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                                                Havant Symphony Orchestra
                                        and the
                                                Havant Chamber Orchestra
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        venues in the Havant, Hayling and Fareham area.&nbsp;
                                        Use the link buttons at the top of the page to find out more.
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                                                                New website
                                                        For next season, 2024-25, the Havant Orchestras are moving to a new website being developed
      by Tim Mulkern (HSO trumpet), who is a professional website designer.&nbsp;
      For information about next season&rsquo;s events, visit the new site at
                                                        <a href="" target="_blank" title="Visit new website">
                                                        <p style="margin-top: 1em">
                                                            This old website is no longer being kept up to date, but is expected to be
      retained for now as it contains useful information (such as historical concert 
      information and
      the music library catalogue) which is not currently available on the new website.&nbsp;
      For full details and the background to this move 
      see the
                                                            <a href="news.php#new_website" title="View news item">
                                                                news item
<div class=item>
                        <b><a title="View news item" href="news.php#jul24news">11&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2024:</a></b>&nbsp;
      The <a href="newsjul24.php" 
      title="View the July 2024 Newsletter">Havant Orchestras Newsletter for July 2024</a>
      is now available, including additional information about the
                        <a title="View concert details" href="progjul24.php">HSO Concert</a> 
                        at Oaklands Catholic School, Waterlooville, at 7.30pm on Saturday 13th July,
      and information about next season.&nbsp;
      We are sorry that this newsletter has been sent out much later than usual.&nbsp;
<div class=item>
                        <b><a title="View news item" href="news.php#HCOMay2024news">11&nbsp;May&nbsp;2024:</a></b>&nbsp;
      The <a href="newsmay24.php" 
      title="View the May 2024 Newsletter">Havant Orchestras Newsletter for May 2024</a>
      is now available, including additional information about the 
                        <a title="View concert details" href="progmay24.php">HCO concert</a> 
                        at Holy Trinity Church, Fareham, on Saturday 18th May.&nbsp;
<div class=item>
                        <b><a title="View news item" href="news.php#Waterlooville2024">11&nbsp;May&nbsp;2024:</a></b>&nbsp;
      String players from Havant Chamber Orchestra will be performing a concert 
      as part of this year&rsquo;s Waterlooville Music Festival, on 
                        <b>Tuesday 11th June</b> at 7.30pm
                        in St&nbsp;George&rsquo;s Church, Waterlooville.&nbsp;      
      For more details, see the 
                        <a target="_blank" title="Visit Waterlooville Music Festival website" 
         href="">music festival website</a>.&nbsp;
<div class=item>
                        <b><a title="View news item" href="news.php#OpenRehMay2024">5&nbsp;May&nbsp;2024:</a></b>&nbsp;
      The Havant Symphony Orchestra on <b>Friday 24th May</b> 
      is at <b>Hayling Island Community Centre</b> at 7pm, and will
      be an &lsquo;Open Rehearsal&rsquo; where other players can join in.&nbsp;
      See the <a title="View news item" href="news.php#OpenRehMay2024">news item<a> for details.&nbsp;
<div class=item>
                        <b><a title="View news item" href="news.php#EnyiBSO2024">5&nbsp;May&nbsp;2024:</a></b>&nbsp;
      Our bursary student <b><a title="View Enyi biography" href="bursary2324.php">Enyi Okpara</a></b>
      has been announced as Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra&rsquo;s 
      Calleva Assistant Conductor ahead of its 2024/25 season.&nbsp;
      See the press release 
                        <a target="_blank" title="View press release" 
        We congratulate Enyi on this exciting new position!&nbsp;
<div class=item>
                        <b><a title="View news item" href="news.php#mar24news">7&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2024:</a></b>&nbsp;
      The <a href="newsmar24.php" 
      title="View the March 2024 Newsletter">Havant Orchestras Newsletter for March 2024</a>
      is now available, including additional information about the
                        <a title="View concert details" href="progmar24.php">HSO Afternoon Spring Concert</a> 
                        at Oaklands Catholic School, Waterlooville, at 2.30pm on Sunday 10th March.&nbsp;
      We are sorry that this newsletter has been sent out much later than usual.&nbsp;
<div class=item>
                        <b><a title="View news item" href="news.php#Tickets2024">4&nbsp;Feb&nbsp;2024:</a></b>&nbsp;
      Advance tickets have now been made available on 
                        <a target="_blank" href="" 
         title="View TicketSource event page">TicketSource</a> for 
         all of the remaining Havant Orchestras concerts for this season.&nbsp;
         Use the "Tickets" buttons on event descriptions on this page to go directly to TicketSource,
         or use the "Tickets" buttons on the separate concert pages to see more details about
         the venues, ticket prices and seating layouts before visiting TicketSource.&nbsp;
<div class=item>
                        <b><a title="View news item" href="news.php#Jul23bursary">1&nbsp;Aug&nbsp;2023:</a></b>&nbsp;
      We are delighted to announce that the 
                        <a title="View bursary information" href="bursary.php">Bob and Beryl Harding Bursary for Young Conductors</a> 
                        for the 2023-24 season
      has been awarded to 
                        <a title="View biography" href="bursary2324.php"><b>Enyi Okpara</b></a>, 
                        from the Royal Academy of Music.&nbsp;
      We are eagerly looking forward to working with him during the season.&nbsp;
<div class=item>
                        <b><a title="View news item" href="news.php#agm2223">9&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2023:</a></b>&nbsp;<br>
                        <b>Formal Notice of AGM</b><br>
      The AGM for the 2022-23 season will be held at 7.00pm 
      on Friday 1st&nbsp;September 2023 at The Pallant Centre, Havant PO9&nbsp;1BE.&nbsp;
      It will be followed by a rehearsal for the Popular Classics concert.&nbsp;
      See the <a title="View news item" href="news.php#agm2223">news item</a> for details.&nbsp;
<div class=item>
                        <b><a title="View news item" href="news.php#HSOSep2023">6&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2023:</a></b>&nbsp;
      Tickets are now available on 
                        <a target="_blank" href="" 
         title="View TicketSource event page">TicketSource</a> for 
         the <a href="progsep23.php" title="View concert details">HSO Popular Classics concert</a> 
         at Hayling Island Community Centre, at 7.30pm on Saturday 16th September.&nbsp;
<div class=item>
                        <b><a title="View news item" href="news.php#joinsep22">11&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2022:</a></b>&nbsp;
      Are you a competent musician looking for orchestral playing opportunities 
      at a high amateur standard?&nbsp;
      Havant Symphony Orchestra is always interested to hear from potential new
      players, whether regular or just to help out when our 
      regular players are unavailable.&nbsp;
      Right now we are looking for additional
      players in all sections, especially woodwind and brass,
      where we have potential vacancies for new regular players.&nbsp;
      See our <a title="Visit Joining page" href="joining.php">Joining</a> page for more details.&nbsp;
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                                                            Upcoming events
                                                        For details of our next season, 2024-25, see the Concerts page on
         our new website:&nbsp;
                                                        <a href="" target="_blank" title="View concerts on new website">
         See our <b><a title="View concert list" href="conc2324.php">Concerts</a></b> page 
         for more details about the 2023-24 season of Havant Orchestras concerts.&nbsp;
<div class=item>
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                        <img src="images/ThomasLuke6b.jpg" alt=""></a><br>
                        <small><i><a class=progsoloist target="_blank"
                  title="View soloist details">
                  Thomas Luke</a></i></small>&nbsp;      
                        <b><a title="View concert details" href="progsep23.php">Sat&nbsp;16&nbsp;Sep&nbsp;2023, 7.30pm</a></b>:&nbsp;<br>
                        <b><a title="View concert details" href="progsep23.php">HSO concert:</a></b>
                        Popular Classics concert at Hayling Island Community Centre, conducted by <b>James Thomas</b>,
      with soloist <b>Thomas Luke</b> &ndash; Mendelssohn, Saint-Sa&euml;ns, Schumann
                        <div class=style2324 align=center style="display: inline-block; width: 6em">
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<img src="images/SpringFlowers4.jpg" width="100%" alt="" style="padding-bottom: 5px;"></a>

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                        <img src="images/JooYeonSir6a.jpg" alt=""></a><br>
                        <small><i><a class="progsoloist" target="_blank"
                     title="Visit Joo Yeon Sir's website">
                     Joo Yeon Sir</a></i></small>&nbsp;      
                        <b><a title="View concert details" href="progmar24.php">Sun&nbsp;10&nbsp;Mar&nbsp;2024, <b>2.30pm</b></a></b>:&nbsp;<br>
                        <b><a title="View concert details" href="progmar24.php">Next HSO concert:</a></b> &ndash;
                        Afternoon Spring concert
      at Oaklands Catholic School, Waterlooville, conducted by <b>Jonathan Butcher</b> and bursary holder <b>Enyi Okpara</b>,
      with soloist <b>Joo Yeon Sir*</b> &ndash; Mussorgsky, Khachaturian, Dvo&#345;&aacute;k
                        <div class=style2324 align=center style="display: inline-block; width: 6em">
                                <a class=linkon target="_blank" title="Book tickets" href="">&nbsp;Tickets&nbsp;</a>
                        <b>*</b><a target="_blank" href=""><b>Dan-Iulian Dru&#355;ac</b></a>
                        will be standing in for <b>Joo Yeon Sir</b> who is unfortunately unwell.&nbsp;
                        <br clear=all>
<div class=item>

<table align=left style="margin-right: 10px;">
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                        <img border="0" src="/images/RiverWye6.jpg" alt="Spring and Summer">

                        <b><a title="View concert details" href="progmay24.php">Sat&nbsp;18&nbsp;May&nbsp;2023, 7.30pm</a></b>:&nbsp;<br>
                        <b><a title="View concert details" href="progmay24.php">Next HCO concert</a></b> &ndash;
                        HCO at Holy Trinity Church, Fareham, 
      conducted by <b>Robin Browning</b> &ndash; 
      Delius, Gounod, Mozart&nbsp;
                        <div class=style2324c align=center style="display: inline-block; width: 6em">
                                <a class=linkon
           title="Book tickets via TicketSource" 
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                        <img src="images/JosephSpooner6.jpg" alt=""></a><br>
                        <small><i><a class="progsoloist" target="_blank"
                     title="Visit Joseph Spooner's website">
                     Joseph Spooner</a></i></small>&nbsp;      
                        <b><a title="View concert details" href="progjul24.php">Sat&nbsp;13&nbsp;Jul&nbsp;2024, 7.30pm</a></b>:&nbsp;<br>
                        <b><a title="View concert details" href="progjul24.php">Summer HSO concert:</a></b> &ndash;
                        Summer Evening concert
      at Oaklands Catholic School, Waterlooville, conducted by <b>Jonathan Butcher</b>,
      with soloist <b>Joseph Spooner</b> &ndash; Smetana, Elgar, Brahms
                        <div class=style2324 align=center style="display: inline-block; width: 6em">
                                <a class=linkon target="_blank" title="Book tickets" href="">&nbsp;Tickets&nbsp;</a>
                        <br clear=all>
See our <b><a title="Visit Events page" href="events.php">Events</a></b> page for many more 
local classical music events (mainly amateur orchestral concerts) around the region.&nbsp;
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                                                            See HCO in action
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                                                        <img alt="" border="0" height="104" src="/images/hco20150207smaller.jpg" title="Watch HCO video extracts" width="226">
                                                        Robin Browning, HCO conductor, created a
                                                        <a href="" target="blank" title="Watch HCO video extracts">
                                                        containing extracts  
      from the February 2015 HCO concert, originally for a
                                                        <a href="" target="_blank" title="View news article with video of HCO">
                                                            news article
                                                        about his appointment as 
      HCO Musical Director on his website
                                                        <a href="" target="_blank" title="Visit Robin Browning's website">
                                                        <a href="cd.php#extracts" title="Visit page for our CD">
                                                            Listen to extracts
                                                        Play start of 4th movement of the Maurice Blower Symphony in&nbsp;C 
      (from the HSO&nbsp;CD recording)
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                                                        Loading player ...
                                                    <script type="text/javascript">
                                                                file: "BlowerSymphony4extract.mp3",
                                                                height: 40,
                                                                width: 240,
                                                                image: ""
                                                        <a href="cd.php#extracts" title="Listen to more HSO extracts">
                                                            More HSO extracts
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                                                            HCO extract
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                                            Havant Orchestras
                                        are administered by
        and District Orchestral Society,
                                        Registered Charity
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                                        <br id="president">
                                            <a href="" target="_blank" title="Visit website for David Willetts">
                                                The Rt Hon Lord Willetts of Havant FRS
                                            <a href="" target="_blank" title="Visit Mayor of Havant website">
                                                The Mayor of Havant
                                            <a href="" target="_blank" title="Visit Mayor of Fareham website">
                                                The Mayor of Fareham
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  trumpet, trombone, french horn, Ferneham Hall, conductor
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