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    <div id="gigya-complete-registiration-screen" class="gigya-screen">
    <form class="gigya-profile-form">
        <h1>Complete Your Registration</h1>

        <hr />

        <p>We still need some details from you...</p>

        <div class="gigya-layout-row" id="complete-registration-div">

            <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-textbox">
                <label class="gigya-label" for="fName">
                    <span class="gigya-label-text">First Name:</span>
                    <span class="gigya-required-display" data-bound-to="profile.firstName" style="display: none;"></span>
                <input type="text" class="gigya-input-text" name="profile.firstName" data-display-name="" id="fName" tabindex="11" title="First Name">
                <span class="gigya-error-msg" data-bound-to="profile.firstName"></span>

            <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-textbox">
                <label class="gigya-label" for="lName">
                    <span class="gigya-label-text">Last name:</span>
                    <span class="gigya-required-display" data-bound-to="profile.lastName" style="display: none;"></span>
                <input type="text" class="gigya-input-text" name="profile.lastName" data-display-name="" id="lName" tabindex="12" title="Last name">
                <span class="gigya-error-msg" data-bound-to="profile.lastName"></span>

            <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-textbox">
                <label class="gigya-label" for="">
                    <span class="gigya-label-text">Email:</span>
                    <span class="gigya-required-display" data-bound-to="" style="display: none;">*</span>
                <input type="text" value="" name="" id="" class="gigya-input-text" tabindex="3" title="Email">
                <span class="gigya-error-msg" data-bound-to=""></span>

            <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-submit">
                <input type="submit" class="gigya-input-submit" value="Submit" tabindex="7">

            <div class="gigya-error-display gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-form-error" data-bound-to="gigya-profile-form">
                <p class="gigya-error-msg gigya-form-error-msg" data-bound-to="gigya-profile-form" style=""></p>



    <div id="gigya-link-account-screen" class="gigya-screen">
    <form class="gigya-link-accounts-form">
        <h1>Existing Profile Found</h1>

        <hr />

        <div class="gigya-layout-row">
            <p class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-label">
                We found a profile for the email address you provided. If this belongs to you, log in below to link your existing American Cancer Society account with your social account. This will preserve your registration details and other personal information.

            <div id="linkAccountStatus" style="display:none;"></div>

            <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-textbox">
                <label class="gigya-label" for="loginID">
                    <span class="gigya-label-text">Email or Username:</span>
                <input type="text" name="loginID" id="loginID" class="gigya-input-text" tabindex="3" title="Email or Username">
                <span class="gigya-error-msg" data-bound-to="loginID"></span>

            <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-password">
                <label class="gigya-label" for="password">
                    <span class="gigya-label-text">Password:</span>
                <input type="password" name="password" id="password" class="gigya-input-password" tabindex="4" title="Password" autocomplete="off">
                <span class="gigya-error-msg" data-bound-to="password"></span>

        <div class="gigya-layout-row">
            <div class="gigya-error-display gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-form-error"  data-bound-to="gigya-link-accounts-form" style="display: none;">
                <div class="gigya-error-msg gigya-form-error-msg" data-bound-to="gigya-link-accounts-form"></div>

            <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-submit">
                <input type="submit" class="gigya-input-submit" value="Log In" tabindex="5">
                <a href="/forgotpassword" class="cancelLink forgotPassword" tabindex="5">Forgot password</a>


    <div class="gigya-screen" id="gigya-login-screen">
    <form class="gigya-login-form">
        <div class="titleFunction">
            <span>Are you a new participant?</span>
            <a href="/register" class="important" id="secondaryButton" tabindex="3">Create an Account</a>

        <h1>Log In</h1>

        <hr />

        <div class="gigya-layout-row">

            <div class="gigya-layout-cell" id="socialLogin">
                <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-social-login">
                        Log in with your social account:
                        <a href="#" id="questionsAboutLoginWithSocial" title="Questions about logging in with social?" tabindex="4" class="imageLink">
                            <img src="/content/images/questionMark.png" alt="Questions about logging in with social?" />
                    <div class="gigya-social-login" id="socialLoginBox">
                        <param name="width" value="300">
                        <param name="height" value="50">
                        <param name="enabledProviders" value="facebook,google,apple">
                        <param name="buttonsStyle" value="fullLogo">
                        <param name="buttonSize" value="35">
                        <param name="showWhatsThis" value="false">
                        <param name="showTermsLink" value="false">
                        <param name="hideGigyaLink" value="true">

                    <div id="questionsAboutSocialDialog" style="display:none;">
    <h3>Why create an account with your social login?</h3>
        <li>One less login name or password to remember</li>
        <li>Easy social sharing</li>
        <li>Choose from the two most popular social sites</li>
        <li>You’re instantly recognized when you’re logged in</li>


            <div class="gigya-layout-cell" id="ACSLogin">
                <div class="gigya-composite-control">
                    <h2>Or, log in with your email or username:</h2>

                    <div class="gigya-error-display gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-form-error" data-bound-to="gigya-login-form">
                        <div class="gigya-error-msg gigya-form-error-msg" data-bound-to="gigya-login-form" id="gigyaErrorMessage"></div>

                    <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-textbox">
                        <label class="gigya-label" for="ACSLoginID">
                            <span class="gigya-label-text">Email or Username:</span>
                        <input type="text" name="loginID" class="gigya-input-text" tabindex="9" id="ACSLoginID" title="Email or Username">
                        <span class="gigya-error-msg" data-bound-to="loginID"></span>

                    <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-password">
                        <label for="ACSPassword" class="gigya-label">
                            <span class="gigya-label-text">Password:</span>
                        <input type="password" name="password" class="gigya-input-password" tabindex="10" id="ACSPassword" title="Password" autocomplete="off">
                        <span class="gigya-error-msg" data-bound-to="password"></span>

                    <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-submit">
                        <input type="submit" id="loginButton" class="gigya-input-submit" value="Log In" tabindex="11">
                        <span><a href="/forgotpassword?returnUrl=/login&amp;email=" class="cancelLink forgotPassword" tabindex="12">Forgot password?</a></span>

                        Need help? Please visit our <a href="/faq" tabindex="8" class="faq">FAQ</a> 
                        or contact us at  
<a href="tel:1-877-957-7848">1-877-957-7848</a>.

    <div class="gigya-screen" id="gigya-password-change-required-screen" data-caption="Mandatory Password">
    <form class="gigya-profile-form">
        <div class="gigya-layout-row">
            <label class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-label" style="display: block;">
                For security reasons your password needs to be changed
            <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-password"
                 style="display: block;">
                <label class="gigya-label">
                    <span class="gigya-label-text">Enter your current password: </span>
                <input type="password" name="password" class="gigya-input-password" tabindex="1">
                <span class="gigya-error-msg" data-bound-to="password"></span>
            <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-password" style="display: block;">
                <label class="gigya-label">
                    <span class="gigya-label-text">Choose a new password: </span>
                <input type="password" name="newPassword" class="gigya-input-password"
                <span class="gigya-error-msg" data-bound-to="newPassword"></span>
                <div class="gigya-password-strength" data-bound-to="newPassword"
            <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-password" style="display: block;">
                <label class="gigya-label">
                    <span class="gigya-label-text">Re-enter new password: </span>
                <input type="password" name="passwordRetype" class="gigya-input-password"
                <span class="gigya-error-msg" data-bound-to="passwordRetype"></span>
        <div class="gigya-layout-row">
            <div class="gigya-layout-cell"> </div>
            <div class="gigya-layout-cell"> </div>
            <div class="gigya-clear"> </div>
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                    <div class="gigya-layout-cell"> </div>
                    <div class="gigya-layout-cell"> </div>
                    <div class="gigya-clear"> </div>
            <div class="gigya-clear"> </div>
        <div class="gigya-layout-row"> </div>
        <div class="gigya-layout-row ">
            <div class="gigya-layout-cell">
                <div class="gigya-error-display gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-form-error"
                     data-bound-to="gigya-profile-form" style="display: block;">
                    <div class="gigya-error-msg gigya-form-error-msg" data-bound-to="gigya-profile-form"
            <div class="gigya-layout-cell">
                <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-submit" style="display: block;">
                    <input type="submit" class="gigya-input-submit" value="Submit" tabindex="4">
            <div class="gigya-clear"> </div>
        <div class="gigya-layout-row ">
            <div class="gigya-layout-cell ">
                <div class="gigya-layout-row ">
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                    <div class="gigya-layout-cell"> </div>
                    <div class="gigya-clear"> </div>
            <div class="gigya-clear"> </div>
        <div class="gigya-layout-row"> </div>
        <div class="gigya-clear"> </div>

    <div id="PostMigrationReminder" class="gigya-screen">
    <form class="gigya-mirgration-reminder">
        <h1>Log in with Email Address</h1>

        <hr />

            Please log in using your email address instead of a username.

        <p>Return to <a data-switch-screen="gigya-login-screen" tabindex="3">log in</a>.</p>


<div id="addPhoneNumber"></div>

<!-- ScreenSet code begin -->
<div id="addPhoneNumberScreenSet"
     style="display: none;"


<div id="add-phone-number-screen" class="gigya-screen">
    <form id="addPhoneNumberForm">
        <h1>Add a Phone Number</h1>
        <hr />

        <div class="gigya-layout-row">
            <p class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-label">
                Just in case you forget your password, you can now quickly recover it through a text message!

            <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-textbox">
                <input type="hidden" id="enableRecoveryPhoneSetupInquiry" value="" />
                <label class="gigya-label" for="ACSAddPhoneNumberValue">
                    <span class="gigya-label-text"><strong>Phone Number:</strong></span>
                <input type="text" name="phoneNumber" title="Phone Number" class="gigya-input-text" tabindex="3" id="ACSAddPhoneNumberValue">
                <div class="gigya-error-msg gigya-error-display" id="addPhoneNumberInvalidError">
                    Please enter your 10 digit phone number as 999-999-9999.
                <div class="gigya-error-msg gigya-error-display" id="addPhoneNumberDeclineError">
                    No Thanks
                <div class="gigya-error-msg gigya-error-display" id="addPhoneNumberError">
                    Attempt to update your phone number was unsuccessful. Please try again later.


        <div class="gigya-layout-row">
            <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-submit">
                <input type="submit" id="ACSAddPhoneSubmit" class="gigya-input-submit bottomspacing" value="Add Phone Number" tabindex="4">
                <input type="button" id="ACSAddPhoneDecline" class="gigya-input-submit" value="No Thanks" tabindex="4">
                <a href="#" tabindex="5" class="cancelLink">Cancel</a>


<div id="add-phone-number-success-screen" class="gigya-screen">

    <hr />

    <div class="gigya-layout-row">
        <p class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-label">
            Great! Your phone number has been added to your society account!

        <div class="gigya-composite-control gigya-composite-control-submit">
            <a href="/" class="button" id="addPhoneNumberSuccessDone" tabindex="3">Done</a>

<!-- ScreenSet code end -->

<!-- ScreenSet code end -->

<div id="faq" style="display:none;">
    <h2>American Cancer Society Account</h2>
    <h1>Frequently Asked Questions</h1>
    <div id="accordion">

            <h3>What is Society Account?</h3>
    On November 19, 2014, the American Cancer Society account login process was upgraded to ensure proper security and a consistent experience across all American Cancer Society applications.  Also, for greater ease and convenience, you may now log in using your social media account.
    The main benefits of this update are:

        Users will now be recognized on all our event websites, so there will be no need for multiple usernames and passwords.
        There will be enhanced account security across all Society applications.
        Users can log in using their preferred social account login credentials (Facebook, Google, and Apple) or with an email address.

            <h3>What if I have questions about Society Account?</h3>
      Please feel free to contact our web site support desk at 
<a href="tel:1-877-957-7848">1-877-957-7848</a> or chat with us on We’re always ready to assist you with any question you might have.

            <h3>Which websites are impacted by this update?</h3>
      Currently, the following websites incorporate a Society Account log-in:
      <li>Relay For Life, Relay Connect, Bark For Life</li>
      <li>Making Strides Against Breast Cancer</li>
      <li>Coaches vs. Cancer</li>
      <li>Some DetermiNation, other marathon events, and Golf and Gala Events</li>
      <li>Service Match</li>
      <li>Volunteer Community</li>
      <li>Volunteer Learning Center</li>
      <li>My Society Source</li>
      Additionally American Cancer Society sites may be accessed via Society Account in the future.

            <h3>What if I’m currently registered under an email address that is shared with others?</h3>
      If your team captain, company, or event manager registered you under a shared corporate, organizational, or family email address, please contact our website support desk at 
<a href="tel:1-877-957-7848">1-877-957-7848</a> so that we can add your personal email address to your account and create your new Society Account login.

            <h3>My team captain/team leader always signs up my team. How do I sign up this year?</h3>
      When you sign up for your event, select create your own account. By creating an account under your own email address, you will receive all event information directly, have access to the fundraising tool, be able to sign the event waiver, etc. Also, you will be able to change or reset your password and manage your links to social sites. (If you choose not to sign up with your email address, please see the question below regarding signing up offline.)

            <h3>My child has always been signed up for an event by their teacher. How does my child now sign up?</h3>
      Parents will need to create an account with their child’s email address or use their own email address (and parent’s name) when signing up.  If you need assistance, please contact 
<a href="tel:1-877-957-7848">1-877-957-7848</a>. (If you choose not to sign up with your child’s or your email address, please see the question below regarding signing up offline.)

            <h3>What should I do if I change my email address?</h3>
      Log in with your existing email address, and once you are in Society Account, you can manage both your email address and password.

            <h3>If I’m having trouble signing up, will my account still be updated and receive donations if I am an event participant?</h3>
      Yes. This is simply a login process. Your participant center website donation functionality will not change.

            <h3>What should I do if my password doesn’t work or I can’t login?</h3>
      Please select the forgot password link and follow the instructions. You may also contact our web site support desk at 
<a href="tel:1-877-957-7848">1-877-957-7848</a>.

            <h3>What if I don’t want to create an online account but still want to join a team an event?</h3>
      Teams and participants may sign up using paper forms that will be entered into our fundraising system by your American Cancer Society representative. These forms do not require an email address; however, you will not have access to an online dashboard.
      There are two ways you can sign up offline:
      <li>Contact your team captain/team leader or an event committee member for a paper form and collection envelope (for fundraising). They will have the necessary information to help you sign up using paper forms.</li>
      <li>Alternatively, please contact 
<a href="tel:1-877-957-7848">1-877-957-7848</a> and one of our specialists will help you sign up.</li>
      If you chose to join us on the event day, the offline paper form will also be available.

            <h3>What if I want to have separate accounts for my different events (Relay For Life, Making Strides, etc.)?</h3>
      We’ll be happy to advise you on how to use a second e-mail address to create separate accounts and ensure your logins are correctly associated to the events of your choice. If you would like to use two different logins, please contact our website support desk at 
<a href="tel:1-877-957-7848">1-877-957-7848</a>.

            <h3>What if I want all of my event history combined into a single account?</h3>
      We’ll be able to help you combine your accounts.  Please contact our website support desk at 
<a href="tel:1-877-957-7848">1-877-957-7848</a>.

    <br />

    <a class="button">Close Window</a>


<form action="/login" id="loginForm" method="post"><input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="5gAjsD7_34pkEMUtxvTClzmR7jDcI0ChUKmRRBEQH1vjzy5rZS6Tm2mXSv3urgPk8WvzZT2lch5zw2d7lNYgamNOl6Q1" /><input data-val="true" data-val-required="The UID field is required." id="UID" name="UID" type="hidden" value="" /><input data-val="true" data-val-required="The UIDSignature field is required." id="UIDSignature" name="UIDSignature" type="hidden" value="" /><input data-val="true" data-val-required="The SignatureTimestamp field is required." id="SignatureTimestamp" name="SignatureTimestamp" type="hidden" value="" /></form>
<form action="/migrate" id="migrateForm" method="post"><input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="K9Lf1CBuNZFymJRKbMT1U486ao4-IWiykh3KZ8tv4cUfuKDcGQQgQdmU_x3bpJKnBFdMKtuoPS12at4kFZd9neYMaDA1" /><input id="AccountStatus" name="AccountStatus" type="hidden" value="" /><input id="Migration" name="Migration" type="hidden" value="" /><input id="UniqueIdentifier" name="UniqueIdentifier" type="hidden" value="" /><input id="Login" name="Login" type="hidden" value="" /><input id="Password" name="Password" type="hidden" value="" /><input id="Email" name="Email" type="hidden" value="" /><input id="FirstName" name="FirstName" type="hidden" value="" /><input id="LastName" name="LastName" type="hidden" value="" /><input id="Requirements" name="Requirements" type="hidden" value="" /></form>

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        <div id="pageFooter">
        <ul id="usefulLinks">
            <li><a href="" target="_blank" tabindex="100">Privacy</a></li>
            <li><a href="" target="_blank" tabindex="101">Accessibility</a></li>
            <li><a href="" target="_blank" tabindex="102">Term of Use</a></li>
            <li><a href="" target="_blank" tabindex="103">State Fundraising Notices</a></li>
            <li><a href="" target="_blank" tabindex="104">Site Comments</a></li>

        <ul id="credentialLinks">
                <a target="_blank" id="footerLinkBBB" tabindex="105" href="">Better Business Bureau</a>
                <a target="_blank" id="footerLinkNHC" tabindex="107" href="">National Health Council</a>

        <p id="contactUs">For 24-hour cancer information and support, contact the American Cancer Society at <a href="tel:1-800-227-2345" tabindex="108">1-800-227-2345</a></p>

        <ul id="underwriting">
            <li>© 2024 American Cancer Society, Inc. All rights reserved.</li>
            <li>The American Cancer Society is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.</li>

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        $(document).ready(function () {
            var tmp = $("#enableRecoveryPhoneSetupInquiry").val();
            if (tmp) {
                tmp = tmp.trim().substring(0, 1).toLowerCase();
                if (tmp == 'y') {
                    window.location.href = "/AddPhoneNumber";

            $sa.login.init("loginScreenSet", "login");

            ga('registrationTracker.send', 'pageview', '/sa/register/login');


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