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                                    Set up Pi-hole
                        <!-- Partial blocking -->
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                            <p class="lead main-warning">
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            function isImageOk(img) {
                if (typeof img === 'undefined') {
                    return false;
                if (typeof img.naturalWidth !== "undefined" && img.naturalWidth <= 1) {
                    return false;
                return true;
            var isMobile = /Mobile|mini|Fennec|Android|iP(ad|od|hone)/.test(navigator.appVersion);
            var isPiHole = ( == 'pihole');
            $(document).ready(function() {
                $("img#test-ad").attr('src', '' + escape(new Date()));
                $("img#test-whitelist").attr('src', '' + escape(new Date()));
                var BrowserDetect = {
                    init: function() {
                        this.browser = this.searchString(this.dataBrowser) || "Other";
                        this.version = this.searchVersion(navigator.userAgent) || this.searchVersion(navigator.appVersion) || "Unknown";
                    searchString: function(data) {
                        for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                            var dataString = data[i].string;
                            this.versionSearchString = data[i].subString;
                            if (dataString.indexOf(data[i].subString) !== -1) {
                                return data[i].identity;
                    searchVersion: function(dataString) {
                        var index = dataString.indexOf(this.versionSearchString);
                        if (index === -1) {
                        var rv = dataString.indexOf("rv:");
                        if (this.versionSearchString === "Trident" && rv !== -1) {
                            return parseFloat(dataString.substring(rv + 3));
                        } else {
                            return parseFloat(dataString.substring(index + this.versionSearchString.length + 1));
                    dataBrowser: [{
                        string: navigator.userAgent,
                        subString: "Edge",
                        identity: "MS Edge"
                        string: navigator.userAgent,
                        subString: "MSIE",
                        identity: "Explorer"
                        string: navigator.userAgent,
                        subString: "Trident",
                        identity: "Explorer"
                        string: navigator.userAgent,
                        subString: "Firefox",
                        identity: "Firefox"
                        string: navigator.userAgent,
                        subString: "Opera",
                        identity: "Opera"
                        string: navigator.userAgent,
                        subString: "OPR",
                        identity: "Opera"
                        string: navigator.userAgent,
                        subString: "Chrome",
                        identity: "Chrome"
                        string: navigator.userAgent,
                        subString: "iPad",
                        identity: "iOS"
                        string: navigator.userAgent,
                        subString: "iPhone",
                        identity: "iOS"
                        string: navigator.userAgent,
                        subString: "iPod",
                        identity: "iOS"
                        string: navigator.userAgent,
                        subString: "Safari",
                        identity: "Safari"
                if (isPiHole) {
                } else {
                    if (BrowserDetect.browser === "Firefox") {
                    } else if (BrowserDetect.browser === "Chrome") {
                    } else if (BrowserDetect.browser === "Safari") {
                    } else if (BrowserDetect.browser === "Opera") {
                    } else if (BrowserDetect.browser === "MS Edge") {
                    } else if (BrowserDetect.browser === "iOS" && !window.MSStream) {
                    } else {
                $('#image-tests').imagesLoaded(function() {
                    var adLoaded = isImageOk($("img#test-ad")[0]);
                    var whitelistAdLoaded = isImageOk($("img#test-whitelist")[0]);
                    if (!adLoaded && (!whitelistAdLoaded || (isMobile || isPiHole || (BrowserDetect.browser === "Safari")))) {
                    } else if (adLoaded) {
                    } else if (whitelistAdLoaded) {

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# Url Url Source Date
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