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src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Kevin MacDonald"></picture><h2 class="card__title caps">Kevin MacDonald: “You know it when you feel it”</h2></a><div class="card__meta caps cf show--at-930"><div class="card__date pull-left">April 17, 2024</div></div><div class="card__excerpt show--at-930"><p class=q>Mr. MacDonald, is it possible to be completely objective as a documentary filmmaker?</p><p class=a>No, I don't think any of us can ever be totally objective. Films are all about manipulation and emotional reaction. If you make a film about someone you just deeply admire, you're going to be a proponent for them, you're going to be biased towards them. I suppose when it's something darker, something with a lot of difficulties and complexities, you have to try to be more objective. But the thing is, I’m a humanistic person; I don't believe there are very many villains or heroes in the world. Even the heroes have got something they probably be ashamed of, and the worst person in the world probably has something that might make you feel compassion for them.</p><p class=q>You usually try to include both sides of the story in your films as well — in your documentary about the 1978 Munich Olympic terrorist attacks, <em>One Day in September,</em> you featured an interview with one of the terrorists.</p><p class=a>Sometimes I get people saying that it’s wrong to include both sides, but I sort of disagree with that. I think it's the documentarian role to leave you asking questions and uncertain, to not to give comfort, rather than to just feed you propaganda. I think it's quite a big issue, particularly with political films in America these days, that they are so one-sided. They don't try to represent the other side in any way, or they don't represent the other side in a fair and a fair and compassionate way. And I think that is part of the reason for the polarization in the country. So I often find myself looking for people who can give a contrary opinion or a different side of the story.</div><div class=show--at-768><a class="btn card__cta" href=>Read now</a></div></div></div><div><div class="directory-grid section section--separator section--directory show--at-768 section--directory--front" id=directory-grid-desktop><span class="h2 section__title">Interview Directory</span><div class="grid grid--with-gutter-20 grid--with-gutter-20-fixed grid--columns-2"><a class=card href=><picture class="card__img card__img--transparent"><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt=Architecture></picture><h3 class="card__title card__title--overlay">Architecture</h3></a><a class=card href=><picture class="card__img card__img--transparent"><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt=Art></picture><h3 class="card__title card__title--overlay">Art</h3></a><a class=card href=><picture class="card__img card__img--transparent"><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt=Fashion></picture><h3 class="card__title card__title--overlay">Fashion</h3></a><a class=card href=><picture class="card__img card__img--transparent"><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt=Film></picture><h3 class="card__title card__title--overlay">Film</h3></a><a class=card href=><picture class="card__img card__img--transparent"><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt=Food></picture><h3 class="card__title card__title--overlay">Food</h3></a><a class=card href=><picture class="card__img card__img--transparent"><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt=Literature></picture><h3 class="card__title card__title--overlay">Literature</h3></a><a class=card href=><picture class="card__img card__img--transparent"><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt=Music></picture><h3 class="card__title card__title--overlay">Music</h3></a><a class=card href=><picture class="card__img card__img--transparent"><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt=Sports></picture><h3 class="card__title card__title--overlay">Sports</h3></a></div></div><div id=perpetuity-desktop class="perpetuity section section--separator show--at-768" ><span class="h2 section__title">Life</span><div class=perpetuity__inner><div class="slider slider--explore slider--perpetuity"><div class=flexslider><ul class=slides><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Ian McKellen"></div><div class=explore__quote>“Having come out as a gay man and the self-confidence that gives you is huge! It affects every aspect of your life, including my work. People like honesty. They respect honesty. And my film career took off once I came out.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Ian McKellen</div>UK, Actor</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Robert Richardson"></div><div class=explore__quote>“The recognition of luck is extraordinarily important — as well as making the best of it and creating to the best of your capabilities on that one opportunity you’re given so that it doesn’t end up in the museum of errors.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Robert Richardson</div>US, Cinematographer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Larry Clark"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I think you have to slow down a little bit. But I am just trying to make work; I am just out there making work. I take care of myself so that I can survive. I used to not take care of myself so well, but now I do.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Larry Clark</div>US, Film Director</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Olivier Rousteing"></div><div class=explore__quote>“When you’re young so many things happen and it’s really hard, but you have to fight. Sometimes to get what you want you need to have a really strong past to make sure that you become a warrior and you are not scared about anything and you fight through the night.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Olivier Rousteing</div>France, Fashion Designer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Willy Vanderperre"></div><div class=explore__quote>“If you work with somebody for a long time, you have to challenge them otherwise you jeopardize your relationship. You have to constantly reinterpret your work together and provide a new vision of your relationship.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Willy Vanderperre</div>Belgium, Photographer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Wim Wenders"></div><div class=explore__quote>“If you have to defend something that you like, it makes you to like it even more. My parents hated the comic strips, they hated rock ‘n’ roll, and when they found out what movies I was going to they also were against that. So everything I loved I had to defend.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Wim Wenders</div>Germany, Film Directorwim</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="David Lynch"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I always say ideas drive the boat. Ideas are a huge, huge blessing. That’s the thing you try to catch – an idea that you fall in love with. The whole thing doesn’t come at once, but fragments of things come and these fragments form themselves into a script. It’s a process.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>David Lynch</div>US, Film Director</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Julian Schnabel"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I never thought of art as a career. I thought it was more like a monastic practice. It is something that you do – you can't not do it. If I made money doing it, I would do it; if I didn't make any money, I would do it. Obviously I’m not perfect but the thing I am best at is painting.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Julian Schnabel</div>US, Artist</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Marina Abramović"></div><div class=explore__quote>“My whole purpose in life is to communicate what I’m doing. I see myself as a modern nomad and a soldier at the same time. Being mainstream won’t change me because once I have something to perform, a task, then I’m a soldier. And I’ve always been a soldier.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Marina Abramović</div>Serbia, Artist</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Steve McCurry"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I don’t want to be pigeonholed — it’s important to keep evolving, experimenting and reinventing yourself, otherwise it’s like hitting a drum, the same note over and over again. I think you should want to change, to try different things.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Steve McCurry</div>US, Photographer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Peter Blake"></div><div class=explore__quote>“If you’re doing one thing, you can burn yourself out. But for me, if ever one of those things burnt out, I would have moved to another one. So it makes it difficult but it makes it possible to keep going.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Peter Blake</div>UK, Artist</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Judi Dench"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I have an irrational fear of boredom. That’s why I now have this tattoo that says “Carpe Diem.” That’s what we should live by!”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Judi Dench</div>UK, Actress</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Deborah Landau"></div><div class=explore__quote>“Life is confounding and who knows what’s around the next corner. But in many ways uncertainty can be exhilarating—there’s a lot of freedom in it. It would be a shame to waste our snippet of time on this planet being afraid.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Deborah Landau</div>US, Poet</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Thom Mayne"></div><div class=explore__quote>“Architecture is the oddest profession. In the beginning you're very much involved in finding your voice and locating yourself artistically. For 25 years you're working with small projects, domestic projects. And then you mature at 50 and you're given your first projects.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Thom Mayne</div>US, Architect</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Susan Sarandon"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I have a tattoo that goes around my right wrist that looks like barbed wire, but it’s actually ANDAND linked together, which stands for “A New Dawn, A New Day.” It’s about waking up every day knowing that you have a chance to start again and forgive and be forgiven and to let go of yesterday.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Susan Sarandon</div>US, Actress</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Imran Amed"></div><div class=explore__quote>“As I began to take risks, leaving my very comfortable and secure job and taking this first leap into fashion, every subsequent risk became easier to take because I began to see the kind of opportunity and excitement that risk-taking offered.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Imran Amed</div>Canada, Entrepreneur</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Brigitte Lacombe"></div><div class=explore__quote>“My work and my life are the same thing to me. I don’t have a life on one side and work on the other side. My entire life has been my work. I don’t have a family, I am by myself, I have made very strict choices.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Brigitte Lacombe</div>France, Photographer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Max Richter"></div><div class=explore__quote>“One of the things that I’m striving for is an authenticity, to do things which feel natural and make choices which feel authentic and real. I think in a way you sort of can’t help sounding like yourself. You can’t help but put yourself into your work.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Max Richter</div>UK, Composer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Sheila Heti"></div><div class=explore__quote>“You can work hard at this skill forever, you never reach the end; you never are a master, you’re never done. Writing is endless and I like that. I like that you can never conquer it.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Sheila Heti</div>Canada, Author</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Kevin Kline"></div><div class=explore__quote>“There is a thing called discipline. If you really want to do it, you’ve got to put in the work. Work, work, work, work. Practice, practice, practice, practice.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Kevin Kline</div>US, Actor</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Harry Benson"></div><div class=explore__quote>“If people don’t like the pictures, I don’t care. To me, there’s only one point of view: that’s mine.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Harry Benson</div>UK, Photographer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="James Cameron"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I think my love of pushing the boundaries in film comes from my desire as a kid to do something artistic that would amaze people. I wanted to do nothing less than that. Those are the projects that I love: figuring out what might just be possible but hasn't been done yet.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>James Cameron</div>Canada, Film Director</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt=Pelé></div><div class=explore__quote>“I used to tease the other kids because I played better than them. Then my father said, ‘Come here. Don’t do this with the kids, because God gave you the gift to play football. You didn’t do anything. You have to respect people, be a good person. From now on, you must be this example.’”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Pelé</div>Brazil, Football Player</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Wayne McGregor"></div><div class=explore__quote>“Making something or creating something is about looking and exploring the potential, and I want to do that right up until the day of the performance. And then when we’re performing, I want to do it a bit more. There’s no reason we can’t.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Wayne McGregor</div>UK, Choreographer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Daniel Humm"></div><div class=explore__quote>“Even though I wanted to be minimal, for the first 20 years in my career all I did was add things; more courses, more ingredients. Only three years ago I was confident to start focusing on removing, and this is when I finally created a dish where I felt like I achieved what I tried to do for 23 years.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Daniel Humm</div>Switzerland, Chef</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Umit Benan"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I’m doing things more personally than ever before because that’s what my project is based on, that’s who I am and I have never been this happy my whole life — but it was a long road to get here.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Umit Benan</div>Turkey, Fashion Designer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Tim Raue"></div><div class=explore__quote>“One of the reasons why I have this much success is because I’m hard on myself. Until now, I never really saw myself as a talented chef! I don’t take the easy way. I put in the time. From the age of 17 until 23, I didn’t take any vacations, I had almost no days off.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Tim Raue</div>Germany, Chef</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Christine Vachon"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I am tireless, I’m relatively fearless. It’s hard to hear “no” all the time. It can be tough; you have to have the stomach for it.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Christine Vachon</div>US, Film Producer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Shirin Neshat"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I think when you’re an artist who’s been around for a while like I have you understand that it’s almost impossible to make work that is unanimously loved or understood! You can’t please everyone, and that is a great realization.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Shirin Neshat</div>Iran, Artist</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Elisabeth Moss"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I think you get more confident as you get older. You realize what your strengths and weaknesses are and you’re more okay with your weaknesses and you value your strengths more. I look forward to being 50 and I’m hoping that I’m as confident as some of the people that I look up to.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Elisabeth Moss</div>US, Actress</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Edward Norton"></div><div class=explore__quote>“When I was younger I had these moments where I was surprising myself with my spontaneity, and I thought, ‘This is what you should be chasing.’ The cerebral part of acting and the perfectionism can be exhausting, but the spontaneity can be very joyful.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Edward Norton</div>US, Actor</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="David Sedaris"></div><div class=explore__quote>“In your life there’s a moment when the door opens and you need to walk through the door then. You can’t say then, “Well, I’ll go through it two years from now. I’ll do it, I’ll save up some money...” Because by then the door will be closed.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>David Sedaris</div>US, Author</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Clare Smyth"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I’ve been through some incredibly tough times in my career but I persevered and came out the other side. And that teaches you strength, how to handle being put under pressure. Experience is a big thing — just knowing that you can pull yourself back up again.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Clare Smyth</div>UK, Chef</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Paolo Roversi"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I like the accidents, the things that happen by chance. I let the life come to the picture and the creativity flow.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Paolo Roversi</div>Italy, Photographer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Charlotte Rampling"></div><div class=explore__quote>“My work is integrated completely into my life and vice-versa – I’ve been working since I was sixteen and my work is my life and my life is my work. It made me who I am.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Charlotte Rampling</div>UK, Actress</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Sienna Miller"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I don’t think I’m ever going to stop wanting to see and experience things. I think the day that you don’t long for that anymore is the day you have kind of given up.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Sienna Miller</div>UK, Actor</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Mick Rock"></div><div class=explore__quote>“In life it’s about opening yourself up. It’s about tapping into your instincts and your energies. I think I got very good at that. I have to be open and I have to be open to the possibilities.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Mick Rock</div>UK, Photographer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Thomas Hirschhorn"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I have to free myself from my creation, I have to send it off, I have to give it up. And that is also the beauty, that you pass on something, that you let something live, that you allow it to confront. To get in contact with others.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Thomas Hirschhorn</div>Switzerland, Artist</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Jonathan Safran Foer"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I feel very lucky. There is luck behind me, there’s luck in front of me, there’s luck ahead of me. But that is a perspective that requires a lot of work. It doesn’t come naturally.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Jonathan Safran Foer</div>US, Author</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Irvine Welsh"></div><div class=explore__quote>“Failure is more interesting. Success only comes in one form. It doesn’t teach you anything. Failure kind of comes in all sorts of ways, and teaches you all sorts of things. You learn by failing.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Irvine Welsh</div>UK, Author</div></div></a></li></ul></div></div><img hidden src="${GDPR}&gdpr_consent=${GDPR_CONSENT_68}&us_privacy=${US_PRIVACY}&adid=1092291761&ord=[timestamp]" alt=""></div></div></div><div class="group latest section hide--at-768"><span class="h2 section__title">Most Read Interviews</span><div class="grid grid--slim grid--with-gutter-20 grid--columns-2 grid--columns-1-at-768"><a class=card href=><div id=daniel-arsham class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Daniel Arsham"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Daniel Arsham<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“It can take years to get there”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=marina-abramovic class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Marina Abramović"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Marina Abramović<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“I've always been a soldier”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=rachel-kushner class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Rachel Kushner"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Rachel Kushner<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“There’s this lens over life”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=willy-vanderperre class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Willy Vanderperre"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Willy Vanderperre<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“You have to constantly reinterpret”</span></h2></a></div></div></div><div class="section section--separator section--partnership show--at-768"><a class="partnership partnership--wide btn-track-click" data-track=partnership_statement data-href="${GDPR}&gdpr_consent=${GDPR_CONSENT_68}&us_privacy=${US_PRIVACY}&adid=1092291756&ord=[timestamp]" target=_blank><div class=partnership__title>Emerging Masters</div><div class=partnership__content>Rolex is proud to support The Talks’ interview series about the cultural leaders of the future.</div><div class=partnership__logos><div class="partnership__logo partnership__logo--rolex"></div><div class="partnership__logo partnership__logo--thetalks"></div></div><img hidden src="${GDPR}&gdpr_consent=${GDPR_CONSENT_68}&us_privacy=${US_PRIVACY}&adid=1092291756&ord=[timestamp]" alt=""></a></div><div class="group latest latest--desktop section section--separator show--at-768"><span class="h2 section__title">Most Read Interviews</span><div class="grid grid--slim grid--with-gutter-20 grid--columns-2 grid--columns-3-at-768"><a class=card href=><div id=daniel-arsham class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Daniel Arsham"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Daniel Arsham<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“It can take years to get there”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=marina-abramovic class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Marina Abramović"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Marina Abramović<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“I've always been a soldier”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=rachel-kushner class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Rachel Kushner"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Rachel Kushner<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“There’s this lens over life”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=willy-vanderperre class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Willy Vanderperre"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Willy Vanderperre<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“You have to constantly reinterpret”</span></h2></a></div></div><div class="section section--separator section--partnership hide--at-768"><a class="partnership btn-track-click" data-track=partnership_statement data-href="${GDPR}&gdpr_consent=${GDPR_CONSENT_68}&us_privacy=${US_PRIVACY}&adid=1092291756&ord=[timestamp]" target=_blank><div class=partnership__title>Emerging Masters</div><div class=partnership__content>Rolex is proud to support The Talks’ interview series about the cultural leaders of the future.</div><div class=partnership__logos><div class="partnership__logo partnership__logo--rolex"></div><div class="partnership__logo partnership__logo--thetalks"></div></div><img hidden src="${GDPR}&gdpr_consent=${GDPR_CONSENT_68}&us_privacy=${US_PRIVACY}&adid=1092291756&ord=[timestamp]" alt=""></a></div><div class="directory-grid section section--separator section--directory hide--at-768 section--directory--front"><span class="h2 section__title">Interview Directory</span><div class="grid grid--with-gutter-20 grid--with-gutter-20-fixed grid--columns-2"><a class=card href=><picture class="card__img card__img--transparent"><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt=Architecture></picture><h3 class="card__title card__title--overlay">Architecture</h3></a><a class=card href=><picture class="card__img card__img--transparent"><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt=Art></picture><h3 class="card__title card__title--overlay">Art</h3></a><a class=card href=><picture class="card__img card__img--transparent"><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt=Fashion></picture><h3 class="card__title card__title--overlay">Fashion</h3></a><a class=card href=><picture class="card__img card__img--transparent"><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt=Film></picture><h3 class="card__title card__title--overlay">Film</h3></a><a class=card href=><picture class="card__img card__img--transparent"><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt=Food></picture><h3 class="card__title card__title--overlay">Food</h3></a><a class=card href=><picture class="card__img card__img--transparent"><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt=Literature></picture><h3 class="card__title card__title--overlay">Literature</h3></a><a class=card href=><picture class="card__img card__img--transparent"><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt=Music></picture><h3 class="card__title card__title--overlay">Music</h3></a><a class=card href=><picture class="card__img card__img--transparent"><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt=Sports></picture><h3 class="card__title card__title--overlay">Sports</h3></a></div></div><div id=perpetuity-mobile class="perpetuity section section--separator hide--at-768" ><span class="h2 section__title">Life</span><div class=perpetuity__inner><div class="slider slider--explore slider--perpetuity"><div class=flexslider><ul class=slides><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Alicia Vikander"></div><div class=explore__quote>“When I was training as a ballet dancer, I know that I was often tired or in pain, but you just work through it. You go home crying and your parents almost want you to quit but then you just do it. And I use that stamina now as an actress because it’s normally quite uncomfortable to make films.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Alicia Vikander</div>Sweden, Actress</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Denise Gough"></div><div class=explore__quote>“It's just so boring listening to false modesty. I've worked for many, many years so I'm really enjoying that my hard work has paid off… I think you should know your worth!”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Denise Gough</div>Ireland, Actress</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Gerhard Steidl"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I learned by doing. The rest is doing experiments and testing and not giving up. If something is not satisfying start again, turn everything upside down and find a new formula for printing. Everything is learning by doing.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Gerhard Steidl</div>Germany, Publisher</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="David Sedaris"></div><div class=explore__quote>“In your life there’s a moment when the door opens and you need to walk through the door then. You can’t say then, “Well, I’ll go through it two years from now. I’ll do it, I’ll save up some money...” Because by then the door will be closed.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>David Sedaris</div>US, Author</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Irvine Welsh"></div><div class=explore__quote>“Failure is more interesting. Success only comes in one form. It doesn’t teach you anything. Failure kind of comes in all sorts of ways, and teaches you all sorts of things. You learn by failing.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Irvine Welsh</div>UK, Author</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Nick Offerman"></div><div class=explore__quote>“Everybody is amazing at something — some people write music, some people are leaders, some people raise children, some people cook food. If you find what it is that you can offer to your fellow.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Nick Offerman</div>US, Actor</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Jeff Bridges"></div><div class=explore__quote>“You can look at these tough times as an opportunity to get closer and to learn from each other. I learned a lot from my wife. There are so many things that pop up. If you are paying attention, you can learn every second of the day. Life is my guru.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Jeff Bridges</div>US, Actor</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Willem Dafoe"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I think an ambition as a performer, and maybe even in life, is to become less afraid. Some boundaries are necessary of course and some are accepted, but the ones that I don’t want, I want to remove.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Willem Dafoe</div>US, Actor</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Paolo Roversi"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I like the accidents, the things that happen by chance. I let the life come to the picture and the creativity flow.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Paolo Roversi</div>Italy, Photographer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Jonathan Safran Foer"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I feel very lucky. There is luck behind me, there’s luck in front of me, there’s luck ahead of me. But that is a perspective that requires a lot of work. It doesn’t come naturally.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Jonathan Safran Foer</div>US, Author</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Judi Dench"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I have an irrational fear of boredom. That’s why I now have this tattoo that says “Carpe Diem.” That’s what we should live by!”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Judi Dench</div>UK, Actress</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Jóhann Jóhannsson"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I think the key to having a successful career is to find the thing you do well and do it again and again for the rest of your life. But I’m interested in expanding my language as an artist and as a composer. And I try to expand it with every project.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Jóhann Jóhannsson</div>Iceland, Composer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Freida Pinto"></div><div class=explore__quote>“Risks are very important to me. It’s the only thing that will define the next career move or else I’ll be plateauing. I’ll be completely stale if I don’t take risks. And that’s not just my career.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Freida Pinto</div>India, Actress</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Joel Edgerton"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I have the freedom to express myself. And it doesn’t matter if somebody’s going to pay me or pat me on the back for it. I chose to do things that I embrace, that I feel passionate about for whatever reason and I create my freedom around that.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Joel Edgerton</div>Australia, Actor and Film Director</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Alex Honnold"></div><div class=explore__quote>“Any kind of quest for achievement has some kind of a personal drive behind it. I'm sure some people would say that it's obviously about the ego, but on the other hand, it's not as if I'm competing against anybody. It's not as if I'm trying to outdo anybody. It's just me trying to do something to see if I can.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Alex Honnold</div>US, Rock Climber</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Shirin Neshat"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I think when you’re an artist who’s been around for a while like I have you understand that it’s almost impossible to make work that is unanimously loved or understood! You can’t please everyone, and that is a great realization.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Shirin Neshat</div>Iran, Artist</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Thomas Hirschhorn"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I have to free myself from my creation, I have to send it off, I have to give it up. And that is also the beauty, that you pass on something, that you let something live, that you allow it to confront. To get in contact with others.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Thomas Hirschhorn</div>Switzerland, Artist</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Manolo Blahnik"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I never have been into trends. Not now or then! I was born like that, in fact, if I see too much of something, I change it. I like independence. I love the eccentrics. Find your style and stick to it.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Manolo Blahnik</div>Spain, Shoe Designer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Daniel Humm"></div><div class=explore__quote>“Even though I wanted to be minimal, for the first 20 years in my career all I did was add things; more courses, more ingredients. Only three years ago I was confident to start focusing on removing, and this is when I finally created a dish where I felt like I achieved what I tried to do for 23 years.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Daniel Humm</div>Switzerland, Chef</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Anthony Hopkins"></div><div class=explore__quote>“Being creative and keeping your brain occupied is very sensible because if you don’t you die, slowly. Sometimes I feel tired and think I ought to give it up, I don’t want to just retire. I enjoy it all.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Anthony Hopkins</div>Wales, Actor</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Juergen Teller"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I just want to do everything as good as I possibly can but it is also good to act on an idea and fail — and then you get something out of it. I think it’s really important to not be afraid of failure and to push yourself to try things and jump in the cold water.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Juergen Teller</div>Germany, Photographer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Edward Norton"></div><div class=explore__quote>“When I was younger I had these moments where I was surprising myself with my spontaneity, and I thought, ‘This is what you should be chasing.’ The cerebral part of acting and the perfectionism can be exhausting, but the spontaneity can be very joyful.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Edward Norton</div>US, Actor</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=""><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Francis Ford Coppola"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I am less anxious to have a successful career. There were times when I was anxious — even in the past, people said, ‘You make successful films.’ But my films were never successful. Even The Godfather got a terrible review. My films did better over time.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Francis Ford Coppola</div>US, Film Director</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Steve McQueen"></div><div class=explore__quote>“The truth. The whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. And that’s it! May it be ugly, may it be beautiful, may it be perverse, may it be all of those things. That’s it, I can’t lie; it is what it is, unabashed, naked. I expect that of myself, that’s for sure.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Steve McQueen</div>UK, Film Director</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt=Björk></div><div class=explore__quote>“I think you know when you’re playing it safe, when you’re stagnating, and when you’re growing. It’s probably an ongoing thing for all of us — and a tricky balance. I try to learn at least one thing on every album, to reach out. I become my own teacher.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Björk</div>Iceland, Musician</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Chuck Palahniuk"></div><div class=explore__quote>“Writing itself should be so extreme, so wild, and so much fun that it doesn’t matter whether or not you ever sell the book.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Chuck Palahniuk</div>US, Author</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Russell Crowe"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I have a moral standard of my own. I know the difference between right and wrong, I know what I feel comfortable with. And if you live up to your own moral standard, you’re going to have a more comfortable life.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Russell Crowe</div>Australia, Actor</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt=Pelé></div><div class=explore__quote>“I used to tease the other kids because I played better than them. Then my father said, ‘Come here. Don’t do this with the kids, because God gave you the gift to play football. You didn’t do anything. You have to respect people, be a good person. From now on, you must be this example.’”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Pelé</div>Brazil, Football Player</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Daniel Libeskind"></div><div class=explore__quote>“Follow the things you love! Follow the things that you are intensely passionate about. Follow the things that you like to do, which often to others might seem unimportant.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Daniel Libeskind</div>Poland, Architect</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Neil Young"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I try not to look back. I’m looking forward. I’m worried more about what I’m going to do next week than I am what I did last week. There are too many things to do. Looking back is for everybody else.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Neil Young</div>Canada, Musician</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Jeff Goldblum"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I follow the beat of my own drum. I think I’ve gotten more confident and self-trustful in my ability and my natural appetite for play, and not over-adorning it with anything. I’ve always been disciplined and I’m still nothing if not conscientious.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Jeff Goldblum</div>US, Actor</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Michael Caine"></div><div class=explore__quote>“You better make every moment count. Live your life now; start in the morning. You mustn’t sit around waiting to die.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Michael Caine</div>UK, Actor</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Willy Vanderperre"></div><div class=explore__quote>“If you work with somebody for a long time, you have to challenge them otherwise you jeopardize your relationship. You have to constantly reinterpret your work together and provide a new vision of your relationship.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Willy Vanderperre</div>Belgium, Photographer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Mario Sorrenti"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I think my photographic career has been one of growing, learning, experimenting and trying different things. That was a big journey for me! It’s always a progression, it’s about challenging the idea of what photography is.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Mario Sorrenti</div>Italy, Photographer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Jeff Mills"></div><div class=explore__quote>“Just about anything is possible if you can find the map or the blueprint to get there. I think you’re only limited by your imagination.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Jeff Mills</div>US, DJ and Producer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Wayne McGregor"></div><div class=explore__quote>“Making something or creating something is about looking and exploring the potential, and I want to do that right up until the day of the performance. And then when we’re performing, I want to do it a bit more. There’s no reason we can’t.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Wayne McGregor</div>UK, Choreographer</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Anish Kapoor"></div><div class=explore__quote>“The journey of an artist is a journey of discovery and some engagement with the nature of material, with bodily things and all that has led me to this place. I’m really interested in that as a process because the process moves you in directions that you couldn’t rationally put there.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Anish Kapoor</div>UK, Artist</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Thom Mayne"></div><div class=explore__quote>“Architecture is the oddest profession. In the beginning you're very much involved in finding your voice and locating yourself artistically. For 25 years you're working with small projects, domestic projects. And then you mature at 50 and you're given your first projects.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Thom Mayne</div>US, Architect</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Catherine Deneuve"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I don’t want to only do what I know how to do. I want to be pushed somewhere else.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Catherine Deneuve</div>France, Actress</div></div></a></li><li><a class=inner href=><div class=explore><div class="card__img explore__img"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Ben Kingsley"></div><div class=explore__quote>“I give my best performances when I am almost snapping. It is like tuning a violin. You want that note from a string so you tune it until it almost breaks – but then you get that note. It is dangerous, but it is also sublime.”</div><div class=explore__author><div class=caps>Ben Kingsley</div>UK, Actor</div></div></a></li></ul></div></div><img hidden src="${GDPR}&gdpr_consent=${GDPR_CONSENT_68}&us_privacy=${US_PRIVACY}&adid=1092291761&ord=[timestamp]" alt=""></div></div><div class="section section--separator section--partnership--emerging-masters hide--at-768"><a class="partnership partnership--emerging-masters" href= ><img class=hide--at-768 src= width=690 height=171 loading=lazy alt="Emerging Masters Mobile Teaser"><img class=show--at-768 src= width=2760 height=684 loading=lazy alt="Emerging Masters Desktop Teaser"><div class=partnership__title>Emerging Masters</div><div class="partnership__content show--at-768">The Talks’ Emerging Masters is a series in partnership with Rolex featuring the extraordinary talents shaping the future of creativity.</div><img hidden src="${GDPR}&gdpr_consent=${GDPR_CONSENT_68}&us_privacy=${US_PRIVACY}&adid=1092291762&ord=[timestamp]" alt=""></a></div><div class="section section--separator section--world"><span class="h2 section__title">World Guide</span><div class="world-teaser bg-img"><div class=table><div class=table__cell><h2 class="world-teaser__title caps">Explore the world and get inspired</h2><a class="world__btn world__btn--intro" href=>Explore</a></div></div></div></div><div class="grid grid--hero grid--with-gutter-20-at-768"><div class="section section--distance-title"><span class="h2 section__title">Last week’s Interview</span><div class="card card--extended"><a href=><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Lee Mingwei"></picture><h2 class="card__title caps">Lee Mingwei: “We are not broken”</h2></a><div class="card__meta caps cf show--at-930"><div class="card__date pull-left">April 10, 2024</div></div><div class="card__excerpt show--at-930"><p class=q>Mr. Lee, your participatory art installations ask your audience to perform rituals like writing letters, eating meals, and connecting with strangers. Do you also participate in your own exhibitions?</p><p class=a>For <em>The Letter Writing Project</em>, where the audience is asked to write a letter to someone expressing unsaid thoughts or feelings, I usually start the exhibition by writing a letter to myself. For <em>The Mending Project</em>, where the audience brings in an item of clothing to be repaired by a mender, I sometimes bring something in to be repaired or embellished. For both of those projects, when the show opens, sometimes the museum or gallery staff will participate first so that the exhibition is “activated,” you know, because people will be more likely to participate if they see others have done so first. For me, it’s a really nice way of settling down, a little ritual I do for myself before each show.</p><p class=q>It sounds like it could almost be a bit cathartic for you.</p><p class=a>Well, the origin of <em>The Letter Writing Project</em> itself is actually that when my maternal grandmother passed away, I wasn’t physically there with her and I had a lot of things I wanted to tell her. After she passed, I wrote about 120 letters to her and I decided to burn them. These powerful emotions went up into the sky in smoke, to the birds for my grandma. When this project was first commissioned for the Whitney Museum, my very first show in the 1990s, I thought maybe other people would have similar emotional experiences in their lives, and I wanted to create a space for that. I continue to show these pieces in exhibitions like <em>Rituals of Care</em>, to hopefully keep creating those spaces for intimate experience and connection.</div><div class=show--at-768><a class="btn card__cta" href=>Read now</a></div></div></div><div class="group latest section"><span class="h2 section__title">Editor’s Picks</span><div class="grid grid--slim grid--with-gutter-20 grid--columns-2 grid--columns-1-at-768"><a class=card href=><div id=helen-cammock class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Helen Cammock"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Helen Cammock<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“I want to change whose stories are heard”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=johann-johannsson class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Jóhann Jóhannsson"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Jóhann Jóhannsson<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“Does it speak simply and directly?”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=natacha-ramsay-levi class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Natacha Ramsay-Levi"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Natacha Ramsay-Levi<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“You have to push things further”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=rashid-johnson class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Rashid Johnson"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Rashid Johnson<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“I can do this?”</span></h2></a></div></div></div><div class="section section--separator section--partnership--emerging-masters show--at-768"><a class="partnership partnership--emerging-masters" href= ><img class=hide--at-768 src= width=690 height=171 loading=lazy alt="Emerging Masters Mobile Teaser"><img class=show--at-768 src= width=2760 height=684 loading=lazy alt="Emerging Masters Desktop Teaser"><div class=partnership__title>Emerging Masters</div><div class="partnership__content show--at-768">The Talks’ Emerging Masters is a series in partnership with Rolex featuring the extraordinary talents shaping the future of creativity.</div><img hidden src="${GDPR}&gdpr_consent=${GDPR_CONSENT_68}&us_privacy=${US_PRIVACY}&adid=1092291762&ord=[timestamp]" alt=""></a></div><div class="group group--full section section--separator"><span class="h2 section__title">Hollywood Directors</span><div class="grid grid--with-gutter-15 grid--with-gutter-20-at-768 grid--columns-3-at-768"><a class=card href=><div id=miranda-july class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Miranda July"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Miranda July<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“I am making more room in the world”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=wes-anderson class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Wes Anderson"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Wes Anderson<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“We are usually doing it one way”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=steve-mcqueen class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=690 height=360 loading=lazy alt="Steve McQueen"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Steve McQueen<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“It’s about what’s right, not what fits”</span></h2></a></div></div><div class="latest section section--separator"><span class="h2 section__title">Latest Interviews</span><div class="grid grid--slim grid--with-gutter-20 grid--columns-2 grid--columns-3-at-768"><a class=card href=><div id=colman-domingo class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Colman Domingo"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Colman Domingo<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“That was enough for me”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=noomi-rapace class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Noomi Rapace"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Noomi Rapace<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“Embrace the cracks”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=sandra-hueller class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Sandra Hüller"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Sandra Hüller<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“These doors have opened”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=davine-joy-randolph class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Da&#8217;Vine Joy Randolph"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Da&#8217;Vine Joy Randolph<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“I want a continuous development”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=lily-gladstone class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Lily Gladstone"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Lily Gladstone<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“You are constantly a role model”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=damien-jalet class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Damien Jalet"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Damien Jalet<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“It’s a leap of faith”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=catherine-opie class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Catherine Opie"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Catherine Opie<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“If you don’t make it, it’s not out there”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=miles-aldridge class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Miles Aldridge"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Miles Aldridge<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“You are trying to catch it”</span></h2></a><a class=card href=><div id=leonor-espinosa class=card__anchor></div><picture class=card__img><source srcset= media="(min-width: 768px)"><img src= width=325 height=170 loading=lazy alt="Leonor Espinosa"></picture><h2 class="card__title truncate">Leonor Espinosa<span hidden>: </span><span class="card__quote show--at-768">“I’ve always been rebellious”</span></h2></a></div></div></section><footer class=page__footer></footer></article></main></div></div><footer class=footer itemscope itemtype=><div class="footer__inner wrap cf"><nav class="nav nav--footer cf"><div class=social><a class="social__item social__item--facebook" href= target=_blank rel=noreferrer aria-label="The Talks on Facebook">Facebook</a><a class="social__item social__item--twitter" href= target=_blank rel=noreferrer aria-label="The Talks on 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