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       Trade CDs gathering dust
                            for music you can't wait to hear
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                                    <a href=";GUEST=1&amp;" title="Trade your CDs out to your fellow MusicBoomerang traders">
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                                    <a href=";GUEST=1&amp;" title="Receive CDs from your wishlist in return- you're charged just $1 for each CD you receive">
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                                    Add your great CD collection for all to see. Go ahead; show off your good taste in music! Other traders will see all the hidden treasures you have up for trade.
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                                    Explore the many thousands of titles available through MusicBoomerang. Read Reviews. Listen to Samples. And create your ultimate CD wish list.
                                <td class="fs_icon_text">
                                    Trade your CDs when MusicBoomerang alerts you that it has found a Trader who covets one of your castoffs. Trading it is easy- just print a shipping label and mail the CD.
                                <td class="fs_icon_text">
                                    Receive your wish list CDs from other Traders. You will be charged just $1 for each CD you receive - talk about a CD lover's dream!
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                                            just added for trade
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                                            <span class="fs_featured_artist">
                                                Motley Crue
                                            <span class="fs_featured_title">
                                                Too Fast for Love
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                                                Jimmy Smith
                                            <span class="fs_featured_title">
                                                Crazy! Baby
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                                                Catherine Wheel
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