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The promotion will end in...\n","limited_time_deal":"Limited Time Deal","footer_family":"Family","Encryption":"Encryption","bf2018_cta":"BUY NOW","modal_discount":"75% discount","Password too short.Minimum length is 6 characters.":"Password too short.Minimum length is 6 characters.","Password does not contain enough different characters.The minimum is 4.":"Password does not contain enough different characters.The minimum is 4.","Password can not contain only consecutive characters.":"Password can not contain only consecutive characters.","Choose your version":"Choose your version","Download":"Download","macos_download_apple_silicon":"Download for Apple silicon","macos_download_intel_description":"pCloud Drive for Mac with an Intel processor","macos_download_m1_description":"pCloud Drive for Mac with Apple Silicon","downoad_drive_not_supported_os":"Your OS is not supported.","Verification 'code' expired.Please request password reset again.":"Verification 'code' expired.Please request password reset again.","error_2109":"You are already a premium user.","You have entered an invalid code":"The promo code you have entered is not valid!","You have entered an expired code":"The promo code you have entered has expired!","this_promotion_not_valid_for_country":"This promotion is not valid for your country","This promo code was already used":"This promo code has already been used!","Bonus code not applied. Bonus code doesn't increase free storage.":"Bonus code not applied. Bonus code doesn't increase free storage.","error_2077":"You are already a member of a business account.","plan_name_13_lifetime":"Custom Lifetime","extra_traffic_checkout_name":"%amount% extra link traffic","plan_name_111":"Extended File History","family_pricing_headline":"pCloud for Family","register_form_title":"Sign up on pCloud","login_form_title":"Sign in with pCloud","continue_to_pcloud":"Continue to pCloud","ba_expired_owner_grace_period_warning":"Please note that the access is granted only once.","ba_expired_owner_grace_period_title":"Your business subscription has expired","ba_expired_owner_grace_period_description":"We offer you an exclusive 5 days grace period to access your account and renew your subscription. After this period, in case the subscription hasn't been renewed, your account will be deactivated.","ba_account_reactivated":"Account reactivated","ba_account_reactivated_success_msg":"Your account has been reactivated successfully. Please check your e-mail for further information.","remove_storage_description":"Removing your storage plan will downgrade your account and may lead to the loss of important files.","remove_crypto_description":"If you cancel your client-side encryption, you will lose the important files in your Crypto folder.","remove_efh_description":"If you cancel your Extended File History subscription, your account will lose file versions from the past. 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Unlock the Crypto folder to secure data with client-side encryption.","manage_subscription_efh_tooltip":"Extend your file history up to one year.","manage_subscription_traffic_tooltip":"Get more traffic for your shared links.","manage_subscription_ppass_tooltip":"Never remember a password again. Keep passwords and personal data secure in a truly encrypted password manager.","add_efh":"Add Extended File History","add_encryption":"Add Encryption","add_extra_traffic":"Add Extra trafiic","add_storage":"Add storage","add_short":"Add","add_pcloud_pass":"Add pCloud Pass","f.a.q":"f.a.q","PAGE_CONTACTUS":"Contact Us"};
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var jsTranslate = {"HOME_PREMIUM_PLAN":"Premium 500 GB","best_for_regular_sharing":"Best for sharing large files on a<br> regular basis","get_premium":"Get Premium","GB":"GB","Storage":"Storage","download_link_traffic":"Shared link traffic","how_dl_traffic_generated":"Generated when people stream\/download content from your shared links","download_link_branding":"Shared link branding","how_branding_works":"Customize shared links with your own title image, headline and description","xx_days_trash_history":"%days% days trash history","Monthly":"Monthly","annual_payment":"Annual","Lifetime":"Lifetime","MONTHLY_PAYMENT":"Monthly Payment","YEARLY_PAYMENT":"Yearly Payment","one_time_payment":"One-time payment","no_vat_or_fees_included":"Prices are final. No setup fees or other hidden charges","loading_prices":"Loading prices...","Continue":"Continue","family_fair_share":"Fair sharing","family_fair_share_tooltip":"Shared folders use storage only from the owner of the folder","best_valued":"Best valued","mid_plans_page":"Or continue to with a free account","exit2021_headline":"Get up to 10 GB FREE","exit2021_sub_headline_styled":"Over <span class='accent'>20,000,000<\/span> people trust us with their files already","no_credit_card_required":"No credit card required","signup":"Sign up","acclr1_home_form":"Store up to 10 GB of your memories or work files now and upgrade later","acclr1_home_section3_q1":"How much cloud storage do I need?","acclr1_home_section3_q1_answ":"You need to take a look at the files you intend to store online. The size of storage space you'll need in the long run mostly depends on the type of files you intend to back up. For example, if you're a professional photographer, your photos will take up more space than if you're only taking photos with your smartphone. But let's say you only want to backup the photos you're taking with your phone. A 10GB storage account will offer you enough room for about a year.","acclr1_home_section3_q2":"How much can I store on my phone, tablet or computer with pCloud?","acclr1_home_section3_q2_answ":"You can store as many files and folders as your pCloud space quota allow. Note that it does not matter how much data your device can hold. You can't find yourself running out of space. By logging as a free user, you are allowed to store up to 10 GB. However, if you need more space you can upgrade your account to 500 GB or 2 TB storage space.","acclr1_home_section3_q2.1":"What pCloud plan is the best for me?","family_pricing_headline":"pCloud for Family","family_pricing_description":"Share your space with up to four family members.","LEARN_MORE":"Learn More","pCloud Business":"pCloud Business","pricing_traffic_option_title":"Link traffic","pricing_traffic_option_description":"Get additional traffic for your shared links.","pricing_traffic_option_cta":"Buy now","business_pricing_description":"Organize your team and collaborate on all business projects.","acclr1_home_section3_q3":"What is shared link traffic and how much does each pCloud plan include?","acclr1_home_section3_q3_answ":"Shared link traffic is the traffic generated when other people stream or download content from your shared links.<br\/><br\/>Every pCloud plan has a specified amount of shared link traffic you can use for your links. It is reset on a monthly basis (regardless of the subscription you have - monthly, annual or Lifetime).<br\/><br\/>Traffic limits are as follows:<br\/><li>pCloud Basic - 50 GB<\/li><li>pCloud Premium - 500 GB<\/li><li>pCloud Premium Plus - 2 TB<\/li><li>pCloud Premium Custom - 2 TB<\/li>","acclr1_home_section3_q4":"What is pCloud lifetime?","acclr1_home_section3_q4_answ":"<p>Lifetime is an official pCloud plan, where we provide you with a lifetime use of your Premium storage at pCloud, at a single, one-time payment.<\/p>\n<h4>How long does \u201cLifetime\u201d refer to?<\/h4>\n<p>We have defined a Lifetime account as 99 years or the lifetime of the account holder, whichever is shorter. Please refer to pCloud's https:\/\/\/terms_and_conditions.html[Terms and Conditions] for more information.<\/p>\n<h4>Does pCloud have a minimum period under which Lifetime usage will be guaranteed?<\/h4>\n<p>In essence, by paying a couple of years in advance, you're getting storage for a lifetime.<br\/>If you\u2019re in doubts about the Lifetime plan as a solution to your storage needs, we recommend our monthly and annual subscription plans.<\/p>\n<h4>Can I upgrade my 500GB Lifetime account to the 2TB Lifetime plan?<\/h4>\n<p> https:\/\/\/cloud-storage-pricing-plans.html[Yes, that\u2019s possible]. Keep in mind, though, that you won't be able to deduct the amount you paid for your 500 GB Lifetime plan, from the price of the plan to which you want to upgrade. This is due to the fact that all possible discounts have been included in the price of the Lifetime plan.<br\/>If you decide to upgrade your Lifetime account, the amount of Lifetime storage you initially had will add up to your new plan. For example, if you are a 500 GB Lifetime member and you\u2019re upgrading to 2 TB Lifetime, after your upgrade you will have 2.5 TB of storage.<\/p>\n<h4>I have an annual\/monthly subscription at pCloud. Can I upgrade to a Lifetime plan?<\/h4>\n<p>Yes, you can upgrade at any time you wish. Keep in mind, however, that it is <b>NOT<\/b> possible to deduct your subscription payment from the price of the Lifetime membership.<\/p>\n<h4>Does the Lifetime Premium and Premium Plus plan include Lifetime pCloud Encryption?<\/h4>\n<p>The Lifetime Premium and Premium Plus plans don't include pCloud Encryption. You can always https:\/\/\/encrypted-cloud-storage.html[add a Lifetime Crypto membership] to your Lifetime plan by purchasing it separately.<\/p>\n<h4>How long will my Lifetime account stay active if I am not performing any operations?<\/h4>\n<p>There is no inactivity clause for Lifetime users. Even if you are inactive, your Lifetime account and the content there will stay.<\/p>","acclr1_home_section3_q5":"How are my files secured if I'm not subscribed to pCloud Encryption?","acclr1_home_section3_q5_answ":"<p>Regardless of what type of account you have at pCloud, we make sure your data stays secure. All of the files you store in pCloud are secured with 256-bit AES method of encrypting during and after transfer. In addition, upon transfer, pCloud also applies TLS\/SSL channel protection.<\/p>\n\n<p>Securing your files is not limited to potential hacks only, but to protection from potential hardware failure as well.After your data is uploaded onto the pCloud servers, we keep 5 copies on at least three server locations in a highly secure data storage center, monitored 24\/7.<\/p>\n\n<p>https:\/\/\/encrypted-cloud-storage.html[pCloud Encryption], on the other hand, is an optional extra layer of file protection for your sensitive data, which encrypts the information you upload on your device, before its transfer.<\/p>","home_cta_signup":"SIGN UP FOR FREE","signin_accelerated":"GET STARTED FREE"};
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<h1>Europe's most secure cloud storage trusted by 20 million people</h1>
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<span>Top-tier encryption</span>
<span>Lifetime storage (99 years)</span>
<span>One-time payment</span>
<span>Simple and on the go</span>
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<div class="h1">Start using pCloud right away!</div>
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<h2>6 ways pCloud improves your file storage</h2>
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alt="Swiss privacy"
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<h3>Swiss Data Protection</h3>
<p>Your files are protected by Swiss laws, which are the strictest for personal data, since our company is based in Switzerland.</p>
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alt="Any device"
data-src-retina="//[email protected]"
<h3>Access on Any Device</h3>
<p>Easily store, synchronize and access your files on a secure drive. You can create playlists of your favorite music pieces and listen to them on your mobile device, any time you feel like it! Your valuable files are accessible even offline!</p>
<div class="box">
data-src-retina="//[email protected]"
<h3>Ease of Use</h3>
<p>With pCloud, you are always a click away from freeing up more space from your phone, saving files directly from the web, or syncing all of your files.</p>
<div class="box">
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<h3>Server Location</h3>
<p>All your data is stored in highly secure and certified data center located in the European Union.</p>
<div class="box">
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<p>pCloud use TLS/SSL encryption. Also, you can use pCloud as a safe deposit box for passwords, financial reports and other confidential files. We use client-side encryption, meaning that only you have keys for file decryption.</p>
<div class="box">
data-src-retina="//[email protected]"
<h3>File Sharing</h3>
<p>Share large files (too large for email), invite friends, and allow teammates to add files without seeing the contents of your folders, even if they don't have pCloud!</p>
<div class="btn blue_btn">Get up to 10 GB now</div>
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<h2>Best cloud storage of 2021</h2>
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<h3 class="blue_headline">Real Honest Reviews</h3>
<p>Over 20 million people have chosen pCloud for all of their cloud storage needs.</p>
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<a class="monial_name" href="">Dalimin Pangestu</a>
<div class="monial_quote">I am a user of pCloud for over 3 years…</div>
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<i class="b-s">★</i><i class="b-s">★</i><i class="b-s">★</i><i class="b-s">★</i><i class="b-s">★</i>
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<div class="monial_text">
I am a user of pCloud for over 3 years now, owning two accounts, both family personal and business. I can share folders between accounts and have everything at hand. Crypto is super cool to have encrypted private files, password protected.
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<a class="monial_name" href="">NELKIS V</a>
<div class="monial_quote">"Security and encryption, speed, and excellent price. That is pCloud."</div>
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<i class="b-s">★</i><i class="b-s">★</i><i class="b-s">★</i><i class="b-s">★</i><i class="b-s">★</i>
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<div class="monial_text">
In the case of pCloud, it is a modern, simple, and secure tool. pCloud offers a series of features that allow it to stand out from many of its competitors. Offers compatible options with; Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android, also has a website.
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<a class="monial_name" href="">Martin</a>
<div class="monial_quote">Recommended!</div>
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<i class="b-s">★</i><i class="b-s">★</i><i class="b-s">★</i><i class="b-s">★</i><i class="b-s">★</i>
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"I have been using pCloud for about 6 months for my business. It was vital for us to find a partner in Europe, due to GDPR reasons. The customer service is great and consistent, the menus are intuitive, and it offers a safe and simple way to manage your data - also across systems (Linux, Mac, Windows)."
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<h2>Sign up for a FREE account today and join pCloud's growing community!</h2>
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