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															minimum deposit of 2.000 μBTC. 
Wager X35. 
This offer is valid for 30 days from the moment of initial deposit. 
General Terms &amp; Conditions Apply. 
Please Read Bonus Terms At Casino's Promo Page. 
18+ Gamble Responsibly. 
<a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="T&amp;C">T&amp;Cs</a> Apply.													</td>
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							Alternative bonus <br><strong>300% up to 60 €/$ </strong><br>18+ Gamble Responsibly.<a href="" title="T&amp;C" rel="nofollow sponsored noreferrer noopener">T&amp;C</a> apply						</td>
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															90 times wagering bonus amoun. Table games does't count for wagering, General T&amp;Cs (<a href="" title="T&amp;C" rel="nofollow sponsored noreferrer noopener">T&amp;C</a>) apply. Check the PlayZaxs' T&amp;C page. 18+ Gamble Responsibly. 													</td>
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							Welcome bonus<br><strong> €/$ 750 and 75 free spins</strong><br>18+ Gamble Responsibly.<a href="" title="T&amp;C" rel="nofollow sponsored">T&amp;C</a> apply						</td>
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															General T&amp;Cs (<a href="" title="T&amp;C" rel="nofollow sponsored">T&amp;C</a>) apply. Check the JustBit' T&amp;C page. 18+ Gamble Responsibly. 													</td>
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															<a href="" title="Velobet Casino and Online Bookmaker">
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							First deposit bonus<br><strong> 150% up to €/$ 1000 </strong><br>Responsibly.<a href="" title="T&amp;C" rel="nofollow noopener">T&amp;Cs</a> apply						</td>
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															General T&amp;Cs (<a href="" title="T&amp;C" rel="nofollow noopener">T&amp;C</a>) apply. Check the Velobets' T&amp;C page. 18+ Gamble Responsibly. 													</td>
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															<a href="" title="Playgrand Casino">
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							Welcome Package<br>
<strong>Join now and get up to €/$1000</strong><br>
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															Wager: X35 Deposit + Bonus. Min. Deposit Is  €/$ 10. Max Win Amount from Bonus Spins -  €/$ 100.  General Terms &amp; Conditions Apply. 
Please Read Bonus Terms At Casino's Promo Page. 
18+ Gamble Responsibly. 
<a href="" title="T&amp;Cs">T&amp;Cs</a> Apply.													</td>
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															<a href="" title="Winstler casino and bookmaker review">
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							First deposit bonus<br><strong> 300% up to €/$ 500 </strong><br>+ Gamble Responsibly.<a href="" title="T&amp;C" rel="nofollow noopener">T&amp;C</a> apply						</td>
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															General T&amp;Cs (<a href="" title="T&amp;C" rel="nofollow noopener">T&amp;C</a>) apply. Check the Winstler's casino T&amp;C page. 18+ Gamble Responsibly. 													</td>
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<p>The number of online casinos is increasing day by day. This has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that online gambling competition increases with the new online casino sites and new bookmakers. An online operator is expected to keep the customer experience positive. And a new operator must have a modern and contemporary website portal that offers maximum user-friendliness.</p>
<p>High deposit bonuses offered with fair wagering requirements, lucrative welcome bonus on 1st deposit, or even better a No Deposit bonus, are the first things to look for. Then lots of video slots, table games, <a href="" rel="noopener">craps</a> , card games like <a href="" rel="noopener">Vegas Strip Blackjack</a>, <a href="">scratch cards</a> , bingo, keno , excellent sportsbook odds , live betting , live casino , strong customer support , preferably with live chat and telephone hotline.</p>
<p>Brand <a href="">new casinos</a> in 2020 and new bookmakers should be mobile friendly. So, either a super fast webpage and/or a special mobile casino app are a must. In our casino reviews and online betting sites evaluation our experts check every little detail that matters.</p>
<h3><strong>Our test and reviews criteria</strong></h3>
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<td><strong>A valid license</strong></td>
<td>A license is essential for a gambling operator, so if there is none, it cannot be a reputable provider. Always check what license(s) an operator holds. For example, a Malta license and/or a license from the UK Gambling Commission for UK casinos and the UK betting sites targeted not only to UK players, show that you haven’t much to worry about. We’re still talking about gambling here, so everything has to be 100% legal and clean. That is always a requirement.</td>
<td><strong>Game selection</strong></td>
<td>Any online casino that respects itself should offer a large selection of top-quality slot machines. It’s always about how much effort you put into integrating the right software provider. We are only satisfied when slot games provide a perfect online experience. For online bookmakers we check the sports markets offered if horse racing betting is included or not etc.</td>
<td>The 1st deposit bonus or a No Deposit casino bonus or a free bet is very important, but we also look at promotions for existing customers (reload bonuses, cashback bonuses, loyalty programs, etc.). You need to know how each provider rewards its players. What casinos offer, what bookies offer to new and loyal players. Unlike classic land-based casinos and bookies, online operators are much more creative when it comes to offers. Internet offers are endless. But still, you need to know every little detail and all terms and conditions (T&amp;C’s). If those free spins for example are for selected games only, or for any game. And if you can keep your winnings from either free spins, or free bets (usually a free bet credited within 24 hours of bet settlement), or no deposit bonuses offered to you.</td>
<td><strong>Customer support and service</strong></td>
<td>In addition to customer support options such as live chat, we also want to see how good the quality of the support is.</td>
<td><strong>Payment methods, deposits and withdrawals</strong></td>
<td>Whether PayPal or Trustly, Paysafecard, Giropay, and Co, in the end there is a lot to consider when it comes to money transactions. Really outstanding online operators work without fees and so many details also flow into our online reviews for new casinos and new bookmakers. Also, many bookmakers offer tax-free winnings for</td>
<td><strong>Live casino and Live betting</strong></td>
<td>The live dealer games are not an easy task for new online casinos. So a live casino option and how many tables are available and how many games are on offer is crucial. As crucial is live betting. How many markets are on offer, and if live streaming is available</td>
<td><strong>Mobile Apps</strong></td>
<td>Mobile gaming is now more popular than ever. In our BetandSlots bookmakers casino reviews we, therefore, look VERY closely at new operators and their mobile gaming quality. Our reviews, therefore, include a separate section on the subject! We, therefore, expect new betting providers to implement, for example, a scrolling betting slip that always remains in the viewing window. The same applies to stationary strips, which give you quick access to the most important elements of the portal.</td>
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									<a href="" title="Bons Casino and Sportsbook Review">Bons Casino and Sportsbook Review</a>

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									<strong>Welcome bonus up to €/$ 2000 </strong><em><br>
18+ Gamble Responsibly. 
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									<a href="" title="Blackjack.Fun Casino and Sportsbook Review">Blackjack.Fun Casino and Sportsbook Review</a>

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									<strong>Welcome bonus 200% up to €/$ 100 </strong><em><br>
18+ Gamble Responsibly. 
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									<a href="" title="LSBet Casino and Sportsbook Review">LSBet Casino and Sportsbook Review</a>

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									<a href="" title="Velobet Casino and Online Bookmaker">Velobet Casino and Online Bookmaker</a>

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									<div class="star-rating"><span class="screen-reader-text">4.7 rating</span><div class="star star-full" aria-hidden="true"></div><div class="star star-full" aria-hidden="true"></div><div class="star star-full" aria-hidden="true"></div><div class="star star-full" aria-hidden="true"></div><div class="star star-half" aria-hidden="true"></div></div>								</div>

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									<strong>Welcome bonus 150% up to €/$ 1000 </strong><em><br>
18+ Gamble Responsibly. 
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														<a href="" title="JungliWin Casino and Online Bookmaker">
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									<a href="" title="JungliWin Casino and Online Bookmaker">JungliWin Casino and Online Bookmaker</a>

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									<div class="star-rating"><span class="screen-reader-text">4.8 rating</span><div class="star star-full" aria-hidden="true"></div><div class="star star-full" aria-hidden="true"></div><div class="star star-full" aria-hidden="true"></div><div class="star star-full" aria-hidden="true"></div><div class="star star-half" aria-hidden="true"></div></div>								</div>

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									<strong>Casino welcome bonus 75% up to €/$ 200 + Freebet €/$ 5</strong><em><br>
18+ Gamble Responsibly. 
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							First deposit bonus<br><strong> 100% up to 1200 EUR/GBP</strong><br>Responsibly.<a href="" title="T&amp;C" rel="nofollow noopener">T&amp;Cs</a> apply						</td>
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															General T&amp;Cs (<a href="" title="T&amp;C" rel="nofollow noopener">T&amp;C</a>) apply. Check the Atlantisslots' casino T&amp;C page. 18+ Gamble Responsibly. 													</td>
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							First deposit bonus<br><strong> 100% up to 1200 EUR/GBP</strong><br>Responsibly.<a href="" title="T&amp;C" rel="nofollow noopener">T&amp;Cs</a> apply						</td>
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															General T&amp;Cs (<a href="" title="T&amp;C" rel="nofollow noopener">T&amp;C</a>) apply. Check the Cazinostars' casino T&amp;C page. 18+ Gamble Responsibly. 													</td>
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															<a href="" title="Bspin Casino">
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							Welcome Bonus<br>
<strong>Get 100% Up To 1 BTC</strong><br>
<span>+ 20 Free Spins</span><br>
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															minimum deposit of 2.000 μBTC. 
Wager X35. 
This offer is valid for 30 days from the moment of initial deposit. 
General Terms &amp; Conditions Apply. 
Please Read Bonus Terms At Casino's Promo Page. 
18+ Gamble Responsibly. 
<a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="T&amp;C">T&amp;Cs</a> Apply.													</td>
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														<div class="bas-cts-casino-count"><span>4.</span></div>
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							Alternative bonus <br><strong>300% up to 60 €/$ </strong><br>18+ Gamble Responsibly.<a href="" title="T&amp;C" rel="nofollow sponsored noreferrer noopener">T&amp;C</a> apply						</td>
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															90 times wagering bonus amoun. Table games does't count for wagering, General T&amp;Cs (<a href="" title="T&amp;C" rel="nofollow sponsored noreferrer noopener">T&amp;C</a>) apply. Check the PlayZaxs' T&amp;C page. 18+ Gamble Responsibly. 													</td>
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															<a href="" title="JustBit casino and sports betting site review">
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														<div class="bas-cts-casino-count"><span>5.</span></div>
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								<div class="bas-cts-casino-name">JustBit casino and sports betting site review</div>
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							Welcome bonus<br><strong> €/$ 750 and 75 free spins</strong><br>18+ Gamble Responsibly.<a href="" title="T&amp;C" rel="nofollow sponsored">T&amp;C</a> apply						</td>
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															General T&amp;Cs (<a href="" title="T&amp;C" rel="nofollow sponsored">T&amp;C</a>) apply. Check the JustBit' T&amp;C page. 18+ Gamble Responsibly. 													</td>

		<div id="text-2" class="space-widget relative widget_text">			<div class="textwidget"><h2><strong>Top Bookmakers</strong></h2>
<p>Welcome to, your very best online betting resource. We will dig out for you the best secrets in the industry, the <a href="">best free betting tips</a> and tricks!</p>
<p>Here you will find sections with some astonishing instructions to improve your home betting strategy, as well as information on how the track my bet procedure will enhance your winning chances! The first step is to follow Betandslots, the second is to sport select and then you bet at home. Easy peasy!</p>
<p>Enjoy our advices and the operators we provide, in order to bet safe. Bet at home and boost your winning chances following our free sport betting predictions, our special picks and tips.</p>
<p>The selection of online sports betting providers is huge. It is difficult to find Top Bookmakers for you from this variety. We will help you further! Based on extensive analysis, research and tests, we reveal the <a href="">top online bookmakers</a>.</p>
<p>For this, we have carefully examined well over 100 sports betting platforms and will always update the ranking if there are changes. In our guide, you can also find out which quality features distinguish the top betting providers.</p>
<h3><strong>Top 10 features: This is what distinguishes the top bookmakers</strong></h3>
<p>The sports betting industry is like a shark tank. Online bookies who assert themselves in this and want to earn a top position in the list as the top bookmakers must fulfil a number of different quality features or perform very well in them. There are many criteria and factors that play a role in the comparison of betting providers.</p>
<li>Security, safety and licensing</li>
<li>Range of betting options and sports markets</li>
<li>Innovative betting functions</li>
<li>Convincing live betting</li>
<li>Live streaming</li>
<li>Attractive odds</li>
<li>Professional customer service</li>
<li>Payment options &amp; fast, fee-free payments</li>
<li>Attractive bonus on fair terms</li>
<li>User-friendly website and mobile app</li>
<p>Security and seriousness offered by a betting provider are two absolute key factors. You should, therefore, raise the bar particularly high. A good indication of security and seriousness is the licensing of the operator.</p>
<p>Usually, top bookmakers inform you about their licenses in the footer of their homepage. Other important security features include certificates from testing institutions, which carry out regular checks as independent bodies and underline the seriousness of a betting provider.</p>
<p>In order to guarantee a secure transfer of sensitive customer data and payments, SSL encryption must not be missing. We also take into account sponsorships. Top bookmakers often cooperate with sports clubs and associations, whereby no large club would cooperate with a dubious partner.</p>
<p>Even a long-standing existence of a betting portal increases trust on the user side.</p>
		</div><div id="text-13" class="space-widget relative widget_text"><div class="space-widget-title relative"><span>Betandslots Mail Rewards Club</span></div>			<div class="textwidget"><p>Betandslots <a href="">Mail Rewards</a> club is exactly what you think it is! It&#8217;s the easiest and smartest way to receive the best &#8211; and most importantly updated &#8211; bookmaker casino offers.</p>
<p>Subscribe to our newsletter and get in your inbox free casino bonuses with or without deposit needed, promotions for free spins on your favorite slots, and the best deposit bonuses, clearly summarized with main terms and conditions explained in detail.</p>
<p>On top of that, you will get new online casino reviews, according to our tests not just for new casinos, but for reputable <a href="" data-wpel-link="internal">best online casinos</a> as well.</p>
<p>Our mail rewards newsletter utilizes one of the best platforms on the market which is a guarantee that it will reach your mailbox.</p>
<p>Data protection is taken very seriously! So, don&#8217;t worry, we neither need, or process any personal information from you. You register to get your information and whenever you feel like it, at any time you can unsubscribe. A simple click at the end of the newsletter is enough!</p>
<p>So, are you tired to search every day for casino bonuses? Are you tired to see the word &#8220;expired&#8221; under every other promotion and bonus offer? Are you always looking for the best new online casinos?</p>
<p><a href="">Join BetandSlots&#8217; Mail Rewards Club!</a> Subscribe to our newsletter and receive the latest casino bonuses , exclusive bonus codes , and deals, all our latest reviews directly in your mail.</p>
		</div><div id="text-4" class="space-widget relative widget_text">			<div class="textwidget"><h2>Top Bookmakers and Casino rewards and best No Deposit Bonuses</h2>
<p><a href="">No Deposit bonus</a> is a treasure! Here at BetandSlots we have the map for you to find the best No Deposit bonus according to your needs and casino gaming playing habits! So, you can get the maximum out of it! Most no deposit bonuses are associated with free spins. Others give out free chips, a free bet, or free credits, for video slot games and even for live casino games.</p>
<p>Nothing sounds as good as getting something for free. In a top online casino or the <a href="">top bookmakers</a>, it often becomes a reality. And the feeling gets even better when you celebrate some bonus wins and at the end of the day you can keep those bonus winnings! The most common type of a no deposit bonus is for new players only. Those specific no deposit casino offers are the best practice for an online casino operator to lure new customers.</p>
<p>But are no deposit bonuses offered by the <a href="">best online casinos </a> really as good as they seem at first sight?</p>
<p>Actually they can be, but there are a series of details you have to check! Here at BetandSlots we have checked, verified and published hundreds of no deposit bonuses and a full guide for those big and little details you have to be aware of, before grabbing those lucrative offers. We unveil the best secrets in the market.</p>
<p>A no deposit bonus definitely can make a difference, since a player gets a chance to boost his account, without adding a penny. Also, the easiest way to play for free online casino games is by claiming a no deposit bonus. Because all you have to do is register. In some occasions opt in required as well and then the said bonus is available immediately after opening the account.</p>
<p>But, you should never forget that in 99% of the cases a No Deposit bonus is associated with special wagering requirements. These casino bonus terms and conditions (usually you can check those under the term T&amp;C s apply) must be met in order for a player to be able to withdraw and keep his winnings from playing with his No Deposit bonus money. Here is a small recap of the things you have to note:</p>
<li style="font-weight: 400;">Wagering Requirements (wagering 30x, 35x… Note that not all casino games contribute the same percentage towards the wagering requirements, with some not at all)</li>
<li style="font-weight: 400;">Minimum / maximum payout</li>
<li style="font-weight: 400;">Allowed games (for online slot games, for a specific game like the Rainbow Riches)</li>
<li style="font-weight: 400;">Maximum bet per game (max stake)</li>
<li style="font-weight: 400;">Residence of the player (many countries are excluded for specific offers)</li>
<li style="font-weight: 400;">Validity period of the bonus ( 3 day expiry, 5 day expiry…)</li>
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<p>We try our best to make the terms crystal clear, in order for you to make the final decision and grab the sportsbook bonus or the real money casino bonus you want!</p>
		</div><div id="custom_html-9" class="widget_text space-widget relative widget_custom_html"><div class="space-widget-title relative"><span>Frequently Asked Questions about online Casinos and Bookmakers</span></div><div class="textwidget custom-html-widget"><button class="question">Are online slots sites and bookmakers legal?</button>
<div class="answer"><p>This is the most important question when it comes on online gambling. Laws and regulations differ from country to country, so be sure to make sure that it is legal to play at online casinos or to bet at online bookmakers from your country. Note that different age limitations also apply. At some countries, you have to be 18 to gamble for real money, while at other the minimum age has been set at 21.</p></div>
<button class="question">How to choose an online casino or bookmaker?</button>
<div class="answer"><p>In our slots sites and bookmaker reviews we always check the following factors, which you should also do every time you choose a new operator to play: </p><ul><li><strong>Licence and security:</strong> A valid licence is essential. Always check that the casinos you play are licenced by a certified and legal regulator. This way safety and security of your transactions and personal details are safe.</li><li><strong>Bonuses: </strong>When choosing a casino or a betting provider make sure you will be rewarded with a good welcome bonus. Also check if the specific provider has regular offers and promotions for loyal players. Whenever you select an attractive no deposit bonus, free spins bonus and/or free bet, be sure that the terms and conditions attached, will allow you to keep your possible winnings.</li><li><strong>Games:</strong> The game variety is crucial as well. Any online casino that respects itself should offer a large selection of top-quality slot machines, while bookmakers should offer as many betting markets as possible.</li><li><strong>Transactions: </strong>Payment methods should be clear. Both for deposits and for withdrawals. Check carefully if the available options suit you.</li><li><strong>Customer care: </strong>No one knows everything, that’s for sure. So it is important that the operator offers a good customer support service, which will be available whenever you want to play. Quick and accurate responses can make a huge difference in your experience.</li></ul></div>
<button class="question">Can I bet and play with my mobile phone?</button>
<div class="answer"><p>During the past years gaming via mobile devices (mobile phone, tablets etc) is growing vigorously and operators follow the trend, offering their products to mobile gamers. Gone are the days when players needed to download an extra Android or iOS application in order to enjoy their favourite slot game, or to bet on the go. Now all you need is an internet connection and your mobile device and you can play at the best slots sites and place your bet on the top online bookies.</p></div>
<button class="question">Which are the best online casino operators in the UK and in other countries?</button>
<div class="answer"><p>Players in the UK can choose an online casino or bookmaker from the list our experts have prepared:</p><ul><li>The <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">best online slot sites in the UK</a> and</li><li>The <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">best UK online bookmakers</a></li></ul></div>
<button class="question">Which online casinos accept Paypal?</button>
<div class="answer"><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Paypal casinos</a> are very popular since they accept one of the most common payment methods. Players having a Paypal account, enjoy fast deposits and fast payouts, while some online casinos offer special bonuses for their customers preferring the specific payment option.</p></div>
<button class="question">Are there live dealer casino games?</button>
<div class="answer"><p>Top game developers and suppliers entered the live casino market which elevates the whole gambling experience offering a taste of the real thing! Live dealer games such as Roulette, Baccarat, Blackjack, Poker and specialty TV games (Monopoly, Deal or No Deal, etc) are now available in many languages allowing players to interact with dealers and other players.</p></div>
<button class="question">Slots are fun! Is there a reliable answer on how to win slots at casino?</button>
<div class="answer"><p>Never forget that in the end the house wins. Slots are programmed for casinos to make their profit based on RNG (Random Number Generator). This means that every time you spin the wheel, there will be a new outcome. And this has nothing to do with your previous spin. Licenced operators have their games audited and tested by independent regulators which confirm that they are indeed random. So, there is no answer on how to win slots, but there a definitely dozens of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">tips and tricks</a> which will help you maximize your chances.</p></div>
<button class="question">Which slots machines pay the best?</button>
<div class="answer"><p>Playing is not just about entertainment and fun, is it? It’s all about winning and many gamblers seek the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">highest RTP slots</a>. The games RTP percentages, show the payout ratio, the amount you can expect to get back for every coin you wager. If a slot has a 96% RTP doesn’t mean that you will wager 10 euros and you will get back for example 9,6 euros. This is the percentage calculated for a huge amount of spins, usually millions, and a specific time frame.</p></div>
<button class="question">What’s on bet right now? Where can I find your betting tips?</button>
<div class="answer"><p>BetandSlots' experts offer you the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Bet of the Day</a>, a daily column with the best betting tips which can be your bet angel. We want to provide profitable free betting tips every day, and to offer you the bookmakers with the best odds, so you can get the most out of those predictions.</p></div>
<button class="question">How bet odds work?</button>
<div class="answer"><p>Betting odds show the probability, the chances of an outcome in a specific event. Odds can be found mostly as fractional, or decimal, or as American odds. There are of course, other forms as well. Also, sportsbook odds show us the possible winning amount, if we placed our money bet on the right outcome. In <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">this article</a> you can find out more in order to understand how to read betting odds.</p></div></div></div>

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					<img src="" alt="Jonathan Stefanou" title="Jonathan Stefanou" width="150" height="150" loading="lazy">	
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								<p><strong>Author: Jonathan Stefanou</strong></p>
								<p>Friends call me Jo and I am a professional writer contributing at Betandslots from the first day! Through the past two decades and right after my graduation as a journalist, I’ve been covering international sports for various newspapers and magazines.</p>
								<br><p><a href="">Read more</a></p>

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  "mainEntity": [{
    "@type": "Question",
    "name": "Are online slots sites and bookmakers legal?",
    "acceptedAnswer": {
      "@type": "Answer",
      "text": "<p>This is the most important question when it comes on online gambling. Laws and regulations differ from country to country, so be sure to make sure that it is legal to play at online casinos or to bet at online bookmakers from your country. Note that different age limitations also apply. At some countries, you have to be 18 to gamble for real money, while at other the minimum age has been set at 21.</p>"
  }, {
    "@type": "Question",
    "name": "How to choose an online casino or bookmaker?",
    "acceptedAnswer": {
      "@type": "Answer",
      "text": "<p>In our slots sites and bookmaker reviews we always check the following factors, which you should also do every time you choose a new operator to play: <ul><li><strong>Licence and security:</strong> A valid licence is essential. Always check that the casinos you play are licenced by a certified and legal regulator. This way safety and security of your transactions and personal details are safe.</li><li><strong>Bonuses: </strong>When choosing a casino or a betting provider make sure you will be rewarded with a good welcome bonus. Also check if the specific provider has regular offers and promotions for loyal players. Whenever you select an attractive no deposit bonus, free spins bonus and/or free bet, be sure that the terms and conditions attached, will allow you to keep your possible winnings.</li><li><strong>Games:</strong> The game variety is crucial as well. Any online casino that respects itself should offer a large selection of top-quality slot machines, while bookmakers should offer as many betting markets as possible.</li><li><strong>Transactions: </strong>Payment methods should be clear. Both for deposits and for withdrawals. Check carefully if the available options suit you.</li><li><strong>Customer care: </strong>No one knows everything, that’s for sure. So it is important that the operator offers a good customer support service, which will be available whenever you want to play. Quick and accurate responses can make a huge difference in your experience.</li></ul></p>"
  }, {
    "@type": "Question",
    "name": "Can I bet and play with my mobile phone?",
    "acceptedAnswer": {
      "@type": "Answer",
      "text": "<p>During the past years gaming via mobile devices (mobile phone, tablets etc) is growing vigorously and operators follow the trend, offering their products to mobile gamers. Gone are the days when players needed to download an extra Android or iOS application in order to enjoy their favourite slot game, or to bet on the go. Now all you need is an internet connection and your mobile device and you can play at the best slots sites and place your bet on the top online bookies.</p>"
  }, {
    "@type": "Question",
    "name": "Which are the best online casino operators in the UK and in other countries?",
    "acceptedAnswer": {
      "@type": "Answer",
      "text": "<p>Players in the UK can choose an online casino or bookmaker from the list our experts have prepared:<ul><li>The <a href=>best online slot sites in the UK</a> and</li><li>The <a href=>best UK online bookmakers</a></li></ul></p>"
  }, {
    "@type": "Question",
    "name": "Which online casinos accept Paypal?",
    "acceptedAnswer": {
      "@type": "Answer",
      "text": "<p><a href=>Paypal casinos</a> are very popular since they accept one of the most common payment methods. Players having a Paypal account, enjoy fast deposits and fast payouts, while some online casinos offer special bonuses for their customers preferring the specific payment option.</p>"
  }, {
    "@type": "Question",
    "name": "Are there live dealer casino games?",
    "acceptedAnswer": {
      "@type": "Answer",
      "text": "<p>Top game developers and suppliers entered the live casino market which elevates the whole gambling experience offering a taste of the real thing! Live dealer games such as Roulette, Baccarat, Blackjack, Poker and specialty TV games (Monopoly, Deal or No Deal, etc) are now available in many languages allowing players to interact with dealers and other players.</p>"
  }, {
    "@type": "Question",
    "name": "Slots are fun! Is there a reliable answer on how to win slots at casino?",
    "acceptedAnswer": {
      "@type": "Answer",
      "text": "<p>Never forget that in the end the house wins. Slots are programmed for casinos to make their profit based on RNG (Random Number Generator). This means that every time you spin the wheel, there will be a new outcome. And this has nothing to do with your previous spin. Licenced operators have their games audited and tested by independent regulators which confirm that they are indeed random. So, there is no answer on how to win slots, but there a definitely dozens of <a href=>tips and tricks</a> which will help you maximize your chances.</p>"
  }, {
    "@type": "Question",
    "name": "Which slots machines pay the best?",
    "acceptedAnswer": {
      "@type": "Answer",
      "text": "<p>Playing is not just about entertainment and fun, is it? It’s all about winning and many gamblers seek the <a href=>highest RTP slots</a>. The games RTP percentages, show the payout ratio, the amount you can expect to get back for every coin you wager. If a slot has a 96% RTP doesn’t mean that you will wager 10 euros and you will get back for example 9,6 euros. This is the percentage calculated for a huge amount of spins, usually millions, and a specific time frame.</p>"
  }, {
    "@type": "Question",
    "name": "What’s on bet right now? Where can I find your betting tips?",
    "acceptedAnswer": {
      "@type": "Answer",
      "text": "<p>BetandSlots' experts offer you the <a href=>Bet of the Day</a>, a daily column with the best betting tips which can be your bet angel. We want to provide profitable free betting tips every day, and to offer you the bookmakers with the best odds, so you can get the most out of those predictions.</p>"
  }, {
    "@type": "Question",
    "name": "How bet odds work?",
    "acceptedAnswer": {
      "@type": "Answer",
      "text": "<p>Betting odds show the probability, the chances of an outcome in a specific event. Odds can be found mostly as fractional, or decimal, or as American odds. There are of course, other forms as well. Also, sportsbook odds show us the possible winning amount, if we placed our money bet on the right outcome. In <a href=>this article</a> you can find out more in order to understand how to read betting odds.</p>"
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