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                                Autowatch Ghost Installers Nottingham
                                Everyday more vehicles are stolen without keys. Cloning equipment &amp; door lock pick sets are readily available on the internet allowing thieves to clone the remote of your key and start your car within 20-30 minutes.
                                Our Autowatch Ghost immobiliser prevents this by preventing your car's ignition until a unique, personalised PIN is entered. It is silent and discreet and doesn't rely on LED indicators, making it undetectable to a criminal.
                                Discipline &amp; Silence
                                Everyday more cars are stolen without the keys of the owner with key cloning equipment easily accessible to thieves online. Our Autowatch Ghost immobiliser prevents this theft by preventing your vehicle from starting until you input your personal codes, that are entered using the buttons on the dashboard or steering wheel.
                                Once you enter your personal pin code and then enter it, the Ghost will disable all electronics within the vehicle and stop the engine from getting started. It is designed to function quietly and in a discrete way, so that it doesn't activate any alarm sensors within the vehicle. This makes it nearly impossible to spot scanning devices for vehicle theft. Our installation engineers are TASSA registered, DBS security checked, and system trained technicians and will install the Ghost for you in a secret manner, leaving no trace that it was ever fitted.
                                Our Ghost 2 device can also be used as a tracker. It sends GPS signals to your mobile, allowing you to view the vehicle's movements and locate it on maps. You can track your car even when it is being serviced or repaired in the garage.
                                The application can be turned off and on by simply turning it off or enabling it in the phone app and ensuring you have total control over your car's security. The Autowatch Ghost application can be used to enable the "Service Mode" for your vehicle, which will allow you leave the vehicle without having to go through the sequence of disarming buttons or needing to be inside the vehicle. This is particularly useful for those who have to drop their vehicle off at a local garage for a service or repair.
                                Our latest application also enables users to use their mobile phone and your Ghost-II will be deactivated automatically once it comes into the range of the vehicle This makes security easy and easy. This feature can be enabled even with your phone in the sleep mode in your pocket.
                                Simple to operate
                                The Autowatch Ghost immobiliser works silently to stop vehicle thieves from cloning your key fob or hacking your system. The device connects to the vehicles CAN Data Network and only allows your vehicle to start when a unique PIN code is entered using the original buttons in your vehicle. This can be done by the user in a secret location or through the phone app. Autowatch Ghost is installed under the steering wheel or on the dash by TTW, so only you'll be aware that it is there. It's also weatherproof and so small that it's virtually undetectable by car criminals seeking circuit breakers or the tell-tale clicking noise of an immobiliser relay that is a standard.
                                The availability of affordable cloning tools and door lock pick sets allows thieves to target virtually any vehicle of today without the owner's key. The Autowatch Ghost immobiliser blocks this and can be transferred to another vehicle, provided that the vehicle is compatible.
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                                &nbsp;is installed by a trained technician at a secret location, and then hidden so that it is invisible to thieves even when the engine runs. The Ghost also doesn't send out any radio frequency signals, so it is impossible for thieves to track the device using RF scanning or code-grabbing technology.
                                Another benefit of the Ghost is that it can be put into Service/Valet mode, so that should your vehicle be scheduled for maintenance at the garage, you won't need to be concerned about giving the technician access to your pin code. The Ghost is able to accomplish this as it utilizes the original buttons of the vehicle, therefore there is no wiring required.
                                The Autowatch Ghost has also been TASSA Verified, which means it is accepted by a variety of insurance companies as an additional security measure. It is a good idea to speak with your insurance company prior to installing the Ghost immobiliser installed. This will allow you to find a great deal on your policy and be sure your vehicle is secure against a costly theft claim.
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                                No Radio Frequency Signals
                                Autowatch Ghost is the only system to prevent vehicle theft through modern day key copying. If your car is in garage, bodyshop or dealership and someone on the inside copies your key fob and the Ghost immobiliser still cuts out the engine since only you can enter the pin code that you have chosen to start the car. Our TASSA certified installers will teach you how to change this pin code according to the requirements, in case the device is compromised.
                                The Ghost doesn't transmit radio frequency signals as other systems do, such as trackers. This means that thieves can't detect it using RF scanners or code grabbers. This feature, along with the discreet and quiet operation, makes it an effective and discreet solution.
                                iPhone users can pair the Ghost-II with a simple application. Simply enable the application when you plan to use your car and when you are near the Ghost-II it will disable it. Then, you can enter the vehicle and drive, it's secure to do this because your phone will automatically arm when you leave the Ghost-II.
                                This is a very neat and easy method to make security easy to use whenever you need to drive your vehicle. This app is free of charge for download from the iPhone App Store.
                                Unlike the original Autowatch Ghost system the Ghost-II does not have LED indicators and therefore is totally undetectable by thieves since they cannot detect it unless close enough to open the vehicle window and turn on a light.
                                The Autowatch Ghost-II has a power cut-disconnect function which shuts off the engine of your vehicle and turn off the ignition will be powered off once the system is activated. This is an excellent safety feature to guard against theft of your vehicle when traveling for a long period of time or have left keys in the ignition. This is a great safety feature for families and business users who must park in public areas or for those who work in the road.
                                No LED Indicators
                                The Ghost is connected to the vehicle's CAN Data system. A personal PIN can be entered using the dash board or steering wheel, allowing the device to be activated. It is silent and does not have LED indicators. It can also be transferred from one vehicle to another, provided that the new vehicle is compatible first and technological advancements in the past have not rendered it obsolete in the second. Holbon UK Ltd will install the Ghost immobiliser and supply the owner's manual and certificate of authentication.
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