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                                                Subheads utilize them. Why? Because readers are scanners.
                                                They have no choice. There&rsquo;s a leviathan amount of content at
                                                their fingertips, and not all of it is great. And so they scan (as do you, I make certain).
                                                Subheadings are your chance to prove to readers that your
                                                material holds value.|
                                                Blogging is a fight, remember? Sprinkle subheads throughout your post.
                                                Why? Since they gently direct readers along the path your post is
                                                heading, making their experience feel clear, easy and satisfying.
                                                And always remember, your article are all about your readers&rsquo; experience.
                                                If readers see excessive text when they&rsquo;re scanning without sufficient pit stops, they&rsquo;ll
                                                feel overwhelmed.|
                                                Seriously. That&rsquo;s how essential this is. Subheads have the
                                                very same function as headlines; they must make readers curious so they keep reading.
                                                So you must follow comparable guidelines when preparing them and prevent
                                                the following typical oversights: In case it bears duplicating, never
                                                bore your readers. Labels are boring. Treat your subheads
                                                like mini-headlines and make certain they invoke interest.|
                                                If you do, readers will feel no compulsion to read the rest
                                                of your text. Don&rsquo;t attempt to be too clever. Readers do not
                                                like to play thinking video games. Adding interest should never come at the expense of clarity.
                                                Let&rsquo;s say you&rsquo;re composing a post about the impact sleep has on stress and anxiety levels and you consist of
                                                the following subheads: The Significance of Sleep Producing a Steady Sleeping Routine Will
                                                Reduce Anxiety Decline the Roast and Catch More Z&rsquo;s See how the first subhead
                                                is method too plain, the 2nd provides excessive away, and the third, well, it most likely made no sense
                                                to you, right? The subheads below would do a much better task at getting readers:
                                                The Simplest Way to Lower Daily Anxiety How to Beat Stress And Anxiety Without Turning To Medication The Something You Must Avoid to Sleep Better Each
                                                subhead must plainly deliver on the overall heading of your post.
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                                                In his introduction, Glen Long brilliantly use the worry of failure all
                                                writers experience by addressing the dream of earning a living as a writer
                                                and then rapidly smothering that dream with the doubts that approach at the simple idea of it: So, who knows?
                                                Perhaps the doubters are right.|
                                                The worry of failure hurts, yes. However giving voice to it is
                                                verifying and makes readers excited for the services that will
                                                set that fear totally free. Finally, as you conclude your introduction,
                                                tip at the promised land. The place readers will get to when they master your approaches.|
                                                But whatever you do, do not give it all away. Just one sentence that states excessive satisfies your
                                                readers enough to send them clicking away. Why? Since readers bore quickly.
                                                You should keep them on their toes. And the point of an introduction is not to give answers, it&rsquo;s to
                                                set the phase for all the hearty guidance your post will supply.|
                                                Then, she uses the simplest phrase to hint
                                                at a solution: That kind of guessing resembles
                                                tossing darts blindfolded and hoping you hit the bull&rsquo;s eye.
                                                Often it works. Usually, it does not. Luckily,
                                                there&rsquo;s another way How could anybody not wish to keep reading?
                                                When writing an introduction, attempt preparing two completely various versions approached from different angles and setting off different feelings.|
                                                A word of caution: No matter how significant your words No matter how powerful your
                                                prose If your intro doesn&rsquo;t please user intent, readers will click the &ldquo;back&rdquo;
                                                button and never return. What&rsquo;s user intent? If somebody searches for &ldquo;how to slim down&rdquo;
                                                in Google, they&rsquo;re expecting search engine result that will assist
                                                them drop weight.|
                                                And when they leave, what they&rsquo;re basically telling Google is this:
                                                &ldquo;At no point in your rambling, incoherent action were you even near anything that might be considered a rational idea. Everybody in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have grace on your soul.&rdquo; And Google will
                                                react by ranking your post lower in its search results page.
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&omicron;&upsilon;&lambda;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 20th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:54
                                                Subheads utilize them. Why? Due to the fact that readers are
                                                scanners. They have no option. There&rsquo;s a behemoth quantity
                                                of material at their fingertips, and not all of it is good.
                                                And so they scan (as do you, I&rsquo;m sure). Subheadings are your chance to prove to readers that your content holds value.|
                                                Blogging is a fight, remember? Sprinkle subheads throughout
                                                your post. Why? Because they gently assist readers along the route your post is heading,
                                                making their experience feel clear, easy and satisfying.
                                                And always remember, your post are all about your readers&rsquo; experience.
                                                If readers see excessive text when they&rsquo;re scanning without
                                                sufficient rest stop, they&rsquo;ll feel overwhelmed.|
                                                Seriously. That&rsquo;s how important this is. Subheads have the same function as headings; they must make readers curious so they keep reading.
                                                So you must follow similar rules when preparing them and avoid
                                                the following common mistakes: In case it bears
                                                duplicating, never ever bore your readers. Labels are boring.
                                                Treat your subheads like mini-headlines and make certain they invoke interest.|
                                                If you do, readers will feel no obsession to read the rest of your text.
                                                Do not attempt to be too clever. Readers do not like to play
                                                thinking games. Including interest should never ever come at the expense of clarity.
                                                Let&rsquo;s state you&rsquo;re composing a post about the impact sleep has
                                                on anxiety levels and you consist of the following subheads: The
                                                Significance of Sleep Creating a Steady Sleeping Regular Will Reduce Anxiety Refuse the Roast and Catch
                                                More Z&rsquo;s See how the very first subhead is way too plain, the second
                                                provides excessive away, and the 3rd, well, it most likely made no sense to you, right?
                                                The subheads below would do a much better job at getting
                                                readers: The Easiest Method to Minimize Daily Anxiety How to Beat Stress And Anxiety Without Turning To Medication The One Thing You Should Prevent to Sleep Better
                                                Each subhead need to plainly provide on the general headline of your post.
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&omicron;&upsilon;&lambda;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 21st, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 20:05
                                                In his introduction, Glen Long brilliantly use the worry of failure all writers
                                                experience by attending to the imagine earning a living
                                                as a writer and then quickly smothering that dream
                                                with the doubts that approach at the simple thought of it:
                                                So, who understands? Maybe the skeptics are right.|
                                                The worry of failure is uncomfortable, yes. But providing voice to it
                                                is verifying and makes readers eager for the solutions that will set that fear totally free.
                                                Finally, as you finish up your introduction, hint at
                                                the promised land. The place readers will get
                                                to when they master your techniques.|
                                                But whatever you do, do not offer everything away.
                                                Simply one sentence that states excessive satisfies your readers
                                                enough to send them clicking away. Why? Since readers bore
                                                easily. You must keep them on their toes. And the point of an introduction is not to offer answers,
                                                it&rsquo;s to set the stage for all the hearty guidance your post will provide.|
                                                Then, she uses the most basic expression to hint at a service:
                                                That type of thinking resembles throwing darts blindfolded and hoping you struck the bull&rsquo;s eye.
                                                Sometimes it works. Generally, it doesn&rsquo;t. Fortunately, there&rsquo;s another method How could anyone not desire to keep reading?
                                                When composing an introduction, try preparing two entirely various variations
                                                approached from various angles and setting off different
                                                A word of caution: No matter how significant your words No matter
                                                how effective your prose If your introduction doesn&rsquo;t please user intent, readers will click the &ldquo;back&rdquo; button and never ever return. What&rsquo;s user intent?
                                                If somebody searches for &ldquo;how to slim down&rdquo; in Google, they&rsquo;re
                                                anticipating search results page that will help them reduce weight.|
                                                And when they leave, what they&rsquo;re essentially telling Google is this:
                                                &ldquo;At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even near to anything that might be considered a logical thought. Everyone in this space is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have grace on your soul.&rdquo;
                                                And Google will respond by ranking your post lower in its search
                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-6061">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&omicron;&upsilon;&lambda;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 21st, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 20:32
                                                &ldquo;I&rsquo;ll hold you for as long as it takes.&rdquo; I
                                                felt that yearning extremely and certainly shed some tears as I
                                                composed the intro. The feedback I got from readers was that they felt
                                                the very same strength, and even wept as well. When we write, our sensations seep into our words.|
                                                Entice them down the page. The faster they get taken down, the more dedicated they&rsquo;ll feel.
                                                A lot of bumps in the roadway early on, and off track they go,
                                                never ever to return. Here are 3 copywriting ideas
                                                to utilize in your introductions to lure readers down the page:
                                                Sort of like how I opened this section.|
                                                It&rsquo;s a copywriting method proven to pull readers in. Start a
                                                post with a long cumbersome paragraph and they&rsquo;ll feel exhausted simply looking at it.
                                                Slash as numerous words as possible. If the initial draft of your intro is 200 words, attempt sufficing down to 100.
                                                The more you practice this, the more efficient your blog writing becomes.|
                                                That power will get your readers. All writing has a speed and rhythm.
                                                You want your intro&rsquo;s speed and beat to be somewhat quick.
                                                You can slow things down later. How do you achieve this?
                                                Use brief sentences. Even sentence pieces (absolutely all right).
                                                Make your paragraphs no more than one to three sentences long.|
                                                Make each sentence and paragraph lure readers into the one that follows.
                                                Check out the post out loud to examine the flow.
                                                Are things progressing efficiently or stalling? The very best writers,
                                                like the very best music composers, take readers on a journey.
                                                Fast and slow, loud and soft, urgency and ease.|
                                                Shane Arthur sends out readers&rsquo; eyes flying down the page by utilizing crisp sentences and
                                                brief paragraphs to produce a quick rhythm: You&rsquo;re not stupid.
                                                You know what writing is genuinely about.
                                                It&rsquo;s a nonstop fight for your readers&rsquo; attention. Every sentence is a link in a
                                                taut chain that links your headline to your conclusion.|
                                                He then appropriately slows things down in the section that
                                                follows with longer sentences. A skillful composition! Want readers
                                                begging for your solutions? Include a little worry to your opening.
                                                What are readers concerned about? Do they know what will happen if they don&rsquo;t fix the problem the
                                                post is resolving? What is the worst-case circumstance?
                                                Bring those worries to the surface area.
                                        <li class="" id="comment-6062">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Alpha;&upsilon;&gamma;&omicron;ύ&sigma;&tau;&omicron;&upsilon; 1st, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 19:37
                                                Maybe you intended all along for the post to be about not letting doubts stop you from following your dreams and quitting
                                                your day job, however readers scanning subheads will not comprehend that.
                                                They will merely feel baffled. If you are listing numerous &ldquo;methods,&rdquo; &ldquo;steps,&rdquo; &ldquo;approaches,&rdquo; &ldquo;signs,&rdquo; etc.,
                                                to accomplish what the heading of the post guarantees,
                                                keep the format constant.|
                                                Bloggers neglect this all the time, but it&rsquo;s easy to fix as soon as you&rsquo;re mindful of it.
                                                If you separate your subheads from the post and list them back to
                                                back, you can see if any roaming from the course. Say your post is called &ldquo;12 Ways to Cure Insomnia&rdquo; and
                                                you have a subhead for each of the 12 ways.|
                                                Let&rsquo;s state your first couple of subheads check out as follows: Workout
                                                Every Morning Prevent Caffeine Like the Plague Wake Up at
                                                the Same Time Everyday There is Nothing More Sleep-Inducing Than Evening Meditation Something there feel a little off?
                                                The very first 3 subheads start with an action verb advising readers what to do.|
                                                However then the 4th subhead unexpectedly alters the format and breaks the flow.
                                                It does not begin with a verb and it&rsquo;s a lot longer
                                                than the others. This disparity might seem relatively innocent,
                                                however it&rsquo;s sidetracking to readers. Let&rsquo;s face it,
                                                readers today are info-holics. All of us are.
                                                So exhausted old guidance isn&rsquo;t going to suffice.|
                                                My suggestions? Note your bottom lines and see if you can include an unique viewpoint, experience, or twist to them.
                                                Something readers aren&rsquo;t anticipating. What belief systems have you learned to challenge?
                                                What do you understand that the majority of individuals
                                                do not? How can you shed new light on an old problem?
                                                What techniques do you use that others will not understand about?
                                                You don&rsquo;t wish to go overboard simply for the sake of adding shock value.|
                                                But spitting up old advice does not challenge you as a writer, nor does it enlighten your audience.
                                                So pour your readers a little espresso for their
                                                info-hangover by providing the unforeseen. Many short articles have actually been written about blogging,
                                                however the number of have actually called you out for being dumb or told you to replace your good friends ?!
                                                Jon does just that by knocking you over the head with some tough truth bombs about what it requires to make it
                                                as a blog writer.
                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-6074">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Alpha;&upsilon;&gamma;&omicron;ύ&sigma;&tau;&omicron;&upsilon; 2nd, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 08:39
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Alpha;&upsilon;&gamma;&omicron;ύ&sigma;&tau;&omicron;&upsilon; 6th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 10:22
                                                Subheads use them. Why? Since readers are scanners. They have
                                                no option. There&rsquo;s a leviathan quantity of material at
                                                their fingertips, and not all of it is good. Therefore they scan (as
                                                do you, I&rsquo;m sure). Subheadings are your chance to show to readers that your material
                                                holds worth.|
                                                Blogging is a battle, keep in mind? Sprinkle subheads throughout your post.
                                                Why? Because they carefully guide readers along the path your post
                                                is heading, making their experience feel clear, easy and satisfying.
                                                And always remember, your article are all about your readers&rsquo; experience.
                                                If readers see too much text when they&rsquo;re scanning without sufficient pit stops,
                                                they&rsquo;ll feel overwhelmed.|
                                                Seriously. That&rsquo;s how crucial this is. Subheads have the very same function as headlines; they should make readers curious so they keep reading.
                                                So you need to follow similar rules when preparing them and avoid the following common blunders: In case
                                                it bears repeating, never bore your readers. Labels are
                                                boring. Treat your subheads like mini-headlines and make certain they invoke curiosity.|
                                                If you do, readers will feel no compulsion to read the rest of your
                                                text. Don&rsquo;t try to be too smart. Readers do not like to play guessing video games.
                                                Adding interest must never come at the expenditure
                                                of clearness. Let&rsquo;s state you&rsquo;re composing a post about the impact sleep
                                                has on anxiety levels and you consist of the following subheads: The
                                                Importance of Sleep Producing a Steady Sleeping Regular Will Reduce Stress And Anxiety Decline the
                                                Roast and Catch More Z&rsquo;s See how the very first subhead is method too plain, the second gives too much away, and the 3rd,
                                                well, it most likely made no sense to you,
                                                right? The subheads listed below would do a better job at grabbing readers: The Most convenient Method to Lower Daily Anxiety How
                                                to Beat Stress And Anxiety Without Resorting to Medication The One Thing You Should Prevent to Sleep Better Each subhead ought
                                                to plainly provide on the total headline of your post.
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 3rd, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 07:49
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                                                Plasticbpb &epsilon;ί&pi;&epsilon;,
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 11th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 06:21
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 11th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 17:28
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 12th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 03:44
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 12th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 14:48
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 12th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 14:52
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 12th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 15:10
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 12th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 16:02
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 12th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 18:32
                                                Greetings! I know this is somewhat off topic but I was wondering which blog platform
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                                                another platform. I would be awesome if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 12th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 19:18
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                                                seeing very good gains. If you know of any please share. Appreciate it!
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 13th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:48
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 13th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 13:10
                                                This post is priceless. When can I find out more?
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 14th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 14:02
                                                Today, I went to the beachfront with my kids. I found a
                                                sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said &ldquo;You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.&rdquo; She
                                                placed the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 15th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 03:42
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 16th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 14:25
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                                                provide feedback and let me know if this is happening to them too?
                                                This could be a issue with my internet browser because
                                                I&rsquo;ve had this happen before. Many thanks
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                                                Interfacefsc &epsilon;ί&pi;&epsilon;,
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 17th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 12:01
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 17th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 23:25
                                                Hello! I know this is kinda off topic but I was wondering
                                                which blog platform are you using for this site? I&rsquo;m getting sick and tired of Wordpress because I&rsquo;ve had problems with hackers
                                                and I&rsquo;m looking at alternatives for another platform.
                                                I would be awesome if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 18th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 15:58
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                                                Pettry Gaylor &epsilon;ί&pi;&epsilon;,
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 21st, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 14:48
                                                Hello there&hellip;
                                                <img alt=":)" class="wp-smiley" src="">
                                                I just have a question.  I am a web designer looking for new clients and I wanted to see if you are interested in redesigning your website or making some upgrades.  I don&rsquo;t want to sound like I&rsquo;m &ldquo;tooting my own horn&rdquo; too much, but I can do some pretty amazing things, not only design-wise, but with adding features to your site that automate your business processes, or make your marketing phenomenally easier.
                                                I&rsquo;d love to talk with you about some options if you&rsquo;re interested, so please let me know if you would like to know more about what I can do.  I&rsquo;ll be happy to send some info and setup a call.
                                                Thank you so much for reading this!
                                                Pettry Gaylor
                                                Web Designer
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                                                Dorothy Taylor &epsilon;ί&pi;&epsilon;,
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Nu;&omicron;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 22nd, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 00:01
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                                                Thank You,
                                                Dorothy Taylor - Web Design &amp; Marketing Specialist
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 14th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 15:07
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 17th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 14:46
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 18th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 07:48
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 18th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 08:02
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 18th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 10:48
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                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-7475">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 19th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 12:37
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                                                Just my opinion, it could make your posts a little livelier.
                                        <li class="" id="comment-7488">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 19th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 21:18
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 20th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 19:18
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 22nd, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 05:57
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 22nd, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 09:18
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 23rd, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 10:32
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 23rd, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 10:46
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 23rd, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 12:39
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 23rd, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 15:51
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 24th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 06:01
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 24th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 09:56
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 24th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:21
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 25th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 02:36
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 25th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 13:49
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 26th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 13:10
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                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-7703">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 26th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 13:28
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 28th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 14:59
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 28th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 15:47
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 29th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 09:38
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 29th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 10:24
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 29th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 20:40
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 29th, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 20:41
                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-7816">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 31st, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 08:39
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Delta;&epsilon;&kappa;&epsilon;&mu;&beta;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 31st, 2020 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:07
                                                Informative article, just what I was looking for.
                                        <li class="" id="comment-7902">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 1st, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 04:32
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 1st, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 10:25
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 1st, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 14:53
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 1st, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 14:59
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                                                Thank you
                                        <li class="" id="comment-7913">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 1st, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 20:52
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 2nd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 00:36
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 2nd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 01:05
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 2nd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 04:57
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 2nd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 12:03
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                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-7929">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 2nd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 12:49
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 2nd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 12:52
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 2nd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 13:01
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 2nd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 13:26
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 2nd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 14:18
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 2nd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 15:11
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 2nd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 15:21
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 2nd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 17:42
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 3rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 01:50
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 3rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 02:40
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 3rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 06:35
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 3rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 06:48
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 3rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 07:17
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 3rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 07:17
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 3rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 08:07
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 3rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 08:09
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 3rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 08:50
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 3rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:50
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 3rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 12:52
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 3rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 22:46
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 4th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 06:58
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 4th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 06:59
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 4th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 07:54
                                                Hello there! I know this is kinda off topic but I was wondering if you knew where
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                                                one? Thanks a lot!
                                        <li class="" id="comment-8011">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 4th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 08:03
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                                                opportunity, Guess I&rsquo;ll just book mark this blog.
                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8012">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 4th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 08:18
                                                Please let me know if you&rsquo;re looking for a article author for your blog.
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                                                content for your blog in exchange for a link back to mine.
                                                Please shoot me an e-mail if interested. Kudos!
                                        <li class="" id="comment-8019">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 4th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 09:50
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                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8042">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 5th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 00:12
                                                Hello! I know this is somewhat off topic but I was wondering
                                                which blog platform are you using for this website? I&rsquo;m getting fed up
                                                of Wordpress because I&rsquo;ve had problems with hackers and I&rsquo;m looking at options for another platform.
                                                I would be fantastic if you could point me in the direction of
                                                a good platform.
                                        <li class="" id="comment-8049">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 5th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 06:14
                                                Hey there just wanted to give you a quick heads up.
                                                The words in your content seem to be running off the screen in Firefox.
                                                I&rsquo;m not sure if this is a format issue or something to do with web browser
                                                compatibility but I figured I&rsquo;d post to let you know.
                                                The style and design look great though! Hope you get the
                                                issue resolved soon. Cheers
                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8056">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 5th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 06:40
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 5th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 09:30
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 5th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 09:38
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                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8064">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 5th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 10:16
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                                                Please let me know. Cheers
                                        <li class="" id="comment-8066">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 5th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:02
                                                Hiya! Quick question that&rsquo;s totally off topic.
                                                Do you know how to make your site mobile friendly?
                                                My website looks weird when viewing from my iphone4.
                                                I&rsquo;m trying to find a template or plugin that might be able to fix this
                                                issue. If you have any recommendations, please share.
                                                Appreciate it!
                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8067">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 5th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:02
                                                When I originally commented I seem to have clicked on the -Notify
                                                me when new comments are added- checkbox and
                                                now whenever a comment is added I get four emails with the
                                                exact same comment. Is there a means you are able to remove me from that
                                                service? Thank you!
                                        <li class="" id="comment-8068">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 5th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:38
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 6th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 00:37
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 6th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:49
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                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8108">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 6th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 12:24
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                                        <li class="" id="comment-8109">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 6th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 12:45
                                                Excellent blog you have here but I was wanting to know if you knew of
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                                                If you have any recommendations, please let me know.
                                                Thank you!
                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8110">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 6th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 13:09
                                                Hey! Quick question that&rsquo;s totally off topic. Do you know how to
                                                make your site mobile friendly? My blog looks weird when browsing from
                                                my iphone 4. I&rsquo;m trying to find a theme or plugin that might be able to fix this problem.
                                                If you have any recommendations, please share. With thanks!
                                        <li class="" id="comment-8122">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 6th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 20:01
                                                I am really enjoying the theme/design of your web site.
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                                                A handful of my blog visitors have complained about my site not operating correctly in Explorer but looks great in Safari.
                                                Do you have any recommendations to help fix this problem?
                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8124">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 6th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 21:54
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                                                Anybody who knows the answer can you kindly respond?
                                        <li class="" id="comment-8126">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 6th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 23:34
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                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8128">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 7th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 02:31
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                                        <li class="" id="comment-8136">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 7th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:04
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                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8137">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 7th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:38
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                                        <li class="" id="comment-8140">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 7th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 14:45
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                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8146">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 7th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 21:37
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                                        <li class="" id="comment-8147">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 7th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 22:25
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                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8148">
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                                                Sightvlv &epsilon;ί&pi;&epsilon;,
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 7th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 23:11
                                                At the same time, many antique
                                        <li class="" id="comment-8161">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 8th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 08:41
                                                There is certainly a great deal to learn about
                                                this topic. I like all the points you&rsquo;ve made.
                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8169">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 8th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 14:26
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                                        <li class="" id="comment-8179">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 9th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 01:25
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 9th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 06:36
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                                                Too cool!
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 9th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 09:01
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                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8194">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 9th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:14
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 9th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 12:56
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 9th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 13:36
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 10th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 04:33
                                                Great delivery. Sound arguments. Keep up the great spirit.
                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8229">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 10th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 06:53
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 10th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:01
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 10th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:22
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 11th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 00:25
                                                Touche. Sound arguments. Keep up the good effort.
                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8257">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 11th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 02:56
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 11th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 10:58
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 12th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 10:24
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 13th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 04:20
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 13th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 19:08
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 13th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 21:09
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                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8376">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 14th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 00:07
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 14th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 15:06
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 14th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 16:55
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 15th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 10:16
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 15th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 20:02
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 16th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 08:40
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                                                Carpetego &epsilon;ί&pi;&epsilon;,
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 16th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:16
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                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8479">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 16th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 23:13
                                                Incredible points. Sound arguments. Keep up the good spirit.
                                        <li class="" id="comment-8483">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 17th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 07:43
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 17th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 21:11
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                                        <li class="" id="comment-8530">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 19th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 00:58
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 19th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 21:01
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                                        <li class="" id="comment-8582">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 20th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 19:58
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                                        <li class="alt" id="comment-8587">
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 20th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 23:07
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 21st, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 08:01
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 21st, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 08:19
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 21st, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 09:22
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 21st, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 22:49
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 22nd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 12:55
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 22nd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 19:42
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 23rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 04:31
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 23rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 06:29
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 23rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 06:48
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 23rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 10:12
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 23rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:10
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 23rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:29
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 23rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 11:59
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 23rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 12:05
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 23rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 12:08
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 23rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 12:28
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 23rd, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 20:46
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 24th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 03:21
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                                                &sigma;&tau;&iota;&sigmaf; &Iota;&alpha;&nu;&omicron;&upsilon;&alpha;&rho;ί&omicron;&upsilon; 24th, 2021 ώ&rho;&alpha; 07:22
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