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0), u(a.isNRBF) && (d = a.ssw(a.oid), d.e || u(d.val) || (a.isNRBF = 1 < d.val ? 0 : 1)), u(a.isNRBF) || (b += "&nrbf=" + a.isNRBF)), a.isBFT && !a.isNRBF && (b += "&bft=" + a.isBFT); return b
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na_: g.navigationStart, ul_: g.unloadEventStart, _ul: g.unloadEventEnd, rd_: g.redirectStart, _rd: g.redirectEnd, fe_: g.fetchStart, lk_: g.domainLookupStart,
_lk: g.domainLookupEnd, co_: g.connectStart, _co: g.connectEnd, sc_: g.secureConnectionStart, rq_: g.requestStart, rs_: g.responseStart, _rs: g.responseEnd, dl_: g.domLoading, di_: g.domInteractive, de_: g.domContentLoadedEventStart, _de: g.domContentLoadedEventEnd, _dc: g.domComplete, ld_: g.loadEventStart, _ld: g.loadEventEnd, ntd: ("function" !== typeof || u(M) ? 0 : new E(M + - new E) + a.t0
}), x && B(a.t, { ty: x.type + a.t0, rc: x.redirectCount + a.t0 }), U = 1); a.isBFonMshop || B(a.t, { hob: d.ue_hob, hoe: d.ue_hoe }); a.ifr && (f += "&ifr=1")
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b, c, q); var r, n; l || b && b !== s || ca(b); (c = d.ue_mbl) && c.cnt && !l && (f += c.cnt()); l ? e("wb", b, 2) : "ld" == k && (a.lid = H(s)); for (r in if (1 == e("wb", r)) break; if (l) { if (a.s) return; f = p(f, null) } else c = p(f, null), c != f && (c = A(c), a.b = c), z && (f += z), f = p(f, b ||; f = A(f); if (a.b || l) for (r in 2 == e("wb", r) && delete[r]; z = 0; a._rt && (f += "&rt=" + a._rt()); c = h.csa; if (!l && c) for (n in r = e("t", b) || {}, c = c("PageTiming"), r) r[v](n) && c("mark", da[n] || n, r[n]); l || (a.s = 0, (n = d.ue_err) && 0 < && n.pec < && (n.pec =, f += "&ec=" + + "&ecf=" +
n.ecf), z = e("ctb", b), "ld" !== k || b || a.markers ? a.markers && a.isl && !l && b && B(a.markers, e("t", b)) : (a.markers = {}, B(a.markers, e("t", b))), e("t", b, {})); a.tag && a.tag().length && (f += "&csmtags=" + a.tag().join("|"), a.tag = P()); n = a.viz || []; (r = n.length) && (f += "&viz=" + n.splice(0, r).join("|")); u(d.ue_pty) || (f += "&pty=" + d.ue_pty + "&spty=" + d.ue_spty + "&pti=" + d.ue_pti); a.tabid && (f += "&tid=" + a.tabid); a.aftb && (f += "&aftb=1"); !a._ui || b && b != s || (f += a._ui()); f += "&lob=" + (d.ue_lob || "0"); a.a = f; m(f, k, z, l, b && "string" === typeof b && -1 !== b.indexOf("csa:"))
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var b =; if (b && "retail_service_worker_messaging" === b.feature && b.command && {
var c =; a = d.ue; var f = d.ueLogError; switch (b.command) {
case "log_counter": a && k(a.count) && && a.count(, 0 === c.value ? 0 : c.value || 1); break; case "log_tag": a && k(a.tag) && c.tag && (a.tag(c.tag), b = d.uex, a.isl && k(b) && b("at")); break; case "log_error": f && k(f) && c.message && f({ message: c.message, logLevel: c.level || "ERROR", attribution: c.attribution || "RetailServiceWorker" }); break; case "log_weblab_trigger": if (!c.weblab || !c.treatment) break; a && k(a.trigger) ? a.trigger(c.weblab, c.treatment) : (h("sw:wt:miss"), h("sw:wt:miss:" + c.weblab + ":" + c.treatment)); break; default: h("sw:unsupported_message_command", 1)
function v(a, b) { return "sw:" + (b || "") + ":" + a + ":" } function D(a, b) { e.register("/service-worker.js").then(function () { h(a + "success") }).catch(function (c) { y.logError(c, "[AUI SW] Failed to " + b + " service worker: ", "ERROR", "RetailPageServiceWorker"); h(a + "failure") }) } function E() { l.forEach(function (a) { q(a) }) } function n(a) { return a.capabilities.isAmazonApp && } function F(a, b, c) {
if (b) if (b.mshop && n(a)) a = v(c, "mshop_and"), b = b.mshop.action, l.push(a + "supported"), b(a, c); else if (b.browser) {
a = u(/Chrome/i) &&
!u(/Edge/i) && !u(/OPR/i) && !a.capabilities.isAmazonApp && !u(new RegExp(B + "bwv" + B + "b")); var f = b.browser; b = v(c, "browser"); a ? (a = f.action, l.push(b + "supported"), a(b, c)) : l.push(b + "unsupported")
} function G(a, b, c) { a && l.push(v("register", c) + "unsupported"); b && l.push(v("unregister", c) + "unsupported"); E() } try { var e = navigator.serviceWorker } catch (a) { q("sw:nav_err") } (function () {
if (e) {
var a = function () { z("page_loaded", { rid: d.ue_id, mid: d.ue_mid, pty: d.ue_pty, sid: d.ue_sid, spty: d.ue_spty, furl: d.ue_furl }) }; x(e, "message",
p); z("client_messaging_ready"); y.when("load").execute(a); x(e, "controllerchange", function () { z("client_messaging_ready"); "complete" === I.readyState && a() })
})(); var l = [], m = function (a, b) { var c = d.uex, f = d.uet; a = g(":", "aui", "sw", a); "ld" === b && k(c) ? c("ld", a, { wb: 1 }) : k(f) && f(b, a, { wb: 1 }) }, J = function (a, b, c) {
function f(a) { b && k(b.failure) && b.failure(a) } function H() { l = setTimeout(function () { q(g(":", "sw:" + r, t.TIMED_OUT)); f({ ok: !1, statusCode: t.TIMED_OUT, done: !1 }); m(r, "ld") }, c || 4E3) } var t = {
NO_CONTROLLER: "no_ctrl", TIMED_OUT: "timed_out",
UNSUPPORTED_BROWSER: "unsupported_browser", UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE: "unexpected_response"
}, r = g(":", a.feature, a.command), l, n = !0; if ("MessageChannel" in d && e && "controller" in e) if (e.controller) { var p = new MessageChannel; p.port1.onmessage = function (c) { (c = && c.feature === a.feature && c.command === a.command ? (n && (m(r, "cf"), n = !1), m(r, "af"), clearTimeout(l), c.done || H(), c.ok ? b && k(b.success) && b.success(c) : f(c), c.done && m(r, "ld")) : h(g(":", "sw:" + r, t.UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE), 1) }; H(); m(r, "bb"); e.controller.postMessage(a, [p.port2]) } else q(g(":",
"sw:" + a.feature, t.NO_CONTROLLER)), f({ ok: !1, statusCode: t.NO_CONTROLLER, done: !0 }); else q(g(":", "sw:" + a.feature, t.UNSUPPORTED_BROWSER)), f({ ok: !1, statusCode: t.UNSUPPORTED_BROWSER, done: !0 })
}; (function () { e ? (m("ctrl_changed", "bb"), e.addEventListener("controllerchange", function () { q("sw:ctrl_changed"); m("ctrl_changed", "ld") })) : h(g(":", "sw:ctrl_changed", "sw_unsupp"), 1) })(); (function () {
var a = function () {
m(b, "ld"); var a = d.uex; J({ feature: "page_proxy", command: "request_feature_tags" }, {
success: function (b) {
b =;
Array.isArray(b) && b.forEach(function (a) { "string" === typeof a ? q(g(":", "sw:ppft", a)) : h(g(":", "sw:ppft", "invalid_tag"), 1) }); h(g(":", "sw:ppft", "success"), 1); C && C.isl && k(a) && a("at")
}, failure: function (a) { h(g(":", "sw:ppft", "error:" + (a.statusCode || "ppft_error")), 1) }
}; if ("requestIdleCallback" in d) { var b = g(":", "ppft", "callback_ricb"); d.requestIdleCallback(a, { timeout: 1E3 }) } else b = g(":", "ppft", "callback_timeout"), setTimeout(a, 0); m(b, "bb")
})(); var A = { reg: {}, unreg: {} }; A.reg.mshop = { action: D }; A.reg.browser = { action: D };
(function (a) { var b = a.reg, c = a.unreg; e && e.getRegistrations ? (w.when("A").execute(function (b) { if ((a.reg.mshop || a.unreg.mshop) && "function" === typeof n && n(b)) { var f = a.reg.mshop ? "T1" : "C", e = d.ue; e && e.trigger ? e.trigger("MSHOP_SW_CLIENT_446196", f) : h("sw:mshop:wt:failed") } F(b, c, "unregister") }), x(d, "load", function () { w.when("A").execute(function (a) { F(a, b, "register"); E() }) })) : (G(b && b.browser, c && c.browser, "browser"), w.when("A").execute(function (a) { "function" === typeof n && n(a) && G(b && b.mshop, c && c.mshop, "mshop_and") })) })(A)
document, Date); (function (b, a, J, C) {
"use strict"; b._pd = function () {
var c, v; return function (D, e, g, h, d, E, w, F, G) {
function x(b) { try { return b() } catch (K) { return !1 } } function p(c) { return b.matchMedia ? b.matchMedia(c) : { matches: !1 } } function k() { if (l) { var y = || c.tablet ? q.matches && m.matches : m.matches; if (z !== y) { var a = { w: b.innerWidth || d.clientWidth, h: b.innerHeight || d.clientHeight }; if (17 < Math.abs(r.w - a.w) || 50 < Math.abs(r.h - a.h)) r = a, (z = y) ? h(d, "a-ws") : d.className = w(d, "a-ws") } } } function H(b) { (l = b === C ? !l : !!b) && k() } function I() { return l }
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v = !0; var t = function () { var b = ["O", "ms", "Moz", "Webkit"], c = a.createElement("div"); return { testGradients: function () { return !0 }, test: function (a) { var d = a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.substr(1); a = (b.join(d + " ") + d + " " + a).split(" "); for (d = a.length; d--;)if ("" ===[a[d]]) return !0; return !1 }, testTransform3d: function () { return !0 } } }(); g = d.className; var A = /(^| )a-mobile( |$)/.test(g), B = /(^| )a-tablet( |$)/.test(g); c = {
audio: function () { return !!a.createElement("audio").canPlayType }, video: function () { return !!a.createElement("video").canPlayType },
canvas: function () { return !!a.createElement("canvas").getContext }, svg: function () { return !!a.createElementNS && !!a.createElementNS("", "svg").createSVGRect }, offline: function () { return navigator.hasOwnProperty && navigator.hasOwnProperty("onLine") && navigator.onLine }, dragDrop: function () { return "draggable" in a.createElement("span") }, geolocation: function () { return !!navigator.geolocation }, history: function () { return !(!b.history || !b.history.pushState) }, webworker: function () { return !!b.Worker },
autofocus: function () { return "autofocus" in a.createElement("input") }, inputPlaceholder: function () { return "placeholder" in a.createElement("input") }, textareaPlaceholder: function () { return "placeholder" in a.createElement("textarea") }, localStorage: function () { return "localStorage" in b && null !== b.localStorage }, orientation: function () { return "orientation" in b }, touch: function () { return "ontouchend" in a }, gradients: function () { return t.testGradients() }, hires: function () {
var a = b.devicePixelRatio && 1.5 <= b.devicePixelRatio ||
b.matchMedia && b.matchMedia("(min-resolution:144dpi)").matches; F("hiRes" + (A ? "Mobile" : B ? "Tablet" : "Desktop"), a ? 1 : 0); return a
}, transform3d: function () { return t.testTransform3d() }, touchScrolling: function () { return e(/Windowshop|android|OS ([5-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)(_[0-9]{1,2})+ like Mac OS X|SOFTWARE=([5-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)(.[0-9]{1,2})+.*DEVICE=iPhone|Chrome|Silk|Firefox|Trident.+?; Touch/i) }, ios: function () { return e(/OS [1-9][0-9]*(_[0-9]*)+ like Mac OS X/i) && !e(/trident|Edge/i) }, android: function () {
return e(/android.([1-9]|[L-Z])/i) &&
}, mobile: function () { return A }, tablet: function () { return B }, rtl: function () { return "rtl" === d.dir }
}; for (var f in c) c.hasOwnProperty(f) && (c[f] = x(c[f])); for (var u = "textShadow textStroke boxShadow borderRadius borderImage opacity transform transition".split(" "), n = 0; n < u.length; n++)c[u[n]] = x(function () { return t.test(u[n]) }); var l = !0, r = { w: 0, h: 0 }, q = p("(orientation:landscape)"), m = || c.tablet ? p("(min-width:451px)") : p("(min-width:1250px)"); q.addListener && q.addListener(k); m.addListener &&
m.addListener(k); var z; k(); d.className = w(d, "a-no-js"); h(d, "a-js"); !e(/OS [1-8](_[0-9]*)+ like Mac OS X/i) || b.navigator.standalone || e(/safari/i) || h(d, "a-ember"); g = []; for (f in c) c.hasOwnProperty(f) && c[f] && g.push("a-" + f.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function (a) { return "-" + a.toLowerCase() })); h(d, g.join(" ")); d.setAttribute("data-aui-build-date", G); D.register("p-detect", function () { return { capabilities: c, localStorage: c.localStorage && E, toggleResponsiveGrid: H, responsiveGridEnabled: I } }); return c || {}
})(window, document,
Date); (function (g, l, E, F) {
function G(a) { n && n.tag && n.tag(p(":", "aui", a)) } function m(a, b) { n && n.count && n.count("aui:" + a, 0 === b ? 0 : b || (n.count("aui:" + a) || 0) + 1) } function H(a) { try { return a.test(navigator.userAgent) } catch (b) { return !1 } } function I(a) { return "function" === typeof a } function u(a, b, d) { a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(b, d, !1) : a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("on" + b, d) } function p(a, b, d, e) { b = b && d ? b + a + d : b || d; return e ? p(a, b, e) : b } function y(a, b, d) {
try { Object.defineProperty(a, b, { value: d, writable: !1 }) } catch (e) {
a[b] =
} return d
} function R(a, b) { a.className = S(a, b) + " " + b } function S(a, b) { return (" " + a.className + " ").split(" " + b + " ").join(" ").replace(/^ | $/g, "") } function J(a) { (a || []).forEach(function (a) { a in z || (z[a] = 1, J(T[a])) }) } function ha(a, b, d) { var e = a.length, f = e, c = function () { f-- || ((d && z.hasOwnProperty(d) ? A : K).push(b), L || (q ? q.set(B) : setTimeout(B, 0), L = !0)) }; for (c(); e--;)U[a[e]] ? c() : (v[a[e]] = v[a[e]] || []).push(c) } function ia(a, b, d, e, f) {
var c = l.createElement(a ? "script" : "link"); u(c, "error", e); f && u(c, "load", f); a ? (c.type =
"text/javascript", c.async = !0, d && /AUIClients|images[/]I/.test(b) && c.setAttribute("crossorigin", "anonymous"), c.src = b) : (c.rel = "stylesheet", c.href = b); l.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(c)
} function V(a, b) {
return function (d, e) {
function f() { ia(b, d, c, function (b) { M ? m("resource_unload") : c ? (c = !1, m("resource_retry"), f()) : (m("resource_error"), a.log("Asset failed to load: " + d)); b && b.stopPropagation ? b.stopPropagation() : g.event && (g.event.cancelBubble = !0) }, e) } if (W[d]) return !1; W[d] = !0; m("resource_count");
var c = !0; return !f()
} function ja(a, b, d) { for (var e = { name: a, guard: function (c) { return b.guardFatal(a, c) }, guardTime: function (a) { return b.guardTime(a) }, logError: function (c, d, e) { b.logError(c, d, e, a) } }, f = [], c = 0; c < d.length; c++)C.hasOwnProperty(d[c]) && (f[c] = N.hasOwnProperty(d[c]) ? N[d[c]](C[d[c]], e) : C[d[c]]); return f } function w(a, b, d, e, f) {
return function (c, k) {
function n() {
var a = null; e ? a = k : I(k) && (q.start = r(), a = k.apply(g, ja(c, h, l)), q.end = r()); if (b) { C[c] = a; a = c; for (U[a] = !0; (v[a] || []).length;)v[a].shift()(); delete v[a] } q.done =
} var h = f || this; I(c) && (k = c, c = F); b && (c = c ? c.replace(X, "") : "__NONAME__", O.hasOwnProperty(c) && h.error(p(", reregistered by ", p(" by ", c + " already registered", O[c]), h.attribution), c), O[c] = h.attribution); for (var l = T[c] = [], m = 0; m < a.length; m++)l[m] = a[m].replace(X, ""); var q = x[c || "anon" + ++ka] = { depend: l, registered: r(), namespace: h.namespace }; c && z.hasOwnProperty(c) && J(l); d ? n() : ha(l, h.guardFatal(c, n), c); return { decorate: function (a) { N[c] = h.guardFatal(c, a) } }
} function Y(a) {
return function () {
var b =;
return { execute: w(b, !1, a, !1, this), register: w(b, !0, a, !1, this) }
} function P(a, b) { return function (d, e) { e || (e = d, d = F); var f = this.attribution; return function () { h.push(b || { attribution: f, name: d, logLevel: a }); var c = e.apply(this, arguments); h.pop(); return c } } } function D(a, b) { this.load = { js: V(this, !0), css: V(this) }; y(this, "namespace", b); y(this, "attribution", a) } function Z() { l.body ? k.trigger("a-bodyBegin") : setTimeout(Z, 20) } "use strict"; var t = = || function () { return +new E }, r = function (a) {
return a && ? :
}(g.performance), la = r(), z = {}, T = {}, n = g.ue; G(); G("aui_build_date:3.24.9-2024-10-31"); var aa = { getItem: function (a) { try { return g.localStorage.getItem(a) } catch (b) { } }, setItem: function (a, b) { try { return g.localStorage.setItem(a, b) } catch (d) { } } }, q = g._pSetI(), K = [], A = [], L = !1, ma = navigator.scheduling && "function" === typeof navigator.scheduling.isInputPending; var B = function () {
for (var a = q ? q.set(B) : setTimeout(B, 0), b = t(); A.length || K.length;)if ((A.length ? A : K).shift()(), q && ma) {
if (150 < t() - b && !navigator.scheduling.isInputPending() ||
50 < t() - b && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending()) return
} else if (50 < t() - b) return; q ? q.clear(a) : clearTimeout(a); L = !1
}; var U = {}, v = {}, W = {}, M = !1; u(g, "beforeunload", function () { M = !0; setTimeout(function () { M = !1 }, 1E4) }); var X = /^prv:/, O = {}, C = {}, N = {}, x = {}, ka = 0, ba = String.fromCharCode(92), h = [], ca = !0, da = g.onerror; g.onerror = function (a, b, d, e, f) {
f && "object" === typeof f || (f = Error(a, b, d), f.columnNumber = e, f.stack = b || d || e ? p(ba, f.message, "at " + p(":", b, d, e)) : F); var c = h.pop() || {}; f.attribution = p(":", f.attribution || c.attribution,; f.logLevel = c.logLevel; f.attribution && console && console.log && console.log([f.logLevel || "ERROR", a, "thrown by", f.attribution].join(" ")); h = []; da && (c = [], c[4] = f, da.apply(g, c))
}; D.prototype = {
logError: function (a, b, d, e) { b = { message: b, logLevel: d || "ERROR", attribution: p(":", this.attribution, e) }; if (g.ueLogError) return g.ueLogError(a || b, a ? b : null), !0; console && console.error && (console.log(b), console.error(a)); return !1 }, error: function (a, b, d, e) {
a = Error(p(":", e, a, d)); a.attribution = p(":", this.attribution,
b); throw a;
}, guardError: P(), guardFatal: P("FATAL"), guardCurrent: function (a) { var b = h[h.length - 1]; return b ? P(b.logLevel, b).call(this, a) : a }, guardTime: function (a) { var b = h[h.length - 1], d = b &&; return d && d in x ? function () { var b = r(), f = a.apply(this, arguments); x[d].async = (x[d].async || 0) + r() - b; return f } : a }, log: function (a, b, d) { return this.logError(null, a, b, d) }, declare: w([], !0, !0, !0), register: w([], !0), execute: w([]), AUI_BUILD_DATE: "3.24.9-2024-10-31", when: Y(), now: Y(!0), trigger: function (a, b, d) {
var e = t(); this.declare(a,
{ data: b, pageElapsedTime: e - (g.aPageStart || NaN), triggerTime: e }); d && d.instrument && Q.when("prv:a-logTrigger").execute(function (b) { b(a) })
}, handleTriggers: function () { this.log("handleTriggers deprecated") }, attributeErrors: function (a) { return new D(a) }, _namespace: function (a, b) { return new D(a, b) }, setPriority: function (a) { ca ? (ca = !1, J(a)) : this.log("setPriority only accept the first call.") }
}; var k = y(g, "AmazonUIPageJS", new D); var Q = k._namespace("PageJS", "AmazonUI"); Q.declare("prv:p-debug", x); k.declare("p-recorder-events",
[]); k.declare("p-recorder-stop", function () { }); y(g, "P", k); Z(); if (l.addEventListener) { var ea; l.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ea = function () { k.trigger("a-domready"); l.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ea, !1) }, !1) } var fa = l.documentElement, na = g._pd(k, H, u, R, fa, aa, S, m, "3.24.9-2024-10-31"); H(/UCBrowser/i) || na.localStorage && R(fa, aa.getItem("a-font-class")); k.declare("a-event-revised-handling", !1); g._sw(Q, p, H, ba, m, n, G, I, u, k); k.declare("a-fix-event-off", !1); m("pagejs:pkgExecTime", r() - la)
document, Date);
(function (b) {
function q(a, e, d) {
function g(a, b, c) { var f = Array(e.length); ~l && (f[l] = {}); ~m && (f[m] = c); for (c = 0; c < n.length; c++) { var g = n[c], h = a[c]; f[g] = h } for (c = 0; c < p.length; c++)g = p[c], h = b[c], f[g] = h; a = d.apply(null, f); return ~l ? f[l] : a } "string" !== typeof a && b.P.error("C001"); -1 === a.indexOf("@") && -1 < a.indexOf("/") && (-1 < a.indexOf("es3") || -1 < a.indexOf("evergreen")) && (a = a.substring(0, a.lastIndexOf("/"))); if (!r[a]) {
r[a] = !0; d || (d = e, e = []); a = a.split(":", 2); var c = a[1] ? a[0] : void 0, f = (a[1] || a[0]).replace(/@capability\//,
"@c/"), k = c ? b.P._namespace(c) : b.P, t = !f.lastIndexOf("@c/", 0), u = !f.lastIndexOf("@m/", 0), n = []; a = []; var p = [], v = [], m = -1, l = -1; for (c = 0; c < e.length; c++) { var h = e[c]; "module" === h && k.error("C002"); "exports" === h ? l = c : "require" === h ? m = c : h.lastIndexOf("@p/", 0) ? h.lastIndexOf("@c/", 0) && h.lastIndexOf("@m/", 0) ? (n.push(c), a.push("mix:" + h)) : (p.push(c), v.push(h)) : (n.push(c), a.push(h.substr(3))) } k.when.apply(k, a).register("mix:" + f, function () {
var a = []; return t || u || ~m || p.length ? {
capabilities: v, cardModuleFactory: function (b,
c) { b = g(a, b, c); b.P = k; return b }, require: ~m ? q : void 0
} : g(a, [], function () { })
}); (t || u) && k.when("mix:@amzn/mix.client-runtime", "mix:" + f).execute(function (a, b) { a.registerCapabilityModule(f, b) }); k.when("mix:" + f).register("xcp:" + f, function (a) { return a }); var q = function (a, b, c) { try { var e = -1 < f.indexOf("/") ? f.split("/")[0] : f, d = a[0], g = d.lastIndexOf("./", 0) ? d : e + "/" + d.substr(2), h = g.lastIndexOf("@p/", 0) ? "mix:" + g : g.substr(3); k.when(h).execute(function (a) { try { b(a) } catch (x) { c(x) } }) } catch (w) { c(w) } }
} "use strict"; var r =
{}; b.mix_d || ((b.Promise ? P : P.when("3p-promise")).register("@p/promise-is-ready", function (a) { b.Promise = b.Promise || a }), (Array.prototype.includes ? P : P.when("a-polyfill")).register("@p/polyfill-is-ready", function () { }), b.mix_d = function (a, b, d) { P.when("@p/promise-is-ready", "@p/polyfill-is-ready").execute("@p/mix-d-deps", function () { q(a, b, d) }) }, b.xcp_d = b.mix_d, P.when("mix:@amzn/mix.client-runtime").execute(function (a) { P.declare("xcp:@xcp/runtime", a) })); b.mixTimeout || (b.mixTimeout = function (a, e, d) {
b.mixCardInitTimeouts ||
(b.mixCardInitTimeouts = {}); b.mixCardInitTimeouts[e] && clearTimeout(b.mixCardInitTimeouts[e]); b.mixCardInitTimeouts[e] = setTimeout(function () { P.log("Client-side initialization timeout", "WARN", a) }, d)
}); b.mix_csa_map = b.mix_csa_map || {}; b.mix_csa_internal = b.mix_csa_internal || function (a, e, d) { return b.mix_csa_map[e] = b.mix_csa_map[e] || b.csa(a, d) }; b.mix_csa_internal_key = b.mix_csa_internal_key || function (a, b) {
for (var d = "", e = 0; e < b.length; e++) { var c = b[e]; void 0 !== a[c] && "object" !== typeof a[c] && (d += c + ":" + a[c] + ",") } if (!d) throw Error("bad mix-csa key gen.");
return d
}; b.mix_csa_event = b.mix_csa_event || function (a) { try { var e = b.mix_csa_internal_key(a, ["producerId"]) } catch (d) { return P.logError(d, "MIX C005", "WARN", void 0), function () { } } try { return b.mix_csa_internal("Events", e, a) } catch (d) { return P.logError(d, "MIX C004", "WARN", e), function () { } } }; b.mix_csa = b.mix_csa || function (a, e) {
try {
e = e || ""; var d = document.querySelectorAll(a); if (1 < d.length) for (var g = 0; g < d.length; g++) { if (d[g].querySelector(e)) { var c = d[g]; break } } else 1 === d.length && (c = d[0]); if (!c) throw Error(" ");
return b.mix_csa_internal("Content", a, { element: c })
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(I(n), a.length && g !== l && U()) : a[o](s++, 0, n) }, U(), S(function () { S(O, f.SkipMissingPluginsTimeout || 5e3) }, 1) }("undefined" != typeof window ? window : global); csa.plugin(function (o) { var f = "addEventListener", e = "requestAnimationFrame", t = o.exec, r =, u = o.on; o.raf = function (n) { if (r[e]) return r[e](t(n)) }, o.on = function (n, e, t, r) { if (n && "function" == typeof n[f]) { var i = o.exec(t); return n[f](e, i, r), function () { n.removeEventListener(e, i, r) } } return "string" == typeof n ? u(n, e, t, r) : o.blank } }); csa.plugin(function (o) { var t, n, r = {}, e = "localStorage", c = "sessionStorage", a = "local", i = "session", u = o.exec; function s(e, t) { var n; try { r[t] = !!(n =[e]), n = n || {} } catch (e) { r[t] = !(n = {}) } return n } function f() { t = t || s(e, a), n = n || s(c, i) } function l(e) { return e && e[i] ? n : t } = u(function (e, t, n) { f(); var o = l(n); return e ? t ? void (o[e] = t) : o[e] : Object.keys(o) }), o.storageSupport = u(function () { return f(), r }), o.deleteStored = u(function (e, t) { f(); var n = l(t); if ("function" == typeof e) for (var o in n) n.hasOwnProperty(o) && e(o, n[o]) && delete n[o]; else delete n[e] }) }); csa.plugin(function (n) { n.types = { ovl: function (n) { var r = []; if (n) for (var i in n) n.hasOwnProperty(i) && r.push(n[i]); return r } } }); csa.plugin(function (c) { var e = c.config, n = "Errors"; function r(n) { return function (e) { c("Metrics", { producerId: "csa", dimensions: { message: e } })("recordMetric", n, 1) } } function o(r) { var o, t, l = c("Events", { producerId: r.producerId, lob: e.lob || "0" }), i = ["name", "type", "csm", "adb"], u = { url: "pageURL", file: "f", line: "l", column: "c" }; this.log = function (e) { if (!function (e) { if (!e) return !0; for (var n in e) return !1; return !0 }(e)) { var n = r.logOptions || { ent: { page: ["pageType", "subPageType", "requestId"] } }; l("log", function (n) { return o = c.UUID(), t = { messageId: o, schemaId: r.schemaId || "<ns>.Error.6", errorMessage: n.m || null, attribution: n.attribution || null, logLevel: "FATAL", url: null, file: null, line: null, column: null, stack: n.s || [], context: n.cinfo || {}, metadata: {} }, n.logLevel && (t.logLevel = "" + n.logLevel), i.forEach(function (e) { n[e] && (t.metadata[e] = n[e]) }), "INFO" === n.logLevel || Object.keys(u).forEach(function (e) { "number" != typeof n[u[e]] && "string" != typeof n[u[e]] || (t[e] = "" + n[u[e]]) }), t }(e), n) } } } e["KillSwitch." + n] || c.register(n, { instance: function (e) { return new o(e || {}) }, logError: r("jsError"), logWarn: r("jsWarn") }) }); csa.plugin(function (o) { var r, e, n, t, a, i = "function", u = "willDisappear", f = "$app.", p = "$document.", c = "focus", s = "blur", d = "active", l = "resign", $ =, b = o.exec, m = o.config["Transport.AnonymizeRequests"] || !1, g = o("Events"), h = $.location, v = $.document || {}, y = $.P || {}, P = (($.performance || {}).navigation || {}).type, w = o.on, k = o.emit, E = v.hidden, T = {}; h && v && (w($, "beforeunload", D), w($, "pagehide", D), w(v, "visibilitychange", R(p, function () { return v.visibilityState || "unknown" })), w(v, c, R(p + c)), w(v, s, R(p + s)), y.when && y.when("mash").execute(function (e) { e && (w(e, "appPause", R(f + "pause")), w(e, "appResume", R(f + "resume")), R(f + "deviceready")(), $.cordova && $.cordova.platformId && R(f + cordova.platformId)(), w(v, d, R(f + d)), w(v, l, R(f + l))) }), e = $.app || {}, n = b(function () { k(f + "willDisappear"), D() }), a = typeof (t = e[u]) == i, e[u] = b(function () { n(), a && t() }), $.app || ($.app = e), "complete" === v.readyState ? A() : w($, "load", A), E ? S() : x(), o.on("$app.blur", S), o.on("$app.focus", x), o.on("$document.blur", S), o.on("$document.focus", x), o.on("$document.hidden", S), o.on("$document.visible", x), o.register("SPA", { newPage: I }), I({ transitionType: { 0: "hard", 1: "refresh", 2: "back-button" }[P] || "unknown" })); function I(n, e) { var t = !!r, a = (e = e || {}).keepPageAttributes; t && (k("$beforePageTransition"), k("$pageTransition")), t && !a && g("removeEntity", "page"), r = o.UUID(), a ? = r : T = { schemaId: "<ns>.PageEntity.2", id: r, url: m ? h.href.split("?")[0] : h.href, server: h.hostname, path: h.pathname, referrer: m ? v.referrer.split("?")[0] : v.referrer, title: v.title }, Object.keys(n || {}).forEach(function (e) { T[e] = n[e] }), g("setEntity", { page: T }), k("$pageChange", T, { buffered: 1 }), t && k("$afterPageTransition") } function A() { k("$load"), k("$ready"), k("$afterload") } function D() { k("$ready"), k("$beforeunload"), k("$unload"), k("$afterunload") } function S() { E || (k("$visible", !1, { buffered: 1 }), E = !0) } function x() { E && (k("$visible", !0, { buffered: 1 }), E = !1) } function R(n, t) { return b(function () { var e = typeof t == i ? n + t() : n; k(e) }) } }); csa.plugin(function (c) { var e = "Events", n = "UNKNOWN", s = "id", a = "all", i = "messageId", o = "timestamp", u = "producerId", r = "application", f = "obfuscatedMarketplaceId", d = "entities", l = "schemaId", p = "version", v = "attributes", g = "<ns>", b = "lob", t = "session", h = c.config, m = ( || {}).host, I = h[e + ".Namespace"] || "csa_other", y = h.Application || "Other" + (m ? ":" + m : ""), O = h["Transport.AnonymizeRequests"] || !1, E = c("Transport"), U = {}, A = function (e, t) { Object.keys(e).forEach(t) }; function N(n, i, o) { A(i, function (e) { var t = o === a || (o || {})[e]; e in n || (n[e] = { version: 1, id: i[e][s] || c.UUID() }), S(n[e], i[e], t) }) } function S(t, n, i) { A(n, function (e) { !function (e, t, n) { return "string" != typeof t && e !== p ? c.error("Attribute is not of type string: " + e) : !0 === n || 1 === n || (e === s || !!~(n || []).indexOf(e)) }(e, n[e], i) || (t[e] = n[e]) }) } function k(o, e, r) { A(e, function (e) { var t = o[e]; if (t[l]) { var n = {}, i = {}; n[s] = t[s], n[u] = t[u] || r[u], n[l] = t[l], n[p] = t[p]++, n[v] = i, w(n, r), S(i, t, 1), D(i), E("log", n) } }) } function w(e, t) { e[o] = function (e) { return "number" == typeof e && (e = new Date(e).toISOString()), e || c.time("ISO") }(e[o]), e[i] = e[i] || c.UUID(), e[r] = y, e[f] = h.ObfuscatedMarketplaceId || n, e[l] = e[l].replace(g, I), t && t[b] && (e[b] = t[b]) } function D(e) { delete e[p], delete e[l], delete e[u] } function T(o) { var r = {}; this.log = function (e, t) { var n = {}, i = (t || {}).ent; return e ? "string" != typeof e[l] ? c.error("A valid schema id is required for the event") : (w(e, o), N(n, U, i), N(n, r, i), N(n, e[d] || {}, i), A(n, function (e) { D(n[e]) }), e[u] = o[u], e[d] = n, t && t[b] && (e[b] = t[b]), void E("log", e, t)) : c.error("The event cannot be undefined") }, this.setEntity = function (e) { O && delete e[t], N(r, e, a), k(r, e, o) } } h["KillSwitch." + e] || c.register(e, { setEntity: function (e) { O && delete e[t], c.emit("$entities.set", e, { buffered: 1 }), N(U, e, a), k(U, e, { producerId: "csa", lob: h[b] || "0" }) }, removeEntity: function (e) { delete U[e] }, instance: function (e) { return new T(e) } }) }); csa.plugin(function (s) { var c, g = "Transport", l = "post", f = "preflight", r = "csa.cajun.", i = "store", a = "deleteStored", u = "sendBeacon", t = "__merge", e = "messageId", n = ".FlushInterval", o = 0, d = s.config[g + ".BufferSize"] || 2e3, h = s.config[g + ".RetryDelay"] || 1500, p = s.config[g + ".AnonymizeRequests"] || !1, v = {}, y = 0, m = [], E =, R = E.document, b = s.timeout, k = E.Object.keys, w = s.config[g + n] || 5e3, I = w, O = s.config[g + n + ".BackoffFactor"] || 1, S = s.config[g + n + ".BackoffLimit"] || 3e4, B = 0; function T(n) { if (864e5 < s.time() - +new Date(n.timestamp)) return s.warn("Event is too old: " + n); y < d && (n[e] in v || (v[n[e]] = n, y++), "function" == typeof n[t] && n[t](v[n[e]]), !B && o && (B = b(q, function () { var n = I; return I = Math.min(n * O, S), n }()))) } function q() { m.forEach(function (e) { var o = []; k(v).forEach(function (n) { var t = v[n]; e.accepts(t) && o.push(t) }), o.length && (e.chunks ? e.chunks(o).forEach(function (n) { D(e, n) }) : D(e, o)) }), v = {}, B = 0 } function D(t, e) { function o() { s[a](r + n) } var n = s.UUID(); s[i](r + n, JSON.stringify(e)), [function (n, t, e) { var o = E.navigator || {}, r = E.cordova || {}; if (p) return 0; if (!o[u] || !n[l]) return 0; n[f] && r && "ios" === r.platformId && !c && ((new Image).src = n[f]().url, c = 1); var i = n[l](t); if (!i.type && o[u](i.url, i.body)) return e(), 1 }, function (n, t, e) { if (!n[l]) return 0; var o = n[l](t), r = o.url, i = o.body, c = o.type, f = new XMLHttpRequest, a = 0; function u(n, t, e) {"POST", n), f.withCredentials = !p, e && f.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", e), f.send(t) } return f.onload = function () { f.status < 299 ? e() : s.config[g + ".XHRRetries"] && a < 3 && b(function () { u(r, i, c) }, ++a * h) }, u(r, i, c), 1 }].some(function (n) { try { return n(t, e, o) } catch (n) { } }) } k && (s.once("$afterload", function () { o = 1, function (e) { (s[i]() || []).forEach(function (n) { if (!n.indexOf(r)) try { var t = s[i](n); s[a](n), JSON.parse(t).forEach(e) } catch (n) { s.error(n) } }) }(T), s.on(R, "visibilitychange", q, !1), q() }), s.once("$afterunload", function () { o = 1, q() }), s.on("$afterPageTransition", function () { y = 0, I = w }), s.register(g, { log: T, register: function (n) { m.push(n) } })) }); csa.plugin(function (n) { var r = n.config["Events.SushiEndpoint"]; n("Transport")("register", { accepts: function (n) { return n.schemaId }, post: function (n) { var t = (n) { return { data: n } }); return { url: r, body: JSON.stringify({ events: t }) } }, preflight: function () { var n, t = /\/\/(.*?)\//.exec(r); return t && t[1] && (n = "https://" + t[1] + "/ping"), { url: n } }, chunks: function (n) { for (var t = []; 500 < n.length;)t.push(n.splice(0, 500)); return t.push(n), t } }) }); csa.plugin(function (n) { var t, a, o, r, e = n.config, i = "PageViews", d = e[i + ".ImpressionMinimumTime"] || 1e3, s = "hidden", c = "innerHeight", l = "innerWidth", g = "renderedTo", f = g + "Viewed", m = g + "Meaningful", u = g + "Impressed", p = 1, h = 2, v = 3, w = 4, P = 5, y = "loaded", I = 7, b = 8, T =, S = n.on, E = n("Events", { producerId: "csa", lob: e.lob || "0" }), K = T.document, V = {}, $ = {}, M = P, R = e["KillSwitch." + i], H = e["KillSwitch.PageRender"], W = e["KillSwitch.PageImpressed"]; function j(e) { if (!V[I]) { if (V[e] = n.time(), e !== v && e !== y || (t = t || V[e]), t && M === w) { if (a = a || V[e], !R) (i = {})[m] = t - o, i[f] = a - o, k("PageView.5", i); r = r || n.timeout(x, d) } var i; if (e !== P && e !== p && e !== h || (clearTimeout(r), r = 0), e !== p && e !== h || H || k("PageRender.4", { transitionType: e === p ? "hard" : "soft" }), e === I && !W) (i = {})[m] = t - o, i[f] = a - o, i[u] = V[e] - o, k("PageImpressed.3", i) } } function k(e, i) { $[e] || (i.schemaId = "<ns>." + e, E("log", i, { ent: "all" }), $[e] = 1) } function q() { 0 === T[c] && 0 === T[l] ? (M = b, n("Events")("setEntity", { page: { viewport: "hidden-iframe" } })) : M = K[s] ? P : w, j(M) } function x() { j(I), r = 0 } function z() { var e = o ? h : p; V = {}, $ = {}, a = t = 0, o = n.time(), j(e), q() } function A() { var e = K.readyState; "interactive" === e && j(v), "complete" === e && j(y) } K && void 0 !== K[s] ? (z(), S(K, "visibilitychange", q, !1), S(K, "readystatechange", A, !1), S("$afterPageTransition", z), S("$timing:loaded", A), n.once("$load", A)) : n.warn("Page visibility not supported") }); csa.plugin(function (c) { var s = c.config["Interactions.ParentChainLength"] || 35, e = "click", r = "touches", f = "timeStamp", o = "length", u = "pageX", g = "pageY", p = "pageXOffset", h = "pageYOffset", m = 250, v = 5, d = 200, l = .5, t = { capture: !0, passive: !0 }, X =, Y = c.emit, n = c.on, x = X.Math.abs, a = (X.document || {}).documentElement || {}, y = { x: 0, y: 0, t: 0, sX: 0, sY: 0 }, N = { x: 0, y: 0, t: 0, sX: 0, sY: 0 }; function b(t) { if ( return "//*[@id='" + + "']"; var e = function (t) { var e, n = 1; for (e = t.previousSibling; e; e = e.previousSibling)e.nodeName === t.nodeName && (n += 1); return n }(t), n = t.nodeName; return 1 !== e && (n += "[" + e + "]"), t.parentNode && (n = b(t.parentNode) + "/" + n), n } function I(t, e, n) { var a = c("Content", { target: n }), i = { schemaId: "<ns>.ContentInteraction.2", interaction: t, interactionData: e, messageId: c.UUID() }; if (n) { var r = b(n); r && (i.attribution = r); var o = function (t) { for (var e = t, n = e.tagName, a = !1, i = t ? t.href : null, r = 0; r < s; r++) { if (!e || !e.parentElement) { a = !0; break } n = (e = e.parentElement).tagName + "/" + n, i = i || e.href } return a || (n = ".../" + n), { pc: n, hr: i } }(n); o.pc && (i.interactionData.parentChain = o.pc), && (i.interactionData.href = } a("log", i), Y("$content.interaction", { e: i, w: a }) } function i(t) { I(e, { interactionX: "" + t.pageX, interactionY: "" + t.pageY }, } function C(t) { if (t && t[r] && 1 === t[r][o]) { var e = t[r][0]; N = y = { e:, x: e[u], y: e[g], t: t[f], sX: X[p], sY: X[h] } } } function D(t) { if (t && t[r] && 1 === t[r][o] && y && N) { var e = t[r][0], n = t[f], a = n - N.t, i = { e:, x: e[u], y: e[g], t: n, sX: X[p], sY: X[h] }; N = i, d <= a && (y = i) } } function E(t) { if (t) { var e = x(y.x - N.x), n = x(y.y - N.y), a = x(y.sX - N.sX), i = x(y.sY - N.sY), r = t[f] - y.t; if (m < 1e3 * e / r && v < e || m < 1e3 * n / r && v < n) { var o = n < e; o && a && e * l <= a || !o && i && n * l <= i || I((o ? "horizontal" : "vertical") + "-swipe", { interactionX: "" + y.x, interactionY: "" + y.y, endX: "" + N.x, endY: "" + N.y }, y.e) } } } n(a, e, i, t), n(a, "touchstart", C, t), n(a, "touchmove", D, t), n(a, "touchend", E, t) }); csa.plugin(function (r) { var a, o, t, c, e, n = "MutationObserver", f = "observe", u = "disconnect", i = "mutObs", l = "_csa_flt", b = "_csa_llt", m = "_csa_mr", d = "_csa_mi", v = "lastChild", p = "length", _ = { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }, g = 10, h = 25, s = 1e3, y = 4, O =, k = O.document, w = k.body || k.documentElement, I =, L = [], B = [], M = [], Y = 0, $ = 0, x = 0, A = 1, C = [], D = [], E = 0, F = r.blank, N = { buffered: 1 }, S = 0; function T(e) { || r.emit("$csmTag:" + e, 0, N) } I && O[n] ? (T(i + "Yes"), Y = 0, o = new O[n](j), (t = new O[n](V))[f](w, { attributes: !0, subtree: !0, attributeFilter: ["src"], attributeOldValue: !0 }), F = r.on(O, "scroll", q, { passive: !0 }), r.once("$ready", H), A && (G(), e = r.interval(z, s)), r.register("SpeedIndexBuffers", { getBuffers: function (e) { e && (H(), q(), e(Y, C, L, B, M), o && o[u](), t && t[u](), F()) }, registerListener: function (e) { a = e }, replayModuleIsLive: function () { r.timeout(H, 0) } })) : T(i + "No"); function V(e) { L.push({ t: I(), m: e }) } function j(e) { B.push({ t: I(), m: e }), S || T(i + "Active"), S = x = 1, a && a() } function q() { x && (M.push({ t: I(), y: $ }), $ = O.pageYOffset, x = 0) } function z() { var e = I(); (!c || s < e - c) && G() } function G() { for (var e = w, t = I(), n = [], u = [], i = 0, s = 0; e;)e[l] ? ++i : (e[l] = t, n.push(e), s = 1), u[p] < y && u.push(e), e[d] = E, e[b] = t, e = e[v]; s && (i < D[p] && function (e) { for (var t = e, n = D[p]; t < n; t++) { var u = D[t]; if (u) { if (u[m]) break; if (u[d] < E) { u[m] = 1, o[f](u, _); break } } } }(i), D = u, C.push({ t: t, m: n }), ++E, x = s, a && a()), A && r.timeout(G, s ? g : h), c = t } function H() { A && (A = 0, e && O.clearInterval(e), e = null, G(), o[f](w, _)) } });
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b.on("$timing:" + k, function (b) {
var a = h[k];
if (c.isl || g) { var d = "csa:" + a; e(a, d, void 0, b); f("at", d) } else e(a, void 0, void 0, b)
}), a.ue_csa_ss_tag || l.forEach(function (a) { b.on("$csmTag:" + a, function () { c.tag && c.tag(a); (c.isl || g) && f("at", "csa:" + a) }, { buffered: 1 }) }))
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<h1 style="text-align: center;"><strong>PLANET128: Situs Agen Toto Togel Slot 4D Online Terbaik Dan Terpercaya Indonesia</strong></h1>
<h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Agen Toto Togel Slot 4D Online Terbaik!</span></h2>
<p>Selamat datang di dunia permainan yang penuh keseruan dan peluang! Agen Toto Togel Slot 4D Online Terbaik hadir untuk memberikan pengalaman bermain yang tak tertandingi bagi para penggemar judi online. Dengan platform yang user-friendly dan desain yang menarik, kami memastikan setiap pemain dapat dengan mudah menavigasi berbagai jenis permainan yang kami tawarkan. Dari permainan togel yang klasik hingga slot 4D yang inovatif, setiap pilihan dirancang untuk memberikan hiburan maksimal dan peluang menang yang menggiurkan.</p>
<p>Keunggulan kami terletak pada sistem keamanan yang canggih dan layanan pelanggan yang responsif. Kami memahami bahwa keamanan adalah prioritas utama bagi setiap pemain, oleh karena itu kami menggunakan teknologi enkripsi terbaru untuk melindungi data pribadi dan transaksi keuangan Anda. Tim layanan pelanggan kami siap membantu Anda 24/7, menjawab setiap pertanyaan dan memberikan solusi cepat untuk setiap masalah yang mungkin Anda hadapi. Dengan dukungan yang solid, Anda dapat bermain dengan tenang dan fokus pada kesenangan permainan.</p>
<p>Bergabunglah dengan komunitas kami dan nikmati berbagai promosi menarik serta bonus yang menguntungkan. Kami menawarkan berbagai jenis bonus pendaftaran, cashback, dan promosi harian yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan pengalaman bermain Anda. Dengan berbagai metode pembayaran yang fleksibel dan proses penarikan yang cepat, Anda dapat dengan mudah mengelola dana Anda. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk meraih kemenangan besar dan jadilah bagian dari agen Toto Togel Slot 4D Online Terbaik yang selalu berkomitmen untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi para pemainnya!</p>
<h2>Planet128: Pasaran Toto Togel 4D</h2>
<p>Planet128 menghadirkan 10 pasaran toto togel 4D dari berbagai pasaran toto togel 4D terpopuler.</p>
<p>Semua pasaran toto togel 4D tersebut merupakan toto togel 4D resmi yang pasti memberikan bayaran kepada setiap result angka yang tembus.</p>
<p>Berikut pasaran toto togel 4D yang tersedia di Planet128 yang dapat kalian pasang setiap harinya:</p>
<p><strong><marquee behavior="slide" direction="left"><a href=""><span>• TOTO TOGEL 4D WUHAN •</span></a></marquee></strong></p>
<p><strong><marquee behavior="slide" direction="left"><a href=""><span>• TOTO TOGEL 4D CAMBODIA •</span></a></marquee></strong></p>
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<p>Kalian dapat pasang angka keberuntungan kalian di pasaran toto togel 4D yang tersedia di Planet128 setiap harinya dan dapat meraih kemenangan besar setiap harinya.</p>
<h3>Planet128: Join Member Planet128 Sekarang Juga</h3>
<p>Join menjadi member Planet128 sekarang juga dan pasang angka keberuntungan kalian di semua pasaran toto togel 4D yang tersedia di Planet128 dan raih kemenangan besar dari setiap result.</p>
<p> </p>
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