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Postheaven is the safe place for all your posts forever
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Simple, easy blogs for free, forever.
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Websites come and go.
This is one made to
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last forever
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Post by email done right
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We'll never shut down.
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Your durable blog
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Thoughts, ideas, memories.
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All saved in one place.
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A clean, well lit space.
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A clean, safe place for you online
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What would it be like to make a service that lasts for 10 years? 100 years?
That’s what we’re trying to build at Postheaven. We’re as sick as you are to
have to switch services every few years, or worry about running your own
servers and getting hacked all the time.
To do that, it’ll take a small team of engineers who quietly maintain
the software like a constant gardener, quietly doing the right things over time.
That’s us.
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Made in California Just For You
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