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<div class="label">
<span class="name"><strong>Output</strong></span>
<span class="options">
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Include alerts, prompts & confirm boxes">Run with JS</button>
<label>Auto-run JS<input type="checkbox" id="enablejs"></label>
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<div id="tip" class=" notification">
You can jump to the latest bin by adding <code>/latest</code> to your URL
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<div id="keyboardHelp" class="modal">
<h2>Keyboard Shortcuts</h2>
<th class="shortcut">Shortcut</th>
<td>ctrl + [num]</td>
<td>Toggle nth panel</td>
<td colspan="2">
<input type="checkbox" id="enablealt" class="enablealt">
<label for="enablealt">Require alt key, leaving cmd+1, 2 etc for tab switching.</label>
<td>ctrl + 0</td>
<td>Close focused panel</td>
<td>ctrl + enter</td>
<td>Re-render output.<br>If console visible: run JS in console</td>
<td>Ctrl + l</td>
<td>Clear the console</td>
<td>ctrl + /</td>
<td>Toggle comment on selected lines</td>
<td>ctrl + ]</td>
<td>Indents selected lines</td>
<td>ctrl + [</td>
<td>Unindents selected lines</td>
<td>Code complete & <a href="" target="_blank">Emmet</a> expand</td>
<td>ctrl + shift + L</td>
<td>Beautify code in active panel</td>
<td>ctrl + s</td>
<td>Save & lock current Bin from further changes</td>
<td>ctrl + shift + s</td>
<td>Open the share options</td>
<td>ctrl + y</td>
<td>Archive Bin</td>
<tr><td colspan="2"><small><br><a href="" target="_blank">Complete list of JS Bin shortcuts</a></small></td></tr>
</div><div id="urlHelp" class="modal">
<h2>JS Bin URLs</h2>
<th class="shortcut">URL</th>
<td>Show the full rendered output.<br><small>This content will update in real time as it's updated from the /edit url.</small></td>
<td>Edit the current bin</td>
<td>Follow a Code Casting session</td>
<td>Create an embeddable version of the bin</td>
<td>Load the very latest bin (/latest goes in place of the revision)</td>
<td>View the last edited bin for this user</td>
<td>Edit the last edited bin for this user</td>
<td>Follow the Code Casting session for the latest bin for this user</td>
<td>Remove analytics and edit button from rendered output</td>
<td>Load only the JavaScript for a bin</td>
<td>Load only the CSS for a bin</td>
<tr><td colspan="2"><br><small>Except for username prefixed urls, the url may start with and the url fragments can be added to the url to view it differently.</small></td></tr>
</div><div hidden>
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<li><a class="export-as-gist" href="#export-gist">Export gist</a> </li>
<li class="owner"><a href="/download">Download</a> </li>
<li class="owner"><a class="deletebin" href="/delete">Delete</a></li>
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$.getJSON('', function (data) {
# |
Url |
Url |
Source |
Date |
1 | |
2025-02-10 00:55:02 |
2 |… |
2025-02-10 00:55:00 |
3 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:57 |
4 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:56 |
5 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:46 |
6 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:41 |
7 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:35 |
8 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:34 |
9 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:33 |
10 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:32 |
11 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:32 |
12 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:29 |
13 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:27 |
14 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:24 |
15 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:22 |
16 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:20 |
17 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:16 |
18 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:09 |
19 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:08 |
20 |… |
2025-02-10 00:54:07 |