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			<div class="article_preview">A typical commercial mortgage due diligence period for a property is between 30 and 60 days. Longer or shorter periods of time are often negotiated depending on the parties&#039; particular needs. If you are considering the... </div>
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			<div class="article_preview">Winston Rowe and Associates make financing for apartment buildings easy. Offering financing for apartment buildings, with asset-based investment property loan programs are an excellent alternative because they focus on the... </div>
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			<div class="article_preview">Did you or someone you know just tie the knot? Congratulations! Gathering with your closest friends and family, spending time alone with the person you love most, and getting ready to move to the next phase of your life is a... </div>
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			<div class="article_preview">Redfin reports that the luxury housing market stabilized in the third quarter after a weak first half in 2019. The average sale price for luxury homes nationwide rose 0.3% year over year to $1.6 million in the third quarter... </div>
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			<div class="article_preview">Real estate investment can be a tricky business, but when it's done right, it can be rewarding for you and your retirement account. Whether you are thinking of investing in real estate or you already have a few properties... </div>
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<area href="/mortgage-rates/Washington/" alt="Washington Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Washington Mortgage Refinance Rates"  onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-wa.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="118, 25, 118, 33, 118, 43, 118, 49, 116, 53, 123, 57, 128, 61, 130, 65, 137, 69, 146, 72, 155, 72, 164, 74, 171, 73, 174, 63, 176, 50, 179, 36, 168, 31, 153, 24, 143, 23, 138, 22, 138, 28, 137, 36, 138, 43, 134, 32, 128, 29, 121, 26">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Idaho/" alt="Idaho Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Idaho Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-id.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="179, 38, 178, 49, 175, 67, 171, 72, 174, 76, 174, 82, 167, 92, 166, 100, 163, 113, 161, 121, 170, 125, 182, 129, 195, 131, 205, 135, 212, 135, 213, 124, 214, 109, 213, 103, 208, 102, 201, 102, 199, 90, 196, 83, 193, 81, 195, 72, 190, 63, 186, 52, 188, 46, 189, 37">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Montana/" alt="Montana Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Montana Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-mt.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="188, 38, 189, 46, 188, 51, 189, 60, 194, 70, 195, 79, 199, 87, 201, 100, 206, 103, 211, 103, 218, 98, 226, 96, 234, 100, 244, 103, 257, 104, 268, 105, 272, 105, 275, 104, 278, 89, 279, 73, 278, 55, 274, 52, 252, 49, 237, 48, 221, 45, 207, 40, 197, 38">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Wyoming/" alt="Wyoming Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Wyoming Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-wy.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="218, 99, 233, 99, 245, 102, 260, 105, 273, 105, 273, 111, 273, 124, 272, 132, 272, 139, 269, 148, 268, 151, 256, 150, 245, 151, 235, 149, 225, 149, 217, 146, 213, 144, 212, 139, 214, 125, 215, 116, 215, 105">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Utah/" alt="Utah Mortgage Refinance Rates"  title="Utah Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-ut.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="224, 150, 217, 144, 211, 144, 212, 137, 210, 136, 203, 134, 195, 131, 186, 130, 187, 135, 185, 146, 181, 155, 179, 167, 178, 174, 178, 182, 175, 189, 181, 192, 193, 192, 206, 198, 214, 199, 220, 201, 220, 190, 221, 180, 223, 165">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Nevada/" alt="Nevada Mortgage Refinance Rates"  title="Nevada Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-nv.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="133, 118, 142, 117, 158, 122, 169, 124, 183, 127, 188, 132, 186, 142, 182, 154, 179, 166, 179, 179, 174, 190, 172, 199, 167, 200, 166, 210, 164, 211, 155, 196, 139, 171, 128, 154, 131, 133">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Arizona/" title="Arizona Mortgage Refinance Rates" alt="Arizona Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-az.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="219, 202, 209, 198, 202, 196, 196, 192, 184, 190, 176, 190, 173, 198, 169, 201, 168, 206, 167, 210, 167, 216, 169, 221, 164, 226, 162, 232, 160, 240, 155, 245, 162, 249, 171, 256, 176, 262, 185, 265, 195, 269, 206, 269, 211, 261, 211, 248, 215, 230, 218, 215">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Colorado/" alt="Colorado Mortgage Refinance Rates"  title="Colorado Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-co.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="283, 205, 285, 193, 286, 182, 285, 169, 285, 161, 278, 156, 270, 152, 260, 150, 247, 151, 235, 149, 227, 150, 227, 157, 227, 170, 221, 181, 221, 195, 219, 203, 231, 202, 245, 203, 255, 204, 266, 204">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/New-Mexico/" alt="New Mexico Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="New Mexico Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-nm.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="267, 271, 270, 255, 270, 236, 273, 218, 274, 205, 244, 203, 230, 202, 219, 202, 218, 211, 218, 223, 215, 233, 213, 245, 210, 256, 210, 265, 206, 271, 214, 273, 222, 267, 234, 267, 240, 268, 247, 269, 254, 270">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Texas/" alt="Texas Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Texas Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-tx.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="324,348,323,339,321,330,325,325,334,319,343,316,348,310,352,303,360,303,359,299,359,291,361,285,359,281,359,275,355,271,355,262,356,254,352,248,345,247,339,249,331,249,324,249,319,246,311,243,303,237,300,229,301,220,298,214,288,214,278,211,273,211,274,218,271,227,271,238,270,252,270,263,267,269,253,269,240,268,231,267,229,268,233,272,238,277,246,284,248,292,252,300,258,304,266,306,271,303,276,300,284,301,285,307,288,313,291,318,295,323,299,331,301,337,305,342,312,345,319,348">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Louisiana/" alt="Louisiana Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Louisiana Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-la.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="406, 309, 406, 301, 407, 294, 403, 290, 401, 287, 398, 284, 390, 283, 384, 281, 386, 274, 390, 267, 387, 261, 384, 258, 372, 256, 368, 257, 359, 259, 357, 262, 357, 270, 360, 276, 360, 281, 363, 289, 360, 296, 360, 301, 363, 303, 370, 305, 374, 307, 379, 301, 384, 305, 388, 308, 394, 308, 399, 309">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Mississippi/" alt="Mississippi Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Mississippi Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-ms.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="411, 234, 404, 233, 397, 235, 394, 235, 391, 241, 386, 247, 386, 253, 387, 257, 389, 264, 389, 270, 385, 275, 385, 281, 393, 283, 400, 285, 405, 290, 408, 294, 413, 293, 414, 295, 414, 288, 414, 280, 411, 274, 411, 269, 411, 262, 409, 253, 410, 248, 412, 240">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Tennessee/" alt="Tennessee Mortgage Refinance Rates"  title="Tennessee Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-tn.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="398, 215, 398, 219, 396, 225, 394, 230, 394, 234, 405, 232, 416, 234, 428, 232, 440, 229, 445, 228, 451, 223, 459, 218, 465, 215, 468, 211, 469, 206, 459, 206, 443, 208, 424, 211, 417, 212, 414, 213, 407, 214">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Arkansas/" alt="Arkansas Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Arkansas Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-ar.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="353, 214, 362, 214, 372, 214, 383, 213, 391, 210, 394, 213, 393, 218, 397, 221, 395, 227, 392, 235, 392, 241, 387, 246, 387, 251, 387, 258, 382, 258, 374, 258, 361, 260, 357, 258, 358, 253, 354, 252, 354, 248, 355, 235, 356, 227, 353, 217, 357, 211, 356, 214">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Oklahoma/" alt="Oklahoma Mortgage Refinance Rates"  title="Oklahoma Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-ok.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="338, 208, 345, 209, 352, 211, 354, 217, 356, 230, 353, 240, 353, 245, 348, 249, 337, 249, 329, 251, 323, 249, 317, 246, 310, 243, 304, 236, 302, 230, 302, 223, 301, 216, 295, 216, 284, 213, 277, 213, 275, 209, 275, 206, 285, 206, 299, 208, 306, 208, 316, 209, 332, 209">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Kansas/" alt="Kansas Mortgage Refinance Rates"  title="Kansas Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-ks.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="308, 170, 300, 169, 293, 168, 287, 168, 287, 175, 288, 185, 286, 194, 285, 204, 291, 207, 299, 206, 309, 206, 324, 208, 333, 208, 343, 209, 352, 211, 351, 202, 351, 191, 350, 182, 349, 176, 346, 172, 335, 170, 321, 170">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Nebraska/" alt="Nebraska Mortgage Refinance Rates"  title="Nebraska Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-ne.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="327, 138, 335, 142, 338, 149, 341, 158, 344, 169, 339, 170, 328, 170, 315, 169, 306, 168, 297, 169, 289, 168, 284, 168, 285, 160, 281, 157, 276, 153, 269, 152, 271, 145, 272, 137, 272, 132, 281, 132, 294, 133, 302, 133, 313, 134, 321, 137">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/South-Dakota/" alt="South Dakota Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="South Dakota Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-sd.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="296, 95, 288, 94, 281, 96, 277, 96, 277, 101, 275, 109, 275, 116, 274, 123, 274, 128, 274, 133, 282, 133, 288, 132, 300, 134, 310, 136, 317, 137, 325, 138, 332, 138, 336, 142, 335, 129, 336, 119, 336, 111, 335, 103, 333, 99, 326, 97, 309, 95, 292, 93, 292, 95">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/North-Dakota/" alt="North Dakota Mortgage Refinance Rates"  title="North Dakota Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-nd.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="299, 56, 288, 54, 279, 54, 279, 58, 280, 70, 280, 82, 279, 90, 277, 96, 287, 96, 303, 95, 314, 96, 323, 98, 332, 99, 336, 98, 335, 91, 336, 81, 333, 73, 332, 62, 331, 58, 319, 57, 308, 55">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Minnesota/" alt="Minnesota Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Minnesota Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-mn.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="351, 56, 345, 56, 339, 56, 333, 57, 332, 63, 335, 75, 336, 84, 336, 95, 335, 100, 337, 108, 336, 115, 337, 125, 337, 131, 348, 129, 356, 129, 369, 128, 379, 129, 379, 126, 376, 122, 374, 117, 369, 112, 367, 107, 367, 98, 368, 93, 373, 86, 375, 82, 382, 82, 383, 80, 388, 75, 390, 70, 386, 68, 378, 68, 373, 63, 369, 60, 361, 60, 357, 61">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Iowa/" alt="Iowa Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Iowa Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-ia.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="387, 144, 383, 136, 380, 129, 370, 128, 357, 128, 348, 128, 340, 129, 337, 133, 337, 139, 336, 146, 340, 155, 343, 163, 349, 165, 363, 165, 367, 162, 374, 161, 377, 164, 381, 160, 382, 156, 386, 153">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Missouri/" alt="Missouri Mortgage Refinance Rates " title="Missouri Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-mo.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="381, 176, 380, 166, 375, 163, 369, 162, 364, 163, 358, 164, 349, 164, 345, 165, 344, 169, 347, 174, 350, 180, 351, 191, 352, 200, 352, 208, 352, 215, 360, 214, 369, 215, 380, 213, 388, 212, 393, 212, 395, 218, 398, 217, 400, 211, 403, 207, 400, 201, 394, 197, 390, 196, 390, 192, 392, 187, 387, 180">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Illinois/" alt="Illinois Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Illinois Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-il.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="398, 141, 393, 141, 387, 141, 387, 146, 388, 153, 384, 155, 383, 162, 382, 167, 383, 173, 387, 179, 393, 186, 390, 194, 394, 199, 401, 203, 403, 205, 409, 199, 411, 191, 412, 187, 411, 178, 411, 171, 411, 162, 410, 152, 411, 146, 409, 142, 403, 141">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Wisconsin/" alt="Wisconsin Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Wisconsin Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-wi.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="412, 113,412, 119,411, 123,412, 129,411, 136,409, 141,404, 142,397, 143,389, 142,386, 138,382, 134,382, 129,380, 124,376, 118,372, 112,370, 108,367, 99,369, 93,373, 87,378, 81,383, 81,386, 86,412, 101,413, 105">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Indiana/" alt="Indiana Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Indiana Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-in.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="432, 143, 423, 147, 417, 149, 412, 143, 412, 149, 412, 156, 412, 163, 411, 172, 412, 179, 413, 186, 411, 193, 417, 196, 423, 196, 429, 189, 435, 185, 438, 181, 440, 177, 439, 172, 438, 164, 436, 156, 436, 151, 435, 144">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Michigan/" alt="Michigan Mortgage Refinance Rates"  title="Michigan Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-mi.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="418,109,418,114,419,121,419,129,419,137,419,142,417,148,424,148,431,146,438,146,446,144,451,141,453,137,454,131,454,126,454,122,453,117,450,114,446,112,444,108,445,103,444,100,440,98,434,93,437, 93,437, 88,433, 85,427, 81,420, 83,412, 84,409, 83,408, 77,408, 73,405, 73,399, 75,395, 79, 391, 83,386, 87,390, 86,402, 96,412, 101,415, 97,423, 95,430, 93,425,102,421,106">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Ohio/" alt="Ohio Mortgage Refinance Rates"  title="Ohio Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-oh.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="470, 132, 466, 136, 460, 140, 456, 144, 451, 143, 446, 143, 441, 144, 438, 145, 436, 151, 437, 156, 439, 165, 441, 172, 442, 178, 446, 181, 451, 183, 457, 184, 462, 183, 463, 180, 464, 174, 467, 170, 473, 164, 474, 162, 474, 158, 472, 152, 472, 146, 471, 140">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Pennsylvania/" alt="Pennsylvania Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Pennsylvania Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-pa.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="474, 165, 484, 164, 490, 164, 496, 164, 507, 162, 520, 156, 521, 153, 522, 147, 522, 142, 521, 137, 517, 132, 512, 130, 505, 132, 496, 133, 487, 134, 482, 135, 479, 132, 477, 129, 473, 131, 472, 135, 473, 141, 473, 146, 473, 153, 474, 158" alt="Pennsylvania Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Pennsylvania Mortgage Refinance Rates">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Kentucky/" alt="Kentucky Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Kentucky Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-ky.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="461, 193, 460, 186, 456, 183, 450, 182, 444, 179, 440, 177, 437, 181, 434, 186, 427, 192, 422, 196, 415, 196, 410, 197, 410, 201, 407, 204, 403, 206, 400, 211, 398, 216, 408, 215, 415, 214, 426, 211, 436, 208, 449, 207, 455, 206, 460, 205, 462, 200">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/West-Virginia/" alt="West Virginia Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="West Virginia Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-wv.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="487, 181, 491, 176, 496, 170, 498, 166, 497, 164, 492, 164, 484, 165, 478, 165, 473, 165, 469, 168, 466, 174, 463, 180, 461, 184, 461, 190, 461, 196, 464, 198, 467, 198, 472, 198, 476, 195, 480, 194, 483, 190, 487, 184">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Virginia/" alt="Virginia Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Virginia Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-va.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="505, 171, 499, 168, 495, 170, 490, 178, 486, 186, 480, 193, 472, 198, 464, 198, 460, 202, 464, 204, 473, 204, 479, 204, 485, 203, 489, 202, 499, 202, 504, 201, 510, 199, 517, 199, 522, 198, 524, 197, 522, 191, 521, 185, 520, 180, 516, 178, 510, 177">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Maryland/" alt="Maryland Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Maryland Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-md.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="528, 176, 530, 167, 526, 166, 522, 163, 518, 160, 508, 162, 501, 162, 499, 166, 502, 168, 509, 174, 516, 179, 521, 182, 525, 183">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Delaware/" alt="Delaware Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Delaware Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-de.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="533, 157, 529, 154, 525, 152, 521, 155, 520, 157, 517, 160, 522, 163, 527, 166, 529, 165, 533, 160">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/New-Jersey/"alt="New Jersey Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="New Jersey Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-nj.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="525, 139, 530, 141, 534, 144, 535, 148, 537, 153, 535, 157, 531, 156, 526, 153, 523, 155, 523, 148">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/New-York/" alt="New York Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="New York Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-ny.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="515, 89, 509, 89, 509, 93, 505, 98, 503, 102, 502, 106, 500, 110, 492, 116, 487, 114, 483, 120, 480, 126, 476, 131, 483, 132, 492, 132, 500, 132, 510, 132, 517, 133, 524, 139, 530, 140, 532, 136, 532, 128, 532, 120, 531, 115, 530, 105, 525, 102, 523, 95, 521, 90">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Vermont/" alt="Vermont Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Vermont Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-vt.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="538, 80, 533, 84, 528, 86, 525, 87, 522, 89, 523, 92, 524, 97, 526, 101, 529, 104, 531, 109, 532, 116, 538, 111, 538, 101, 538, 91">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/New-Hampshire/" alt="New Hampshire Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="New Hampshire Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-nh.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="545, 91, 548, 97, 550, 103, 555, 106, 553, 110, 547, 112, 538, 116, 533, 116, 537, 113, 537, 104, 537, 99, 538, 90, 538, 83, 541, 80, 545, 83">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Maine/" alt="Maine Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Maine Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-me.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="564, 50, 569, 57, 570, 63, 575, 70, 577, 78, 576, 83, 570, 90, 566, 92, 560, 98, 556, 104, 555, 108, 551, 101, 548, 93, 546, 86, 544, 82, 542, 78, 545, 74, 548, 65, 548, 60, 549, 54, 553, 49, 559, 49">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Massachusetts/" alt="Massachussetts Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Massachussetts Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-ma.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" coords="551, 123, 554, 125, 557, 126, 563, 125, 564, 122, 564, 118, 561, 117, 556, 115, 556, 113, 553, 110, 546, 113, 542, 115, 538, 116, 535, 117, 533, 119, 534, 123, 535, 125, 539, 123, 543, 121, 547, 121" shape="polygon">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Connecticut/" alt="Connecticut Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Connecticut Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-ct.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="531, 134, 533, 124, 539, 124, 544, 123, 547, 126, 549, 131, 550, 135, 547, 136, 542, 137, 537, 140, 535, 141, 532, 141">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Rhode-Island/" alt="Rhode Island Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Rhode Island Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-ri.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="549, 130, 550, 133, 554, 129, 553, 125, 549, 124, 546, 123">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Hawaii/" alt="Hawaii Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Hawaii Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-hi.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="234, 324, 241, 316, 236, 310, 231, 305, 228, 299, 222, 295, 217, 292, 212, 290, 208, 289, 205, 290, 202, 292, 204, 298, 199, 284, 195, 281, 191, 280, 186, 282, 180, 283, 180, 290, 184, 292, 191, 291, 198, 293, 202, 295, 207, 300, 215, 303, 220, 305, 223, 307, 228, 309, 228, 311, 225, 316, 224, 319, 225, 324, 229, 328" title="Hawaii Mortgage Refinance Rates " alt="Hawaii Mortgage Refinance Rates">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/North-Carolina/" alt="North Carolina Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="North Carolina Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-nc.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="524, 221, 531, 212, 530, 205, 526, 200, 522, 198, 509, 198, 502, 202, 492, 203, 484, 203, 476, 204, 469, 205, 469, 209, 466, 213, 457, 217, 454, 221, 449, 225, 444, 229, 456, 230, 464, 226, 474, 224, 480, 224, 489, 226, 495, 230, 504, 235, 514, 235, 517, 230, 520, 227, 525, 226" alt="North Carolina Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="North Carolina Mortgage Refinance Rates">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/South-Carolina/" alt="South Carolina Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="South Carolina Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-sc.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="486, 265, 492, 258, 499, 251, 501, 247, 502, 242, 507, 238, 501, 235, 496, 230, 491, 227, 481, 226, 474, 224, 462, 225, 457, 231, 461, 234, 469, 241, 476, 250, 482, 257">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Georgia/" alt="Georgia Mortgage Refinance Rates"  title="Georgia Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-ga.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="480, 278, 485, 268, 485, 263, 481, 254, 473, 244, 461, 235, 457, 229, 450, 229, 442, 230, 437, 231, 437, 237, 440, 246, 443, 256, 444, 267, 444, 274, 445, 281, 453, 283, 462, 285, 470, 282, 477, 283">
<area href="/mortgage-rates/Alabama/" alt="Alabama Mortgage Refinance Rates" title="Alabama Mortgage Refinance Rates" onMouseOver="loadState('images/map/map-al.gif');" onMouseOut="loadState('images/map/mapn.jpg');" shape="polygon" coords="431, 280, 445, 280, 445, 273, 444, 263, 444, 256, 440, 244, 437, 235, 436, 232, 425, 231, 416, 232, 412, 235, 411, 245, 412, 255, 410, 266, 410, 276, 413, 283, 414, 294, 418, 295, 420, 292, 423, 294, 428, 293, 424, 288, 423, 283, 427, 281">
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