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<h3 class="link-bottom" href="/product/W5iVrnyj?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="[Taiwan Limited] IWI toolHex 0.5mm Mechanical Pencil LINE FRIENDS Special Edition">
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[Taiwan Limited] IWI toolHex 0.5mm Mechanical Pencil LINE FRIENDS Special Edition
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<a href="/store/iwic?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" class="store-link" title="IWI">IWI</a>
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<p class="price">US$ 9.81</p>
<p class="oprice">US$ 10.90</p>
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<a class="image" href="/product/psTdfxGX?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Mount Fuji computer bag" >
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<span class="fav-full"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24" xmlns=""><path class="color" fill="#29242d" d="M7.374 4.75a4.008 4.008 0 0 0-2.75 1.059c-1.464 1.364-1.565 3.737-.247 5.77 1.808 2.436 6.172 6.211 7.623 7.442 1.451-1.231 5.819-5.013 7.648-7.48 1.292-1.996 1.191-4.369-.272-5.731a4.007 4.007 0 0 0-2.75-1.06 4.18 4.18 0 0 0-2.357.713c-1.23.846-1.451 1.933-1.534 2.343a.75.75 0 0 1-.734.6H12a.748.748 0 0 1-.734-.599 3.543 3.543 0 0 0-1.535-2.344 4.182 4.182 0 0 0-2.357-.713"/></svg></span>
<span class="fav-empty"><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path class="color" fill="#29242D" d="M12 20.75c-.17 0-.339-.058-.478-.172-.247-.204-6.068-5.031-8.377-8.144-1.748-2.693-1.549-5.853.456-7.722C4.612 3.77 5.952 3.25 7.374 3.25c1.153 0 2.293.347 3.208.978.651.448 1.103.952 1.417 1.432.315-.48.767-.984 1.418-1.432.915-.631 2.055-.978 3.209-.978 1.421 0 2.761.52 3.772 1.462 2.005 1.868 2.204 5.027.482 7.683-2.334 3.152-8.155 7.979-8.402 8.183-.139.114-.308.172-.478.172zm-4.626-16c-1.041 0-2.018.376-2.75 1.059-1.464 1.364-1.565 3.737-.247 5.77 1.808 2.436 6.172 6.211 7.623 7.442 1.451-1.231 5.819-5.013 7.648-7.48 1.292-1.996 1.191-4.369-.272-5.731-.733-.684-1.71-1.06-2.75-1.06-.854 0-1.69.253-2.357.713-1.23.846-1.451 1.933-1.534 2.343-.071.349-.378.6-.734.6H12c-.356 0-.663-.25-.734-.599-.084-.41-.308-1.499-1.535-2.344-.667-.46-1.504-.713-2.357-.713z"/></svg></span>
<h3 class="link-bottom" href="/product/psTdfxGX?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Mount Fuji computer bag">
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Mount Fuji computer bag
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<p class="price">US$ 42.03</p>
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<a class="image" href="/product/YmrcnnCL?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Yun Duo&#39;s Baby Bag, All the different emotions, Anger, Sadness and Joy, Baby Walking Bag, Pain Bag, Transparent Storage Bag, Doll Display" >
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<img class="img m-libs-lazy" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" alt="Yun Duo&#39;s Baby Bag, All the different emotions, Anger, Sadness and Joy, Baby Walking Bag, Pain Bag, Transparent Storage Bag, Doll Display">
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<span class="m-product-fav" id="n-product-fav-YmrcnnCL" data-click="fav" data-clear-cache="YmrcnnCL" data-tid="YmrcnnCL" data-price="6.49" data-action-suffix="" data-category="1" data-subcategory="118" data-sid="square-studio">
<span class="fav-full"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24" xmlns=""><path class="color" fill="#29242d" d="M7.374 4.75a4.008 4.008 0 0 0-2.75 1.059c-1.464 1.364-1.565 3.737-.247 5.77 1.808 2.436 6.172 6.211 7.623 7.442 1.451-1.231 5.819-5.013 7.648-7.48 1.292-1.996 1.191-4.369-.272-5.731a4.007 4.007 0 0 0-2.75-1.06 4.18 4.18 0 0 0-2.357.713c-1.23.846-1.451 1.933-1.534 2.343a.75.75 0 0 1-.734.6H12a.748.748 0 0 1-.734-.599 3.543 3.543 0 0 0-1.535-2.344 4.182 4.182 0 0 0-2.357-.713"/></svg></span>
<span class="fav-empty"><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path class="color" fill="#29242D" d="M12 20.75c-.17 0-.339-.058-.478-.172-.247-.204-6.068-5.031-8.377-8.144-1.748-2.693-1.549-5.853.456-7.722C4.612 3.77 5.952 3.25 7.374 3.25c1.153 0 2.293.347 3.208.978.651.448 1.103.952 1.417 1.432.315-.48.767-.984 1.418-1.432.915-.631 2.055-.978 3.209-.978 1.421 0 2.761.52 3.772 1.462 2.005 1.868 2.204 5.027.482 7.683-2.334 3.152-8.155 7.979-8.402 8.183-.139.114-.308.172-.478.172zm-4.626-16c-1.041 0-2.018.376-2.75 1.059-1.464 1.364-1.565 3.737-.247 5.77 1.808 2.436 6.172 6.211 7.623 7.442 1.451-1.231 5.819-5.013 7.648-7.48 1.292-1.996 1.191-4.369-.272-5.731-.733-.684-1.71-1.06-2.75-1.06-.854 0-1.69.253-2.357.713-1.23.846-1.451 1.933-1.534 2.343-.071.349-.378.6-.734.6H12c-.356 0-.663-.25-.734-.599-.084-.41-.308-1.499-1.535-2.344-.667-.46-1.504-.713-2.357-.713z"/></svg></span>
<h3 class="link-bottom" href="/product/YmrcnnCL?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Yun Duo&#39;s Baby Bag, All the different emotions, Anger, Sadness and Joy, Baby Walking Bag, Pain Bag, Transparent Storage Bag, Doll Display">
<p class="title">
Yun Duo&#39;s Baby Bag, All the different emotions, Anger, Sadness and Joy, Baby Walking Bag, Pain Bag, Transparent Storage Bag, Doll Display
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<a href="/store/square-studio?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" class="store-link" title="Square Studio">Square Studio</a>
<div class="card-price-wrap">
<p class="price">US$ 6.49</p>
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<a class="image" href="/product/gNUwsnQS?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Bento-GO x SOU・SOU joint gift box" >
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<h3 class="link-bottom" href="/product/gNUwsnQS?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Bento-GO x SOU・SOU joint gift box">
<p class="title">
Bento-GO x SOU・SOU joint gift box
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<a href="/store/liferich?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" class="store-link" title="LiFE RiCH">LiFE RiCH</a>
<div class="card-price-wrap">
<p class="price">US$ 67.45</p>
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<a class="image" href="/product/Zsz9CwXk?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Sleeping -beauty-turquoise and citrine, crystal quartz bracelet" >
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<span class="m-product-fav" id="n-product-fav-Zsz9CwXk" data-click="fav" data-clear-cache="Zsz9CwXk" data-tid="Zsz9CwXk" data-price="42.38" data-action-suffix="" data-category="2" data-subcategory="205" data-sid="pearlsonathread">
<span class="fav-full"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24" xmlns=""><path class="color" fill="#29242d" d="M7.374 4.75a4.008 4.008 0 0 0-2.75 1.059c-1.464 1.364-1.565 3.737-.247 5.77 1.808 2.436 6.172 6.211 7.623 7.442 1.451-1.231 5.819-5.013 7.648-7.48 1.292-1.996 1.191-4.369-.272-5.731a4.007 4.007 0 0 0-2.75-1.06 4.18 4.18 0 0 0-2.357.713c-1.23.846-1.451 1.933-1.534 2.343a.75.75 0 0 1-.734.6H12a.748.748 0 0 1-.734-.599 3.543 3.543 0 0 0-1.535-2.344 4.182 4.182 0 0 0-2.357-.713"/></svg></span>
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<h3 class="link-bottom" href="/product/Zsz9CwXk?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Sleeping -beauty-turquoise and citrine, crystal quartz bracelet">
<p class="title">
Sleeping -beauty-turquoise and citrine, crystal quartz bracelet
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<a href="/store/pearlsonathread?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" class="store-link" title="Pearls on a Thread">Pearls on a Thread</a>
<div class="card-price-wrap">
<p class="price">US$ 42.38</p>
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<a class="image" href="/product/gAipMuaH?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Leather ID Card Holder / ID Badge Card / Badge H (11 colors / engraving service)" >
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<img class="img m-libs-lazy" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" alt="Leather ID Card Holder / ID Badge Card / Badge H (11 colors / engraving service)">
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<span class="m-product-fav" id="n-product-fav-gAipMuaH" data-click="fav" data-clear-cache="gAipMuaH" data-tid="gAipMuaH" data-price="25.62" data-action-suffix="" data-category="2" data-subcategory="220" data-sid="wy-atelier">
<span class="fav-full"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24" xmlns=""><path class="color" fill="#29242d" d="M7.374 4.75a4.008 4.008 0 0 0-2.75 1.059c-1.464 1.364-1.565 3.737-.247 5.77 1.808 2.436 6.172 6.211 7.623 7.442 1.451-1.231 5.819-5.013 7.648-7.48 1.292-1.996 1.191-4.369-.272-5.731a4.007 4.007 0 0 0-2.75-1.06 4.18 4.18 0 0 0-2.357.713c-1.23.846-1.451 1.933-1.534 2.343a.75.75 0 0 1-.734.6H12a.748.748 0 0 1-.734-.599 3.543 3.543 0 0 0-1.535-2.344 4.182 4.182 0 0 0-2.357-.713"/></svg></span>
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<h3 class="link-bottom" href="/product/gAipMuaH?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Leather ID Card Holder / ID Badge Card / Badge H (11 colors / engraving service)">
<p class="title">
Leather ID Card Holder / ID Badge Card / Badge H (11 colors / engraving service)
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<a href="/store/wy-atelier?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" class="store-link" title="Wen Yin Leather Craft Atelier">Wen Yin Leather Craft Atelier</a>
<div class="card-price-wrap">
<p class="price">US$ 25.62</p>
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<a class="image" href="/product/qFdmdcaW?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Lost in Paris Blue French Bow Resin Earrings" >
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<h3 class="link-bottom" href="/product/qFdmdcaW?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Lost in Paris Blue French Bow Resin Earrings">
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Lost in Paris Blue French Bow Resin Earrings
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<p class="price">US$ 31.78</p>
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<a class="image" href="/product/ctb6zac5?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Nylon shoulder bag that can hold a PET bottle / Navy blue" >
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<span class="m-product-fav" id="n-product-fav-ctb6zac5" data-click="fav" data-clear-cache="ctb6zac5" data-tid="ctb6zac5" data-price="42.38" data-action-suffix="" data-category="1" data-subcategory="104" data-sid="wagdog">
<span class="fav-full"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24" xmlns=""><path class="color" fill="#29242d" d="M7.374 4.75a4.008 4.008 0 0 0-2.75 1.059c-1.464 1.364-1.565 3.737-.247 5.77 1.808 2.436 6.172 6.211 7.623 7.442 1.451-1.231 5.819-5.013 7.648-7.48 1.292-1.996 1.191-4.369-.272-5.731a4.007 4.007 0 0 0-2.75-1.06 4.18 4.18 0 0 0-2.357.713c-1.23.846-1.451 1.933-1.534 2.343a.75.75 0 0 1-.734.6H12a.748.748 0 0 1-.734-.599 3.543 3.543 0 0 0-1.535-2.344 4.182 4.182 0 0 0-2.357-.713"/></svg></span>
<span class="fav-empty"><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path class="color" fill="#29242D" d="M12 20.75c-.17 0-.339-.058-.478-.172-.247-.204-6.068-5.031-8.377-8.144-1.748-2.693-1.549-5.853.456-7.722C4.612 3.77 5.952 3.25 7.374 3.25c1.153 0 2.293.347 3.208.978.651.448 1.103.952 1.417 1.432.315-.48.767-.984 1.418-1.432.915-.631 2.055-.978 3.209-.978 1.421 0 2.761.52 3.772 1.462 2.005 1.868 2.204 5.027.482 7.683-2.334 3.152-8.155 7.979-8.402 8.183-.139.114-.308.172-.478.172zm-4.626-16c-1.041 0-2.018.376-2.75 1.059-1.464 1.364-1.565 3.737-.247 5.77 1.808 2.436 6.172 6.211 7.623 7.442 1.451-1.231 5.819-5.013 7.648-7.48 1.292-1.996 1.191-4.369-.272-5.731-.733-.684-1.71-1.06-2.75-1.06-.854 0-1.69.253-2.357.713-1.23.846-1.451 1.933-1.534 2.343-.071.349-.378.6-.734.6H12c-.356 0-.663-.25-.734-.599-.084-.41-.308-1.499-1.535-2.344-.667-.46-1.504-.713-2.357-.713z"/></svg></span>
<h3 class="link-bottom" href="/product/ctb6zac5?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Nylon shoulder bag that can hold a PET bottle / Navy blue">
<p class="title">
Nylon shoulder bag that can hold a PET bottle / Navy blue
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<a href="/store/wagdog?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" class="store-link" title="wagdog">wagdog</a>
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<p class="price">US$ 42.38</p>
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<a class="image" href="/product/PsUZZadY?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="CHICO 2 Sided Bucket Bag (S Size), Crossbody Bag Drawstring Shoulder Bag (Green)" >
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<img class="img m-libs-lazy" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" alt="CHICO 2 Sided Bucket Bag (S Size), Crossbody Bag Drawstring Shoulder Bag (Green)">
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<span class="m-product-fav" id="n-product-fav-PsUZZadY" data-click="fav" data-clear-cache="PsUZZadY" data-tid="PsUZZadY" data-price="54.81" data-action-suffix="" data-category="1" data-subcategory="104" data-sid="hellolulu-official">
<span class="fav-full"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24" xmlns=""><path class="color" fill="#29242d" d="M7.374 4.75a4.008 4.008 0 0 0-2.75 1.059c-1.464 1.364-1.565 3.737-.247 5.77 1.808 2.436 6.172 6.211 7.623 7.442 1.451-1.231 5.819-5.013 7.648-7.48 1.292-1.996 1.191-4.369-.272-5.731a4.007 4.007 0 0 0-2.75-1.06 4.18 4.18 0 0 0-2.357.713c-1.23.846-1.451 1.933-1.534 2.343a.75.75 0 0 1-.734.6H12a.748.748 0 0 1-.734-.599 3.543 3.543 0 0 0-1.535-2.344 4.182 4.182 0 0 0-2.357-.713"/></svg></span>
<span class="fav-empty"><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path class="color" fill="#29242D" d="M12 20.75c-.17 0-.339-.058-.478-.172-.247-.204-6.068-5.031-8.377-8.144-1.748-2.693-1.549-5.853.456-7.722C4.612 3.77 5.952 3.25 7.374 3.25c1.153 0 2.293.347 3.208.978.651.448 1.103.952 1.417 1.432.315-.48.767-.984 1.418-1.432.915-.631 2.055-.978 3.209-.978 1.421 0 2.761.52 3.772 1.462 2.005 1.868 2.204 5.027.482 7.683-2.334 3.152-8.155 7.979-8.402 8.183-.139.114-.308.172-.478.172zm-4.626-16c-1.041 0-2.018.376-2.75 1.059-1.464 1.364-1.565 3.737-.247 5.77 1.808 2.436 6.172 6.211 7.623 7.442 1.451-1.231 5.819-5.013 7.648-7.48 1.292-1.996 1.191-4.369-.272-5.731-.733-.684-1.71-1.06-2.75-1.06-.854 0-1.69.253-2.357.713-1.23.846-1.451 1.933-1.534 2.343-.071.349-.378.6-.734.6H12c-.356 0-.663-.25-.734-.599-.084-.41-.308-1.499-1.535-2.344-.667-.46-1.504-.713-2.357-.713z"/></svg></span>
<h3 class="link-bottom" href="/product/PsUZZadY?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="CHICO 2 Sided Bucket Bag (S Size), Crossbody Bag Drawstring Shoulder Bag (Green)">
<p class="title">
CHICO 2 Sided Bucket Bag (S Size), Crossbody Bag Drawstring Shoulder Bag (Green)
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<a href="/store/hellolulu-official?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" class="store-link" title="hellolulu">hellolulu</a>
<div class="card-price-wrap">
<p class="price">US$ 54.81</p>
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<a class="image" href="/product/mDJ56WMk?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="/Spring Preview/ Hand-kneaded ceramic pot" >
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<span class="fav-full"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24" xmlns=""><path class="color" fill="#29242d" d="M7.374 4.75a4.008 4.008 0 0 0-2.75 1.059c-1.464 1.364-1.565 3.737-.247 5.77 1.808 2.436 6.172 6.211 7.623 7.442 1.451-1.231 5.819-5.013 7.648-7.48 1.292-1.996 1.191-4.369-.272-5.731a4.007 4.007 0 0 0-2.75-1.06 4.18 4.18 0 0 0-2.357.713c-1.23.846-1.451 1.933-1.534 2.343a.75.75 0 0 1-.734.6H12a.748.748 0 0 1-.734-.599 3.543 3.543 0 0 0-1.535-2.344 4.182 4.182 0 0 0-2.357-.713"/></svg></span>
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<h3 class="link-bottom" href="/product/mDJ56WMk?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="/Spring Preview/ Hand-kneaded ceramic pot">
<p class="title">
/Spring Preview/ Hand-kneaded ceramic pot
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<div class="card-price-wrap">
<p class="price">US$ 24.33</p>
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<a class="image" href="/product/fVZRNH9V?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Apple Pencil 2nd Generation Slim Silicone Case - Rainbow Gradient" >
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<img class="img m-libs-lazy" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" alt="Apple Pencil 2nd Generation Slim Silicone Case - Rainbow Gradient">
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<div class="g-item-badge g-item-badge-discount"><div>12% OFF</div></div>
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<span class="fav-full"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24" xmlns=""><path class="color" fill="#29242d" d="M7.374 4.75a4.008 4.008 0 0 0-2.75 1.059c-1.464 1.364-1.565 3.737-.247 5.77 1.808 2.436 6.172 6.211 7.623 7.442 1.451-1.231 5.819-5.013 7.648-7.48 1.292-1.996 1.191-4.369-.272-5.731a4.007 4.007 0 0 0-2.75-1.06 4.18 4.18 0 0 0-2.357.713c-1.23.846-1.451 1.933-1.534 2.343a.75.75 0 0 1-.734.6H12a.748.748 0 0 1-.734-.599 3.543 3.543 0 0 0-1.535-2.344 4.182 4.182 0 0 0-2.357-.713"/></svg></span>
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<h3 class="link-bottom" href="/product/fVZRNH9V?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Apple Pencil 2nd Generation Slim Silicone Case - Rainbow Gradient">
<p class="title">
Apple Pencil 2nd Generation Slim Silicone Case - Rainbow Gradient
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<div class="card-price-wrap">
<p class="price">US$ 11.14</p>
<p class="oprice">US$ 12.65</p>
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<a class="image" href="/product/KenaXj6x?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Forest - Schedule book" >
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<span class="fav-full"><svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24" xmlns=""><path class="color" fill="#29242d" d="M7.374 4.75a4.008 4.008 0 0 0-2.75 1.059c-1.464 1.364-1.565 3.737-.247 5.77 1.808 2.436 6.172 6.211 7.623 7.442 1.451-1.231 5.819-5.013 7.648-7.48 1.292-1.996 1.191-4.369-.272-5.731a4.007 4.007 0 0 0-2.75-1.06 4.18 4.18 0 0 0-2.357.713c-1.23.846-1.451 1.933-1.534 2.343a.75.75 0 0 1-.734.6H12a.748.748 0 0 1-.734-.599 3.543 3.543 0 0 0-1.535-2.344 4.182 4.182 0 0 0-2.357-.713"/></svg></span>
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<h3 class="link-bottom" href="/product/KenaXj6x?ref_sec=homepage-pinboard&ref_sec_id=ubqSNR8B" title="Forest - Schedule book">
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Forest - Schedule book
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<div class="card-price-wrap">
<p class="price">US$ 20.24</p>
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<img class="img m-libs-lazy" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" alt="Lucky Cat Leather Luggage Tag Version 2 (can be engraved)">
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[Exclusive] Di Mengqi 365 Hao Ji Shan Ni Ni co-branded model - Sea Train
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[Electronic Handbook] Timeless Electronic Handbook | Milk Green | Horizontal
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The small-package clothing spray can be thrown into your bag and taken with you to satisfy your ever-changing needs. Original price NT.1800, preferential promotion price NT.880 Capacity: 12ml/tube, total 5 tubes/box.", "category": 5, "subcategory": 503, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": [], "rank": 33783, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "MEOWXIANG", "video": null, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 28.54, "transformed_discount": 95.02452697967765, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [{"type": "discount", "type_class": "discount", "text": "5% OFF"}], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "discount_before_promo": 0, "free_shipping_before_promo": [], "fav": false, "review_info": {"rating": 50, "total": 254, "score": 5.0}}, {"tid": "GeThg2gc", "irev": 2, "owner": "ichiban-ochaya", "created": 1722583475, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 30, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 21, "avg_buyer_review_score": 5.0, "shippable_geos": ["SG", "MO", "MY", "JP", "CA", "US", "TW", "HK", "TH"], "material": 25, "map": "0,4,11,8", "color": "khaki", "currency": "USD", "price": 16.22, "min_price": 500.00, "discount": 0, "markup": 0, "title": "Assorted snack gift box", "short_description": "Integrating tea into dim sum creates a new flavor for Taiwanese dim sum.", "category": 10, "subcategory": 1005, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": [], "rank": 1380, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "ichiban-ochaya", "video": null, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 16.22, "transformed_discount": 0.0, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "fav": false, "review_info": {"rating": 50, "total": 21, "score": 5.0}}, {"tid": "rnpwMZ6w", "irev": 16, "owner": "guliuguliu", "created": 1660284564, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 1700, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 110, "avg_buyer_review_score": 4.9818, "shippable_geos": ["TW"], "material": 25, "map": "0,32,41,24,37", "color": "", "currency": "USD", "price": 15.25, "min_price": 470.00, "discount": 0, "markup": 0, "title": "[Gift-giving 6-pack gift box area] Health drink gift box 6-pack \u2502Free writing of greeting cards (private inquiry)", "short_description": "New Year Gift Box provides writing and printing greeting card services, and the number of cards is provided according to the purchase quantity!\n\u2728This area is a special area containing gift boxes. The price includes gift boxes, and the gift box can hold up to 6 items! The most convenient way to give gifts\u2728\nWhen giving gifts that bring health, a health drink is the most suitable gift!\nCan be stored at room temperature, low calorie + non-chemical!", "category": 10, "subcategory": 1031, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": [], "rank": 63519, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "guliuguliu", "video": null, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 15.25, "transformed_discount": 0.0, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "fav": false, "review_info": {"rating": 50, "total": 110, "score": 5.0}}, {"tid": "cnJ3RBjk", "irev": 3, "owner": "paultaiwan", "created": 1620810619, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 50, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 14, "avg_buyer_review_score": 5.0, "shippable_geos": ["TW"], "material": 25, "map": "0,5,1,3", "color": "khaki", "currency": "USD", "price": 38.27, "min_price": 1180.00, "discount": 0, "markup": 0, "title": "\u3010PAUL\u3011Exclusive Maca Red Gift Box-12pcs (Shipping included)", "short_description": "Macaron from France is a national treasure of France. 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PAUL uses a coloring formula made from pure natural ingredients such as plants, without adding any artificial colors, and uses beet sugar instead of ordinary sugar to reduce the sweetness, be healthy and natural, and retain the surface gloss and slightly sticky taste of the filling.", "category": 10, "subcategory": 1001, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": ["TW"], "rank": 63519, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "paultaiwan", "video": null, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 38.27, "transformed_discount": 0.0, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "fav": false, "review_info": {"rating": 50, "total": 14, "score": 5.0}}, {"tid": "Z8Uj8Bwc", "irev": 15, "owner": "youpin", "created": 1587906798, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 8778, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 550, "avg_buyer_review_score": 4.94186, "shippable_geos": ["MO", "JP", "CN", "TW", "HK"], "material": 25, "map": "0,23,16,17,18,15", "color": "", "currency": "USD", "price": 14.99, "min_price": 385.00, "discount": 0, "markup": 0, "title": "Fast shipping-cookies, exquisite square iron box cookies, handmade cookies, exchange gifts, New Year gift box", "short_description": "BB2 cookies use high-quality ingredients in the selection of raw materials, so that everyone can eat safe and delicious cookies. 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Please select \u0026quot;Quick Shipping\u0026quot; at checkout.", "category": 10, "subcategory": 1010, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": [], "rank": 8786, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "youpin", "video": null, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 14.99, "transformed_discount": 0.0, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "fav": false, "review_info": {"rating": 50, "total": 550, "score": 4.9}}, {"tid": "TQG6A49m", "irev": 1, "owner": "bathday", "created": 1718267811, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 46, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 1, "avg_buyer_review_score": 5.0, "shippable_geos": ["TW", "HK"], "material": 0, "map": "0,1,2,3", "color": "", "currency": "USD", "price": 12.33, "min_price": 380.00, "discount": 0, "markup": 0, "title": "\u3010PICK ME! 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It is presented in a double-compartment manner. You can taste two flavors at one time. It is 2cm thick and has a full portion and a rich aroma that is not greasy.", "category": 10, "subcategory": 1005, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": [], "rank": 29224, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "abrazo", "video": null, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 19.30, "transformed_discount": 67.04663212435233, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [{"type": "discount", "type_class": "discount", "text": "33% OFF"}], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "discount_before_promo": 0, "free_shipping_before_promo": [], "fav": false, "review_info": {"rating": 50, "total": 26, "score": 5.0}}, {"tid": "UJn2yLJb", "irev": 1, "owner": "scentforest", "created": 1697442228, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 49, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 28, "avg_buyer_review_score": 5.0, "shippable_geos": ["DE", "SG", "AU", "MO", "GB", "JP", "MY", "CN", "CA", "US", "TW", "HK", "TH"], "material": 51, "map": "0,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16", "color": "silver", "currency": "USD", "price": 38.27, "min_price": 1500.00, "discount": 78, "markup": 0, "title": "[New Product] Textured Metallic Car Fragrance - Little Cute Pet [New Product Launch Discount]", "short_description": "[New Product] Textured Metallic Car Fragrance: Little Cute Pet Series - Let you take a deep breath of the happy scent of travel\nIt took more than two years and was finally launched with exclusive financing from Pinkoi. 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None of these can be replaced by a mouse.", "category": 3, "subcategory": 304, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": [], "rank": 33826, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "somedaystationery", "video": {"rev": 0, "display_option": 0}, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 30.56, "transformed_discount": 0.0, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "fav": false, "review_info": {"rating": 40, "total": 2, "score": 4.0}}, {"tid": "MuaxGYNg", "irev": 2, "owner": "anotherme-tw", "created": 1657689986, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 3, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 0, "avg_buyer_review_score": 0.0, "shippable_geos": ["TW", "HK"], "material": 2, "map": "0,4,5,6,2,1,7", "color": "multi", "currency": "USD", "price": 14.60, "min_price": 450.00, "discount": 0, "markup": 0, "title": "Another Me refuses 3C for thirty days", "short_description": "Thirty days of wonderful life!\nModern people are always running and jumping at a fast pace, and often forget the ordinary but important little things in life. Start changing your life from today on!\nQuickly open Pandora\u0026#39;s little box and find daily tasks, a full thirty-day challenge, allowing you to re-experience these beautiful moments.", "category": 3, "subcategory": 321, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": ["TW"], "rank": 63519, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "anotherme-tw", "video": null, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 14.60, "transformed_discount": 0.0, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "fav": false, "review_info": null}, {"tid": "xYuw3t69", "irev": 6, "owner": "forrest", "created": 1729417735, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 2981, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 5, "avg_buyer_review_score": 5.0, "shippable_geos": ["TW"], "material": 2, "map": "0,2,3,4,11,5,7,6,16", "color": "green", "currency": "USD", "price": 19.42, "min_price": 855.00, "discount": 70, "markup": 0, "title": "[Free Shipping for One Piece] Japanese Garden Style Relaxing Diffusing Gift Box Diffusing Stone Essential Oil Gift Box", "short_description": "[Relax and Diffuse Gift Box] is the perfect choice as a 2025 New Year gift, bringing a fresh fragrance to your home. 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It is recommended as a gift for the Year of the Snake in 2025.", "category": 5, "subcategory": 503, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": ["TW"], "rank": 63519, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "Forrest", "video": {"rev": 2, "display_option": 0}, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 27.73, "transformed_discount": 70.0324558240173, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [{"type": "discount", "type_class": "discount", "text": "30% OFF"}], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "discount_before_promo": 0, "free_shipping_before_promo": [], "fav": false, "review_info": {"rating": 50, "total": 5, "score": 5.0}}, {"tid": "7FAbJvyj", "irev": 3, "owner": "remembertheburn", "created": 1644818360, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 100, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 9, 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Exploration\u0026quot;\n\ud83d\udd25TVBS \u0026quot;Working Life\u0026quot; \ud83d\udd25CTI \u0026quot;CHECK IN\u0026quot; \ud83d\udd25TVBS \u0026quot;Foodie Players\u0026quot; and other interview reports and recommendations!", "category": 10, "subcategory": 1001, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": [], "rank": 63519, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "twkongkee1998", "video": null, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 16.35, "transformed_discount": 0.0, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "fav": false, "review_info": {"rating": 50, "total": 5, "score": 5.0}}, {"tid": "ENKsKHgx", "irev": 1, "owner": "cenruopastry", "created": 1732253150, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 50, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 0, 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The small-package clothing spray can be thrown into your bag and taken with you to satisfy your ever-changing needs. Original price NT.1800, preferential promotion price NT.880 Capacity: 12ml/tube, total 5 tubes/box.", "category": 5, "subcategory": 503, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": [], "rank": 33783, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "MEOWXIANG", "video": null, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 28.54, "transformed_discount": 95.02452697967765, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [{"type": "discount", "type_class": "discount", "text": "5% OFF"}], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "discount_before_promo": 0, "free_shipping_before_promo": [], "fav": false, "review_info": {"rating": 50, "total": 254, "score": 5.0}}, {"tid": "GeThg2gc", "irev": 2, "owner": "ichiban-ochaya", "created": 1722583475, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 30, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 21, "avg_buyer_review_score": 5.0, "shippable_geos": ["SG", "MO", "MY", "JP", "CA", "US", "TW", "HK", "TH"], "material": 25, "map": "0,4,11,8", "color": "khaki", "currency": "USD", "price": 16.22, "min_price": 500.00, "discount": 0, "markup": 0, "title": "Assorted snack gift box", "short_description": "Integrating tea into dim sum creates a new flavor for Taiwanese dim sum.", "category": 10, "subcategory": 1005, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": [], "rank": 1380, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "ichiban-ochaya", "video": null, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 16.22, "transformed_discount": 0.0, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "fav": false, "review_info": {"rating": 50, "total": 21, "score": 5.0}}, {"tid": "rnpwMZ6w", "irev": 16, "owner": "guliuguliu", "created": 1660284564, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 1700, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 110, "avg_buyer_review_score": 4.9818, "shippable_geos": ["TW"], "material": 25, "map": "0,32,41,24,37", "color": "", "currency": "USD", "price": 15.25, "min_price": 470.00, "discount": 0, "markup": 0, "title": "[Gift-giving 6-pack gift box area] Health drink gift box 6-pack \u2502Free writing of greeting cards (private inquiry)", "short_description": "New Year Gift Box provides writing and printing greeting card services, and the number of cards is provided according to the purchase quantity!\n\u2728This area is a special area containing gift boxes. The price includes gift boxes, and the gift box can hold up to 6 items! The most convenient way to give gifts\u2728\nWhen giving gifts that bring health, a health drink is the most suitable gift!\nCan be stored at room temperature, low calorie + non-chemical!", "category": 10, "subcategory": 1031, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": [], "rank": 63519, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "guliuguliu", "video": null, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 15.25, "transformed_discount": 0.0, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "fav": false, "review_info": {"rating": 50, "total": 110, "score": 5.0}}, {"tid": "cnJ3RBjk", "irev": 3, "owner": "paultaiwan", "created": 1620810619, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 50, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 14, "avg_buyer_review_score": 5.0, "shippable_geos": ["TW"], "material": 25, "map": "0,5,1,3", "color": "khaki", "currency": "USD", "price": 38.27, "min_price": 1180.00, "discount": 0, "markup": 0, "title": "\u3010PAUL\u3011Exclusive Maca Red Gift Box-12pcs (Shipping included)", "short_description": "Macaron from France is a national treasure of France. It is loved by the last French queen Marie Antoinette and is the most representative dessert of Paris. PAUL uses a coloring formula made from pure natural ingredients such as plants, without adding any artificial colors, and uses beet sugar instead of ordinary sugar to reduce the sweetness, be healthy and natural, and retain the surface gloss and slightly sticky taste of the filling.", "category": 10, "subcategory": 1001, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": ["TW"], "rank": 63519, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "paultaiwan", "video": null, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 38.27, "transformed_discount": 0.0, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "fav": false, "review_info": {"rating": 50, "total": 14, "score": 5.0}}], [{"tid": "Z8Uj8Bwc", "irev": 15, "owner": "youpin", "created": 1587906798, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 8778, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 550, "avg_buyer_review_score": 4.94186, "shippable_geos": ["MO", "JP", "CN", "TW", "HK"], "material": 25, "map": "0,23,16,17,18,15", "color": "", "currency": "USD", "price": 14.99, "min_price": 385.00, "discount": 0, "markup": 0, "title": "Fast shipping-cookies, exquisite square iron box cookies, handmade cookies, exchange gifts, New Year gift box", "short_description": "BB2 cookies use high-quality ingredients in the selection of raw materials, so that everyone can eat safe and delicious cookies. 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Please select \u0026quot;Quick Shipping\u0026quot; at checkout.", "category": 10, "subcategory": 1010, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": [], "rank": 8786, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "youpin", "video": null, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 14.99, "transformed_discount": 0.0, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "fav": false, "review_info": {"rating": 50, "total": 550, "score": 4.9}}, {"tid": "TQG6A49m", "irev": 1, "owner": "bathday", "created": 1718267811, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 46, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 1, "avg_buyer_review_score": 5.0, "shippable_geos": ["TW", "HK"], "material": 0, "map": "0,1,2,3", "color": "", "currency": "USD", "price": 12.33, "min_price": 380.00, "discount": 0, "markup": 0, "title": "\u3010PICK ME! 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It is 2cm thick and has a full portion and a rich aroma that is not greasy.", "category": 10, "subcategory": 1005, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": [], "rank": 29224, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "abrazo", "video": null, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 19.30, "transformed_discount": 67.04663212435233, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [{"type": "discount", "type_class": "discount", "text": "33% OFF"}], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "discount_before_promo": 0, "free_shipping_before_promo": [], "fav": false, "review_info": {"rating": 50, "total": 26, "score": 5.0}}, {"tid": "UJn2yLJb", "irev": 1, "owner": "scentforest", "created": 1697442228, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 49, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 28, "avg_buyer_review_score": 5.0, "shippable_geos": ["DE", "SG", "AU", "MO", "GB", "JP", "MY", "CN", "CA", "US", "TW", "HK", "TH"], "material": 51, "map": "0,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16", "color": "silver", "currency": "USD", "price": 38.27, "min_price": 1500.00, "discount": 78, "markup": 0, "title": "[New Product] Textured Metallic Car Fragrance - Little Cute Pet [New Product Launch Discount]", "short_description": "[New Product] Textured Metallic Car Fragrance: Little Cute Pet Series - Let you take a deep breath of the happy scent of travel\nIt took more than two years and was finally launched with exclusive financing from Pinkoi. 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The style of the packaging bag is shown in Figure 9\n\u25cfYou can order in advance and reserve a delivery date\n\u25cfThere are discounts for bulk purchases", "category": 10, "subcategory": 1010, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": [], "rank": 21870, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "QUOTESCOOKIES FORTUNE COOKIES", "video": null, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 12.65, "transformed_discount": 0.0, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "fav": false, "review_info": {"rating": 50, "total": 8, "score": 5.0}}, {"tid": "yRd99LqJ", "irev": 1, "owner": "guoyu-goodisland", "created": 1668489692, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 48, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 16, "avg_buyer_review_score": 4.9375, "shippable_geos": ["TW", "HK", "MO", "CN"], "material": 25, "map": "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7", "color": "red", "currency": "USD", "price": 16.87, "min_price": 520.00, "discount": 0, "markup": 0, "title": "[A must-have gift box for Christmas gifts/gift exchanges!] Pot-boiled red wine spice pack 2-piece gift box set", "short_description": "Guoyu has launched a pot-boiled red wine spice bag that can warm people\u0026#39;s hearts even in winter. 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None of these can be replaced by a mouse.", "category": 3, "subcategory": 304, "locale": "en", "translated_from_locale": "zh_TW", "free_shipping_geos": [], "rank": 33826, "project_start_dt": null, "project_end_dt": null, "project_banner_irev": null, "project_total_funds_raised": null, "project_sponsorship_cnt": null, "project_goal_amount": null, "shop_name": "somedaystationery", "video": {"rev": 0, "display_option": 0}, "params_d": {"ref_sec": "homepage-rank"}, "oprice": 30.56, "transformed_discount": 0.0, "card_type": "normal", "promo_badges": [], "status_badges": [], "feature_badges": [], "free_shipping": 0, "fav": false, "review_info": {"rating": 40, "total": 2, "score": 4.0}}, {"tid": "MuaxGYNg", "irev": 2, "owner": "anotherme-tw", "created": 1657689986, "archive": 0, "item_type": 0, "quantity": 3, "buyer_reviews_cnt": 0, "avg_buyer_review_score": 0.0, "shippable_geos": ["TW", "HK"], "material": 2, "map": "0,4,5,6,2,1,7", "color": "multi", "currency": "USD", "price": 14.60, "min_price": 450.00, "discount": 0, "markup": 0, "title": "Another Me refuses 3C for thirty days", "short_description": "Thirty days of wonderful life!\nModern people are always running and jumping at a fast pace, and often forget the ordinary but important little things in life. 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