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                                                                                    Amoxibol may be available in the countries listed below. In some countries, this medicine may only be approved for veterinary use. Ingredien...
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                                                                                Amoxicilina + &Aacute;cido Clavul&acirc;nico Ciclum
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                                                                                    Amoxicilina + &Aacute;cido Clavul&acirc;nico Ciclum may be available in the countries listed below. Ingredient matches for Amoxicilina + &Aacute;cido Clavul&acirc;nic...
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                                                                                    Apo-Moclobemide may be available in the countries listed below. Ingredient matches for Apo-Moclobemide Moclobemide Moclobemide  is reported ...
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                                                                                    Scheme Rec.INN ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification) N06BA01 CAS registry number (Chemical Abstracts Service) 0000300-62-9 Ch...
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                                                                                    Apo-Methoprazine may be available in the countries listed below. Ingredient matches for Apo-Methoprazine Levomepromazine Levomepromazine mal...
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                                                                                    Apo-Sotalol may be available in the countries listed below. Ingredient matches for Apo-Sotalol Sotalol Sotalol hydrochloride  (a derivative ...
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                                                                                    In some countries, this medicine may only be approved for veterinary use. Ingredient matches for Advantage DUO Imidacloprid Imidacloprid  is...
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