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                            The Benefits of Using a Short URL for Improved Online Navigation
                            Premium Shorl URL
                            tracking tool
                            <span class="forPeople">
                            Our tool allows you to seamlessly track your audience with simple and easy-to-remember yet powerful links and provide your customers a unique tailored experience.
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                <h3 class="text-center feature-h text-dark">
                    One short link, infinite possibilities.
                <p class="text-center feature-p text-dark">
                    A short link is a powerful marketing tool when you use it carefully. It is not just a link but a medium between your customer and their destination. A short link allows you to collect so much data about your customers and their behaviors.
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                                        Target. Re-target.
                                        Target your customers to increase your reach and redirect them to a relevant page. Add a pixel to retarget them in your social media ad campaign to capture them.
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                                        Measure. Optimize.
                                        Share your links to your network and measure data to optimize your marketing campaign's performance. Reach an audience that fits your needs.
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                                Reach &amp; increase sales.
                            Perfect for sales &amp; marketing
                            Understanding your users and customers will help you increase your conversion. Our system allows you to track everything. Whether it is the amount of clicks, the country or the referrer, the data is there for you to analyze it.
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                                    Target interested users.
                                Powerful tools that work
                                Our product lets your target your users to better understand their behavior and provide them a better overall experience through smart re-targeting. We provide you many powerful tools to reach them better.
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                                    Control on each and everything.
                                Complete control on your links
                                With our premium membership, you will have complete control on your links. This means you can change the destination anytime you want. Add, change or remove any filters, anytime.
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                    Features that you need.
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                                        Target Customers
                                        Target your users based on their location and device and redirect them to specialized pages to increase your conversion.
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                                    <i class="fa fa-star p-3">
                                        Custom Landing Page
                                        Create a custom landing page to promote your product or service on forefront and engage the user in your marketing campaign.
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                                    <i class="fa fa-asterisk p-3">
                                        Use our overlay tool to display unobtrusive notifications on the target website. A perfect way to send a message to your customers or run a promotion campaign.
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                                        Event Tracking
                                        Add your custom pixel from providers such as Facebook and track events right when they are happening.
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                                        Branded Domain Names
                                        Easily add your own domain name for short your links and take control of your brand name and your users' trust.
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                                        Team Management
                                        Invite your team members and assign them specific privileges to manage links, bundles, pages and other features.
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                                        Robust API
                                        Use our powerful API to build custom applications or extend your own application with our powerful tools.
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                                    <i class="fa fa-robot p-3">
                                        Connect with popular tools and boost your productivity. WordPress, Slack, Shortcuts, Zapier and 10+ pixel providers.
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                                Start your marketing campaign now and reach your customers efficiently with all the tools you need. Our platform is built for you and we are always improving it forward.
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