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<h2>USFWS Seeks Public Input on Monarch Butterfly ESA Listing</h2>
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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has announced a proposed rule to list the monarch butterfly as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), accompanied by a 4(d) rule and critical habitat designation. As part of this process, the USFWS is seeking public input during a 90-day comment period, open from December 12, 2024, to March 12, 2025.
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<h2>MJV Calls for Increased Collaboration as USFWS Proposes Monarchs as a Threatened Species</h2>
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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced a proposed rule to list the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, accompanied by a 4(d) rule and critical habitat designation.
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<h2>MJV Welcomes Three New Partners</h2>
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The MJV welcomes Inovateus Solar, Apex Clean Energy, and Ernst Seeds to the partnership network.
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<h2>The Monarch NECTAR Hub: A Year of Growth and What's Coming Next!</h2>
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The Monarch NECTAR Hub has blossomed over its first year, offering new courses and engaging learners nationwide and beyond. Join us as we celebrate milestones, share feedback, and preview what’s ahead!
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<h2>Monarch Conservation Webinar Series</h2>
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Stay connected with the latest monarch conservation topics by attending our free monthly webinars. This series is a unique opportunity to hear from experts across various interdisciplinary fields related to monarchs, other pollinators, their habitats, and the threats and pressures that make conservation urgent. Bring your questions and get ready to discover how you can get involved to protect monarchs.
All webinars are one hour long and occur at 1:00 PM Central Time (2:00 PM ET l 12:00 PM MT l 11:00 AM PT)
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<h2>The MJV is thrilled to welcome Friends of the Tonto National Forest to the partner network!</h2>
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Friends of the Tonto National Forest (FOTNF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting the Tonto National Forest (TNF) in its mission of natural and cultural resource management. Since 2016, FOTNF has led a variety of projects at TNF, including invasive plant management, monitoring initiatives, trail maintenance, and the preservation of interpretive historical sites.
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Friends of the Tonto National Forest Joins the MJV Partner Network
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<h2>MJV’s 2023 Annual Research Review</h2>
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Since 2020, the Monarch Joint Venture (MJV) has been diligently organizing annual research reviews to ensure that partner organizations, networks, and enthusiasts remain informed about the most recent findings in monarch conservation. These reviews serve as a platform for summarizing and discussing peer-reviewed research, commentaries, and technical reports related to monarch conservation efforts.
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<h2>Eastern Monarch Butterfly Population Falls to Less than One Hectare in the 2023-2024 Overwintering Season</h2>
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Monarch butterflies occupied 0.9 hectares, 1.31 less than the 2.21 hectares in the 2022-2023 overwintering season. This is the first time since the 2013-2014 overwintering season that the eastern monarch population has occupied less than one hectare.
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<h2>Western Monarch Count Declines</h2>
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Over 400 volunteers surveyed 256 overwintering sites this winter, tallying a total of 233,394 monarch butterflies across the western overwintering sites.
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<h2>IUCN Changes Migratory Monarch Status from Endangered to Vulnerable</h2>
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The IUCN has changed the status of the migratory monarch. Learn about the reasons for this decision and the current status of the migratory monarch.
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<h1>In the face of <strong>DECLINES</strong> in monarch numbers and habitat availability</h1>
<p>MJV partners are pooling their efforts to protect monarch and pollinator habitat across North America.</p>
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<h4>Habitat Conservation</h4>
<p>The Monarch Joint Venture Habitat Program is dedicated to building, establishing, restoring, and enhancing monarch habitat throughout the country.</p>
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<h4>Education & Outreach</h4>
<p>Monarch Joint Venture's education program began in 2019 and plays a large role in helping MJV achieve its mission to protect and conserve the monarch butterfly and its migration.</p>
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<h4>Research & Monitoring</h4>
<p>Through scientific research and monitoring, we can better understand North American monarch population trends and the many factors influencing their decline.</p>
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<h4>Online Learning</h4>
<p>At the Monarch NECTAR Hub, a network for education on conservation, training, and research, you can take online courses at your own pace.</p>
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<h4>MJV Store</h4>
<p>Support our work when you order habitat signs, monarch books, educational materials, t-shirts and more!</p>
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<p>Support monarch conservation through the Monarch Joint Venture. Your gift supports education, effort coordination, research, and expansion of habitat across the United States.</p>
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<p>The Monarch Joint Venture (MJV) is a partnership of federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations, businesses and academic programs working together to protect the monarch migration across the United States. <em>We are a 501(c)(3) tax‐exempt organization. All donations are tax‐deductible to the full extent of the law. MJV federal tax ID: 83-1343107.</em></p>
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<p>Monarch Joint Venture<br />2233 University Ave W.<br />Suite 426<br />St. Paul, MN 55114</p>
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