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<title>V Seven </title>
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				 switch(cntySelected ) {
                        case "EN":
                            document.getElementById("topIH").innerHTML    = "Upgrade your system with the  V7 Memory Finder";
                            document.getElementById("topIP").innerHTML    = "Load programs quicker and run demanding applications without lag. Effortlessly multitask between apps, and empower your system to fire on all cylinders. With Internal Memory from V7 breath new life into your PC or laptop and get the most out of your technology. <br/> <br/> Tell us your system's manufacturer, product line and model, and we'll provide a list of compatible upgrades that will work best with your system's specs and capabilities.";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIH").innerHTML = "Or please type in a Machine Model";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIP").innerHTML = "Or type in your model Start by typing in the model into the following box and you'll receive the according list. To select the product just simply click on the desired product.";
                            document.getElementById("menuOne").innerHTML  = "Please select Manufacturer";
                        case "MX":
                            document.getElementById("topIH").innerHTML    = "Actualiza tu sistema con el V7 Memory Finder";
                            document.getElementById("topIP").innerHTML    = "Cargue sus programas m&aacute;s r&aacute;pido y ejecute las aplicaciones m&aacute;s exigentes sin retrasos. Lleve a cabo sin esfuerzo varias tareas entre aplicaciones y haga que su sistema vaya a toda m&aacute;quina. D&eacute; una nueva vida a su PC o port&aacute;til con la memoria interna de V7 y aproveche al m&aacute;ximo su tecnolog&iacute;a.<br> Seleccione la memoria DRAM apropiada a continuaci&oacute;n.";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIH").innerHTML = "O ingrese su modelo ";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIP").innerHTML = "Ingrese su modelo directamente en el campo a continuaci&oacute;n para obtener la lista correspondiente de memorias internas. Para la selecci&oacute;n, simplemente haga clic en el producto deseado.";
                            document.getElementById("menuManufacturer3-button").innerHTML  = "Fabricante";
                        case "ES":
                            document.getElementById("topIH").innerHTML    = "Actualiza tu sistema con el V7 Memory Finder";
                            document.getElementById("topIP").innerHTML    = "Cargue sus programas m&aacute;s r&aacute;pido y ejecute las aplicaciones m&aacute;s exigentes sin retrasos. Lleve a cabo sin esfuerzo varias tareas entre aplicaciones y haga que su sistema vaya a toda m&aacute;quina. D&eacute; una nueva vida a su PC o port&aacute;til con la memoria interna de V7 y aproveche al m&aacute;ximo su tecnolog&iacute;a.<br> Seleccione la memoria DRAM apropiada a continuaci&oacute;n.";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIH").innerHTML = "O ingrese su modelo ";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIP").innerHTML = "Ingrese su modelo directamente en el campo a continuaci&oacute;n para obtener la lista correspondiente de memorias internas. Para la selecci&oacute;n, simplemente haga clic en el producto deseado.";
                            document.getElementById("menuManufacturer3-button").innerHTML  = "Fabricante";
                        case "DE":
                            document.getElementById("topIH").innerHTML    = "V7 Memory Finder <br> So einfach r&uuml;sten Sie Ihr System auf.";
                            document.getElementById("topIP").innerHTML    = "Laden Sie Programme schneller und f&uuml;hren Sie anspruchsvolle Anwendungen verz&ouml;gerungsfrei aus. Wechseln Sie m&uuml;helos zwischen mehreren laufenden Anwendungen und verleihen Sie Ihrem Computer neuen Schwung. Die Speichermodule von V7 verschaffen Ihrem PC, Notebook oder Server einen zus&auml;tzlichen Leistungsschub.";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIH").innerHTML = "W&auml;hlen Sie untenstehend ganz einfach das f&uuml;r Sie passende Speichermodul aus.";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIP").innerHTML = "Oder geben Sie in das folgende Feld direkt Ihr Modell ein, um die passende Liste an Speichermodulen zu erhalten. F&uuml;r die Auswahl klicken Sie dann auf das gew&uuml;nschte Produkt.";
                            document.getElementById("menuManufacturer3-button").innerHTML  = "Hersteller";
                        case "IT":
                            document.getElementById("topIH").innerHTML    = "Aggiorna il tuo sistema con il configuratore di <br>Memorie V7";
                            document.getElementById("topIP").innerHTML    = "Carica i programmi più velocemente ed esegui le applicazioni pesanti senza ritardi. Passa comodamente da un'app all'altra e consenti al tuo sistema di lavorare velocemente. La memoria interna di V7 instilla nuova vita nel tuo PC o laptop e ottieni il meglio dalla tua tecnologia.";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIH").innerHTML = "Inserisci il tuo modello";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIP").innerHTML = "Oppure inserisci il tuo modello direttamente nel campo sottostante per ottenere l'elenco corrispondente delle memorie interne. Per la selezione &egrave; sufficiente cliccare sul prodotto desiderato.";
                            document.getElementById("menuManufacturer3-button").innerHTML  = "Produttore";
                        case "FR":
                            document.getElementById("topIH").innerHTML     = "Am&eacute;liorez votre syst&egrave;me avec le V7 Memory Finder";
                            document.getElementById("topIP").innerHTML     = "Augmentez la vitesse de chargement de vos programmes et ex&eacute;cutez toutes vos applications sans ralentissement. Passez d&acute;une application &agrave; l&acute;autre sans effort et profitez d&acute;un syst&egrave;me qui tourne &agrave; plein r&eacute;gime. Donnez un nouveau souffle &agrave; votre ordinateur PC ou portable et tirez le meilleur parti de votre &eacute;quipement informatique avec les m&eacute;moires DRAM V7.";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIH").innerHTML  = "Ou, entrez votre mod&egrave;le ";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIP").innerHTML  = "Entrez votre mod&egrave;le directement dans le champ ci-dessous pour obtenir la liste appropri&eacute;e des m&eacute;moires DRAM. Pour la s&eacute;lection, il suffit de cliquer sur le produit d&eacute;sir&eacute;.";
                            document.getElementById("menuManufacturer3-button").innerHTML   = "Fabricant";
                            document.getElementById("topIH").innerHTML    = "Upgrade your system with the  V7 Memory Finder";
                            document.getElementById("topIP").innerHTML    = "Load programs quicker and run demanding applications without lag. Effortlessly multitask between apps, and empower your system to fire on all cylinders. With Internal Memory from V7 breath new life into your PC or laptop and get the most out of your technology. <br/> <br/> Tell us your system's manufacturer, product line and model, and we'll provide a list of compatible upgrades that will work best with your system's specs and capabilities.";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIH").innerHTML = "Or please type in a Machine Model";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIP").innerHTML = "Or type in your model Start by typing in the model into the following box and you'll receive the according list. To select the product just simply click on the desired product.";
                        // document.getElementById("topIH").innerHTML = data.item.value ;
                        // document.getElementById("topIP").innerHTML = data.item.value ;
                        // document.getElementById("bottomIH").innerHTML = data.item.value ;
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			$(document).on("click", function(e) { 
				var $clicked = $(;
				if (! $clicked.hasClass("search4")){
			$( ".attributesHover" )
		  .mouseover(function() {
				var ModulesList;
				var hrefStr = $(this).attr('href');
				var partCode = hrefStr.replace(/.*=/g, "");
				partCode = partCode.replace(/'\);.*/g, "");
				partCode = this.innerHTML;
//				ModulesList = document.getElementById("theList").innerHTML;
				document.getElementById("attDisplayer").style.display = "block";
//				if(ModulesList.length>1){
//				    //This is comented out because it will not work as there are only 46 partcodes!
//					colouring(ModulesList);
//					document.getElementById("MachineDisplayer").innerHTML = "Model Selected is <b> "+partCode+"</b>.<br/>Memory valid for this model is <b style='background:#D4F9CD;'>Highlighted in Green</b>";
//					document.getElementById("addButt").innerHTML = "<button class='buttonPlus' onClick='DisplayAllModules()'>Display All Modules</button> ";
//				}
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		  function getAtts(eHover,divID){
			  var hrefStr = eHover.getAttribute("href");
			  var partCode = hrefStr.replace(/.*=/g, "");
			  partCode = partCode.replace(/'\);.*/g, "");
		  function removeAtts(divID){
			  document.getElementById("att"+divID).innerHTML = " ";
		function colouring(ModulesList){ 
		   var moduleListStr = ModulesList;
					 var compatibleListArr = moduleListStr.split( ", " );   
					 var moduleListArr = get_Elements_By_Class('row');  
					 var moduleName = '';  
					 var rowName = '';  
					 var spacerRow = '';  
					 var moduleToHide;  
				for (i = 0; i < moduleListArr.length; i++) {    
					rowName = moduleListArr[i].id;     //There is no need to replace the strings because we are using getElementsByClass
				//Replace is necesary as the IDs are changed to be able to work with JS
					moduleName = rowName.replace('--', '/');  
					moduleName = moduleName.replace('__','.');  
					moduleName = moduleName.replace('_-_',':'); 
					moduleName = moduleName.replace('-_-','+'); 
					moduleName = moduleName.replace('row', '');  
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					// alert(spacerRow);
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				for (var j = 0; j < names.length; j++) {   
					if (names[j] == className) found.push(elements[i]);  
			return found;   
		function DisplayAllModules(){
			 var moduleListArr = get_Elements_By_Class('row');
			 var rowName = '';  
			 var spacerRow = '';  
				for (i = 0; i < moduleListArr.length; i++) {   
					rowName = moduleListArr[i].id;     //There is no need to replace the strings because we are using getElementsByClass
					spacerRow = rowName.replace('row', 'spacer');  
					document.getElementById(rowName).style.display = 'table-row'; 
					document.getElementById(spacerRow).style.display = 'table-row'; 
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  	function reDirector(machineModel){
  		window.location.href = " Options Configurator&key=" + machineModel ;
  	$(function() {
        $( "[id^=Country]" ).selectmenu(
                change: function( event, data ) {
                     //alert( data.item.value );
                     switch(data.item.value ) {
                        case "EN":
                            document.getElementById("topIH").innerHTML    = "Upgrade your system with the  V7 Memory Finder";
                            document.getElementById("topIP").innerHTML    = "Load programs quicker and run demanding applications without lag. Effortlessly multitask between apps, and empower your system to fire on all cylinders. With Internal Memory from V7 breath new life into your PC or laptop and get the most out of your technology. <br/> <br/> Tell us your system's manufacturer, product line and model, and we'll provide a list of compatible upgrades that will work best with your system's specs and capabilities.";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIH").innerHTML = "Or please type in a Machine Model";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIP").innerHTML = "Or type in your model Start by typing in the model into the following box and you'll receive the according list. To select the product just simply click on the desired product.";
                            document.getElementById("menuOne").innerHTML  = "Please select Manufacturer";
                        case "MX":
                            document.getElementById("topIH").innerHTML    = "Actualiza tu sistema con el V7 Memory Finder";
                            document.getElementById("topIP").innerHTML    = "Cargue sus programas m&aacute;s r&aacute;pido y ejecute las aplicaciones m&aacute;s exigentes sin retrasos. Lleve a cabo sin esfuerzo varias tareas entre aplicaciones y haga que su sistema vaya a toda m&aacute;quina. D&eacute; una nueva vida a su PC o port&aacute;til con la memoria interna de V7 y aproveche al m&aacute;ximo su tecnolog&iacute;a.<br> Seleccione la memoria DRAM apropiada a continuaci&oacute;n.";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIH").innerHTML = "O ingrese su modelo ";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIP").innerHTML = "Ingrese su modelo directamente en el campo a continuaci&oacute;n para obtener la lista correspondiente de memorias internas. Para la selecci&oacute;n, simplemente haga clic en el producto deseado.";
                            document.getElementById("menuManufacturer3-button").innerHTML  = "Fabricante";
                        case "ES":
                            document.getElementById("topIH").innerHTML    = "Actualiza tu sistema con el V7 Memory Finder";
                            document.getElementById("topIP").innerHTML    = "Cargue sus programas m&aacute;s r&aacute;pido y ejecute las aplicaciones m&aacute;s exigentes sin retrasos. Lleve a cabo sin esfuerzo varias tareas entre aplicaciones y haga que su sistema vaya a toda m&aacute;quina. D&eacute; una nueva vida a su PC o port&aacute;til con la memoria interna de V7 y aproveche al m&aacute;ximo su tecnolog&iacute;a.<br> Seleccione la memoria DRAM apropiada a continuaci&oacute;n.";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIH").innerHTML = "O ingrese su modelo ";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIP").innerHTML = "Ingrese su modelo directamente en el campo a continuaci&oacute;n para obtener la lista correspondiente de memorias internas. Para la selecci&oacute;n, simplemente haga clic en el producto deseado.";
                            document.getElementById("menuManufacturer3-button").innerHTML  = "Fabricante";
                        case "DE":
                            document.getElementById("topIH").innerHTML    = "V7 Memory Finder <br> So einfach r&uuml;sten Sie Ihr System auf.";
                            document.getElementById("topIP").innerHTML    = "Laden Sie Programme schneller und f&uuml;hren Sie anspruchsvolle Anwendungen verz&ouml;gerungsfrei aus. Wechseln Sie m&uuml;helos zwischen mehreren laufenden Anwendungen und verleihen Sie Ihrem Computer neuen Schwung. Die Speichermodule von V7 verschaffen Ihrem PC, Notebook oder Server einen zus&auml;tzlichen Leistungsschub.";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIH").innerHTML = "W&auml;hlen Sie untenstehend ganz einfach das f&uuml;r Sie passende Speichermodul aus.";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIP").innerHTML = "Oder geben Sie in das folgende Feld direkt Ihr Modell ein, um die passende Liste an Speichermodulen zu erhalten. F&uuml;r die Auswahl klicken Sie dann auf das gew&uuml;nschte Produkt.";
                            document.getElementById("menuManufacturer3-button").innerHTML  = "Hersteller";
                        case "IT":
                            document.getElementById("topIH").innerHTML    = "Aggiorna il tuo sistema con il configuratore di <br>Memorie V7";
                            document.getElementById("topIP").innerHTML    = "Carica i programmi più velocemente ed esegui le applicazioni pesanti senza ritardi. Passa comodamente da un'app all'altra e consenti al tuo sistema di lavorare velocemente. La memoria interna di V7 instilla nuova vita nel tuo PC o laptop e ottieni il meglio dalla tua tecnologia.";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIH").innerHTML = "Inserisci il tuo modello";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIP").innerHTML = "Oppure inserisci il tuo modello direttamente nel campo sottostante per ottenere l'elenco corrispondente delle memorie interne. Per la selezione &egrave; sufficiente cliccare sul prodotto desiderato.";
                            document.getElementById("menuManufacturer3-button").innerHTML  = "Produttore";
                        case "FR":
                            document.getElementById("topIH").innerHTML     = "Am&eacute;liorez votre syst&egrave;me avec le V7 Memory Finder";
                            document.getElementById("topIP").innerHTML     = "Augmentez la vitesse de chargement de vos programmes et ex&eacute;cutez toutes vos applications sans ralentissement. Passez d&acute;une application &agrave; l&acute;autre sans effort et profitez d&acute;un syst&egrave;me qui tourne &agrave; plein r&eacute;gime. Donnez un nouveau souffle &agrave; votre ordinateur PC ou portable et tirez le meilleur parti de votre &eacute;quipement informatique avec les m&eacute;moires DRAM V7.";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIH").innerHTML  = "Ou, entrez votre mod&egrave;le ";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIP").innerHTML  = "Entrez votre mod&egrave;le directement dans le champ ci-dessous pour obtenir la liste appropri&eacute;e des m&eacute;moires DRAM. Pour la s&eacute;lection, il suffit de cliquer sur le produit d&eacute;sir&eacute;.";
                            document.getElementById("menuManufacturer3-button").innerHTML   = "Fabricant";
                            document.getElementById("topIH").innerHTML    = "Upgrade your system with the  V7 Memory Finder";
                            document.getElementById("topIP").innerHTML    = "Load programs quicker and run demanding applications without lag. Effortlessly multitask between apps, and empower your system to fire on all cylinders. With Internal Memory from V7 breath new life into your PC or laptop and get the most out of your technology. <br/> <br/> Tell us your system's manufacturer, product line and model, and we'll provide a list of compatible upgrades that will work best with your system's specs and capabilities.";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIH").innerHTML = "Or please type in a Machine Model";
                            document.getElementById("bottomIP").innerHTML = "Or type in your model Start by typing in the model into the following box and you'll receive the according list. To select the product just simply click on the desired product.";
                        // document.getElementById("topIH").innerHTML = data.item.value ;
                        // document.getElementById("topIP").innerHTML = data.item.value ;
                        // document.getElementById("bottomIH").innerHTML = data.item.value ;
                        // document.getElementById("bottomIP").innerHTML = data.item.value ;

        $( "[id^=menuManufacturer]" ).selectmenu(
                change: function( event, data ) {
                    // alert( data.item.value );
                    mID =;
                    // alert( mID.substring(mID.length-1, mID.length) );
                    // getMenuManufacturer(data.item.value);
                    document.getElementById("divmenuProductLine"+mID.substring(mID.length-1, mID.length)).innerHTML = ""
                    document.getElementById("divmenuModel"+mID.substring(mID.length-1, mID.length)).innerHTML = ""
        $( "#menuDeviceType4" ).selectmenu(
                change: function( event, data ) {
                    // alert( data.item.value );
                    mID =;
                    // alert( mID.substring(mID.length-1, mID.length) );
                    // getMenuManufacturer(data.item.value);
                    document.getElementById("divmenuManufacturer"+mID.substring(mID.length-1, mID.length)).innerHTML = ""
                    document.getElementById("divmenuProductLine"+mID.substring(mID.length-1, mID.length)).innerHTML = ""
                    document.getElementById("divmenuModel"+mID.substring(mID.length-1, mID.length)).innerHTML = ""

            $( "#menuProductLine3" ).selectmenu({
                change: function( event, data ) {
                    //alert( data.item.value+"  Level3  "  + " :D");
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					var reDirectPath = itemValueArr[1];
					var totalLvls = itemValueArr[2];
                    var countrySelection = document.getElementById("CountrySel");
                    var country = countrySelection.options[countrySelection.selectedIndex].value;
					// if (totalLvls == 2) {	//ada removed because of change in data now its only two levels  NOT NEEEDED 	&countrySel="+country+"
						window.location.href = " Options Configurator&DrillMenu=Yes&key=" + reDirectPath ;
					// } else {
						// // alert(itemValueArr[0]);
						// // alert(totalLvls);
						// getThreeMenus(data.item.value,"Level3",;
					// }

            $( "#menuModel3" ).selectmenu({
                change: function( event, data ) {
                    var countrySelection = document.getElementById("CountrySel");
                    var country = countrySelection.options[countrySelection.selectedIndex].value;
                   // alert (country);
                    //alert( "Re-directing to key=" + data.item.value );							NOT NEEDED &countrySel="+country+"
                    window.location.href = " Options Configurator&DrillMenu=Yes&key=" + data.item.value ;

            $( "#menuManufacturer4" ).selectmenu(
                    change: function( event, data ) {
                        // alert( data.item.value );
                        mID =;
                        //alert( mID.substring(mID.length-1, mID.length) );
                        // getMenuManufacturer(data.item.value);
                        document.getElementById("divmenuProductLine"+mID.substring(mID.length-1, mID.length)).innerHTML = ""
                        document.getElementById("divmenuModel"+mID.substring(mID.length-1, mID.length)).innerHTML = ""
            $( "#menuProductLine4" ).selectmenu({
                change: function( event, data ) {
                    //  alert( data.item.value );

            $( "#menuModel4" ).selectmenu({
                change: function( event, data ) {
                    // alert( "Re-directing to key=" + data.item.value );
                    window.location.href = ""+country+"&level=Product&flag=Machine Options Configurator&DrillMenu=Yes&key=" + data.item.value ;

            $( "#menuProductLine5" ).selectmenu({
                change: function( event, data ) {
                    //  alert( data.item.value );

            $( "#menuModel5" ).selectmenu({
                change: function( event, data ) {
                    // alert( "Re-directing to key=" + data.item.value );
                    window.location.href = ""+country+"&level=Product&flag=Machine Options Configurator&DrillMenu=Yes&key=" + data.item.value ;
  	});//end of auto run func
  	//Sorting S
  	 $(document).ready(function() {
  		  $('.sort-price').click(function(e) {
            //ORIGINAL var $list = $('#tableProd');
          var tablesToOrder = ["tableProdmodule","tableProdFBDIMM","tableProdLRDIMM","tableProdRDIMM","tableProdRIMM","tableProdSODIMM","tableProdUDIMM","tableProdSubMo","tableProdcables","tableProdpower","tableProd","tableProdstorage"];
          for (table in tablesToOrder) {
    			  var $sort = this;
            var $list = $('#'+tablesToOrder[table]);
            var $listLi = $(".row",$list);
            if($listLi.length > 0){
              var orderByCell;
                orderByCell = 7;
              } else if($($sort).hasClass('name')){
                orderByCell = 1;
              } else {
                orderByCell = 1;
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              $listLi.sort(function(a, b){
                //ORIGINAL  var keyA = $(a).text();
                //ORIGINAL  var keyB = $(b).text();
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                //alert ("childNodes 1 0:" +a.cells[1].childNodes[0]+"  \nchildNodes 1 1:" +a.cells[1].childNodes[1]+"  \nchildNodes 1 2:" +a.cells[1].childNodes[2] +"  \nchildNodes 1 3:" +a.cells[1].childNodes[3]+"  \nchildNodes 1 4:" +a.cells[1].childNodes[4] );
                var priceA = a.cells[orderByCell].childNodes[0];
                var priceB = b.cells[orderByCell].childNodes[0];
                if(orderByCell == 7){
                  priceA =;
                  priceB =;
                  priceA = Number(priceA.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, ''));
                  priceB = Number(priceB.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, ''));
                } else if(orderByCell == 1 ){
                  priceA = priceA.innerHTML;
                  priceB = priceB.innerHTML;
                //alert(priceA - priceB+"   A  price "+priceA +"  B  price "+priceB );
                  if(orderByCell == 7){
                    return (priceA - priceB);//(priceA > priceB) ? 1 : 0; Need to account for equalities as well, and boolean is not the correct return type
                  } else {
                    //return (priceA > priceB) ? 1 : 0;//Original
                     if(priceA < priceB) return -1;
                     if(priceA > priceB) return 1;
                } else {
                  if(orderByCell == 7){
                    return (priceB - priceA);//(priceA < priceB) ? 1 : 0; Need to account for equalities as well, and boolean is not the correct return type
                  } else {
                    //return (priceA < priceB) ? 1 : 0;//Original
                    if(priceA > priceB) return -1;
                    if(priceA < priceB) return 1;
              $.each($listLi, function(index, row){
            // alert("i:" +index + "   r:" +row.cells[6];
          }//end if  > 0
        }//end loop
  	//Sorting E
  		  function getAtts(eHover,divID){
  			  var hrefStr = eHover.getAttribute("href");
  			  var partCode = hrefStr.replace(/.*=/g, "");
  			  partCode = partCode.replace(/'\);.*/g, "");
  		  function removeAtts(divID){
  			  document.getElementById("att"+divID).innerHTML = " ";
  		function colouring(ModulesList){
  		   var moduleListStr = ModulesList;
  					 var compatibleListArr = moduleListStr.split( ", " );
  					 var moduleListArr = get_Elements_By_Class('memoryRow');
  					 var moduleName = '';
  					 var rowName = '';
  //					 var spacerRow = '';
  					 var moduleToHide;
  				for (i = 0; i < moduleListArr.length; i++) {
  					rowName = moduleListArr[i].id;     //There is no need to replace the strings because we are using getElementsByClass
  				//Replace is necesary as the IDs are changed to be able to work with JS
  					moduleName = rowName.replace('--', '/');
  					moduleName = moduleName.replace('__','.');
  					moduleName = moduleName.replace('_-_',':');
  					moduleName = moduleName.replace('-_-','+');
  					moduleName = moduleName.replace('row', '');
  //					spacerRow = rowName.replace('row', 'spacer');
  				//	 alert(moduleName);
  					if(compatibleListArr.toString().indexOf(moduleName)< 0){
  						//document.getElementById(rowName).style.background = '#F9DFDF';
  						//document.getElementById(rowName).style.opacity = '.4';
  						document.getElementById(rowName).style.display = 'none';
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  					document.getElementById(rowName).style.display = 'table-row';
  						document.getElementById(rowName).style.background = '#D4F9CD';
  						//document.getElementById(rowName).style.opacity = '1';
  		function get_Elements_By_Class(className) {   //This is for IE 7< to replace the Get elements by classname
  			var found = [];
  			var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
  			for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
  				var names = elements[i].className.split(' ');
  				for (var j = 0; j < names.length; j++) {
  					if (names[j] == className) found.push(elements[i]);
  			return found;
  		function DisplayAllModules(){
  			 var moduleListArr = get_Elements_By_Class('memoryRow');
  			 var rowName = '';
  //			 var spacerRow = '';
  				for (i = 0; i < moduleListArr.length; i++) {
  					rowName = moduleListArr[i].id;     //There is no need to replace the strings because we are using getElementsByClass
  //					spacerRow = rowName.replace('row', 'spacer');
  					document.getElementById(rowName).style.display = 'table-row';
  //					document.getElementById(spacerRow).style.display = 'table-row';
  					//document.getElementById(rowName).style.opacity = '1';

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		<div id="category">
            <div id='threeLevels'>
                <h1 id="topIH" style="    width: 410px;    margin: 0px auto;">Upgrade your system with the  V7 Memory Finder</h1>
                <p id="topIP">
                    Load programs quicker and run demanding applications without lag. Effortlessly multitask between apps, and empower your system to fire on all cylinders. With Internal Memory from V7 breath new life into your PC or laptop and get the most out of your technology.
                    <br/> <br/>
                    Tell us your system's manufacturer, product line and model, and we'll provide a list of compatible upgrades that will work best with your system's specs and capabilities.

              <select id="CountrySel">
                <option disabled selected='selected'>Please select your country</option>
                <option value="BE">Belgium</option>
                <option value="CA">Canada</option>
                <option value="DE">Deutschland</option>
                <option value="ES">Espa&ntilde;a</option>
                <option value="FR">France</option>
                <option value="IT">Italia</option>
                <option value="NL">Nederland</option>
                <option value="UK">UK</option>
                <option value="US">USA</option>
                <option value="CH">Schweiz</option>
                <option value="MX">M&eacute;xico</option>
                <option value="PL">Polska</option>
				value="Belgium Flag"
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               value="Polish Flag"
               value="Switzerland Flag"
               value="UK Flag"
               value="USA Flag" -->
            <br><select id='menuManufacturer3'><option disabled selected='selected'>Please select Manufacturer</option><option value='Acer'>Acer</option><option value='Alienware'>Alienware</option><option value='Apple'>Apple</option><option value='Brother'>Brother</option><option value='Cisco'>Cisco</option><option value='Dell'>Dell</option><option value='Dynabook'>Dynabook</option><option value='Elo'>Elo</option><option value='Fujitsu'>Fujitsu</option><option value='GRAFENTHAL'>GRAFENTHAL</option><option value='Hewlett Packard / Compaq'>Hewlett Packard / Compaq</option><option value='Huawei'>Huawei</option><option value='IBM / Lenovo'>IBM / Lenovo</option><option value='Kyocera'>Kyocera</option><option value='Lexmark'>Lexmark</option><option value='NCR'>NCR</option><option value='NEC'>NEC</option><option value='OKI'>OKI</option><option value='Oracle'>Oracle</option><option value='Panasonic'>Panasonic</option><option value='Ricoh'>Ricoh</option><option value='Samsung'>Samsung</option><option value='Toshiba'>Toshiba</option><option value='Xerox'>Xerox</option></select><br><div id='divmenuProductLine3'></div><div id='divmenuModel3'></div>
			<h1 id="bottomIH">Or please type in a Machine Model</h1>
			<p id="bottomIP" >Or type in your model
                Start by typing in the model into the following box and you´ll receive the according list.
                To select the product just simply click on the desired product.

				<INPUT TYPE='text' name='search4' ID='search4' VALUE='' placeholder='  Model examples: Aspire 5315, TouchSmart 600' class='search4' style="height: 35px;  width: 295px;  margin: -4px 2px 0px 0px;">
				<div id='hint'></div>
			<h1 id="bottomIH3">Or search by code</h1>
			<p id="bottomIP3" >Enter a Memory Part Code to see which machines it fits      </p>
			<p style="color:gray;     font-weight:bold;     font-size: 8pt;">NOTE: Some modules might take longer finding matches than others. </p>
				<INPUT TYPE='text' name='search3' ID='search3' VALUE='' placeholder=' V753004GBF' class='search3' style="height: 35px;  width: 285px;  padding-left: 10px;">
				<input type="submit" id="search3Butt" name="modelSearch" value="Find Models" class= "btn" align="right">
				<div id="progressbar">Finding compatible models please wait......</div>
				<div id='Search3Results'></div>
		</div> <!--MemoryConfigurator -->




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