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                                                                                        Compare Today's Current Mortgage Rates
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                                                                                                    Mortgage Rates Chart: Historical and Current Rate Trends
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                                                                                        Review our checklist of steps to buying a house so you don&rsquo;t forget anything along the way. Few of us could save more at the same time we&rsquo;re paying down debt. When you get pre-approved, you&rsquo;ll receive a document called a Loan Estimate that lists all these numbers clearly for comparison. You can use your Loan Estimates to find the best overall deal on your mortgage &mdash; not just the best interest rate. While last year saw rates soaring to unprecedented highs, the year ahead is poised to be another turning point in the mortgage world.
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                                                                                        First, your FICO&reg; Score isn't affected by any mortgage inquiries made in the past 30 days. If you find a loan within those 30 days, rate shopping won't affect you at all. That's because of economic factors like the unemployment rate and number of recent foreclosures. After selecting your top options, connect with lenders online or on the phone. Then choose a lender, finalize your details, and lock in your rate. If you don't close on the loan before the rate lock expires, you might get stuck with a higher interest rate.
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                                                                                        The Bankrate promise
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                                                                                        Bankrate is an independent, advertising-supported publisher and comparison service. We arecompensatedin exchange for placement of sponsored products and services, or when you click on certain links posted on our site. However, this compensation in no way affects Bankrate&rsquo;s news coverage, recommendations or advice as we adhere to stricteditorial guidelines. In addition to monetary policy, lenders also have an impact on mortgage rates.
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                                                                                        Mortgage Rates Chart: Historical and Current Rate Trends
                                                                                        For products indicated as a jumbo (e.g. 30-year fixed jumbo rate), displayed information follows the same assumptions as a conventional loan but set at loan above the conforming limit. Mortgage lenders personalize your interest rates based on your credit history and other factors, including your credit score and loan-to-value ratio. So you won&rsquo;t know your rate options until you apply and get pre-approved.
                                                                                        In March 2024, 30-year mortgage rates averaged 6.47%, and they've trended higher this month. For example, say you can afford to spend $2,000 per month on your mortgage payment (not including taxes and insurance). But with a 4% rate, you could afford to borrow as much as $400,000. When there's a lot of economic growth, mortgage rates typically go up. In recent years, high inflation has pushed mortgage rates up.
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                                                                                            Homebuyers and Sellers May Be Suffering the Most Under High Interest Rates - Investopedia
                                                                                            Homebuyers and Sellers May Be Suffering the Most Under High Interest Rates.
                                                                                            Posted: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 18:55:07 GMT [
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                                                                                        So looking at the APR, or annual percentage rate, provides a better all-in representation of what you may pay. Remember that you may be able to obtain a lower rate but by paying a higher percent of points. That tradeoff needs to take into account how long you see yourself in the home and mortgage. is an independent, advertising-supported publisher and comparison service.
                                                                                        If rates are favorable and you&rsquo;re satisfied with the rate being offered, it may be prudent to lock it in to avoid potential rate increases in the future. But the APR you pay on a loan is often just as or even more important than the basic interest rate. If you submit all your loan applications within a focused period (a month or less), your score should take the same tiny hit for ten applications as for one. That&rsquo;s because scoring technologies allow for rate shopping for certain types of borrowing, including home loans. For example, a lender specializing in FHA loans (home loans backed by the Federal Housing Administration) will rarely raise an eyebrow if your credit score is in the 580 to 620 range.
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                                                                                            The Property Brothers say 7% interest rates mean 'a lot of crying' - Quartz
                                                                                            The Property Brothers say 7% interest rates mean 'a lot of crying'.
                                                                                            Posted: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 17:29:00 GMT [
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                                                                                        The average 30-year fixed-refinance rate is 7.30 percent, up 23 basis points over the last seven days. A month ago, the average rate on a 30-year fixed refinance was lower at 6.91 percent. The average rate you'll pay for a 30-year fixed mortgage today is 7.29 percent, up 24 basis points over the last seven days. Last month on the 22nd, the average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage was lower, at 6.97 percent.
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                                                                                        Mike Schmidt is Credible's senior manager of mortgage operations and is a licensed mortgage loan originator in 50 states. Mike has spent 18 years in the industry, working at various financial institutions. He has expertise in all mortgage products, including conventional, FHA, and VA loans. Currently, there is an anticipation for mortgage rates to persistently decrease throughout 2024 and extend into 2025. The Mortgage Bankers Association predicts that 30-year mortgage rates may decline to 5.5% by 2025. A good tactic can be to leverage one lender against another.
                                                                                        At Bankrate we strive to help you make smarter financial decisions. While we adhere to stricteditorial integrity,this post may contain references to products from our partners. As The Ascent's Compliance Lead, he makes sure that all the site's information is accurate and up to date, which ensures we always steer readers right and keeps various financial partners happy. Mortgage rates tend to follow the 10-year Treasury note, as ten years is close to the average tenure of home ownership.
                                                                                        With no appraisal needed for a loan, there is no independent third party providing an estimate for the value of the home. Ultimately, if homebuyers are looking to get the best price on a home, they should exercise caution if paying for a home with cash, or instead take advantage of historically low mortgage rates. You can compare current mortgage rates between lenders by applying for mortgage pre-approval with each lender you're considering. A 30-year fixed-rate mortgage has a 30-year term with a fixed interest rate and monthly principal and interest payments that stay the same for the life of the loan.
                                                                                        Beer prices could be affected because the wet weather is still disrupting the planting of spring crops such as barley, the ECIU said. Ottolenghi said he had "always been super eager to get our flavours onto people's dinner plates nationwide, not just in London, without having to cook it from scratch every single time". It is the first time Ottolenghi has partnered with a supermarket in such a way. Waitrose is launching an exclusive range of products with popular chef Yotam Ottolenghi today.
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                                                                                        Los Angeles Theater Plays in LA
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                                                                                                    Pittsburgh Breweries to Visit in and Around the City
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                                                                                                    Cult-O-Rama: Mad, Bad Science!
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                                                                                        This city-owned, four-theater complex is housed in a former bank close to Skid Row in Downtown, and can be one of the city's most exciting venues. The Latino Theater Company () has operated from here since 2006. The theater itself is rather small and the one downside we found is that there is only one aisle so everyone has to enter each row from the same side.
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                                                                                        Pittsburgh Breweries to Visit in and Around the City
                                                                                        If you like beer, you should definitely get to Row House 30 minutes to an hour before the show starts. This will allow plenty of time to peruse the more than 900 bottles and cans of craft beer for sale at Bierport and pick out what you want to drink with the movie. We also recommend getting in line minutes before the show starts so you can get a good seat without getting stuck behind those who have not purchased tickets (they start letting people into the theater around 15 minutes ahead of time). One of the great things about Row House Cinema&nbsp;is the variety of movies they show during their weekly movie themes as their library is more than your typical art house theater.
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                                                                                        Cult-O-Rama: Schlock Opera
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                                                                                            Donnie Darko filmmaker Richard Kelly stays writing, weird, and relevant - PGH City Paper
                                                                                            Donnie Darko filmmaker Richard Kelly stays writing, weird, and relevant.
                                                                                            Posted: Fri, 20 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [
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                                                                                        Select seating section to view the approximate middle of the selected seating section. You can purchase movie tickets online ahead of time and we highly recommend doing so, as shows typically sell out. Recent weekly themes have included Denzel Washington, Japanese films, Jean-Luc Godard, Sci-Fi, and stop-motion animation, just to name a few. One cool feature is that if you're really into a certain theme, you can buy a weekly pass for $21 and go see as many films as you like- something we're definitely planning on doing in the future. Row House Cinema is a unique neighborhood movie theater located on Butler Street in Lawrenceville.
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                                                                                        Valley Performing Arts Center (VPAC)
                                                                                        Grindhouse Releasing teamed with director Bill Lustig to present his classic MANIAC theatrically in a new, restored 35mm print. Our prints of EVIL DEAD and THE BEYOND include custom trailer reels featuring vintage horror and exploitation movie previews. When checking out Row House Cinema, just remember to buy your ticket a day ahead of time and get in line 20 minutes or so early, and you'll have a great experience at this cozy little neighborhood theater. Moonstruck with Opera + Driftwood7 pm &ndash; May 17 &ndash; $15.50Pittsburgh Opera Resident Artists Julia Swan Laird and Evan Lazdowski will&nbsp;perform before this screening of our favorite Nic Cage + Cher rom com! Driftwood Oven will be on site as well selling slices in the lobby.
                                                                                        This makes it somewhat tricky if you have to get up in the middle of the movie to go to the restroom or get another beer. The West Side branch of the Center Theatre Group offers the company's most adventurous fare, along with intermittent collaborations with some of LA's smaller troupes. The theater itself was originally built as a cinema and retains its iconic old neon sign out front. The $274-million crown jewel of the LA Music Center&mdash;home of the LA Philharmonic and the LA Master Chorale&mdash;is a terrific venue.
                                                                                        The theater shows a wide range of films with themes that change every week, and its connection with next door Bierport makes it convenient for bringing craft beer with you into the movies. Cult-O-RAMALate night cult cinema is back at Row House Cinema! Join us for double features select Friday Nights and other special events. We have hosted film and TV premieres, corporate parties, special events and more!
                                                                                        Designed by Frank Gehry, the hall features a 2,265-capacity auditorium with an open platform stage and virtually perfect acoustics. The West Side's most glittery theatrical venue is home to a good-sized main stage, the Gil Cates Theater, and the cozier Skirball Kenis Theater. The company offers a mix of new work and local premieres, frequently with big-name (though sometimes second-tier) Hollywood talent. Special nights include Wine Down Sundays, Lounge Fridays and Talk Back Tuesdays, where a special drinks or coffee reception is held before the performance.
                                                                                        Move over Broadway, Los Angeles has some of the best theaters and performing arts centers in the nation. Whether you're looking for intimate and avant garde or sweeping orchestral maneuvers and lively musicals, there's a wide range of venues and shows at each performing arts center to suit every taste. So pair a show with dinner at a romantic restaurant for the ultimate date night, or take your kids out for a family-friendly affair&mdash;whatever you do, add seeing a show at one of these places onto your things to do list. The Wallis is one of the newer performing arts centers on the scene, but it has proven it deserves a place on this list. From its production of Spring Awakening, which moved on to Broadway, or Debbie Allen's Freeze Frame, the Wallis has presented some top-notch productions that create quite a bit of buzz.
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                                                                                        From dance to theater to music, the shows take place in the 70,000-square-foot Wallis or the more intimate Lovelace Studio or Bram Goldsmith theaters. This 1930's warehouse-turned-theater&nbsp;(complete with an exposed beam ceiling, swoon) hosts performances of all kinds, including music, theater, dance and film. Indie rock bands and local talent are often on tap here, and it's one of the best small music venues on the Eastside. The theater's owners are steeped in the arts as well, from actors to set designers to welders&mdash;it's no wonder they fill Bootleg's calendar with such varied and quality shows. Our hand-picked program features everything from cult films, to classics, to newer releases. Enjoy movies the way they were meant to be seen &ndash; on the big screen with pristine sound, thanks to our state-of-the-art wireless headphones.
                                                                                        We accept bookings for entire venue buyouts, complete with food and beverage packages. Arrive early to take in the views and play games with the city as your backdrop. Select your seats, grab a drink and snack on classic cinema concessions. When the film begins, you&rsquo;ll be able to live completely in those movie moments with personal headphones and an amazing view of the big screen. Our mission is to create a magical experience through awesome movies, food, &amp; beverages. Through our unique programming, we hope to help build a stronger film community in Pittsburgh.
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                                                                                            Best Independent Movie Theater/Best Local Movie Theater: Row House Cinema 2019 - PGH City Paper
                                                                                            Best Independent Movie Theater/Best Local Movie Theater: Row House Cinema 2019.
                                                                                            Posted: Thu, 27 Apr 2023 22:31:39 GMT [
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                                                                                        Arrive early to socialize in the lounge area and play games before the film. You can elevate your experience with beer, wine or cocktails from our bar partner, Hi-Lo Liquor. Time your visit to take in the sun setting over Downtown LA, watch a movie under the moon and stars, or bask in the sun during golden hour. Regardless of the time of day, you are guaranteed a stunning view of the Los Angeles skyline.
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                                                                                        Ticket includes appetizers, an alcoholic beverage, and admission to the film. The appetizers are provided by Fulton Commons members&mdash;Family Table,&nbsp;The Funky Biscuit, and&nbsp;Nurture Pittsburgh &mdash; each of which makes wonderful prepared meals. Geffen Playhouse and its Diversity, Equity &amp; Inclusion Committee have been busy working behind-the-scenes on some exciting new DEI community initiatives. We&rsquo;d love to share them with you, and invite you on the journey. Academy Award (Moonlight) and Peabody Award (David Makes Man) winner and Tony Award (Choir Boy) nominee is the new Artistic Director of Geffen Playhouse.
                                                                                        Row House opened in June of 2014 with a special screening of Pulp Fiction, and has since show more than 250 new, old, popular, weird, amazing, and obscure movies per year on our single screen. Every week we choose a theme and show movies to match that theme, which can range from Akira Kurosawa, Introduction to French New Wave Cinema, or Tight Pants Week &mdash; a celebration of films where the lead male actor wears iconically tight pants. San Fernando Valley's $125 million glass-paneled theater, located on the Cal State Northridge campus, opened in 2011 with a high-profile performance by the Moscow Symphony. The 1,700-seat hall is the area's main arts hub with year-round dance, theater, classical and world music programming. Grindhouse Releasing continuously shows movies at theaters across the U.S. and Canada, and our 35mm film restorations have been showcased at major festivals, universities, film archives and conferences around the world. We&rsquo;ve been co-presenters of the monthly Grindhouse Film Festival at the New Beverly Cinema in Hollywood since the launch of the series in 2002, as featured in the Los Angeles Times.
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                                                                                                    Purple Rain: Movie &amp; Silent Disco
                                                                                    <img alt="row house cinema" class="wp-post-image" src="" style="display: block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" width="606px">
                                                                                        Move over Broadway, Los Angeles has some of the best theaters and performing arts centers in the nation. Whether you're looking for intimate and avant garde or sweeping orchestral maneuvers and lively musicals, there's a wide range of venues and shows at each performing arts center to suit every taste. So pair a show with dinner at a romantic restaurant for the ultimate date night, or take your kids out for a family-friendly affair&mdash;whatever you do, add seeing a show at one of these places onto your things to do list. The Wallis is one of the newer performing arts centers on the scene, but it has proven it deserves a place on this list. From its production of Spring Awakening, which moved on to Broadway, or Debbie Allen's Freeze Frame, the Wallis has presented some top-notch productions that create quite a bit of buzz.
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                                                                                        Valley Performing Arts Center (VPAC)
                                                                                        The theater shows a wide range of films with themes that change every week, and its connection with next door Bierport makes it convenient for bringing craft beer with you into the movies. Cult-O-RAMALate night cult cinema is back at Row House Cinema! Join us for double features select Friday Nights and other special events. We have hosted film and TV premieres, corporate parties, special events and more!
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                                                                                        Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
                                                                                        Grindhouse Releasing teamed with director Bill Lustig to present his classic MANIAC theatrically in a new, restored 35mm print. Our prints of EVIL DEAD and THE BEYOND include custom trailer reels featuring vintage horror and exploitation movie previews. When checking out Row House Cinema, just remember to buy your ticket a day ahead of time and get in line 20 minutes or so early, and you'll have a great experience at this cozy little neighborhood theater. Moonstruck with Opera + Driftwood7 pm &ndash; May 17 &ndash; $15.50Pittsburgh Opera Resident Artists Julia Swan Laird and Evan Lazdowski will&nbsp;perform before this screening of our favorite Nic Cage + Cher rom com! Driftwood Oven will be on site as well selling slices in the lobby.
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                                                                                        A Nightmare on Elm Street (
                                                                                        We accept bookings for entire venue buyouts, complete with food and beverage packages. Arrive early to take in the views and play games with the city as your backdrop. Select your seats, grab a drink and snack on classic cinema concessions. When the film begins, you&rsquo;ll be able to live completely in those movie moments with personal headphones and an amazing view of the big screen. Our mission is to create a magical experience through awesome movies, food, &amp; beverages. Through our unique programming, we hope to help build a stronger film community in Pittsburgh.
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                                                                                        Purple Rain: Movie &amp; Silent Disco
                                                                                    <img alt="row house cinema" class="aligncenter" src="" style="display: block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" width="600px">
                                                                                        Row House opened in June of 2014 with a special screening of Pulp Fiction, and has since show more than 250 new, old, popular, weird, amazing, and obscure movies per year on our single screen. Every week we choose a theme and show movies to match that theme, which can range from Akira Kurosawa, Introduction to French New Wave Cinema, or Tight Pants Week &mdash; a celebration of films where the lead male actor wears iconically tight pants. San Fernando Valley's $125 million glass-paneled theater, located on the Cal State Northridge campus, opened in 2011 with a high-profile performance by the Moscow Symphony. The 1,700-seat hall is the area's main arts hub with year-round dance, theater, classical and world music programming. Grindhouse Releasing continuously shows movies at theaters across the U.S. and Canada, and our 35mm film restorations have been showcased at major festivals, universities, film archives and conferences around the world. We&rsquo;ve been co-presenters of the monthly Grindhouse Film Festival at the New Beverly Cinema in Hollywood since the launch of the series in 2002, as featured in the Los Angeles Times.
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                                                                                        American Pie
                                                                                        Select seating section to view the approximate middle of the selected seating section. You can purchase movie tickets online ahead of time and we highly recommend doing so, as shows typically sell out. Recent weekly themes have included Denzel Washington, Japanese films, Jean-Luc Godard, Sci-Fi, and stop-motion animation, just to name a few. One cool feature is that if you're really into a certain theme, you can buy a weekly pass for $21 and go see as many films as you like- something we're definitely planning on doing in the future. Row House Cinema is a unique neighborhood movie theater located on Butler Street in Lawrenceville.
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                                                                                        Movies Near You (
                                                                                        This city-owned, four-theater complex is housed in a former bank close to Skid Row in Downtown, and can be one of the city's most exciting venues. The Latino Theater Company () has operated from here since 2006. The theater itself is rather small and the one downside we found is that there is only one aisle so everyone has to enter each row from the same side.
                                                                                        If you like beer, you should definitely get to Row House 30 minutes to an hour before the show starts. This will allow plenty of time to peruse the more than 900 bottles and cans of craft beer for sale at Bierport and pick out what you want to drink with the movie. We also recommend getting in line minutes before the show starts so you can get a good seat without getting stuck behind those who have not purchased tickets (they start letting people into the theater around 15 minutes ahead of time). One of the great things about Row House Cinema&nbsp;is the variety of movies they show during their weekly movie themes as their library is more than your typical art house theater.
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                                                                                        Row House Film Club
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                                                                                        Arrive early to socialize in the lounge area and play games before the film. You can elevate your experience with beer, wine or cocktails from our bar partner, Hi-Lo Liquor. Time your visit to take in the sun setting over Downtown LA, watch a movie under the moon and stars, or bask in the sun during golden hour. Regardless of the time of day, you are guaranteed a stunning view of the Los Angeles skyline.
                                                                                        This makes it somewhat tricky if you have to get up in the middle of the movie to go to the restroom or get another beer. The West Side branch of the Center Theatre Group offers the company's most adventurous fare, along with intermittent collaborations with some of LA's smaller troupes. The theater itself was originally built as a cinema and retains its iconic old neon sign out front. The $274-million crown jewel of the LA Music Center&mdash;home of the LA Philharmonic and the LA Master Chorale&mdash;is a terrific venue.
                                                                                        Designed by Frank Gehry, the hall features a 2,265-capacity auditorium with an open platform stage and virtually perfect acoustics. The West Side's most glittery theatrical venue is home to a good-sized main stage, the Gil Cates Theater, and the cozier Skirball Kenis Theater. The company offers a mix of new work and local premieres, frequently with big-name (though sometimes second-tier) Hollywood talent. Special nights include Wine Down Sundays, Lounge Fridays and Talk Back Tuesdays, where a special drinks or coffee reception is held before the performance.
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                                                                                            Row House Cinema announces return of pop-up drive-in theater to Strip District - PGH City Paper
                                                                                            Row House Cinema announces return of pop-up drive-in theater to Strip District.
                                                                                            Posted: Fri, 27 Aug 2021 07:00:00 GMT [
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                                                                                        From dance to theater to music, the shows take place in the 70,000-square-foot Wallis or the more intimate Lovelace Studio or Bram Goldsmith theaters. This 1930's warehouse-turned-theater&nbsp;(complete with an exposed beam ceiling, swoon) hosts performances of all kinds, including music, theater, dance and film. Indie rock bands and local talent are often on tap here, and it's one of the best small music venues on the Eastside. The theater's owners are steeped in the arts as well, from actors to set designers to welders&mdash;it's no wonder they fill Bootleg's calendar with such varied and quality shows. Our hand-picked program features everything from cult films, to classics, to newer releases. Enjoy movies the way they were meant to be seen &ndash; on the big screen with pristine sound, thanks to our state-of-the-art wireless headphones.
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                                                                                        Ticket includes appetizers, an alcoholic beverage, and admission to the film. The appetizers are provided by Fulton Commons members&mdash;Family Table,&nbsp;The Funky Biscuit, and&nbsp;Nurture Pittsburgh &mdash; each of which makes wonderful prepared meals. Geffen Playhouse and its Diversity, Equity &amp; Inclusion Committee have been busy working behind-the-scenes on some exciting new DEI community initiatives. We&rsquo;d love to share them with you, and invite you on the journey. Academy Award (Moonlight) and Peabody Award (David Makes Man) winner and Tony Award (Choir Boy) nominee is the new Artistic Director of Geffen Playhouse.
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                                                                                        Cruise Outfits to Wear on Your Next Cruise Vacation 2024
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                                                                                                    Mens Cruise Outfits
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                                                                                                    Adventure Attire
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                                                                                                    What do you wear on a dressier night on a cruise?
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                                                                                                    More Cruise Outfit and Packing Ideas
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                                                                                        Add a couple formal night outfits and some dress shoes, and you&rsquo;re all set. Are you going on a cruise and looking for cruise outfits that are fashionable and affordable? In this post you&rsquo;ll find casual cruise dresses and daywear, formal night dresses, plus a few must-have accessories.
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                                                                                        Mens Cruise Outfits
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                                                                                        For those evenings when the dress code is relaxed yet chic, passengers seek attire that balances comfort and fashion. These versatile outfits resonate with the laid-back luxury of a cruise and ensure a memorable dinner under the stars or a serene walk along the promenade deck. Opt for casual and comfortable attire for daytime activities onboard or during port excursions.
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                                                                                        Adventure Attire
                                                                                        These outfits are perfect for a delicious dinner while looking stylish and put-together. Dressier nights on a cruise, known as formal or gala evenings, allow one to dress up and celebrate. Cocktail dresses, evening gowns, tuxedos, or suits are appropriate for these occasions. It&rsquo;s a chance to showcase more elegant and sophisticated attire while enjoying a special evening onboard. If you live within driving distance of your cruise terminal, you won&rsquo;t have to worry about weight restrictions. In general, pack at least two outfits for each day&mdash;one for an excursion and one for dinner and late-night events on the ship.
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                                                                                        What do you wear on a dressier night on a cruise?
                                                                                        Overpacking cruise clothes, forgetting cruise essentials, or neglecting the dress code can throw a wrench in your vacation plans. Here&rsquo;s a list of some frequent missteps made by travelers and tips to sidestep them. As we wrap up our guide on cruise clothes, let&rsquo;s touch upon a few general packing tips to make your cruise vacation as seamless and enjoyable as possible. Here&rsquo;s how to make sure you&rsquo;re perfectly attired from sunrise to sunset with cruise clothes.
                                                                                        For example, a two-night Cyprus cruise&nbsp;is all about beaches, history and incredible cuisine. Pack outfits that you'll be comfortable in even when the sun is scorching hot, so you don't have to worry about going back to the ship to get changed midday. Effortless flowy skirts and airy linen shirts make great cover-ups for swimwear that will protect your skin from the sun as you explore ancient sites.
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                                                                                        Casual Dinner Outfits
                                                                                        Various clothing options are essential to accommodate different activities and dress codes onboard. This can include casual, comfortable outfits for daytime activities and more formal attire for special events or evenings. Day wear on a cruise encapsulates casual and functional elegance.
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                                                                                        Ladies Dresses for Evenings on a Cruise
                                                                                        Besides the necessary cruise clothes, my packing list includes key items, such as towel clips and a hand scale. Just about every cruise includes one or more &lsquo;sea days&rsquo; where you&rsquo;ll stay on the ship as you travel to the next port. On sea days, you&rsquo;ll want to wear something casual and laid-back.
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                                                                                            26 cruise packing hacks you need to know before you sail - The Points Guy
                                                                                            26 cruise packing hacks you need to know before you sail.
                                                                                            Posted: Wed, 07 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [
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                                                                                        Your cruise outfits will be as fun to wear as they are to look at. A halter chiffon top like this pairs beautifully with a white skirt, pants or jeans. It can go from day to evening, depending on how dressy you&rsquo;re feeling. Very cute and casual, this short sleeve romper shorts outfit is a great comfortable embarkation day outfit. Plus, it can be worn later on in the cruise and no one would even know. This cute romper is a very cute and affordable embarkation day outfit.
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                                                                                        What to Wear on Shore Excursions
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                                                                                        It&rsquo;s important to research the excursions offered to make sure you are prepared for a day off the boat. Personally, I think linen fabrics and bold colors are the epitome of resort casual. So you&rsquo;ll want to pack a light jacket and, just to be on the safe side, a rain jacket. After a long day by the pool, there's nothing better than putting on a strapless sundress to show off your sun-kissed shoulders and freckled skin.
                                                                                        You&rsquo;re getting accustomed to your new home at sea with lots of exploring and finding a delicious cocktail. Use Pinterest to keep track of all your travel and fashion ideas. You can follow my cruising board here and my packing tips board here. My own cruise outfit list is larger than this, but based on feedback in my Life Well Cruised Facebook community, I think this is a sufficient base. Layering is essential to adjusting to changing temperatures throughout the day. Bring lightweight cardigans, wraps, or jackets that can easily be added or removed to accommodate different environments, both onboard and ashore.
                                                                                        A colorful or unique passport cover will help you quickly find it in your bag. Here are her tips on how to pack for a cruise&mdash;and the items she always takes along, for every stage of the journey. The types of shore excursions offered depends on your cruise itinerary. For example, you can expect excursions like snorkeling or scuba diving in warm weather destinations like the Caribbean. Unless you are going on a super luxe cruise, you typically won&rsquo;t need to pack an evening gown.
                                                                                        If you&rsquo;re going on a tour or sightseeing shore excursion, there will likely be a lot of walking involved. Dress comfortably for the weather and make sure to wear comfortable shoes. A casual dress code means includes casual pants or nice jeans for men (no holes), along with a nice shirt or polo. For ladies, capri pants, nice jeans and a cute top, or a sundress are all great. Most of the time, first and last evenings of your cruise, will be a casual dress suggestion. You may imagine, or even remember, the days of dressing to the nines on a cruise.
                                                                                        Consider packing items like linen shirts, flowy dresses, and shorts. Plus, don&rsquo;t forget swimwear for those beach excursions and comfortable sandals that tackle sand and deck. Some cruises may have specific dress code requirements for certain events or venues onboard. For example, formal or gala evenings may call for more elegant attire, such as cocktail dresses, evening gowns, tuxedos, or suits. These dressier nights allow you to celebrate and showcase your sophisticated style while enjoying a special evening onboard. I recommend using your time wisely and trying to see as much as you can.
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                                                                                            Cruise Etiquette: What's the Dress Code These Days? - Cond&eacute; Nast Traveler
                                                                                            Cruise Etiquette: What's the Dress Code These Days?.
                                                                                            Posted: Tue, 19 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [
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                                                                                        They will be sore and tired from all the activities on the cruise all day, so give them a break at night with these super comfy memory foam slippers with anti-slip soles. These sport cargo pants can be dressed up for day time or night time, all while keeping you warm and looking fit for the part. It will be the perfect accessory for an elegant night out, and it will bring a pop of color to an ordinary outfit. They are casual and comfortable, and come in many different colors. Having a few of these on vacation with you will give you many different outfit options to choose from each day. They are casual but still stylish enough to help you look great.
                                                                                        As the golden hues of the day give way to the twinkling stars of the night, the atmosphere on a cruise ship takes on a more refined and sophisticated vibe. Evenings onboard are a delightful blend of dining, dancing, shows, and making memories. With that in mind, we've put together a basic (but comprehensive) cruise packing list, including the clothes you'll need as well as the odds and ends you'll want with you as well. A soft cotton summer pajama set will be perfect for your cruise vacation.
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                                                                                        3-Day Bahamas Cruise from Port Canaveral
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                                                                                                    The 5 Most Relaxing Things to do at Perfect Day At CocoCay
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                                                                                                    Relaxing Weekend Caribbean Vacation Ideas
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                                                                                                    Cruise News Recap: Carnival Tampering, Dining Changes, Evacuation
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                                                                                                    One Day, Three Ways At Perfect Day At Cococay
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                                                                                                    Best Restaurants at Perfect Day At CocoCay
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                                                                                                    Featured Ports of Call
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                                                                                        In Bimini, join a catamaran cruise along the coast, snorkel over a wreck, or try your hand at sport fishing. Key West, meanwhile, is packed with quirky local history, lively pubs, and historic homes. Walk, cycle, or join a trolley tour to make the best of this laid-back, enchanting island. Laze in a beachside hammock or get your thrills at Thrill Waterpark on Perfect Day at CocoCay. Jump onboard a Bahamas cruise to stroll along the waterfront of capital city Nassau and see its distinctive pastel-colored buildings. Both itineraries are 7-nights long, with the Bermuda cruise including an overnight visit to the Royal Naval Dockyard in Bermuda.
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                                                                                        The 5 Most Relaxing Things to do at Perfect Day At CocoCay
                                                                                        Nassau is an intriguing mix of stately Victorian and colorful Caribbean architecture and gorgeous beaches. In Bimini, join a catamaran cruise along the coast, or snorkel over a wreck. CocoCay, our award-winning private island, is the place to fly down North America&rsquo;s tallest waterslide, or to unwind in the luxury of a private overwater cabana.
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                                                                                            Florida woman dies on cruise ship en route to the Bahamas, police say - WKMG News 6 &amp; ClickOrlando
                                                                                            Florida woman dies on cruise ship en route to the Bahamas, police say.
                                                                                            Posted: Wed, 13 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [
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                                                                                        Relaxing Weekend Caribbean Vacation Ideas
                                                                                        Explore some of Florida&rsquo;s busy, modern cities, quiet beach towns, and beautiful natural areas. The award-winning island paradise of CocoCay is packed with entertainment for all tastes. Fly down Devil&rsquo;s Peak, North America&rsquo;s tallest waterslide, and cool off in the region&rsquo;s biggest freshwater pool.
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                                                                                        Cruise News Recap: Carnival Tampering, Dining Changes, Evacuation
                                                                                        Relive Curacao's colorful past, and discover Bonaire's pristine coral reefs. Or explore Aruba&rsquo;s underwater "Antilla" shipwreck, home to a variety of exotic sea life. Whether sailing to a specific region or embarking on a comprehensive cruise, cruise to the Bahamas and unwind at Princess Cays before heading to your next destination. When you arrive in the capital of Nassau on your Bahamas cruise, you&rsquo;ll have the entire day to explore the city and the surrounding islands. Stroll along the buzzing Cable Beach, and shop for local crafts at the Nassau Straw Market. Head for Aquaventure at Atlantis on Paradise Island for a day of thrills on plunging waterslides.
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                                                                                        One Day, Three Ways At Perfect Day At Cococay
                                                                                        To take your vacation experience to an entirely new level, visit Perfect Day at CocoCay, where a perfect day is waiting. Swim in the Bahamas' largest freshwater pool, go down the tallest waterslide in North America, and chill with a book in the only private overwater cabanas in the Bahamas. The S.S. Sapona sank in 1926 and has been left on the seabed to allow marine life to colonize the hull. Join a snorkeling adventure here and you&rsquo;ll be amazed at the power of nature, where dazzling corals are thriving. Swim among shoals of fish in every color of the spectrum, including angelfish and butterflyfish. Visit the best Caribbean cruise destinations with Princess and relax on white-sand beaches or embark on adventure that will leave a lasting impression.
                                                                                        If you're taking the whole family on a Bahamas vacation, we've got some travel hacks for families to make your kid-friendly trip easier. Discover the most relaxing things to do on your luxury getaway to Perfect Day at CocoCay from the luxury CocoCay Overwater Cabanas to the most popular Chill Island Cabanas and much more. Thrill Waterpark at Perfect Day At CocoCay top 4 insider travel tips uncovers free things to do, places to go and thrills you can share with friends.
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                                                                                            27-year-old Florida woman dies on cruise en route to the Bahamas - WESH 2 Orlando
                                                                                            27-year-old Florida woman dies on cruise en route to the Bahamas.
                                                                                            Posted: Thu, 14 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [
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                                                                                        Join a cycling tour around pretty Key West, led by a local guide who knows all the insider information and stories of colorful local characters. You&rsquo;ll pedal through leafy lanes and past enchanting clapboard homes, and see Hemingway&rsquo;s house, the old cemetery, Higgs Beach, and the buoy which marks the southernmost outpost of the United States. The cycling is flat and easy, but you&rsquo;ll still earn yourself a tempting slice of tangy Key lime pie, a specialty here. Remove the hassle from air travel and give yourself the gift of flexibility, time and a thicker wallet with Princess EZair flights.
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                                                                                        Royal Caribbean, Eastern Caribbean from Miami, February 22, 2025
                                                                                        Visit the enchanting Dolphin House Museum, lovingly built by hand out of shells, beach glass, and other recycled materials by a local preservationist, or hand-feed stingrays at Honeymoon Harbor. On a Bahamas cruise, you may go sailing, snorkeling, wandering along pearly pink sand beaches, and swimming in crystalline blue seas. There is an island in the Bahamas to fit every taste and style, as well as limitless activities for the entire family. Get a taste of traditional Caribbean culture as you sail to ports like Bonaire and Aruba.
                                                                                        Visit Great Stirrup Cay, where you can swim with stingrays, kayak, or enjoy island cocktails in your own private cabana. Whether you're looking for a tropical adventure, a little romance, or just a great time with the kids, we've got plenty of Bahamas cruises to choose from. Add in Freestyle Cruising with our award-winning dining, entertainment, and accommodations and you have the perfect Bahamas vacation. Do it all or nothing at all &ndash; that&rsquo;s the beauty of a Bahamas cruise with Norwegian.
                                                                                    <img alt="cruise bahamas from florida" class="aligncenter" src="" style="display: block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" width="604px">
                                                                                        Relax on the powdery white sand of Bimini&rsquo;s gorgeous Paradise Beach, or get closer to marine life in the warm, turquoise waters around the islands. Join a snorkeling adventure to admire the vibrant corals and schools of fish that have colonized a shipwreck before relaxing with an ice-cold rum punch. Then join a painting class and try to capture the astonishing shades of the Caribbean. Beautiful Bimini, fringed with white sand beaches, mangroves, and coconut palms, basks in the aquamarine Caribbean. This is a paradise for snorkeling among shoals of dazzling tropical fish, deep-sea fishing, wreck diving, and blissful days on gorgeous beaches.
                                                                                        Of course, it only makes sense to debut a new cruise terminal with a brand new ship. Departing every Saturday throughout the summer, the 215,863-gross ton MSC World America will alternate between 7-night, round-trip, Eastern Caribbean and Western Caribbean voyages. Four MSC ships will homeport in the US in summer of 2025, including MSC World America, which will sail her inaugural season from Miami, Florida. Spice up your holiday season on a Bahamas cruise and immerse yourself in the best of each destination with our exclusive Local Connections Program. Sample Blue Curacao on a distillery tour, snorkel alongside friendly stingrays in Antigua or discover St. Lucia&rsquo;s Creole traditions from a master craftsman.
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                                                                                        Last but not least, MSC Meraviglia will be alternating between cruises to Bermuda and cruises to Florida and the Bahamas from New York, from where the ship operates year-round. From relaxing on the shores of Seven Mile Beach to feeding majestic sea creatures at Stingray City, discover the top things to do in Grand Cayman with Princess. Cruise to Princess Cays and onward to exciting Caribbean ports any time of the year.
                                                                                        Climb the historic Queen&rsquo;s Staircase in the 18th century Fort Fincastle. Snorkel over the reefs fringing tiny Pearl Island, and sample rum at John Watling&rsquo;s Distillery. Try the watersports along Cable Beach, or indulge in watery fun at the Aquaventure waterpark, where you can ride the white water of the Rapids River and see sharks circling in Predator Lagoon. Home to enchanting shades of blue and deliciously warm breezes, the Bahamas is the ideal place for adventures involving the sea.
                                                                                        Discover new flavors in restaurants by the water or within the historic city of Nassau. A cruise to the Bahamas is filled with exciting destinations, each with its own style and vibe.
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                                                                                        Travel Documents &amp; Requirements
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                                                                                                    Do Children Need a Passport for a Royal Caribbean Cruise?
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                                                                                                    Royal Caribbean Cruises Passport Requirements for Cruises
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                                                                                                    Can I use a passport card for a Royal Caribbean cruise?
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                                                                                                    Accepted Identification for European Citizens
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                                                                                        I&rsquo;m hoping someone has traveled to these ports without a passport and can comment with their outcome. In order to sail, a guest must meet the requirements of ONE of the check boxes below. When planning a Royal Caribbean cruise, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the important details concerning passports, especially when transferring to an NCL CuiseNext. Ensure you have the necessary documents for a smooth travel experience. It is also important for passengers entering the country at the end of their cruise, and for passengers who require a last-minute flight to the U.S. while on board. For those without a passport, a closed-loop cruise can be a great option.
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                                                                                        Do Children Need a Passport for a Royal Caribbean Cruise?
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                                                                                        Citizens will need a valid passport and, in some cases, a visa. If you live in the U.S., you will also need the original copy of your Alien Registration Card (ARC or "Green Card") and any other documentation the countries on your itinerary require due to your alien status. Yes, you can use a foreign passport for a Royal Caribbean cruise.
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                                                                                        Royal Caribbean Cruises Passport Requirements for Cruises
                                                                                        Royal Caribbean emphasizes that Baptismal papers and hospital certificates of birth are not acceptable. Voter registration cards or Social Security cards are not considered proof of citizenship. If you&rsquo;re 16 or older, you will also need a valid government-issued driver&rsquo;s license or picture ID that contains your photo, name and date of birth. For a hassle-free Royal Caribbean cruise, especially if you&rsquo;re leaving from a foreign port, having a current passport is crucial.
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                                                                                        Can I use a passport card for a Royal Caribbean cruise?
                                                                                        While the Caribbean and the Bahamas top the list of popular destinations, the Mediterranean follows closely behind, as well as Alaska, Australasia, and mainland Europe. I'm a travel writer and content creator who loves to explore new places. I've been to over 20 countries, and I'm always on the lookout for my next great adventure. I love the excitement of airports, the thrill of new experiences, and the feeling of being surrounded by new cultures. I share my travel stories and tips on my website, where I hope to inspire others to explore the world.
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                                                                                        Travel document requirements for sailings from Singapore
                                                                                        U.S. citizens on closed loop cruises have two options for providing documentation to re-enter the U.S. from Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean for sea border crossings at the end of their trip. They can present a passport, passport card or Enhanced Driver's License (EDL) and only need to show one document. Norwegian Cruise Line strongly recommends all guests to obtain a passport for their voyage on any Norwegian Cruise Line vessel. A valid passport is required for travel to Europe and trans-Atlantic destinations.
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                                                                                        Travel document requirements for sailings from Southampton, England
                                                                                        Passengers who don't keep track of the ship schedule while exploring ports of call face the real possibility of being left behind. When this happens, passengers are responsible for flying themselves home or to the next port of call. Unlike closed-loop cruises, airlines do require passports for international travel, which can prove to be a difficult scenario for those cruising without this form of identification. If you aren&rsquo;t sure, please ask your cruise line about this in advance. A closed loop cruise refers only to U.S. immigration regulations and passport requirements for U.S. citizens. It does not reflect those of the destinations on the closed loop cruise.
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                                                                                        It was an amazing adventure, on the forrest portion we were climbing up a trail and all of a sudden we heard some screaming coming from the group about a tenth of a mile behind us. Come to find out once we got to the end someone in the group behind us slipped on the trail and went over the side of the trail and fell about 30 feet. Something that I guarantee you nobody in his group planned on! If they did not have the appropriate paperwork with them it would have been more of a pain than if they did. I always carry our passports, as well as our trip and health insurance information with me when I leave the ship and go on foreign soil. Birth certificate may be enough for the ship but will not help you in another country and will add a frustration to an already frustrating situation.
                                                                                        From the beaches of the Bahamas to the wilderness of Alaska, these are the greatest place you can visit on a closed loop cruise without a passport. In addition to passport requirements, passengers on Royal Caribbean cruises must also undergo a wellness check process to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone on board. DIsney Cruises recommends their passengers to carry a valid U.S. passport. Guests without proper documentation may be denied boarding. The guidelines for&nbsp;Disney Cruises&nbsp;are based on government regulations, which are subject to change at any time. Closed loop cruises are a special category within the WHTI guidelines, and sailing on one means you can provide different I.D.
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                                                                                        New England and Eastern Canada
                                                                                        You will not need&nbsp;a passport when you sail on any Hawaii inter-island cruise. (driver&rsquo;s license with a photo), or any other WHTI compliant document. Additionally, U.S. travelers on closed-loop cruises won't typically have to worry about having a passport to enjoy the experience. Instead, U.S. Customs and Border Protection allows U.S. citizens 16 and older to enter and leave the country using alternative proof of citizenship. Approved forms of identification include a birth certificate or a government-issued photo ID, with additional documentation requirements in place for travelers 16 and under.
                                                                                        Citizen must present a passport for each cruise they take, including a closed-loop cruise. Passports can be used as your form of identification but the fact that they aren&rsquo;t mandatory is why closed-loop cruises are popular. These types of cruises are becoming more common with cruise lines.
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                                                                                            Unofficial blog about Royal Caribbean cruises - Royal Caribbean Blog
                                                                                            Unofficial blog about Royal Caribbean cruises.
                                                                                            Posted: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [
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                                                                                        However, it is important to check the visa requirements and any additional entry requirements for the countries you will be visiting during the cruise. According to Royal Caribbean International, all passengers are highly encouraged to travel on their cruise with a current passport. This is actually extremely helpful for passengers who might miss their scheduled embarkation in a U.S. port and need to fly out of the country to meet their ship at the following port. Even though most Caribbean islands do not require more than a photo ID from U.S. citizens to visit on a cruise, they might require a U.S. Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) to have one, along with a visa, according to U.S.
                                                                                        Other documents needed are a boarding pass, other approved IDs, and visa or travel documents. If you are a U.S. citizen and cruising out of the United States (meaning your cruise begins and ends in the United States), then you do not&nbsp;need&nbsp;a passport. For U.S. citizens, a passport is not required to take a closed loop sailing (though it's always recommended, especially when visiting foreign ports of call). It's worth noting that select ports of call -- like the island of Martinique -- require a passport to enter, so it's always best to check with your travel agent, a cruise line representative or the U.S. Dept. of State website on necessary documentation for each voyage.
                                                                                        A cruise that begins and ends at the same U.S. port is considered a closed loop. For example, if your cruise begins and ends at the same port in Miami, then you are on a closed loop cruise. Many cruises that have this itinerary may not require a passport. Another consideration to keep in mind is that it is cruise line policy to depart on time at all times.
                                                                                        If you miss your ship at a port, you will need to find a way to catch up to the cruise or return home. Also, it is advisable to always travel with some form of identification. You should check the passport requirements for any port you are visiting, as sometimes there can be a port that requires a passport to visit even if you do not need a passport to return to the United States. Note, however, that this does not necessarily mean that the countries on your itinerary, especially in the Caribbean, won&rsquo;t still require you to have a passport to enter.
                                                                                        In a nutshell, a passport card is a plastic card that can fit into a wallet and are accepted for land and sea border crossings between&nbsp;&nbsp;the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Bermuda and the Caribbean. Passport cards cannot be used on cruises from international homeports. Comprised of the Western, Eastern and Southern Caribbean Island, the greater Caribbean region is home to some of the greatest beach destination on the planet. Go on a closed loop cruise from Florida and visit such stunning islands as St. Lucia, Barbados, the U.S. Remember, however, that some of these island nations may require you to have a passport to enter.
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                                                                                        Cruises to Catalina Island, California
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                                                                                                    Explore the Breathtaking Beauty of the Pacific Coastline
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                                                                                                    Night Catalina &amp; Ensenada Cruise
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                                                                                                    Local Cuisine
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                                                                                                    Things To Do in Catalina Island
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                                                                                                    Walk Through the Wrigley Memorial
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                                                                                        If you're looking for something unique to the island, the Avalon General Store should top your list. It's your vacation, so grab your swimsuit and towel and find a spot on the soft sand at Descanso Beach. It's the only beach where you can legally drink on the island, so you can order your ice-cold treat of choice from the nearby beach club, then dig your toes in the sand as you soak up the view. This blowhole is an amazing natural marine geyser that is capable of shooting water well over 60 feet in the air.
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                                                                                        Explore the Breathtaking Beauty of the Pacific Coastline
                                                                                        If you&rsquo;ve never been, this will be your chance to experience a little bit of local Mexican culture. There are many types of excursions available to book during your time here including horseback riding, ATV adventures, winery tours and more. Discover a sunny Southern California playground hidden beyond the Los Angeles horizon, on a Carnival cruise to Catalina Island.
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                                                                                        Night Catalina &amp; Ensenada Cruise
                                                                                        Opened in 1929, this Art Deco masterpiece is one of the most famous attractions on the island, but you won't find any gambling in here. Instead, take a tour back in time to explore the world's largest circular ballroom or catch a flick in the original movie theater. This post was created for Away We Go with Carnival, the destination for getting in the getaway state of mind. Follow our social media and blog for the latest cruise and travel news, including our best vacation deals.
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                                                                                            Disney Cruise Line Will Return to Catalina Island - Cruise Hive
                                                                                            Disney Cruise Line Will Return to Catalina Island.
                                                                                            Posted: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [
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                                                                                        Local Cuisine
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                                                                                        Take a wine tasting and vineyard tour at the Bodegas de Santo Tomas, Baja&rsquo;s oldest winery. Finish your day with a delightful stroll around the Parque de la Bandera, where you&rsquo;ll see dancing fountains lit in rainbow colors and choreographed to music for an outdoor show that&rsquo;s sure to entertain. It&rsquo;s a great option for an extended weekend getaway since lodging, meals and entertainment are all included in the cost. You won&rsquo;t have to worry about driving anywhere and you can have fun all night long and be just a few flights of stairs away from your room. Dine at the Chef&rsquo;s Table&nbsp;&ndash; For fellow foodies, I highly recommend experiencing the Chef&rsquo;s Table dinner.
                                                                                        Eat to your heart&rsquo;s content&nbsp;&ndash; &nbsp;On Carnival Imagination, there&rsquo;s no shortage of food since there are dining options 24/7. The city of Santa Barbara is one of California&rsquo;s most desired destinations and a highlight on any cruises to Ensenada and Catalina. Enjoy world-class shopping along State Street, then browse artisan cheeses, wine, and gifts at the Santa Barbara Public Market. For a more adventurous experience, take a kayak tour of Santa Barbara Harbor, and paddle around Stearns Wharf. End your stay by exploring the quirky and creative &ldquo;Funk Zone&rdquo;, where street art and boutiques line the narrow passages and locals mingle over coffee and wine. Travel to&nbsp;another&nbsp;country&nbsp;&ndash; The second stop on this cruise is to Ensenada, Mexico.
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                                                                                        Things To Do in Catalina Island
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                                                                                            Carnival Cruise Line Opens New Deployment from Long Beach - Cruise Industry News
                                                                                            Carnival Cruise Line Opens New Deployment from Long Beach.
                                                                                            Posted: Thu, 05 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [
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                                                                                        Stateroom photos are for sample purposes only -- actual design and layout may vary. Lounge by the pool&nbsp;&ndash; If you want to just chill, then enjoy&nbsp;lounging&nbsp;by the ship&rsquo;s main pool. If there&rsquo;s too many kids around, you can head over to the 21 and over area for a more serene environment. "Casino" is derived from the Latin word for "gathering place" and that's exactly what Catalina Casino is.
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                                                                                        Walk Through the Wrigley Memorial
                                                                                        Thanks to its stunning coastline, Ensenada will give you plenty of postcard-worthy moments&hellip;, and it couldn&rsquo;t be easier to get there. Escape to Mexico&rsquo;s original seaside getaway with Carnival cruises to Ensenada. Once a favorite hideaway for high-rolling Hollywood stars, Ensenada is now one of Mexico&rsquo;s most popular ports of call. You can sightsee, shop or kayak at Punta Banda&hellip; but the true pleasures of this festive city are culinary. That&rsquo;s why a cruise to Ensenada, Mexico should top every foodie&rsquo;s wish list. Soak up the richness of the local culture as you enjoy the journey.
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                                                                                        La Bufadora&nbsp;is considered to be the second-largest marine geyser in the world. Rates &amp; offers are subject to select dates &amp; categories, cruise only, per person, based on double occupancy, in US Dollars &amp; include NCCF. Government taxes &amp; fees are additional and vary based on sailing. All government taxes and fees may change without notice -- please confirm at time of booking. All rates &amp; offers are capacity controlled, are subject to availability &amp; confirmation, &amp; may change without notice. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed -- please confirm details at time of booking.
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                                                                                        We Make Vacation Planning Easy
                                                                                        Eat local Mexican cuisine&nbsp;&ndash; During our time in Ensenada, my mom and I had an&nbsp;incredible lunch featuring fresh oysters, steamed clams, abalone pasta and a panna cotta to finish. The shops onboard feature souvenirs, fine jewelry, cosmetics, liquors, accessories and more! They have lots of sales and promos going on all the time, so make sure you drop by a few times. Pop into one of the many stores for fun souvenirs to take home for the whole family.
                                                                                        There&rsquo;s a casino onboard and you&rsquo;ll get to play your favorite table games and maybe even win a jackpot on&nbsp;the slots. Watch some great shows&nbsp;&ndash; Looking for something to do after an amazing dinner? Enjoy one of the live musical shows, watch some comedy, sing (or just watch) at the karaoke bar &ndash; there are endless entertainment options. I'm a Los Angeles local, yogi, traveler, foodie, pescatarian, Pom mom, hiker and adventurer sharing with you everything that I know about my awesome hometown and my favorite travel destinations.
                                                                                        These cruises depart from the port of Los Angeles, where you&rsquo;ll head out to the sandy beaches of Santa Barbara, or the hiking and sailing paradise of Catalina Island. Set sail up the coast and take a tour of San Francisco&rsquo;s famous Chinatown, or watch sea lions serenade the crowds at Fisherman&rsquo;s Wharf. Spend the day at the award-winning San Diego Zoo, and from Ensenada, take a wine tour and discover Mexico&rsquo;s unique viniculture on these exciting seven-night cruises. Eat to your heart&rsquo;s content&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;On Carnival Imagination, there&rsquo;s no shortage of food since there are dining options 24/7. There&rsquo;s fine dining for dinner where you can enjoy a beautiful 3-course meal or a casual buffet, depending on your mood.
                                                                                        This dinner is limited to only 15 guests and you will be personally escorted by the chef to the galley where you&rsquo;ll see where over 20,000 meals are prepared each day. This marine geyser phenomenon is caused by ocean waves being forced into a partially submerged sea cavern, causing large amounts of air and water pressure to build. The air and ocean water is expelled through the only exit, launching it several stories into the air. Experience Carnival LIVE&nbsp;&ndash; The cruise we were on was a special one, because we got to see the amazing&nbsp;Carrie Underwood&nbsp;perform live! She delivered an outstanding performance and blew us away with her incredible vocals. Carnival LIVE will be bringing more top performing artists on future cruises, see the schedule here.
                                                                                        The Catalina Island and Ensenada, Mexico Carnival Cruise is one of the most affordable cruises and vacation options out there! Sail the beautiful Pacific coast of California and the Mexican Riviera on these fabulous cruises to Ensenada and Catalina. Experience some of the most exciting ports along the U.S. and Mexican Pacific coast, as well as the beautiful Catalina Island. Hashtag your cruise photos #carnival and #ensenada&mdash; you may see them right here.
                                                                                        With an overwhelming world of choices, we understand you may need some personal assistance to plan your perfect vacation. From finding the right destination to choosing the best departure date, we're here to help. Plus, our experienced travel consultants have access to exclusive vacation deals to make sure you get the best value for your time and money.
                                                                                        Just 22 miles from the mainland, Catalina Island has long been a getaway for savvy city hikers, sun-seekers&hellip; and film crews looking for a slice of accessible paradise. Access the breathtaking views from up high on the island&rsquo;s rugged cliffs, or way down low as you snorkel or scuba the Pacific Ocean waters at Avalon Beach. Cruises to Catalina Island give you a rare opportunity to see California as it once was &mdash; from the seaside town of Avalon and tiny Two Harbors, to the undeveloped parkland of Catalina&rsquo;s interior.
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