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	<title>UPDATED 2024 Best restaurants Cafes Seminyak Recommended Worthy | Must Visit Dinner Breakfast Lunch - FoodParadise.Network - Exploring the top-rated experiences</title>
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                                        <p><strong>Here is a list of some of the <a href="">best restaurants in Seminyak</a>:</strong></p>
<p>1. <a href="">The Junction House Seminyak</a> &#8211; The restaurant specializes in Fusion cuisine, where the chefs prepare delicious baguette sandwiches, salmon, and Thai beef. The Junction House Seminyak also offers a range of mouth-watering desserts, including Nutella crepes, waffles, and cheesecakes. You can pair your meal with a delicious glass of wine, a refreshing Daiquiri, or even absinthe. The cafe also offers a great selection of beverages, including cappuccinos, smoothies, and fresh juices. This is the perfect spot to celebrate special occasions like weddings, anniversaries, or birthdays. The staff here is known to be outstanding, and the service is always top-notch. What&#8217;s even better is that the restaurant offers affordable prices for its patrons. The restaurant&#8217;s interior is not only cute but also creates a calm and peaceful ambience that is sure to make your dining experience memorable.</p>
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<p>2. Batik Restaurant &amp; Bar &#8211; An elegant restaurant and bar located in the heart of Seminyak, Bali, specialising in Southeast Asian cuisine, mainly Vietnamese, Thai, and Indonesian. With its prime location on Jalan Kayu Aya, this restaurant is a popular and charming meeting place. Guests can savour delectable cocktails at various bars, relish the delicate and aromatic Asian dishes prepared by the dedicated and enthusiastic kitchen team, and admire the promotion and preservation of Indonesia&#8217;s BATIK art and craft, an integral part of Indonesian heritage. After enjoying their meals and drinks, visitors can immerse themselves in BATIK&#8217;s stunning history, skill, and art installations. The cosy, trendy, and tranquil ambience makes BATIK a must-visit destination for day and nightlife in Bali.</p>
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<p>3. Grain Bali &#8211; The cafe offers modern amenities such as high-speed internet, a private meeting or dinner space, an upstairs terrace, and air-conditioned and open-air seating areas perfect for al fresco dining. This innovative new cafe and restaurant have given a rundown alley near the main street a complete makeover, with industrial-style interiors and a menu featuring various fresh and healthy options available all day. With fresh juices, healthy smoothies, tasty tapas, creative salads, and much more, Grain has something to offer everyone, including urban sophisticates, visitors, and families alike. With a regular clientele of enthusiastic locals and visitors, Grain has become the go-to destination in Seminyak.</p>
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<p>4. Cafe Bali Seminyak &#8211; A distinctive blend of colors and styles makes it stand out. Its architecture is uniquely Indonesian, with bohemian and vintage interior design touches. The restaurant also features a small dining area, known as a &#8216;Warung&#8217;, with tables covered in vintage Indonesian fabric and antique dining sets, giving guests a taste of Indonesia&#8217;s olden days or &#8216;Indonesia Tempoe Doeloe.&#8217; Café Bali Seminyak offers a wide range of food, from Asian to international cuisine, with a special daily menu.</p>
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<p style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"><a style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none;" href=";utm_campaign=loading" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Cafe Bali in Seminyak (@cafebaliseminyak)</a></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">5. Italian Way &#8211;  A well-known Italian restaurant in Bali that serves genuine Italian food and is noted for its excellent reputation. The restaurant endeavors to provide its patrons with a great gastronomic experience by recreating the tastes and atmosphere of Italy as closely as possible. </span></p>
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<p style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"><a style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none;" href=";utm_campaign=loading" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Italian Way by Mancini’s (@italianway.bali)</a></p>
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<p>6. Ithaca Greek &#8211; This restaurant is a Greek-inspired restaurant located in Seminyak, Bali. The restaurant has a remarkable restaurant and concept bar. The service is attentive, with servers offering menus in the finest flavors of Greece and ensuring that dinners have a great experience.</p>
<blockquote class="instagram-media" style="background: #FFF; border: 0; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width: 540px; min-width: 326px; padding: 0; width: calc(100% - 2px);" data-instgrm-captioned="" data-instgrm-permalink=";utm_campaign=loading" data-instgrm-version="14">
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<p style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"><a style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none;" href=";utm_campaign=loading" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Ithaca Greek Restaurant &amp; Concept Bar (@ithacagreek)</a></p>
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<p>7. LÉON Brasserie &#8211; Located at Jl. Bumbak Jl. Umalas No. 115, Kerobokan, North Kuta District, Badung Regency, Bali, Léon Brasserie restaurant offers an elegant, modern ambiance with a warm atmosphere prominent in this restaurant. Léon serves French Cuisine served with love to be enjoyed by customers. With a passion for French culinary arts, the team from Leon has succeeded in presenting a variety of fine dining foods and beverages ready to be enjoyed with loved ones.</p>
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<p>8. Cafe Dunia &#8211; this is one of the best restaurants in the vibrant Seminyak area. This culinary gem offers a delightful mix of dishes from around the world. The open and lush interior creates a cozy and fresh atmosphere, perfect for an unforgettable dining experience. With its impeccable service, exquisite taste, and open space atmosphere.</p>
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<p style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"><a style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none;" href=";utm_campaign=loading" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Cafe Dunia 𝓑𝓪𝓵𝓲 🌴🌺 (@cafedunia)</a></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">9. Barbacoa &#8211; Barbacoa is a Latin-inspired restaurant located in Seminyak, Bali. The restaurant has a rustic ambiance, with a wood-fired grill and an open kitchen. The service is attentive, with servers offering menu recommendations and ensuring that diners have a great experience.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">10. Sardine &#8211; Sardine is a seafood restaurant located in Seminyak, Bali. The restaurant has a beautiful ambiance, with a lush garden and rice paddies as a backdrop. The service is friendly and attentive, with servers offering menu recommendations and ensuring that diners have an enjoyable dining experience.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">11. Kilo &#8211; Kilo offers a delightful blend of Asian and European cuisine in a modern architectural setting. Originally from Singapore and now in Seminyak, Kilo Kitchen is tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the main street, offering fusion comfort food for sharing in a cozy yet elegant space. The restaurant boasts unconventional and minimalist architecture, serving fusion dishes that challenge the norms of traditional cuisine. The menu features local ingredients and soulful recipes, with signature dishes like beef tongue tacos, cream of ebiko noodles, and truffled yuzu sushi rolls. To get the full experience, it is recommended to try Kilo&#8217;s tasting menu, which includes two starters, two mains, and one dessert to share. Guests can also enjoy a range of delicious cocktails. The restaurant is open daily from 7am to 10pm and can be found at Jl Drupadi No.22 in Seminyak.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">12. NOAA Social Dining &#8211; NOAA Social Dining is a popular all-day dining venue located in the heart of Seminyak, featuring a warm and stylish atmosphere and serving contemporary cuisine that incorporates Asian flavors and ingredients. Head Chef Richard Phelps curates the menu, which includes tapas, starters, dumplings, sushi rolls, pizzas, curries, and larger grilled dishes, all of which are designed for sharing. The restaurant encourages great conversation in a vibrant environment that boasts chic and sophisticated interiors. Diners should try the nasi goreng arancini, prawn skewers, seafood laksa, and seared tuna in a coconut-turmeric sauce, and also explore the impressive cocktail list. NOAA Social Dining is situated in a prime location on Petitenget and is open daily from 10am to 1am.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">13. Craved &#8211; Craved is a chic and laid-back cafe and restaurant in Seminyak that has been something of a well-kept secret until now. The menu is a fusion of Western and Asian cuisines, offering a wide selection of dishes for brunch and dinner that utilize fresh local produce and are prepared with health in mind. The cafe&#8217;s tropical interiors and unique design details complement the wholesome menu items. Must-try dishes include the salmon croissant for breakfast, the Mediterranean falafel bowl for lunch, and the slow-cooked short ribs with Thai mango salad and spicy rendang potatoes. Pair your meal with a smooth latte or a classic cocktail such as the Negroni. Contact them at Jl Camplung Tanduk No.9A, Seminyak, p. +62 821-4620-2231, e. [email protected].</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">14. Spice Mantraa Seminyak &#8211; Spice Mantraa Seminyak is an informal yet elegant Indian restaurant located in the lively center of Petitenget. The restaurant offers contemporary cuisine from all over India, with authentic aromas, flavors, and spices combined with modern twists, thanks to a team of six talented and innovative chefs from various regions of India. The Mulligatawny soup is a must-try with its delicious blend of spices, curry, and coconut milk, as is the smoked butter chicken made with smoke-infused butter. Tandoori delicacies and a selection of kebabs cooked on skewers in a clay oven are also available. Finally, you can complement your meal with wine, cocktails, or refreshing summer coolers. Spice Mantraa Seminyak is located at Jl. Petitenget No.2000X, Seminyak, and can be reached at +62 361 934 4234</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">15. Shelter Cafe &#8211; This trendy rooftop hangout is the perfect retreat from the bustling streets of Seminyak, providing a relaxed and tropical atmosphere all day long. Known to be a popular spot for Bali&#8217;s creative crowd, Shelter boasts an inviting and diverse space that is ideal for digital nomads, morning meetups, or casual dining in the midst of lush greenery between shopping sessions. The menu, which features Middle Eastern and Mediterranean dishes that are rich in color and flavor, is so tempting that one could easily spend the entire day grazing on them. Moreover, Canggu has its own branch of the cafe, ensuring that you are never too far from Shelter! Shelter Café is located at Jl Drupadi 1 No.2b and can be contacted at p. +62 821 4706 4407 or e. [email protected]. The cafe is open daily from 8am to 4pm.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">16. Sisterfields &#8211; A cafe inspired by Melbourne, has been an instant success since its opening and has become one of the most popular restaurants in Seminyak. People queue up every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, indicating that the cafe is doing something right. Fortunately, the service at Sisterfields is always outstanding, and the friendly staff will quickly assist you in settling in to relish their astonishing, Instagram-worthy dishes, such as charcoal rolls with pulled pork, steak with polenta frites, and Acai berry bowls. Sisterfields is located in Jl Kayu Cendana No. 7, Seminyak, and is open from 8 am to 8 pm daily.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">17. KYND &#8211; KYND is more than just a vegan café, it&#8217;s a community of individuals who are passionate about the environment and delicious plant-based food. Their menu is full of creative sweet and savory options that are sure to impress both vegans and non-vegans alike. Breakfast and brunch feature big bowls, gourmet toast, smoothies, and waffles, while lunch and dinner offer items like &#8220;chicken&#8221; schnitzel, Balinese Big Macs, and colorful cocktails. Finish off your meal with vegan ice cream from the nearby creamery. At KYND, you&#8217;ll learn how amazing plant-based food can be, and you&#8217;ll never think of vegan food as boring again.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">18. Sea Circus &#8211; Sea Circus is an iconic cafe in Seminyak, known for its vibrant decor in sea green and neon pink and staff wearing Bali Boat Shed attire. The menu caters to all tastes and moods. Whether you&#8217;re in the mood for something healthy, fresh, and light, like a nourish bowl with frozen fruit margaritas, or need a cure for your terrible hangover with some tasty pulled pork tacos and classic margaritas, Sea Circus has you covered. It&#8217;s open every day from 7.30am to 9pm.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">19. Cafe Organic &#8211; Cafe Organic is a trendy cafe that has been around for a while in Seminyak. The interior is decorated with white walls, indoor palm trees, and pineapples on every table, making it a popular spot for Instagrammers. Their menu features vegetarian options that are beautifully presented and cater to health-conscious diners, including salads, veggie burgers, loaded toasts, and buffalo cauliflower wings. They also serve healthy smoothies, juices, high-quality coffee, and kombuchas for those looking for guilt-free beverages. You can visit them any day between 8am to 4pm.<br />
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">20. Neon Palm &#8211; Neon Palms is a restaurant situated above Bali Boat Shed, known for its colorful beach shacks. With murals of wildlife, terrazzo flooring, and a fantastic menu from the same Australian chefs who brought us Sea Circus, Neon Palms is a jungle-themed hideaway. Their menu features brunch-style bites, tacos, and tapas inspired by Asian and modern Australian cuisine, with dishes like spiced barramundi, grilled prawn sushi bowl, and coconut shellfish laksa. They also have a variety of sugar-free brunch cocktails, healthy drinks, and vegan options.</span></p>
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<span style="font-weight: 400;">21. Biku &#8211; You’re in for a delightful afternoon at this charming restaurant located in a traditional Javanese joglo. They offer various high tea options including the classic English, Asian, and a great option for kids. The meals, salads, and juices are all incredibly delicious. For an even more unique experience, Biku is known for its resident tarot clairvoyant, who is available most afternoons. However, reservations must be made several weeks in advance to secure a spot. Biku, located at Jl Petitenget No.888, Seminyak, can be reached at +62 851 0057 0888 or [email protected]. They are open daily from 8am to 11pm.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">22. “Timo” Bottega Italiana &#8211; This eatery is the go-to place for Italian cuisine on the island. Bottega Italiana is a quick and easy Italian restaurant that embraces a simple cooking philosophy in Petitenget. It offers the finest of what Italy has to offer with its use of organic, premium and homemade ingredients. In addition to being a restaurant, it also serves as a high-end gourmet market with homemade products for sale, such as sauces, herb-infused olive oils and fresh pasta that can be taken home. Delicious!</span></p>
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<p>23. The Forge Gastropub &#8211; The Forge Gastropub is the most popular pub in the Petitenget area, and it reminds us of traditional British pubs with its authentic pub food. Although the craft beers served are excellent, it&#8217;s the hearty and genuine pub fare that catches our eye. The menu features classic dishes like clams in white wine sauce, steak &amp; Guinness pie, large beef burgers, and a traditional British Sunday roast.</p>
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<p>24. Monsieur Spoon &#8211; If you thought life in Bali couldn&#8217;t get any better, treat yourself to a delicious brunch or lunch at Monsieur Spoon. This artisanal French bakery and restaurant is beloved on the island for its authentic French cuisine. With six locations on the island, including Canggu, Umalas, Pererenan, and Ubud, you won&#8217;t want to miss their heavenly eclairs, flaky croissants, luscious salted caramels, and freshly baked bread. Enjoy them with smashed avocado, eggs, or bacon, and don&#8217;t forget to try their excellent coffee.</p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">25. EXPAT. Roasters &#8211; EXPAT. Roasters is a popular coffee shop in Seminyak, run by award-winning Barista, Shae Macnamara. The café is dedicated to providing a unique coffee experience to its customers, offering its own blend of high-quality beans, homemade cakes, and freshly baked banana bread. EXPAT. Roasters is known for its serious approach to coffee-making and has become a trendy spot on the island for those seeking a premium cup of joe.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">26. Pison &#8211; Pison is a popular cafe located on the main strip of Petitenget that is known for its charming and rustic decor featuring antique tiled floors. The cafe serves a range of Asian and Western breakfast, lunch, and dinner dishes, while also being renowned for their excellent coffee. In the evenings, patrons can enjoy live music performances that attract a lively crowd.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">27. Revolver Espresso &#8211; Revolver Espresso is a coffee house in Seminyak that played a crucial role in starting the island&#8217;s coffee craze. It began as a small coffee shop in downtown Seminyak, but has since become one of Bali&#8217;s most well-known boutique coffee brands. The coffee is made from high-quality beans sourced from local farmers and roasted in Bali. Revolver now has two Seminyak locations, and a loyal following that loves the delicious breakfast dishes, beef brisket sliders, and especially the amazing coffee. With its industrial urban style, you could easily forget you&#8217;re in Bali while hanging out in this coffee shop.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">28. Coffee Cartel &#8211; Coffee Cartel is a coffee house and cafe that takes their business seriously. They are a dominant presence in Petitenget’s dining scene, with a cafe menu that includes poke bowls, burgers, and even vegan smak hotcakes that come with candy floss, mixed berries, and pink strawberry coco over custard. Coffee Cartel&#8217;s signature pink hues and cute potted cacti are very popular on Instagram feeds. In addition to top-quality cappuccinos, the cafe&#8217;s subtle Mexican aesthetic and cute golden cutlery also add to its charm. Coffee Cartel has become such a cult favorite that it has opened a second location in Legian.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">29. Corner House &#8211; To be found at the top of Oberoi is the charming and well-decorated Corner House, offering a mix of Antipodean and European flavors. You can enjoy a range of meals from breakfast to dinner along with coffee, cakes, and juices. The café has a cozy French bistrot ambiance, which makes it an ideal spot for sipping your morning coffee. For children, the café offers a kids’ menu that includes crumbed chicken tenders with chips and all-you-can-eat soft ice cream. Corner House also has an excellent cocktail list for the adults.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">30. Mama San -For those who want to be in the know, dining at Mama San is a must-do. It&#8217;s not only because of the scrumptious pan-Asian cuisine but also the vibrant cocktail scene. The famous restaurant owned by well-known &#8220;Street Food Chef&#8221; Will Meyrick offers an extensive and impressive menu of contemporary Asian bites. The ingredients are all top-quality and carefully selected from around the country to create the best gourmet dishes of the continent. Additionally, the upscale interior adds to the overall experience, making Mama San a restaurant you won&#8217;t want to leave. </span>Mama San is located at Jl Raya Kerobokan No. 135, Banjartaman, Seminyak. You can reach them at +62 818 0612 6700. They&#8217;re open daily from 12 pm to 3 pm and 6 pm to 10 pm.</p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">31. Da Maria &#8211; Da Maria is a trendy Italian restaurant located in Seminyak, offering a taste of the Capri coast in Bali. Created by Maurice Terzini, an Australian restaurateur, this restaurant is known for its exceptional pizzas and innovative cocktails. It is a popular lunch and dinner spot that also hosts one of the most exciting Sunday parties in the area. With its attractive design, Da Maria provides a hip and enjoyable dining experience.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">32. Motel Mexicola &#8211; To put it simply, Motel Mexicola is the coolest Mexican-inspired hangout spot in Seminyak that&#8217;s always packed. The restaurant has a retro vibe with bright neon lights and fantastic wall murals, and the food is delicious. Chef Steven Skelly prepares traditional Mexican dishes that are perfect for sharing with friends. The bar is exceptional, with plenty of tequila options, and the music is always pumping, making it the perfect spot to let loose and have fun with friends after dinner. Motel Mexicola is located on Jl Kayu Jati No. 9x in Petitenget, Seminyak and is open from 6 pm to midnight every day.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">33. Lacalita &#8211; Lacalita is the heart and soul of Seminyak’s Mexican food scene, just like salt is to tequila or beans are to burritos. It is considered the original Mexican cantina that sparked the island’s love for tacos and margaritas. Lacalita, formerly known as Lacalaca, is a vibrant restaurant that exudes an unpretentious and lively atmosphere, offering modern Mexican cuisine with a twist. The food is made from locally sourced fresh ingredients, traditional Mexican spices, and homemade tortillas. Moreover, the friendly and fantastic staff add to the amazing experience. Lacalita is the go-to place for an authentic Mexican feast, and it also has a location in Canggu.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">34. Ling-Ling’s &#8211; Ling-Lings is a popular restaurant among those who are familiar with it, offering Asian-style tapas with a funky Harajuku feel. Menu highlights include Korean fried chicken, kimchi chips, sushi platters, and mahi-mahi, which pair perfectly with the affordable and delicious cocktails, sometimes served in fruit containers.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">35. Chai’ba &#8211; Chai&#8217;ba is a highly recommended Indian restaurant in Bali that serves dishes from Southern and Northern India. The menu offers delicious options such as lamb shank masala, chicken malai kebab, Chai&#8217;ba thalis, and a green grain bowl for those looking for something healthier. The cocktails are also worth trying, including the Coco Loco and classic Negroni. Don&#8217;t miss out on Chai&#8217;ba when in Seminyak! They&#8217;re open every day from 12.30pm to 9pm.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">36. Chandi &#8211; Chandi is a gorgeous restaurant that prides itself on serving high-end Indonesian-inspired cuisine made with only organically grown greens and spices from local Balinese farmers. They offer a variety of satays including beef, duck, scallop, prawn, fish, and many more. You can also try their Appetiser Plate for two which features small bites like Seared Scallops with Tamarind Dressing or Mini Beef Rendang Envelopes. We highly recommend this restaurant! Chandi is located at Jl Kayu Aya No.72 in Seminyak and can be reached at +62 361 477 1155 / +62 812 3666 4450 or [email protected]. They are open daily from 8am to 10pm.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">37. ShiShi &#8211; ShiShi is another hotspot for those who love to party. If you&#8217;ve already tried the Espresso Martinis at this late-night lounge and club, you&#8217;ll want to arrive early to indulge in their delicious Lombok oysters, Pork &amp; Prawn Shumai, and the build-your-own Temaki that&#8217;s presented with smokey dry ice. For those who like to share, try the sushi tree which is perfect for grazing with your party pals. During the day, it&#8217;s an Asian-inspired bistro, but when the night falls, it turns into a wild party destination. This is Seminyak at its best. You can find ShiShi at Jl Petitenget No. 208x, Seminyak, with operating hours from 6pm until late. To book a table or for more information, you can contact them at +62 819 1888 8059 or send an email to [email protected].</span></p>
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<p>38. Queen’s Tandoor &#8211; Looking for some delicious Indian food in Seminyak? Look no further than Queen&#8217;s Tandoor, where you can indulge in classic Indian dishes like paneer cheese curries, butter chicken, and Rogan Josh, all served up with buttery naan. Located on Seminyak&#8217;s main street, this popular Indian restaurant is the perfect stop for a pre- or post-shopping meal. Dine on the open-air terrace while enjoying views of the bustling street scene and choose from a range of vegetarian options, including the Navratan Jalfrazi, a saffron sauce dish featuring nine garden vegetables, or the creamy Malai Kofta vegetable balls. Meat lovers should try the Koyle ka Kamaal, chicken, fish, or lamb served hot from the tandoor in cauldron-shaped clay pots.</p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">39. Seasalt &#8211; Seasalt is a restaurant in Seminyak that takes inspiration from the ocean and salt, and we love it. Its prime location on the beachfront at Alila Seminyak offers stunning views of the endless ocean and refreshing sea breeze. The restaurant is stylishly beach-themed, and we highly recommend the Japanese-infused dishes, especially during their fabulous Sunday brunch. Sundowners at Seasalt are unbeatable, with their designer cocktails that follow an eco-friendly zero-waste concept. Don&#8217;t miss out on Seasalt&#8217;s exceptional dining experience! Seasalt is open from 7am to 10pm and can be found at Jl Taman Ganesha No. 9, Petitenget, Seminyak. For reservations, you can call +62 361 3021 889 / +62 811 3867 544, or email </span><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><span style="font-weight: 400;">[email protected]</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">40. Mrs Sippy Bali &#8211; Mrs Sippy is a trendy pool bar in Bali that appeals to the cool crowds of Seminyak. It offers tasty food, the largest saltwater pool you have ever seen, and plenty of happy hours under the tropical Bali sun. Originating from one of Sydney&#8217;s hottest suburbs, it&#8217;s everything the Sydney location has become famous for, and more. Imagine a mix of seaside LA and party Miami, with cool Grecian touches and some of Seminyak&#8217;s best bites. Don&#8217;t miss out on trying their poke bowls and grazing on their Mediterranean-inspired poolside menu, which includes olives, dips, breads, tacos, charcuterie boards, and salted calamari. Yum, yum, yum (and splash!).</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">41. SugarSand &#8211; SugarSand is an all-day seaside destination located in Seminyak that offers gourmet dining with a Nikkei-inspired, avant-garde cuisine. It&#8217;s a perfect place to enjoy the sun and have fun with friends while relishing live music, fantastic cocktails, and delicious food. SugarSand features locally-sourced produce from both land and sea, along with Japanese-inspired delicacies. Some recommended dishes to try are roasted octopus, crispy calamari, and pan-roasted market fish. You can visit SugarSand at Jl Camplung Tanduk No.10, Seminyak, and it&#8217;s open every day from 3 pm to 11 pm.</span></p>
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<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">42. Mauri &#8211; Mauri is an elegant and contemporary restaurant in Seminyak that offers modern Italian cuisine created by the acclaimed Chef Maurizio Bombini. It only serves dinner, using top-quality local ingredients, most of which are grown in the restaurant&#8217;s own hydroponic garden on the rooftop. Dishes such as fine parmigiano ravioli or caprione tuna are prepared in their purest form. Guests can choose from either the seasonal tasting menu or the a la carte menu. For a more private and intimate experience, diners can sit at the five-seat chef&#8217;s counter. Before dinner, customers can stop by the mezzanine bar and lounge for some light bites and pre-dinner cocktails served in an “Aperitivo Style”. The restaurant is open daily from 6:30 PM to 11 PM, with extended hours on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.</span></p>
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