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      KUBATOTO: Link Situs Slot Gacor SLot88 Hari Ini Gampang Scatter Hitam
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                            : /\bzte[ _\-]?([a-su-z0-9\+]+)/;
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                            ? /\bhtc[ _\-]?([a-z0-9 ]+(?= build))/
                            : /\bhtc[ _\-]?([a-z0-9 ]+)/;
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                            ? /\bblackberry\s?(\d+)/
                            : "bb10";
                    t = 0;
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                  { version: e, ua_info: f });
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              "complete" === o.readyState ? t() : s(n, "load", t);
      !(function (o) {
        function t(r) {
          if (e[r]) return e[r].exports;
          var a = (e[r] = { exports: {}, id: r, loaded: !1 });
          return (
            o[r].call(a.exports, a, a.exports, t), (a.loaded = !0), a.exports
        var e = {};
        return (t.m = o), (t.c = e), (t.p = ""), t(0);
        function (o, t, e) {
          "use strict";
          !(function () {
            var o = window.goldlog || (window.goldlog = {});
            o._aplus_cplugin_m || (o._aplus_cplugin_m = e(1).run());
        function (o, t, e) {
          "use strict";
          var r = e(2),
            a = e(3),
            n = e(4),
            s = navigator.sendBeacon ? "post" : "get";
            ( = function () {
              return {
                status: "complete",
                do_tracker_jserror: function (o) {
                  try {
                    var t = new n({
                        logkey: o ? o.logkey : "",
                          o && "number" == typeof o.ratio && o.ratio > 0
                            ? o.ratio
                            : r.jsErrorRecordRatio,
                      e = [
                        "Message: " + o.message,
                        "Error object: " + o.error,
                        "Url: " + location.href,
                      ].join(" - "),
                      c = goldlog.spm_ab || [],
                      i = location.hostname + location.pathname;
                      code: 110,
                      page: i,
                      msg: "record_jserror_by" + s + "_" + o.message,
                      spm_a: c[0],
                      spm_b: c[1],
                      c1: e,
                      c2: o.filename,
                      c3: location.protocol + "//" + i,
                      c4: goldlog.pvid || "",
                      c5: o.logid || "",
                  } catch (o) {
                    a.logger({ msg: o });
                do_tracker_lostpv: function (o) {
                  var t = !1;
                  try {
                    if (o && {
                      var e = o.spm_ab ? o.spm_ab.split(".") : [],
                        c = "record_lostpv_by" + s + "_" + o.msg,
                        i = new n({ ratio: o.ratio || r.lostPvRecordRatio });
                        code: 102,
                        msg: c,
                        spm_a: e[0],
                        spm_b: e[1],
                        c1: o.duration,
                        c2: o.page_url,
                        (t = !0);
                  } catch (o) {
                    a.logger({ msg: o });
                  return t;
                do_tracker_obsolete_inter: function (o) {
                  var t = !1;
                  try {
                    if (o && {
                      var e = o.spm_ab ? o.spm_ab.split(".") : [],
                        c = "record_obsolete interface be called by" + s,
                        i = new n({
                          ratio: o.ratio || r.obsoleteInterRecordRatio,
                          code: 109,
                          msg: c,
                          spm_a: e[0],
                          spm_b: e[1],
                          c1: o.interface_name,
                          c2: o.interface_params,
                        (t = !0);
                  } catch (o) {
                    a.logger({ msg: o });
                  return t;
                do_tracker_browser_support: function (o) {
                  var t = !1;
                  try {
                    if (o && {
                      var e = o.spm_ab ? o.spm_ab.split(".") : [],
                        c = new n({ ratio: o.ratio || r.browserSupportRatio }),
                        i = goldlog._aplus_client || {},
                        l = i.ua_info || {};
                        code: 111,
                        msg: o.msg + "_by" + s,
                        spm_a: e[0],
                        spm_b: e[1],
                        c1: [l.o, l.b, l.w].join("_"),
                        c2: o.etag || "",
                        c3: o.cna || "",
                        (t = !0);
                  } catch (o) {
                    a.logger({ msg: o });
                  return t;
                do_tracker_common_analysis: function (o) {
                  var t = !1;
                  try {
                    if (o && {
                      var e = o.spm_ab ? o.spm_ab.split(".") : [],
                        c = new n({ ratio: o.ratio || r.browserSupportRatio }),
                        i = goldlog._aplus_client || {},
                        l = i.ua_info || {};
                        code: 113,
                        msg: o.msg + "_by" + s,
                        spm_a: e[0],
                        spm_b: e[1],
                        c1: [l.o, l.b, l.w].join("_"),
                        c2: o.init_time || "",
                        c3: o.wspv_time || 0,
                        c4: o.load_time || 0,
                        c5: o.channel_type,
                        (t = !0);
                  } catch (o) {
                    a.logger({ msg: o });
                  return t;
        function (o, t) {
          "use strict";
          (t.lostPvRecordRatio = "0.01"),
            (t.obsoleteInterRecordRatio = "0.001"),
            (t.jsErrorRecordRatio = "0.001"),
            (t.browserSupportRatio = "0.001"),
            (t.goldlogQueueRatio = "0.01");
        function (o, t) {
          "use strict";
          var e = function (o) {
            var t = o.level || "warn";
            window.console && window.console[t] && window.console[t](o.msg);
          (t.logger = e),
            (t.assign = function (o, t) {
              if ("function" != typeof Object.assign) {
                var e = function (o) {
                  if (null === o)
                    throw new TypeError(
                      "Cannot convert undefined or null to object"
                  for (var t = Object(o), e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) {
                    var r = arguments[e];
                    if (null !== r)
                      for (var a in r)
              , a) &&
                          (t[a] = r[a]);
                  return t;
                return e(o, t);
              return Object.assign({}, o, t);
            (t.makeCacheNum = function () {
              return Math.floor(268435456 * Math.random()).toString(16);
            (t.obj2param = function (o) {
              var t,
                r = [];
              for (t in o)
                o.hasOwnProperty(t) &&
                  ((e = "" + o[t]), r.push(t + "=" + encodeURIComponent(e)));
              return r.join("&");
        function (o, t, e) {
          var r = e(3),
            a = { ratio: 1, logkey: "fsp.1.1", gmkey: "", chksum: "H46747615" },
            n = function (o) {
              (o && "object" == typeof o) || (o = a),
                (this.opts = o),
                (this.opts.ratio = o.ratio || a.ratio),
                (this.opts.logkey = o.logkey || a.logkey),
                (this.opts.gmkey = o.gmkey || a.gmkey),
                (this.opts.chksum = o.chksum || a.chksum);
            s = n.prototype;
          (s.getRandom = function () {
            return Math.floor(1e3 * Math.random()) + 1;
            ( = function (o, t) {
              var e,
                n = { pid: "aplus", code: 101, msg: "异常内容" },
                s = "";
              try {
                var c = window.goldlog || {},
                  i = c._$ || {},
                  l = i.meta_info || {},
                  g = parseFloat(l["aplus-tracker-rate"]);
                if (
                  ((e = this.opts || {}),
                  ("number" == typeof g && g + "" != "NaN") || (g = e.ratio),
                  (a = this.getRandom()),
                  t || a <= 1e3 * g)
                ) {
                  (s = "//" + e.logkey),
                    (o.rel = i.script_name + "@" + c.lver),
                    (o.type = o.code),
                    (o.uid = encodeURIComponent(c.getCookie("cna"))),
                    (o = r.assign(n, o));
                  var u = r.obj2param(o);
                  c.tracker = c.send(
                    { cache: r.makeCacheNum(), gokey: u, logtype: "2" },
              } catch (o) {
                r.logger({ msg: " exec error: " + o });
            (o.exports = n);
        function (o, t, e) {
          "use strict";
          var r = e(6),
            a = function (o) {
              var t = window.goldlog || {},
                e = (t._$ = t._$ || {}),
                r = t.spm_ab ? t.spm_ab.join(".") : "0.0",
                a = e.send_pv_count || 0;
              if (a < 1 && navigator && navigator.sendBeacon) {
                var n = window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue = []),
                  s = location.hostname + location.pathname;
                  action: [
                  arguments: [
                      page: s,
                      page_url: location.protocol + "//" + s,
                      duration: o,
                      spm_ab: r,
                      msg: "dom_state=" + document.readyState,
 = function () {
            var o = new Date();
            r.on(window, "beforeunload", function () {
              var t = new Date(),
                e = t.getTime() - o.getTime();
        function (o, t) {
          "use strict";
          var e = self,
            r = e.document,
            a = !!r.attachEvent,
            n = "attachEvent",
            s = "addEventListener",
            c = a ? n : s;
          (t.getIframeUrl = function (o) {
            var t,
              e = "//";
            return (
              (t =
                goldlog && "function" == typeof goldlog.getCdnPath
                  ? goldlog.getCdnPath() || e
                  : e),
              (o || "https") +
                ":" +
                t +
            (t.on = function (o, t, r) {
                (a ? "on" : "") + t,
                function (o) {
                  o = o || e.event;
                  var t = || o.srcElement;
                  "function" == typeof r && r(o, t);
            (t.checkLs = function () {
              var o;
              try {
                window.localStorage &&
                  (localStorage.setItem("test_log_cna", "1"),
                  "1" === localStorage.getItem("test_log_cna") &&
                    (localStorage.removeItem("test_log_cna"), (o = !0)));
              } catch (t) {
                o = !1;
              return o;
            (t.tracker_iframe_status = function (o, t) {
              var e = window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue = []),
                r = goldlog.spm_ab ? goldlog.spm_ab.join(".") : "",
                a = "createIframe_" + t.status + "_id=" + o;
              t.msg && (a += "_" + t.msg),
                  action: "goldlog._aplus_cplugin_m.do_tracker_browser_support",
                  arguments: [
                      page: location.hostname + location.pathname,
                      msg: a,
                      browser_attr: navigator.userAgent,
                      spm_ab: r,
                      cna: t.duration || "",
                      ratio: 1,
            (t.tracker_ls_failed = function () {
              var o = window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue = []),
                t = goldlog.spm_ab ? goldlog.spm_ab.join(".") : "";
                action: "goldlog._aplus_cplugin_m.do_tracker_browser_support",
                arguments: [
                    page: location.hostname + location.pathname,
                    msg: "donot support localStorage",
                    browser_attr: navigator.userAgent,
                    spm_ab: t,
            (t.processMsgData = function (o) {
              var t = {};
              try {
                var e = "{}";
                (e =
                  "TextEncoder" in window && "object" == typeof o
                    ? new window.TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(o)
                    : o),
                  (t = JSON.parse(e));
              } catch (o) {
                t = {};
              return t;
            (t.do_pub_fn = function (o, t) {
              var e = window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue = []);
                action: "goldlog.aplus_pubsub.publish",
                arguments: [o, t],
                  action: "goldlog.aplus_pubsub.cachePubs",
                  arguments: [o, t],
      ]); /*! 2024-09-10 16:39:24 v8.15.24 */
      !(function (e) {
        function t(o) {
          if (n[o]) return n[o].exports;
          var r = (n[o] = { exports: {}, id: o, loaded: !1 });
          return (
            e[o].call(r.exports, r, r.exports, t), (r.loaded = !0), r.exports
        var n = {};
        return (t.m = e), (t.c = n), (t.p = ""), t(0);
        function (e, t, n) {
          "use strict";
          !(function () {
            var e = window.goldlog || (window.goldlog = {});
            if (!e._aplus_auto_exp) {
              e._aplus_auto_exp = {
                tags: {},
                status: "init",
                exp_times: 0,
                elementSelectorSizeMap: {},
              var t = n(1);
              t.init(function () {
                e._aplus_auto_exp.status = "complete";
        function (e, t, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o,
            r = n(2),
            i = n(3),
            a = n(4);
          o = n(window.IntersectionObserver ? 19 : 22);
          var u = n(23),
            s = n(12);
          t.init = function (e) {
            var t,
              n = window.goldlog || (window.goldlog = {}),
              l = !1,
              c = !1,
              p = function (e) {
                c ||
                  ((c = e),
                  l ||
                    (r.wrap(function () {
                      (t = s.getAutoExpConfig() || []),
                        i.isDebugAplus() &&
                              "aplus-auto-exp metaVaue init: " +
                      var e;
                      t &&
                        t.length > 0 &&
                        (e = a.create({
                          isThrottleWatch: s.isThrottleWatchDom(),
                          autoExpConfig: t,
                        e.init({ type: "init" })),
                          function (n, r, l) {
                            if ("aplus-auto-exp" === n) {
                              i.isDebugAplus() &&
                                    "aplus-auto-exp metaVaue change: " +
                              var c = s.getAutoExpConfig(r);
                              if (JSON.stringify(c) === JSON.stringify(t))
                              if (
                                ((t = c),
                                l || (l = { from: "setMetaInfo" }),
                                o.clear(t, l),
                                e && e.clear(l),
                                r && t && t.length > 0)
                              ) {
                                var p = {
                                  isThrottleWatch: s.isThrottleWatchDom(),
                                  autoExpConfig: t,
                                  ? e.reset(p, l)
                                  : ((e = a.create(p)),
                                    e.init({ type: "init" }));
                    }, "do_init"),
                    (l = !0)));
            setTimeout(function () {
              l ||
                  msg: "aplus_auto_exp_init failed! please check whether aplusJs is loaded correctly!",
            }, 5e3);
            var g = n._$ || {},
              f = window.g_SPM || {};
            "complete" === g.status && f.spm && p();
            var h = window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue = []);
              action: "goldlog.aplus_pubsub.subscribe",
              arguments: [
                function (e) {
                  "complete" === e && p("aplusReady");
              "function" == typeof e && e();
        function (e, t) {
          "use strict";
          var n = function (e, t) {
              var n = window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue = []);
                action: "goldlog._aplus_cplugin_track_deb.monitor",
                arguments: [
                    key: "APLUS_PLUGIN_DEBUG",
                    title: "aplus_core",
                    msg: [
                      "_error_:methodName=" +
                        t +
                        ",params=" +
                    type: "updateMsg",
                    description: t || "aplus_core",
            o = function (e, t, n) {
              var o = window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue = []);
                action: ["goldlog", "_aplus_cplugin_m", t].join("."),
                arguments: [e, n],
          (t.do_tracker_jserror = function (e, t) {
            var r = "do_tracker_jserror";
            o(e, r, t), n(e, r);
            (t.do_tracker_obsolete_inter = function (e, t) {
              var r = "do_tracker_obsolete_inter";
              o(e, r, t), n(e, r);
            (t.wrap = function (e) {
              if ("function" == typeof e)
                try {
                } catch (e) {
                  n({ msg: e.message || e }, "exception");
                } finally {
        function (e, t) {
          "use strict";
          var n = function () {
            var e = !1;
            return (
              "boolean" == typeof goldlog.aplusDebug &&
                (e = goldlog.aplusDebug),
          t.isDebugAplus = n;
          var o = function (e) {
            e || (e = {});
            var t = e.level || "warn";
            window.console && window.console[t] && window.console[t](e.msg);
          t.logger = o;
        function (e, t, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(5),
            r = n(6),
            i = n(2),
            a = n(16),
            u = n(3),
            s = n(18),
            l = n(12),
            c = n(9),
            p = window,
            g = document,
            f = r.throttle(function () {
              var e = arguments[0];
              "function" == typeof e && e();
            }, 200),
            h = o.extend({
              eachElements: function (e, t) {
                for (var n = t.logkey || "", o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {
                  var i = e[o],
                    a = i.getAttribute(l.DATA_APLUS_AE_KEY);
                  if (!(a && a.indexOf("_") > 0)) {
                    isNaN(parseInt(a)) &&
                      ((a = goldlog._aplus_auto_exp.elementSelectorSizeMap[
                      i.setAttribute(l.DATA_APLUS_AE_KEY, a));
                    var u = r.getElementHash(t, {
                        ignore_attr: !1,
                        index: a,
                        ele: i,
                      c = u.hash_value,
                      p = u.hash_key,
                      g = s.checkIsRecord(i, c, l.DATA_APLUS_AE_KEY),
                      f = r.checkIsInHashMap({
                        logkey: n,
                        hash_value: c,
                        goldlogKey: "_aplus_auto_exp",
                    if (!g && !f) {
                      var h = {
                        expConfig: t,
                        hash_value: c,
                        hash_key: p,
                        element: i,
                        status: 0,
                        elementSelector: t.elementSelector,
                      r.updateExpHashMap(n, h, "ADD");
              handler_dom_change: function (e, t) {
                try {
                  for (
                    var n = this.autoExpConfig || [], o = 0;
                    o < n.length;
                  ) {
                    var i = n[o],
                      a = r.getElements(i, g);
                    ] ||
                      ] = 1),
                      this.eachElements(a, i);
                  goldlog.aplus_pubsub.publish("APLUS_AE_DOM_CHANGE", t || {});
                } catch (e) {
                  u.logger({ msg: e && e.message });
              init_watch_dom: function () {
                var e = this,
                  t = goldlog._aplus_auto_exp || {};
                e._loop_observer = setTimeout(function () {
                  "blur" !== t.current_win_status
                    ? (goldlog.aplusDebug &&
                            "watch_dom LOOP_TIME is " +
                            l.LOOP_TIME +
                            "ms total: " +
                      e.handler_dom_change(null, { type: "polling" }),
                    : (t.watch_dom_running = !1);
                }, l.LOOP_TIME);
              onFocusHandler: function () {
                var e = this,
                  t = goldlog._aplus_auto_exp || {};
                (t.current_win_status = "focus"),
                  t.watch_dom_running || e.init_watch_dom();
              onBlurHandler: function () {
                var e = goldlog._aplus_auto_exp || {};
                e.current_win_status = "blur";
              onVisibilityChange: function () {
                var e = this;
                "visible" === g.visibilityState
                  ? e.onFocusHandler()
                  : "hidden" === g.visibilityState && e.onBlurHandler();
              addAllListener: function () {
                var e = this,
                  t = goldlog._aplus_auto_exp || {};
                (t.watch_times = 0),
                  (t.watch_dom_running = !0),
                  p.WindVane &&
                    g.addEventListener &&
                    (a.on(g, "WV.Event.APP.Active", e.onFocusHandler, !1),
                    a.on(g, "WV.Event.APP.Background", e.onBlurHandler, !1)),
                  "hidden" in g
                    ? a.on(p, "visibilitychange", e.onVisibilityChange)
                    : (a.on(p, "blur", e.onBlurHandler),
                      a.on(p, "focus", e.onFocusHandler));
              removeAllListener: function () {
                var e = this;
                p.WindVane &&
                  g.removeEventListener &&
                  (a.un(g, "WV.Event.APP.Active", e.onFocusHandler, !1),
                  a.un(g, "WV.Event.APP.Background", e.onBlurHandler, !1)),
                  "hidden" in g
                    ? a.un(p, "visibilitychange", e.onVisibilityChange)
                    : (a.un(p, "blur", e.onBlurHandler),
                      a.un(p, "focus", e.onFocusHandler));
              isIgnoreExpose: function (e, t) {
                var n = goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-auto-exp-ignoreviews"),
                  o = goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-auto-exp-ignoreclassnames"),
                  i = [
                if (
                  (n && r.isArray(n) && n.length > 0 && (i = n),
                  t && i.indexOf(t) > -1)
                  return !0;
                var a = !1;
                if (o && r.isArray(o)) {
                  var u = e && e.getAttribute ? e.getAttribute("class") : "",
                    s = u ? u.split(" ") : [];
                  c(o, function (e) {
                    if (
                      (e &&
                        c(s, function (t) {
                          if (t.trim() === e.trim()) return (a = !0), "break";
                      return "break";
                return a;
              init_observer: function (e, t) {
                var n = this,
                  o = ["class", "style"],
                  a = function (e) {
                    return "characterData" === e.type
                      ? []
                      : "attributes" === e.type &&
                        o.indexOf(e.attributeName) > -1
                      ? []
                      : "childList" !== e.type
                      ? []
                      : void 0;
                  s = function (e, o) {
                    if (e && e.length > 0)
                      for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
                        var a = e[r] || {},
                          u = a.nodeName,
                          s = goldlog._aplus_auto_exp.tags || {};
                        s[u] || (s[u] = 0),
                          (goldlog._aplus_auto_exp.tags = s),
                          n.isIgnoreExpose(a, u) ||
                            i.wrap(function () {
                              var e = goldlog._aplus_auto_exp || {};
                              var n = o.attributeName;
                              t(a, { type: o.type + (n ? "_" + n : "") });
                            }, "init_observer_init_elements");
                this._observer ||
                  (this._observer = new e(function (e) {
                    if (e && e.length > 0)
                      for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
                        var n = e[t] || {},
                          o = r.nodelistToArray(n.addedNodes || []);
                        (o = r.nodelistToArray(a(n), o)), s(o, n);
                var l = {
                  attributes: !0,
                  childList: !0,
                  characterData: !0,
                  subtree: !0,
                this._observer.observe(g.body, l),
                  r.IS_DEBUG &&
                      msg: "aplus_auto_exp init MutationObserver success!",
              init: function (e) {
                var t = this,
                  n = goldlog._aplus_auto_exp || {};
                e && "reset" !== e.type && !n.hash_value && (n.hash_value = {}),
                  t.handler_dom_change(null, { type: "aplus_init" });
                var o =
                  p.MutationObserver ||
                  p.WebKitMutationObserver ||
                  ? ((n.observer_times = 0),
                    t.init_observer(o, function (e, n) {
                      f(function () {
                        t.handler_dom_change(e, n);
                  : t.addAllListener();
              clear: function (e) {
                if (!e || "appendMetaInfo" !== e.from) {
                  var t = goldlog._aplus_auto_exp || {};
                  t._acHashMap && (t._acHashMap = {}),
                    t.hash_value && (t.hash_value = {}),
                    (goldlog._aplus_auto_exp = t),
                    this._loop_observer &&
                      (this._loop_observer = null)),
                      ? (this._observer.takeRecords(),
                      : this.removeAllListener();
              clearDom: function (e, t) {
                var n = this.autoExpConfig || [];
                if (t && "appendMetaInfo" !== t.from)
                  for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++)
                    try {
                      for (
                        var r = n[o].elementSelector,
                          i = g.querySelectorAll(r),
                          a = 0;
                        a < i.length;
                        i[a].setAttribute(l.DATA_APLUS_AE_KEY, "");
                    } catch (e) {}
                this.autoExpConfig =
                  e && e.autoExpConfig ? e.autoExpConfig : [];
              reset: function (e, t) {
                this.clearDom(e, t), this.init({ type: "reset" });
          e.exports = h;
        function (e, t) {
          "use strict";
          function n() {}
          (n.prototype.extend = function () {}),
            (n.prototype.create = function () {}),
            (n.extend = function (e) {
              return, e);
            (n.prototype.create = function (e) {
              var t = new this();
              for (var n in e) t[n] = e[n];
              return t;
            (n.prototype.extend = function (e) {
              var t = function () {};
              try {
                "function" != typeof Object.create &&
                  (Object.create = function (e) {
                    function t() {}
                    return (t.prototype = e), new t();
                  (t.prototype = Object.create(this.prototype));
                for (var n in e) t.prototype[n] = e[n];
                (t.prototype.constructor = t),
                  (t.extend = t.prototype.extend),
                  (t.create = t.prototype.create);
              } catch (e) {
              } finally {
                return t;
            (e.exports = n);
        function (e, t, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(e, t, n) {
            var o = t.hash_value,
              r = a.getGoldlogVal(n) || {};
            if (
              (r.hash_value || (r.hash_value = {}),
              r.hash_value[e] || (r.hash_value[e] = i.Map ? new i.Map() : {}),
            ) {
              var u = r.hash_value[e].get(o);
              u ? ++u : (u = 1), r.hash_value[e].set(o, u);
            } else
                ? ++r.hash_value[e][o]
                : (r.hash_value[e][o] = 1);
            a.setGoldlogVal(n, r);
          var r = document,
            i = window,
            a = n(7),
            u = n(3),
            s = n(8),
            l = n(9),
            c = n(10),
            p = n(11),
            g = n(12),
            f = function (e) {
              return "[object Array]" ===;
          (t.isArray = f),
            (t.getXPath = function (e) {
              var t,
                s = r.getElementsByTagName("*");
              for (t = []; e && 1 == e.nodeType; e = e.parentNode)
                if ( {
                  for (u =, i = 0, n = 0; n < s.length; n++)
                    if (((a = s[n]), && == u)) {
                  if (
                    (t.unshift(e.tagName.toLowerCase() + '[@id="' + u + '"]'),
                    1 == i)
                    return t.unshift("/"), t.join("/");
                } else {
                  for (n = 1, o = e.previousSibling; o; o = o.previousSibling)
                    o.tagName == e.tagName && n++;
                  t.unshift(e.tagName.toLowerCase() + "[" + n + "]");
              return t.length ? "/" + t.join("/") : null;
          var h = function (e, t) {
            if (((t && 0 !== t.length) || (t = []), e && e.length > 0))
              for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) t.push(e[n]);
            return t;
          (t.nodelistToArray = h),
            (t.getElements = function (e, t) {
              var n = t || r,
                o = [];
              if (n.querySelectorAll)
                o = h(n.querySelectorAll(e.elementSelector) || []);
                for (
                  var i = document.getElementsByTagName(e.tag),
                    a = e.filter.split("="),
                    u = a.length > 0 ? a[0].trim() : "",
                    s = a.length > 1 ? a[1].trim() : "",
                    l = 0;
                  l < i.length;
                ) {
                  var c = i[l],
                    p = c.getAttribute(u),
                    g = c.hasAttribute(u);
                  !g || (s && s !== p) || o.push(c);
              return o;
          var d = function () {
              return /aplusDebug=true/.test(;
            v = d();
          (t.IS_DEBUG = v),
            (t.fillPropsData = function (e, t, n) {
              n || (n = {});
              try {
                var o = e.props || [];
                if (o && f(o) && o.length > 0)
                  for (var r = 0; r < o.length; r++)
                    if (t && t.getAttribute) {
                      var i = o[r],
                        a = t.getAttribute(i);
                      void 0 !== typeof a &&
                        null !== a &&
                        "" !== a &&
                        (n[i] = encodeURIComponent(a));
              } catch (e) {
                u.logger({ msg: e && e.message });
              return n;
            (t.fillFilterData = function (e, t, n) {
              n || (n = {});
              try {
                var o = e.filter || "",
                  r = o.split("=");
                if (f(r) && r[1]) n[r[0]] = r[1];
                else if (r[0] && t && t.getAttribute) {
                  var i = t.getAttribute(r[0]) || "";
                  void 0 !== typeof i &&
                    null !== i &&
                    "" !== i &&
                    (n[r[0]] = i);
              } catch (e) {
                u.logger({ msg: e && e.message });
              return n;
          var _ = function (e) {
            return !!/^POST|GET$/i.test(e);
          t.isMethod = _;
          var m = function (e) {
            var t = !!/^\d+$/.test(e);
            return !!(t && parseInt(e) > 0);
          (t.isPkgSize = m),
            (t.filterExpConfigRequestCfg = function (e) {
              var t = g.getDefaultRequestCfg() || {};
              try {
                var n = e || {};
                _(n.method) && (t.method = n.method),
                  m(n.pkgSize) && (t.pkgSize = parseInt(n.pkgSize));
              } catch (e) {
                u.logger({ msg: e && e.message });
              return t;
          var y = function (e) {
            var t = e.split("&"),
              n = {};
            return (
              t.length > 0 &&
                l(t, function (e) {
                  var t = e.split("=");
                  2 === t.length && (n[t[0]] = p.tryToEncodeURIComponent(t[1]));
          t.autoUserFnHandler = function (e, t, n) {
            var o = { userdata: {}, spm: "", scm: "" };
            try {
              var r = e(t, n);
              r &&
                ("string" == typeof r
                  ? (o.userdata = y(r))
                  : "object" == typeof r &&
                    "object" == typeof r.userdata &&
                    (c(r.userdata, function (e, t) {
                      o.userdata[e] = p.tryToEncodeURIComponent(t);
                    (o.spm = r.spm),
                    (o.scm = r.scm)));
            } catch (e) {
            return o;
          var b = function (e, t) {
              var n = "";
              if (e && t) {
                var o = [e.getAttribute(t.filter)],
                  r = t.props || [];
                if (r)
                  for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++)
                n = o.join("_");
              return n;
            w = function (e) {
              var t = e.getAttribute("data-spm-anchor-id");
              if (t) {
                var n = t.split(".");
                return { a: n[0], b: n[1], c: n[2], d: n[3], e: n[4] };
          (t.getSpmObj = w),
            (t.getElementHash = function (e, t) {
              var n = {};
              "aplus_webvt" !== e.source &&
                (n = w(t.ele) || g_SPM.getParam(t.ele));
              var o = "",
                r = "x" + t.index;
              if (n.a && n.b && n.c && n.d) {
                var i = /^i/.test(n.d) ? r : n.d;
                o = n.a + "_" + n.b + "_" + n.c + "_" + i;
              } else (o = r), goldlog.pvid && (o += goldlog.pvid);
              t.ignore_attr ||
                ((o += e.logkey + "_"),
                (o += e.elementSelector + "_"),
                (o += b(t.ele, e)));
              var a = r + "_" + s.hash(o);
              return { hash_value: a, hash_key: r + "_" + o };
            (t.filterUnloadAttr = function (e) {
              return (
                e &&
                  ((e = e.replace(
                  (e = e.replace(/\s\>/g, ">")),
                  (e = e.replace(
                    new RegExp(
                      g.DATA_APLUS_AE_KEY + "=[\\'|\\\"]\\w+[\\'|\\\"]"
                  (e = e.replace(
                    new RegExp(
                      g.DATA_APLUS_AC_KEY + "=[\\'|\\\"]\\w+[\\'|\\\"]"
          var E = function (e, t) {
              for (var n, o = 0, r = e.length; o < r; ) {
                var i = e[o] || {};
                if (i.hash_value === t.hash_value)
                  return (e[o] = t), (n = !0), e;
              return n || e.push(t), e;
            A = function (e, t, n, r) {
              if ((n || (n = "ADD"), e && "object" == typeof t)) {
                var i = a.getGoldlogVal(r) || {},
                  u = i._acHashMap || {},
                  s = u[e] || [],
                  l = function () {
                    for (var e = 0, n = s.length; e < n; ) {
                      var o = s[e] || {};
                      if (o.hash_value === t.hash_value) return e;
                    return -1;
                  c = l();
                "ADD" === n && c === -1
                  ? (s.push(t), o(e, t, r))
                  : "CLEAR" === n && c > -1
                  ? s.splice(c, 1)
                  : "UPDATE" === n && (s = E(s, t)),
                  (u[e] = s),
                  (i._acHashMap = u),
                  a.setGoldlogVal(r, i);
          (t.updateExpHashMap = function (e, t, n) {
            A(e, t, n, "_aplus_auto_exp");
            (t.updateClkHashMap = function (e, t, n) {
              A(e, t, n, "_aplus_ac");
          var x = function () {
            return new Date().getTime();
          (t.throttle = function (e, t, n) {
            var o,
              u = 0;
            n || (n = {});
            var s = function () {
                (a = e.apply(r, i)),
                  (u = n.leading === !1 ? 0 : x()),
                  (o = null),
                  o || (r = i = null);
              l = function () {
                u || n.leading !== !1 || (u = x());
                var l = t - (x() - u);
                return (
                  (r = this),
                  (i = arguments),
                  l <= 0 || l > t
                    ? (o && (clearTimeout(o), (o = null)),
                      (a = e.apply(r, i)),
                      (u = x()),
                      o || (r = i = null))
                    : o || n.trailing === !1 || (o = setTimeout(s, l)),
            return (
              (l.cancel = function () {
                clearTimeout(o), (u = 0), (o = r = i = null);
            (t.checkIsInHashMap = function (e) {
              var t = a.getGoldlogVal(e.goldlogKey) || {},
                n = t.hash_value || {},
                o = n[e.logkey] || (i.Map ? new i.Map() : {}),
                r = o && o.get ? o.get(e.hash_value) : o[e.hash_value];
              if (r > 1) return !0;
              for (
                var u = t._acHashMap || {},
                  s = u[e.logkey] || [],
                  l = s.length,
                  c = 0;
                c < l;
                if (s[c].hash_value === e.hash_value) return !0;
              return !1;
            (t.setRecordSuccess = function (e, t) {
              try {
                var n = e ? e.element : {},
                  o = e.hash_value || "";
                n && n.setAttribute && n.setAttribute(t, o);
              } catch (e) {}
        function (e, t) {
          "use strict";
          var n = function (e) {
            var t;
            try {
              window.goldlog || (window.goldlog = {}), (t = window.goldlog[e]);
            } catch (e) {
              t = "";
            } finally {
              return t;
          t.getGoldlogVal = n;
          var o = function (e, t) {
            var n = !1;
            try {
              window.goldlog || (window.goldlog = {}),
                e && ((window.goldlog[e] = t), (n = !0));
            } catch (e) {
              n = !1;
            } finally {
              return n;
          (t.setGoldlogVal = o),
            (t.getClientInfo = function () {
              return n("_aplus_client") || {};
        function (e, t) {
          "use strict";
          var n = 1315423911;
          t.hash = function (e, t) {
            var o,
              i = t || n;
            for (o = e.length - 1; o >= 0; o--)
              (r = e.charCodeAt(o)), (i ^= (i << 5) + r + (i >> 2));
            var a = (2147483647 & i).toString(16);
            return a;
        function (e, t) {
          "use strict";
          e.exports = function (e, t) {
            var n,
              o = e.length;
            for (n = 0; n < o; n++) {
              var r = t(e[n], n);
              if ("break" === r) break;
        function (e, t) {
          "use strict";
          e.exports = function (e, t) {
            if (Object && Object.keys)
              for (var n = Object.keys(e), o = n.length, r = 0; r < o; r++) {
                var i = n[r];
                t(i, e[i]);
            else for (var a in e) t(a, e[a]);
        function (e, t) {
          "use strict";
          t.tryToEncodeURIComponent = function (e) {
            var t = e || "";
            if (e)
              try {
                t = encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(e));
              } catch (e) {}
            return t;
        function (e, t, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(e) {
            return goldlog && goldlog.getMetaInfo
              ? goldlog.getMetaInfo(e)
              : i.getMetaCnt(e);
          var r = n(13),
            i = n(14);
          (t.DATA_APLUS_AE_KEY = "data-aplus-ae"),
            (t.DATA_APLUS_AC_KEY = "data-aplus-clk"),
            (t.LOOP_TIME = 1e3),
            (t.getDefaultRequestCfg = function () {
              return { method: "POST", pkgSize: 10 };
          var a = function (e, t) {
              var n = t;
              try {
                var r = o(e);
                r && (n = parseFloat(r)), n <= 0 && (n = t);
              } catch (e) {
                n = t;
              } finally {
                return n;
            u = a("aplus-auto-exp-visible", 0.3);
          (t.AUTO_AT_VIEW_RATE = u),
            (t.AUTO_AT_VIEW_RATE_IN_WINDOW =
              a("aplus-auto-exp-window", 0) || u);
          var s = function (e) {
            var t = e;
            try {
              var n = o("aplus-auto-exp-duration"),
                r = parseInt(n);
              r + "" != "NaN" && (t = r);
            } catch (e) {
            } finally {
              return t;
          t.EXP_DURATION = s(300);
          var l = function (e, t) {
            var n,
              i = [],
              a = [];
            try {
              n = t || o(e);
              var u = [];
              if (n && "string" == typeof n)
                try {
                  u = JSON.parse(n);
                } catch (e) {
                  u = JSON.parse(n.replace(/'/g, '"'));
              else "object" == typeof n && n.constructor === Array && (u = n);
              if (u && u.constructor === Array)
                for (var s = 0; s < u.length; s++) {
                  var l = u[s] || {},
                    c = l.logkey || "",
                    p = l.tag ? l.tag : "",
                    g = l.filter,
                    f = l.cssSelector,
                    h = f || (p && g);
                  if (!c || !h)
                    throw new Error(
                      "meta " + e + " config error, " + JSON.stringify(l)
                  g = "string" == typeof g ? g.split("=") : [];
                  var d = p;
                  if (
                    (g.length >= 2
                      ? (d +=
                          "[" +
                          g.shift() +
                          '="' +
                          decodeURIComponent(g.join("")) +
                      : 1 == g.length &&
                        g[0] &&
                        (d += "[" + decodeURIComponent(g[0]) + "]"),
                    f && (d += f),
                    (l.elementSelector = d),
                    r.indexof(a, d) > -1)
                    throw new Error(
                      "meta " +
                        e +
                        " config error, tag_filter_cssSelector " +
                        d +
                        " repeated"
                  a.push(d), i.push(l);
            } catch (e) {
            } finally {
              return i;
          (t.getAutoExpConfig = function (e) {
            return l("aplus-auto-exp", e) || [];
            (t.getAutoExpUserFn = function () {
              var e = o("aplus-auto-exp-userfn");
              if (e) {
                var t = window[e] || e;
                if ("function" == typeof t) return t;
              return null;
            (t.isThrottleWatchDom = function () {
              var e = !1;
              try {
                e = "throttle" === o("aplus-auto-exp-watchdom");
              } catch (e) {}
              return e;
            (t.getAutoClkConfig = function (e) {
              return l("aplus-auto-clk", e) || [];
            (t.getAutoClkUserFn = function () {
              var e = o("aplus-auto-clk-userfn");
              if (e) {
                var t = window[e] || e;
                if ("function" == typeof t) return t;
              return null;
        function (e, t) {
          "use strict";
          t.indexof = function (e, t) {
            var n = -1;
            try {
              n = e.indexOf(t);
            } catch (r) {
              for (var o = 0; o < e.length; o++) e[o] === t && (n = o);
            } finally {
              return n;
        function (e, t, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(e) {
            return (
              (a = a || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]),
              u && !e ? u : a ? (u = a.getElementsByTagName("meta")) : []
          function r(e, t) {
            var n,
              a = o(),
              u = a.length;
            for (n = 0; n < u; n++)
              (r = a[n]),
                s.tryToGetAttribute(r, "name") === e &&
                  (i = s.tryToGetAttribute(r, t || "content"));
            return i || "";
          function i(e) {
            var t = { isonepage: "-1", urlpagename: "" },
              n = e.qGet();
            if (n && n.hasOwnProperty("isonepage_data"))
              (t.isonepage = n.isonepage_data.isonepage),
                (t.urlpagename = n.isonepage_data.urlpagename);
            else {
              var o = r("isonepage") || "-1",
                i = o.split("|");
              (t.isonepage = i[0]), (t.urlpagename = i[1] ? i[1] : "");
            return t;
          var a,
            s = n(15);
          (t.getMetaTags = o), (t.getMetaCnt = r), (t.getOnePageInfo = i);
        function (e, t) {
          "use strict";
          t.tryToGetAttribute = function (e, t) {
            return e && e.getAttribute ? e.getAttribute(t) || "" : "";
          var n = function (e, t, n) {
            if (e && e.setAttribute)
              try {
                e.setAttribute(t, n);
              } catch (e) {}
          (t.tryToSetAttribute = n),
            (t.tryToRemoveAttribute = function (e, t) {
              if (e && e.removeAttribute)
                try {
                } catch (o) {
                  n(e, t, "");
        function (e, t, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(e, t) {
            var n = goldlog._$ || {},
              o = n.meta_info || {},
              r = o.aplus_ctap || {},
              i = o["aplus-touch"];
            if (r && "function" == typeof r.on) r.on(e, t);
            else {
              var s = "ontouchend" in document.createElement("div");
              s && "tap" === i
                ? a.on(e, t)
                : u(e, s ? "touchstart" : "mousedown", t);
          function r(e, t) {
            var n = goldlog._$ || {},
              o = n.meta_info || {},
              r = o.aplus_ctap || {},
              i = o["aplus-touch"];
            if (r && "function" == typeof r.un) r.un(e, t);
            else {
              var u = "ontouchend" in document.createElement("div");
              u && "tap" === i
                ? a.un(e, t)
                : s(e, u ? "touchstart" : "mousedown", t);
          var i = !!document.attachEvent,
            a = n(17),
            u = function (e, t, n) {
              return "tap" === t
                ? void o(e, n)
                : void (i ? e.attachEvent(t, n) : e.addEventListener(t, n));
          t.on = u;
          var s = function (e, t, n) {
            return "tap" === t
              ? void r(e, n)
              : void (i ? e.detachEvent(t, n) : e.removeEventListener(t, n));
          t.un = s;
        function (e, t) {
          "use strict";
          function n(e, t) {
            return e + Math.floor(Math.random() * (t - e + 1));
          function o(e, t, n) {
            var o = c.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
            if ((o.initEvent(t, !0, !0), "object" == typeof n))
              for (var r in n) o[r] = n[r];
          function r(e) {
            0 === Object.keys(g).length &&
              (p.addEventListener(d, i, !1),
              p.addEventListener(h, a, !1),
              p.addEventListener(_, a, !1));
            for (var t = 0; t < e.changedTouches.length; t++) {
              var n = e.changedTouches[t],
                o = {};
              for (var r in n) o[r] = n[r];
              var u = {
                startTouch: o,
                status: v,
                element: e.srcElement ||,
              g[n.identifier] = u;
          function i(e) {
            for (var t = 0; t < e.changedTouches.length; t++) {
              var n = e.changedTouches[t],
                o = g[n.identifier];
              if (!o) return;
              var r = n.clientX - o.startTouch.clientX,
                i = n.clientY - o.startTouch.clientY,
                a = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r, 2) + Math.pow(i, 2));
              (o.status === v || "pressing" === o.status) &&
                a > 10 &&
                (o.status = "panning");
          function a(e) {
            for (var t = 0; t < e.changedTouches.length; t++) {
              var n = e.changedTouches[t],
                r = n.identifier,
                u = g[r];
              u &&
                (u.status === v &&
                  e.type === h &&
                  ((u.timestamp =,
                  o(u.element, m, { touch: n, touchEvent: e })),
                delete g[r]);
            0 === Object.keys(g).length &&
              (p.removeEventListener(d, i, !1),
              p.removeEventListener(h, a, !1),
              p.removeEventListener(_, a, !1));
          function u(e) {
            e.__fixTouchEvent ||
              (e.addEventListener(f, function () {}, !1),
              (e.__fixTouchEvent = !0));
          function s() {
            l || (p.addEventListener(f, r, !1), (l = !0));
          var l = !1,
            c = window.document,
            p = c.documentElement,
            g = {},
            f = "touchstart",
            h = "touchend",
            d = "touchmove",
            v = "tapping",
            _ = "touchcancel",
            m = "aplus_tap" + n(1, 1e5);
          e.exports = {
            on: function (e, t) {
                e &&
                  e.addEventListener &&
                  t &&
                    (t._aplus_tap_callback = function (e) {
            un: function (e, t) {
              e &&
                e.removeEventListener &&
                t &&
                t._aplus_tap_callback &&
                e.removeEventListener(m, t._aplus_tap_callback, !1);
        function (e, t, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(3),
            r = document,
            i = function (e, t) {
              return (
                t.x >= e.pLeftTop[0] &&
                t.x <= e.pRightBottom[0] &&
                t.y >= e.pLeftTop[1] &&
                t.y <= e.pRightBottom[1]
            a = function (e, t) {
              var n = 0,
                r = { x: t.x, y: t.y },
                a = i(e, r),
                u = { x: t.x + t.width, y: t.y },
                s = i(e, u),
                l = { x: t.x, y: t.y + t.height },
                c = i(e, l),
                p = { x: t.x + t.width, y: t.y + t.height },
                g = i(e, p),
                f = function () {
                  var e = 0;
                  return a && g && (e = t.size / t.size), e;
                h = function () {
                  var n,
                    o = 0,
                    r = 0;
                  return (
                    a && s && !c && !g
                      ? ((o = t.width),
                        (r = e.pLeftBottom[1] - t.y),
                        (n = "top"))
                      : !a && s && !c && g
                      ? ((o = e.pLeftTop[0] - t.x), (r = t.y), (n = "right"))
                      : !a && !s && c && g
                      ? ((o = t.width),
                        (r = t.height - Math.abs(e.pLeftTop[1] - t.y)),
                        (n = "bottom"))
                      : a &&
                        !s &&
                        c &&
                        !g &&
                        ((o = e.pRightTop[0] - t.x), (r = t.y), (n = "left")),
                    (o = o > e.clientWidth ? e.clientWidth : o),
                    (r = r > e.clientHeight ? e.clientHeight : r),
                      rate: t.size > 0 ? Math.abs(o * r) / t.size : 0,
                      exp_pos: n,
                d = function () {
                  var n = 0,
                    o = 0,
                    i = e.pLeftTop[0],
                    a = e.pLeftTop[1],
                    u = e.pLeftBottom[0],
                    s = e.pLeftBottom[1],
                    c = e.pRightBottom[0],
                    g = r.x <= i && r.y <= a,
                    f = p.x >= u && p.y >= s;
                  g &&
                    f &&
                    ((o = e.clientHeight),
                    (n = p.x < c ? p.x - u : e.clientWidth));
                  var h = r.x > i && r.y <= a;
                  return (
                    h &&
                      f &&
                      ((o = e.clientHeight),
                      (n = p.x - l.x),
                      p.x > c && (n = c - l.x)),
                    t.size > 0 ? Math.abs(n * o) / t.size : 0
                v = function () {
                  var n,
                    o = 0,
                    r = 0;
                  return (
                    !a || s || c || g
                      ? a || !s || c || g
                        ? a || s || !c || g
                          ? a ||
                            s ||
                            c ||
                            !g ||
                            ((o = t.x + t.width),
                            (r = t.y + t.height),
                            (n = "rightBottom"))
                          : ((o = e.pRightTop[0] - t.x),
                            (r = e.clientHeight - (l.y - e.pRightBottom[1])),
                            (n = "leftBottom"))
                        : ((o = u.x),
                          (r = e.clientHeight - u.y),
                          (n = "rightTop"))
                      : ((o = e.clientWidth - t.x),
                        (r = e.clientHeight - t.y),
                        (n = "leftTop")),
                      rate: t.size > 0 ? Math.abs(o * r) / t.size : 0,
                      exp_pos: n,
              if (((n = f()), n > 0)) return n;
              var _ = h();
              if (((n = _.rate), n > 0))
                return o.isDebugAplus() && o.logger({ msg: _ }), n;
              var m = v();
              return (
                (n = m.rate),
                n > 0
                  ? (o.isDebugAplus() && o.logger({ msg: m }), n)
                  : ((n = d()),
                    n > 0
                      ? (o.isDebugAplus() &&
                          o.logger({ msg: "cover rate is " + n }),
                      : n > 1
                      ? 1
                      : n)
          (t.wrapViewabilityRate = function (e, t, n) {
            var o = 0;
            if (e)
              for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++)
                if (((o = a(e[r], t)), o >= n)) return o;
            return o;
            (t.getViewabilityRateInWindow = function (e, t, n) {
              var o = 0;
              if (e)
                for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++)
                  if (((o = t / e[r].size), o >= n)) return o;
              return o;
          var u = function (e) {
              return "number" == typeof e && NaN !== e;
            s = function (e) {
              var t = {};
              return (
                e &&
                  ("function" == typeof e.getBoundingClientRect &&
                    (t = e.getBoundingClientRect() || {}),
                  u(t.x) || (u(t.left) && (t.x = t.left)),
                  u(t.y) || (u( && (t.y =,
                  u(t.width) || (t.width = e.offsetWidth),
                  u(t.height) || (t.height = e.offsetHeight)),
          (t.getElementPosition = s),
            (t.getWinPositions = function (e) {
              var t = [];
              if (e && "function" == typeof document.querySelector) {
                var n = document.querySelector(e);
                if (n) {
                  var o = s(n) || {};
                  u(o.x) &&
                    u(o.y) &&
                    u(o.width) &&
                    u(o.height) &&
                      pLeftTop: [o.x, o.y],
                      pRightTop: [o.x + o.width, o.y],
                      pLeftBottom: [o.x, o.y + o.height],
                      pRightBottom: [o.x + o.width, o.y + o.height],
                      size: o.width * o.height,
              var i = r.documentElement,
                a = r.body,
                l = i.clientWidth || a.offsetWidth || 0,
                c = i.clientHeight || a.offsetHeight || 0;
              return (
                  pLeftTop: [0, 0],
                  pRightTop: [l, 0],
                  pLeftBottom: [0, c],
                  pRightBottom: [l, c],
                  size: l * c,
                  clientHeight: c,
                  clientWidth: l,
            (t.checkIsRecord = function (e, t, n) {
              var o;
              try {
                if (e && e.getAttribute) {
                  var r = e.getAttribute(n) || "";
                  o = t ? r === t : !!r;
              } catch (e) {}
              return o;
        function (e, t, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(e, t, n) {
            var o = f.getWinPositions(),
              r = 0,
              i = l.getGoldlogVal("_aplus_auto_exp") || {},
              a = i._acHashMap || {};
            for (var u in a)
              for (var c = a[u] || [], g = 0; g < c.length; g++) {
                var _ = c[g] || {};
                _.eventType = "IObserver";
                var m = !!n || _.element ===;
                if (0 === _.status && _.expConfig && m) {
                  var y = t.boundingClientRect || {};
                  if (
                    (y.width ||
                      y.height ||
                      (y = || {}),
                    y.width && y.height)
                  ) {
                    (_ = s.assign(_, y)),
                      (_.x = y.x || y.left),
                      (_.y = y.y ||,
                      (_.width = y.width),
                      (_.height = y.height),
                      (_.size = y.width * y.height);
                    var b = f.checkIsRecord(
                      w = _.width * _.height * t.intersectionRatio,
                      E = f.getViewabilityRateInWindow(o, w, v);
                    if (!b) {
                      var A = t.intersectionRatio >= d;
                      if (A || E >= v) {
                        (_.exposureTime = e), (_.status = 1);
                        var x = p.getAutoExpUserFn();
                        x &&
                          (_.userParams = h.autoUserFnHandler(
                          (_.viewabilityRate = A ? t.intersectionRatio : E),
                          (_.viewability = A ? "intersection" : "fillwindow"),
                          p.EXP_DURATION || (_.status = 2),
                          h.updateExpHashMap(u, _, "UPDATE"),
                      } else
                        E &&
                            Object.assign(c[g], { lastEventType: _.eventType }),
            return r;
          function r(e, t) {
            var n = "APLUS_AE_EXPOSURE_CHANGE",
              r = e && e.type ? e.type : "IObserver",
              i = new Date().getTime(),
              a = 0;
            (a =
              "IObserver" !== t.from
                ? g.filterStartExposureSize(i, r, !0)
                : o(i, e)),
              a > 0 &&
                  ? setTimeout(function () {
                      (a = g.filterEndExposureSize(i, r)),
                        a > 0 &&
                          goldlog.aplus_pubsub.publish(n, {
                            size: a,
                            eventType: r,
                    }, p.EXP_DURATION)
                  : goldlog.aplus_pubsub.publish(n, { size: a, eventType: r }));
          function i(e) {
            var t = { root: null, rootMargin: "0px", threshold: d };
            return new m(function (e) {
              c(e, function (e) {
                e.intersectionRatio > 0 && r(e, { from: "IObserver" });
            }, s.assign(t, e));
          function a(e) {
            if (m) {
              y.io_base || (y.io_base = i());
              var t = l.getGoldlogVal("_aplus_auto_exp") || {},
                n = t._acHashMap || {};
              for (var o in n)
                for (var r = n[o] || [], a = 0; a < r.length; a++) {
                  var u = r[a] || {};
                  if (!u.inObserver) {
                    var s,
                      c = "io_v_" + encodeURIComponent(u.positionSelector);
                    u.positionSelector &&
                      !y[c] &&
                      ((s = i({
                        root: document.querySelector(u.positionSelector),
                        expConfig: e,
                      (y[c] = s)),
                      s ? s.observe(u.element) : y.io_base.observe(u.element),
                      (u.inObserver = !0);
            return !0;
          var u = n(16),
            s = n(20),
            l = n(7),
            c = n(9),
            p = n(12),
            g = n(21),
            f = n(18),
            h = n(6),
            d = p.AUTO_AT_VIEW_RATE,
            v = p.AUTO_AT_VIEW_RATE_IN_WINDOW,
            _ = window,
            m = _.IntersectionObserver,
            y = {};
          goldlog._aplus_auto_exp.iobserverMap = y;
          var b = h.throttle(function (e) {
            r(e, { from: e.type });
          }, 100);
          (t.watch_exposure_change = function (e) {
            goldlog.aplus_pubsub.subscribe("APLUS_AE_DOM_CHANGE", function () {
              u.on(window, "touchmove", b),
              u.on(window, "scroll", b),
              u.on(window, "resize", b),
            (t.clear = function (e, t) {
              if (t && "appendMetaInfo" !== t.from) {
                u.un(window, "touchmove", b),
                  u.un(window, "scroll", b),
                  u.un(window, "resize", b);
                for (var n in y) {
                  var o = y[n];
        function (e, t, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(e, t) {
            return "function" != typeof Object.assign
              ? (function (e) {
                  if (null === e)
                    throw new TypeError(
                      "Cannot convert undefined or null to object"
                  for (var t = Object(e), n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
                    var o = arguments[n];
                    if (null !== o)
                      for (var r in o)
              , r) &&
                          (t[r] = o[r]);
                  return t;
                })(e, t)
              : Object.assign({}, e, t);
          function r(e) {
            return "function" == typeof e;
          function i(e) {
            return Array.isArray
              ? Array.isArray(e)
              : /Array/.test(;
          function a(e) {
            return "string" == typeof e;
          function u(e) {
            return "number" == typeof e;
          function s(e) {
            return "undefined" == typeof e;
          function l(e) {
            return "[object Object]" ===;
          function c(e) {
            if ("number" == typeof e) return !1;
            if (s(e) || null === e) return !0;
            if (a(e)) return !e;
            if (i(e)) return !e.length;
            if (l(e)) {
              for (var t in e) if (, t)) return !1;
              return !0;
            return !1;
          function p(e) {
            if ("string" == typeof e)
              try {
                var t = JSON.parse(e);
                return !("object" != typeof t || !t);
              } catch (e) {
                return !1;
            return !1;
          function g(e, t) {
            return e.indexOf(t) > -1;
          var f = window;
          (t.assign = o),
            (t.makeCacheNum = function () {
              return Math.floor(268435456 * Math.random()).toString(16);
            (t.each = n(9)),
            (t.isStartWith = function (e, t) {
              return 0 === e.indexOf(t);
            (t.isEndWith = function (e, t) {
              var n = e.length,
                o = t.length;
              return n >= o && e.indexOf(t) == n - o;
            (t.any = function (e, t) {
              var n,
                o = e.length;
              for (n = 0; n < o; n++) if (t(e[n])) return !0;
              return !1;
            (t.isFunction = r),
            (t.isArray = i),
            (t.isString = a),
            (t.isNumber = u),
            (t.isUnDefined = s),
            (t.isObject = l),
            (t.isEmpty = c),
            (t.isJSON = p),
            (t.isContain = g);
          var h = function (e) {
            var t,
              n = e.constructor === Array ? [] : {};
            if ("object" == typeof e) {
              if (f.JSON && f.JSON.parse)
                (t = JSON.stringify(e)), (n = JSON.parse(t));
                for (var o in e)
                  n[o] = "object" == typeof e[o] ? h(e[o]) : e[o];
              return n;
          (t.cloneObj = h), (t.cloneDeep = h);
        function (e, t, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(18),
            r = n(7),
            i = n(12),
            a = n(6),
            u = i.AUTO_AT_VIEW_RATE,
            s = i.AUTO_AT_VIEW_RATE_IN_WINDOW,
            l = function (e) {
              for (var t; e && "HTML" !== e.tagName; ) {
                t =;
                  if ("none" === t) break;
                  e = e.parentNode;
              return "none" === t;
          (t.filterStartExposureSize = function (e, t) {
            var n = 0,
              c = o.getWinPositions(),
              p = r.getGoldlogVal("_aplus_auto_exp") || {},
              g = p._acHashMap || {};
            for (var f in g)
              for (var h = g[f] || [], d = 0; d < h.length; d++) {
                var v = h[d] || {};
                if (0 === v.status && v.expConfig && !l(v.element)) {
                  var _ = o.getElementPosition(v.element);
                  if (_.width && _.height) {
                    (v.x = _.x),
                      (v.y = _.y),
                      (v.eventType = t),
                      (v.width = _.width),
                      (v.height = _.height),
                      (v.size = _.width * _.height);
                    var m;
                    v.expConfig.positionSelector &&
                      (m = o.getWinPositions(v.expConfig.positionSelector));
                    var y = o.wrapViewabilityRate(m || c, v, u),
                      b = y >= u,
                      w = y;
                    m && (w = o.wrapViewabilityRate(c, v, u));
                    var E = v.width * v.height * w,
                      A = o.getViewabilityRateInWindow(c, E, s),
                      x = o.checkIsRecord(
                    if ((b || A >= s) && !x) {
                      (v.exposureTime = e), (v.status = 1);
                      var T = i.getAutoExpUserFn();
                      T &&
                        (v.userParams = a.autoUserFnHandler(
                        i.EXP_DURATION ||
                          ((v.viewabilityRate = b ? y : A),
                          (v.viewability = b ? "intersection" : "fillwindow"),
                          (v.status = 2)),
                        a.updateExpHashMap(f, v, "UPDATE"),
            return n;
            (t.filterEndExposureSize = function (e, t) {
              var n = 0,
                i = o.getWinPositions(),
                l = r.getGoldlogVal("_aplus_auto_exp") || {},
                c = l._acHashMap || {};
              for (var p in c)
                for (var g = c[p] || [], f = 0; f < g.length; f++) {
                  var h = g[f] || {};
                  if (1 === h.status && h.exposureTime === e && h.expConfig) {
                    h.eventType = t;
                    var d;
                    h.expConfig.positionSelector &&
                      (d = o.getWinPositions(h.expConfig.positionSelector));
                    var v = o.checkIsRecord(
                      _ = o.wrapViewabilityRate(d || i, h, u),
                      m = _ >= u,
                      y = _;
                    d && (y = o.wrapViewabilityRate(i, h, u));
                    var b = h.width * h.height * y,
                      w = o.getViewabilityRateInWindow(i, b, s);
                    (m || w >= s) && !v
                      ? ((h.viewabilityRate = m ? _ : w),
                        (h.viewability = m ? "intersection" : "fillwindow"),
                        (h.status = 2),
                        a.updateExpHashMap(p, h, "UPDATE"),
                      : ((h.status = 0),
                        (h.exposureTime = ""),
                        a.updateExpHashMap(p, h, "UPDATE"));
              return n;
        function (e, t, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(16),
            r = n(21),
            i = n(6),
            a = n(12),
            u = function (e) {
              var t = "APLUS_AE_EXPOSURE_CHANGE",
                n = e && e.type ? e.type : "init",
                o = new Date().getTime(),
                i = r.filterStartExposureSize(o, n, !1);
              i > 0 &&
                  ? setTimeout(function () {
                      (i = r.filterEndExposureSize(o, n)),
                        i > 0 &&
                          goldlog.aplus_pubsub.publish(t, {
                            size: i,
                            eventType: n,
                    }, a.EXP_DURATION)
                  : goldlog.aplus_pubsub.publish(t, { size: i, eventType: n }));
            s = i.throttle(function (e) {
            }, 100),
            l = {},
            c = function (e, t) {
              if (e && e.forEach && Object.keys && document.querySelector) {
                e.forEach(function (e) {
                  e.positionSelector &&
                    document.querySelector(e.positionSelector) &&
                    (l[e.positionSelector] = !0);
                var n = Object.keys(l);
                n.forEach(function (e) {
                  o[t] &&
                    o[t](document.querySelector(e), "scroll", function (e) {
          (t.watch_exposure_change = function (e) {
            goldlog.aplus_pubsub.subscribe("APLUS_AE_DOM_CHANGE", u),
              o.on(window, "touchmove", s),
              o.on(window, "scroll", s),
              o.on(window, "resize", u),
              c(e, "on");
            (t.clear = function (e) {
              o.un(window, "touchmove", s),
                o.un(window, "scroll", s),
                o.un(window, "resize", u),
                c(e, "un");
        function (e, t, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(e, t, n) {
            var o = "0";
            if (n) {
              if ("spmc" === e) {
                var r = n.split(".");
                (o = r[2] ? r[2] : r[3]),
                  /^(\i|\d)[0-9]+$/.test(o) && (o = "0"),
                  (n = [r[0], r[1], o].join("."));
            } else {
              n = "";
              var i = window.g_SPM || {};
              if ("function" == typeof i.getParam) {
                var a = i.getParam(t);
                "spmc" === e
                  ? ((o = t.getAttribute("data-spm") || "0"),
                    (n = [a.a, a.b, o].join(".")))
                  : (n = [a.a, a.b, a.c, a.d].join("."));
            return n;
          var r = n(2),
            i = n(20),
            a = n(7),
            u = n(3),
            s = n(10),
            l = n(6),
            c = n(12),
            p = function () {
              var e = u.isDebugAplus(),
                t = {},
                n = c.getDefaultRequestCfg(),
                r = a.getGoldlogVal("_aplus_auto_exp") || {},
                p = r._acHashMap || {};
              return (
                s(p, function (a, s) {
                  for (var c = s || [], p = 0, g = c.length; p < g; p++) {
                    var f = c[p] || {};
                    if (2 === f.status) {
                      (f.status = 3),
                        l.updateExpHashMap(a, f, "UPDATE"),
                      var h,
                        d = f.expConfig || {},
                        v = goldlog.spm_ab
                          ? goldlog.spm_ab.join(".")
                          : "",
                        _ = o(d.eltype, f.element) || v,
                        m = "";
                      try {
                        var y = new Number(f.viewabilityRate);
                        h = y.toFixed(2);
                      } catch (e) {
                        h = f.viewabilityRate;
                      var b = {
                        _w: f.width,
                        _h: f.height,
                        _x: f.x,
                        _y: f.y,
                        _rate: h,
                        _viewability: f.viewability,
                      "object" == typeof f.userParams &&
                        ("object" == typeof f.userParams.userdata &&
                          (b = i.assign(b, f.userParams.userdata)),
                        f.userParams.spm &&
                          (_ = o(d.eltype, "", f.userParams.spm)),
                        f.userParams.scm && (m = f.userParams.scm)),
                        (l.isMethod(d.method) || l.isPkgSize(d.pkgSize)) &&
                          (n = l.filterExpConfigRequestCfg(d));
                      var w = l.fillPropsData(d, f.element, b);
                      w = l.fillFilterData(d, f.element, b);
                      var E = { exargs: w, scm: m, spm: _, aplusContentId: "" };
                      t[a] || (t[a] = []),
                        e &&
                              "logkey = " +
                              a +
                              ", params = " +
                { logkeyContainer: t, request_cfg: n }
            g = function (e) {
              for (var t = [], n = 0, o = e.length; n < o; n++) {
                var r = e[n] || {},
                  a = {};
                s(r, function (e, t) {
                  "element" !== e && (a[e] = t);
                var u = i.cloneObj(a);
                (u.element = r.element), t.push(u);
              return t;
            f = function (e) {
              var t = a.getGoldlogVal("_aplus_auto_exp") || {},
                n = t._acHashMap || {},
                o = [];
              s(n, function (t, n) {
                for (var r = g(n) || [], i = 0, a = r.length; i < a; i++) {
                  var s = r[i] || {},
                    p = n[i] || {};
                  if (3 === s.status)
                    try {
                      l.setRecordSuccess(p, c.DATA_APLUS_AE_KEY),
                        goldlog.aplus_pubsub.publish("APLUS_ELEMENT_EXPOSURE", {
                          logkey: t,
                          v_origin: p,
                          options: e,
                    } catch (e) {
                      u.logger({ msg: e && e.message });
                for (; o.length > 0; ) l.updateExpHashMap(t, o.pop(), "CLEAR");
            h = function (e, t, n) {
              var o = e.logkeyContainer || [],
                i = e.request_cfg || {};
              r.wrap(function () {
                s(o, function (e, o) {
                  if (o && o.length > 0) {
                    for (var r = 0; r < o.length; ) {
                      var a = [],
                        u = JSON.stringify(o.slice(r, r + i.pkgSize));
                      a.push("expdata=" + u),
                        a.push("_eventType=" + t.eventType),
                        a.push("_method=" + i.method),
                        a.push("_pkgSize=" + i.pkgSize),
                          i.method || "POST"
                        (r += i.pkgSize);
              }, "recordAplusAt");
            d = function (e) {
              if (e.size > 0) {
                var t = p() || {};
                h(t, e, f);
          (t.watch_data_change = function () {
            goldlog.aplus_pubsub.subscribe("APLUS_AE_EXPOSURE_CHANGE", d);
            (t.clear = function () {
              goldlog.aplus_pubsub.unsubscribe("APLUS_AE_EXPOSURE_CHANGE", d);
      ]); /*! 2024-09-10 16:39:22 v8.15.24 */
      !(function (t) {
        function e(o) {
          if (n[o]) return n[o].exports;
          var a = (n[o] = { exports: {}, id: o, loaded: !1 });
          return (
            t[o].call(a.exports, a, a.exports, e), (a.loaded = !0), a.exports
        var n = {};
        return (e.m = t), (e.c = n), (e.p = ""), e(0);
        function (t, e, n) {
          t.exports = n(1);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          !(function () {
            var t = window;
            var e = n(3),
              o = n(4);
            "ontouchend" in document.createElement("div") &&
              (t.goldlog_queue || (t.goldlog_queue = [])).push({
                action: "goldlog.setMetaInfo",
                arguments: ["aplus-touch", "tap"],
            var a = function () {
                var e = n(98),
                  o = n(33);
                if (
                  (o.doPubMsg(["goldlogReady", "running"]),
                ) {
                  var r = "g_tb_aplus_loaded";
                  if (t[r]) return;
                  (t[r] = 1), n(112).initGoldlog(e);
                } else
                  setTimeout(function () {
                  }, 50);
              r = function (t) {
                try {
                    ratio: 1,
                    message: t && t.message,
                    error: encodeURIComponent(t && t.stack ? t.stack : ""),
                    filename: "aplusLoad",
                } catch (t) {}
            try {
            } catch (t) {
              r(t, o.script_name + "@" + o.lver);
        function (t, e) {
          t.exports = function () {
            var t = window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue = []);
            try {
              var e = navigator.userAgent,
                n = /Trident/.test(e);
              n ||
                  action: "goldlog.setMetaInfo",
                  arguments: [
                    window.location.href.substring(0, 850),
            } catch (t) {}
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          var n = function (t, e) {
              var n = window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue = []);
                action: "goldlog._aplus_cplugin_track_deb.monitor",
                arguments: [
                    key: "APLUS_PLUGIN_DEBUG",
                    title: "aplus_core",
                    msg: [
                      "_error_:methodName=" +
                        e +
                        ",params=" +
                    type: "updateMsg",
                    description: e || "aplus_core",
            o = function (t, e, n) {
              var o = window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue = []);
                action: ["goldlog", "_aplus_cplugin_m", e].join("."),
                arguments: [t, n],
          (e.do_tracker_jserror = function (t, e) {
            var a = "do_tracker_jserror";
            o(t, a, e), n(t, a);
            (e.do_tracker_obsolete_inter = function (t, e) {
              var a = "do_tracker_obsolete_inter";
              o(t, a, e), n(t, a);
            (e.wrap = function (t) {
              if ("function" == typeof t)
                try {
                } catch (t) {
                  n({ msg: t.message || t }, "exception");
                } finally {
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(5),
            a = n(6),
            r = n(7);
          (e.APLUS_ENV = "production"),
            (e.lver = a.lver),
            (e.toUtVersion = a.toUtVersion),
            (e.script_name = a.script_name),
            (e.recordTypes = o.recordTypes),
            (e.KEY = o.KEY),
            (e.context = r.context),
            (e.context_prepv = r.context_prepv),
            (e.aplus_init = n(16).plugins_init),
            (e.plugins_pv = n(37).plugins_pv),
            (e.plugins_prepv = n(63).plugins_prepv),
            (e.context_hjlj = n(64)),
            (e.plugins_hjlj = n(66).plugins_hjlj),
            (e.beforeUnload = n(78)),
            (e.initLoad = n(82)),
            (e.spmException = n(86)),
            (e.goldlog_path = n(87)),
            (e.is_auto_pv = "true"),
            (e.utilPvid = n(91)),
            (e.disablePvid = "false"),
            (e.mustSpmE = !0),
            (e.LS_CNA_KEY = "APLUS_CNA");
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          (e.recordTypes = {
            hjlj: "COMMON_HJLJ",
            uhjlj: "DATACLICK_HJLJ",
            pv: "PV",
            prepv: "PREPV",
            (e.KEY = {
              NAME_STORAGE: {
                REFERRER: "wm_referrer",
                REFERRER_PV_ID: "refer_pv_id",
                LOST_PV_PAGE_DURATION: "lost_pv_page_duration",
                LOST_PV_PAGE_SPMAB: "lost_pv_page_spmab",
                LOST_PV_PAGE: "lost_pv_page",
                LOST_PV_PAGE_MSG: "lost_pv_page_msg",
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          (e.lver = "8.15.24"),
            (e.toUtVersion = "v20240910"),
            (e.script_name = "aplus_int");
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          (e.context = n(8)), (e.context_prepv = n(15));
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o() {
            return {
              compose: { maxTimeout: 5500 },
              etag: { egUrl: "", cna: i.getCookie("cna") },
              where_to_sendpv: {
                url: "//",
                urlRule: s.getBeaconSrc,
          function a() {
            return r.assign(new s.initConfig(), new o());
          var r = n(9),
            i = n(11),
            s = n(14);
          t.exports = a;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t, e) {
            return "function" != typeof Object.assign
              ? (function (t) {
                  if (null === t)
                    throw new TypeError(
                      "Cannot convert undefined or null to object"
                  for (var e = Object(t), n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
                    var o = arguments[n];
                    if (null !== o)
                      for (var a in o)
              , a) &&
                          (e[a] = o[a]);
                  return e;
                })(t, e)
              : Object.assign({}, t, e);
          function a(t) {
            return "function" == typeof t;
          function r(t) {
            return Array.isArray
              ? Array.isArray(t)
              : /Array/.test(;
          function i(t) {
            return "string" == typeof t;
          function s(t) {
            return "number" == typeof t;
          function u(t) {
            return "undefined" == typeof t;
          function c(t) {
            return "[object Object]" ===;
          function l(t) {
            if ("number" == typeof t) return !1;
            if (u(t) || null === t) return !0;
            if (i(t)) return !t;
            if (r(t)) return !t.length;
            if (c(t)) {
              for (var e in t) if (, e)) return !1;
              return !0;
            return !1;
          function p(t) {
            if ("string" == typeof t)
              try {
                var e = JSON.parse(t);
                return !("object" != typeof e || !e);
              } catch (t) {
                return !1;
            return !1;
          function g(t, e) {
            return t.indexOf(e) > -1;
          var f = window;
          (e.assign = o),
            (e.makeCacheNum = function () {
              return Math.floor(268435456 * Math.random()).toString(16);
            (e.each = n(10)),
            (e.isStartWith = function (t, e) {
              return 0 === t.indexOf(e);
            (e.isEndWith = function (t, e) {
              var n = t.length,
                o = e.length;
              return n >= o && t.indexOf(e) == n - o;
            (e.any = function (t, e) {
              var n,
                o = t.length;
              for (n = 0; n < o; n++) if (e(t[n])) return !0;
              return !1;
            (e.isFunction = a),
            (e.isArray = r),
            (e.isString = i),
            (e.isNumber = s),
            (e.isUnDefined = u),
            (e.isObject = c),
            (e.isEmpty = l),
            (e.isJSON = p),
            (e.isContain = g);
          var d = function (t) {
            var e,
              n = t.constructor === Array ? [] : {};
            if ("object" == typeof t) {
              if (f.JSON && f.JSON.parse)
                (e = JSON.stringify(t)), (n = JSON.parse(e));
                for (var o in t)
                  n[o] = "object" == typeof t[o] ? d(t[o]) : t[o];
              return n;
          (e.cloneObj = d), (e.cloneDeep = d);
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          t.exports = function (t, e) {
            var n,
              o = t.length;
            for (n = 0; n < o; n++) {
              var a = e(t[n], n);
              if ("break" === a) break;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t) {
            var e = s.cookie.match(new RegExp("(?:^|;)\\s*" + t + "=([^;]+)"));
            return e ? e[1] : "";
          function a(t, e, n) {
            n || (n = {});
            var a = new Date();
            if ("session" === n.expires);
            else if (
              n.expires &&
              ("number" == typeof n.expires || n.expires.toUTCString)
              "number" == typeof n.expires
                ? a.setTime(a.getTime() + 24 * n.expires * 60 * 60 * 1e3)
                : (a = n.expires),
                (e += "; expires=" + a.toUTCString());
            else {
              var r = 20;
                ["", "", ""],
              ) > -1 && (r = 1),
                a.setTime(a.getTime() + 365 * r * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3),
                (e += "; expires=" + a.toUTCString());
            (e += "; path=" + (n.path ? n.path : "/")),
              (e += "; domain=" + n.domain),
              (s.cookie = t + "=" + e);
            var i = 0;
            try {
              var u = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome\/\d+/);
              u && u[0] && ((i = u[0].split("/")[1]), i && (i = parseInt(i)));
            } catch (t) {}
            return (
              n.SameSite &&
                i >= 80 &&
                ((e += "; SameSite=" + n.SameSite),
                (e += "; Secure"),
                (s.cookie = t + "=" + e)),
          function r(t, e, n) {
            try {
              if ((n || (n = {}), n.domain)) a(t, e, n);
                for (var o = l.getDomains(), r = 0; r < o.length; )
                  (n.domain = o[r]), a(t, e, n) ? (r = o.length) : r++;
            } catch (t) {}
          function i() {
            var t = {};
            return (
              u.each(g, function (e) {
                t[e] = o(e);
              (t.cnaui = /\btanx\.com$/.test(p) ? o("cnaui") : ""),
          var s = document,
            u = n(9),
            c = n(12),
            l = n(13),
            p = location.hostname;
          (e.getCookie = o), (e.setCookie = r);
          var g = ["tracknick", "thw", "cna"];
          (e.getData = i),
            (e.getHng = function () {
              return encodeURIComponent(o("hng") || "");
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          e.indexof = function (t, e) {
            var n = -1;
            try {
              n = t.indexOf(e);
            } catch (a) {
              for (var o = 0; o < t.length; o++) t[o] === e && (n = o);
            } finally {
              return n;
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          e.getDomains = function () {
            var t = [];
            try {
              for (
                var e = location.hostname, n = e.split("."), o = 2;
                o <= n.length;

                t.push(n.slice(n.length - o).join(".")), o++;
            } catch (t) {}
            return t;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t, e, n) {
            var o = window.goldlog || {},
              s = o.getMetaInfo("aplus-ifr-pv") + "" == "1";
            return e
              ? r(t)
                ? "yt"
                : "m"
              : n && !s
              ? a.isContain(t, "")
                ? "k"
                : i(t) || "y"
              : i(t) || "v";
          var a = n(9),
            r = function (t) {
              for (
                var e = ["", "", "", ""],
                  n = 0;
                n < e.length;
              ) {
                var o = e[n];
                if (a.isContain(t, o)) return !0;
              return !1;
            i = function (t) {
              for (
                var e = [
                    ["", "sc"],
                    ["", "sc"],
                    ["", "sc"],
                    ["", "sc"],
                    ["", "sc"],
                    ["", "sc"],
                    ["", "sc"],
                    ["", "sc"],
                    ["", "6"],
                    ["", "yt"],
                    ["", "yt"],
                    ["", "yt"],
                    ["", "yt"],
                  n = 0;
                n < e.length;
              ) {
                var o = e[n];
                if (a.isContain(t, o[0])) return o[1];
              return "";
          (e.getBeaconSrc = o),
            (e.initConfig = function () {
              return {
                compose: {},
                etag: {
                  egUrl: "",
                  cna: "",
                  tag: "",
                  stag: "",
                  lstag: "-1",
                  lscnastatus: "",
                can_to_sendpv: { flag: "NO" },
                userdata: {},
                what_to_sendpv: { pvdata: {}, exparams: {} },
                what_to_pvhash: { hash: [] },
                what_to_sendpv_ut: { pvdataToUt: {} },
                what_to_sendpv_ut2: { isSuccess: !1, pvdataToUt: {} },
                when_to_sendpv: { aplusWaiting: "" },
                where_to_sendpv: { url: "//", urlRule: o },
                where_to_sendlog_ut: { aplusToUT: {}, toUTName: "toUT" },
                hjlj: {
                  what_to_hjlj: { logdata: {} },
                  what_to_hjlj_ut: { logdataToUT: {} },
                network: { connType: "UNKNOWN" },
                is_single: !1,
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o() {
            return {
              etag: {
                egUrl: "",
                cna: a.getCookie("cna"),
                tag: "",
                stag: "",
              compose: {},
              where_to_prepv: {
                url: "//",
                urlRule: r.getBeaconSrc,
              userdata: {},
              what_to_prepv: { logdata: {} },
              what_to_hjlj_exinfo: {
                EXPARAMS_FLAG: "EXPARAMS",
                exinfo: [],
                exparams_key_names: ["uidaplus", "pc_i", "pu_i"],
              is_single: !1,
          var a = n(11),
            r = n(14);
          t.exports = o;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          e.plugins_init = [
            { name: "where_to_sendpv", enable: !0, path: n(17) },
            { name: "etag", enable: !0, path: n(32) },
            { name: "etag_sync", enable: !0, path: n(36) },
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(18),
            a = n(25)();
          t.exports = function () {
            return o.assign(a, {
              run: function () {
                var t = this.getAplusMetaByKey("aplus-rhost-v"),
                  e = this.options.context.where_to_sendpv || {},
                  n = e.url || "",
                  a = this.getGifPath(e.urlRule, n),
                  r = o.getPvUrl({
                    metaName: "aplus-rhost-v",
                    metaValue: t,
                    gifPath: a,
                    url: n,
                (e.url = r), (this.options.context.where_to_sendpv = e);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t) {
            t = (t || "").split("#")[0].split("?")[0];
            var e = t.length,
              n = function (t) {
                var e,
                  n = t.length,
                  o = 0;
                for (e = 0; e < n; e++) o = 31 * o + t.charCodeAt(e);
                return o;
            return e ? n(e + "#" + t.charCodeAt(e - 1)) : -1;
          function a(t) {
            for (
              var e = t.split("&"), n = 0, o = e.length, a = {};
              n < o;
            ) {
              var r = e[n],
                i = r.indexOf("="),
                s = r.substring(0, i),
                u = r.substring(i + 1);
              a[s] = p.tryToDecodeURIComponent(u);
            return a;
          function r(t) {
            if ("function" != typeof t)
              throw new TypeError(t + " is not a function");
            return t;
          function i(t) {
            var e,
              a = [],
              r = t.length;
            for (o = 0; o < r; o++)
              (e = t[o][0]),
                (n = t[o][1]),
                  l.isStartWith(e, v) ? n : e + "=" + encodeURIComponent(n)
            return a.join("&");
          function s(t) {
            var e,
              a = {},
              r = t.length;
            for (o = 0; o < r; o++) (e = t[o][0]), (n = t[o][1]), (a[e] = n);
            return a;
          function u(t, e) {
            var n,
              r = [];
            for (n in t)
              t.hasOwnProperty(n) &&
                ((o = "" + t[n]),
                (a = n + "=" + encodeURIComponent(o)),
                e ? r.push(a) : r.push(l.isStartWith(n, v) ? o : a));
            return r.join("&");
          function c(t, e) {
            var n = t.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&",
              o = e ? (l.isArray(e) ? i(e) : u(e)) : "";
            return o ? t + n + o : t;
          var l = n(9),
            p = n(19),
            g = n(22),
            f = parent !== self;
          (e.is_in_iframe = f),
            (e.makeCacheNum = l.makeCacheNum),
            (e.isStartWith = l.isStartWith),
            (e.isEndWith = l.isEndWith),
            (e.any = l.any),
            (e.each = l.each),
            (e.assign = l.assign),
            (e.isFunction = l.isFunction),
            (e.isArray = l.isArray),
            (e.isString = l.isString),
            (e.isNumber = l.isNumber),
            (e.isUnDefined = l.isUnDefined),
            (e.isContain = l.isContain),
            (e.sleep = n(23).sleep),
            (e.makeChkSum = o),
            (e.tryToDecodeURIComponent = p.tryToDecodeURIComponent),
            (e.nodeListToArray = p.nodeListToArray),
            (e.parseSemicolonContent = p.parseSemicolonContent),
            (e.param2obj = a);
          var d = n(24),
            _ = function (t) {
              return /^(\/\/){0,1}(\w+\.){1,}\w+((\/\w+){1,})?$/.test(t);
          e.hostValidity = _;
          var h = function (t, e) {
              var n = /^(\/\/){0,1}(\w+\.){1,}\w+\/\w+\.gif$/.test(t),
                o = _(t),
                a = "";
              return (
                n ? (a = "isGifPath") : o && (a = "isHostPath"),
                a ||
                      e +
                      ": " +
                      t +
                      ' is invalid, suggestion: ""',
            m = function (t) {
              return (
                !/^\/\/gj\.mmstat/.test(t) &&
                  goldlog.isInternational() &&
                  (t = t.replace(/^\/\/\w+\.mmstat/, "//gj.mmstat")),
          (e.filterIntUrl = m),
            (e.getPvUrl = function (t) {
              t || (t = {});
              var e,
                o = t.metaValue && h(t.metaValue, t.metaName),
                a = "";
              "isGifPath" === o
                ? ((e = /^\/\//.test(t.metaValue) ? "" : "//"),
                  (a = e + t.metaValue))
                : "isHostPath" === o &&
                  ((e = /^\/\//.test(t.metaValue) ? "" : "//"),
                  (n = /\/$/.test(t.metaValue) ? "" : "/"),
                  (a = e + t.metaValue + n + t.gifPath));
              var r;
              return (
                  ? (r = a)
                  : ((e =
                      0 === t.gifPath.indexOf("/")
                        ? t.gifPath
                        : "/" + t.gifPath),
                    (r = t.url && t.url.replace(/\/\w+\.gif/, e))),
            (e.indexof = n(12).indexof),
            (e.callable = r);
          var v = "::-plain-::";
          (e.mkPlainKey = function () {
            return v + Math.random();
            (e.s_plain_obj = v),
            (e.mkPlainKeyForExparams = function (t) {
              var e = t || v;
              return e + "exparams";
            (e.rndInt32 = function () {
              return Math.round(2147483647 * Math.random());
            (e.arr2param = i),
            (e.arr2obj = s),
            (e.obj2param = u),
            (e.makeUrl = c),
            (e.ifAdd = function (t, e) {
              var n,
                i = e.length;
              for (n = 0; n < i; n++)
                (o = e[n]), (a = o[0]), (r = o[1]), r && t.push([a, r]);
            (e.isStartWithProtocol = g.isStartWithProtocol),
            (e.param2arr = function (t) {
              for (
                var e, n = t.split("&"), o = 0, a = n.length, r = [];
                o < a;
                (e = n[o].split("=")), r.push([e.shift(), e.join("=")]);
              return r;
            (e.catchException = function (t, e, n) {
              var o = window,
                a = o.goldlog_queue || (o.goldlog_queue = []),
                r = t;
              "object" == typeof e && e.message && (r = r + "_" + e.message),
                n && n.msg && (r += "_" + n.msg),
                  action: "goldlog._aplus_cplugin_m.do_tracker_jserror",
                  arguments: [
                    { message: r, error: JSON.stringify(e), filename: t },
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(20),
            a = n(21);
          t.exports = {
            tryToDecodeURIComponent: function (t, e) {
              var n = e || "";
              if (t)
                try {
                  n = decodeURIComponent(t);
                } catch (t) {}
              return n;
            parseSemicolonContent: function (t, e, n) {
              e = e || {};
              var a,
                i = t.split(";"),
                s = i.length;
              for (a = 0; a < s; a++) {
                r = i[a].split("=");
                var u = o.trim(r.slice(1).join("="));
                e[o.trim(r[0]) || ""] = n ? u : this.tryToDecodeURIComponent(u);
              return e;
            nodeListToArray: function (t) {
              var e, n;
              try {
                return (e = [];
              } catch (a) {
                (e = []), (n = t.length);
                for (var o = 0; o < n; o++) e.push(t[o]);
                return e;
            getLsCna: function (t, e) {
              if (a.set && a.test()) {
                var n = "",
                  o = a.get(t);
                if (o) {
                  var r = o.split("_") || [];
                  n = e
                    ? r.length > 1 && e === r[0]
                      ? r[1]
                      : ""
                    : r.length > 1
                    ? r[1]
                    : "";
                return decodeURIComponent(n);
              return "";
            setLsCna: function (t, e, n) {
              n &&
                a.set &&
                a.test() &&
                a.set(t, e + "_" + encodeURIComponent(n));
            getUrl: function (t) {
              var e = t || "//";
              try {
                var n = goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-rhost-v"),
                  o = /[[a-z|0-9\.]+[a-z|0-9]/,
                  a = n.match(o);
                a && a[0] && (e = e.replace(o, a[0]));
              } catch (t) {}
              return e;
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          function n(t) {
            return "string" == typeof t ? t.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") : "";
          e.trim = n;
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          t.exports = {
            set: function (t, e) {
              try {
                return localStorage.setItem(t, e), !0;
              } catch (t) {
                return !1;
            get: function (t) {
              try {
                return localStorage.getItem(t);
              } catch (t) {
                return "";
            test: function () {
              var t = "grey_test_key";
              try {
                return (
                  localStorage.setItem(t, 1), localStorage.removeItem(t), !0
              } catch (t) {
                return !1;
            remove: function (t) {
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(9),
            a = function () {
              if (goldlog.aplusDebug) {
                var t = location.protocol;
                return "http:" !== t && "https:" !== t && (t = "https:"), t;
              return "https:";
          (e.getProtocal = a),
            (e.isStartWithProtocol = function (t) {
              for (
                var e = [
                  n = 0,
                  a = e.length;
                n < a;
                if (o.isStartWith(t, e[n])) return !0;
              return !1;
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          e.sleep = function (t, e) {
            return setTimeout(function () {
            }, t);
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          var n = function () {
            var t = !1;
            return (
              "boolean" == typeof goldlog.aplusDebug &&
                (t = goldlog.aplusDebug),
          e.isDebugAplus = n;
          var o = function (t) {
            t || (t = {});
            var e = t.level || "warn";
            window.console && window.console[e] && window.console[e](t.msg);
          e.logger = o;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(18),
            a = n(26),
            r = n(27);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              getMetaInfo: function () {
                var t = a.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                  e = t.meta_info || r.getInfo();
                return e;
              getAplusMetaByKey: function (t) {
                var e = this.getMetaInfo() || {};
                return e[t];
              getGifPath: function (t, e) {
                var n,
                  r = a.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {};
                if ("function" == typeof t)
                  n =
                    t(location.hostname, r.is_terminal, o.is_in_iframe) +
                else if (!n && e) {
                  var i = e.match(/\/\w+\.gif/);
                  i && i.length > 0 && (n = i[0]);
                return n || (n = r.is_terminal ? "m.gif" : "v.gif"), n;
              run: function () {
                var t = !!this.options.context.is_single;
                if (!t) {
                  var e = this.getAplusMetaByKey("aplus-rhost-v"),
                    n = this.options.context.where_to_sendpv || {},
                    a = n.url || "",
                    r = this.getGifPath(n.urlRule, a),
                    i = o.getPvUrl({
                      metaName: "aplus-rhost-v",
                      metaValue: e,
                      gifPath: r,
                      url: o.filterIntUrl(a),
                  (n.url = i), (this.options.context.where_to_sendpv = n);
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          var n = function (t) {
            var e;
            try {
              window.goldlog || (window.goldlog = {}), (e = window.goldlog[t]);
            } catch (t) {
              e = "";
            } finally {
              return e;
          e.getGoldlogVal = n;
          var o = function (t, e) {
            var n = !1;
            try {
              window.goldlog || (window.goldlog = {}),
                t && ((window.goldlog[t] = e), (n = !0));
            } catch (t) {
              n = !1;
            } finally {
              return n;
          (e.setGoldlogVal = o),
            (e.getClientInfo = function () {
              return n("_aplus_client") || {};
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t) {
            var e,
              a = t.length,
              r = {};
            for (h._microscope_data = r, e = 0; e < a; e++)
              (n = t[e]),
                "microscope-data" === f.tryToGetAttribute(n, "name") &&
                  ((o = f.tryToGetAttribute(n, "content")),
                  l.parseSemicolonContent(o, r),
                  (h.is_head_has_meta_microscope_data = !0));
            (h._microscope_data_params = l.obj2param(r)),
              (h.ms_data_page_id = r.pageId),
              (h.ms_data_shop_id = r.shopId),
              (h.ms_data_instance_id = r.siteInstanceId),
              (h.ms_data_siteCategoryId = r.siteCategory),
              (h.ms_prototype_id = r.prototypeId),
              (h.site_instance_id_or_shop_id =
                h.ms_data_instance_id || h.ms_data_shop_id),
              (h._atp_beacon_data = {}),
              (h._atp_beacon_data_params = "");
          function a(t) {
            var e,
              n = function () {
                var e;
                return (
                  document.querySelector &&
                    (e = document.querySelector("meta[name=data-spm]")),
                  g.each(t, function (t) {
                    "data-spm" === f.tryToGetAttribute(t, "name") && (e = t);
              o = n();
            return o && (e = f.tryToGetAttribute(o, "data-spm-protocol")), e;
          function r(t) {
            var e = t.isonepage || "-1",
              n = e.split("|"),
              o = n[0],
              a = n[1] ? n[1] : "";
            (t.isonepage_data = { isonepage: o, urlpagename: a }),
              (t["aplus-pagename"] = a);
          function i() {
            var t = d.getMetaTags();
              g.each(t, function (t) {
                var e = f.tryToGetAttribute(t, "name");
                if (/^aplus/.test(e) && ((h[e] = d.getMetaCnt(e)), e === v))
                  try {
                    c = h[e] = JSON.parse(d.getMetaCnt(e));
                  } catch (t) {}
              g.each(m, function (t) {
                h[t] = d.getMetaCnt(t);
              (h.spm_protocol = a(t)),
              c && (h = g.assign(h, c));
            var e,
              i = ["aplus-rate-ahot"],
              s = i.length;
            for (e = 0; e < s; e++) (n = i[e]), (h[n] = parseFloat(h[n]));
            return r(h), (b = h || {}), h;
          function s() {
            return b || i();
          function u(t) {
            p.logger({ msg: "please do not repeat setPriorityMetaInfo " + t });
          var c,
            l = n(18),
            p = n(24),
            g = n(9),
            f = n(28),
            d = n(29),
            _ = n(30),
            h = {},
            m = [
            v = "aplus-x-settings",
            b = {};
          e.setMetaInfo = function (t, e) {
            if ((b || (b = {}), "object" == typeof c && c[t])) return u(t), !0;
            if (t === v) {
              if (c) u(t);
                try {
                  (c = "object" == typeof e ? e : JSON.parse(e)),
                    (b = g.assign(b, c));
                } catch (t) {
                  console && console.log(t);
              return !0;
            return (b[t] = e), !0;
          var y = function (t) {
            return b || (b = {}), b[t] || "";
          (e.getMetaInfo = y),
            (e.getInfo = i),
            (e.qGet = s),
            (e.appendMetaInfo = function (t, e) {
              var n = function (t, e) {
                goldlog.setMetaInfo(t, e, { from: "appendMetaInfo" });
              if (t && e) {
                var o,
                  a = function (o) {
                    try {
                      var a = "string" == typeof e ? JSON.parse(e) : e;
                      n(t, g.assign(o, a));
                    } catch (t) {}
                  r = function (o) {
                    try {
                      var a = "string" == typeof e ? JSON.parse(e) : e;
                      n(t, o.concat(a));
                    } catch (t) {}
                  i = function (t) {
                    return "EXPARAMS" === t
                      ? _.getExparamsInfos("", t)
                      : t
                      ? t.split("&")
                      : [];
                  s = function (o) {
                    try {
                      var a = i(o),
                        r = i(e);
                      n(t, a.concat(r).join("&"));
                    } catch (t) {}
                  u = function (t) {
                    t.constructor === Array ? r(t) : a(t);
                  c = goldlog.getMetaInfo(t);
                if (("aplus-exinfo" === t && (s(c), (o = !0)), c))
                  if ("object" == typeof c) u(c), (o = !0);
                    try {
                      var l = JSON.parse(c);
                      "object" == typeof l && (u(l), (o = !0));
                    } catch (t) {}
                o || n(t, e);
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          e.tryToGetAttribute = function (t, e) {
            return t && t.getAttribute ? t.getAttribute(e) || "" : "";
          var n = function (t, e, n) {
            if (t && t.setAttribute)
              try {
                t.setAttribute(e, n);
              } catch (t) {}
          (e.tryToSetAttribute = n),
            (e.tryToRemoveAttribute = function (t, e) {
              if (t && t.removeAttribute)
                try {
                } catch (o) {
                  n(t, e, "");
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t) {
            return (
              (i = i || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]),
              s && !t ? s : i ? (s = i.getElementsByTagName("meta")) : []
          function a(t, e) {
            var n,
              i = o(),
              s = i.length;
            for (n = 0; n < s; n++)
              (a = i[n]),
                u.tryToGetAttribute(a, "name") === t &&
                  (r = u.tryToGetAttribute(a, e || "content"));
            return r || "";
          function r(t) {
            var e = { isonepage: "-1", urlpagename: "" },
              n = t.qGet();
            if (n && n.hasOwnProperty("isonepage_data"))
              (e.isonepage = n.isonepage_data.isonepage),
                (e.urlpagename = n.isonepage_data.urlpagename);
            else {
              var o = a("isonepage") || "-1",
                r = o.split("|");
              (e.isonepage = r[0]), (e.urlpagename = r[1] ? r[1] : "");
            return e;
          var i,
            u = n(28);
          (e.getMetaTags = o), (e.getMetaCnt = a), (e.getOnePageInfo = r);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(18),
            a = n(31),
            r = n(12);
          e.getExparamsInfos = function (t, e) {
            var n = [],
              i = t || ["uidaplus", "pc_i", "pu_i"],
              s = a.getExParams(o) || "";
            s = s.replace(/&aplus&/, "&");
            for (
              var u = o.param2arr(s) || [],
                c = function (t) {
                  return r.indexof(i, t) > -1;
                l = 0;
              l < u.length;
            ) {
              var p = u[l],
                g = p[0] || "",
                f = p[1] || "";
              g && f && ("EXPARAMS" === e || c(g)) && n.push(g + "=" + f);
            return n;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o() {
            return (
              s ||
                (s =
                  g.getElementById("beacon-aplus") ||
          function a(t) {
            var e = o(),
              n = p.tryToGetAttribute(e, "cspx");
            t && n && (t.nonce = n);
          function r(t, e, n) {
            var r = "script",
              s = g.createElement(r);
            (s.type = "text/javascript"), (s.async = !0);
            var c = o(),
              l = c && c.hasAttribute("crossorigin");
            l && (s.crossOrigin = "anonymous");
            var p = "https:" === location.protocol ? e || t : t;
            0 === p.indexOf("//") && (p = u.getProtocal() + p),
              (s.src = p),
              n && ( = n),
            var f = g.getElementsByTagName(r)[0];
            (i = i || g.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]),
              f ? f.parentNode.insertBefore(s, f) : i && i.appendChild(s);
          var i,
            u = n(22),
            c = n(9),
            l = n(24),
            p = n(28),
            g = document;
          (e.getCurrentNode = o),
            (e.addScript = r),
            (e.loadScript = function (t, e) {
              function n(t) {
                (o.onreadystatechange = o.onload = o.onerror = null),
                  (o = null),
              var o = g.createElement("script");
              if (
                ((i = i || g.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]),
                (o.async = !0),
                "onload" in o)
                o.onload = n;
              else {
                var r = function () {
                  /loaded|complete/.test(o.readyState) && n();
                (o.onreadystatechange = r), r();
              (o.onerror = function (t) {
                (o.src = t),
            (e.isTouch = function () {
              return "ontouchend" in document.createElement("div");
          var f = function () {
            var t = goldlog && goldlog._$ ? goldlog._$ : {},
              e = t.meta_info || {};
            return e["aplus-exparams"] || "";
          (e.getExParamsFromMeta = f),
            (e.getExParams = function (t) {
              var e = o(),
                n = p.tryToGetAttribute(e, "exparams"),
                a = d(n, f(), t) || "";
              return (
                a &&
                a.replace(/&amp;/g, "&").replace(/\buser(i|I)d=/, "uidaplus=")
          var d = function (t, e, n) {
            var o = "aplus&sidx=aplusSidex",
              a = t || o;
            try {
              if (e) {
                var r = n.param2obj(e),
                  i = [
                c.each(i, function (t) {
                  r.hasOwnProperty(t) &&
                    (l.logger({ msg: "Can not inject keywords: " + t }),
                    delete r[t]);
                  delete r[""];
                var s = "";
                if (t) {
                  var u = t.match(/aplus&/).index,
                    p = u > 0 ? n.param2obj(t.substring(0, u)) : {};
                  delete p[""],
                    (s =
                      n.obj2param(c.assign(p, r)) +
                      "&" +
                      t.substring(u, t.length));
                } else s = n.obj2param(r) + "&" + o;
                return s;
              return a;
            } catch (t) {
              return a;
          e.mergeExparams = d;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(33),
            a = n(3),
            r = n(11),
            i = n(31),
            s = n(19),
            u = n(34),
            c = n(35),
            l = n(26),
            p = n(4);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
                var e = this.options.context.etag || {};
                (this.cna = e.cna || r.getCookie("cna")),
                  this.setEtag(this.cna || ""),
                  (this.requesting = !1),
                  ( = u.getFormatDate());
              setLsTag: function (t) {
                (this.lstag = t), (this.options.context.etag.lstag = t);
              setTag: function (t) {
                (this.tag = t), (this.options.context.etag.tag = t);
              setStag: function (t) {
                (this.stag = t), (this.options.context.etag.stag = t);
              setEtag: function (t) {
                t &&
                  ((this.etag = t),
                  (this.options.context.etag.cna = t),
                  r.getCookie("cna") !== t &&
                    r.setCookie("cna", t, { SameSite: "none" })));
              setLscnaStatus: function (t) {
                this.options.context.etag.lscnastatus = t;
              run: function (t, e) {
                var n = this;
                if (n.cna) return void n.setTag(1);
                var o = null,
                  r = c.getUrl(this.options.context.etag || {});
                n.requesting = !0;
                var u = function () {
                  setTimeout(function () {
                  }, 20),
                return (
                  i.loadScript(r, function (t) {
                    var e, o;
                    if (
                      (t && "error" === t.type
                        ? (n.setStag(-3),
                            message: "loadError",
                            error: "",
                            filename: "etag_ls",
                        : ((e = l.getGoldlogVal("Etag")),
                          (o = l.getGoldlogVal("stag")),
                          "undefined" != typeof o && n.setStag(o)),
                      return void n.setEtag(e);
                    if (2 === o || 4 === o) {
                      var r = s.getLsCna(p.LS_CNA_KEY);
                        ? (n.setLsTag(1), n.setEtag(r))
                        : (n.setLsTag(0),
                          s.setLsCna(p.LS_CNA_KEY,, e),
                    } else n.setEtag(e);
                  (o = setTimeout(function () {
                    (n.requesting = !1), n.setStag(-2), e();
                  }, 1500)),
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          var n = "function",
            o = function () {
              var t = window.goldlog || {},
                e = t.aplus_pubsub || {},
                o = typeof e.publish === n;
              return o ? e : "";
            a = function (t) {
              var e = o();
              e && typeof e.publish === n && e.publish.apply(e, t);
          e.doPubMsg = a;
          var r = function (t) {
            var e = o();
            e && typeof e.cachePubs === n && e.cachePubs.apply(e, t);
          (e.doCachePubs = r),
            (e.doSubMsg = function (t, e) {
              var a = o();
              a && typeof a.subscribe === n && a.subscribe(t, e);
            (e.doSubOnceMsg = function (t, e) {
              var a = o();
              a && typeof a.subscribeOnce === n && a.subscribeOnce(t, e);
            (e.publishCNA = function (t) {
              if (t) {
                var e = ["CNA", { value: t }];
                a(e), r(e);
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          function n(t, e, n) {
            var o = "" + Math.abs(t),
              a = e - o.length,
              r = t >= 0;
            return (
              (r ? (n ? "+" : "") : "-") +
              Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, a)).toString().substr(1) +
          e.getFormatDate = function (t) {
            var e = new Date();
            try {
              return [
                n(e.getMonth() + 1, 2, 0),
                n(e.getDate(), 2, 0),
              ].join(t || "");
            } catch (t) {
              return "";
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(19);
          e.getUrl = function (t) {
            var e = new Date().getTime(),
              n = o.getUrl(t && t.egUrl ? t.egUrl : ""),
              a = n.match(/[\w+\.]+[a-z|A-Z|0-9]+\/(eg|ge).js/);
            return (
              0 !== n.indexOf("http") && a && a.length > 0 && (n = "//" + a[0]),
              n + "?t=" + e
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(19),
            a = n(31),
            r = n(35),
            i = n(4),
            s = n(34),
            u = n(21);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                (this.options = t), ( = s.getFormatDate());
              run: function () {
                var t = this;
                if (u.test()) {
                  var e = o.getLsCna(i.LS_CNA_KEY,;
                  e ||
                    setTimeout(function () {
                      var e = r.getUrl(t.options.context.etag || {});
                      a.loadScript(e, function (e) {
                        e &&
                          "error" !== e.type &&
                          o.setLsCna(i.LS_CNA_KEY,, goldlog.Etag);
                    }, 1e3);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          e.plugins_pv = [
            { name: "etag", enable: !0, path: n(38) },
            { name: "when_to_sendpv", enable: !0, path: n(39) },
            { name: "where_to_sendlog_ut", enable: !0, path: n(40) },
            { name: "is_single", enable: !0, path: n(42) },
            { name: "what_to_pvhash", enable: !0, path: n(43) },
            { name: "what_to_sendpv", enable: !0, path: n(44) },
              name: "what_to_sendpv_userdata",
              enable: !0,
              path: n(48),
              deps: ["what_to_sendpv"],
              name: "what_to_sendpv_etag",
              enable: !0,
              path: n(53),
              deps: ["etag", "what_to_sendpv"],
              name: "what_to_sendpv_ut2",
              enable: !0,
              path: n(54),
              deps: ["where_to_sendlog_ut"],
              name: "what_to_sendpv_ut",
              enable: !0,
              path: n(56),
              deps: ["where_to_sendlog_ut"],
              name: "what_to_pv_slog",
              enable: !0,
              path: n(57),
              deps: [
            { name: "can_to_sendpv", enable: !0, path: n(58) },
              name: "where_to_sendpv",
              enable: !0,
              path: n(17),
              deps: ["is_single"],
              name: "do_sendpv_ut2",
              enable: !0,
              path: n(59),
              deps: ["what_to_sendpv_ut2", "where_to_sendlog_ut"],
              name: "do_sendpv_ut",
              enable: !0,
              path: n(60),
              deps: [
              name: "do_sendpv",
              enable: !0,
              path: n(61),
              deps: [
            { name: "after_pv", enable: !0, path: n(62) },
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(33);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              run: function () {
                var t = this;
                o.doSubOnceMsg("aplusInitContext", function (e) {
                  e.etag && (t.options.context.etag = e.etag);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(26),
            a = n(23),
            r = n(27);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              getMetaInfo: function () {
                var t = o.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                  e = t.meta_info || r.getInfo();
                return e;
              getAplusWaiting: function () {
                var t = this.getMetaInfo() || {};
                return t["aplus-waiting"];
              run: function (t, e) {
                var n = this.options.config || {},
                  o = this.getAplusWaiting();
                if (o && n.is_auto)
                  switch (
                    ((o = this.getAplusWaiting() + ""),
                    (this.options.context.when_to_sendpv = { aplusWaiting: o }),
                  ) {
                    case "MAN":
                      return "done";
                    case "1":
                      return (
                        (this.options.context.when_to_sendpv.isWait = !0),
                        a.sleep(6e3, function () {
                      var r = 1 * o;
                      if (r + "" != "NaN")
                        return (
                          (this.options.context.when_to_sendpv.isWait = !0),
                          a.sleep(r, function () {
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(41);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              getAplusToUT: function (t) {
                return {
                  toUT2: o.getAplusToUT("toUT2", t),
                  toUT: o.getAplusToUT("toUT", t),
              run: function () {
                if ("Umeng4Aplus" === goldlog.aplusBridgeName)
                  this.options.context.where_to_sendlog_ut.toUTName = "toUT2";
                else {
                  var t = this.getAplusToUT(this.options.config.recordType);
                  this.options.context.where_to_sendlog_ut.aplusToUT = t;
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          var n = navigator.userAgent,
            o = /WindVane/i.test(n);
          e.is_WindVane = o;
          var a = function () {
            var t = goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus_chnl");
            return (
                !t ||
                !t.isAvailable ||
                ("function" != typeof t.toUT2 && "function" != typeof t.toUT)
              ) && t
          (e.isAplusChnl = a),
            (e.getAplusToUT = function (t, e) {
              var n = {},
                r = a();
              if ("object" == typeof r)
                (n.bridgeName = r.bridgeName || "customBridge"),
                  (n.bridgeVersion = r.bridgeVersion || r.version || ""),
                  (n.isAvailable = r.isAvailable),
                  (n.toUT2 = r.toUT2 || r.toUT);
              else {
                var i = window.WindVane || {};
                if (o && i && i.isAvailable && "function" == typeof {
                  var s = t || "toUT",
                    u = goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-toUT") + "";
                  "toUT2HC" === u && "PV" === e && (s = u),
                    (n = {
                      bridgeName: "WindVane",
                      bridgeVersion: i.version || "",
                      isAvailable: !0,
                      toUT2: function (t, e, n, o) {
                        return"WVTBUserTrack", s, t, e, n, o);
              return n;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(26),
            a = n(4);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              isSingle_pv: function () {
                var t = o.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {};
                return !("1" === t.meta_info["aplus-both-request"]);
              isSingle_hjlj: function (t) {
                var e = o.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {};
                return (
                  !("1" === e.meta_info["aplus-both-request"]) &&
                  t &&
                  t.logkey &&
              isSingle_uhjlj: function (t) {
                var e = o.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {};
                return (
                  (!t || !/^\/aplus\.99\.(\d)+$/.test(t.logkey)) &&
                  !("1" === e.meta_info["aplus-both-request"]) &&
                  t &&
              run: function () {
                var t = this.options.context || {},
                  e = this.options.config || {},
                  n = t.where_to_sendlog_ut.aplusToUT || {},
                  o = n.toUT || {},
                  r = n.toUT2 || {},
                  i = !(!o.isAvailable && !r.isAvailable),
                  s = t.userdata || {},
                  u = !!t.is_single;
                switch (e.recordType) {
                  case a.recordTypes.uhjlj:
                    u = this.isSingle_uhjlj(s);
                  case a.recordTypes.hjlj:
                    u = this.isSingle_hjlj(s);
                  case a.recordTypes.pv:
                    u = this.isSingle_pv();
                    u = this.isSingle_pv();
                (this.options.context.is_single = i && u),
                  (this.options.context.ut_is_available = i);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(26);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              run: function () {
                var t = this.options.context.what_to_pvhash || {},
                  e = o.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                  n = e.meta_info || {},
                  a = n["aplus-pvhash"] || "",
                  r = [];
                "1" === a &&
                  (r = ["_aqx_uri", encodeURIComponent(location.href)]),
                  (t.hash = r),
                  (this.options.context.what_to_pvhash = t);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(18),
            a = n(9),
            r = n(31),
            i = n(26),
            s = n(28),
            u = n(11),
            c = n(45),
            l = n(46),
            p = n(47);
          t.exports = function () {
            return a.assign(p, {
              init: function (t) {
                (this.options = t),
                  this.cookie_data || (this.cookie_data = u.getData()),
                  this.client_info ||
                    (this.client_info = i.getClientInfo() || {});
                var e = location.hash;
                e && 0 === e.indexOf("#") && (e = e.substr(1)),
                  (this.loc_hash = e);
              getExParams: function () {
                var t = window,
                  e = document,
                  n = [],
                  u = parent !== t.self,
                  l =
                    e.getElementById("beacon-aplus") ||
                  p = s.tryToGetAttribute(l, "exparams"),
                  g = r.mergeExparams(p, r.getExParamsFromMeta(), o) || "";
                g = g.replace(/&amp;/g, "&");
                var f,
                  _ = [
                  h = i.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                  m = h.meta_info || {};
                if (u && !m["aplus-ifr-pv"]) {
                  for (d = _.length, f = 0; f < d; f++)
                    if (o.isContain(location.hostname, _[f]))
                      return n.push([o.mkPlainKeyForExparams(), g]), n;
                  g = g.replace(/\buser(i|I)d=\w*&?/, "");
                (g = g.replace(/\buser(i|I)d=/, "uidaplus=")),
                  g && n.push([o.mkPlainKeyForExparams(), g]);
                var v = a.makeCacheNum();
                return c.updateKey(n, "cache", v), n;
              getExtra: function () {
                var t = [],
                  e = i.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                  n = e.meta_info || {},
                  a = this.cookie_data || {},
                  r = this.getClientInfo(!0) || [];
                return (
                  o.ifAdd(t, r),
                  o.ifAdd(t, [
                    ["thw", a.thw],
                    ["bucket_id", l.getBucketId(n)],
                    ["urlokey", this.loc_hash],
                    ["wm_instanceid", n.ms_data_instance_id],
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          function n(t, e, n) {
            r(t, "spm-cnt", function (t) {
              var o = t.split(".");
              return (
                (o[0] = goldlog.spm_ab[0]),
                (o[1] = goldlog.spm_ab[1]),
                  ? (o[1] = o[1].split("/")[0] + "/" + e)
                  : (o[1] = o[1].split("/")[0]),
                n && (o[4] = n),
          function o(t, e) {
            var n = window.g_SPM && g_SPM._current_spm;
            n &&
                function () {
                  return [n.a, n.b, n.c, n.d].join(".") + (e ? "." + e : "");
          function a(t, e) {
            var n,
              r = -1;
            for (n = 0, o = t.length; n < o; n++)
              if (((a = t[n]), a[0] === e)) {
                r = n;
            r >= 0 && t.splice(r, 1);
          function r(t, e, n, o) {
            var a,
              i = t.length,
              s = -1,
              u = "function" == typeof n;
            for (a = 0; a < i; a++) {
              if (((r = t[a]), r[0] === e))
                return void (u ? (r[1] = n(r[1])) : (r[1] = n));
              o && r[0] === o && (s = a);
            o &&
              (u && (n = n()),
              s > -1 ? t.splice(s, 0, [e, n]) : t.push([e, n]));
          t.exports = {
            updateSPMCnt: n,
            updateSPMUrl: o,
            updateKey: r,
            removeKey: a,
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t, e) {
            var n,
              o = 2146271213;
            for (n = 0; n < t.length; n++) o = (o << 5) + o + t.charCodeAt(n);
            return (65535 & o) % e;
          function a(t) {
            var e,
              n = r.getCookie("t");
            return (
              ("3" != t.ms_prototype_id && "5" != t.ms_prototype_id) ||
                (e = n ? o(n, 20) : ""),
          var r = n(11);
          e.getBucketId = a;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(18),
            a = n(9),
            r = n(26),
            i = n(41),
            s = n(11),
            u = n(4);
          t.exports = {
            init: function (t) {
              (this.options = t),
                this.cookie_data || (this.cookie_data = s.getData());
            getBasicParams: function () {
              var t = document,
                e = r.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                n = e.spm || {},
                a = e.meta_info || {},
                i = a["aplus-ifr-pv"] + "" == "1",
                u = o.is_in_iframe && !i ? 0 : 1,
                c = this.options.config || {},
                l = t.title;
              c.title && (l += "_" + c.title);
              var p = [
                ["logtype", u],
                ["title", l],
                ["pre", e.page_referrer || ""],
                ["scr", screen.width + "x" + screen.height],
              try {
                var g = location.href.substring(0, 1200);
                g && p.push(["_p_url", a["aplus-p-url"] || g]);
              } catch (t) {}
              var f = this.cookie_data || {},
                d = this.options.context || {},
                _ = d.etag || {},
                h = _.cna || f.cna || s.getCookie("cna");
              h && p.push([o.mkPlainKey(), "cna=" + h]),
                f.tracknick && p.push([o.mkPlainKey(), "nick=" + f.tracknick]);
              var m = n.spm_url || "";
              return (
                o.ifAdd(p, [
                  ["wm_pageid", a.ms_data_page_id],
                  ["wm_prototypeid", a.ms_prototype_id],
                  ["wm_sid", a.ms_data_shop_id],
                  ["spm-url", m],
                  ["spm-pre", n.spm_pre],
                  ["spm-cnt", n.spm_cnt],
                  ["cnaui", f.cnaui],
            getExParams: function () {
              return [];
            getExtra: function () {
              return [];
            getClientInfo: function (t) {
              var e = [],
                n = r.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                s = this.client_info || {},
                c = s.ua_info || {};
              if (t || (!i.is_WindVane && !i.isAplusChnl())) {
                for (
                  var l,
                    p = [],
                    g = ["p", "o", "b", "s", "w", "wx", "ism"],
                    f = 0;
                  (l = g[f++]);

                  c[l] && p.push([l, c[l]]);
                o.ifAdd(e, p);
              o.ifAdd(e, [
                ["cache", a.makeCacheNum()],
                ["lver", goldlog.lver || u.lver],
                ["jsver", n.script_name || u.script_name],
                ["pver", goldlog.aplus_cplugin_ver],
              var d = this.options.config || {},
                _ = d.is_auto;
              return _ || o.ifAdd(e, [["mansndlog", 1]]), e;
            processLodashDollar: function () {
              var t = r.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {};
              t.page_url !== location.href &&
                ((t.page_referrer = t.page_url), (t.page_url = location.href)),
                r.setGoldlogVal("_$", t);
            getLsParams: function () {
              var t = r.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                e = [];
              return (
                t.lsparams &&
                  t.lsparams.spm_id &&
                  (e.push(["lsparams", t.lsparams.spm_id]),
                  e.push(["lsparams_pre", t.lsparams.current_url])),
            run: function () {
              var t = this.getBasicParams() || [],
                e = this.getExParams() || [],
                n = this.getExtra() || [];
              var o = this.getLsParams() || [],
                a = [].concat(t, e, n, o);
              (this.options.context.what_to_sendpv.pvdata = a),
                (this.options.context.what_to_sendpv.exparams = e);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(18),
            a = n(26),
            r = n(45),
            i = n(11),
            s = n(49);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              getPageId: function () {
                var t = this.options.config || {},
                  e = this.options.context || {},
                  n = e.userdata || {};
                return t.page_id || t.pageid || t.pageId || n.page_id;
              getPageInfo: function () {
                var t;
                try {
                  var e = top.location !== self.location;
                  e &&
                    void 0 !== window.innerWidth &&
                    (t = {
                      width: window.innerWidth,
                      height: window.innerHeight,
                } catch (t) {}
                return t;
              getUserdata: function () {
                var t = a.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                  e = t.spm || {},
                  n = this.options.context || {},
                  r = n.userdata || {},
                  u = this.options.config || {},
                  c = [];
                if (u && !u.is_auto) {
                  u.gokey && c.push([o.mkPlainKey(), u.gokey]);
                  var l =;
                  if (l) {
                    var p = this.getPageId();
                    (l = p ? l.split("/")[0] + "/" + p : l.split("/")[0]),
                    var g = e.spm_cnt.split(".");
                    g &&
                      g.length > 2 &&
                      ((g[1] = l), (e.spm_cnt = g.join(".")));
                var f = function (t) {
                  if ("object" == typeof t)
                    for (var e in t)
                      "object" != typeof t[e] &&
                        "function" != typeof t[e] &&
                        c.push([e, t[e]]);
                f(goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-cpvdata")), f(r);
                var d = i.getCookie("workno") || i.getCookie("emplId");
                d && c.push(["workno", d]);
                var _ = i.getHng();
                _ && c.push(["_hng", i.getHng()]);
                var h = this.getPageInfo();
                return (
                  h && (c.push(["_pw", h.width]), c.push(["_ph", h.height])), c
              processLodashDollar: function () {
                var t = this.options.config || {},
                  e = a.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {};
                t && t.referrer && (e.page_referrer = t.referrer),
                  a.setGoldlogVal("_$", e);
              updatePre: function (t) {
                var e = a.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {};
                return (
                  e.page_referrer && r.updateKey(t, "pre", e.page_referrer), t
              run: function () {
                var t = this.options.context.what_to_sendpv.pvdata,
                  e = this.getUserdata();
                var n = t,
                  o = this.options.context.what_to_pvhash.hash;
                o && o.length > 0 && n.push(o),
                  (n = n.concat(e)),
                  (n = this.updatePre(n));
                var a = this.getPageId();
                a && r.updateSPMCnt(n, a),
                  (this.options.context.what_to_sendpv.pvdata = n),
                  (this.options.context.userdata = e);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o() {
            if (! || ! {
              var t = r._SPM_a,
                e = r._SPM_b;
              if (t && e)
                return (
                  (t = t.replace(/^{(\w+\/)}$/g, "$1")),
                  (e = e.replace(/^{(\w+\/)}$/g, "$1")),
                  (s.is_wh_in_page = !0),
                  void c.setAB(t, e)
              var n = goldlog._$.meta_info;
              t = n["data-spm"] || n["spm-id"] || "0";
              var o = t.split(".");
              o.length > 1 && ((t = o[0]), (e = o[1])),
                e && c.setB(e);
              var a = i.getElementsByTagName("body");
              (a = a && a.length ? a[0] : null),
                a &&
                  ((e = l.tryToGetAttribute(a, "data-spm")),
                  e ? c.setB(e) : 1 === o.length && c.setAB("0", "0"));
          function a() {
            var t =,
              e =;
            t && e && (goldlog.spm_ab = [t, e]);
          var r = window,
            i = document,
            s = {},
            u = {};
 = u;
          var c = {},
            l = n(28),
            p = n(50),
            g = location.href,
            f = n(51).getRefer(),
            d = n(4);
          (c.setA = function (t) {
            ( = t), a();
            (c.setB = function (t) {
              ( = t), a();
            (c.setAB = function (t, e) {
              ( = t), ( = e), a();
          var _ = p.getSPMFromUrl,
            h = function () {
              var t = d.utilPvid.makePVId();
              return d.mustSpmE ? t || goldlog.pvid || "" : t || "";
            m = function (t, e) {
              var n = t.goldlog || window.goldlog || {},
                a = n.meta_info || {};
              s.meta_protocol = a.spm_protocol;
              var r,
                i = n.spm_ab || [],
                u = i[0] || "0",
                c = i[1] || "0";
              "0" === u &&
                "0" === c &&
                (o(), (u = || "0"), (c = || "0")),
                (r = [,].join(".")),
                (s.spm_cnt = (r || "0.0") + ".0.0");
              var l = t.send_pv_count > 0 ? h() : n.pvid;
              l && (s.spm_cnt += "." + l),
                (n._$.spm = s),
                "function" == typeof e && e(l);
          (c.spaInit = function (t, e, n, o) {
            var a = "function" == typeof o ? o : function () {},
              r = s.spm_url,
              i = window.g_SPM || {},
              u = t._$ || {},
              c = u.send_pv_count;
            m({ goldlog: t, meta_info: e, send_pv_count: c }, function (t) {
              s.spm_cnt =
       + "." + + ".0.0" + (t ? "." + t : "");
              var o = e["aplus-spm-fixed"];
              if ("1" !== o) {
                (s.spm_pre = _(f)),
                  (s.origin_spm_pre = s.spm_pre),
                  (s.spm_url = _(location.href)),
                  (s.origin_spm_url = s.spm_url);
                var u = i._current_spm || {};
                u && u.a && "0" !== u.a && u.b && "0" !== u.b
                  ? ((s.spm_url = [u.a, u.b, u.c, u.d, u.e].join(".")),
                    (s.spm_pre = r))
                  : c > 0 &&
                    n &&
                    "0" !== n[0] &&
                    "0" !== n[1] &&
                    ((s.spm_url = n.concat(["0", "0"]).join(".")),
                    (s.spm_pre = r)),
                  (i._current_spm = {});
            (c.init = function (t, e, n) {
              (s.spm_url = _(g)),
                (s.spm_pre = _(f)),
                m({ goldlog: t, meta_info: e }, function () {
                  "function" == typeof n && n();
            (c.resetSpmCntPvid = function () {
              var t = goldlog.spm_ab;
              if (t && 2 === t.length) {
                var e = t.join(".") + ".0.0",
                  n = h();
                n && (e = e + "." + n),
                  (s.spm_cnt = e),
                  (s.spm_url = e),
                  (goldlog._$.spm = s);
            (t.exports = c);
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          function n(t, e) {
            if (!t || !e) return "";
            var n,
              o = "";
            try {
              var a = new RegExp("[?|&]+" + t + "=([^&|#|?|/]+)");
              if ("spm" === t || "scm" === t) {
                var r = new RegExp("\\?.*" + t + "=([\\w\\.\\-\\*/]+)"),
                  i = e.match(a),
                  s = e.match(r),
                  u = i && 2 === i.length ? i[1] : "",
                  c = s && 2 === s.length ? s[1] : "";
                (o = u > c ? u : c), (o = decodeURIComponent(o));
              } else (n = e.match(a)), (o = n && 2 === n.length ? n[1] : "");
            } catch (t) {
            } finally {
              return o;
          (e.getParamFromUrl = n),
            (e.getSPMFromUrl = function (t) {
              return n("spm", t);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(52).nameStorage,
            a = n(5);
          e.getRefer = function () {
            var t = a.KEY || {},
              e = t.NAME_STORAGE || {};
            return document.referrer || o.getItem(e.REFERRER) || "";
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          var n = (function () {
            function t() {
              var t,
                e = [],
                r = !0;
              for (var l in p)
                p.hasOwnProperty(l) &&
                  ((r = !1), (t = p[l] || ""), e.push(c(l) + s + c(t)));
     = r ? o : a + c(o) + i + e.join(u);
            function e(t, e, n) {
              t &&
                  ? t.addEventListener(e, n, !1)
                  : t.attachEvent &&
                    t.attachEvent("on" + e, function (e) {
            , e);
            var n = window;
            if (n.nameStorage) return n.nameStorage;
            var o,
              a = "nameStorage:",
              r = /^([^=]+)(?:=(.*))?$/,
              i = "?",
              s = "=",
              u = "&",
              c = encodeURIComponent,
              l = decodeURIComponent,
              p = {},
              g = {};
            return (
              (function (t) {
                if (t && 0 === t.indexOf(a)) {
                  var e = t.split(/[:?]/);
                  e.shift(), (o = l(e.shift()) || "");
                  for (
                    var n,
                      c = e.join(""),
                      g = c.split(u),
                      f = 0,
                      d = g.length;
                    f < d;
                    (n = g[f].match(r)),
                      n &&
                        n[1] &&
                        ((i = l(n[1])), (s = l(n[2]) || ""), (p[i] = s));
                } else o = t || "";
              (g.setItem = function (e, n) {
                e && "undefined" != typeof n && ((p[e] = String(n)), t());
              (g.getItem = function (t) {
                return p.hasOwnProperty(t) ? p[t] : null;
              (g.removeItem = function (e) {
                p.hasOwnProperty(e) && ((p[e] = null), delete p[e], t());
              (g.clear = function () {
                (p = {}), t();
              (g.valueOf = function () {
                return p;
              (g.toString = function () {
                var t =;
                return 0 === t.indexOf(a) ? t : a + t;
              e(n, "beforeunload", function () {
          e.nameStorage = n;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(45);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              updateBasicParams: function () {
                var t = this.options.context.what_to_sendpv.pvdata || [],
                  e = this.options.context.etag || {};
                return (
                  e.cna &&
                    (o.updateKey(t, "cna", e.cna),
                    (this.options.context.what_to_sendpv.pvdata = t)),
              addTagParams: function () {
                var t = this.options.context.what_to_sendpv.pvdata || [],
                  e = this.options.context.etag || {},
                  n = [];
                (e.tag || 0 === e.tag) && n.push(["tag", e.tag]),
                  (e.stag || 0 === e.stag) && n.push(["stag", e.stag]),
                  (e.lstag || 0 === e.lstag) && n.push(["lstag", e.lstag]),
                  n.length > 0 &&
                    (this.options.context.what_to_sendpv.pvdata = t.concat(n));
              run: function () {
                this.updateBasicParams(), this.addTagParams();
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t) {
            var e,
              r = [],
              s = {};
            for (e = t.length - 1; e >= 0; e--)
              (n = t[e]),
                (o = n[0]),
                (o && o.indexOf(i.s_plain_obj) == -1 && s.hasOwnProperty(o)) ||
                  ((a = n[1]),
                  ("aplus" == o || a) && (r.unshift([o, a]), (s[o] = 1)));
            return r;
          function a(t) {
            var e,
              r = [],
              u = { logtype: !0, cache: !0, scr: !0, "spm-cnt": !0 };
            for (e = t.length - 1; e >= 0; e--)
              if (
                ((n = t[e]),
                (o = n[0]),
                (a = n[1]),
                  (s.isStartWith(o, i.s_plain_obj) &&
                    !s.isStartWith(o, i.mkPlainKeyForExparams())) ||
                if (s.isStartWith(o, i.mkPlainKeyForExparams())) {
                  var c = i.param2arr(a);
                  if ("object" == typeof c && c.length > 0)
                    for (var l = c.length - 1; l >= 0; l--) {
                      var p = c[l];
                      p && p[1] && r.unshift([p[0], p[1]]);
                } else r.unshift([o, a]);
            return r;
          function r() {
            var t = { isonepage: "-1", urlpagename: "" },
              e = g.qGet();
            if (e && e.hasOwnProperty("isonepage_data"))
              (t.isonepage = e.isonepage_data.isonepage),
                (t.urlpagename = e.isonepage_data.urlpagename);
            else {
              var n = c.getMetaCnt("isonepage") || "-1",
                o = n.split("|");
              (t.isonepage = o[0]), (t.urlpagename = o[1] ? o[1] : "");
            return t;
          var i = n(18),
            s = n(9),
            u = n(26),
            c = n(29),
            l = n(50),
            p = n(55),
            g = n(27),
            f = n(4),
            d = n(11);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              keyIsAvailable: function (t) {
                var e = [
                return i.indexof(e, t) === -1;
              valIsAvailable: function (t) {
                return "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t;
              upUtData: function (t, e) {
                var n = this;
                if (((t = t ? t : {}), e && "object" == typeof e))
                  for (var o in e) {
                    var a = e[o];
                    o &&
                      n.valIsAvailable(a) &&
                      n.keyIsAvailable(o) &&
                      (t[o] = a);
                return t;
              getToUtData: function (t) {
                var e = u.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                  n = e.spm || {},
                  s = this.options.context || {},
                  c = !!s.is_single,
                  p = s.what_to_sendpv || {},
                  g = a(o(p.exparams || []));
                g = i.arr2obj(g);
                var _ = i.arr2obj(p.pvdata),
                  h = a(o(s.userdata || []));
                h = i.arr2obj(h);
                var m = location.href,
                  v = {},
                  b = l.getParamFromUrl("scm", m) || "";
                b && (v.scm = b);
                var y = l.getParamFromUrl("pg1stepk", m) || "";
                y && (v.pg1stepk = y);
                var w = l.getParamFromUrl("point", m) || "";
                w && (v.issb = 1),
                  _ && _.mansndlog && (v.mansndlog = _.mansndlog),
                  (v = this.upUtData(v, g)),
                  (v = this.upUtData(v, h));
                var x = r();
                (v.functype = "page"),
                  (v.funcId = "2001"),
                  (v.url =
                    goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-pagename") ||
                    location.origin + location.pathname),
                  (v._ish5 = "1"),
                  (v._h5url = m),
                  (v._toUT = 2),
                  (v._bridgeName = t.bridgeName || ""),
                  (v._bridgeVersion = t.bridgeVersion || ""),
                  (v["spm-cnt"] = n.spm_cnt || ""),
                  (v["spm-url"] = n.spm_url || ""),
                  (v["spm-pre"] = n.spm_pre || ""),
                  (v.cna = d.getCookie("cna")),
                  (v.lver = goldlog.lver || f.lver),
                  (v.jsver = f.script_name),
                  (v.pver = goldlog.aplus_cplugin_ver),
                  (v.isonepage = x.isonepage);
                var j = goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-utparam");
                return (
                  j && (v["utparam-cnt"] = JSON.stringify(j)),
                  (v._is_g2u_ = c ? 1 : 2),
              run: function () {
                var t = this.options.context || {},
                  e = t.what_to_sendpv_ut2 || {},
                  n = t.where_to_sendlog_ut || {},
                  o = n.aplusToUT || {},
                  a = o.toUT2 || {};
                ((a && a.isAvailable && "function" == typeof a.toUT2) ||
                  p.haveNativeFlagInUA()) &&
                  ((e.pvdataToUt = this.getToUtData(a)),
                  (this.options.context.what_to_sendpv_ut2 = e));
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          var n = "UT4Aplus",
            o = "Umeng4Aplus";
          (e.isNative4Aplus = function () {
            var t = goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-toUT"),
              e = goldlog.aplusBridgeName;
            return (e === n && t === n) || e === o;
            (e.haveNativeFlagInUA = function () {
              var t = goldlog.aplusBridgeName;
              if (!t && "boolean" != typeof t) {
                var e = new RegExp([n, o].join("|"), "i"),
                  a = navigator.userAgent.match(e);
                (t = !!a && a[0]), (goldlog.aplusBridgeName = t);
              return !!t;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t) {
            var e,
              i = [],
              s = {};
            for (e = t.length - 1; e >= 0; e--)
              (n = t[e]),
                (o = n[0]),
                (o && o.indexOf(r.s_plain_obj) == -1 && s.hasOwnProperty(o)) ||
                  ((a = n[1]),
                  ("aplus" == o || a) && (i.unshift([o, a]), (s[o] = 1)));
            return i;
          function a(t) {
            var e,
              s = [],
              u = { logtype: !0, cache: !0, scr: !0, "spm-cnt": !0 };
            for (e = t.length - 1; e >= 0; e--)
              if (
                ((n = t[e]),
                (o = n[0]),
                (a = n[1]),
                  (i.isStartWith(o, r.s_plain_obj) &&
                    !i.isStartWith(o, r.mkPlainKeyForExparams())) ||
                if (i.isStartWith(o, r.mkPlainKeyForExparams())) {
                  var c = r.param2arr(a);
                  if ("object" == typeof c && c.length > 0)
                    for (var l = c.length - 1; l >= 0; l--) {
                      var p = c[l];
                      p && p[1] && s.unshift([p[0], p[1]]);
                } else s.unshift([o, a]);
            return s;
          var r = n(18),
            i = n(9),
            s = n(26),
            u = n(29),
            c = n(55),
            l = n(27),
            p = n(4),
            g = n(11);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              getToUtData: function (t, e) {
                var n,
                  i = s.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                  c = i.spm || {},
                  f = a(o(t)),
                  d = {};
                try {
                  var _ = r.arr2obj(f);
                  (_._toUT = 1),
                    (_._bridgeName = e.bridgeName || ""),
                    (_._bridgeVersion = e.bridgeVersion || ""),
                    (n = JSON.stringify(_));
                } catch (t) {
                  n = '{"_toUT":1}';
                var h = u.getOnePageInfo(l);
                (d.functype = "2001"),
                  (d.urlpagename = h.urlpagename),
                  (d.url = location.href),
                  (d.spmcnt = c.spm_cnt || ""),
                  (d.spmurl = c.spm_url || ""),
                  (d.spmpre = c.spm_pre || ""),
                  (d.lzsid = ""),
                  (d.cna = g.getCookie("cna")),
                  (d.extendargs = n),
                  (d.isonepage = h.isonepage);
                var m = this.options.context || {},
                  v = !!m.is_single;
                return (
                  (d._is_g2u_ = v ? 1 : 2),
                  (d.version = p.toUtVersion),
                  (d.lver = goldlog.lver || p.lver),
                  (d.jsver = p.script_name),
              run: function () {
                var t = this.options.context || {},
                  e = t.what_to_sendpv || {},
                  n = e.pvdata || [],
                  o = t.what_to_sendpv_ut || {},
                  a = t.where_to_sendlog_ut || {},
                  r = a.aplusToUT || {},
                  i = r.toUT || {};
                ((i && i.isAvailable && "function" == typeof i.toUT2) ||
                  c.haveNativeFlagInUA()) &&
                  ((o.pvdataToUt = this.getToUtData(n, i)),
                  (this.options.context.what_to_sendpv_ut = o));
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              run: function () {
                var t = this.options.context || {},
                  e = t.is_single ? "1" : "0";
                if (
                  ((t.what_to_sendpv_ut2.pvdataToUt._slog = e),
                  (t.what_to_sendpv_ut.pvdataToUt._slog = e),
                  t.what_to_sendpv.pvdata.push(["_slog", e]),
                ) {
                  var n = t.is_single ? "1" : "2";
                  t.what_to_sendpv.pvdata.push(["_is_g2u", n]);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(26);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              run: function () {
                var t = o.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                  e = this.options.context.can_to_sendpv || {},
                  n = t.send_pv_count || 0,
                  a = this.options.config || {};
                return a.is_auto && n > 0
                  ? "done"
                  : ((e.flag = "YES"),
                    (this.options.context.can_to_sendpv = e),
                    (t.send_pv_count = ++n),
                    void o.setGoldlogVal("_$", t));
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(55);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              run: function (t, e) {
                var n = this,
                  a = this.options.context || {},
                  r = a.what_to_sendpv_ut2 || {},
                  i = a.where_to_sendlog_ut || {},
                  s = r.pvdataToUt || {},
                  u = i.aplusToUT || {},
                  c = u.toUT2;
                if (o.isNative4Aplus())
                  return (
                    (u.toutflag = "toUT2"),
                    (i.toUTName = "toUT2"),
                    void (n.options.context.what_to_sendpv_ut2.isSuccess = !0)
                if (c && "function" == typeof c.toUT2 && c.isAvailable)
                  try {
                    (u.toutflag = "toUT2"),
                        function () {
                          (n.options.context.what_to_sendpv_ut2.isSuccess = !0),
                        function (t) {
                          (n.options.context.what_to_sendpv_ut2.errorMsg = t),
                  } catch (t) {
                  } finally {
                    return "pause";
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(3);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              run: function (t, e) {
                var n = this,
                  a = this.options.context || {},
                  r = a.what_to_sendpv_ut || {},
                  i = a.what_to_sendpv_ut2 || {},
                  s = a.where_to_sendlog_ut || {},
                  u = r.pvdataToUt || {},
                  c = s.aplusToUT || {},
                  l = c.toUT;
                if (
                  !i.isSuccess &&
                  l &&
                  "function" == typeof l.toUT2 &&
                  try {
                      function () {
                        (c.toutflag = "toUT"),
                          (n.options.context.what_to_sendpv_ut.isSuccess = !0),
                      function (t) {
                          message: "do_sendpv_ut error",
                          error: JSON.stringify(t),
                          filename: "do_sendpv_ut",
                  } catch (t) {
                  } finally {
                    return "pause";
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(26),
            a = n(18);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              run: function () {
                var t = this.options.context || {},
                  e = t.what_to_sendpv_ut || {},
                  n = t.what_to_sendpv_ut2 || {},
                  r = !!t.is_single;
                if (!r || (!e.isSuccess && !n.isSuccess)) {
                  var i = t.what_to_sendpv || {},
                    s = t.where_to_sendpv || {},
                    u = i.pvdata || [],
                    c = goldlog.send(s.url, a.arr2obj(u));
                  o.setGoldlogVal("req", c);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(33),
            a = n(26);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              run: function () {
                var t = goldlog._$ || {},
                  e = this.options.context || {};
                a.setGoldlogVal("pv_context", e);
                var n = goldlog.spm_ab || [],
                  r = n.join("."),
                  i = t.send_pv_count,
                  s = {
                    cna: e.etag.cna,
                    count: i,
                    spmab_pre: goldlog.spmab_pre,
                o.doPubMsg(["sendPV", "complete", r, s]),
                  o.doCachePubs(["sendPV", "complete", r, s]);
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          e.plugins_prepv = [];
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o() {
            return {
              where_to_hjlj: {
                url: "//",
                ac_atpanel: "//",
                tblogUrl: "//",
          function a() {
            return r.assign(new i(), new o());
          var r = n(9),
            i = n(65);
          t.exports = a;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o() {
            return {
              compose: {},
              basic_params: { cna: a.getCookie("cna") },
              where_to_hjlj: {
                url: "//",
                ac_atpanel: "//",
                tblogUrl: "//",
              userdata: {},
              what_to_hjlj: { logdata: {} },
              what_to_pvhash: { hash: [] },
              what_to_hjlj_exinfo: {
                EXPARAMS_FLAG: "EXPARAMS",
                exinfo: [],
                exparams_key_names: ["uidaplus", "pc_i", "pu_i"],
              what_to_hjlj_ut: { logdataToUT: {} },
              what_to_hjlj_ut2: { isSuccess: !1, logdataToUT: {} },
              where_to_sendlog_ut: { aplusToUT: {}, toUTName: "toUT" },
              network: { connType: "UNKNOWN" },
              is_single: !1,
          var a = n(11);
          t.exports = o;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          e.plugins_hjlj = [
            { name: "etag", enable: !0, path: n(38) },
            { name: "where_to_sendlog_ut", enable: !0, path: n(40) },
            { name: "is_single", enable: !0, path: n(42) },
            { name: "what_to_hjlj_exinfo", enable: !0, path: n(67) },
            { name: "what_to_pvhash", enable: !0, path: n(43) },
              name: "what_to_hjlj",
              enable: !0,
              path: n(68),
              deps: ["what_to_hjlj_exinfo", "what_to_pvhash"],
              name: "what_to_hjlj_ut2",
              enable: !0,
              path: n(69),
              deps: ["is_single", "what_to_hjlj_exinfo"],
              name: "what_to_hjlj_ut",
              enable: !0,
              path: n(72),
              deps: ["is_single", "what_to_hjlj_exinfo"],
              name: "what_to_hjlj_slog",
              enable: !0,
              path: n(73),
              deps: ["what_to_hjlj", "what_to_hjlj_ut2", "what_to_hjlj_ut"],
              name: "where_to_hjlj",
              enable: !0,
              path: n(74),
              deps: ["is_single", "what_to_hjlj"],
              name: "do_sendhjlj_ut2",
              enable: !0,
              path: n(75),
              deps: ["what_to_hjlj", "what_to_hjlj_ut2", "where_to_sendlog_ut"],
              name: "do_sendhjlj_ut",
              enable: !0,
              path: n(76),
              deps: [
              name: "do_sendhjlj",
              enable: !0,
              path: n(77),
              deps: [
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(18),
            a = n(31),
            r = n(26),
            i = n(26),
            s = n(12),
            u = n(11);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              getCookieUserInfo: function () {
                var t = [],
                  e = u.getCookie("workno") || u.getCookie("emplId");
                e && t.push("workno=" + e);
                var n = u.getHng();
                return n && t.push("_hng=" + u.getHng()), t;
              filterExinfo: function (t) {
                var e = "";
                try {
                  t &&
                    ("string" == typeof t
                      ? (e = t
                          .replace(/&amp;/g, "&")
                          .replace(/\buser(i|I)d=/, "uidaplus=")
                          .replace(/&aplus&/, "&"))
                      : "object" == typeof t && (e = o.obj2param(t, !0)));
                } catch (t) {
                  e = t.message ? t.message : "";
                return e;
              getExparamsFlag: function () {
                var t = this.options.context || {},
                  e = t.what_to_hjlj_exinfo || {};
                return e.EXPARAMS_FLAG || "EXPARAMS";
              getCustomExParams: function (t) {
                var e = "";
                return (
                  t !== this.getExparamsFlag() &&
                    (e = this.filterExinfo(t) || ""),
                  e ? e.split("&") : []
              getBeaconExparams: function (t, e) {
                var n = [],
                  r = a.getExParams(o) || "";
                r = r.replace(/&aplus&/, "&");
                for (
                  var i = o.param2arr(r) || [],
                    u = function (e) {
                      return s.indexof(t, e) > -1;
                    c = 0;
                  c < i.length;
                ) {
                  var l = i[c],
                    p = l[0] || "",
                    g = l[1] || "";
                  p &&
                    g &&
                    (e === this.getExparamsFlag() || u(p)) &&
                    n.push(p + "=" + g);
                return n;
              getExinfo: function (t) {
                var e = this.options.context || {},
                  n = e.what_to_hjlj_exinfo || {},
                  o = n.exparams_key_names || [],
                  a = this.getBeaconExparams(o, t);
                return a;
              getExData: function (t) {
                var e = [];
                if ("object" == typeof t)
                  for (var n in t) {
                    var o = t[n];
                    n &&
                      o &&
                      "object" != typeof o &&
                      "function" != typeof o &&
                      e.push(n + "=" + o);
                return e;
              doConcatArr: function (t, e) {
                return e && e.length > 0 && (t = t.concat(e)), t;
              run: function () {
                try {
                  var t = this.options.context.what_to_hjlj_exinfo || {},
                    e = r.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                    n = e.meta_info || {},
                    o = n["aplus-exinfo"] || "",
                    a = n["aplus-exdata"] || "",
                    s = [];
                  (s = this.doConcatArr(s, t.exinfo || [])),
                    (s = this.doConcatArr(s, this.getExinfo(o))),
                    (s = this.doConcatArr(s, this.getCookieUserInfo())),
                    (s = this.doConcatArr(s, this.getCustomExParams(o))),
                    (s = this.doConcatArr(s, this.getExData(a))),
                    (t.exinfo = s.join("&")),
                    (this.options.context.what_to_hjlj_exinfo = t);
                } catch (t) {
                  i.logger({ msg: t ? t.message : "" });
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(31),
            a = n(18),
            r = n(11),
            i = n(9),
            s = n(4);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              getParams: function () {
                var t = this.options.context || {},
                  e = t.userdata || {},
                  n = t.basic_params || {},
                  u = t.what_to_hjlj_exinfo || {},
                  c = u.exinfo || "",
                  l = t.etag || {},
                  p = l.cna || n.cna || r.getCookie("cna"),
                  g = e.gmkey,
                  f = "";
                e.gokey && c
                  ? (f = [e.gokey, c].join("&"))
                  : e.gokey
                  ? (f = e.gokey)
                  : c && (f = c);
                var d = t.what_to_pvhash || {},
                  _ = d.hash || [];
                _.length && (f += "&" + _.join("=")),
                  (f += "&jsver=" + s.script_name),
                  (f += "&lver=" + s.lver),
                  (f += "&pver=" + goldlog.aplus_cplugin_ver),
                  (f += "&cache=" + i.makeCacheNum()),
                  (f += "&page_cna=" + p);
                var h = { gmkey: g || "", gokey: f, cna: p };
                try {
                  var m = location.href.substring(0, 1200);
                  m && (h._p_url = goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-p-url") || m);
                } catch (t) {}
                e["spm-cnt"] && (h["spm-cnt"] = e["spm-cnt"]),
                  e["spm-pre"] && (h["spm-pre"] = e["spm-pre"]);
                try {
                  var v = o.getExParams(a),
                    b = a.param2obj(v).uidaplus;
                  b && (h._gr_uid_ = b);
                  var y = a.param2obj(f).uidaplus;
                  y && (h.uidaplus = y);
                } catch (t) {}
                return h;
              run: function () {
                this.options.context.what_to_hjlj.logdata = this.getParams();
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(70),
            a = n(26),
            r = n(4);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              getToUtData: function (t, e) {
                var n = a.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                  i = n.spm || {},
                  s = this.options.context.userdata || {},
                  u = this.options.context.basic_params || {},
                  c = this.options.context || {},
                  l = c.what_to_hjlj_exinfo || {},
                  p = l.exinfo || "",
                  g = "";
                s.gokey && p
                  ? (g = [s.gokey, p].join("&"))
                  : s.gokey
                  ? (g = s.gokey)
                  : p && (g = p);
                var f = {};
                (f.functype = "ctrl"),
                  (f.funcId = o.getFunctypeValue2({
                    logkey: s.logkey,
                    gmkey: s.gmkey,
                    spm_ab: a.getGoldlogVal("spm_ab"),
                  (f.url =
                    goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-pagename") ||
                    location.origin + location.pathname),
                  (f.logkey = s.logkey),
                  (f.gokey = encodeURIComponent(g)),
                  (f.gmkey = s.gmkey),
                  (f._ish5 = "1"),
                  (f._h5url = location.href),
                  (f._is_g2u_ = t ? 1 : 2),
                  (f._toUT = 2),
                  (f._bridgeName = e.bridgeName || ""),
                  (f._bridgeVersion = e.bridgeVersion || ""),
                  (f["spm-cnt"] = i.spm_cnt || ""),
                  (f["spm-url"] = i.spm_url || ""),
                  (f["spm-pre"] = i.spm_pre || ""),
                  (f.cna = u.cna),
                  (f.lver = r.lver),
                  (f.jsver = r.script_name),
                  s.hasOwnProperty("autosend") && (f.autosend = s.autosend);
                var d = goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-utparam");
                return d && (f["utparam-cnt"] = JSON.stringify(d)), f;
              run: function () {
                var t = this.options.context || {},
                  e = t.what_to_hjlj_ut2 || {},
                  n = !!t.is_single,
                  o = t.where_to_sendlog_ut || {},
                  a = o.aplusToUT || {},
                  r = a.toUT2 || {};
                (e.logdataToUT = this.getToUtData(n, r)),
                  (this.options.context.what_to_hjlj_ut2 = e);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(71),
            a = n(55),
            r = function (t) {
              var e = t.logkey.toLowerCase();
              0 === e.indexOf("/") && (e = e.substr(1));
              var n = t.gmkey ? t.gmkey.toUpperCase() : "OTHER";
              switch (n) {
                case "EXP":
                  return "2201";
                case "CLK":
                  return "2101";
                case "SLD":
                  return "19999";
                case "OTHER":
                  return "19999";
            i = /\sA2U\/x/.test(window.navigator.userAgent),
            s = function () {
              var t = window.navigator.userAgent,
                e = !1,
                n = /AliApp\((DM|DY|DingTalk|CN|LA)\/(\d+[._]\d+[._]\d+)/i,
                r = n.test(t);
              return (
                (e = r),
                i ||
                  a.haveNativeFlagInUA() ||
                  e ||
                    version_ios_tb: [5, 11, 7],
                    version_ios_tm: [5, 24, 1],
                    version_android_tb: [5, 11, 7],
                    version_android_tm: [5, 24, 1],
          (e.isSingleUaVersion = s),
            (e.isSingleSendLog = function (t) {
              return (
                (!t || !/^\/fsp\.1\.1$/.test(t.logkey)) &&
                !!(t && t.logkey && s())
            (e.getFunctypeValue = function (t) {
              return e.isSingleSendLog(t) ? r(t) : "2101";
            (e.getFunctypeValue2 = function (t) {
              return r(t);
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          var n = function (t) {
            var e = [0, 0, 0];
            try {
              if (t) {
                var n = t[1],
                  o = n.split(".");
                if (o.length > 2)
                  for (var a = 0; a < o.length; ) (e[a] = parseInt(o[a])), a++;
            } catch (t) {
              e = [0, 0, 0];
            } finally {
              return e;
          e.parseVersion = n;
          var o = function (t, e) {
            var n = !1;
            try {
              var o = t[0] > e[0],
                a = t[1] > e[1],
                r = t[2] > e[2],
                i = t[0] === e[0],
                s = t[1] === e[1],
                u = t[2] === e[2];
              n = !!o || !(!i || !a) || !!(i && s && r) || !!(i && s && u);
            } catch (t) {
              n = !1;
            } finally {
              return n;
          (e.isAboveVersion = o),
            (e.webviewIsAbove = function (t, e) {
              var a = !1;
              try {
                e || (e = navigator.userAgent);
                var r = e.match(/AliApp\(TB\/(\d+[._]\d+[._]\d+)/i),
                  i = n(r),
                  s = e.match(/AliApp\(TM\/(\d+[._]\d+[._]\d+)/i),
                  u = n(s),
                  c = /iPhone|iPad|iPod|ios/i.test(e),
                  l = /android/i.test(e);
                  ? r && i
                    ? (a = o(i, t.version_ios_tb))
                    : s && u && (a = o(u, t.version_ios_tm))
                  : l &&
                    (r && i
                      ? (a = o(i, t.version_android_tb))
                      : s && u && (a = o(u, t.version_android_tm)));
              } catch (t) {
                a = !1;
              return a;
            (e.webviewIsEqual = function (t, e) {
              var n = !1;
              try {
                e || (e = navigator.userAgent);
                var o = e.match(/AliApp\(CN\/(\d+[._]\d+[._]\d+)/i),
                  a = o ? o[1] : "0.0.0",
                  r = e.match(/AliApp\(DingTalk\/(\d+[._]\d+[._]\d+)/i),
                  i = r ? r[1] : "0.0.0",
                  s = /iPhone|iPad|iPod|ios/i.test(e),
                  u = /android/i.test(e);
                  ? o && a
                    ? (n = t.version_ios_cn === a)
                    : r && i && (n = t.version_ios_dd === i)
                  : u &&
                    (o && a
                      ? (n = t.version_android_cn === a)
                      : r && i && (n = t.version_android_dd === i));
              } catch (t) {
                n = !1;
              return n;
            (e.webviewIsBelow = function (t, e) {
              var a = !1;
              try {
                e || (e = navigator.userAgent);
                var r = e.match(/AliApp\(CN\/(\d+[._]\d+[._]\d+)/i),
                  i = n(r),
                  s = /iPhone|iPad|iPod|ios/i.test(e),
                  u = /android/i.test(e);
                  ? r && i && (a = !o(i, t.version_ios_cn))
                  : u && r && i && (a = !o(i, t.version_android_cn));
              } catch (t) {
                a = !1;
              return a;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(70),
            a = n(11),
            r = n(26),
            i = n(4);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              getToUtData: function (t, e) {
                var n = r.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                  s = n.spm || {},
                  u = this.options.context || {},
                  c = u.userdata || {},
                  l = u.what_to_hjlj_exinfo || {},
                  p = l.exinfo || "",
                  g = "";
                c.gokey && p
                  ? (g = [c.gokey, p].join("&"))
                  : c.gokey
                  ? (g = c.gokey)
                  : p && (g = p);
                var f = {
                  gmkey: c.gmkey,
                  gokey: g,
                  lver: i.lver,
                  jsver: i.script_name,
                  version: i.toUtVersion,
                  spm_cnt: s.spm_cnt || "",
                  spm_url: s.spm_url || "",
                  spm_pre: s.spm_pre || "",
                (f._is_g2u_ = t ? 1 : 2),
                  (f._bridgeName = e.bridgeName || ""),
                  (f.bridgeVersion = e.bridgeVersion || ""),
                  (f._toUT = 1);
                try {
                  (f = JSON.stringify(f)), "{}" == f && (f = "");
                } catch (t) {
                  f = "";
                var d = n.meta_info || {},
                  _ = d.isonepage_data || {},
                  h = {};
                return (
                  (h.functype = o.getFunctypeValue({
                    logkey: c.logkey,
                    gmkey: c.gmkey,
                    spm_ab: r.getGoldlogVal("spm_ab"),
                  (h.spmcnt = s.spm_cnt || ""),
                  (h.spmurl = s.spm_url || ""),
                  (h.spmpre = s.spm_pre || ""),
                  (h.logkey = c.logkey),
                  (h.logkeyargs = f),
                  (h.urlpagename = _.urlpagename),
                  (h.url = location.href),
                  (h.cna = a.getCookie("cna") || ""),
                  (h.extendargs = ""),
                  (h.isonepage = _.isonepage),
              run: function () {
                var t = this.options.context || {},
                  e = !!t.is_single,
                  n = t.what_to_hjlj_ut || {},
                  o = t.where_to_sendlog_ut || {},
                  a = o.aplusToUT || {},
                  r = a.toUT || {};
                (n.logdataToUT = this.getToUtData(e, r)),
                  (this.options.context.what_to_hjlj_ut = n);
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              run: function () {
                var t = this.options.context || {},
                  e = t.is_single ? "1" : "0";
                (t.what_to_hjlj_ut2.logdataToUT._slog = e),
                  (t.what_to_hjlj_ut.logdataToUT._slog = e);
                var n = ["_slog=" + e];
                if (t.ut_is_available) {
                  var o = t.is_single ? "1" : "2";
                  n.push("_is_g2u=" + o);
                  ? (t.what_to_hjlj.logdata.gokey += "&" + n.join("&"))
                  : (t.what_to_hjlj.logdata.gokey = n.join("&"));
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(18),
            a = n(9),
            r = n(26),
            i = n(24),
            s = n(27);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              getMetaInfo: function () {
                var t = r.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                  e = t.meta_info || s.getInfo();
                return e;
              getAplusMetaByKey: function (t) {
                var e = this.getMetaInfo() || {};
                return e[t];
              cramUrl: function (t) {
                var e = r.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                  n = e.spm || {},
                  o = this.options.context.where_to_hjlj || {},
                  i = o.ac_atpanel,
                  s = o.tblogUrl,
                  u = this.options.context.what_to_hjlj || {},
                  c = this.options.context.userdata || {},
                  l = !0,
                  p = c.logkey;
                if (!p) return { url: t, logkey_available: !1 };
                if ("ac" == p) t = i + "1.gif";
                else if (a.isStartWith(p, "ac-")) t = i + p.substr(3);
                else if (a.isStartWith(p, "/")) {
                  t += p.substr(1);
                  var g = u.logdata || {};
                  (g["spm-cnt"] = n.spm_cnt), (g.logtype = 2);
                  try {
                    (u.logdata = g), (this.options.context.what_to_hjlj = u);
                  } catch (t) {}
                } else a.isEndWith(p, ".gif") ? (t = s + p) : (l = !1);
                return { url: t, logkey_available: l };
              can_to_sendhjlj: function (t) {
                var e = this.options.context || {},
                  n = e.logger || function () {},
                  o = this.options.context.userdata || {};
                return (
                  !!t.logkey_available ||
                  (n({ msg: "logkey: " + o.logkey + " is not legal!" }), !1)
              run: function () {
                var t,
                  n = this.options.context.where_to_hjlj.url,
                  a = this.getAplusMetaByKey("aplus-rhost-g"),
                  r = a && o.hostValidity(a);
                r &&
                  ((t = /^\/\//.test(a) ? "" : "//"),
                  (e = /\/$/.test(a) ? "" : "/"),
                  (n = t + a + e)),
                  a &&
                    !r &&
                        "aplus-rhost-g: " +
                        a +
                        ' is invalid, suggestion: ""',
                var s = this.cramUrl(n);
                return this.can_to_sendhjlj(s)
                  ? void (this.options.context.where_to_hjlj.url = s.url)
                  : "done";
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(55);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              run: function (t, e) {
                var n = this,
                  a = this.options.context || {},
                  r = a.logger || function () {},
                  i = a.what_to_hjlj_ut2 || {},
                  s = a.where_to_sendlog_ut || {},
                  u = !!a.is_single,
                  c = i.logdataToUT || {},
                  l = s.aplusToUT || {},
                  p = l.toUT2;
                if (o.isNative4Aplus())
                  return (
                    (l.toutflag = "toUT2"),
                    (s.toUTName = "toUT2"),
                    void (n.options.context.what_to_hjlj_ut2.isSuccess = !0)
                if (p && "function" == typeof p.toUT2 && p.isAvailable)
                  try {
                    (l.toutflag = "toUT2"),
                        function () {
                          (n.options.context.what_to_hjlj_ut2.isSuccess = !0),
                        function (t) {
                          (n.options.context.what_to_hjlj_ut2.errorMsg = t),
                  } catch (t) {
                    u &&
                          "warning: singleSendHjlj toUTName = toUT2 errorMsg:" +
                  } finally {
                    return "pause";
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              run: function (t, e) {
                var n = this,
                  o = this.options.context || {},
                  a = o.what_to_hjlj_ut2.isSuccess,
                  r = o.logger || function () {},
                  i = !!o.is_single,
                  s = o.where_to_sendlog_ut || {},
                  u = o.what_to_hjlj_ut || {},
                  c = u.logdataToUT || {},
                  l = s.aplusToUT || {},
                  p = l.toUT;
                if (!a && p && "function" == typeof p.toUT2 && p.isAvailable)
                  try {
                      function () {
                        (l.toutflag = "toUT"),
                          (n.options.context.what_to_hjlj_ut.isSuccess = !0),
                      function () {
                  } catch (t) {
                    i &&
                          "warning: singleSendHjlj toUTName = toUT errorMsg:" +
                  } finally {
                    return "pause";
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(26);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                this.options = t;
              run: function () {
                var t = this.options.context || {},
                  e = this.options.config || {},
                  n = t.what_to_hjlj_ut.isSuccess,
                  a = t.what_to_hjlj_ut2.isSuccess,
                  r = !!t.is_single;
                if (!r || (!n && !a)) {
                  var i = t.logger || {},
                    s = t.what_to_hjlj || {},
                    u = t.where_to_hjlj || {},
                    c = s.logdata || {},
                    l = u.url || "";
                  l ||
                    "function" != typeof i ||
                      msg: "warning: where_to_hjlj.url is null, goldlog.record failed!",
                  var p = goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-channel");
                  if ("WS-ONLY" !== p) {
                    var g = goldlog.send(u.url, c, e.method || "GET");
                    o.setGoldlogVal("req", g);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o() {
            var t,
              n = i.KEY || {},
              o = n.NAME_STORAGE || {};
            if (!c && u) {
              var a = location.href,
                l =
                  u &&
                  (a.indexOf("") >= 0 ||
                    a.indexOf("") >= 0),
                p = s.getRefer();
              l && p
                ? ((t = p), (e = r.getItem(o.REFERRER_PV_ID)))
                : ((t = a), (e = goldlog.pvid)),
                r.setItem(o.REFERRER, t),
                r.setItem(o.REFERRER_PV_ID, e);
          var a = n(79),
            r = n(52).nameStorage,
            i = n(4),
            s = n(51),
            u = "https:" == location.protocol,
            c = parent !== self;
 = function () {
            var t = "beforeunload";
            a.on(window, t, function () {
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t, e, n) {
            var o = goldlog._$ || {},
              a = o.meta_info || {},
              r = a.aplus_ctap || {},
              i = a["aplus-touch"];
            if (r && "function" == typeof r.on) r.on(t, e);
            else {
              var u = "ontouchend" in document.createElement("div");
              !u || ("tap" !== i && "tapSpm" !== n)
                ? s(t, u ? "touchstart" : "mousedown", e)
                : c.on(t, e);
          function a(t) {
            try {
            } catch (e) {
              return void setTimeout(function () {
              }, 1);
          function r(t) {
            var e = 0,
              n = function () {
                0 === e && t(), e++;
            "complete" === p.readyState && n();
            var o;
            if (p.addEventListener)
              (o = function () {
                p.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", o, !1), n();
                p.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", o, !1),
                window.addEventListener("load", n, !1);
            else if (p.attachEvent) {
              (o = function () {
                "complete" === p.readyState &&
                  (p.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", o), n());
                p.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", o),
                window.attachEvent("onload", n);
              var r = !1;
              try {
                r = null === window.frameElement;
              } catch (t) {}
              p.documentElement.doScroll && r && a(n);
          function i(t) {
            "complete" === p.readyState ? t() : s(l, "load", t);
          function s() {
            var t = arguments;
            if (2 === t.length)
              "DOMReady" === t[0] && r(t[1]), "onload" === t[0] && i(t[1]);
            else if (3 === t.length) {
              var e = t[0],
                n = t[1],
                a = t[2];
              "tap" === n || "tapSpm" === n
                ? o(e, a, n)
                : e[_](
                    (g ? "on" : "") + n,
                    function (t) {
                      t = t || l.event;
                      var e = || t.srcElement;
                      "function" == typeof a && a(t, e);
                    !!u(n) && { passive: !0 }
          var u = n(80),
            c = n(81),
            l = window,
            p = document,
            g = !!p.attachEvent,
            f = "attachEvent",
            d = "addEventListener",
            _ = g ? f : d;
          (e.DOMReady = r), (e.onload = i), (e.on = s);
        function (t, e) {
          var n;
          t.exports = function (t) {
            if ("boolean" == typeof n) return n;
            if (!/touch|mouse|scroll|wheel/i.test(t)) return !1;
            n = !1;
            try {
              var e = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", {
                get: function () {
                  n = !0;
              window.addEventListener("test", null, e);
            } catch (t) {}
            return n;
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          function n(t, e) {
            return t + Math.floor(Math.random() * (e - t + 1));
          function o(t, e, n) {
            var o = l.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
            if ((o.initEvent(e, !0, !0), "object" == typeof n))
              for (var a in n) o[a] = n[a];
          function a(t) {
            0 === Object.keys(g).length &&
              (p.addEventListener(_, r, !1),
              p.addEventListener(d, i, !1),
              p.addEventListener(m, i, !1));
            for (var e = 0; e < t.changedTouches.length; e++) {
              var n = t.changedTouches[e],
                o = {};
              for (var a in n) o[a] = n[a];
              var s = {
                startTouch: o,
                status: h,
                element: t.srcElement ||,
              g[n.identifier] = s;
          function r(t) {
            for (var e = 0; e < t.changedTouches.length; e++) {
              var n = t.changedTouches[e],
                o = g[n.identifier];
              if (!o) return;
              var a = n.clientX - o.startTouch.clientX,
                r = n.clientY - o.startTouch.clientY,
                i = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a, 2) + Math.pow(r, 2));
              (o.status === h || "pressing" === o.status) &&
                i > 10 &&
                (o.status = "panning");
          function i(t) {
            for (var e = 0; e < t.changedTouches.length; e++) {
              var n = t.changedTouches[e],
                a = n.identifier,
                s = g[a];
              s &&
                (s.status === h &&
                  t.type === d &&
                  ((s.timestamp =,
                  o(s.element, v, { touch: n, touchEvent: t })),
                delete g[a]);
            0 === Object.keys(g).length &&
              (p.removeEventListener(_, r, !1),
              p.removeEventListener(d, i, !1),
              p.removeEventListener(m, i, !1));
          function s(t) {
            t.__fixTouchEvent ||
              (t.addEventListener(f, function () {}, !1),
              (t.__fixTouchEvent = !0));
          function u() {
            c || (p.addEventListener(f, a, !1), (c = !0));
          var c = !1,
            l = window.document,
            p = l.documentElement,
            g = {},
            f = "touchstart",
            d = "touchend",
            _ = "touchmove",
            h = "tapping",
            m = "touchcancel",
            v = "aplus_tap" + n(1, 1e5);
          t.exports = {
            on: function (t, e) {
                t &&
                  t.addEventListener &&
                  e &&
                    (e._aplus_tap_callback = function (t) {
            un: function (t, e) {
              t &&
                t.removeEventListener &&
                e &&
                e._aplus_tap_callback &&
                t.removeEventListener(v, e._aplus_tap_callback, !1);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o() {
            var t = goldlog._$ || {},
              e = t.meta_info || {},
              n = goldlog.getCdnPath(),
              o = n + "/sd/baxia-entry/index.js",
              i = function () {
                a.addScript(o, "", "aplus-baxia");
            r.onload(function () {
              try {
                var t = e["aplus-xplug"];
                "NONE" !== t && i();
              } catch (t) {}
          var a = n(31),
            r = n(79),
            i = n(83);
          ( = function () {
            (e.init_watchGoldlogQueue = i.init_watchGoldlogQueue);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t, e) {
            for (
              var n = {
                  subscribeMwChangeQueue: [],
                  subscribeMetaQueue: [],
                  subscribeQueue: [],
                  metaQueue: [],
                  othersQueue: [],
                o = [],
                a = {};
              (a = t.shift());

              try {
                var r = a.action,
                  i = a.arguments[0];
                  ? "setMetaInfo" === i
                    ? n.subscribeMetaQueue.push(a)
                    : "mw_change_pv" === i || "mw_change_hjlj" === i
                    ? n.subscribeMwChangeQueue.push(a)
                    : n.subscribeQueue.push(a)
                  : /MetaInfo/.test(r)
                  ? n.metaQueue.push(a)
                  : n.othersQueue.push(a);
              } catch (t) {
                    message: t && t.message,
                    error: encodeURIComponent(t.stack),
                    filename: "getFormatQueue",
            var s;
            return (
              e && n[e] && ((s = n[e]), (n[e] = [])),
              (o = n.subscribeMwChangeQueue.concat(n.metaQueue)),
              (o = o.concat(n.subscribeQueue)),
              (o = o.concat(n.subscribeMetaQueue, n.othersQueue)),
              { queue: o, formatQueue: s }
          var a = window,
            r = n(9),
            i = n(84),
            s = n(85),
            u = n(3),
            c = "goldlog_queue",
            l = function (t, e, n) {
              try {
                /_aplus_cplugin_track_deb/.test(t) ||
                  /_aplus_cplugin_m/.test(t) ||
                      n ||
                      'illegal task: goldlog_queue.push("' +
                        JSON.stringify(e) +
                    error: JSON.stringify(e),
                    filename: "processTask",
              } catch (t) {}
            p = function (t, e) {
              var n = t ? t.action : "",
                o = t ? t.arguments : "";
              try {
                if (n && o && r.isArray(o)) {
                  var i = n.split("."),
                    s = a,
                    u = a;
                  if (3 === i.length)
                    (s = a[i[0]][i[1]] || {}), (u = s[i[2]] ? s[i[2]] : "");
                    for (; i.length; )
                      if (((u = s = s[i.shift()]), !s))
                        return void ("function" == typeof e ? e(t) : l(n, t));
                  "function" == typeof u && u.apply(s, o);
                } else l(n, t);
              } catch (e) {
                l(n, t, e.message);
            g = function (t) {
              function e() {
                if (t && r.isArray(t) && t.length) {
                  for (var e = o(t).queue, n = {}, a = []; (n = e.shift()); )
                    p(n, function (t) {
                  a.length > 0 &&
                    setTimeout(function () {
                      for (; (n = a.shift()); ) p(n);
                    }, 100);
              try {
              } catch (t) {
                  message: t && t.message,
                  error: encodeURIComponent(t.stack),
                  filename: "processGoldlogQueue",
          e.processGoldlogQueue = g;
          var f = i.extend({
            push: function (t) {
              this.length++, p(t);
          e.init_watchGoldlogQueue = function (t) {
            try {
              var e = a[c] || [];
              if (t) {
                var n = o(e, t);
                (a[c] = n.queue), g(n.formatQueue);
              } else
                (a[c] = f.create({ startLength: e.length, length: 0 })),
            } catch (t) {
                message: t && t.message,
                error: encodeURIComponent(t.stack),
                filename: "init_watchGoldlogQueue",
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          function n() {}
          (n.prototype.extend = function () {}),
            (n.prototype.create = function () {}),
            (n.extend = function (t) {
              return, t);
            (n.prototype.create = function (t) {
              var e = new this();
              for (var n in t) e[n] = t[n];
              return e;
            (n.prototype.extend = function (t) {
              var e = function () {};
              try {
                "function" != typeof Object.create &&
                  (Object.create = function (t) {
                    function e() {}
                    return (e.prototype = t), new e();
                  (e.prototype = Object.create(this.prototype));
                for (var n in t) e.prototype[n] = t[n];
                (e.prototype.constructor = e),
                  (e.extend = e.prototype.extend),
                  (e.create = e.prototype.create);
              } catch (t) {
              } finally {
                return e;
            (t.exports = n);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(31),
            a = n(29),
            r = n(6),
            i = function () {
              var t = goldlog.getCdnPath() + "/alilog/s/" + r.lver + "/plugin/";
              return {
                aplus_ae_path: t + "aplus_ae.js",
                aplus_ac_path: t + "aplus_ac.js",
            s = {},
            u = "aplus-auto-exp",
            c = "aplus-auto-clk",
            l = function (t, e) {
              var n = i(),
                r =
                  goldlog && goldlog.getMetaInfo ? goldlog.getMetaInfo(t) : "",
                l = e || r || a.getMetaCnt(t),
                p = {};
              (p[u] = n.aplus_ae_path),
                (p[c] = n.aplus_ac_path),
                l && p[t] && !s[t] && (o.addScript(p[t]), (s[t] = !0));
          e.init_loadAplusPlugin = function () {
            try {
              !goldlog._aplus_auto_exp && l(u),
                !goldlog._aplus_ac && l(c),
                goldlog.aplus_pubsub.subscribe("setMetaInfo", function (t, e) {
                  t !== u || goldlog._aplus_auto_exp || l(t, e),
                    t !== c || goldlog._aplus_ac || l(t, e);
            } catch (t) {}
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          function n(t, e) {
            return t.indexOf(e) > -1;
          function o(t, e) {
            for (var o = 0, a = t.length; o < a; o++) if (n(e, t[o])) return !0;
            return !1;
          var a =,
            r = ["", ""],
            i = ["", ""];
          e.is_exception = o(r, a) && !o(i, a);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o() {
            var t,
              a = c.getElementsByTagName("meta");
            for (t = 0, e = a.length; t < e; t++)
              if (
                ((n = a[t]),
                (o = n.getAttribute("name")),
                "data-spm" === o || "spm-id" === o)
                return n;
          function a() {
            var t = c.createElement("meta");
            t.setAttribute("name", "data-spm");
            var e = c.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
            return e && e.insertBefore(t, e.firstChild), t;
          function r() {
            var t = o();
            t || (t = a()), t.setAttribute("content", goldlog.spm_ab[0] || "");
            var e = c.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
            e && e.setAttribute("data-spm", goldlog.spm_ab[1] || "");
          function i() {
            var t,
              o = c.getElementsByTagName("*");
            for (t = 0, e = o.length; t < e; t++)
              (n = o[t]),
                n.getAttribute("data-spm-max-idx") &&
                  n.setAttribute("data-spm-max-idx", ""),
                n.getAttribute("data-spm-anchor-id") &&
                  n.setAttribute("data-spm-anchor-id", "");
          function s() {
            var t = 5e3;
            try {
              var e = goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-mmstat-timeout");
              if (e) {
                var n = parseInt(e);
                n >= 1e3 && n <= 1e4 && (t = n);
            } catch (t) {}
            return t;
          var u = window,
            c = document,
            l = n(84),
            p = n(18),
            g = n(79),
            f = n(31),
            d = n(24),
            _ = n(33),
            h = n(9),
            m = n(26),
            v = n(22),
            b = n(49),
            y = n(27),
            w = y.getInfo(),
            x = n(4),
            j = n(3),
            T = n(88),
            P = n(11),
            A = n(91),
            S = n(93),
            k = [],
            E = [],
            U = [],
            I = [],
            M = "//",
            C = "//",
            N = "//",
            O = "//",
            V = "//",
            G = "//";
 = l.extend({
            getCdnPath: function () {
              var t = f.getCurrentNode(),
                e = M,
                n = [N, O, C, V, G],
                o = new RegExp(V);
              if (t)
                for (var a = 0; a < n.length; a++) {
                  var r = new RegExp(n[a]);
                  if (r.test(t.src)) {
                    (e = n[a]), o.test(t.src) && (e = N);
              return e;
            isInternational: function () {
              this.cdnPath || (this.cdnPath = this.getCdnPath());
              var t = [N, O, G].indexOf(this.cdnPath) > -1;
              return t || "int" === this.getMetaInfo("aplus-env");
            getCookie: function (t) {
              return P.getCookie(t);
            getParam: function (t) {
              var e = u.WindVane || {},
                n = e && "function" == typeof e.getParam ? e.getParam(t) : "";
              return n;
            beforeSendPV: function (t) {
            afterSendPV: function (t) {
            send: function (t, e, n) {
              var o;
              if (0 === t.indexOf("//")) {
                var a = v.getProtocal();
                t = a + t;
              return (o =
                "POST" === n && navigator && navigator.sendBeacon
                  ? S.postData(t, e)
                  : S.sendImg(p.makeUrl(t, e), s()));
            launch: function (t, e) {
              var n;
              try {
                (e = h.assign(e, t)), (n = goldlog._$._sendPV(e, t));
                var o = goldlog.spm_ab ? goldlog.spm_ab.join(".") : "0.0";
                  page: location.hostname + location.pathname,
                  spm_ab: o,
                  interface_name: "goldlog.launch",
                    "userdata = " +
                    JSON.stringify(t) +
                    ", config = " +
              } catch (t) {
              } finally {
                return (
                    msg: "warning: This interface is deprecated, please use goldlog.sendPV instead! API:",
            _$: {
              _sendPV: function (t, e) {
                if (
                  ((t = t || {}),
                  h.any(k, function (e) {
                    return e(goldlog, t) === !1;
                  return !1;
                var o = n(94).SendPV,
                  a = new o();
                return (
                  "undefined" == typeof t.recordType &&
                    (t.recordType = x.recordTypes.pv),
        , e, { fn_after_pv: E }),
              _sendPseudo: function (t, e) {
                t || (t = {});
                var o = n(95).SendPrePV,
                  a = new o();
                return (
                  "undefined" == typeof t.recordType &&
                    (t.recordType = x.recordTypes.prepv),
        , e, {}, function () {
                    _.doPubMsg(["sendPrePV", "complete"]);
            sendPV: function (t, e) {
              return (
                (e = e || {}),
                e.pageName && goldlog.setMetaInfo("aplus-pagename", e.pageName),
                goldlog._$._sendPV(t, e)
            updatePageProperties: function (t) {
              t && "object" == typeof t
                ? (t._page && ((t.pageName = t._page), delete t._page),
                  t.pageName &&
                    (goldlog.setMetaInfo("aplus-pagename", t.pageName),
                    delete t.pageName),
                  goldlog.appendMetaInfo("aplus-cpvdata", t))
                : d.logger({
                    msg: "warning: typeof updatePageProperties's params must be object",
            beforeRecord: function (t) {
            afterRecord: function (t) {
            record: function (t, e, n, o, a) {
              if (
                !h.any(U, function (t) {
                  return t(goldlog) === !1;
                return (
                  "POST" !== o && "WS" !== o && "WS-ONLY" !== o && (o = "GET"),
                    { recordType: x.recordTypes.hjlj, method: o },
                    { logkey: t, gmkey: e, gokey: n },
                    { fn_after_record: I },
                    function () {
                      "function" == typeof a && a();
            recordUdata: function (t, e, n, o, a) {
              var r = m.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
                i = r.spm || {};
              "POST" !== o && "WS" !== o && "WS-ONLY" !== o && (o = "GET"),
                    ignore_chksum: !0,
                    method: o,
                    recordType: x.recordTypes.uhjlj,
                    logkey: t,
                    gmkey: e,
                    gokey: n,
                    "spm-cnt": i.spm_cnt,
                    "spm-pre": i.spm_pre,
                  function () {
                    h.isFunction(a) && a();
            setPageSPM: function (t, e, n) {
              var o = "setPageSPM",
                a = goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-spm-fixed"),
                s = "function" == typeof n ? n : function () {};
              goldlog.spm_ab = goldlog.spm_ab || [];
              var u = h.cloneObj(goldlog.spm_ab);
              if (
                (t &&
                  ((goldlog.spm_ab[0] = "" + t),
                  (goldlog._$ = "" + t)),
                e &&
                  ((goldlog.spm_ab[1] = "" + e),
                  (goldlog._$ = "" + e)),
                b.spaInit(goldlog, w, u),
                "1" !== a)
              ) {
                var c = u.join(".");
                goldlog.spmab_pre = c;
              var l = goldlog.spm_ab.join(".");
              _.doPubMsg([o, { spmab_pre: goldlog.spmab_pre, spmab: l }]),
                _.doCachePubs([o, { spmab_pre: goldlog.spmab_pre, spmab: l }]),
            setMetaInfo: function (t, e, n) {
              if (y.setMetaInfo(t, e, n)) {
                var o = m.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {};
                o.meta_info = y.qGet();
                var a = m.setGoldlogVal("_$", o),
                  r = A.isDisablePvid() + "";
                return (
                  "aplus-disable-pvid" === t &&
                    r !== e + "" &&
                  _.doPubMsg(["setMetaInfo", t, e, n]),
                  _.doCachePubs(["setMetaInfo", t, e, n]),
            appendMetaInfo: y.appendMetaInfo,
            getMetaInfo: function (t) {
              return y.getMetaInfo(t);
            on: g.on,
            cloneDeep: h.cloneDeep,
            getPvId: A.getPvId,
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(9),
            a = n(26),
            r = n(33),
            i = n(24),
            s = n(89),
            u = n(90),
            c = n(4);
 = function (t, e, n, l) {
            var p = new u();
            p.init({ middleware: [], config: t, plugins: c.plugins_hjlj });
            var g =,
              f = new c.context_hjlj();
            (f.userdata = e), (f.logger = i.logger);
            var d = {
                context: f,
                pubsub: a.getGoldlogVal("aplus_pubsub"),
                pubsubType: "hjlj",
              _ = new s();
              _.wrap(g, function () {
                (d.context.status = "complete"),
                  (d.context.method = t.method),
                  r.doPubMsg(["mw_change_hjlj", d.context]),
                  n &&
                    n.fn_after_record &&
                    o.each(n.fn_after_record, function (t) {
                  "function" == typeof l && l();
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o() {}
          var a = n(12),
            r = n(23),
            i = n(24),
            s = n(3),
            u = n(11);
          (o.prototype.create = function (t) {
            for (var e in t) "undefined" == typeof this[e] && (this[e] = t[e]);
            return this;
            (o.prototype.pubsubInfo = function (t, e) {
              try {
                t &&
                  t.pubsub &&
                  t.pubsub.publish("mw_change_" + t.pubsubType, t.context, e);
              } catch (t) {}
            (o.prototype.calledList = []),
            (o.prototype.setCalledList = function (t) {
              a.indexof(this.calledList, t) === -1 && this.calledList.push(t);
            (o.prototype.resetCalledList = function () {
              this.calledList = [];
            (o.prototype.wrap = function (t, e) {
              var n = this,
                o = this.context || {},
                c = o.compose || {},
                l = c.maxTimeout || 1e4;
              return function (o) {
                var c,
                  p = t.length,
                  g = 0,
                  f = 0,
                  d = function () {
                    if ((n.pubsubInfo(n, t[g]), g === p))
                      return (
                        (o = "done"),
                        "function" == typeof e &&, o),
                        void clearTimeout(c)
                    if (a.indexof(n.calledList, g) === -1) {
                      if (
                        !t[g] || "function" != typeof t[g][0])
                      try {
                        o = t[g][0].call(n, o, function () {
                          g++, (f = 1), clearTimeout(c), d(g);
                      } catch (e) {
                          message: e ? e.message : "compose middleware error",
                          error: encodeURIComponent(e.stack),
                          filename: t[g][1],
                    var _ = "number" == typeof o;
                    if ("pause" === o || _) {
                      f = 0;
                      var h = _ ? o : l,
                        m = t[g] ? t[g][1] : "";
                      c = r.sleep(h, function () {
                        if (0 === f) {
                          var t =
                            "jump the middleware about " +
                            m +
                            ", because waiting timeout maxTimeout = " +
                            h +
                          i.logger({ msg: t });
                          var e =
                            window.goldlog_queue || (window.goldlog_queue = []);
                            arguments: [
                                msg: t,
                                spmab: goldlog.spm_ab,
                                page: location.href,
                                etag: n.context
                                  ? JSON.stringify(n.context.etag)
                                  : "",
                                cna: document.cookie ? u.getCookie("cna") : "",
                            (o = null),
                    } else "done" === o ? ((g = p), d(g)) : (g++, d(g));
                return (
                  n.calledList &&
                    n.calledList.length > 0 &&
            (t.exports = o);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(12);
          t.exports = function () {
            return {
              init: function (t) {
                (this.opts = t),
                  t &&
                  "object" == typeof t.middleware &&
                  t.middleware.length > 0
                    ? (this.middleware = t.middleware)
                    : (this.middleware = []),
                  (this.plugins_name = []);
              pubsubInfo: function (t, e) {
                try {
                  var n = t.pubsub;
                  n && n.publish("plugins_change_" + t.pubsubType, e);
                } catch (t) {}
              checkPluginLoader: function (t, e) {
                var n = !0;
                if (
                  ("object" == typeof e.enable &&
                  "function" == typeof e.enable.isEnable
                    ? (n = e.enable.isEnable(
                    : "boolean" == typeof e.enable && (n = !!e.enable),
                  return !1;
                if (n && e.deps && e.deps.length > 0)
                  for (var a = 0; a < e.deps.length; a++)
                    if (o.indexof(this.plugins_name, e.deps[a]) === -1)
                      return !1;
                return !0;
              run: function (t) {
                t || (t = 0);
                var e = this,
                  n = this.middleware,
                  o = this.opts || {},
                  a = o.plugins;
                if (a && "object" == typeof a && a.length > 0) {
                  var r = a[t];
                  if (
                    (this.checkPluginLoader(a, r) &&
                        function (t, n) {
                          e.pubsubInfo(this, r);
                          var a = new r.path();
                          return (
                            a.init({ context: this.context, config: o.config }),
                  , n)
                } else
                  window.console &&
                      "aplus plugins " +
                        JSON.stringify(a) +
                        " must be object of array!"
                return n;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o() {
            var t = "true" === l.disablePvid;
            try {
              var e = goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-disable-pvid") + "";
              "true" === e ? (t = !0) : "false" === e && (t = !1);
            } catch (t) {}
            return t;
          function a(t) {
            function e(t) {
              var e =
                n =
              return 1 == t
                ? e.substr(Math.floor(60 * Math.random()), 1)
                : 2 == t
                ? n.substr(Math.floor(60 * Math.random()), 1)
                : "0";
            for (
              var n,
                o = "",
                a =
                r = !1;
              o.length < t;

              (n = a.substr(Math.floor(62 * Math.random()), 1)),
                !r &&
                  o.length <= 2 &&
                  ("g" == n.toLowerCase() || "l" == n.toLowerCase()) &&
                  (0 === o.length && "g" == n.toLowerCase()
                    ? Math.random() < 0.5 && ((n = e(1)), (r = !0))
                    : 1 == o.length &&
                      "l" == n.toLowerCase() &&
                      "g" == o.charAt(0).toLowerCase() &&
                      ((n = e(2)), (r = !0))),
                (o += n);
            return o;
          function r(t, e, n) {
            return t ? u.hash(encodeURIComponent(t)).substr(0, e) : n;
          function i() {
            var t = a(8),
              e = t.substr(0, 4),
              n = t.substr(0, 6);
            return [r(location.href, 4, e), r(document.title, 4, e), n].join(
          function s() {
            var t = goldlog.pvid;
            return (
              (goldlog.pvid = i()),
              c.doPubMsg(["pvidChange", { pre_pvid: t, pvid: goldlog.pvid }]),
                { pre_pvid: t, pvid: goldlog.pvid },
              o() ? "" : goldlog.pvid
          var u = n(92),
            c = n(33),
            l = n(4);
          (e.isDisablePvid = o),
            (e.makePVId = s),
            (e.getPvId = function () {
              return o() ? "" : goldlog.pvid;
        function (t, e) {
          "use strict";
          var n = 1315423911;
          e.hash = function (t, e) {
            var o,
              r = e || n;
            for (o = t.length - 1; o >= 0; o--)
              (a = t.charCodeAt(o)), (r ^= (r << 5) + a + (r >> 2));
            var i = (2147483647 & r).toString(16);
            return i;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t) {
            if (!t) return "";
            var e = decodeURIComponent(t).match(/cache=\w+/);
            return e && 1 === e.length ? e[0].split("=")[1] : void 0;
          var a = n(3),
            r = window;
          (e.sendImg = function (t, e) {
            var n = new Image(),
              i = "_img_" + Math.random();
            r[i] = n;
            var s = function () {
              if (r[i])
                try {
                  delete r[i];
                } catch (t) {
                  r[i] = void 0;
            return (
              (n.onload = function () {
              (n.onerror = function () {
                  message: "loadError",
                  error: "",
                  filename: "sendImg",
                  logid: o(t),
              setTimeout(function () {
                window[i] &&
                    message: "loadTimeout",
                    error: e,
                    filename: "sendImg",
                    logid: o(t),
                  (window[i].src = ""),
              }, e || 3e3),
              (n.src = t),
              (n = null),
            (e.postData = function (t, e) {
              var n;
              if ("string" == typeof e) n = e;
              else {
                for (var o in e)
                  ["cna"].indexOf(o) === -1 &&
                    (e[o] = encodeURIComponent(e[o]));
                n = JSON.stringify(e);
              return navigator.sendBeacon(t, n), t;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(9),
            a = n(26),
            r = n(33),
            i = n(24),
            s = n(89),
            u = n(90),
            c = n(4),
            l = function () {};
          ( = function (t, e, n) {
            var l = new u();
            l.init({ middleware: [], config: t, plugins: c.plugins_pv });
            var p =,
              g = new c.context();
            (g.userdata = e), (g.logger = i.logger);
            var f = {
                context: g,
                pubsub: a.getGoldlogVal("aplus_pubsub"),
                pubsubType: "pv",
              d = new s();
              d.wrap(p, function () {
                var e = f.context.can_to_sendpv || {};
                (f.context.status = "YES" === e.flag ? "complete" : "skip"),
                  (f.context.method = t.method || "GET"),
                  r.doPubMsg(["mw_change_pv", f.context]),
                  n &&
                    n.fn_after_pv &&
                    o.each(n.fn_after_pv, function (e) {
                      e(window.goldlog, t);
            (e.SendPV = l);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(9),
            a = n(26),
            r = n(33),
            i = n(24),
            s = n(89),
            u = n(90),
            c = n(4),
            l = function () {};
          ( = function (t, e, n, l) {
            var p = new u();
            p.init({ middleware: [], config: t, plugins: c.plugins_prepv });
            var g =,
              f = new c.context_prepv();
            (f.userdata = e), (f.logger = i.logger);
            var d = {
                context: f,
                pubsub: a.getGoldlogVal("aplus_pubsub"),
                pubsubType: "prepv",
              _ = new s();
              _.wrap(g, function () {
                (d.context.status = "complete"),
                  r.doPubMsg(["mw_change_prepv", d.context]),
                  n &&
                    n.fn_after_record &&
                    o.each(n.fn_after_pv, function (e) {
                      e(window.goldlog, t);
                  a.setGoldlogVal("prepv_context", f),
                  "function" == typeof l && l();
            (e.SendPrePV = l);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          !(function () {
            var t = window.goldlog || (window.goldlog = {}),
              e = n(97);
            t.aplus_pubsub || (t.aplus_pubsub = e.create());
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t) {
            if ("function" != typeof t)
              throw new TypeError(t + " is not a function");
            return t;
          var a = n(84),
            r = function (t) {
              for (var e = t.length, n = new Array(e - 1), o = 1; o < e; o++)
                n[o - 1] = t[o];
              return n;
            i = a.extend({
              create: function (t) {
                var e = new this();
                for (var n in t) e[n] = t[n];
                return (e.handlers = []), (e.pubs = {}), e;
              setHandlers: function (t) {
                this.handlers = t;
              subscribe: function (t, e) {
                var n = this,
                  a = n.pubs || {},
                  r = a[t] || [];
                if (r)
                  for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
                    var s = r[i]();
                    e.apply(n, s);
                var u = n.handlers || [];
                return t in u || (u[t] = []), u[t].push(e), n.setHandlers(u), n;
              subscribeOnce: function (t, e) {
                var n,
                  a = this;
                return (
                    (n = function () {
            , t, n);
                      var o =;
                      e.apply(a, o);
              unsubscribe: function (t, e) {
                var n = this.handlers[t];
                if (!n) return this;
                if ("object" == typeof n && n.length > 0) {
                  for (var a = 0; a < n.length; a++) {
                    var r = e.toString(),
                      i = n[a].toString();
                    r === i && n.splice(a, 1);
                  this.handlers[t] = n;
                } else delete this.handlers[t];
                return this;
              publish: function (t) {
                var e = r(arguments),
                  n = this.handlers || [],
                  o = n[t] ? n[t].length : 0;
                if (o > 0)
                  for (var a = 0; a < o; a++) {
                    var i = n[t][a];
                    i && "function" == typeof i && i.apply(this, e);
                return this;
              cachePubs: function (t) {
                var e = this.pubs || {},
                  n = r(arguments);
                e[t] || (e[t] = []),
                  e[t].push(function () {
                    return n;
          t.exports = i;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(41),
            a = n(33),
            r = n(51),
            i = n(4);
          e.init = function () {
              n(99)(function () {
                var t = goldlog._$ || {},
                  e = navigator.userAgent;
                e.match(/AliApp\(([A-Z\-]+)\/([\d\.]+)\)/i) &&
                  (t.is_ali_app = !0),
                var s = n(49);
                (t.spm = s), (t.is_WindVane = o.is_WindVane);
                var u = t.meta_info;
                s.init(goldlog, u, function () {
                  var t = n(4).spmException,
                    e = t.is_exception;
                  e || n(102);
                  var o,
                    r = "complete";
                  (o = ["aplusReady", r]), a.doPubMsg(o), a.doCachePubs(o);
                  goldlog.beforeSendPV(function (e, n) {
                    if (
                      ((t.page_url = location.href),
                      (t.page_referrer = r.getRefer()),
                      n.is_auto && "1" === u["aplus-manual-pv"])
                      return !1;
                  goldlog.afterSendPV(function () {
                    window.g_SPM && (g_SPM._current_spm = "");
                  i.is_auto_pv + "" == "true" &&
                    goldlog.sendPV({ is_auto: !0 }),
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(33),
            a = n(100);
          t.exports = function (t) {
            var e = n(101).AplusInit,
              r = new e();
  {}, function (e) {
              o.doPubMsg(["aplusInitContext", e]),
                o.doCachePubs(["aplusInitContext", e]),
                "function" == typeof t && t();
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t) {
            var e = "";
            switch (!0) {
              case r.isJSON(t):
                e = "settled";
              case r.isString(t):
                e = t;
              case r.isNumber(t):
                e = t + "";
                e = "settled";
            return e;
          var a = n(26),
            r = n(9);
          t.exports = function () {
            try {
              var t = a.getGoldlogVal("hasSendMIC"),
                e = Math.floor(99 * Math.random());
              if (t || 1 !== e) return;
              var n = goldlog && goldlog._$ ? goldlog._$.meta_info : {},
                i = "";
              for (var s in n)
                r.isEmpty(n[s]) || (i = i + "&" + s + "=" + o(n[s]));
              a.setGoldlogVal("hasSendMIC", !0),
                goldlog.record("/m.i.c", "OTHER", i, "POST");
            } catch (t) {}
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(26),
            a = n(24),
            r = n(89),
            i = n(90),
            s = n(4),
            u = function () {};
          ( = function (t, e) {
            var n = new i();
            n.init({ middleware: [], config: t, plugins: s.aplus_init });
            var u =,
              c = new s.context();
            c.logger = a.logger;
            var l = {
                context: c,
                pubsub: o.getGoldlogVal("aplus_pubsub"),
                pubsubType: "aplusinit",
              p = new r();
              p.wrap(u, function () {
                "function" == typeof e && e(l.context);
            (e.AplusInit = u);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          !(function () {
            var t,
              e = n(9),
              o = n(26),
              a = n(103),
              r = function () {
                t = !0;
                var n = window.g_SPM || {};
                e.isFunction(n.getParam) || e.isFunction(n.spm) ||;
              i = window.goldlog || (window.goldlog = {});
            i.aplus_pubsub &&
              "function" == typeof i.aplus_pubsub.publish &&
              i.aplus_pubsub.subscribe("goldlogReady", function (e) {
                "complete" !== e || t || r();
            var s = 0,
              u = function () {
                if (!t) {
                  var e = o.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {};
                  "complete" === e.status
                    ? r()
                    : s < 50 &&
                      setTimeout(function () {
                      }, 200));
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(31),
            a = n(26),
            r = n(104),
            i = n(108),
            s = n(109),
            u = n(110),
            c = n(111);
 = function () {
            var t = a.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
              e = t.meta_info,
              n = e["aplus-touch"],
              l = {
                isTouchEnabled: o.isTouch() || "1" === n || "tap" === n,
                  t.is_terminal || /WindVane/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
            (window.g_SPM = {
              spm_d_for_ad: {},
              resetModule: r.spm_resetModule,
              anchorBeacon: r.spm_spmAnchorChk,
              getParam: r.spm_getSPMParam,
              spm: r.spm_forwap,
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t) {
            if (t && 1 === t.nodeType) {
              s.tryToRemoveAttribute(t, "data-spm-max-idx"),
                s.tryToRemoveAttribute(t, "data-auto-spmd-max-idx");
              for (
                var e = u.nodeListToArray(t.getElementsByTagName("a")),
                  n = u.nodeListToArray(t.getElementsByTagName("area")),
                  o = e.concat(n),
                  a = 0;
                a < o.length;
                s.tryToRemoveAttribute(o[a], l);
          function a(t, e) {
            var n = s.tryToGetAttribute(t, l),
              o = "0";
            if (n && c.spm_isSPMAnchorIdMatch(n))
              c.spm_anchorEnsureSPMId_inHref(t, n, e);
            else {
              var a = c.spm_spmGetParentSPMId(t.parentNode);
              if (((o = a.spm_c), !o)) return void c.spm_dealNoneSPMLink(t, e);
              c.spm_initSPMModule(a.el, o, e),
                c.spm_initSPMModule(a.el, o, e, !0);
          function r(t) {
            var e,
              n = t.tagName;
            "A" !== n && "AREA" !== n
              ? (e = c.spm_getParamForAD(t))
              : (a(t, !0), (e = s.tryToGetAttribute(t, l))),
              e || (e = "");
            var o = goldlog.getPvId();
            4 === e.split(".").length && o && (e += "." + o),
              "A" !== n && "AREA" !== n && s.tryToSetAttribute(t, l, e),
              (e = e.split("."));
            var r = { a: e[0], b: e[1], c: e[2], d: e[3] };
            return e[4] && (r.e = e[4]), r;
          function i(t, e) {
            var n = r(t),
              o = [n.a, n.b, n.c, n.d];
            return e && n.e && o.push(n.e), o.join(".");
          var s = n(28),
            u = n(19),
            c = n(105),
            l = "data-spm-anchor-id";
          (e.spm_resetModule = o),
            (e.spm_spmAnchorChk = a),
            (e.spm_getSPMParam = r),
            (e.spm_forwap = i);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t) {
            for (
              var e, n = "data-spm-ab-max-idx", o = {}, a = "";
              t && t.tagName != j && t.tagName != x;

            ) {
              if (!a && (a = v.tryToGetAttribute(t, "data-spm-ab"))) {
                (e = parseInt(v.tryToGetAttribute(t, n)) || 0),
                  (o.a_spm_ab = a),
                  (o.ab_idx = ++e),
                  t.setAttribute(n, e);
              if (v.tryToGetAttribute(t, "data-spm")) break;
              t = t.parentNode;
            return o;
          function a() {
            var t = b.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
              e = t.spm || {},
              n = || {};
            return [n.a, n.b].join(".");
          function r(t) {
            var e = a(),
              n = t.split(".");
            return n[0] + "." + n[1] == e;
          function i(t, e) {
            if (
              !goldlog.isUT4Aplus ||
              "UT4Aplus" !== goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-toUT")
            ) {
              if (
                (t &&
                  /&?\bspm=[^&#]*/.test(t) &&
                  (t = t
                    .replace(/&?\bspm=[^&#]*/g, "")
                    .replace(/&{2,}/g, "&")
                    .replace(/\?&/, "?")
                    .replace(/\?$/, "")),
                return t;
              var n,
                c = "&";
              t.indexOf("#") !== -1 &&
                ((a = t.split("#")), (t = a.shift()), (o = a.join("#"))),
                (r = t.split("?")),
                (i = r.length - 1),
                (a = r[0].split("//")),
                (a = a[a.length - 1].split("/")),
                (s = a.length > 1 ? a.pop() : ""),
                i > 0 && ((n = r.pop()), (t = r.join("?"))),
                n &&
                  i > 1 &&
                  n.indexOf("&") == -1 &&
                  n.indexOf("%") !== -1 &&
                  (c = "%26");
              var l = "";
              if (
                ((t =
                  t + "?spm=" + l + e + (n ? c + n : "") + (o ? "#" + o : "")),
                (u = h.isContain(s, ".")
                  ? s.split(".").pop().toLowerCase()
                  : ""))
              ) {
                if (
                    png: 1,
                    jpg: 1,
                    jpeg: 1,
                    gif: 1,
                    bmp: 1,
                    swf: 1,
                  return 0;
                !n &&
                  i <= 1 &&
                  (o ||
                      htm: 1,
                      html: 1,
                      php: 1,
                      aspx: 1,
                      shtml: 1,
                      xhtml: 1,
                    }.hasOwnProperty(u) ||
                    (t += "&file=" + s));
              return t;
          function s(t, e) {
            if (
              !goldlog.isUT4Aplus ||
              "UT4Aplus" !== goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-toUT")
            ) {
              var n,
                o = t.innerHTML;
              o &&
                o.indexOf("<") == -1 &&
                ((n = document.createElement("b")),
                ( = "none"),
                (t.href = e),
                n && t.removeChild(n);
          function u(t, e, n) {
            if (!/^0\.0\.?/.test(e)) {
              var o = y.tryToGetHref(t),
                r = a(),
                u = w.is_ignore_spm(t);
              if (u) {
                var c = _.param2obj(o);
                if (c.spm && c.spm.split)
                  for (
                    var l = c.spm.split("."), p = e.split("."), g = 0;
                    g < 3 && p[g] === l[g];
                    2 === g && l[3] && (e = c.spm);
              t.setAttribute("data-spm-anchor-id", e);
              var f = goldlog.getPvId();
              f && (e += "." + f);
              var d = "0.0";
              (f || (r && r != d)) && (u || n || ((o = i(o, e)) && s(t, o)));
          function c(t) {
            var e = v.tryToGetAttribute(t, P),
              n = m.parseSemicolonContent(e) || {};
            return n;
          function l(t) {
            var e,
              n = b.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
              o =;
            return (
              "0" == o.a && "0" == o.b
                ? (e = "0")
                : ((e = v.tryToGetAttribute(t, T)),
                  (e && e.match(/^d\w+$/)) || (e = "")),
          function p(t, e) {
            for (
              var n = [],
                o = m.nodeListToArray(t.getElementsByTagName("a")),
                a = m.nodeListToArray(t.getElementsByTagName("area")),
                r = o.concat(a),
                i = 0;
              i < r.length;
            ) {
              for (
                var s = !1, u = r[i], c = r[i];
                (u = u.parentNode) && u != t;

                if (v.tryToGetAttribute(u, T)) {
                  s = !0;
              if (!s) {
                var l = v.tryToGetAttribute(c, A);
                e || "t" === l ? e && "t" === l && n.push(c) : n.push(c);
            return n;
          function g(t) {
            for (
              var e, n = t;
              t && t.tagName !== j && t.tagName !== x && t.getAttribute;

            ) {
              var o = t.getAttribute(T);
              if (o) {
                (e = o), (n = t);
              if (!(t = t.parentNode)) break;
            return (
              e && !/^[\w\-\.\/]+$/.test(e) && (e = "0"), { spm_c: e, el: n }
          function f(t, e) {
            var n = parent !== self;
            if (!n && e) return [t, e].join(".");
            if (t && e) return t + ".i" + e;
            var o = window.g_SPM || (window.g_SPM = {}),
              a = o.spm_d_for_ad || {};
            return (
              "number" == typeof a[t] ? a[t]++ : (a[t] = 0),
              (o.spm_d_for_ad = a),
              t + ".i" + a[t]
          function d(t) {
            var e;
            return t && (e = t.match(/&?\bspm=([^&#]*)/)) ? e[1] : "";
          var _ = n(18),
            h = n(9),
            m = n(19),
            v = n(28),
            b = n(26),
            y = n(106),
            w = n(107),
            x = "BODY",
            j = "HTML",
            T = "data-spm",
            P = "data-spm-click",
            A = "data-auto-spmd",
            S = "data-spm-anchor-id";
          (e.getGlobalSPMId = a),
            (e.spm_isSPMAnchorIdMatch = r),
            (e.spm_updateHrefWithSPMId = i),
            (e.spm_writeHref = s),
            (e.spm_anchorEnsureSPMId_inHref = u),
            (e.getElDataSpm = c),
            (e.spm_getAnchor4thId_spm_d = l),
            (e.spm_getModuleLinks = p),
            (e.spm_spmGetParentSPMId = g),
            (e.get_spm_for_ad = f),
            (e.spm_getParamForAD = function (t) {
              var e = v.tryToGetAttribute(t, S);
              if (!e) {
                var n = a(),
                  o = t.parentNode;
                if (!o) return "";
                var r = c(t) || {},
                  i = r.locaid || "",
                  s = t.getAttribute(T) || i,
                  u = g(o),
                  l = u.spm_c || 0;
                l &&
                  l.indexOf(".") !== -1 &&
                  ((l = l.split(".")), (l = l[l.length - 1])),
                  (e = f(n + "." + l, s));
              return e;
            (e.spm_initSPMModule = function (t, e, n, i) {
              var s;
              if ((e = e || t.getAttribute("data-spm") || "")) {
                var g = p(t, i);
                if (0 !== g.length) {
                  var f = e.split("."),
                    d = h.isStartWith(e, "110") && 3 == f.length;
                  d &&
                    ((s = f[2]), (f[2] = "w" + (s || "0")), (e = f.join(".")));
                  var _ = a();
                  if (_ && _.match(/^[\w\-\*]+(\.[\w\-\*\/]+)?$/))
                    if (h.isContain(e, ".")) {
                      if (!h.isStartWith(e, _)) {
                        var m = _.split(".");
                        f = e.split(".");
                        for (var b = 0; b < m.length; b++) f[b] = m[b];
                        e = f.join(".");
                    } else
                      h.isContain(_, ".") || (_ += ".0"), (e = _ + "." + e);
                  if (
                    e.match &&
                  ) {
                    for (
                      var w = "data-auto-spmd-max-idx",
                        x = "data-spm-max-idx",
                        j = i ? w : x,
                        T = parseInt(v.tryToGetAttribute(t, j)) || 0,
                        A = 0;
                      A < g.length;
                    ) {
                      var k = g[A],
                        E = y.tryToGetHref(k),
                        U = v.tryToGetAttribute(k, P);
                      if (i || E || U) {
                        d && k.setAttribute("data-spm-wangpu-module-id", s);
                        var I = k.getAttribute(S);
                        if (I && r(I)) u(k, I, n);
                        else {
                          var M,
                            N = o(k.parentNode);
                            ? ((C = N.a_spm_ab), (M = N.ab_idx))
                            : ((C = void 0), T++, (M = T));
                          var O,
                            V = c(k) || {},
                            G = V.locaid || "";
                            ? (O = G)
                            : ((O = l(k) || M),
                              i &&
                                (O = "at" + ((h.isNumber(O) ? 1e3 : "") + O))),
                            (I = C ? e + "-" + C + "." + O : e + "." + O),
                            u(k, I, n);
                    t.setAttribute(j, T);
            (e.spm_dealNoneSPMLink = function (t, e) {
              var n = goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-getspmcd"),
                o = a(),
                r = y.tryToGetHref(t),
                i = d(r),
                c = null,
                p = o && 2 == o.split(".").length;
              if (p) {
                var g;
                return (
                  "function" == typeof n && (g = n(t, null, o)),
                  (c =
                    g && "0" !== g.spm_c
                      ? [o, g.spm_c, g.spm_d]
                      : [o, 0, l(t) || 0]),
                  void u(t, c.join("."), e)
              r &&
                i &&
                ((r = r
                  .replace(/&?\bspm=[^&#]*/g, "")
                  .replace(/&{2,}/g, "&")
                  .replace(/\?&/, "?")
                  .replace(/\?$/, "")
                  .replace(/\?#/, "#")),
                s(t, r));
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          var o = n(20);
          e.tryToGetHref = function (t) {
            var e;
            try {
              e = o.trim(t.getAttribute("href", 2));
            } catch (t) {}
            return e || "";
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t) {
            return !!t && !!t.match(/^[^\?]*\balipay\.(?:com|net)\b/i);
          function a(t) {
            return (
              !!t && !!t.match(/^[^\?]*\balipay\.(?:com|net)\/.*\?.*\bsign=.*/i)
          function r(t) {
            var e = location.href;
            return t && e.split("#")[0] === t.split("#")[0];
          function i(t) {
            for (var e; (t = t.parentNode) && "BODY" !== t.tagName; )
              if ((e = u.tryToGetAttribute(t, f))) return e;
            return "";
          function s(t) {
            for (
              var e = [
                n = 0;
              n < e.length;
              if (t.indexOf(e[n]) !== -1) return !0;
            return !1;
          var u = n(28),
            c = n(9),
            l = n(106),
            p = n(26),
            g = n(22),
            f = "data-spm-protocol";
          e.is_ignore_spm = function (t) {
            var e = p.getGoldlogVal("_$") || {},
              n = e.meta_info || {},
              d = l.tryToGetHref(t),
              _ = i(t),
              h = u.tryToGetAttribute(t, f),
              m = "i" === (h || _ || n.spm_protocol);
            if (!d || s(d)) return !0;
            var v = r(d) || g.isStartWithProtocol(d.toLowerCase()),
              b = o(d) || a(d),
              y = v || b;
            return !(m || (!c.isStartWith(d, "#") && !y)) || m;
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t, e, n) {
            var o = u.parseSemicolonContent(e, {}, !0),
              a = o.gostr || "",
              r = o.locaid || "",
              g = t.getAttribute("data-spm") || r,
              f = "CLK",
              d = o.gokey || "",
              _ = p.spm_getSPMParam(t),
              h = [_.a, _.b, _.c, g].join("."),
              m = a + "." + h;
            0 !== m.indexOf("/") && (m = "/" + m);
            var v = [],
              b = ["gostr", "locaid", "gmkey", "gokey", "spm-cnt", "cna"];
            for (var y in o)
              o.hasOwnProperty(y) &&
                c.indexof(b, y) === -1 &&
                v.push(y + "=" + o[y]);
            v.push("_g_et=" + n),
              d && v.length > 0 && (d += "&"),
              (d += v.length > 0 ? v.join("&") : ""),
              goldlog && s.isFunction(goldlog.recordUdata)
                ? goldlog.recordUdata(m, f, d, "GET", function () {})
                : l.logger({ msg: "goldlog.recordUdata is not function!" }),
              i.tryToSetAttribute(t, "data-spm-anchor-id", h);
          function a(t, e) {
            var n = e;
            window.g_SPM && (g_SPM._current_spm = p.spm_getSPMParam(e));
            for (var a; e && "HTML" !== e.tagName; ) {
              a = i.tryToGetAttribute(e, "data-spm-click");
                if (a) {
                  o(e, a, "mousedown" === t.type ? t.type : "tap");
                e = e.parentNode;
            if (!a) {
              var r = g.getGlobalSPMId(),
                s = goldlog.getMetaInfo("aplus-getspmcd");
              "function" == typeof s && s(n, t, r);
          var r = n(79),
            i = n(28),
            s = n(9),
            u = n(19),
            c = n(12),
            l = n(24),
            p = n(104),
            g = n(105);
 = function (t) {
            t && t.isTouchEnabled
              ? r.on(document, "tap", a)
              : r.on(document, "mousedown", a);
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o() {
            for (
              var t = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe"), e = 0;
              e < t.length;
            ) {
              var n = t[e],
                o = r.tryToGetAttribute(n, "data-spm-src");
              if (!n.src && o) {
                var a = s.spm_getSPMParam(n);
                if (a) {
                  var u = [a.a, a.b, a.c, a.d];
                  a.e && u.push(a.e),
                    (a = u.join(".")),
                    (n.src = i.spm_updateHrefWithSPMId(o, a));
                } else n.src = o;
          function a() {
            function t() {
              e++, e > 10 && (n = 3e3), o(), setTimeout(t, n);
            var e = 0,
              n = 500;
          var r = n(28),
            i = n(105),
            s = n(104);
 = function (t) {
            t && !t.isTerminal && a();
        function (t, e, n) {
          "use strict";
          function o(t, e) {
            for (var n, o = window; e && (n = e.tagName); ) {
              if ("A" === n || "AREA" === n) {
                r.spm_spmAnchorChk(e, !1);
                var a = o.g_SPM || (o.g_SPM = {}),
                  i = (a._current_spm = r.spm_getSPMParam(e)),
                  s = [];
                try {
                  s = [i.a, i.b, i.c, i.d];
                  var u = i.e || goldlog.pvid || "";
                  u && s.push(u);
                } catch (t) {}
              if ("BODY" == n || "HTML" == n) break;
              e = e.parentNode;
          var a = n(79),
            r = n(104);
 = function (t) {
            var e = document;
            t && t.isTouchEnabled
              ? a.on(e, "tapSpm", o)
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            t[n].call(a.exports, a, a.exports, e), (a.loaded = !0), a.exports
        var r = {};
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                (h ? "on" : "") + e,
                function (t) {
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              return /&?\bspm=[^&#]*/.test(location.href)
                ? location.href.match(/&?\bspm=[^&#]*/gi)[0].split("=")[1]
                : "";
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                  (t = t
                    .replace(/&?\bspm=[^&#]*/g, "")
                    .replace(/&{2,}/g, "&")
                    .replace(/\?&/, "?")
                    .replace(/\?$/, "")),
                return t;
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                s = "&";
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                  ((a = t.split("#")), (t = a.shift()), (n = a.join("#"))),
                (i = t.split("?")),
                (o = i.length - 1),
                (a = i[0].split("//")),
                (a = a[a.length - 1].split("/")),
                (c = a.length > 1 ? a.pop() : ""),
                o > 0 && ((r = i.pop()), (t = i.join("?"))),
                r &&
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                  (s = "%26"),
                (t = t + "?spm=" + e + (r ? s + r : "") + (n ? "#" + n : "")),
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                  c.indexOf(".") > -1 ? c.split(".").pop().toLowerCase() : ""))
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                    (t += "&file=" + c));
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                    .replace(/refpos[=(%3D)]\w*/gi, c)
                    .replace(i, "%3D" + n + "%26" + a.replace("=", "%3D"))
                    .replace(o, n)),
                  a.length > 0 && (t += "&" + a),
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                a = r.match(/[&\?](pvid=[^&]*)/i),
                i = new RegExp("%3Dmm_\\d+_\\d+_\\d+", "ig"),
                o = new RegExp("mm_\\d+_\\d+_\\d+", "ig");
              a = a && a[1] ? a[1] : "";
              var c = r.match(
              return (c = c && c[0] ? c[0] : ""), n ? ((n = n[0]), e(t)) : t;
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              var r = s.KISSY;
                ? r.ready(e)
                : s.jQuery
                ? jQuery(m).ready(e)
                : "complete" === m.readyState
                ? e()
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                  r = g.length;
                for (e = 0; e < r; e++) if (t.indexOf(g[e]) > -1) return !0;
                return !1;
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                  /&?\bspm=[^&#]*/.test(t) &&
                  (t = t
                    .replace(/&?\bspm=[^&#]*/g, "")
                    .replace(/&{2,}/g, "&")
                    .replace(/\?&/, "?")
                    .replace(/\?$/, "")),
                return t;
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                s = "&";
              if (
                (t.indexOf("#") != -1 &&
                  ((a = t.split("#")), (t = a.shift()), (n = a.join("#"))),
                (i = t.split("?")),
                (o = i.length - 1),
                (a = i[0].split("//")),
                (a = a[a.length - 1].split("/")),
                (c = a.length > 1 ? a.pop() : ""),
                o > 0 && ((r = i.pop()), (t = i.join("?"))),
                r &&
                  o > 1 &&
                  r.indexOf("&") == -1 &&
                  r.indexOf("%") != -1 &&
                  (s = "%26"),
                (t = t + "?spm=" + e + (r ? s + r : "") + (n ? "#" + n : "")),
                (p =
                  c.indexOf(".") > -1 ? c.split(".").pop().toLowerCase() : ""))
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                    swf: 1,
                  return 0;
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                  o <= 1 &&
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                    (t += "&__file=" + c));
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                        n.b || "0",
                        n.c || "0",
                        n.d || "0",
                      (a = (e() || "") + "_" + a)),
                    (t.href = c(t.href, a)),
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              m = document;
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                  return { a: 0, b: 0, c: 0, d: 0, e: 0 };
                l = function () {
                  return s.g_SPM && s.g_SPM.getParam ? s.g_SPM.getParam : f;
                d = !0;
              try {
                d = self.location != top.location;
              } catch (t) {}
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                b = "attachEvent",
                v = "addEventListener",
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                      c = 0;
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                        p.a || "0",
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                        p.c || "0",
                        p.d || "0",
                        p.e || "0",
                    t && !a
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                            p.a || "0",
                            p.b || "0",
                            p.c || "0",
                            p.d || "0",
                          (s = e() + "_" + s)),
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<a href="">Kubatoto</a> adalah
                        pilihan terbaik bagi Anda yang mencari
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                        tinggi! Kami menghadirkan beragam
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                        seperti Slot88,
                        Pragmatic Play, dan banyak lagi. Dengan
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<h2>Daftar Sekarang &amp; Nikmati Fasilitas VIP!</h2>
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                          Bonus new member 100% tanpa turnover,
                          langsung klaim tanpa syarat!
<h2>Provider Slot Terlengkap &amp; Bocoran Slot Gacor</h2>
                        Kubatoto bekerja sama dengan berbagai provider ternama
                        untuk memastikan pengalaman bermain Anda lebih seru dan
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                        gacor** serta update **slot777 terbaru** setiap hari,
                        sehingga Anda bisa memilih permainan dengan jackpot
                        sensasional x500 hingga x1000!
<h2>Jadi Miliarder Muda Bersama Kubatoto!</h2>
                        Dengan minimal deposit hanya **Rp 10.000**, Anda sudah
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                        SLOT777** dan wujudkan impian menjadi miliarder muda
                        bersama Kubatoto.
<strong>Ayo daftar sekarang dan raih kemenangan
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<!-- 滑块验证码组件 -->
<script async="" defer="" src="//" type="text/plain"></script>
        define("@ali/wpk-reporter", [], function () {
          return window.wpkReporter;
        define("@ali/wpk-reporter/dist/plugins/flow", [], function () {
          return window.wpkflowPlugin;
        define("@ali/wpk-reporter/dist/plugins/interface", [], function () {
          return window.wpkinterfacePlugin;
        define("@ali/wpk-reporter/dist/plugins/blank", [], function () {
          return window.wpkblankPlugin;
        require(["//"], function (
        ) {
          try {
            window.iLogger = iLogger;
            window.__wpk = iLogger.iLoggerIntegrate({
              pid: "ntccikh9-c1mxofok",
              cid: "pdp-pc-revamp",
              rel: "1.4.4",
              cluster: "intl",
          } catch (e) {
            console.error("init wpkReporter fail", e);
          return null;
        if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
          const enanbleSW = true;
          if (enanbleSW) {
              .register("/products/sw.js", { scope: "/products/" })
                function (registration) {
                    "ServiceWorker registration successful with scope: ",
                function (err) {
                  console.log("ServiceWorker registration failed: ", err);
          } else {
              .then(function (registrations) {
                registrations.forEach((sw) => sw.unregister());
        (function () {
          try {
            var webVitalsScript = document.createElement("script");
            webVitalsScript.src =
            webVitalsScript.onload = function () {
              // When loading `web-vitals` using a classic script, all the public
              // methods can be found on the `webVitals` global namespace.

              var WebVitalsDelta = {
                FCP: null,
                CLS: null,
                FID: null,
                LCP: null,
                INP: null,

              function webVitalsCb(entry) {
                if (entry && && {
                  WebVitalsDelta[] =;
                  if ( === "INP") {
                  } else if (window.requestIdleCallback) {
                    window.requestIdleCallback(function () {

              function webVitalsSingleReport(entry) {
                if (window.__wpk && {
                  var name = (entry && || "";
                  var delta = (entry && || "";
                  const categories = {
                    FCP: 101,
                    CLS: 103,
                    FID: 104,
                    LCP: 102,
                    INP: 119,
                    category: categories[name],
                    wl_avgv1: delta,
                      entry &&
                        "[object Object]"
                        ? JSON.stringify(entry)
                        : "",
                    c1: (entry && entry.rating) || "",
            if (document.head) document.head.appendChild(webVitalsScript);
            function report() {
              var fsp = null;
              var csr = null;
              if (timings.start && timings.render) {
                // for ssr
                if (timings.ssr) {
                  fsp = timings.ssr - timings.start;
                  csr = timings.render - timings.ssr;
                } else {
                  fsp = timings.render - timings.start;
              if (fsp && window.__wpk && {
                  category: 105,
                  wl_avgv1: fsp,
                  wl_avgv2: csr || 0,
                  c1: window.__hasSSR__ ? 1 : 0,
            document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
              if (window.timings) {
                if (window.timings.render) {
                } else {
                  setTimeout(function () {
                  }, 3000);
          } catch (err) {
            console.log(err && err.message);
        if (window.baxiaCommon) {
            appendTo: "header",
            umOptions: {
              serviceLocation: "lazada",
            checkApiPath: (url) => {
              return url.indexOf("mtop.lazada.promotion.voucher.spread") > -1;
<div class="DzOUe mjwGc" id="veepn-breach-alert"></div>
        @font-face {
          font-family: FigtreeVF;
          src: url(chrome-extension://majdfhpaihoncoakbjgbdhglocklcgno/fonts/FigtreeVF.woff2)
              format("woff2 supports variations"),
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          font-display: swap;
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