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                        <img alt="Ecological footprint" height="220" src="images/footprint.png" style="position: relative; left: 10px; top: 10px; float: left; padding-right:20px;" width="129">
                        reflects how the Human Ecological Footprint [demand on the biosphere] compares to the planet's Biocapacity [shorthand for biological capacity, which is the ability of an ecosystem to produce useful biological materials (for Human consumption) and to absorb wastes generated by Human activity i.e. carbon dioxide emissions].
                        Overall, we are currently operating in excess of 150%; Which means, in its simplest form, that we are living 'beyond our means'.
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                        Click for more information from the Global Footprint Network.
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                        Currently operating at overcapacity. Environmental debt running at 18 months.
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                        13 Moon Natural Time Calendar of Peace
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                        Click to access Galactic Signature Decoder
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                                Biosphere overload.
                        Current 'developed economy' lifestyle model is
                        . Immediate action required to avoid catastrophic life support system failure.
                        Take action NOW by selecting from the options below.
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                        <img alt="Pioneer plaque" height="220" longdesc="Humans as depicted on Pioneer plaque" src="images/Human_plaque.png" style="position: relative; left: 10px; top: 10px; float: left;" width="200">
                            The population counter is based on javascript code written by Adam Brown using most recent base figures for population taken from the United States Census Bureau data set.
                            Although the population has increased dramatically over the last fifty years, our best information suggests that it looks set to level out at around 11 billion by the end of the century.
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                        Click to view enlightening video presentation by Hans Rosling.
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                    In service to the well-being of humanity
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                    Copyright &copy; 2014-2016 Peter Chaddock
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