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   ✉ Guerrilla Mail - Disposable Temporary E-Mail Address
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                    "list": [{
                        "mail_from": "[email protected]",
                        "mail_timestamp": 0,
                        "mail_read": 0,
                        "mail_date": "19:16:06",
                        "reply_to": "",
                        "mail_subject": "Welcome to Guerrilla Mail",
                        "mail_excerpt": "Dear Random User,\r\n\r\nThank you for using Guerrilla Mail - your temporary email address friend and spam fighter's ally!\r\n\r\nYour disposable email address has been created ready for use.\r\n\r\nEmail: fwpabe",
                        "mail_id": 1,
                        "att": 0,
                        "content_type": "text",
                        "mail_recipient": "fwpabecr",
                        "source_id": 0,
                        "source_mail_id": 0,
                        "mail_body": "Dear Random User,\r\n\r\nThank you for using Guerrilla Mail - your temporary email address friend and spam fighter's ally!\r\n\r\nYour disposable email address has been created ready for use.\r\n\r\nEmail: [email protected]\r\n\r\nTips & Notes:\r\n\r\n- You can change this email address! Place your mouse over the Inbox ID at the top of this page and click to edit.\r\n\r\n- Once you change to a new address, the old address will remain available, simply change back to it. (Note: email is kept for 1 hour)\r\n\r\n- Waiting for your mail? There is no need to refresh the page, new emails will be added to the list as they come in.\r\n\r\n- All Emails are deleted after 1 hour.\r\n\r\nClick on the back the \"\u00c2\u00ab Back to inbox\" to go back to the mail list\r\n\r\nThanks,\r\n\r\nGuerrilla Mail Team\r\nhttp:\/\/\/\r\n\r\n\"Free to download, but you have to give your email address so they can inevitably attempt to sell you stuff in the future? FTW!\"\r\n\r\nConnect with us:\r\nhttps:\/\/\/GuerrillaMail\r\nhttps:\/\/\/GuerrillaMail",
                        "size": 1034
                    "count": "0",
                    "email": "[email protected]",
                    "alias": "trpbhy+a0817hq9l3yok",
                    "ts": 1714158966,
                    "sid_token": "c5bb6g3u6efqek4644q734ehug",
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                        "sequence_mail": "74,464,155",
                        "created_addresses": 38163242,
                        "received_emails": "16,430,700,307",
                        "total": "16,356,236,152",
                        "total_per_hour": "29500"
                    "auth": {
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                        "error_codes": []
                email_addr: '[email protected]',
                alias: 'trpbhy+a0817hq9l3yok',
                use_alias: true,
                email_timestamp: 1714158966,
                domain: '',
                site: 'emjd',
                limit: 20,
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                row_template: "<tr style=\"%HIDDEN_STYLE%\" class=\"mail_row %UNREAD_CLASS%\" id=\"mr_%MAIL_ID%\" data-seq=\"%MAIL_ID%\">  <td class=\"td1\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"mid[]\" value=\"%MAIL_ID%\"><\/td> <td class=\"td2\">%MAIL_FROM% <\/td>   <td class=\"td3\"> &nbsp;%ATTACH%%MAIL_SUBJECT% <span class=\"email-excerpt\">%MAIL_EXCERPT%<\/span><\/td> <td class=\"td4\">%MAIL_DATE%<\/td><\/tr>",
                stats_template: "Avoid spam and stay safe - use a disposable email address! Click the \"WTF\" button below for help. So far we've processed <b>%RECEIVED_EMAILS% emails%DIFF%<\/b>, \nKeeping your real inbox safe and clean (%TOTAL_PER_HOUR% emails going in \/ hour)",
                no_emails_template: "<tr class=\"no_emails\"><td colspan=\"4\">There are no emails present in the inbox right now. <\/td><\/tr>",
                email_template: "<div class=\"email_page\"><div class=\"email_controls tab-active-space\">\n            <a id=\"back_to_inbox_link\" class=\"button small\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"%INBOX_LINK%\" >\u00ab Back to inbox<\/a> &nbsp;\n            <a id=\"reply_link\" class=\"button small\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"%REPLY_LINK%\" >Reply<\/a> &nbsp;\n            <a id=\"forward_link\" class=\"button small\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"%FORWARD_LINK%\" >Forward<\/a> &nbsp;\n            <a id=\"show_original_link\" rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"button small\" href=\"%SRC_LINK%\" target=\"_new\" >Show Original<\/a> &nbsp;\n            <a id=\"display_images\" style=\"display: none\" class=\"button small\" rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"#\"  >Display Images<\/a><\/div><div class=\"email\" data-ref-mid=\"%REF_MID%\"><h3 class=\"email_subject\">%MAIL_SUBJECT%<\/h3>%ATTACH%<p>From: <strong data-reply-to=\"%REPLY_TO%\" class=\"email_from\">%MAIL_FROM%<\/strong>, To: <strong class=\"email_to\">%MAIL_TO%<\/strong>, Date <strong class=\"email_date\">%MAIL_DATE%<\/strong><\/p><div class=\"email_body\">%MAIL_BODY%<\/div><\/div><\/div>",
                file_list_template: "<li data-filename=\"%FILENAME%\" data-size=\"%SIZE%\" data-media-id=\"%MEDIA_ID%\" data-access-key=\"%ACCESS_KEY%\"> <input id=\"file-cbox-%MEDIA_ID%\" class=\"file-cbox\" type=\"checkbox\" checked><label class=\"file-cboxlabel\" for=\"file-cbox-%MEDIA_ID%\">%FILENAME% %SIZE_STR%<\/label><\/li>",
                att_template: "<p>Warning: Guerrilla Mail doesn't scan files for malware. You open attached files at your own risk<\/p><ul id=\"gm-attach\" class=\"attach\">%ATT_LIST%<\/ul>",
                att_file_template: "<li class=\"attach-file\">Attached file: %ATT_FILE%<\/li>",
                change_logo_on: true
            gm_lang = {
                label: {
                    inline_placeholder: "hey, u can edit",
                    inline_button_cancel: "cancel",
                    inline_button_set: "Set",
                    status_alert_forgetme: "Forget me - request sent to the server.",
                    forgetten_alert: "Your address was forgotten. Please enter a new address or refresh the page",
                    copied_to_clip: "Copied text to clipboard:",
                    delete_sent: "One moment, sending a delete command to the server...",
                    reload_error: "there was an error re-loading the list",
                    hold_on: "Hold on...",
                    done: "Done.",
                    new_mail: "You've Got New Mail (%length%)",
                    next_update: "Next update in: %count% sec.",
                    delete_error: "There was an error deleting the email, please try again later",
                    fetch_older_error: "There was an error fetching the older emails, please try again later",
                    loading: "loading...",
                    fetch_email_error: "There was an error fetching the email, please try again later",
                    already_deleted: "Sorry, it appears that this email was deleted.",
                    set_email_error: "There was an error setting an email, please try again later",
                    email_set: "Email set to <b>%email%<\/b>",
                    ready: "GuerrillaMail TEMP EMAIL SYSTEM - 38911 BYTES FREE. READY.",
                    days: "days",
                    hrs: "hrs",
                    min: "min",
                    sec: "sec",
                    domain_changed: "Domain changed to %DOMAIN%, actually, emails for all of these domains will arrive here!",
                    checking: "Checking...",
                    sending: "Sending...",
                    connect_error: "Error, connection to the server lost",
                    send_to_invalid: "Invalid email address.",
                    send_from_invalid: "Invalid from address.",
                    send_subject_invalid: "Subject is blank.",
                    send_body_invalid: "Body is blank.",
                    captcha_incorrect: "Captcha was incorrect, please re-try",
                    send_completed: "Message dispatched",
                    invalid_stamp: "Invalid stamp",
                    upload_status: "uploading, rec:%RECEIVED% size: %SIZE% percent: %PERCENT%",
                    reply_on: "On %DATE% %EMAIL% wrote:",
                    reply_subject: "Re: %SUBJECT%",
                    forward_msg: "Forwarded message",
                    forward_from: "From: %FROM%",
                    forward_date: "Date: %DATE%",
                    forward_to: "To: %EMAIL%",
                    forward_body_subject: "Subject:  %SUBJECT%",
                    forward_subject: "Fwd:  %SUBJECT%",
                    captcha_instructions_visual: "Type the two words",
                    captcha_instructions_audio: "Type what you hear:",
                    captcha_play_again: "Play sound again",
                    captcha_cant_hear_this: "Download sound as MP3",
                    captcha_visual_challenge: "Get a visual challenge",
                    captcha_audio_challenge: "Get an audio challenge",
                    captcha_refresh_btn: "Get a new challenge",
                    captcha_help_btn: "Help",
                    captcha_incorrect_try_again: "Incorrect. Try again.",
                    captcha_instructions_context: "Type the words in the boxes:",
                    captcha_image_alt_text: "reCAPTCHA challenge image"
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        <h3 class="heading opaque-box" style="">
            Guerrilla Mail - Disposable Temporary E-Mail Address
        <div class="opaque-box" id="stats" style="">
            <div class="inner">
                Avoid spam and stay safe - use a disposable email address! Click the "WTF" button below for help. So far we've processed
                    16,430,700,307 emails
Keeping your real inbox safe and clean (29500 emails going in / hour)
        <div style="text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto; width: 730px;">
            <script async="" src="//">
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                                                                <span id="brave">Remove Adz? <a href="">Download the privacy-aware Brave Browser now.</a></span>
        <div id="guerrilla_mail">
            <div class="main-panel" style="margin: 4px; padding: 1em 0 4px 0">
                <div id="dialog-add-domain" style="display: none" title="Use your own domain!">
                    <form action="" id="enter-add-domain-form" method="POST">
                        <p class="info">
                            Do you own a domain? Use it with Guerrilla Mail! Email arriving to your domain will be accessible only by you. Or, you may give access to everyone. Price: $9.99 USD / year. Don't have  a domain? You can get one from
                            <a href="">
                            Enter Domain Name that you own
                        <input id="enter-add-domain" name="new_domain" size="25" type="text">
                        <input id="enter-add-domain-csrf" name="csrf_tok" type="hidden" value="ualYgZ0prOsp5MYvF6704nMNAztautDOV2d0tlRxJtQ-1714158966">
                        <input id="enter-add-domain-csrf" name="domain_type" type="hidden" value="P">
                        <p class="payment">
                            Payment Method:
                            <input id="tv7e9m" name="payment_method" type="radio" value="Coinbase">
                            <label for="tv7e9m">
                            <input checked="" id="h8dw2bn" name="payment_method" type="radio" value="PayPal">
                            <label for="h8dw2bn">
                <div class="show_address" style="margin: auto">
                                <div class="col1" style="float:left; width: 20%; text-align: right; ">
                                                <img src="/img/arrow.png">
                    <div class="col2" style="">
                        <span class="js_only strong" data-intro="This is your Inbox ID, there's no signup or passwords. You may change your Inbox ID to whatever you like. You may choose alternative domains too, all email will arrive to the same inbox below. All addresses last forever, and anyone can access it if they know this Inbox ID. Email messages are held for one hour before they are deleted, if you check them or not." data-step="1" dir="ltr">
                            <span class="editable js_only button" id="inbox-id" title="Click to Edit">
                            <select class="strong" id="gm-host-select">
                                <option value="">
                                <option value="">
                                <option value="">
                                <option value="">
                                <option value="">
                                <option value="">
                                <option value="">
                                <option value="">
                                <option value="">
                                <option value="">
                                <option value="">
                        <a class="button small js_only" href="/?fgt=1" id="forget_button" rel="nofollow">
                            Forget Me
                        <a class="button small js_only" href="#" id="help">
                        <span class="outline js_only" data-intro="This is the email address you give out. It is a scrambled version of [email protected] - so it will be harder to guess which Inbox Id was used. (It's best to choose a uniquely random Inbox ID)." data-step="2" id="email-widget">
                            [email protected]
                        <!-- <span dir="ltr" class="strong js_only"><span id="alias">trpbhy+a0817hq9l3yok</span>@ -->
                        <span id="copy-to-clip-container">
                            <span class="button small js_only copy-clip" id="copy_to_clip">
        Copy to clipboard
                        <span class="js_only" id="alias-box">
                            <input checked="" id="use-alias" name="alias" type="checkbox" value="1">
                            <label for="use-alias">
                                <img height="16" src="/img/mask-alias.png" width="16">
                                Scramble Address
                            <div style="display: inline">
                                <form action="/" id="set_email_form" method="POST">
                                    Inbox ID:
                                    <input class="outline" name="set_email" size="15" type="text" value="fwpabecr">
                                    <input class="button" name="set_email_button" type="submit" value="Set">
                                    <a class="button small" href="/?fgt=1" id="forget_button" rel="nofollow">
                                        Forget Me
                                    Your Email Address is:
                                    <input class="outline" disabled="" name="show_email" size="45" type="text" value="[email protected]">
                            <a class="button small" href="/?r=1" id="refresh_button" rel="nofollow">
                                Refresh Inbox
                <div id="tabs-content" style="">
                    <div id="tab_bar">
                            <li class="nav_item nav_not_active current_nav_item tab-active-space" id="nav-item-inbox">
                                <a class="nav_not_active_a" href="/inbox" title="Email">
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                        <div class="clear">
                    <div class="tab_content active_tab loaded" data-title="✉ Guerrilla Mail - Disposable Temporary E-Mail Address" id="inbox">
                        <div id="display_email">
                        <form action="/" class="email_list_form" method="POST">
                            <table data-intro="New mail arrives here. You can click on the confirmation links, open attachments, view the original source, reply and more. All mail arrives here, including potential spam. Spam that would otherwise go to you!" data-position="top" data-step="3" id="email_table">
                                <caption class="email_list_caption">
                                    <div class="email_controls tab-active-space">
                                        <input class="button" id="del_button" type="submit" value="Delete">
                                        <div id="tick">
                                            Javascript is disabled. Some features are not available
                                    <col class="c1">
                                    <col class="c2">
                                    <col class="c3">
                                    <col class="c4">
                                <tbody id="email_list">
                                    <tr class="mail_row email_unread" data-seq="1" id="mr_1" style="">
                                        <td class="td1">
                                            <input name="mid[]" type="checkbox" value="1">
                                        <td class="td2">
                                            [email protected]
                                        <td class="td3">
                                            <a href="/inbox?mail_id=1" rel="nofollow" title="View mail #1">
                                                Welcome to Guerrilla Mail
                                            <span class="email-excerpt">
                                                Dear Random User,

Thank you for using Guerrilla Mail - your temporary email address friend and spam fighter's ally!

Your disposable email address has been created ready for use.

Email: fwpabe
                                        <td class="td4">
                    <div class="tab_content hidden_tab" data-title="Compose Email" id="compose">
                        <div class="loading-tab">
                            <img alt="Loading" height="15" src="/img/page-loader.gif" width="120">
                    <div class="tab_content hidden_tab" data-title="Tools" id="tools">
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                            <img alt="Loading" height="15" src="/img/page-loader.gif" width="120">
                    <div class="tab_content hidden_tab" data-title="About Guerrilla Mail" id="about">
                        <div class="loading-tab">
                            <img alt="Loading" height="15" src="/img/page-loader.gif" width="120">
        <div class="fancy-box" style="margin-top: 15px;">
            <div style="text-align: center; max-width: 600px; margin: auto; margin-bottom:20px">
                <div data-intro="One small thing before you go... we would appreciate if you could give our service your valued approval. Thanks!" data-position="top" data-step="4" style="width: 350px; margin: auto">
                    <a class="badge-box" href="" style=" ">
                    <a class="badge-box" href="" style="  background-position: 0px -100px;">
                    <a class="badge-box" href="" style="background-position: 0px -50px;">
                    <br style="clear: both">
                    <div style="text-align: center; max-width: 600px; margin: auto; margin-bottom:20px">
Donate Ethereum: <a
href="" style="font-size:0.8em;">0xcab4fcb0eb9dfb4f2efe5f52afc7b120d764cc83</a>
/ guerrillamail.eth<br>

                                                                <img width=128 height=128 style="position: relative;
    left: 32px; "
                                                                <img width="64" height="64" src=""
                     style="position:relative; top:-32px; left:-64px; animation: heartbeat 1s infinite;">
                                                All donations are used to fund our bounty budget for our <a href="">open
            source project</a>.

                        <div style="background: #ffffff">
                            GuerrillaMail's email is powered by
                            <a href="">
                            , our open-source project.
            <div class="opaque-box" id="copyright">
       is an anti-spam weapon of choice!
                Copyright 2006 - 2024 Jamit Software Limited |
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Latest requests

# Url Url Source Date
1 2024-04-26 19:16:06
2… 2024-04-26 19:16:05
3… 2024-04-26 19:16:01
4… 2024-04-26 19:15:57
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