calendar with dates typically spans up to 31 days per month.
The Book of Proverbs in the Bible comprises 31 chapters.
Savor this journey daily; its life changing.
This is a character training book.
 This book is a friendly conversation of Sharlet bro, who has been speaking to lot of people over the years through his character training, Sunday school teaching, teenage - youth & family value training programs.</p>
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              <h6>Maha Prayan</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Pt. Janardan R...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">The last work in the chain of novels about Jagadguru Shankaracharya written by Manishi Pdt. Janardan Rai Nagar is titled Mahaprayan. This is the tenth novel in the series. It depicts the entire life – journey of Jagadguru Shankaracharya and how it influenced the cultural life of India. He created an environment against the pretensions and hypocrisy propagated in the name of religion and used all his power to establish eternal human values. As a result the society got motivated to resolve the contradictions growing within the core of religion.  
The end of this novel bears the climax of the entire series of novels in the unspoken voice of the silent , sacred and pure tears of the bunch of disciples of Shankaracharya. It contains thrill, pain and grief. It carries the immortal tale which ...</p>
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              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Vandana Manglani</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">I wish to reach the heart of poetry lovers through this small effort. Hope I will get millions of blessings and good wishes.</p>
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              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Smt.Kumari Rupa</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">This book is composed with the aim of imparting true knowledge to children through poetic expression of the stories of Ramayana and Bhagavata Purana. Many characters of Ram or Krishna are described in the Ramayana or Bhagavata Purana, which children will understand easily by reading in the form of poetry. Along with this, they will also be able to comprehend the reality of God, and their perspective on life will change—"May you be like fire in wood, O Lord, in your heart." This is a feeling of undivided spirituality that should be instilled in children as a foundation through the curriculum. The author also believes in real divinity within the universal religion. However, while respecting those who have received religious upbringing from birth, everyone should strive to understand each o...</p>
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              <h6>Vinaitheerkum Vinay...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Saroja Vivekan...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">NA</p>
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              <h6>GUN Saamy</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Vikram Avudaiy...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">·       Different gods, different devotees.
·       Silently loving is true beauty.
·       Music composed for drama stages.
·       Lies unspoken can also sell.
·       God is different, preacher is different.
·       Tears can be stitched, words cannot be mended, laughter comes naturally.
·       Offering doesn't solve the problem, it triggers trouble.
·       Setting fire does not solve the problem, it is harmful.
·       If it explodes, it is explosive.
·       If a fan never becomes a friend, an actor can't become a leader.
I have written inside the stories that formed the nucleus of these sentences. Just one point is enough for the stories to appear, but many points are required to write the screenplay.
 When the world cannot exist without wat...</p>
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              <h6>The Great Wager and Other Poems</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Uppada Appa Rao</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">The book ‘The Great Wager and Other Poems’ is a collection of poems written by Uppada Appa Rao, who was in the teaching profession for 24 years. This anthology of 30 poems depicts the author’s creative process and spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings over a wide variety of areas from the beauty of nature, mythology, to the human quest for the wonders of the firmament.
The narration of Harichandra’s two cantos - The Great Wager and Festival of Gifts – an epic poem with a rich vocabulary of the author is extremely exciting and beautiful. Within another epic poem, Rama's reply to Bharata, the author vividly describes the ever-relevant response on good governance.
All of these poems were written by the author between 1958 and the 1960s. With this edition, these poems are being p...</p>
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              <h6>The Great Wager and Other Poems</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Uppada Appa Rao</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">The book ‘The Great Wager and Other Poems’ is a collection of poems written by Uppada Appa Rao, who was in the teaching profession for 24 years. This anthology of 30 poems depicts the author’s creative process and spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings over a wide variety of areas from the beauty of nature, mythology, to the human quest for the wonders of the firmament.
The narration of Harichandra’s two cantos - The Great Wager and Festival of Gifts – an epic poem with a rich vocabulary of the author is extremely exciting and beautiful. Within another epic poem, Rama's reply to Bharata, the author vividly describes the ever-relevant response on good governance.
All of these poems were written by the author between 1958 and the 1960s. With this edition, these poems are being p...</p>
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              <h6>The Great Wager and Other Poems</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Uppada Appa Rao</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">The book ‘The Great Wager and Other Poems’ is a collection of poems written by Uppada Appa Rao, who was in the teaching profession for 24 years. This anthology of 30 poems depicts the author’s creative process and spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings over a wide variety of areas from the beauty of nature, mythology, to the human quest for the wonders of the firmament.
The narration of Harichandra’s two cantos - The Great Wager and Festival of Gifts – an epic poem with a rich vocabulary of the author is extremely exciting and beautiful. Within another epic poem, Rama's reply to Bharata, the author vividly describes the ever-relevant response on good governance.
All of these poems were written by the author between 1958 and the 1960s. With this edition, these poems are being p...</p>
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              <h6>The Great Wager and Other Poems</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Uppada Appa Rao</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">The book ‘The Great Wager and Other Poems’ is a collection of poems written by Uppada Appa Rao, who was in the teaching profession for 24 years. This anthology of 30 poems depicts the author’s creative process and spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings over a wide variety of areas from the beauty of nature, mythology, to the human quest for the wonders of the firmament.
The narration of Harichandra’s two cantos - The Great Wager and Festival of Gifts – an epic poem with a rich vocabulary of the author is extremely exciting and beautiful. Within another epic poem, Rama's reply to Bharata, the author vividly describes the ever-relevant response on good governance.
All of these poems were written by the author between 1958 and the 1960s. With this edition, these poems are being p...</p>
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              <h6>Brahman Puran</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Lekh...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Brahman Puran written by author Pandit Rajesh Kumar Mishra is a useful and important life lesson. There is a collection of proverbs and principles through which the author has made human life real and useful. 
I have tried to give a detailed description of making, I hope that by reading this, the reader will follow the right path and this book will give new direction to life and devotion to God.
Author Rajesh Kumar Mishra will impart culture Why Brahmin deity in Sanatan culture? In Sanatan culture, there is a description of the powers given to Brahmin by God and Veda Shastras, which is the path of good character and life, Bhagwat devotion and Brahmin devotion.</p>
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              <h6>Mastering the Art o...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Amit Mehta</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Welcome to MAPS, Mastering the Art of Persuasive Selling! Whether you're aiming to close a business deal, build meaningful connections, or simply influence positive outcomes, this guide is designed to empower you with the insights, techniques, and mindset needed to navigate the art of persuasion successfully. 
In these pages, we will discover the keys to winning hearts, minds, and deals, regardless of your role or industry. This isn't just a book about selling products; it's a journey into the subtle art of influencing positive outcomes in both professional and personal spheres.
So, whether you're a sales pro looking to refine your craft or an everyday person eager to enhance your persuasive abilities, I invite you to explore the transformative insights within these chapters. Let's embark...</p>
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              <h6>THE (MIS)ADVENTURES...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">MONI...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Venture into the fictional, fantasy world of Teddy with “The (mis)adventures of Teddy Tumbledore” and get hooked onto his fun-filled adventure stories. An attack by aliens or falling flat on fours – Teddy’s (mis) adventures will always warm your heart. Before he could celebrate his birthday with his awesome animal friends, a series of interesting incidents turned his day into a rollercoaster ride of excitements. This beautifully illustrated Children’s book will captivate young readers and teach children the importance of friendship, empathy and respect.  Perfect for children and youngsters, Teddy’s heart-warming tales, told in a nice funny way, will enthrall the adults as well. Book your copy today and dive into the world of Teddy Tumbledore.  </p>
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              <h6>Follow Me, I Agree to Lead</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Charu Gupta</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Let us change this world for a better tomorrow. Let us all be kind and compassionate. Let us be the masters of our fate.</p>
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              <h6>Follow me, I agree to lead</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Charu Gupta</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">This book covers the most basic topics of leadership that concern the youth. The author has attempted to share her thoughts and insights about the same. Leadership is the most pressing requirement of today’s India. And the author has attempted to ease the inhibitions of the youth to take up the positions that until now were seen as power spots but from now should be seen as posts of service.</p>
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              <h6>Follow me, I agree to lead</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Charu Gupta</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">This book covers the most basic topics of leadership that concern the youth. The author has attempted to share her thoughts and insights about the same. Leadership is the most pressing requirement of today’s India. And the author has attempted to ease the inhibitions of the youth to take up the positions that until now were seen as power spots but from now should be seen as posts of service.</p>
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              <h6>Lord of Kumarikandam</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Ravi Govindaswamy</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Lord Kandan, son of Shaivism founder, Lord Sambasivam is the chosen leader of Kumarikandam. Kumarikandam is in turmoil and at cross roads with the social, economic and political upheavals. The young, radiant and divine Lord Kandan is faced with onslaught from the asura King Surapadman, when he provides refuge to Devendran and assures him of regaining his lost kingdom from the asura. There is a rebellion within his army during the final battle, between Shaivism and Vaishnavism, Sanskrit and Tamizh (Tamil as pronounced), code of conduct and the free spirit of Kumarikandam, the widening gap between poor and rich and so on. Is Lord Kandan able to navigate over all these stormy issues? Was Surapadman really bad and Devendran naive, as portrayed? What was the thought process of Agamughi – who ...</p>
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              <h6>The Complete Guide To Start-u...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Mehul Mehta</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Funding the start-up is one of the biggest challenge for the founders. Various start-ups fail in funding for varied reasons and despite the excellent business ideas and products, the founders are not able to get the funding and fulfil their dreams!
This book is not merely a book, but a crash course on start-up funding, where all the practical and critical aspects of start-up funding, and highly specialized guidance about the start-up funding are presented in lucid language. It will be quite useful for the founders, start-up aspirants, start-up advisors, mentors, CA, CPA, CS, CMA, lawyers, financial consultants etc., to deep-dive into the world of start-up funding.   
The book contains all the aspects of start-up funding such as:
·Various forms of business entities and most suitabl...</p>
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              <h6>Comprehensive Guide...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">ANAMIKA KUMARI...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">"Escape the 9-to-5 grind and discover financial freedom through flexible entrepreneurship. Our guide unveils the top 10 part-time business ideas, from blogging to real estate, offering practical insights, real success stories, and step-by-step guidance to:
1. Start ventures2. Maximize earnings3. Build your brand online4. Manage your time effectively5. Master self-learning Become your own boss and turn dreams into reality with 'Comprehension Guide of the Best 10 Part-Time Businesses.'Embrace the freedom of being your own boss and embark on a journey towards financial empowerment. 'Comprehension Guide of the Best 10 Part-Time Businesses' is your essential companion for turning dreams into reality. Start your entrepreneurial adventure today!"</p>
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              <h6>The Issues That Made News</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">S V Upendra Ch...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">He is from an obscure village near Bangalore. He has been roaming the streets of the city since his childhood. He is inseparable from his pet cow and drum on which depends his livelihood. If he and his family get a square meal, that is a lucky day for him.
The Times of India, Bangalore September 14, 1988
They are the ‘Children of Bamboo’ – the Soligas, the tribal community of B R Hills.
They are an integral part of this forest region, for centuries they have been dwelling in small caves of the B R hills, surviving on bamboo, fruits, roots, rats and also rabbits!
Indian Express Bangalore June 21, 1993
Light in wilderness: But for the good hearted people of these remote hamlets, a busload of people would have been swept away by floods. And but for official apathy, the deluge would neve...</p>
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              <h6>The Wanderings That...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">S V Upendra Ch...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">The Wanderings That Made Headlines has a good collection of travel features published in Deccan Herald, The Indian Express and other popular news dailies. Over the years, as a freelance writer, S V Upendra Charya had contributed all these travel stories to various news journals travelling often distant places of tourist attractions in Karnataka. He travels not to make a holiday but to make history by writing articles on all about his sightseeing.  
The following are a few published extracts of news editors’ notes that vouch for his interest in publicizing history, heritage and scenic beauty of numerous tourist spots in Karnataka. 
Cultural Heritage: S V Upendra Charya renders a vivid description of the structures that adorn Raichur Town, which is known for the monuments of a bygone ...</p>
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              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Krishna Trilok</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">If they wanted to go easy on you, you’d be dead...In a future
world where modern civilization has deteriorated, six kingdoms of what was once
India play a bloody, gladiatorial tournament of chess using living men to
decide who among them shall win ultimate power.And, one
way or another, all who play the game will learn that the brutality isn’t
confined to just the chessboards...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>415</p></div>
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              <h6>Don't Startup : What No One T...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Karthik Kumar</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">No one tells you that:
Money is seldom the reason why people don’t start businesses – fear of money is. 
Failures will far outnumber successes. Make failure a friend. Become familiar with it – know how to look it in the eye and find out more about it.  
People do business with people they like and are familiar with. To most people, YOU are the business. 
There is no good or bad investor; there are only right or wrong investors. 
What makes an entrepreneur special is the bridge of intelligence between the left and the right brain, the bridge between Business and Art.
Through this never-before-seen side of entrepreneurship, Karthik Kumar explores the various emotional challenges an entrepreneur faces and also tells you how to overcome them. Don’t Startup is not about giving you ...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>299</p></div>
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              <h6>Spell-binding Spell...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Anindya Dutta</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Spell-binding Spells is a book for everyone who loves cricket. It is about stunning spells—those few overs that occur rarely in cricket, when bowlers weave magic and batsmen are mesmerized.What did the stunning bowling spells of Anil Kumble, Narendra Hirwani, Ravichandran Ashwin, Padmakar Shivalkar, and Yuzvendra Chahal achieve that Kapil Dev’s career best spell could not? Curtly Ambrose and Sarfraz Nawaz, 14-years apart, bowled identical deadly spells against the same opposition taking 7 wickets for 1 run. Who were the hapless victims?Why did Gary Gilmour of Australia with an ODI bowling average of 10.31 and Clarrie Grimmett of Australia after taking 13 wickets in a Test in two magnificent spells, never play for their respective countries again?Spell-binding Spells looks at 50 of the ...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>455</p></div>
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              <h6>Scale Smart</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Anirudh Narayan</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Scale Smart is an actionable guide to start and scale a startup, in India in the digital age. With lots of examples, live case studies and marketing breakdowns, it gives a startup, the road map to grow their business. It first identifies your marketing channels and then goes deeper into how to scale each of those channels. The book was created after interviewing over thirty successful founders (Ex: Bharat Matrimony, Practo, Byju, Slideshare, Redbus &amp; 25 others) in the Indian startup ecosystem.&nbsp;</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>799</p></div>
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              <h6>The Mud Elephant</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Venkat Rajan</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Veeran,
a ten-year-old boy, is caught in the vicious cycle of poverty and prejudice. He
lives in Varambiam, an obscure village in southern Tamil Nadu, India, subjected
to caste distinctions and tending to the everyday chores of the village
Zamindar. The village chief however, has now lost all his
wealth and faded into oblivion. Bala, the ten-year-old grandson of the
patriarch, visits the village house to escape the squalid ghetto and travails
of daily living faced by his family in the
big city, Chennai. Bala finds a friend in Veeran, in Sevapan the family steer
who is deaf, in Tiger
– the dog who is the stolid guardian of the family, and in Joseph – the railway
gatekeeper with his utopian socialist leanings. Bala silently witnesses the
consequences of his family’s hubristic past and ...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>375</p></div>
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                    <div><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>375</p></div>
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              <h6>Kanta Bai Pvt Ltd :...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Payal Mittal T...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Do you wish for a 36 hour-day and think that running after kids is good cardio?If yes, then ‘YOU’ could be ‘ME’!Hi! Meet ‘Me’ alias Kanta Bai (at least in my household!), a ‘work-from-home’ mother of two, who loves to laugh and live life, all in the midst of a chaotic household of growing teenagers, their friends, traumas and dramas. Throw in a frisky pet, an unpredictable husband, some coffee pals and a few relatives, and you have a kaleidoscopic view of a routine day in the life of a mom. Now, add in a couple of demanding clients, deadlines and conference calls, and whoooosh! you get a heady concoction with a home-bound professional mom, who steers through a series of chaotic, frenzied and funny anecdotes of life.Kanta Bai Pvt. Ltd. is quirky and rib-tickling yet somber a...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>250</p></div>
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              <h6>Trade and Grow Rich...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Indrazith Shan...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Is it your personal quest to find
out what has made some traders so successful?Why do 5% of traders take all the
money from 95% of losers?The answer is nothing less than a revelation!The authors of this book have formulated
their journey of studying some of the most successful traders in the world into
concise principles that, when acted upon, can help one achieve their dream to
become a successful trader.For over a decade,the authors have
studied the world’s successful traders. Based on their learnings, they started
practicing it and are now part of the 5%.Trade and Grow Rich teaches not just concepts but also methods with the help of anecdotes. This book has to be
read one chapter at a time, rather than just
being a one-time read.If you want to enjoy an adventurous journey to become a ...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>499</p></div>
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              <h6>Devil Does Care : More Bang, ...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Pravin Shekar</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">The Devil lies in the Details.When the Details are missed, the Devil comes out.It is the same with your marketing budget.
Spending oodles of money on marketing and branding activities is not the only way for a cash-crunched entrepreneur to win relevant clients. Try Outlier marketing!
Why did you start up? Get into Business? What are you selling? Why do you want to spend money on “branding activities”? Do you have an unlimited marketing budget? 
These are questions you must ask yourself, as they all address one word: PURPOSE
Outlier marketing deals with a simple tenet: what you do must get the ROI that you expect. If not, it is a waste of time and money. There’s so much we can do, with what is around and within us. 
Devil Does Care provides examples, ideas and a direction for you to d...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>250</p></div>
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              <h6>‘Seasoned’ for ...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Morvarid Ferna...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">The
aroma of baking bread, warm spicy apple pie or just plain fried eggs and crispy
bacon, unpretentious food but are these some of your favourite recollections
linked to home and hearth? In ‘Seasoned for Family and Friends’, and unusual
and quirky recipe book, this is where the author takes you. You will be gifted
with culinary hints, introduced to new and unusual ingredients from around the
words, while the common and well known are in combinations that are quite
different, resulting in some very delectable food. Written with warmth and
sincerity, the author connects to the reader instantly. So walk into
Morvarind’s kitchen anytime of the day, breakfast, lunch or dinner, and enjoy
an assortment of delicious recipes to warm the heart.Ingeniously
interwoven through the recipes is a w...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>950</p></div>
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              <h6>The Karma Chip : Ja...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Shiv Nirula</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Jace
Judson and The Karma Chip, the first part of the twelve book
series introduces you to the seemingly perfect life of Jace Judson: son of a
genius scientist and the school sports captain. Then the unthinkable happens
when his parents are arrested for inventing deadly weapons for the Al-Fareez terrorist
group. Is Daniel Judson innocent? Where is the secret lab? What is this
mysterious Karma Chip &amp; why is it
so important? Find out the answers as you travel in this hi-tech roller coaster
adventure with Jace, his friends and the lovable Roby. </p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>345</p></div>
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              <h6>Vanakkam Cosmos</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Ananda Kumar</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">“Man is a travelling social animal.”This book has three well-constructed finely crafted stories to offer, all set in Namma Madras which is represented as an enigmatic microcosm of today’s world. The design of this book is predicated on the truism that human progress is the intractable notion of moving forward.The protagonists of the three stories accordingly endure an existential soul-searching journey that is equally physical and metaphorical in nature: a travel from their pasts toward their futures.The first story is a fast-paced love poem about two children who wander the streets of Madras, hopping around like modern day nomads.The second story is high intensity drama, very much on the lines of a courtroom drama, except that here, the action takes place in a police station.The wri...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>425</p></div>
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              <h6>Comet in the Village</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Nitin Jugran B...</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">World-weary at the ripe old age of twenty-nine, Delhi-based journalist Ulka Bhatt thinks she’s seen it all. Then comes the news of her father’s sudden tragic demise in a road accident on the yatra route to Yamnotri. So she heads to her village, Mirasu, in Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand to attend the last rites and wind up her father’s extensive farming ventures in the village.But she is in for a rude awakening, not least of which is the existence of an unknown young half-brother. In a bizarre sequence of events, Ulka finds herself making her home in Mirasu which is as alien to her as a foreign country. Even more challenging are the foibles of the colourful denizens of this remote mountain village who test the limits of her patience. The force with which she is swept away by unfor...</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>495</p></div>
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                    <div><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>495</p></div>
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            <!-- <div class="bookblurb">
              <h6>The Forbidden Gift</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Anirban Bose</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">When a serial killer strikes the
small town of Mayong, leaving behind a trail of victims—all children—Karan and
his sister, Akshita, find themselves drawn to the peculiar case.It gets more intriguing when Karan
starts having visions of how the victims were murdered. However, there is more
than meets the eye, and Karan and his friends are sucked into a complex web of
crime, lies and deceit. And when Karan’s friend Prajakta gets kidnapped, he
knows there is not a single moment to be lost. Thankfully, he has a lot of
help, even from realms beyond the earth.</p>
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>240</p></div>
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              <h6>Kalith : Origin of The King�...</h6>
              <p class="authorname">by <span style="color: #ff5a5f;">Khyati</span></p>
              <p class="blurb">Kalith finds himself stranded and captured in an unknown land. Little does he know that he is a phasor and has accidentally travelled back in time.
A series of strange and curious events progress as he gets rescued by a man who takes him to a hidden Gurukul, which is home to eight other gifted students who collectively are called The King’s Nine. He must learn to control his ‘phasing’ to return to his time.
He embarks on a life-altering journey, trying to learn the ways of the Gurukul as he befriends the others and tries to learn how to discipline himself and amplify and manipulate his powers, all the while being unaware that there was a prophecy made many, many years ago in the same land that he is destined to fulfill.
              <div class="lgDevice"><p class="price pull-left"><i>&#x20B9; </i>410</p></div>
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                                    max: 512,
                                    message: 'Cannot exceed 512 characters'
                        name: {
                            verbose: false,
                            validators: {
                                notEmpty: {
                                    message: "Please enter your name"
                }).on('click', '.country-list, .iti__country', function() {
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                }).on('success.validator.fv', function(e, data) {
                    if (data.field === 'email' && data.validator === 'remote') {
                        if (response.did_you_mean) {
                  'fv.messages').find('[data-fv-validator="remote"][data-fv-for="email"]').html('Did you mean ' + response.did_you_mean + '?').show();
                }).on('err.validator.fv', function(e, data) {
                    if (data.field === 'email' && data.validator === 'remote') {
                        var response = data.result;
              'fv.messages').find('[data-fv-validator="remote"][data-fv-for="email"]').html(response.did_you_mean ? 'Did you mean ' + response.did_you_mean + '?' : 'The email is not valid').show();

        <script src="" ></script>
        <script src="" ></script>

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                                         // NOTE: This will decode the entire URL and, in rare cases, may have side effects.
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