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                            12kg Washing Machines
                            Washing machine capacity refers to the amount of laundry it can clean in one cycle. Our selection includes models with capacities of up to 12kg, which is ideal for families with large numbers and those who get through lots of laundry each week.
                            This freestanding Samsung model has a range of programmes and boasts an A energy rating. Its highlights include an anti-allergy system which is endorsed by Allergy UK, and settings for sportswear, woollens bedding and denims.
                            1. They're more energy efficient
                            The best 12kg washers are designed for larger households and are able to handle a huge amount of laundry at a time. They come with large drums that can hold bulky blankets, multiple sheets of bedding and a whole load of towels.
                            <a class="external text" href="">
                                buy 12kg washing machine
                            means that you'll be able to wash your entire household's dirty clothes washed in just one cycle which makes them more convenient than their smaller counterparts.
                            They also have a greater spin speed than smaller machines, meaning they'll dry your clothes faster. This is crucial since it will save you energy, particularly in the case of a tight budget for electricity. Also, a high spin speed can also reduce the amount of water that your clothes retain after they're finished, so they'll be less likely to need a second wash or drip-drying in a dryer.
                            There are many models that are A-rated for energy efficiency if you're hoping to make a more ecofriendly decision. The previous EU energy labeling system has been replaced with an easy A-G rating. Look for this when choosing your machine to ensure that it is as energy efficient as you can.
                            Inverter motors are a great way to make your washing machine more green. They use less electricity than conventional machines. The electriQ 12kg 1400rpm Freestanding Washing Machine is a perfect example It's classed as A for energy efficiency and costs just six pence to run the quick cycle, while both the 40-degree cotton and synthetic cycles cost 16 cents each.
                            If you're looking to save more money on your electricity bill, you can choose a machine that automatically doses the detergent and fabric softener. This will prevent you from using too much detergent and softener in an effort to provide a better wash. You'll save money by buying these products in large quantities and reduce your waste.
                            2. They're more durable
                            If you have a large family or prefer to wash all your laundry at once, a 12-kg washing machine can take the stress out of your chores. These larger capacity machines come with large drums that can accommodate heavy towels and blankets, allowing you to wash more clothes in one cycle and reduce the necessity of multiple loads. This means less time on laundry and a greater savings on electricity and water bills.
                            There's a wide selection of freestanding and integrated 12kg washing machines at Very designed to meet the demands of busy households. We carry a range of top brands that can be trusted, such as Hoover, Hotpoint and Candy, so you can be certain that your new washing machine will provide you with years of reliable service.
                            Our washing machines come with many additional features that make the process of handling large quantities of laundry more manageable. Many of our machines have a time delay feature that lets you plan your laundry at a time that is convenient for you, without having to be home. You'll also be able to find models with a specialised 'allergy' program that uses an effective combination of spin and temperature to get rid of the tough odours and dirt.
                            Another feature worth looking for is a Favourite button that lets you save a particular cycle or program to allow you to access it at the press of one button. This is ideal for those who wash their clothes using the same settings every time.
                            We also have a selection that is A-class energy rated. This means that they can assist you in reducing the amount of electricity used by your household and lower your monthly bill. They also reduce your carbon footprint, which helps to protect the planet. We can all feel great about it!
                            3. They're more convenient
                            The larger drums of 12kg washing machines make them ideal for households with a lot of work. This is because they can wash bigger loads of laundry in one cycle, which reduces the requirement for multiple washes during the week. This can save water and electricity, while still ensuring that your clothes remain clean.
                            In addition to their larger capacities Some 12kg washing machine models include useful features like a delay start function, which allows you to schedule your cycle to start at a time that suits you best. You can fit your chores into the family schedule while having time for other important tasks.
                            Some models also come with laundry racks that make it easier to load the washing machine and take it off. This is particularly beneficial for those who reside in apartments or homes with small storage spaces. The laundry racks can also be used to store your detergent, fabric softener, and other laundry products.
                            Additionally, a lot of models also have a separate dryer drum which is ideal for those who live in small spaces or who do not have enough space for an integrated dryer and washer. The dryers are connected to your washing machine via pipes. This makes it simple to move your clothes from the washer to the dryer.
                            The LG FH4G1BCS2 is a fantastic choice for those looking for a high-tech washing machine with a variety of features. The LG FH4G1BCS2 comes with the capacity of a drum that is 12kg and can handle the entire load in just 49 minutes due to its TurboWash Technology. The smart appliance can connect to Wi-Fi, allowing users to control it remotely via your smartphone.
                            The washer features 1400rpm of spinning speed and 22 different wash programs for everything from jeans to delicates. The washer also comes with an option to reload your clothes, which allows you to add or remove clothing during the process. It also comes with the ability to delay the start of your wash, which lets you plan your wash for an earlier time. It also has an energy-efficient A rating and is made of sustainable materials.
                            4. They're more expensive
                            If you have a large family who likes to do a lot of laundry in one go, then you might need a 12kg washing machine. The size of the drum is the amount of dry clothes that can be kept inside. Machines with a greater capacity are more expensive to purchase and operate than smaller models.
                            There are still great discounts on 12kg washers at retailers like John Lewis and AO. Both sites let you filter your search by claimed capacity and allow you to determine which machines are best for your family's budget and needs.
                            You can also choose from a wide range of features that will make your life easier at home, including settings that target hard-to-clean stains or bacteria or ones that decrease the amount of wrinkles on your laundry. Many washing machine models that weigh 12kg have quiet motors, and time delay settings that allow you to wash at a time that is convenient for your family.
                            High spin speeds will help you remove your clothes from the machine faster and dry them faster. This is especially useful if you have a busy household and don't want to sit for hours waiting for your clothes to dry.
                            In addition to having a great spin speed, you'll also need to consider the energy rating of your selected 12kg washing machine, since it will have an impact on how much it will cost you to run. The more efficient the machine is, the lower the power bill. It is worth comparing prices before buying.
                            You can also find excellent value 12kg washing machines in integrated models, where the controls are hidden under a panel that is located on the front of the appliance. These models are usually narrower than the freestanding models which is why you must have enough space under your counter for them.
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