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                        <h1 class="heading primary-color font-weight-bold">Simple and easy to use planner for feeding your pets a natural, home-made diet</h1>
                        <h2 class="subheading secondary-color mt20 ">With our planner, creating feeding plans for your pets has never been so easy! Leave behind the complex spreadsheets and scribbled notes and welcome to simplicity</h2>
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                <h3 class="bold primary-color ">Convenient meal composer</h3>
                <p class="paragraph secondary-color ">
                    Most common products that are used in raw-based dog feeding are mouse click away. The product database is constantly growing.
                    Create meals for different pets, and plan their feeding ahead
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                <h3 class="bold primary-color ">BARF/Prey model support</h3>
                <p class="paragraph secondary-color ">Every product contains information about its BARF/Prey category. Even for multi-category products like, for instance, chicken wings that contains meat and bones in proportion</p>
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                <h3 class="bold primary-color ">Shopping list and feeding plan as a bonus</h3>
                <p class="paragraph secondary-color ">Compose meals, plan feeding for a week or two. Print shopping lists for each pet or a combined one. Print it out and stick on the fridge; its that easy!</p>
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                        <blockquote class="container col-12 heading-sml primary-color ">I used to drown in tables and calculations to create balanced meals with natural products for my three lovely pets. Now, it takes me only a few mouse-clicks and I can create much more diverse feeding plans</blockquote>
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                            <p class="span secondary-color mb10 ">Daenerys Targaryen</p> <span class="span secondary-color ">Raw-feeding enthusiast</span>
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                        <blockquote class="container col-12 heading-sml primary-color ">I’m so happy I found this web site. I’ve tried using many different tools and apps. But this one is soooo much more convenient.</blockquote>
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                            <p class="span secondary-color mb10 ">John Doe</p> <span class="span secondary-color ">Scooby-Doo owner</span>
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                <h3 class="heading primary-color font-weight-bold">Still not enough?</h3>
                <p class="subheading secondary-color mt20 ">Just look at all these features listed below</p>
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                <li class="checklist-item flex center-horizontal spread pad10 ">
                    <p class="paragraph primary-color mr20">Feeding planner</p> <svg width="22px" height="22px" viewBox="0 0 22 22" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" class="noshrink svg-fill">
                        <g transform="translate(4.000000, 5.000000)">
                            <path d="M5.24961475,8.39956394 L2.16512063,5.35475362 C1.74038521,4.93548271 1.05017933,4.9352057 0.624646383,5.35526395 C0.199019838,5.77541456 0.198881924,6.45614266 0.624129379,6.8759191 L4.35212111,10.555948 C4.38658274,10.6034965 4.42544251,10.6488955 4.46870038,10.6915969 C4.70907746,10.9288814 5.03375662,11.0320952 5.3475228,11.0013023 C5.59592563,10.9812599 5.83876209,10.8774981 6.02880771,10.6898975 C6.06831079,10.6509027 6.10414872,10.6096632 6.13632157,10.5665961 L13.9850992,2.81879759 C14.4107939,2.39857976 14.410861,1.71746456 13.985328,1.29740632 C13.5597015,0.8772557 12.8697673,0.877449143 12.444108,1.29763217 L5.24961475,8.39956394 Z"></path>
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                    <p class="paragraph primary-color mr20">Meal calculator that checks food against the BARF feeding model in real-time</p> <svg width="22px" height="22px" viewBox="0 0 22 22" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" class="noshrink svg-fill">
                        <g transform="translate(4.000000, 5.000000)">
                            <path d="M5.24961475,8.39956394 L2.16512063,5.35475362 C1.74038521,4.93548271 1.05017933,4.9352057 0.624646383,5.35526395 C0.199019838,5.77541456 0.198881924,6.45614266 0.624129379,6.8759191 L4.35212111,10.555948 C4.38658274,10.6034965 4.42544251,10.6488955 4.46870038,10.6915969 C4.70907746,10.9288814 5.03375662,11.0320952 5.3475228,11.0013023 C5.59592563,10.9812599 5.83876209,10.8774981 6.02880771,10.6898975 C6.06831079,10.6509027 6.10414872,10.6096632 6.13632157,10.5665961 L13.9850992,2.81879759 C14.4107939,2.39857976 14.410861,1.71746456 13.985328,1.29740632 C13.5597015,0.8772557 12.8697673,0.877449143 12.444108,1.29763217 L5.24961475,8.39956394 Z"></path>
                <li class="checklist-item flex center-horizontal spread pad10 ">
                    <p class="paragraph primary-color mr20">Daily food weight estimation by pet age</p> <svg width="22px" height="22px" viewBox="0 0 22 22" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" class="noshrink svg-fill">
                        <g transform="translate(4.000000, 5.000000)">
                            <path d="M5.24961475,8.39956394 L2.16512063,5.35475362 C1.74038521,4.93548271 1.05017933,4.9352057 0.624646383,5.35526395 C0.199019838,5.77541456 0.198881924,6.45614266 0.624129379,6.8759191 L4.35212111,10.555948 C4.38658274,10.6034965 4.42544251,10.6488955 4.46870038,10.6915969 C4.70907746,10.9288814 5.03375662,11.0320952 5.3475228,11.0013023 C5.59592563,10.9812599 5.83876209,10.8774981 6.02880771,10.6898975 C6.06831079,10.6509027 6.10414872,10.6096632 6.13632157,10.5665961 L13.9850992,2.81879759 C14.4107939,2.39857976 14.410861,1.71746456 13.985328,1.29740632 C13.5597015,0.8772557 12.8697673,0.877449143 12.444108,1.29763217 L5.24961475,8.39956394 Z"></path>
                <li class="checklist-item flex center-horizontal spread pad10 ">
                    <p class="paragraph primary-color mr20">Calculations and planning for several pets</p> <svg width="22px" height="22px" viewBox="0 0 22 22" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" class="noshrink svg-fill">
                        <g transform="translate(4.000000, 5.000000)">
                            <path d="M5.24961475,8.39956394 L2.16512063,5.35475362 C1.74038521,4.93548271 1.05017933,4.9352057 0.624646383,5.35526395 C0.199019838,5.77541456 0.198881924,6.45614266 0.624129379,6.8759191 L4.35212111,10.555948 C4.38658274,10.6034965 4.42544251,10.6488955 4.46870038,10.6915969 C4.70907746,10.9288814 5.03375662,11.0320952 5.3475228,11.0013023 C5.59592563,10.9812599 5.83876209,10.8774981 6.02880771,10.6898975 C6.06831079,10.6509027 6.10414872,10.6096632 6.13632157,10.5665961 L13.9850992,2.81879759 C14.4107939,2.39857976 14.410861,1.71746456 13.985328,1.29740632 C13.5597015,0.8772557 12.8697673,0.877449143 12.444108,1.29763217 L5.24961475,8.39956394 Z"></path>
                <li class="checklist-item flex center-horizontal spread pad10 ">
                    <p class="paragraph primary-color mr20">You can use products from our database or create your own</p> <svg width="22px" height="22px" viewBox="0 0 22 22" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" class="noshrink svg-fill">
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                <h4 class="heading primary-color font-weight-bold">That easy?</h4>
                <p class="paragraph mt20 secondary-color ">Yes, it is. Just click the Launch button to get started</p>
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                <p class="subheading secondary-color mt20 ">Can't find an answer? Just contact us and we surely will answer</p>
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                    <b class="bold primary-color ">
                        Is it possible to adjust the preset BARF proportions?
                    <p class="paragraph secondary-color ">
                        Yes, you may enter them manually
                <div class="faq pad20">
                    <b class="bold primary-color ">
                        How can I find out how much food my pet needs daily?
                    <p class="paragraph secondary-color ">
                        We can calculate estimates based on the age of your pet, then you may change them observing your pet’s condition and appetite

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