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        Woodturners Association
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                                        A proud chapter of the American Association of Woodturners
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                            <span style='font-family:"Trebuchet MS";color:#333333'>
                                    <font size="4">
    Central Oklahoma Woodturners Association (COWA) site was created with help of
                                <a href="">
                                to share information 
    about our club with fellow wood turners.&nbsp; Members of COWA hope that you enjoy your 
    visit and invite you to return often.
                        <p class="MsoBodyText" style="text-align:justify; margin-left:5; margin-right:5">
                            <span style="font-family:Trebuchet MS; color:#333333">
                                The links above will lead you to 
    pages about our club, who to contact, news items, newsletters, photo 
    galleries, and articles related to woodturning. Additional links 
    on this site are indicated by text or banners that are underlined.&nbsp; These 
    links will lead to specific items.
                        <p class="MsoBodyText" style="text-align:justify; margin-left:5; margin-right:5">
                                <span style="font-family: Trebuchet MS">
                                    <font size="4">
                                        Mission Statement
                            <font size="4">
                            The mission of the Central Oklahoma Woodturners Association is to 
    advance the mission of the American Association of Woodturners by providing 
    education, information, and organization to anyone with an interest in 
    the field of woodturning.
                            Three primary purposes are:
                            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 1.&nbsp; to provide organization through club meetings, 
    and instruction
                            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2.&nbsp; to promote the craft and art of woodturning
                            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 3.&nbsp; to provide instruction through demonstrations 
    and classes
                            These purposes are accomplished by conducting  
    demonstrations during club meetings, at&nbsp; mid high and high schools, and 
    public functions to stimulate the understanding of woodturning as an art and 
    craft.&nbsp; COWA provides 
    training, instructions, and technical assistance to members through hands-on 
    classes, publications, and DVDs.
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                                        <p align="justify" style="margin-left: 5; margin-right: 5">
                                                <a name="Brief History">
                                                    <font face="Trebuchet MS">
                                                        Brief History
                                            In the mid 1980's Paxton's Woodcrafters store had a woodworking association 
    which met on a monthly basis for their hobby patrons. While attending these 
    meeting and visiting with other members it became apparent that a small 
    number of people were interested in turning and desired advice as well as 
    hands on instructions. Additional discussions and investigation pointed to 
    Alan Lacer as one of the more knowledgeable turners in the area who was 
    conducting a basis turning class at the Moore-Norman Vocational-Technology 
                                        <p align="justify" style="margin-left: 5; margin-right: 5">
                                            At the time 
    Alan's class had eight students, six from the Okla. City/Norman area, one 
    from Beaver, OK and one from Kansas. With guidance from the recently formed
    American Association 
    of Woodturners (AAW) and Alan the small group started meeting at various 
    member's shop on a regular basis. Their activities not only included turning 
    but they started working to establish a turning club. They begin by electing 
    the following officers; Alan Lacer - Pres., Bill Hull - Vice Pres., Robert Knox - Treasurer, 
    Bill Porterfield - Secretary, and Bob Jarrett - Editor. Officers were to 
    serve a term of three (3) years, commencing July 1, 1987. The new club 
    drafted and adopted Bylaws in hopes of becoming a local chapter of the 
    which happened in June 1988. In 1989 the club applied for and became a 
    Not-for-Profit Corporation within the State of Oklahoma.
                                        <p align="justify" style="margin-left: 5; margin-right: 5">
                                                <a name="Membership">
                                            Membership in the COWA is open to anyone with an interest in turning 
    wood as an art, craft, collector, or hobby. Individual / family dues are 
    $30.00 per year. Membership is around 100 with about  60 members attending 
    each meeting. Charter members who continue to be active are
                                                Bob Jarrett, 
    Bill Porterfield
                                                Larry Slief
                                        <p align="justify">
                                            Members of COWA are encouraged 
    but not required to become a member of the AAW. Members are requested to 
    send their AAW 
    dues directly to the
                                            <font color="#000000">
                                            : membership applications will be 
    made available. Membership in both organizations runs from January 1 
    of any given year through December 31 of that same year. If you need 
    additional information check with one of the officers listed below.
                                        <p align="justify">
                                        <p align="justify">
                                    <td width="50%">
                                        <p style="margin-left: 5">
                                                <a name="MEETINGS">
                                                    Meeting Times and Location
                                            COWA meetings start at 6:30 P.M. 
    on the second Tuesday of each month at the Metro Technology Center, 4901 South 
    Bryant Avenue, Oklahoma City. Meetings are dedicated to woodturning 
    demonstrations and hands-on activities. In addition to demonstrations at 
    regular meetings COWA sponsors workshops conducted by International, 
    National, and Regional �master turners� to introduce new ideas and 
    techniques. Each year COWA demonstrates woodturning at schools, town/city 
    festivals, and fairs. Another benefit to members is the club sanctioned wood 
    turning classes for members at a nominal fee.
                                        <p style="margin-left: 5">
                                                Educational Grants
                                                <font size="4">
                                            In the past COWA 
    used an AAW scholarship grant to send one of its members to Arrowmont School 
    of Arts and Crafts for a wood turning class. In 2007 COWA was approved for 
    an AAW educational opportunity grant which went to the support of the 
    Mustang Mid High School wood turning program. In 2008 the club received an 
    educational opportunity grant to upgrade the club audio/video equipment in 
    an effort to provide more educational sources to the members.&nbsp; The 
    grant funds received in 2010 will be used to purchase tools to enhance 
    and expand our classes to students.
                                        <p style="margin-left: 5">
                                                Types of Annual Events
                                            Annual chapter 
    events include demonstrations at the State Fair, the Folk Festival at 
    Beavers Bend State Park, Mustang Mid High School. The club is currently 
    providing classes at the Moore-Norman 
    Technology Center where the club holds its meeting. Another highlight is 
    club members participates in the beginning wood turning classes at Broken 
    Bow High School.
                                            <a href="#">
                                                <img align="left" border="2" height="82" src="Images/swat%20logos%20compressed.jpg" width="95">
                                            In 2004 the 
    Central Oklahoma Woodturners Association became one of the supporting clubs 
    of the
                                            <a href="#">
                                                <font color="#000000">
                                            <font color="#000000">
                                                <a href="#">
                                                    SouthWest Association of Woodturners
                                            <font color="#000000">
                                        <p style="margin-left: 5">
                                                Links to Club Documents
                                                <a href="Images/Bylaws.PDF">
                                                <a href="Images/AAW%20Chapter.pdf">
                                                    AAW Chapter
                                                <a href="Images/Articles%20of%20Inc.PDF">
                                                    Articles of Incorporation
                                                <a href="Images/Certificate%20of%20Incorporation.PDF">
                                                    Certificate of 
                                        <p style="margin-left: 5">
                        <p align="left" style="margin-left: 5; margin-right: 5">
                                <a name="OFFICERS">
                                for 2011-2012
                            <span style="font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: Trebuchet MS">
                                The general 
    management of the Central Oklahoma Woodturners Association is carry out by 
                                <font color="#000000">
                                    Board of Directors
                        <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%">
                                    <td width="50%">
                                            Jim Clow
                                        Telephone:&nbsp; 405-293-9388
                                        <font color="#CC0033">
                                            <a class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="d5bfb6b9baa295b6baadfbbbb0a1" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection">
                                    <td width="50%">
                                            Wayne Furr
                                        Telephone:&nbsp; 405-364-7278
                                        <a class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="2054484512465552525360414f4c0e434f4d" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection">
                                    <td width="50%">
                                            Dick Nowlin
                                    <td width="50%">
                                            Karen Robinson
                                    <td width="50%">
                                        Board Member At Large:
                                            Dale Jones
                                    <td width="50%">
                                        Board Member At Large:&nbsp;
                                            Bob Weaver
                                    <td width="50%">
                                        Past President:&nbsp;
                                            Bill Johnson
                                    <td width="50%">
                        <hr color="#CC0033" size="3" width="90%">
                        <hr color="#CC0033" size="3" width="75%">
                        <p class="MsoBodyText" style="text-align:justify; margin-left:5; margin-right:5">
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                                If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions 
    concerning the web site, please 
    contact the
                                <font color="#CC0033">
                                    <font color="#000000">
                                        web master
                                <font size="2">
                                    Copyright Central Oklahoma 
    Woodturners Association 2004, all rights reserved
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